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Updated Dec 31
Updated Dec 31

Meet your Posher, Amanda

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Amanda. I'm an experienced posher with a 5 star rating and 7000+ items sold. I originally started this closet in 2015 to support my kids' extracurricular activities and school activities. Now that they are older, this closet supports their post high school education endeavors. I appreciate every sale. You will find high quality items well packaged and shipped quickly. I also consign items for local small businesses. I sell items of all sizes, new and gently pre-owned, mens, women's and kids. I cross list my items to multiple sites so if you see something you may be interested it, you should grab it while it's still available. My items will be packaged carefully to arrive safely to their new homes. Items are shipped promptly. Like this post to bookmark my closet and find it easily. I’m adding new merchandise daily so be sure to stop by often to see what 's new!
  • Ships to: United States

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cutenthrifty I will be listing some of my stuff soon! I have short and tall boots, heels, etc by guess, Stuart weitzman, and franco Sarto!
Aug 20Reply
christalynd Welcome to Poshmark, Amanda!! I hope that you're having a great experience here. 😊 Let me know if there is a way that I can help! 💕
Aug 20Reply
cutenthrifty How often do things sell on here? I really need to liquidate some of my things, but am hesitant to list too much if it doesn't pan out...
Aug 21Reply
cutenthrifty I guess I also should note, I will entertain all reasonable offers as well. None of my prices are "firm" unless noted.
Aug 21Reply
cutenthrifty @deniseboutique thanks for the like!
Aug 21Reply
hila808 Nice to meet you Amanda @cutenthrifty Lovely closet you have here! Happy Poshing 😘
Aug 21Reply
cutenthrifty @hila808 Thanks! Nice to meet you also! Keep watching for more items. I really need to clear some space!
Aug 21Reply
sarah1616 Bundle all your lia for $55
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty @sarah1616 yes I will bundle all my Lia Sophia for $55!
Aug 22Reply
sarah1616 Have u listed all that you have available
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty @sarah1616 no, I am still going thru my drawers. But all the items that are up currently I am willing to bundle $55.
Aug 22Reply
sarah1616 Ok. But I don't want to pay shipping twice. Can u group photo the other items so I can choose and bundle all at once
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty @sarah1616 ok I will go thru my drawers now and list all I have. Give me about 30 minutes. Thanks!☺️
Aug 22Reply
sarah1616 Great. Just good my items please
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty @sarah1616 so I realized the discount I am giving is more than 50%. What I will do is 10 Lia items bundled for $55. Would that be ok? I am still listing.
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty @sarah1616 ok I just listed 7 more pieces. I will do 10 pieces in the bundle.
Aug 22Reply
sarah1616 Which 10 and price? Show me the bundle please.
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty @sarah1616 any 10 is fine. Your choice.
Aug 22Reply
sarah1616 Ok. Just set it up. likes
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty Ok, I am new to posh, do you click "bundle" for all the ones you want and then click "make offer"? I want to accept officially.
Aug 22Reply
sarah1616 You create the bundle. Buyers can't make offers in bundles
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty Ok, how can I do that? Separate listing? Sorry for the questions. And I only count 4 items... The two rings, green necklace and the necklace/earring combo. Any others?
Aug 22Reply
resthomas @cutenthrifty hi Amanda welcome to posh if I can help you with anything please tag me I also have a new poshers listing in my closet and you're off to a good start nice listings
Aug 22Reply
cutenthrifty @resthomas thank you! This is so fun!
Aug 22Reply
wlew @cutenthrifty Hi and welcome to poshmark!
Aug 25Reply
cutenthrifty @wlew Hi! Thanks for the welcome! I am having fun! I have so many shoes it's unreal, so I really hope Posh is a great place to help unload them!!!
Aug 25Reply
wlew @cutenthrifty You joined at a good time, summer vacation over and change in season! Good luck! If I can help you in anyway don't hesitate to ask💐
Aug 25Reply
cutenthrifty @wlew thanks! Hoping to sell my stuff fast, as I have more to list!!
Aug 25Reply
gumbob Hi, nice to e-meet you & browse your closet. Wishing you a great day & lots of sales. Happy Poshing 😊
Aug 28Reply
cutenthrifty @gumbob thanks! Nice to meet you also!!! Happy pushing and here's to selling good stuff! 😉
Aug 28Reply
cocotggr Thank you for sharing!
Aug 31Reply
cutenthrifty @cocotggr I just love your taste in clothes.
Aug 31Reply
cutenthrifty @cocotggr Ty for all the shares also!
Aug 31Reply
sgo709 @cutenthrifty Hi Amanda, nice to meet you, I'm Sue! I also love shoes, jewelry, clothes. ... heck, I'll everything to do with fashion ;) You have a great closet which I shared to get your closet noticed by my followers. HAPPY POSHING ;)
Aug 31Reply
cutenthrifty @sgo709 thanks so much Sue!! I appreciate that!! I ship same day on M-Sat!
Aug 31Reply
wendyn3boys @christalynd it is nice to meet you. Great closet! God Bless you!! 💟
Sep 03Reply
cutenthrifty @wendyn3boys thank you! God bless!
Sep 03Reply
skeeterposh Welcome to Posh! I see you are all ready making lots of PFFs!
Sep 12Reply
cutenthrifty @skeeterposh yes! I love posh!!!!!
Sep 12Reply
kb2008 @scarlettoconnor :: thanks Heather! 🙋💗
Sep 18Reply
kb2008 Haha!! 💖😂
Sep 18Reply
bsociale Thanks, @scarlettoconnor! Amanda, feel free to reach out of you ever have any questions. Cheers💋!
Sep 20Reply
cutenthrifty @bsociale thank you all! 👍👍👍
Sep 20Reply
des24rob Racine as in kringles?!? As in Wisconsin??? I grew up in Brookfield/Elm Grove!!! Thats neat that you are a twin! Does your twin have a posh account too?
Sep 22Reply
cutenthrifty @des24rob you got it! Our biggest known Danish bakery is building a new branch on my way to work!!! Tragic! Lol! Yes my twin has a posh account but doesn't sell. I think she browses , but hasn't bought yet.
Sep 22Reply
des24rob @cutenthrifty we had kringles from Racine here at Trader Joes and I was over the moon! My bff is on OH but originally from Waukesha.... she was like that til she made her first sale! Lol! Poshmark is addicting! How old are your boys? What kind of music lessons do they take?
Sep 22Reply
cutenthrifty @des24rob they are taking violin lessons. They are 11 &9. I should really talk my sis into trying to sell some things in her closet. So far I have made enough for the next months worth of lessons! It certainly is fun walking into the post office with boxes to ship!
Sep 22Reply
des24rob @cutenthrifty Awesome! I played violin as a kid! Do they practice suzuki? I agree! its nice making some extra money so far I have only shopped for more clothes with my earnings lololol!
Sep 22Reply
cutenthrifty @des24rob yes they take Suzuki lessons! I started at school in 4th grade then in middle school met kids who had played Suzuki since they were young. I was awe struck and begged my mom for lessons. I stuck it out through high school. I still have all my old books, when they look through they can't believe I played them! Neither can I lol! Their teacher turned out to be my teachers stand mate in the symphony ! My teacher died of brain tumor about 15 years ago 😔
Sep 22Reply
des24rob @cutenthrifty a lot of loss lately. no fun. I can commiserate on that level. music here in Fl schools is minimal at best. i liked suzuki until middle school and quit. still have my books but couldn't read sheet music 20 yrs later I'm afraid.😜
Sep 22Reply
cutenthrifty @des24rob the teacher is trying to help learn reading music too... Seems the school isn't doing a good job with that... My older son has no problem playing by ear or memoriZing something but reading music is tough for him.
Sep 22Reply
des24rob @cutenthrifty he's raw talent! have you heard of miri ben ari? the hip hop violinist! awesome!
Sep 22Reply
cutenthrifty @des24rob no I will have to check him out. We follow Lindsay Sterling. She is another hip hop violinist.
Sep 22Reply
des24rob I will have to look into Lindsay Sterling. Miri Ben Ari is actually a female too LOL. She's dubbed the "Original Hip Hop Violinist" I wish she was around when I was a kid. I would have never quit! Hope you're having a great day!
Sep 22Reply
cutenthrifty @des24rob I will have to check her out! Thanks for the info! Have a great day!!
Sep 23Reply
des24rob Hey there! How's it going? I see you have a whole bunch of sales there! Awesome job!
Sep 30Reply
cutenthrifty @des24rob hi! I tried to start sharing your stuff while waiting for the kids at shook but Internet was poorly connected. Will share while waiting at music lessons in a few minutes! 👍 and yes, it was an awesome weekend!!!!!!
Sep 30Reply
des24rob Good Morning :) Gotta say thanks for all the likes. I woke up and looked at my bank account and started feeling overwhelmed and discouraged but then you reminded me that I have a way I can get out of this pile of debt! Thank you! Hope your day is off to a great start <3
Oct 06Reply
cutenthrifty @des24rob awe! Thanks! Have a great day!!
Oct 06Reply
cutenthrifty @joey1234 awe! Thanks for all the likes and also on this post!!!
Oct 06Reply
janet777 Thank you very much, for all of the shares, Amanda🌹😊😎👍🏽
Oct 07Reply
fashionista21 Hi nice to meet you. Love how you do your pics.
Nov 20Reply
cutenthrifty @fashionista21 thanks! Had to try to find a way to get more than 4 pics in... Have a great day!
Nov 20Reply
mdcpt You are welcome 😉.... I love to share, it's great when we all reciprocate!
Dec 26Reply
jnp237 Omg you and the boys look great! I miss you!
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 awe thanks hon! I miss you too!!! Aren't they getting so big! I still have the pic of you holding my oldest as a baby!!! Look how tall he is now! Your closet is endless and amazing!!! I am going to add you to my daily share list 😉
Jan 08Reply
jnp237 Oh I don't have that picture - you should send it to me on Fb!
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 I am not in Facebook but I will look for t and have Joani send it!
Jan 08Reply
jnp237 Okay!
Jan 08Reply
jnp237 Omg I shouldnt be surprised! They play violin just like their mom!
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 lol! And lessons are 3x the price j remember!
Jan 08Reply
jnp237 Yikes! Inflation right?! Your profile picture is beautiful. If you ever take one of those cruises out of Galveston- please tell me. It's been too long
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 we just passed one up for port of Tampa over spring break. Heading to Belize, Honduras and Mexico. I will definitely stop if we ever go it if Galveston. We actually might road trip south his summer and hit Dallas so may venture near you. Will keep you updated. I am perusing your closet. It's amazing!
Jan 08Reply
jnp237 Wow - quite the jet setter! Thanks - that's a big compliment. I don't have any friends as into postmarking as I am. I tell all my friends about ti
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 me too. It's addicting! But so much fun. I got my niece to sign up and some of the ladies I work with have asked me to order for them. But for some reason they just are holding off on signing up.
Jan 08Reply
jnp237 You won't believe how many new followers I acquired tonight. I credit one wonderful cousin!
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 awe! Thanks Jacki!
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 Hope you have a wonderful day!
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 thanks for sharing, Jacki. I try to share you daily. You have so many gorgeous listings that I have to do it in sections lol.
Jan 11Reply
jnp237 Aww thanks! I figure we probably have different followers. So sharing both ways may help us both grow!
Jan 11Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 so true! It's been a slow weekend... I love it when I have a stack of boxes going out. This weekend only 1 so far,
Jan 11Reply
jnp237 Me too - I was slammed before Christmas and NYE
Jan 11Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 September through NYE was really busy! When I started listing stuff I had no idea things would take off so fast! Now I have he boys help with packing things up. It's the least they can do since it pays for heir music lessons lol
Jan 11Reply
verocolonr Thanks for the shares!!! Your closet is fabulous!!!
Jan 16Reply
cutenthrifty @verocolonr thanks babe! Yours is gorgeous also!!!!
Jan 16Reply
thriftnkristin @cutenthrifty thanks for the share Amanda! Love your closet & pics! Have a great weekend! 💕🎉
Jan 16Reply
cutenthrifty @kristinsinger88 awe, thanks babe! Love your closet too! 💕👍 have a great weekend!
Jan 16Reply
dalhart Thank you for sharing my closet🎉🎉🎉
Jan 28Reply
angelalee72 Welcome to Poshmark
Feb 10Reply
angelalee72 @cutenthrifty you are welcomed.Happy Poshing! I have marked all items down in my closet today if you can go check it out.Have a great night
Feb 10Reply
kmcnett No desire to cruise but every desire to get outa the frozen tundra! Lol. I'm from Monroe, WI. My daughter & grandkids are the only reasons I stay here.
Feb 17Reply
kmcnett Hope you're always as happy as you look in your pics! ♡ Enjoy your youth! ♡ Beautiful family! ♡
Feb 17Reply
cutenthrifty @kmcnett thank you for your kind words. Yes, we have had some bad weather this past week! Took me 50 minutes for a 20 minute drive home today! I sure hope it warms up soon!!!
Feb 17Reply
southerngal0724 @cutenthrifty It's so nice to meet you, and I love your closet. I live outside of Madison, so I know the inclement weather all too much! I love your shoe choices, and have shared a few. Thanks so much for following me so I could see your closet. I'm adding shoes, clothing and jewelry daily!
Feb 18Reply
cutenthrifty @southerngal0724 great to meet you too!! Thanks so much for looking in my closet!
Feb 19Reply
pammalla Hi Amanda. I love your shoe closet. I'm a 9 and I am crying I can't have these. I will check back from time to time to see if you add larger sizes. My husband and I love to cruise too. Maybe we will see each other one day. Lol
Apr 03Reply
cutenthrifty @pammalla hi! I do carry all sizes! Filter according to size to find what I have in a 9. Unless you were referring to a particular pair. Let me know which ones and I will keep my eyes peeled for you😊
Apr 03Reply
musile68 I want the yellow tote and the shoes
Apr 04Reply
cutenthrifty @musile68 I don't have a yellow tote. Do you mean the pendant?
Apr 04Reply
cutenthrifty @musile68 no problem! Just go ahead and add it to the bundle. I see you you have the one pair of shoes already in a bundle. Then just go ahead and cancel your first order, and add that piece to the bundle. You can then purchase the three-piece bundle and it will automatically deduct the discount, and only charge you shipping once.
Apr 04Reply
donyia Your closet is amazing! Love the shoe collection. Just had my 2nd major foot surgery a week ago so have no idea now what would fit or not. Trust me - when I can start wearing shoes again - I am coming here to do some shopping!!!! 👍 💞💞💞💞
Apr 09Reply
cutenthrifty @donyia oh you poor thing!! I am praying for a speedy recovery!! I will be here when you're ready! 👍💕👠👢👡
Apr 09Reply
donyia Thank you for sharing some of my earring!!! 👍 💞💕💗
Apr 09Reply
donyia Thank you. All prayers are needed and appreciated. 😊😊😊
Apr 09Reply
cutenthrifty @donyia no problem my dear!!! 👍
Apr 09Reply
designerbeb Thank you Amanda... Love your closet. 💕
Apr 26Reply
patry22 Thank you for all the shares. Can't wait to get my shoes : )
Apr 28Reply
cutenthrifty @patry22 no problem! I so appreciate your purchase ☺️
Apr 28Reply
cutenthrifty @eryns_closet so sorry hon, was trying to congratulate you on your host pick and accidentally pasted my other item. Wanted to tell you congrats on your beautiful host pick, but you blocked me.
May 02Reply
erinananda @cutenthrifty: Thank you for clarifying. I thought you were self promoting in my closet. Thanks for the posh love (and I've unblocked you)! 💕
May 02Reply
cutenthrifty @eryns_closet no, I was trying to paste my note about your host pick but the wrong note pasted. Seconds later when I went back to correct it I couldn't let you know so I tagged you here. Congrats again, it was a beautiful blouse. And thanks for unblocking me.
May 02Reply
erinananda @cutenthrifty: Totally understand. Thanks! 🙂
May 02Reply
joyce713 @cutenthrifty hi fellow nurse Amanda 🤗
May 02Reply
cutenthrifty @joyce713 hello!! 💊💉
May 02Reply
dingberts Beautiful family! Great closet - thank you for providing such a great value for quality shoes!
May 03Reply
cutenthrifty @dingberts thank you Maria!
May 03Reply
crickyxx86 Hi @cutenthrifty! I am a registered nurse and a twin as well !!! How cool is that! My twin sister is and RN too!
May 10Reply
savychicone Love your closet! Thanks for sharing😍
May 10Reply
cutenthrifty @savychicone thank you! 😊
May 10Reply
cutenthrifty @crickyxx86 mine is an rn too!!!!!!
May 10Reply
savychicone Amanda I can't thank you enough for sharing my listings!❤️❤️
May 11Reply
paradise_808 @cutenthrifty Thank you shares for helping me spread the word on my upcoming Posh party. No need to share back! 💕💕💕💕💕
May 12Reply
ginger_nj Amanda you have a beautiful family! THANK Y💟U for sharing my listings! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Happy P💟SHING! 🛍 \ (•◡•) / Yesenia
May 14Reply
cutenthrifty @ginger_nj thank you! You also!
May 14Reply
islasgrandmama @cutenthrifty I'm sorry about my payment. I've been having problems with my cc. I will update it asap.
May 17Reply
cutenthrifty @islasgrandmama no problem! 👍🏻
May 17Reply
cutenthrifty @sillyshannon14 Thank you ! I really appreciate the shares :) You have a nice closet too.
May 17Reply
shopgirloac Cute closet ,great photos ☺😍
May 19Reply
cutenthrifty @shopmystyleoac thank you so much!!!!!!!
May 19Reply
dizzyval I look forward to meeting you through Poshmark. I love to travel, also. My addictions to shopping lean toward shoes and custom made jewelry. I am looking for creative storage systems. I have not been in Poshmark long. However, I share frequently and try to always return shares. Blessings
May 23Reply
cutenthrifty @dizzyval nice to meet you! Thanks for taking time to stop by. If you have any questions about Poshmark let me know 😊
May 23Reply
kinne01 Thank you for the share
May 25Reply
tamalama56 Hi Amanda❣ what a lovely family. Great pics. So cool your boys are learning violin. Love🌺
May 26Reply
hoffman7043 @cutenthrifty thank you for your shares today!
May 27Reply
cutenthrifty @hoffman7043 You're welcome:)
May 27Reply
b_panache Hello, being a top 10 seller do you have any great tips
May 27Reply
cutenthrifty @b_panache Follow...Share...Follow...Share... And above all... Honesty and good service to your customers :)
May 27Reply
b_panache @cutenthrifty how do you become top 10 seller. Amount of sales, time? Whats the trick, I just lost my job and in a little panic, I am single so I bring in all the money for bills..I would love any suggestions. Thank you
May 27Reply
cutenthrifty @b_panache it's the amount of sales that gives you that status. Use clear, well lit photos, communicate well and follow follow follow!!!
May 27Reply
b_panache @cutenthrifty do you feel I could do something better on my photos? I believe my prices are low, do you agree. Thanks for your help. It REALLY is appreicated. Caren
May 27Reply
cutenthrifty @b_panache photos are good, but take a look at your sold items compared to unsold. The lighting is slightly bright and less shadowy on the sold items. Be sure to photograph care tags, any details you want to point out, etc. the more the better. But otherwise looks great! Prices are good too. You only have 6k followers. I do recommend following as many people as you can, and share others things as well as share your own regularly.
May 27Reply
cutenthrifty @b_panache People will return the shares and follows. You can find people to follow in the people search, under others followers, create a follow game, etc. gaining your follow base is very important.
May 27Reply
b_panache @cutenthrifty Thank you... I have some items sold, but then cancelled, how do you remove sold sign or deleat and repost. Will not allow me to edit any of the items.
May 27Reply
cutenthrifty @b_panache you cant delete the sold sign. Will have to repost the items. May I ask why cancelled?
May 27Reply
b_panache @cutenthrifty post office held package, resent, it arrived and they did not need. 5 items really needed sale. I already lost 400.00 worth of clothes because clerk wanted it to be set on counter, someone picked it up going out the door. Grrr
May 27Reply
harleysshopping Nice family pics
May 27Reply
cutenthrifty @harleysshopping thank you so much!
May 27Reply
sarascloset2016 Hi Amanda, Thank you for allllll your shares♡♡♡
May 29Reply
ginger_nj Amanda THANK Y💟U for your SUPPORT & SHARING my HOST PICK! ❀◕ ‿ ◕❀ Yesenia
Jun 07Reply
cutenthrifty @ginger_nj no problem beautiful! You deserve the host pick!
Jun 07Reply
site75 Thanks for sharing🤗
Jun 10Reply
mammabear85022 Thank you for taking a peek at my closet. I have additional sales and discounts availabe today please let me wknow if you need any help. Happy poshing!😊
Jun 10Reply
syejunior @cutenthrifty Happy birthday!! I hope you planned something very fun this weekend! ;-)
Jun 11Reply
cutenthrifty @syejunior thanks, it's actually July 8! But nothing planned yet! Hopefully my family will surprise me😉
Jun 11Reply
syejunior @cutenthrifty LOL OOPS! I failed to realize that the hosting post was for July. HEY! Your birthday is 5 days before mine (I'm the 13th)!!
Jun 11Reply
cutenthrifty @syejunior yay!!!! July is a good month!!!
Jun 11Reply
syejunior @cutenthrifty The best month! ;-) Maybe we should do a surprise birthday swap. I've been really busy lately, but life is calming down a little, so I have a little extra time to have fun.
Jun 11Reply
cutenthrifty @syejunior oh now that would be fun! It's been crazy here too. And we will be traveling for 3 weeks in July!
Jun 11Reply
sweettalk Love your closet, and what a great way to provide for your boys.
Jun 13Reply
cutenthrifty @sweettalk thanks so much! It's also a fun way to provide😉
Jun 13Reply
tiedye_world Hi! Thanks for the follow, if you're interested in a tie dye shirt check out my post in my closet!! I do custom colors and whatever kind of shirt you want. Plus I always include a free gift. ♡
Jul 05Reply
umar2133 Nice to meet you! Check out my closet for things such as Ray ban sunglasses, Michael kors bags and Nike shoes! :)
Jul 05Reply
vickisueellison Thanks for share! I'm new having slow start. Not terribly text savvy trying to figure it all out! Went on Facebook but not sure how to get my closet out there. Need Book for Beginner Dummies! Watched u-tube video helped. Any tips appreciated!
Jul 07Reply
cutenthrifty @marta_the_minx thanks so much!!!
Jul 07Reply
yugiohmom @cutenthrifty I want to compliment you on your photos and layouts of your listings. I'm a graphic designer and you do an outstanding job! 💞
Jul 09Reply
cutenthrifty @yugiohmom wow! Thanks for the nice compliment! That really means a lot! I try to make my closet visually appealing and somehow I stumbled upon this way of doing things.
Jul 09Reply
mcharais Hello from another Wisconsinite! Go PACK! 😎🏈
Jul 11Reply
cutenthrifty @mcharais 👍🏻🏉 GO PACK GO!
Jul 11Reply
ms_jodene Hi Amanda! Thanks so much for tagging me in upcoming parties. I'll certainly continue to update you also! Have an enjoyable weekend! 💜💜💜
Jul 15Reply
cutenthrifty @ms_jodene thanks! You too!
Jul 16Reply
magdacloset Beautiful closet- artfully arranged🎨👍🏼Best- Magda
Sep 05Reply
cutenthrifty @magdacloset thank you so much!!!!
Sep 05Reply
chrissyrnchpn Not sure how to reach you but I accidentally purchased black patent Stuart kitten heels just now thinking the were 9M. Please forgive me. Can't wear Narrow, ever!😳💖
Sep 20Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 hi Jacki! Hope you're well. I see your followers has grown a ton!!!
Oct 04Reply
jnp237 @cutenthrifty they have - I think that may be thanks to you! And I'm a suggested seller now :) How have you been?
Oct 04Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 yay! I got suggested user in February but never got the email! I was wondering why I was getting the SU newsletters so I asked. I am great! Kids are back to school, Matt has his first violin recital on 10-15, Ryan started Middle school, and I am knee deep in training new nurses at work! Very busy but good! Still trying to posh as much as I can.
Oct 04Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 I got 2 of my friends from work on posh! And Matthew started selling some of his things since kids stuff is now allowed! He had his first sale the other day!
Oct 04Reply
jnp237 That's so cute! I can't believe how grown up they've gotten. I feel old lol!
Oct 04Reply
pulchritude Happy Poshing!
Oct 13Reply
jmbt Come check out my closet all items I listen for offers
Oct 17Reply
syejunior @cutenthrifty I'd like to ask you a couple of Posh related (seller) questions, but not sure where?😁
Oct 20Reply
cutenthrifty @syejunior do you still have my email?
Oct 20Reply
cutenthrifty @syejunior I just emailed your gmail incase you lost mine. 😊
Oct 20Reply
syejunior @cutenthrifty thanks! I believe I still have it (it didn't cross my mind to email 😁).
Oct 20Reply
cutenthrifty @akpeters04 hope you're recovering ok!!! My best advice is to be as active as you can by following many, sharing your closet as well as others as much as you can, have great photos and descriptions, and have fun!
Oct 24Reply
cutenthrifty @ankalo @justice10forme @paradise_808 thanks for all the party tags ladies! 🎉✨🍾 my real life BFF just called me so excited last night that she got her very first posh party invite! She is hosting an evening party 11-28. So when she gets a sign made for her closet I will tag you right away!!
Oct 27Reply
ankalo @cutenthrifty That is awesome!😘😘😘 Thank you! 😘 I also appreciate all your party tags! 😉😘😘 Wish you a wonderful day and many happy sales! 🎉🎉🎉
Oct 27Reply
shoplunagrace @cutenthrifty Thank you Amanda!😘 I didn't know you were a twin! You have such a Beautiful family!😘
Oct 27Reply
cutenthrifty @justice10forme thank you! Yes. My twin is @jbone7880.
Oct 27Reply
shoplunagrace @cutenthrifty I'm following her! I told her when she's up & running I'll share for her. She is Beautiful just like you!😘
Oct 27Reply
cutenthrifty @justice10forme that's so sweet of you!!! 😘
Oct 27Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 hey Jacki! How are things? Hope you're well. Say hi to your mom, dad, and bro. Miss you guys!
Oct 27Reply
jnp237 We miss you too Mindy!!
Oct 27Reply
enocharden Thanks for sharing my closet ❤️😊
Nov 15Reply
discount1 Amanda thanks fro follow hope you and your family do something special for thanksgiving and hope you become top posh here for you have any posh questions have blessed day!
Nov 18Reply
seahighmarkett 🍂🍁🍂🦃🍂🍁🍂 Always be thankful & choose to be grateful Have a happy and blessed Thanksgiving! Wishing you large bundles, quick sales and tons of followers!! 🍂🍁🍂🦃🍂🍁🍂 Love always, Tara 💕 Follow my Instagram! SEAHIGHMARKET
Nov 24Reply
cutenthrifty @jt1177 thank you! That's so sweet! I am thankful for lovely poshers like you!
Nov 24Reply
nanook_007 Thank you for your kind words!!!💚💜💚💜
Nov 27Reply
poshsalesgirl @cutenthrifty Thank you so much for all the part tags! I finally got my first HP thanks to you! 💕💕💕
Nov 29Reply
cutenthrifty @tereza2000 😘 congrats!!!!!!!
Nov 29Reply
poshsalesgirl @cutenthrifty Amanda, I just wanted to say THANK YOU! I listed my first item on posh on 10-31-16. A month later, I've made 45 sales, had two HPs, am a Top 10% Seller and Top-rated Seller! I left the security of a 25-year corporate career thinking there had to be something more for me, and this past month has given me hope! You were one of the first people on PM who helped me by sharing and tagging me, and your closet and your positive attitude are an inspiration! 💕
Dec 03Reply
cutenthrifty @tereza2000 awe! Traci, that makes me so happy!!!! Congrats!!! Next step suggested user and party host!!!!! Have you reached out to posh to request it yet?
Dec 03Reply
poshsalesgirl @cutenthrifty No ... any advice? I just thought those honors fell from heaven! LOL
Dec 03Reply
cutenthrifty @tereza2000 just google search "how to become poshmark suggested user " and "how to host poshmark party" and you will get the blogs with the rules. The email address is on there to contact poshmark and send your request in😊
Dec 03Reply
poshsalesgirl @cutenthrifty 💕 thank you (((HUGS))) 💕
Dec 03Reply
poshsalesgirl @cutenthrifty Hi Amanda❣ I just want to tell you that you are a truly stunning beauty. One thing I love about PM is the variety of women and styles I encounter. But you ... no excess makeup, no duck face ... just natural beauty! Lovely smile and sparkling eyes! Thanks for being my PFF❣ 💕😘
Dec 21Reply
califoxx @cutenthrifty Amanda, Thank you again so much for celebrating my host pick last night! I have sent out shares from your beautiful closet, as a small token of my gratitude, no share-backs please. Happy holidays to you and your adorable family!💞💞💞
Dec 22Reply
modig 🌷
Jan 14Reply
mrs_ladybug @cutenthrifty Thanks for the share! Love your closet!
Jan 20Reply
what_the_posh You do have a great closet ~I really enjoy browsing ! Nice job !
Jan 21Reply
cutenthrifty @what_the_posh thank you!!!! It's a work in progress always!
Jan 21Reply
the_violet_fox_ @cutenthrifty Hello! Thanks for the share! I love your closet! Very nice! I'm also a twin, identical, 2 min apart. We are very close!;) I also have 2 younger sisters & live in MN w my hubby & pitbull. We are empty nesters now. It's very quiet. I miss my girls everyday. Wishing you many successful sales, hagn!😊
Jan 24Reply
cutenthrifty @stcloset how cool! We are 3 minutes apart! Thanks for stopping by!
Jan 24Reply
lindquist216 TFS my listings!!
Jan 28Reply
cutenthrifty @lindquist216 no problem! 😊
Jan 28Reply
dcgirlfashions Thank you for the shares! 😊
Feb 02Reply
cutenthrifty @dcgirl04 no problem!!!😊
Feb 02Reply
dcgirlfashions Love your closet! ❤
Feb 02Reply
cutenthrifty @dcgirl04 thank you!!!!!!
Feb 02Reply
poshsalesgirl Love your beautiful new profile pic Amanda❣
Feb 14Reply
cutenthrifty @tereza2000 thanks PFF!! Thought it needed freshening up.
Feb 14Reply
jenwampler Hi. I see that you are a Top 10% seller. Would you mind me asking you some questions?? Thanks!
Feb 16Reply
paicar Hi Amanda- My name is Debbi (@paicar) and I'm also Hosting on Friday April 28th at 7PM PST! Looking forward to an awesome party with you~ Cheers~Debbi🍷🍷
Feb 18Reply
kjowski1 Hi Amanda! As a flutist I bet my mom would have loved to have Poshmark to help fund those lessons! Any advice you'd share with someone new to selling on Poshmark? I started about a month ago.
Mar 18Reply
lizmarucci Heey! I hope you will be able to check out my closet and find something you like. I will be adding more stuff during the week. Always make an offer and id be happy to sell to you! Ill be sure to check out your wonderful closet as well!! :) Happy Poshing!
Apr 03Reply
lizmarucci Heey! I hope you will be able to check out my closet and find something you like. I will be adding more stuff during the week. Always make an offer and id be happy to sell to you! Ill be sure to check out your wonderful closet as well!! :) Happy Poshing!
Apr 03Reply
chicnycdeals Hey Posh friend thanks for the follow! When you have a chance please check out my closet my items are reasonably priced and I also offer amazing bundle deals. Happy Poshing 🛍🛍👡👗👚
Apr 03Reply
silvergemdeco Hello my name is Kelly. I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance.
Apr 28Reply
kim_b22 Hi! 💞 Congratulations on hosting!!! 🎊🍾 If you're still looking for Host Picks, I've moved theme appropriate items to the top of my closet. 👗🎉👢💐👚
Apr 29Reply
dwoodrum Have fun hosting your posh party tonight!!
Apr 29Reply
annas_style @cutenthrifty Hello Amanda, happy Friday! Please visit my closet and consider a host pick. Wishing you and fellow posters a very speedy sale. Thanks
Apr 29Reply
mischi302 Hi Amanda! Thanks for all the shares! 😊
May 15Reply
julie48 Great closet!!
May 21Reply
cutenthrifty @julie48 thank you!😀
May 21Reply
zombiepinupgirl Your family is beautiful! Congratulations to your son! Love that your closet is for his music education!
May 27Reply
cutenthrifty @zombiepinupgirl thank you! The better he gets, the more expensive it gets. But he loves it!
May 27Reply
melrios4 Wow! I just discovered your closet! You really know what you're doing! I'm a teacher and winding down my school year, so I hope to list more items soon! Any advice you hve to give me would be very appreciated! Thanks!
Jun 01Reply
cutenthrifty @melrios4 thank you! My best tips are: take good photos, be active (share yours and other poshers listings regularly, follow as many people as you can to try and build your base, and have fun!!!
Jun 01Reply
melrios4 Thanks so much! Looking forward to getting more active on here this summer! I appreciate the advice!
Jun 01Reply
cutenthrifty @melrios4 no problem! Good luck!
Jun 01Reply
pcgrogan Thank you so much for your share, I accept reasonable offers. 😊
Jul 11Reply
shuffman77 Hello! I just had to tell you that I ❤️ Your Closet!! 😊
Jul 26Reply
katerina1401 Thank you for all the shares! I appreciate it
Aug 10Reply
samamama24 Hello Amanda, stopping by to say THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING😘! Your boys are adorable! It is so great that they are leaning music. ☺️
Aug 10Reply
cutenthrifty @sym87 thank you!!!!😊
Aug 11Reply
lillianh4412 Thank you for the shares💋💋
Aug 18Reply
cutenthrifty @lillianh4412 Absolutely! Thank you as well :)
Aug 18Reply
iamwarrior Hi Amanda, I noticed you added my two NWT coats and I wish I could offer you a lower price, but they are each priced at their lowest with Posh fees & the upgraded shipping label that's needed. If you are interested in purchasing, I'd be happy to ship tomorrow. Thanks for stopping by😃👋🏻
Sep 10Reply
cutenthrifty @iamwarrior only host pick hunting my dear
Sep 10Reply
teresaposhlove @cutenthrifty Amanda you have a gorgeous family.. we have followed each other forever but I've just missed these. Happy Poshing Teresa
Sep 12Reply
merlinsfunny Thanks for following,.. More interesting items to come, Want some laughs? Twitter: @merliniman
Sep 16Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are so many fabulous closets on posh but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way have a wonderful weekend!
Sep 24Reply
modista316 Hi! I just love all the tops in your collection! I'm new to Poshmark. Do you have any words of wisdom for a newbie like me? Thank you and take care!
Oct 01Reply
cutenthrifty @modista316 share and follow!!!!!!! By most of all have fun!!!! Hope you're enjoying the app!
Oct 02Reply
bgirl13 Hello😊 Love your closet!!!👍❤️
Oct 02Reply
mskrisi So happy to know buying from you benefits an education in music! Best of luck to your son in this endeavor and I'll definitely shop you again! 😘
Oct 19Reply
cutenthrifty @mskrisi I really appreciate it! thank you! I'm so happy you loved your bundles!
Oct 19Reply
properpolkadot Happy Poshing, Amanda!! Thank you so much for the kind share!! Have a beautiful weekend 🌸🌼🌺💖
Oct 29Reply
beth0029 @cutenthrifty After looking trough your closet, I felt compelled to let you is top notch! Very well organized, in many respects. You wouldn’t happen to be a Virgo, would you?! Cheers!
Nov 01Reply
cutenthrifty @beth0029 not Virgo 😊 just OCD about keeping it looking nice! 😊 you made my night!
Nov 01Reply
samurai1951 Thanks for sharing from my closet!
Nov 10Reply
cutenthrifty @samurai1951 No problem at all. You have a very nice closet :)
Nov 10Reply
shakingfist Thank you for the shares!!! You have so many followers, good work!!! ❤️🎀❤️
Nov 22Reply
cutenthrifty @shakingfist Thank you! it took a long time to get there.
Nov 22Reply
tenesarmoire Thank you for sharing, and congratulations to your son! 😙😙💙💙💙💙❤❤❤❤🎼🎼🎼🎻🎻🎻🎻🎻🎼
Dec 16Reply
cutenthrifty @tenesarmoire thank you!!!! He's working very hard at it!
Dec 16Reply
reeselw Hello! I love your closet!! ❤️😍🌹And thanks for the shares!!! 💋
Dec 28Reply
cutenthrifty @reeselw Thank You! Yours is very nice as well :)
Dec 28Reply
cutenthrifty Thank you!
Dec 28Reply
ricelmara Thank you for sharing☺
Jan 11Reply
cutenthrifty @ricelmara You are very welcome 😊
Jan 11Reply
zarrineh Hello, You have a beautiful family. Wishing you blessings and lots of sales to fund your son music lessons. Music is a universal language for love and your son has a big thank you from me for all the joy he is bringing to others by playing his instrument.👏
Jan 16Reply
cutenthrifty @zarrineh Thank you for your kind words! He loves to practice all on his own and finds the history of the old composers fascinating. His music teachers live his enthusiasm. Again, thank you !
Jan 16Reply
cutenthrifty Sorry, love, not live 😂
Jan 16Reply
tanlegsintx Hi Amanda! Thanks for the follow! I love violin. ♥️. Please stop by my closet from time to time as I have tons more to list. Wishing you lots of prosperity and great deals poshing this year. Have a great day! ❤️👍🏻😀🛍🎉🎊
Jan 16Reply
meechyandmook Thanks for sharing
Jan 21Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a nice day. :)
Jan 21Reply
4theluvofshoes Thank you for all your shares. It is nice to meet you! 😊👠👡👢
Jan 24Reply
saskicarrerabsq Thank you so much! Can’t wait to see in person ✨
Feb 07Reply
cutenthrifty @saskicarrerabsq you're welcome! Thank you!
Feb 07Reply
lgoetze Thank you for all the shares! I’m just getting started on Posh and I love it! I so appreciate your inspiration of a beautiful closet ❤️😍
Feb 10Reply
luvcoco888 Thanks so much for looking and sharing so generously!
Feb 15Reply
mynashery Wow! I'm completely blown away by your closet and presence here on Posh! May I ask you a question? How do you have images with the pictures sectioned off? I love how you can have the brand name on your collage! Also .. Where do you get the stock pictures of the clothes from the catalog? This all might be obvious but I'm just getting started! Thank you in advance for your help!
Feb 19Reply
cutenthrifty @mynashery hi! So nice of you to say. You can use any free picture collage app to section off he photos. Hope you're enjoying Poshmark!
Feb 19Reply
mynashery @cutenthrifty thank you so much!
Feb 19Reply
chloesclosetdmv @cutenthrifty thank you for the PM love!!! 💕😘
Feb 22Reply
cutenthrifty @toopricey Absolutely😊 I hope you have a wonderful day
Feb 22Reply
cutenthrifty @shop_kimibrooke You too! Have a great day today 😊
Feb 24Reply
jade544 Thank you so much for sharing my listing! ♥️
Feb 27Reply
cutenthrifty @kati32424 You are so very welcome. I hope you have a nice evening 😊
Feb 27Reply
cutenthrifty @jnp237 hi Jacki! Are you going to Poshfest in Dallas??? I will be there with my cousin in law!
May 10Reply
jnp237 @cutenthrifty no I don’t have plans to, hit that sounds really cool!
May 10Reply
scrappycavie Lovely Closet❤️❤️❤️🐾🐾❤️❤️❤️
May 27Reply
saskicarrerabsq @cutenthrifty I knew I had bought something from you! ✨💕 Thank you for reaching out to me. The offer is fab but still way over my budget. I’ll keep in mind in case I have more funds. It’s totally worth your offer it’s just my budget is tight. Hugs
Jun 05Reply
cutenthrifty @saskicarrerabsq no problem 😊 have a great day!
Jun 05Reply
janjan009 Congrats on being featured as a fairy today 🌺💜Jan
Jun 07Reply
frenchlc I forgot that you are from WI! I like you even more, now. I’m from Green Bay, though currently living in TX.
Jun 17Reply
cutenthrifty @frenchlc 😊 since you are in TX are you attending Poshfest in Dallas this year?
Jun 17Reply
frenchlc @cutenthrifty No. I’m uncomfortable in those situations where I’m alone, don’t actually know anyone in real life, and need to be social—especially when most people seem so much younger than I am.
Jun 17Reply
cutenthrifty @frenchlc completely understandable!
Jun 17Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Amanda, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Jun 18Reply
ngl_1 Thank you very much for the precious share!
Jun 20Reply
nathanielclaire Thanks for the shares!!! They’re much appreciated! 😁
Jun 21Reply
nicholepruitt73 ××tonights deal×××× any 2 items for $24 plus a beauty goody bag
Jul 24Reply
nicholepruitt73 ××tonights deal×××× any 2 items for $24 plus a beauty goody bag
Jul 24Reply
sluvscats Hi Amanda, I like the way your closet set looks so nice w simple white background. How or what do you use in the background that is plain white? Thank you, Sandy@sluvscats
Jul 29Reply
cutenthrifty @sluvscats hi sandy, thank you! I use an app to fix the background. There’s many out there. I would recommend looking up a few then watch YouTube videos on how they work to see which one you might like.
Jul 29Reply
sluvscats @cutenthrifty Thanks much, not sure I have the patience for it. To do on phone the YouTube instructions are about 2 min & I cant understand a thing he’s saying. I’ll maybe try on friends computer. Thanh you again❣️
Jul 30Reply
savvyrestyle 🎀🎀🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉Congrats on hosting!!!!!🎉🌟🎉🌟How AWESOME!! On your hunt for today's HOST PICK's, I would love for you to consider some of my listing to share with your guests!! Cant wait to celebrate, support and share in the excitement!! Happy poshing🛍📸 and cheers to future success🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎀🎀
Sep 02Reply
helpmehelpu Hi Amanda.... how do one become a party host?
Sep 02Reply
cutenthrifty @helpmehelpu you request it from Poshmark. Google it and the form will come up.
Sep 02Reply
smruggiero1 Congratulations on your upcoming party! 🍾🎉🎊
Sep 02Reply
helpmehelpu @cutenthrifty DONE! THANK YOU!!! 💃🎈🎉❤💚🌟🌹
Sep 02Reply
sklang01 Lots of luck with your party 🎉 stop by if you can!
Sep 03Reply
justinesresale ❤️🧡💜CONGRATS on being a party host!! 🎉 If you are still looking for a host pick, I would be beyond grateful if you could check out my closet. Thank you so much!💜🧡❤️
Sep 03Reply
srk4 @cutenthrifty I am so sorry about the mess I made tonight trying to congratulate people on Host Picks and share on the main page. I am so embarrassed. I hope I didn’t make to much of a mess of the party! You have a lovely closet. Too long of a weekend I guess! I need ice cream😂 xoxo SHAN
Sep 04Reply
cutenthrifty @srk4 Ice cream makes everything better but I’m not sure what you’re referring to. I was busy sharing to the party my feed got to over 2000 notifications!
Sep 04Reply
srk4 @cutenthrifty I some how got back on the main page thinking I was on the host pick page and continued to congratulate on hosts Picks. I of course apologized and left the party mortified. 😳 Ice cream made it almost better!💞
Sep 04Reply
cutenthrifty @srk4 I have totally done that!!!
Sep 04Reply
theblinguation Thanks for the Follow! Feel free to check out all the gorgeous Bling I have available at very reasonable prices. Reasonable offers accepted too ☺
Sep 10Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Sep 10Reply
prof I like your closet
Oct 07Reply
ccsqna Thanks for following my closet! 🎃 All my prices are negotiable and I add new listings daily : ) I also give 20% off bigger bundles, so make sure to look around! 🎁
Oct 07Reply
sj012106 Hi thanks for following me! Moving everything must go asap!! Entire closet buy one get one free!!
Oct 08Reply
mommysdeals Hi Amanda Thank you for Following & Liking My Closet Items 💃👚👗👠. Happy Poshing 💖💋 & God Bless 😇🙏👼
Oct 09Reply
1curatedcloset @cutenthrifty 😘So nice to meet you @Dallas PoshnSip!! Thanks for sharing the Posh💕
Oct 11Reply
lsblume Hi Amanda! I really like your closet. Your photos look great and you have great taste. I love that you do this for your kids music. I have 3 daughters, 1 plays the viola, 1 plays the violin and guitar, and the youngest plays the cello. The violist and violinist are twins.
Oct 13Reply
sjk1221 Hi! I'm trying to connect with wisconsin poshers at poshfest...are you up to meet up today???
Oct 13Reply
cutenthrifty @sjk1221 yes! I’m in the live thrifting demo room. @stevensonkatie is here too!
Oct 13Reply
sjk1221 @cutenthrifty I'm coming !
Oct 13Reply
sjk1221 @cutenthrifty shoot did I miss you?
Oct 13Reply
cutenthrifty @sjk1221 I think so. I’m watching the data stuff now. We will surely catch up today!
Oct 13Reply
sjk1221 @cutenthrifty I'm at table 6...
Oct 13Reply
cutenthrifty @sjk1221 ok. I’m down in front sitting with Manish!!!
Oct 13Reply
cutenthrifty @sjk1221 I’m back in the area by the dymo table eating lunch.
Oct 13Reply
stevensonkatie @sjk1221 @cutenthrifty Ahhh I’m just seeing this now! Sorry ladies!
Oct 13Reply
cutenthrifty @stevensonkatie that’s ok😊 see you tonight !
Oct 14Reply
venusinfur55 Loved your family photos. Looks like your son is going to be a very talented musician. Wishing Many good things for you and yours!!
Oct 19Reply
cutenthrifty @venusinfur55 thank you so much 😊
Oct 19Reply
hlybean I thank you for your generosity and time unfortunately the card that I have on file right now the balance is only $29 LOL
Oct 24Reply
kfaye2018 Thank you so much for the sharing 😊 🌹
Nov 03Reply
ladycrackerjack @cutenthrifty ❤️Amanda!! Congratulations on Hosting another upcoming Posh N Sip!!! ⭐️ 12/1 Thornton, Kenosha, WA Have a great time!!! Xo -Kat
Nov 04Reply
doublesouthern How does one get chosen as a host pick? Who gets to choose and how many people choose? Still learning! Thx 🌸
Nov 15Reply
cutenthrifty @doublesouthern there are hosts for each part but the morning party. They choose the host picks. Sometimes they have signs you can comment on in their closets. The best way is to share a bunch of their stuff, and suggest some closets to look at. Also be sure your closet is compliant or they can not pick you.
Nov 16Reply
tjackovich Thank you for following me. Happy Poshing 🛍 Tina-Silver Jewelry Garden ❤️
Nov 21Reply
eastsidevibes You are beautiful and lovely and so is your closet 💜 hope you’re having a nice holiday weekend! Happy poshing!
Nov 23Reply
jakohler Hello amanda, I've noticed that you have hosted many parties before and I was wondering how I could host a party? Thanks for your help.
Nov 23Reply
cutenthrifty @jakohler google search “how to be a Poshmark party host “ and the form on the blog will show up.
Nov 23Reply
acelestialsoul 💎✨💎✨ Congrats on the Men's Style Party - I'll be there. 💕 I've got GREAT men's items, including New Goodfellow Shirts & Jeans. Do you have time to take a look at my closet to find Host Picks?💕 I'm a Poshmark Ambassador, 😊 Posh Compliant,💎✨💎 Top Sharer on Poshmark, Instagram, Twitter, Tumbler, Pintrest & Facebook. 💕 I'm a 5-🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟Seller & Fast Shipper!🔥 Mahalo (thank you) for Hosting. 🌸 HAGDP Have a great day Poshing! 💎✨💎✨
Nov 23Reply
acelestialsoul p.s. Posted to all my social media platforms: "Black Friday: DO. NOT. MISS. THIS. PARTY. Poshmark is doing a promo where sellers are dropping prices and buyers are getting reduced shipping!"
Nov 23Reply
drewecoble Thanks for following my closet...❄️
Nov 28Reply
proplayer7 Happy Holidays, poshin' & all the best to you & your family...peace be your companion ♥️🍀♥️🍀♥️🍀♥️
Nov 30Reply
cutenthrifty @proplayer7 thank you 😊
Dec 04Reply
justisecreativ Very nice family
Dec 05Reply
thecampaign19 Welcome to my poshmark sis keep in touch and stay blessed and beautiful also check out my closet you might find something you like and I'll definitely check out yours love is love.
Dec 10Reply
unilin Thanks for your share.
Dec 31Reply
rajust @cutenthrifty .. Thank you.😘💯
Jan 01Reply
stylingvintages Love your description of yourself. Both my son’s play bassoon.
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @stylingvintages oh wow! That's so cool!!!!!
Jan 08Reply
stylingvintages He played at Carnegie hall and Lincoln center. He’s now in the orchestra at college .
Jan 08Reply
stylingvintages I just love that you are doing the same things as me. Another son in high school and one in college .
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @stylingvintages That's awesome! He must be really great to hear!
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @stylingvintages mine are slightly younger, but I'm loving every minute. Not rushing to have them out of the house. I love supporting their endeavors.
Jan 08Reply
stylingvintages It’s been a long hard road to college . He’s so happy to be playing in an incredible orchestra. There so many practices and concerts I am exhausted all time .
Jan 08Reply
stylingvintages Best wishes from one music mom to another
Jan 08Reply
cutenthrifty @stylingvintages You're right! It's exhausting but I wouldn't change it. :) Best wishes to you also!
Jan 08Reply
frugalsocialite Hello are you having a sip and shop anytime soon I would love to come
Jan 19Reply
cutenthrifty @namebranddiva hi! Nothing planned yet, but keep an eye on my page. I’m going to plan one when winter weather is done.
Jan 19Reply
frugalsocialite @cutenthrifty that would be awesome thank you 🙏
Jan 19Reply
littletiny58 Hi Amanda🤓 Thankyou for stopping by and Checking Out my Closet And Following👍Happy Poshing To You😁
Jan 23Reply
cpoulin81 Do you work or are you making enough to stay home with posh? I see u have many listings
Feb 16Reply
no2junk I am new to Poshmark and was wondering if you use an app to display clothing on the mannequin? I would appreciate any tips. Thanks!!
Feb 21Reply
cutenthrifty @no2junk no, I actually use a mannequin. No app.
Feb 21Reply
no2junk @cutenthrifty I was surprised at how many Poshers use mannequins. Right now I'm buying more than I'm selling but maybe I'll invest in the future. Thanks! All the best!
Feb 21Reply
closetchemist @cutenthrifty Love the new logo!!!!
Feb 27Reply
wonderaa Happy Poshing!🥰🌸🌻🌺
Feb 27Reply
amoriluce Hello! Thanks so much for following me, I truly appreciate your support! Take a look at my shop and find the items you like most, I am happy to work out a special deal. Love and Light.
Mar 05Reply
fortheloveofash Hi there 😊 Thank you for stopping by my shop, For The Love Of Ash! Please feel free to let me know if you have any questions. I’d be more than happy to help in any way I can. Sending some share love your way and I’ll check back on you soon. With Love, Sara PS❤️ I love keeping up with my PFFs Add me on Instagram: fortheloveofash_
Mar 05Reply
absolutelykate How proud this 🎶 glory must be for you all. Brava . . .
Mar 06Reply
cutenthrifty @absolutelykate Thank you!!! We are so proud of him!
Mar 06Reply
shoo7er Beautiful family !! thanks for the follow Your closet is veryyyy inspirational! so many selections!! Wow!✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
Mar 12Reply
greenbaypackers Thanks for the follow!!! Had to laugh when I saw where you are from. I'm obviously a WI "ite", but used to live in Kenosha and my brother still lives right outside of Racine. Stay warm!!! Spring is coming:)
Mar 17Reply
cutenthrifty @greenbaypackers oh wow! What a small world! Send some warmth our way!!!
Mar 17Reply
greenbaypackers I wish I could. My mom still lives in NW part of state and slammed into a snowbank this week & then her rescuer got stuck. It's very harsh up there at times. I'm praying warm weather comes your way and flooding doesn't happen. Waiting to hear the Fox River flooded. Somehow you hear about it every year, even when you don't live there anymore:) My suggestion...Move south & seek the sun!!!
Mar 17Reply
cutenthrifty @greenbaypackers that’s my long term plan 👍
Mar 17Reply
greenbaypackers Good idea!!! I've moved across this country from Mid West to South West, to West to Mountain States, to South East and now South and I'm telling makes a difference when you get up everyday and it's warm. Keep that plan coming!!! Happy St. Pat's Day!!!
Mar 17Reply
cutenthrifty @greenbaypackers thank you!!! Happy St Patty’s day to you also!
Mar 17Reply
ducksquad hi! I LOVE your closet! maybe you could look at mine? Have a great day 💕💕
Mar 19Reply
newlondonmom Nice posh name👋
Mar 22Reply
theplayfulpeony @boutiquecloset_💕
Mar 29Reply
xxxx1950 Amanda, Great job getting your son in music. It will last you & he forever❤️🌹 Rose
Mar 30Reply
cutenthrifty @xxxx1950 Thank you! We are definitely enjoying the progress he is making 😊
Mar 30Reply
lvdoxies What a beautiful family! I just read your post on another site (d_spoiled ???) and had to tell you that my mom passed 4 years ago July and her name was added right underneath Daddy’s - MISSPELLED. 🤭. I can laugh now...!
Apr 05Reply
cutenthrifty @lvdoxies hi! I’m not sure what that site is. I haven’t posted anything on there. But thank you for the nice comment 😊
Apr 05Reply
mytreasurestoyo Hi. Best wishes for your son! Please feel free to visit my closet where I post lots of great items. Thank you ☺
Apr 05Reply
onpointcloset Posh love given! Congrats on the share group pick today!
Apr 06Reply
karmaclothingor @cutenthrifty I use your shop to get new followers and benchmark my own performance I see it every day. too see you win the love it or list it well its like seeing a distant friend win. Congrats !!
Apr 06Reply
ellymayscloset Congrats 🎊
Apr 07Reply
sweetaheart Congrats on the win!!! 😊
Apr 08Reply
guavamoon O Emm Gee! You won!!!!!!! 🔔 Yay!!!!! 😄🎉🎈 Congratulations!!!! Enjoy pampering yourself! 💖 💳👑👗👜👢💄👠👙⌚💍👛👡😊👏👏👏👏👏🎈🎈🎈💖
Apr 09Reply
elle_flower _ 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤘 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤜🤛🏽👨‍🎤Way to Rock!!!👩🏻‍🎤🤜🤛🏽 Congrats on winning the Love It or List It Challenge! I've got a mega sale going on and have free items for buyers to pick from as well so swing on by and follow my closet bc im adding stuff everyday! Thanks for your Time!🤟🏻✌🏼🤙🏼 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤘 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹
Apr 09Reply
muggwai Thank you for following! I appreciate it 💕🌺🌷
Apr 18Reply
poshcountry Thanks so much for following me! ☺️ You have a great closet!🛍🌺
May 07Reply
homemom3 Nice closet! That's exciting about your son. My second cousin has made a career out of playing symphony. Hope your sons dreams come! Feel free to visit our closet and please share if you desire to. Thanks so much! 😊❤️
May 09Reply
homemom3 You may know him or heard of him...Timothy Klabunde with the Milwaukee Symphony. He has been with them since 1980
May 09Reply
cutenthrifty @homemom3 the name doesn’t sound familiar but we have taken the kids many times to see shows. We have probably seen him play! What a small world!
May 09Reply
homemom3 @cutenthrifty it sure is!!
May 09Reply
cutenthrifty @homemom3 2nd violin assistant principal! Fantastic!
May 09Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
May 11Reply
casadaly Love your photos!! Congrats on your party!!
May 12Reply
jlawrence25 Congrats on hosting! If you get a chance, check out tops in My Closet!! Thanks and have fun!!👚👕👗👖👡👜👛🎉🎉
May 12Reply
kaileey15 aloha! 🌺 congratulations on co-hosting a party on poshmark 🥳 please check out my closet and please chose something from my closet as a hosts pick 💖 goodluck on your sales! 🍀
May 12Reply
traceyk74 Congrats on hosting a Posh party. Please check out my closet😁
May 12Reply
theresellinguru hey there! congrats on hosting a party today ❤️ I have tons of beautiful tops in my closet! If you have time to go through my closet, I’d really appreciate it! Happy Poshing ❤️
May 12Reply
4greatsavings Thanks for the HP of 💝💝💝💝
May 12Reply
a_vanderwiel42 thanks for the follow! just wanted to say i give 20% off bundles privately and i accept offers! thanks again! happy poshing!😁
May 15Reply
janfast Hi Amanda! Thanks for following my closet!😊
May 15Reply
o_kaufmannxx34 Lovely content love your page, happy poshing
Jun 04Reply
2ndhandtreasure Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jun 07Reply
pinkisaneutral Hi Amanda. I love 🎶 music! I'm new to Poshmark. Thanks for following me! Posh on....👟👙👒🛍🛒
Jun 10Reply
20gerouloj Hey! Beautiful closet! Feel free to check out my closet and don’t hesitate to leave any comments with interests or questions you have!! :)
Jun 19Reply
bamfshades Love and Light and Pizza
Jun 21Reply
cbsclosest Would love for you too check out my closet!!💗
Jun 30Reply
rdl Thanks for following my closet @cutenthrifty! I look forward to poshing with you! 🤗
Jul 02Reply
bryllianz 💙💞💙😲Love!!.. What a beautiful Closet!! Simply Gorgeous 🍒💞💕💯🤗🥰😘.... Absolutely, love your eye for fashion! 😊 💞💯
Jul 10Reply
craftsnboutique Best of luck selling! I hope the best for you and your family as you look like a dedicated mother! By the way, I'm a twin as we!l haha. Thanks for the follow!
Jul 15Reply
wendybackporch Welcome to Poshmark 🤗 please check out my closet, I’m always open to reasonable offers 🌺
Jul 15Reply
cutenthrifty @wendybackporch thank you for the welcome. I’ve actually been on here 4 years 😊
Jul 15Reply
kaysuniverse hello im Kay 👋 im still pretty new to Poshmark so im actively trying 2 meet other poshers and build up my following. other than just clicking the "blue buttons" i like to formally introduce myself. i wanna invite u 2 visit my closet anytime and follow if u choose. i welcome likes, shares, comments, and offers... 🙂 Happy Poshing!
Jul 19Reply
brynscloset_ Hey if you don’t mind check out my account!
Aug 06Reply
designer_up posh ❤ love
Aug 10Reply
thewildviolet Hi Amanda! It's Kim :) Follow my closet new @thewildviolet and on Instagram @thewildvioletmke Thanks!
Aug 11Reply
cutenthrifty @thewildviolet hi Kim! Followed 😉
Aug 11Reply
astridcompany Hi, thank you for sharing my listing! You're very kind. I wish you lots of continued success and sales. Have an amazing weekend!
Aug 17Reply
lisandramcgrath Thanks so much for sharing my items. Much appreciated. 🙏😊
Aug 19Reply
cutenthrifty @lisandramcgrath You are more than welcome. Have a great day!
Aug 19Reply
unboundfarms Thank you for the follow and the shares!! 🙂🙂🙂🙂
Aug 21Reply
saleallday Hi Amanda, I love your closet and your Bio! Very clean and it refreshing to see a variety of sizes. You Family is beautiful . I have twins. Check my closet out, it’s always a work in progress! lol
Aug 25Reply
mexikitty Thank you so much for the H/P. Your closet is beautiful. I'm a big sharer. I love Posh. Have a wonderful evening. Great party!~Tammy
Aug 25Reply
cmc548 Thank you soo much for the shares!
Aug 27Reply
cutenthrifty @cmc548 You are welcome. Have a good evening :)
Aug 27Reply
fashionportal Oh what cute sons. Did you know there is a special place in heaven for the mother of two sons and a seat next to St Peter for three or more! I grew up with 4 sisters and sons opened my eyes quite a bit! Great stuff in your closet.
Aug 29Reply
cutenthrifty @lilandlily thank you 😊
Aug 29Reply
azulbotique Hello! Please come check out my closet!! I have women, men, kids, and even teen!! Thank you happy poshing!
Aug 31Reply
tinkilee Thank you for the follow! My sister and I are raising money for my 12 year old son to go on a class trip to Washington DC! Please check out our full closet @frostyla. Have a great day and happy Poshing 😊.
Sep 01Reply
azulbotique Hello, please come check out my closet! Just released some new things so enjoy! I have brandy Melville, Lululemon, vans, and so much more! Thanks, have a great day!
Sep 07Reply
matadora1978 hey girlie! sharing some of your awesome stuff wishing you many sales !! xoxo
Sep 08Reply
lellowandpink Thanks for the follow! Hope you have a great day and great sales! 🤙
Sep 08Reply
shop_love_ Hello! I just wanted to reach out and say hi! If you’re interested in purchasing anything in my closet, let me know. I’d love to sell something to you!! ☀️
Sep 14Reply
vamurphy Welcome to Poshmark ❤
Sep 17Reply
wagnersharon45 Hi there
Oct 13Reply
ltgeneral Cute closet! ⭐️ Little General
Oct 16Reply
jsaunders85 @cutenthrifty thank you for following my closest! Please check my closet out !
Oct 20Reply
stafford615 Gorgeous closet!! 🤩
Oct 25Reply
maileleicloset Congratulations on your upcoming Kids party 11/30! I'm looking forward to it! As a mom I love to buy and sell kids clothes on Posh- Mahalo
Nov 25Reply
catpvaughn You have a wonderful closet! Wishing you all the best!
Nov 29Reply
nycma Congratulations for the party tomorrow. In case you are still looking for host picks I hope you will consider my closet. I believe little boys can also express themselves through their clothes and what I have for sale reflects that. ❤️
Nov 29Reply
livspreadsluv Living the dream with hosting of the Kids Posh Party! I'm a momma of two little ones and would be so excited if they gave me a kids posh party to host. Anywho, if you are looking for host picks, I've made it easy by adding my plethora of kids clothes at the top of my closet. I would be honored if selected. Thank you so much for your consideration! Either way, have an amazing time hosting your Kids Posh Party! 💕
Nov 30Reply
thegoldenfindxo Congratulations on hosting the Everything Kids Posh Party ⭐️ I have some amazing kids clothes in my closet and hope you can stop by for a possible host pick :)
Nov 30Reply
rlendore Hi Girl!! I would really appreciate it if you could take a quick look at my closet and consider one of my items for Host Pick!Thank you!! Happy Poshing! ❤️
Nov 30Reply
amberkarels Hi! I’m a newbie to this great business since June. I’m trying to learn the ropes from you wonderful people & expand my business! Congrats on hosting the Kids Posh party! 🎉 If you wouldn’t mind taking a peek at my closet I would be absolutely honored in receiving a host pick on one of my items! Thanks again & happy Poshing!!! ♥️🥰
Dec 01Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Dec 02Reply
satin_and_lace Thanks so much for returning the Posh Love Shares! 💕😍💕 Best Wishes as you support your sons & their endeavors! 🎶🎻 That's my life as well. There are some great scholarships out there. All the best!⚘
Dec 08Reply
galeriachic What a beautiful family! Many blessings to for a very merry Christmas! 🙏👑🎅🎄 Your closet is also amazing! 🌟
Dec 15Reply
_bryanna_13 Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 20% discount and I try to offer another discount on top of that for any size bundle you create. I’m open to offers. I’m just trying to clear out my closet while I’m home! Have a great day!
Dec 20Reply
gmeco46 Hi! I like your background in the profile. Silly question... how can I do that? I can't seem to find it anywhere.
Dec 21Reply
cutenthrifty @gmeco46 just google images of things you like and use that
Dec 21Reply
gmeco46 @cutenthrifty how do I attach it?
Dec 21Reply
cutenthrifty @gmeco46 you just edit your profile
Dec 21Reply
gmeco46 @cutenthrifty but how do I attach my image?
Dec 21Reply
cutenthrifty @gmeco46 when you go into the edit profile you will see it
Dec 21Reply
gmeco46 @cutenthrifty the only thing I can edit in profile is my picture, not the background or "banner".
Dec 21Reply
cutenthrifty @gmeco46 the link is right under the profile pic
Dec 21Reply
gmeco46 @cutenthrifty ... sorry, there is nothing there. Maybe it's just mine.
Dec 21Reply
gmeco46 Hi again... Poshmark just let me know you can only change that on the mobile app. Merry Christmas!
Dec 23Reply
cutenthrifty @gmeco46 aha. I thought you were on the mobile app. Never even thought about the desk top. Thanks for the update. Yes different features aren’t available on the computer site.
Dec 23Reply
klasley95 Thanks for the follow ✨ + happy new year! Let me know if you have any questions about my closet😊
Jan 01Reply
finesseforte_ Hi Amanda 👋🏼 Thank you so much for the follow. Lovely pics of your family 🧡
Jan 11Reply
rhonda_anne Hello...welcome to Poshmark! I am offering a free sterling silver necklace with the purchase of any handbag, crossbody, or clutch
Jan 13Reply
rhonda_anne How long have you been on here? You have alot of posts!
Jan 13Reply
rhonda_anne Oh wow!
Jan 13Reply
rhonda_anne You have the longest amount of posts that I have seen on here!
Jan 13Reply
ramosadam92 Howdy ma'am and nice to meet you ma'am. Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet.
Jan 14Reply
bluemagic11 hii new follower
Jan 25Reply
bluemagic11 hii new follower
Jan 25Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Feb 05Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow beautiful 😌
Feb 06Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @cutenthrifty ! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Feb 07Reply
babsgilbert Amanda, Happy Feburary! ❤ The month of love!❤ Let's continue to spread the love throughout our Poshmark community by sharing each other's closets!👚👠👕 It only takes a few extra minutes and the benefits are rewarding for everyone. I hope you catch the love bug!❤🐞 Thanks for sharing!💕
Feb 09Reply
t6363b thanx come by for a visit to my closet
Feb 10Reply
glamthreads Followed you back! Thanks!! ⚘❤🌹
Mar 02Reply
nazaninaskari67 Hey 👋 I’m Nazanin I’m Persian Icelandic living in 🇺🇸 Happy poshing 💕🛍🛍💕
Mar 21Reply
bamablonde61 I have shared your closet on Pinterest. Stay well my friend 🙏
Mar 21Reply
cutenthrifty @bamablonde61 Thank you, stay well also.
Mar 21Reply
bertads Hi Amanda nice closet thanks for the follow wishing you many sales 😘🙏
Apr 10Reply
pazarhino1313 Thanks for the follow! Stay safe! ❤️⛑👩🏼‍⚕️
Apr 11Reply
jnitabyrd Yaaaaah I can’t wait 😊 !!! Thank you so very much for the update! Blessings 💕 Jai🙋🏽‍♀️
Apr 28Reply
lulu_and_bina Hi, thank you for the follow! This account is run by two sisters (15 and 18 years old)!👩🏼‍🤝‍👩🏻 •We are willing to negotiate all item prices! 💵 •We are willing to negotiate bundle deals! 👏🏻 •We live in an 100% smoke free home! 🚭 •We ship the day after your purchase is made! 📦 •We are selling items in excellent condition! ✅ We are always posting a variety of new products, so make sure you check back on the regular! Happy Poshing! 🥰😊🥳
May 09Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 17Reply
capt_steve Amanda, I ordered flip flops from your closet and now realize they are size 13. I was using filters for my size so, I assumed they were 11. If you will cancel this order I will find a pair in your closet and purchase them. Thanking you in advance for your understanding. Have a nice day and stay safe.
Jul 17Reply
cutenthrifty @capt_steve it’s cancelled 😊
Jul 17Reply
glitteredcloset ♡♡♡ Congratulations on your win ♡♡♡
Aug 01Reply
kenlanboutique Congratulations Amanda on your Love or List Challenge Win!! 🎉🎉 I invite you to visit my closet where I have many new fabulous finds. I’m offering a 40% discount to you until Aug. 3 at 11:59pm ET. Simply add what you like to a bundle and comment with LOVELISTWIN. I will forward you an offer with a 40% or higher discount. Happy Poshing!! 💕🛍
Aug 02Reply
moda_colibri You left such a lovely note and offer on a pair of shoes I liked that I felt compelled to spend the last 45 minutes checking out your closet! You have wonderful taste and many brands I love. I will be stopping by again!
Aug 03Reply
cutenthrifty @moda_colibri awe! Thank you! I Posh for my kids so I really do appreciate it!
Aug 03Reply
anx1 Great closet!
Aug 15Reply
ohusoneedthis Hi Amanda!!! I’m Julie! I wanted to thank you for the shares! Looks like you have 2 budding musicians!!! Always good to have exposure to the arts!!! Feel free to check out my closet anytime! Right now everything is 30% off!!! I’m always trying to list more items!!! Because I have a lot more to do! Please follow if you aren’t already! Have a great day and Happy Poshing!!!
Sep 01Reply
ohusoneedthis I must tell you that I love the name “cutenthrifty”. One of my favorite places to shop for shoes here in Nashville to shop for shoes is called “Cute and Comfy”. I love the store, but it kind of has a reputation as a More mature women’s store! It’s wedged in right next to a Gucci Boutique!!!😃
Sep 01Reply
cutenthrifty @ohusoneedthis Hi Julie, thanks for you kind comments!
Sep 01Reply
favor1st Thank you for sharing my listing!!
Sep 15Reply
sharpdm19 Nice closet Amanda not bad selection of men’s clothing and shoes 👞 looks great 👍
Sep 19Reply
blingurnewfashw Hello there Amanda! Thanks for following me at BlingURNewFashW (Wardrobe). Happy poshing! 🛍 😁💝 🌟 I am here to help if you happen to have any additional questions on any item. Clothing in my closet ships out next day unless it’s a holiday.
Sep 20Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting most (basically all) offers! I was just named ambassador so in honor of that every 3rd purchase will get a free gift with it: shirt, dress, jewelry, etc. Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Sep 21Reply
yourfind Thank you for the shares. Greatly appreciated and the favor has been returned.
Sep 25Reply
suzystardust Hi there! Wanted to thank you so much for sharing all the things in my closet..thank you so much for stopping by and posting ..please keep visiting my closet and hopefully you will find something that you are interested in! I post regularly so always have new things and Love to make offers..stay safe 💕suzystardust 😎
Sep 27Reply
jennyjetyqm There is an item in your closet that I am interested in but I am in Canada. Do you sell on any other platforms?
Oct 02Reply
cutenthrifty @jennyjetyqm unfortunately it is against Poshmark’s rules to discuss selling items off this platform. Hopefully soon they will work out shipping from US to Canada.
Oct 02Reply
oaklynshepherd SO nice to meet you and your husband today! Hope the rest of your thrifting day is going successfully! ♥️
Oct 15Reply
cutenthrifty @oaklynshepherd same to you! If you’re ever on IG send a message 😊
Oct 15Reply
marymax999518 Hello, Your sons look like nice boys, moms are the No. 1 fans. I think they will do great things too. Nurses are on the front lines nowadays, God bless you
Nov 11Reply
jtposh007 Well Hey there Amanda, I must say you have some very amazing things. I shared the love with some of my followers. Feel free to check out my stuff too,, and share with yours if you like anything. I hope you have a great day and thank you for poshing like a champion.
Nov 13Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like anything from my closet send me an offer I’ll accept since I’m desperate to get rid of my things lol have a great evening😊
Nov 20Reply
matadora1978 hi there ! i just shared 10 of your items wishing you many sales ! 🙋‍♀️
Dec 04Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I'm moving soon so looking to clear my closet out so will be accepting all offers! Feel free to check out my closet and bundle/offer on anything in my closet! Thank you so much and have a great day :)
Dec 17Reply
beclassybebold Thank you VERY much for generously sharing my closet!!! It is very kind of you! I am pleased to share your beautiful things as well!!! I wish you hot sales, my Poshfriend!!😃♥️
Jan 24Reply
05teddy11 Blessings Amanda on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super 2021💜❤️🤟🏻🛍🙏❤️🤟🏻💜
Jan 26Reply
nicolezafrany Congrats on hosting The Trending Party! I would love to have you consider an item from my closet as a pick for the Party✨
Feb 02Reply
chateaulux ❤️Congratulations on Hosting The Trending Party! My closet features 8 of these brands, including Free People, For Love and Lemons and Victoria’s Secret. Please consider a Host Pick from my closet. Thank You for your consideration!❤️
Feb 02Reply
cvaldez1335 Congrats on hosting a Posh Party!!!🎉🎉🎉 Please check my closet for a HOST PICK. 🤗💖🦋💖🦋💖🦋😊
Feb 02Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks so much
Feb 02Reply
zoe_posh_shop Congrats on hosting tomorrow!!! Please stop by my closet for potential host picks. I have a ton of great A&F, Aerie, Aeropostale, AEO, Allbirds, Anthropologie, ASOS, BDG, Birkenstock, Blank NYC, Brandy Melville, Calvin Klein, Carhartt, Champion, Club Monaco, Converse, DL1961, Forever 21, Free People, H&M, Hollister, Levi's, Lucky Brand, Madewell, One Teaspoon, Reformation, Sam Edelman, Show Me Your Mumu, Steve Madden, Toms, Topshop, Vans, Victoria's Secret, Vince Camuto, Wildfox & Zara.
Feb 02Reply
thisgirlmarlo Congrats on hosting tomorrow’s brand party! Would love for you to check out my closet for trending top brands!
Feb 02Reply
proverbs2323 “She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” ‭‭ 🌸 ❤️🌸 Proverbs‬ ‭31:25‬ ‭NIV‬‬ 🌸 ❤️🌸 🎉Congratulations on Party Hosting! 🎉 ❤️God bless❤️ ~ @proverbs2323
Feb 03Reply
adornedlovely Hi😊, Congratulations on Hosting the Trending Posh Party!!! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a successful party. Thank you & Happy New Year!
Feb 03Reply
crp60 🎉Congrats on hosting the upcoming Trending Posh Party. Would love for you to visit my closest to possibly consider an item for a Host Pick. Thanks for considering. Good luck tomorrow. Looking forward to the event.♥️
Feb 03Reply
bluegirlsvm 🦋 CONGRATS on hosting… so lucky!! I moved a few great picks to the top of my small (compliant) closet and would be proud if you might like one of them enough to select something as your Host Pick!! — 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Feb 03Reply
ditooshop @cutenthrifty Congratulations on cohosting today's Trending party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Feb 03Reply
irishpaperdoll Congrats on hosting! 🌸 I would love it if you browsed my closet - I have a lot of new or excellent condition items at great deals and am adding all the time! 🛍
Feb 03Reply
needfulthyngs 🎉Congratulations on hosting the Trending Brands Posh Party!🎉 I would be grateful if you could swing by my closet while considering Host Picks. Brands I have - Herschel, Champion, Levi’s, Lucky Brand, H&M, Maurices, and Anthropologie. Thank you, wish you good luck, and see you at the party! 👍 🎉🎈💃🥳
Feb 03Reply
vane37closet 🎉Congratulations on Co-Hosting today's party!🎉 I would really appreciate it if you could take a quick look at my closet and consider one of my items for Host Pick! Thank You! Happy Poshing ❤❤
Feb 03Reply
shopfablooks Congrats on hosting today! My closet includes Lululemon, Tory Burch, Zara, J. Crew, Ted Baker, Kate Spade, Athleta among other designers. Please check out my closet and consider one of my items as your host pick, thanks and have a great party !
Feb 03Reply
shamusluna hi, congrats on cohosting a posh party! i would love it if you would kindly consider choosing one of my items as a host pick! 😊
Feb 03Reply
connieavf This Trending Posh Party will be Awesome🌼 💋Hope you Sell tons of goodies today!!💋 🙏🏻Pass by my closet to check the Lovely Brandy Melville, VS’s, Vince, Zara, Levi’s, Steve Madden, Champion & more clothes that hopefully you’ll love and maybe share🙏🏻 💋xoxo🌿
Feb 03Reply
turnajewel Hi there! Congrats on co hosting the party! If you have room for anymore Host Picks, please check out my closet if you have a moment. Happy Poshing! ✨☺️
Feb 03Reply

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