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Updated 21 hours ago
Updated 21 hours ago

Meet your Posher, Alyssa

Meet the Posher

US$0 US$885


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Hi! I'm Alyssa. Some of my favorite brands are LOFT, GAP, and I adore Sterling silver! Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Also I always give a discount when bundling! And please read my descriptions, I’m very thorough; or try to be! 😁💙💜💚❤️🧡💛
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robbiegirl13 I added the dimensions of the dress you inquired about to the listing. I also tried to find what 48 is online and could not. If I had to guess by the measurements I would say the dress can be worn by a size 8 or 10
Feb 04Reply
applesas0223 @robbiegirl13 Aw thank you for going out of your way to do that!! From your other listings/sizes I thought that might be the size-Ish! Lol you have some beautiful items! Unfortunately 8 is not my size☹️! Someone will look lovely in that dress, though! Good luck and I will still follow you as you have accessories that fit everyone! Hooray!😃 Have a wonderful day, hon!
Feb 05Reply
robbiegirl13 You are so welcome! I appreciate your note! All the best to you!!! RobbieGirl13
Feb 07Reply
applesas0223 @robbiegirl13 you have gorgeous clothes! A true ‘dream closet!’ Lol I’d be in big trouble if everything was my size, for real!! Hahaha I’ll still always browse-ya never know! If there’s ever anything you have that runs tiny (as certain brands do) you can lmk directly if it isn’t written in the description! I just might have to find an event to go to! 😆 crash a wedding... jk
Feb 07Reply
robbiegirl13 You are so sweet. Thank you so much for the huge compliment on my closet. I truly appreciate it and you are welcome back any time!!! Happy Poshing! Robin
Feb 07Reply
applesas0223 @robbiegirl13 no problem at all! You’re extremely sweet, as well!Thank you for that! Meanwhile, I’m living vicariously through your closet!🤣😂teehee😁Love and Light to you and yours, dear! Have a wonderful weekend!!! Chat soon!😀☀️🌷
Feb 07Reply
robbiegirl13 Same to you and thank you again for your kind words!!! Robin
Feb 07Reply
jadesmom121 Hi Alyssa! Sorry...I just made you an offer of 50% off:) let me know if you have questions. If you accept, I can ship this morning!
Mar 05Reply
jadesmom121 Hi Alyssa, Are you still interested in the shorts and top? I can’t find the $13 offer I made you?? Did you get it? Thanks!
Mar 07Reply
melmea2 Thank for liking my closet ❤ Today I would like to offer you 10% discount on any item in my closet, hope you have a great day!
Mar 16Reply
applesas0223 @gonzalez3422 no worries doll! Yes everything is crazy; believe me I know! CT is in rough shape as we are so very close to NYC, I’m about 200 miles or less and our state yesterday alone had about 300 new cases. J haven’t heard about today yet. We are all supposed to stay home. Everything has been shut down and schools won’t reopen til fall! So pls don’t worry and reach out when you you’re able ok?
Mar 26Reply
rposen Hi Allysa! It’s great to meet you!💝
Apr 08Reply
applesas0223 @gonzalez3422 yes! Ditto! Take care of those you love and are w and kept in touch w those you cannot be w! :( I can’t wait to hug my kids again ❤️I am so grateful for my little dog, whom I can cuddle and kiss without fear. 😅Plus he’s very good at listening since it’s just the two of us on day 31🤪 sending love to you hon
Apr 08Reply
applesas0223 @rposen hi! I had a Hard time trying to find your first name it is in clearly written in your profile. So I thought I read Rosie but then I saw Ronna?? Is that it? And it is a pleasure mag you, as well! You’re lovely, I just saw and responded to your other msg. I try NOT to work bkwrds in news but it is hard to remember where I left off. It was much easier in the beginning 😉.
Apr 08Reply
rposen @applesas0223 Yes! My name is Ronna! Have a great Easter!👍🏻🥰👍🏻
Apr 08Reply
rposen @applesas0223 The comments are hard to keep up with no matter what! I get lost too!💝💝💝
Apr 08Reply
rposen @applesas0223 Where do you live? We are quarantined in our house & only go out to walk right now! It’s been raining so I’ve been doin workouts at home! I miss my routine, friends & family so much!😘
Apr 09Reply
robbiegirl13 @applesas0223 Hi Alyssa, The bear paws are made in California of sheepskin. Let me know if you want them! Hope you are doing well! I, too am over a month now of quarantine. Be well! Robin
Apr 10Reply
applesas0223 @rposen hi I’m in NW CT. My apt is about 100 miles from NYC. I I grew up here in a beautiful rural town named Colebrook! It’s the best. My mom &dad are still there and my place is about 20 minutes away cause I live in disabled housing which there isn’t any in the nice towns. When I was married and my kids were young we lived in new Hartfort. My twins will be22 this yr🥰
Apr 10Reply
rposen @applesas0223 Sounds like a lovely town to grow up in! 22 years young! I hope they are doing well! One of my sons got engaged recently & the other is living with his lovely girlfriend! They are all working at home now! Thank goodness they are still employed!😘
Apr 10Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Apr 10Reply
applesas0223 @indiana1995 thanks!! I appreciate that!! I certainly will! ❤️
Apr 12Reply
applesas0223 @rposen hey there! I just saw this msg! I don’t know why I don’t see these msgs -prob cause I’m behind and was also out of commission for a cpl days recently. Yessss young yet big and it got that way fast-As I’m sure you know. I’m glad to hear about your children and very glad to hear that they are still working! I hope they are happy about that as well! Seeing your message put a smile on my face by the way😄
Apr 12Reply
applesas0223 @robbiegirl13 hi I guess I didn’t ❤️the bear paws cause I can’t find em 😆 is there a ways you can put them in my likes?? Or in a bundle for me so I can recall them 🤦🏻‍♀️this quarantine has liteshut my brain down.-smh-I’m glad you’re keeping yourself safe! So glad to hear that!👍🏽❤️
Apr 12Reply
rposen @applesas0223 No worries! Have a great Easter!🐇🐇🐇
Apr 12Reply
applesas0223 @rposen I guess I missed several of your msgs?! Did I answer this one? I’m in NW CT, how bout you? I’m glad we’ve had SOME nice days...I actually walked my dog around the block earlier and we’ve been able to walk together more. Fresh air is nice. You’ll be able to be w your friends again soon-hang in there honey got this! 🌎🌻🍄🌿🌞☔️🌸☘️🌺🌈just remember we are al in the same boat-you aren’t alone. I’m here! Lol to chat w, sorry I was missing for a cpl days
Apr 12Reply
rposen @applesas0223 The walks are definitely helpful! Take care!💝💝💝
Apr 12Reply
cactus_cowgirl Hello, Welcome to our closet.. We are "The Indiana Hillbillys" offers welcome! Bundle for great deals! Thank you for visiting our closet! Check out my two sisters and my mom's closets @indiana1992 @halfpintlove @indianalove1971
Apr 14Reply
robbiegirl13 @applesas0223 I will share them now so they go to the top of my closet. That way you don’t have to look for them. I cannot put them in a bundle for you. You must do that yourself. Hope this helps! RobbieGirl13
Apr 15Reply
healingbeauty Thank you for the beautiful message you spread. It is needed and I am grateful Peace & Safety 💙🌎☮💜
Apr 23Reply
greenthumb64 @ applesas0223 thanks so much for all the shares!
Apr 24Reply
applesas0223 @greenthumb64 if course! I always share! It makes me happy😀I hope you and yours are well and healthy! ❤️
Apr 24Reply
lmshells Hello 👋! I am sending your necklace out in just an hour. Checking to see if you were going to purchase the other set first. It’s ok if no. Just didn’t want to send the package without asking. Best, Michele
May 05Reply
applesas0223 @lmshells I missed your msg! You sent it 3 hours ago.. sorry. This is the first chance Ive gotten to read my news feed! Forever catching up 🤦🏻‍♀️lol
May 05Reply
lmshells Alyssa, thank you so much for the awesome rating and amazingly kind comments! You are a sweetheart, and I know that you will do so well on Poshmark. To increase your followers and possibly and hopefully sales, join a tag list such as @valine or @ericaaxrose Also, play the Mystical Souls Power Games in these closets! @moongoddessluxe, @shoes456, @poshclark449, @ rockcandystyle, @shoe_coach_101, @sharingposh I am so happy that you are happy with your necklace! She is beautiful! Best, Michele
May 09Reply
lmshells @applesas0223 ...sorry the commas threw the closet names off! See the above message. Here they are: @moongoddessdeluxe @shoes456 @poshclark449 @rockcandystyle @shoe_coach_101 @sharingposh Mystical Souls Power Games! Best, Michele
May 09Reply
ursulascottllc @lmshells @applesas0223 Hello Alyssa and welcome to Poshmark! Please let us know if you have any questions! You are welcome to play any of our games and join any of our tag lists. Doing so helps grow your presence on Poshmark so you can reach more potential customers. It also helps build community! Again, welcome and thank you to @lmshells for suggesting my team! 😊❤️🙏 Let us know how we can help you grow! Cristal
May 09Reply
applesas0223 @lmshells oh Michele! 🥰 I was so just speaking my truth. That’s me! Lol everything I said was the truth!!! Unfortunately I woke up w a cold, so I kept sleeping lol and just got out of bed, cause I finally could about 90 minutes ago 🤦🏻‍♀️😆ugh! You’re the sweetest-truly; I never expected THIS! I’m so grateful I’m tearing up. You’re such a kind and beautiful soul! ❤️thank you, Love!
May 09Reply
applesas0223 @poshclark449 Cristal! Hi! I am overwhelmed w gratitude for the kindness you and Michele have extended to me! 🥰! I am almost speechless and I absolutely appreciate this opportunity. I’m excited! I love sharing other peoples awesome items.It truly brings me joy! I also could use some advice about things I still don’t know how to do, like sharing closets as I’m not on social media. Seasoned posters like you ladies are a blessing to me! ❤️thank you so much! 😊
May 09Reply
jasperscurio Thank you for shopping my closet! I’ll be able to ship your beautiful necklace tomorrow 💕 let me know if there is a Free accessory you would like to include 😉 just tag me @jasperscurio
May 15Reply
eserenabeana Thanks for sharing my closet 😊 Happy Poshing 🥂 and Stay Safe 😷
May 26Reply
applesas0223 @eserenabeana of course!! I love sharing closets. I share my followers, people who share mine (you😉) and my buyers everyday! I’m a top 10 sharer! Yeah that’s a thing! I wasn’t even aiming for that and knew nothing about it lol. But saw it in my stats! I’ll share anytime. I actually live vicariously through my sharing hahaha
May 26Reply
gracefulginger Hi Lovely 💜 I absolutely love your closet and wish I was your size! You do have a great variety of skin care and makeup that I've been interested in trying, and I love your sterling silver listings too! The Primrose rings are to die for!
Jun 15Reply
ccanally Hey thanks for the like!! Isn’t the sizing crazy on that top? I’m open to negotiation on the price bc I’m moving and just trying to clear out! What would you be willing to pay?
Jun 16Reply
applesas0223 @gracefulginger hi!! I just now saw your sweet comment! Thank you so much! That’s so nice to hear; it’s making me smile right now as a matter of fact🥰! Please visit anytime! My beauty is always new and untouched btw. I don’t sell contaminated items like some. I try to list the best prices I can. I have a passion for quality skincare so I like to spread it around .lol I offer bundle discounts and I love communication ❤️I’ll check out your closet; idk if I have yet
Jun 16Reply
applesas0223 @ccanally yeah the sizing is a bit crazy!! Lol that’s why I double checked! It’s a really cute top and in CT I love bundling up. The older I get the less tolerant I am of extreme temperatures! It’s freezing 9 months and hjmid for 3. We stopped transitioning between the two at some point . It literally goes from one to the other in a week😳 it’s bananas haha
Jun 16Reply
ccanally @applesas0223 I totally feel the same way since I'm from MA! It snowed one day in march and was 80 two days later!! Well I sent you an offer on both the skirt and the turtleneck if you're interested :)
Jun 16Reply
applesas0223 @ccanally thank you! I’m actually going to have to get my measuring tape out and see what that skirt would be like in me-I probably won’t be able to get away w that one. I’m too old and wouldn’t feel comfortable. I’ll do just above the knee but that’s about it!
Jun 16Reply
applesas0223 @ccanally then you totally understand my weather frustrations !!! I’m up in the NW corner not to far from the border between us! You’re even kore north than me you port thing😄
Jun 16Reply
ccanally that makes sense with the skirt!! It's cute but on the shorter side! I do love new england though!!! wouldn't want to be anywhere else!
Jun 16Reply
applesas0223 @ccanally that’s good then! I live the landscape. I hate when I go somewhere like Midwest or Florida and it s so flat that every intersection looks the same.. it’s boring. I agree w that I live the trees and hold and the fresh fallen snow when it sticks to every branch and it’s so quiet.ive been here since I was 7, so 39 years! I’ve wanted to move cause I’d like more warm months but idk where I’d go!🤷🏻‍♀️im all talk & no action😂haha
Jun 16Reply
ccanally that is my favorite part of when it snows! when its still sticking to the tree branches!
Jun 16Reply
funkymomala @applesas0223 Hi Alyssa! I’m going to reposh the cute dansko sandals I bought from you. They don’t fit me like I’d like. Would you mind if I used your photos? Have a great weekend. 🌼🌸
Jun 19Reply
applesas0223 @funkymomala I almost didn’t want to sell them, so I can’t believe I did and you don’t want them. Would you sell them back to me?
Jun 19Reply
funkymomala @applesas0223 my daughter says no, she wants them!! Sorry!
Jun 19Reply
applesas0223 @funkymomala well I’m glad they’ll get some love then and it worked out Thanks
Jun 20Reply
zebra37577 Hello Alyssa! Thank you for the likes on the stickpins and the sterling silver turtle earrings. If you would like to create a bundle and submit it to me, I will make you a great deal. You can have the stickpins for free for purchasing the earrings and get discounted shipping. Thanks again and I hope to hear from you.
Jun 22Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐶
Jun 27Reply
applesas0223 @zardiva1 Hi Meya!! Thanks for living my Jasper! Well he’s an old man now and his health is failing 😥. But I’m spending every moment w him. It’s been just the two us for ten years! The quarantine was sort of a blessing in disguise; giving us so much time together to cherish. Your kitty is awfully cute! Animals are wonderful and give us so much love , no matter what! 🤣🥰
Jun 27Reply
zardiva1 @applesas0223 Awwwww, Jaspie 😔😢 Sweetie little boy 😘 Here are some *huggies* for you & Mommy: 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 But unfortunately, my kitty is now my little *fur angel* 😔😢😭 His health failed towards the end, too - presumably kidney failure, since he was diagnosed with kidney disease @ age 7. Symptoms leading up to his death (by euthanasia) are explained on his condolence page @ the top of my closet. (I’m assuming the Hill’s Prescription Diet played a role in his surviving 9️⃣ years after the diagnosis! 😮)
Jun 27Reply
ccanally hey!! I wanted to see if you were still interested in that turtleneck from a couple weeks back!!
Jul 01Reply
applesas0223 @ccanally I’m so sorry. I’ve been going through a lot and can’t purchase anything rn, to my dismay. I had credit card fraud -on my DEBIT card of over $600 and literally have $69 to my name-it’s not good and I have to put my dog down tomorrow. I’m not in a good place. I Apologize. When I’m able I always go to my likes first and obviously, if someone else wants it -sell it!!! I get it! It was considerate of you to check in. Thanks
Jul 01Reply
ccanally @applesas0223 oh my goodness so sorry to hear this!!! Sending all the best
Jul 01Reply
applesas0223 @ccanally that’s very kind..I sincerely appreciate that. It’s so true what they say; when it rains it pours. 🤦🏻‍♀️ I’ll be back🙃
Jul 01Reply
wowtreasures HI Alyssa! Just bumping into your closet and wanted to drop by--say HI! Hope you're enjoying your posh experience! I just gave your closet some Poshlove ( in case you can use some LOL! ) feel free to swing by my closet too-- for a peep & let's support each other! I just launched a jewelry line that I'm excited about! 🥰😁 I wish you a prosperous week ahead with lots of sales!! Sending Blessings and Love !😁😘🥰
Jul 28Reply
applesas0223 @wowtreasures hey Michelle! Thanks for that Posh Lovin’! 😉 I choose to spread the love, myself, so I genuinely appreciate that! Thank you so much 🥰! Yes I will visit you and I’m psyched for your new business! That’s something to be proud of🥳😄! Best of luck to you, my dear! Hope to see you again ❤️
Jul 28Reply
nburch89 Hi!! Please come check out my closet to see my available items !! If you like anything please feel free to ask any questions ! Offers are of course accepted . Like and follow if you’d like and shares are certainly appreciated !!! Happy poshing 🌹🌹🌹
Aug 07Reply
celaena808 Hi I made a straw bundle for u.... if u want
Aug 09Reply
kucas 💕Hi! I'm Kat💕 I sell styling boxes to suit your ever changing style!! I would love to work with you📦 ♻️All of my items are sustainable and come from places like second hand stores♻️ 🐠Each purchase comes complete with a free reusable straw🐢 Message me for any details and thanks for stopping by!!
Aug 22Reply
believer13 @applesas0223 welcome to Poshmark - stay safe God bless if you have a moment please check out my closet thank you kindly ❤️🥰
Aug 25Reply
mariakd37 Hi Alyssa, Thanks for the support and shares. I'm sharing back for you and hoping you make some sales!
Sep 09Reply
bluediamondrose Hi Posher. For discount prices and special offers, like the item listing, I will send you an exclusive limited time offer only available by liking the listing. THE MORE YOU LIKE
Sep 11Reply
kayceelabonte Hey girl I have one of the music Winnie the Pooh boxes I was going to list if your still interested
Sep 30Reply
fabulaxxxiv Precious pup and love your posting on how fortunate many of us take for granted. Have a blessed day sweetheart. God bless you and your pup.🙏🐾🐩🥰
Oct 11Reply
applesas0223 @fabulaxxxiv I really appreciate that! I loved the pic of your pup too! I lost my lil buddy this summer, unfortunately. I’m still grieving. I rescued him in 2010, from years of abuse. He was my bff, undoubtedly, and I loved him so much. We found eachother, once, and I believe we will again. That’s my saving grace. Blessings to you and your animals. Thank you for being a good pet owner, as I can tell you are ❤️🥰😊
Oct 12Reply
fabulaxxxiv @applesas0223 oh honey I’m so sorry to hear that. It breaks my heart. We just lost our 24 year old Chihuhaha about six months ago and it’s so hard. You were a blessing to him and I do believe we will see them again. God bless your sweet soul for all you did for him and your kind hearted soul on your page. I’ll be in touch hun. Have a great day. With love, Jacquie 🙏🐾☺️💕🥰🐕🐩😃🙏❤️💕🐾☺️😊🥰🐩🐕
Oct 12Reply
fabulaxxxiv @applesas0223 thank you for your kind words too. Blessing honey!🙏🙏🙏🙏🐾😊💕🥰🐩🐕😉
Oct 12Reply
applesas0223 @fabulaxxxiv ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🥰. Thank you so much! I’d love to hear from you anytime!😊
Oct 12Reply
capthowdysgurl What a wonderful post on Life and being grateful. So true! People just don't realize how blessed they truly are. Great message and more people need to think about that so thank you for posting that! 😘
Oct 16Reply
rjrkbythebay I love your outlook!! ♥️ Stopping by to say hello and hope you are having a wonderful day! 😊 Rachel
Oct 16Reply
mimisiegel Thank You For Sharing Items From My Closet
Oct 25Reply
mimisiegel I love the “Please read slowly” quote.
Oct 25Reply
applesas0223 @mimisiegel thank you for commenting and you’re welcome! I love sharing! I vicariously shop my favorite items that way 😆lol! Enjoy the rest of your weekend!! ❤️😀
Oct 25Reply
pjj559773 Hi Alyssa, I'm so sorry you had problems with the necklace falling off! I only wore it a couple of times and never had a problem with that. The bracelet was just added as a bonus. They're not expensive pieces so I thought a matching bracelet would be nice. I try very hard to be fair with price and only sell things in good condition. Thanks for shopping my closet! Enjoy your day!
Nov 05Reply
applesas0223 @pjj559773 hey it’s not your fault. I will try to finagle w the clasp ring and see if I can make it smaller and still fit the post?? Perhaps that will help! Also I apologize that it took a few days to rate and review. I do t appreciate when buyers do that to me. I legit had some serious personal and family issues that took about all of my attention. Thank you too, for the bracelet, and for your graciousness in accepting my feedback! Youre a good person! Love & Light❤️
Nov 05Reply
pjj559773 @applesas0223 Thank you, I feel like your review doesn't make me look like a very good seller so I'm hoping you can change it a little? I would really appreciate it. Thank you again. 🙂❤
Nov 05Reply
applesas0223 @pjj559773 I’d be happy to take another look at it. My intention was not to leave a negative review about YOU. I was reviewing my purchase. But I certainly don’t want negative energy, so ills do whatever you need. I can’t do to this second... I will ASAP promise
Nov 06Reply
erbentonresell tyvm for your purchase Ill mail out today :)
Nov 06Reply
barginlady64 Hey it’s closet clear out. Poshmark will pick up part of your shipping. See something you like but don’t like the price send me an offer. I love offers that shows me that you’re interested and I just might be willing to except or even negotiate with you. Thanks for visiting stay safe and happy polishing!
Nov 10Reply
laevening I enjoy sharing the Posh love! You have an amazing closet! Wishing you many sales🙏🏾💰💰💃🏽🥰
Nov 13Reply
applesas0223 @laevening that is so kind of you! It makes me feel great!!! 😀Thank you so much! You’re a sweetheart ❤️
Nov 13Reply
jolistyle Thanks for all the shares 💕
Nov 14Reply
luvsdanzig82 Your puppy is so adorable 🐶🥰😍
Nov 15Reply
applesas0223 @luvsdanzig82 why thank you! 🥰Thats Jasper! I actually lost him to old age in July 😢! He was a special dog. I’ve had dogs my whole life and jasper and I had something special ❤️I haven’t been able to get another yet; I’m not ready. I will and I’ll definitely rescue again!!! It’s so important! Thank you for commenting ! It means a lot to me!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 15Reply
luvsdanzig82 @applesas0223 awe im so sorry
Nov 15Reply
applesas0223 @luvsdanzig82 thank you very much. Bless your sweet heart 🥰
Nov 15Reply
applesas0223 @jolistyle I just saw your msg! You’re so very welcome!!! I love to share😀😊❤️
Nov 15Reply
luvsdanzig82 @applesas0223 i just see your package getting to you today! Holy cow it played a game where it went to two other states besides our two! Lol glad it made it you!
Nov 21Reply
applesas0223 @luvsdanzig82 hahaha I just got home and saw it but I haven’t opened it yet! I’m about to do that! I’ll rate and review you when I do! Thank you! It’s crazy where the mail goes!🤦🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️! Lol it’s like flights w layovers! You end up all over the place hehe
Nov 21Reply
luvsdanzig82 @applesas0223 thank you for the great review! That was really nice of you ☺️
Nov 22Reply
applesas0223 @luvsdanzig82 Omg lol.. I was thrilled!! I’ve had some bad luck🙄haha so I am so glad to have found you! I’m so serious!😆❤️ You have great items that I would pick out at stores! And I WILL be back, for sure! I’m not letting this closet go! In fact, I’ll probably shop exclusively for the toddler girl things w you!😉🥰
Nov 22Reply
luvsdanzig82 @applesas0223 thanks for the kind words and im glad these clothes get to go to a good home and another beautiful child to look cute on. Next time ill give you more of a better deal. Just ask me, i may have stuff not listed yet. Youre always welcome here
Nov 22Reply
applesas0223 @luvsdanzig82 That’s very kind of you!! Thank you so much! Yes, my neice, Scarlet, IS beautiful!🥰 she fills my heart up w love! She’ll be 2, next so we’ll be holding on to the things I got for a bit, but I couldn’t pass them up! 😉❤️
Nov 22Reply
brendabriones Thank you so much for all the shares! I appreciate you! Have a great day.
Dec 03Reply
applesas0223 @brendabriones you’re so welcome Brenda!! I live to share! 😊it’s my way of vicariously shopping for EVERYTHING I want ! Lol!! I appreciate your shares too! Have a beautiful day💕💕💕
Dec 03Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Dec 09Reply
applesas0223 @mazyodc hi Marianne! Thanks for the message! I too am a posh aambassador but honestly, I appreciated your message and was glad to know there are other posh ambassadors who can learn knew things, or are willing to! That don’t ‘know everything’ literally about the app! May I ask you a question? I still don’t know how to put someone’s likes in a bundle😆
Dec 09Reply
mazyodc @applesas0223 Thank you so much for your message - another posher just told me that my message was spam in a very angry manner so I was so glad to have a positive response. To create a bundle go to your closet and find the item. Click on the bundle symbol (in the middle) Put in the closet name and click search. Their name comes up. Click on that and the bundle should appear with that item
Dec 09Reply
mazyodc . If they have multiple likes scroll down and click bundle on each item. If you have put in a certain discount that will appear. You can then add a larger discount if you want to and have options on shipping discounts. For me, they rarely result in a sale but yesterday someone bought 8 items that they had liked and it was my biggest sale to date. 😊 Hope it works for you!
Dec 09Reply
applesas0223 @mazyodc thank you SO much! I’ll have to try that out! I don’t like it so much when people do it to me😬but I also know that I like items and then forget about them,however, I am a scatterbrain! Lol I’m so sorry you had a bad experience! There are way too many rude poshers, and ones who won’t answer questions AT ALL! Hate those poshers, honestly, and I unlike them right away!!! I’m glad you had such a great sale!! Good luck
Dec 09Reply
audrinafla Do you have any jo Malone products?
Jan 07Reply
audrinafla You’re right! Your descriptions are very thorough!
Jan 07Reply
applesas0223 @audrinafla no I’m sorry I don’t :( if there’s any other questions you have pls ask, or any other brands you’re looking for too. I have so many items to’s an endless job! Lol I’m glad that you think I do a good job on my descriptions! That makes me feel good! Thank you so much 🌸💕
Jan 07Reply
audrinafla @applesas0223 ha. You’re welcome. And it is a big job. I’ve gotten very disorganized lately due to a move 😡
Jan 07Reply
applesas0223 @audrinafla yikes! That’s rough! I can’t imagine what a nightmare that must’ve been and still is! Oh man! I feel your pain. I had to cancel my first order ever when an item literally disappeared. I tore my whole posh inventory apart and looked through as o did and as I put it back it vanished I was so embarrassed 😔 haha.🤞🏽hoping that doesn’t happen to you lol
Jan 07Reply
sr_ruble Hello. You just liked some of my boots and Starbucks mugs. I wanted to let you know if you bundle you will get a little more off of these items. Bundle and save!!! Have a great day!!! 🌸🦋🌺🌻🎄🌹🌷
Jan 07Reply
radunni I’m so glad you liked your purchase! Thank you for the review and comments. I was so worried about the candle making it intact 😂 I can breathe easy now. Be well ❤️
Jan 10Reply
applesas0223 @radunni 😄j actually burned the candle tonight! It’s wonderful. I’m picky about a ents but took a chance on this and am grateful that I did! Thank you so much again, for everything!! Much love🥰
Jan 11Reply
ana101p Hi there, feel free to check my closet, I accept all reasonable offers, I have 30 , 40 , and 50% off on bundles with 6 or more items and free gifts too. Have a blessed night.
Jan 17Reply
applesas0223 @ana101p thank you Ana! I will check it out!
Jan 17Reply
pinktenaj Hi Alyssa, I love the words posted above, makes you stop and be grateful. We all need that especially with what’s going on in the world. Thanks for the reminder not to complain about little things. Also thanks for the shares! Nice to have a share friend. And that dog pic is adorable! We should all look so content and peaceful.🙏
Feb 10Reply
applesas0223 @pinktenaj oh you’re a sweetheart!! Thank you so much for your message! 🥰 it is so nice to hear from a wonderful person, such as yourself, who isn’t afraid to be be humbled. It is important for us to know how lucky we are. The is my lil BFF, Jasper. I actually lost him this past summer :( he is with me always.Sending you much love and light. Say hello anytime ❤️
Feb 10Reply
pinktenaj I am so sorry about your Jasper, broke my heart to read that😢. I know how that feels, been through it too many times. Every time I say no more dogs but I can’t be without one. I don’t know your beliefs, but I think we will be reunited with them one day🙏. Our dog Lucy, a beagle, is getting up there in years. I don’t even want to think about what’s ahead. The joy they bring us is worth it all though. God bless you!
Feb 10Reply
applesas0223 @pinktenaj I am the same way. I’ve always had dogs in my life and I believe it’s important to spend our lives w pets/animals 🥰and raise children that way. But Jasper and had something very special. It was something else❤️it is hard they they don’t live like we do..but it’s up to us to make their whole lives happy and comfortable and it’s my pleasure to do so. I’m actually ready to start looking...
Feb 10Reply
applesas0223 @pinktenaj I get rescues😊but can I can only have one at a time.
Feb 10Reply
christine1254 Thank you for all the shares! I really appreciate it 😊
Feb 14Reply
applesas0223 @christine1254 not a problem! I love to share. Thank you, as well!!! ❤️happy v-day
Feb 14Reply
superblessed131 Adorable doggie! happy poshing🐕😊😊
Feb 19Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! 💕☺️
Feb 19Reply
cindyw477 Hi there, I see you like Birkenstock socks. Why don't you visit my closet (I have womens and mens) and if you see something you like, let me know and I'll give you my best price. Happy Poshing 😊 😃
Feb 24Reply
applesas0223 @cindyw477 Hi there!! Thanks for your msg! I specifically need the smaller size you have those? I looked quickly while I had a second but haven’t been able to look completely through yet. You don’t need to tag me me just lmk if you do have that size at all! Thank you
Feb 24Reply
cindyw477 I only have the 39-41, but I can get the smaller size. Let me know your thoughts.
Feb 24Reply
applesas0223 @cindyw477 I would definitely be it and it seems like they’re almost impossible to find. I’d potentially be interested in maybe 3 diff styles, 2 pair of each. If I got 6pair maybe a deal. 2/$26 is better than most I’ll say that lol thank you so much and just keep me posted!!
Feb 24Reply
cindyw477 Sounds good!!!!! I'll message you when I get them. Do you like any of the styles in my closet? Thanks for sharing my closet.
Feb 24Reply
applesas0223 @cindyw477 I like all the styles you have in the larger sizes. I like marled, cotton, the 2nd pairs will be going to my daughter and she wears them w her Birk Boston Clogs and she isn’t a girlie girl. But she doesn’t mind the little row of lace at the trim. I’m easy haha
Feb 24Reply
applesas0223 @cindyw477 Thank you so much, Cindy!! I’m so excited to see what you find☺️I appreciate your help
Feb 24Reply
cindyw477 Ok, great. Awww I'm excited for you. lol lol Stay Tune!!! Have a great evening.
Feb 24Reply
cindyw477 Good morning. I did get some and will add them to my closet tonight. I'll message you when I do. Have a great day and Happy Poshing
Feb 24Reply
applesas0223 @cindyw477 oh you’re awesome! Bless your heart❤️ thank you
Feb 24Reply
cindyw477 Hi again, I added 2 of the 3 sets. The last is similar to the Flamingo Pink but 1 white and 1 silverish. I'll take those pictures and post when I get home later.
Feb 24Reply
cindyw477 Hi Alyssa, I put the last pictures of the socks in my closet. Happy Poshing.
Feb 24Reply
livingbutterfly 🌟🦋💗May The Lord Keep You All The Days Of Your Life And Share His Word To All🙏 ☦️🛐Thank you! 🙏God Bless I send you Peace☮️ Hope✝️Love💗And definitely Butterflies 🦋 I’m A Handicapped Single Mom Trying To Raise My Teenage Growing Young Men. Please Assist Us By Sharing Our Closet.☮️ No Price Is Written In Stone Feel Free To Send Offers. Our Closet Is Smoke Free. 🌟☦️💜AlSo ChEcK OuR WeBsItE🧜🏼‍♀️🦋 WWW.LIVINGBUTTERFLY.COM
Feb 28Reply
pugsinparadise Love your profile pup. A real cutie. Nice closet selection 😊
Mar 02Reply
applesas0223 @pugsinparadise Hi Jay I’m Alyssa..thanks☺️that’s Jasper, hes no longer w me.. and thank you for the compliment on my closet! That makes me feel great 😀. I appreciate all of the shares, too! It’s so great to meet an awesome fellow posher❤️
Mar 02Reply
littlericki Yes I did take these photos I was there a few years ago it was amazing Thank you for sharing too 😊
Mar 07Reply
littlepeachxo hi i’m having a huge sale! everything is under $10 + discounted shipping! and all bundles are 50% off.
Mar 25Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi⭐️Enjoy shopping🛒 and selling🛍⭐️
Mar 27Reply
bestdressed995 Sweet, sweet puppy🐾
Mar 27Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi. I love 💕 meeting new Poshers, sharing and 🛒shopping 🛍. When you get a moment, check out my closet. 🌷I am posting new Spring listings every day.🌷
Mar 30Reply
pixiedustpj I love little doggies! I love when poshers put their fur babies in their pictures. It says a lot about the person. Wow you did a lot of shares for me today. I really have to catch up. thank you so much. were you bored? LOL ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 30Reply
applesas0223 @pixiedustpj Hi thank you so much for the great comments on my closet! I’m so happy you had fun looking through it. I just love to share it’s my way of vicariously shopping LOL. Laura Geller is awesome and her products are really cool too! Let me know if there’s anything I can do for you or if you have any questions at all. Thanks again for stopping by😀❤️
May 01Reply
pixiedustpj I really love your first post. you are a hundred percent absolutely correct. people don't appreciate it. People don't realize it. And I think it would be great if every day the most of us I can do it if we feel so mood is to give gratitude to what we have. Thank you for reminding me.😁❤️
May 01Reply
applesas0223 @pixiedustpj ❤️❤️no problem LOL Babe a beautiful day!❤️❤️
May 01Reply
cherruff Received as described! Fast shipping! Terrific seller! Thank you!
May 05Reply
applesas0223 @cherruff thanks but you actually Need to except except the package. That’s how it works if you go into your account under my purchases you’ll see a blue button that it says except package you’ll be able to give me stars and if you’d like leave me a note. This is how posh sees my reviews and how everybody else sees my reviews they can’t see him if you just post them on my page. I’m sorry if you didn’t know how to do this but I hope that my explanation helped I appreciate your time thank you
May 05Reply
applesas0223 @cherruff thank you Cheryl!❤️
May 05Reply
cummins8 hi. iwent by the mall and I could not find the 9-12 month, but I did pick up some more things. if you interested in anything just let me know. thank you.
May 17Reply
applesas0223 @cummins8 thanks Cindy! I’ll take a look today at some point.
May 17Reply
c300lover Hi Alyssa, it’s Sherry from WV🌻. I shipped your beautiful socks 🧦 today! I hope you I❤️VE them, they’re so cute 🙃😀😊. Be sure to check to out my closet & I will check yours out too 🛍🛒. I’m glad I made you laughed, even when I wasn’t trying too! I hope you have a happy day tomorrow☀️.🌷🌈💕🌷🌈💕🌷🌈
May 25Reply
c300lover Oh your little doggie 🐶 is sooo cute too 🐾🦴🐾
May 25Reply
pixiedustpj thank you for your offer but I have this for sale as well thank you, Pamela
Jun 22Reply
dianabtq Love your closet! Thank you so much for letting me purchase your goodies. Can’t wait to shop your closet again in the future. 💎💎💎
Jul 06Reply
applesas0223 @dianabtq thank you for the compliment! That makes me feel wonderful😀Yes please come anytime, I’d be happy to see you LOL thanks hon
Jul 06Reply
dianabtq @applesas0223 You’re very welcome!! Your puppy is too adorable and wishing you a beautiful week. I love supporting my Posh family. Will do. xoxo 💐🌺🌸🌷💐🌸🌺🌷💐
Jul 06Reply
applesas0223 @dianabtq me too! I’m a big’s my way of vicariously shopping hehe. Thanks so much. I mailed your pkg out earlier! ❤️
Jul 06Reply
dianabtq @applesas0223 same here it’s hard to find a closet I don’t love!! Thank you so much for sharing and shipping so fast! 💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗
Jul 06Reply
applesas0223 @dianabtq LOL There are lots a good closets! And many good sellers. I laughed at all your likes because they’re all my favorite items that I use daily ha ha we have the same taste☺️I love Sunday Riley and Bobbi Brown Skincare and the it brushes are my favorite. And I have way too many Birkenstocks LOL yes please come back anytime
Jul 06Reply
dianabtq @applesas0223 There sure are so many and every time I like something I always look here first 🙈 I have to tell you I had been searching for these brushes for a think 2 years but didn’t know the brand so could never find them when I would search for gold brushes 🤣 Recently I found out the brand and was *thrilled* you had them. ☺️ I do love Birkenstock’s or any look alike 🥰
Jul 06Reply
applesas0223 @dianabtq haha oh my goodness! That’s too funny! I am so happy that I had them for you! I hope that you love them, and please let me know when you review when you receive them. I always love getting feedback either way; if you’re pleased or not pleased. All the way have not gotten any reviews other than five star reviews about 300 of them. OK I got one one star review but you can’t make everyone happy LOL enjoy that my dear
Jul 07Reply
dianabtq @applesas0223 I actually checked your reviews and almost fell over bc haven’t seen anyone here with so so so many highly rated reviews 😍 I have no doubt I will love them and definitely will make sure to give you great feedback. It really made me want to buy from you ☺️ can’t wait to come back real soon ❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️❣️
Jul 07Reply
applesas0223 @dianabtq awwww oh my gosh! That is so sweet and it makes me feel so good. Thank you so much again you’re the best Diana🥰❤️
Jul 07Reply
dianabtq @applesas0223 I feel so lucky to have met you here Alyssa! Cheers to everything getting better every day 🕊🤍
Jul 07Reply
applesas0223 @dianabtq you are such a doll and you keep bri a smile to my face! Please come back soon, even if it’s just to say hello. I always love seeing a familiar “face“ LOL have yourself a beautiful night honey❤️🥰❤️
Jul 07Reply
dianabtq @applesas0223 You have a great week and yes I look forward to keeping in touch.😊 It’s so nice to make new friends here! 💞💞💞
Jul 07Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jul 22Reply
_gracecleveland Thanks for the shares, best of luck to you! 🌻
Jul 29Reply
pw62 What a sweet pup! Thank you for your interest in these Snoopy bowls. I have sent you an offer with discounted shipping. If tou choose to take advantage of the offer, I will choose and send a nice gift to thank you for shopping my closet.
Jul 29Reply
applesas0223 @_gracecleveland 🥰😊you’re welcome
Jul 29Reply
applesas0223 @pw62 thanks I’ll check it out!😊❤️
Jul 29Reply
pw62 I found the bowls last night around 4 am. I added 2 new photos for you. These are small, like I thought. 5" across and about 2" deep.
Jul 30Reply
ohcourtneystfuu Thank you for all the shares bb! & I absolutely love that Being- grateful message, I wanted to see if I could re-post it!? Xo
Aug 12Reply
applesas0223 @ohcourtneystfuu thank YOU for all the shares. I’m a big sharer.It’s my way of vicariously shopping for every single thing I want. LOL and absolutely please post that. Spread the word❤️
Aug 12Reply
bkgrenier Hi Alyssa, My name is Barbara and I appreciate all the shares. Glad to see you likes several items too! The dog Kong looks NEW. I didn't see any crud inside. My suggestion would be to let it soak if you use food inside. A baby bottle brush may work to clean it. Please put the listings you like in a bundle. I'll send you an offer or you can send me one. Thanks ❣️
Aug 14Reply
applesas0223 @bkgrenier Hi Barbara it’s nice to meet you! I did put them in a bundle when I liked them I guess you didn’t notice but that’s OK LOL I’m glad you messaged me let me know about the Kong. I’ve never used one before but I just got a new puppy and she’s all about toys and loves the ones that you can hide treats and stuff LOL thanks have a great night
Aug 14Reply
poshhere Hi Alyssa. Wanted to let you know that I'm listing additional vintage wooden toys today. Thank you & take care 🙂
Aug 19Reply
darohaw I took some pictures of the pearl ring that I think r a little clearer. I think I’m gonna keep the opal ring because I don’t think I’ll get what it’s worth on poshmark. I paid a lot for it because they r all natural opals. Hope u can see the new pictures a bit better.
Aug 22Reply
durf2 Hi. I’m Lisa. Posh Ambassador and top rated seller. Also a mentor. We can help each other!!! Please feel free to stop and visit my large eclectic closet. I’m closed right now but if you need any items, please let me know and I’ll keep them for you until I reopen with lower prices. Nonsmoking and pet free home. Something for everyone!! Thanks! Posh on my new friend. Namaste 🙏🏻
Aug 23Reply
darohaw Hey there. Thanks for ur purchase! I’m sorry I didn’t get it out today but it will go out first thing in the morning. I hope that’s ok. I usually ship the next day but I didn’t have a car today. First thing in the morning tho!😋
Aug 23Reply
applesas0223 @darohaw That’s fine thanks
Aug 23Reply
applesas0223 @durf2 Hi there. Thanks for your comment but I didn’t see that you went through my closet at all or liked or shared anything? I’m a posh ambassador, mentor and top rated seller, Too! And a top 10% sharer. I’d be happy to go through your closet and share though
Aug 23Reply
durf2 @applesas0223 I did go through it and shared some but I just did it again. I’d always shared when looking at closets. I’m in the top percentage sharer also. Thanks for the posh love ❤️ Thanks for checking mine out too. Gotta work together to be a posher!! Thanks for the note. Posh on girlfriend!! Namaste 🙏🏻
Aug 23Reply
applesas0223 @durf2 I appreciate that very much. I guess I will be back in October when you’re back from vacation I’m gonna die if I remember LOL to re-look at those things I liked
Aug 23Reply
bkgrenier Alyssa, I'm very glad to see you received your package with the dog dish & leash 😃 Thank you for the 5 ⭐ rating and the sweet note 💞 Hope you enjoy your puppy for many years to come 🐕
Aug 26Reply
applesas0223 @bkgrenier awww I plan on that!❤️😊 she’s my little ray of sunshine ☀️ thank you Stay well, Barbara! I’ll be. Back soon
Aug 26Reply
sawah333 Your pup is too cute!
Aug 27Reply
darohaw I’m so glad u r happy. I hope the sweater fits her but if not, I can make a smaller one (or bigger). I felt really badly that I forgot that I was holding those things for u. 😋😬
Aug 27Reply
applesas0223 @darohaw oh my gosh please don’t feel bad! I got them when I was able to pay for them so it worked out somehow and I’m super happy about it because I truly do love them both. I put the bracelet on immediately I wear them for other silver bracelets on my right wrist so now I wear five. I never take them off LOL thanks again!!!💗🌸
Aug 27Reply
darohaw Oh good! Thanks for understanding!😍
Aug 27Reply
mardelle920 I received my order today, love all the samples. Will start using BeautyStat today..!! Thank you Mardelle
Aug 27Reply
applesas0223 @darohaw it was perfect! No worries at all my dear! You have yourself a wonderful weekend… The last weekend of summer. :(
Aug 27Reply
applesas0223 @mardelle920 great’ I’m thrilled that you were pleased with your item and your extras! Thank you so much for your five star rating; I really appreciate that. Did you know that if you leave a comment under the five star rating,such as just like what you wrote above, that everyone can see it in my “love notes?” just in case you didn’t know. I think everyone loves getting that and showing them off LOL😆you’re awesome-thanks again
Aug 27Reply
darohaw U too!😋
Aug 28Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 1500 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Aug 28Reply
elendoor Hi Alyssa, can you guarantee that I would receive the Birkenstocks by next Thursday? Would need to be shipped asap. If yes, I accept counter offer of $68. Waiting for your reply before I do anything else. Thanks. Ellen
Oct 01Reply
applesas0223 @elendoor hi Elen! Unfortunately I can’t guarantee anything! Poshmark says that this should be delivered in 2 to 3 days. It will say that right at the bottom of the listing where it says that shipping is $7.45. If you buy these immediately in the next 10 minutes I can get these out today. And then the rest is out of my hands unfortunately
Oct 01Reply
applesas0223 @elendoor If your notifications are set up that way mine are, you’ll see when the start tracking later today. And you’ll be able to track them. If it’s going to take 3days to receive then that would bring it to Tuesday..Sunday doesn’t count. I don’t know what day you need them on
Oct 01Reply
miamarie03 💐Thanks for Sharing
Oct 22Reply
applesas0223 @miamarie03 😊🍄no problem! Have a beautiful weekend
Oct 22Reply
mailgirl618 Oh my! I hope you are OK! I'm so glad you liked the top! Reviews are totally optional, so I appreciate the fact you took the time to leave one...especially after being in a wreck! ❤❤
Nov 15Reply
applesas0223 @mailgirl618 aww thanks Megan❤️I appreciate your kind words☺️I’m trying hard to get better , it’s not going as fast as I’d like🤷🏻‍♀️I’ll keep working on it. Have a beautiful night
Nov 16Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet some time. we'll over 2500 items. Bundle and save! Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often
Nov 17Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 21Reply
mechelle539 Hi there! If you're in the market for new items, check out my closet. I hope you find some items you like :)
Jan 04Reply
angiechip @applesas0223 I’m taking a moment to reach out in response of your beautiful note attached to the inspirational bracelet. I’ve never received such an amazing note and I thank you. I’ll be listing more silver jewelry soon, keep in touch.📦🛍♥️📦🛍♥️🥰📦🛍♥️📦🛍♥️
Jan 25Reply
tansrivong @applesas0223 Thank you for the extra items and note. 😊 Stay healthy and Happy New Year to you as well.
Jan 26Reply
applesas0223 @tansrivong you’re very welcome. I’m thrilled that you’re so pleased! Thanks for taking the time to rate me!
Jan 26Reply
rnmew1981 Hello my name is Marsha. I missed the Bobbi Brown moisturizer since I had shoulder surgery. Would you consider resending the offer. Thank you 😊 M
Feb 06Reply
applesas0223 @rnmew1981 hey there! I hope your surgery went OK and that you’re recovering well. I I’m sorry but I don’t recall which moisturizer you liked Or even in this could’ve been. I have I had several Bobby brown moisturizers and I still have a couple left.
Feb 06Reply
applesas0223 @rnmew1981 If you have them bundled, (you can tap ‘bundles’ in your account and find them) tag me in the bundle comments so I can find it. Then you can see if they’re still available, too!
Feb 06Reply
rnmew1981 @applesas0223 Thank you for your kindness 😊 It was for the 1 ounce Bobbi brown moisturizer
Feb 06Reply
rnmew1981 @applesas0223 Ps: your closet is awesome 🙌❤️
Feb 06Reply
rnmew1981 @applesas0223 I don’t know how to tag… but you sent it 2 days ago
Feb 06Reply
khoke74 @applesas0223 hi I’m a 5 star ⭐️ seller and ship daily if you bundle I’ll send offer for you 😊❤️
Mar 01Reply
khoke74 @applesas0223 hi thanks for all the likes!!! Feel free to bundle for discount I’m a 5 star seller and ship daily ❤️❤️❤️nice meeting you 😊
Mar 01Reply

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