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Updated Sep 07
Updated Sep 07

Meet your Posher, Amanda

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Amanda. I'm poshing from Lawrenceville, GA. I have an eclectic style... from bling to basic classic. I post things from my personal closet as well as thrift shop finds. I look for brand & off brand stuff as long as it's well made. I not only shop for me (12/14) but also my daughters who are in their 20s. Both of them wear size 00. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jeweledonyx Great closet and good eye for photos! 🌷 Welcome to Poshmark, the friendliest closets on the planet! Please visit & read through: "Huh? Do What?" A question, answer & fun tips listing in my closet hosted by Janet (@bluidvll) & me where questions aren't' silly & talk is welcome! Ladies help me welcome a newbie!@justfabulous32 @beckey68 @carrolls9111 @bluidvll Happy Poshing!! Kaye 💎🎶💎 ( no sharebacks needed for me, this time😁)
Sep 11Reply
bluidvll Nice to meet you my name is Janet. I have been on here since the beginning of 2015 and loving it like nothing else, shocked me. If I can ever answer any questions for you please don't hesitate to ask! There are too many awesome women on here to mention but I will name a few, sorry if you have been re-tagged ladies but please help me welcome a new Posher @lucidemotion @shawnascott @fabfashions4you lmk if you would like to be removed from intro tagging! 😀😀💜thanks for intro @jeweledonyx !😀😀💜
Sep 11Reply
bluidvll Best advice I can give is return shares always, the best way to say thanks is to share back. Keep your closet Posh compliant and follow posh rules as more people will be willing to help you. Check out faqs as well as your guide to Poshmark, Posh etiquette, and Poshmark support center. Always share others items to followers only and your items can be shared to parties when applicable as well as followers, by sharing to parties everyone on Posh can view them! 😀😀💜💜
Sep 11Reply
bluidvll If you ever need anything or have questions and/or concerns feel free to hit myself or Kaye @jeweledonyx on our listing where it says Huh? Do what?. It was designed for questions as well as to chat or voice concern. Be sure to read posh etiquette as well as FAQs this will answer lots of question. Happy poshing!😀😀💜💜
Sep 11Reply
dandymandys55 @pinkpanther325 Hi Renee, Thanks so much for the nice welcome! Such a small world. :) I grew up in Clearwater FL. Been in Atlanta area since 1990. Mostly lived in Duluth & Suwanee. Now I'm off Pleasant Hill right near RR Pky. HAVE A GREAT POSH DAY!
Sep 12Reply
justfabulous32 Hello welcome to Posh, I am Liz it is so nice to meet you. Feel free to contact me with any questions. My advice would be share your closet, and others closet to your newsfeed. Share your closet to the Party's that way your items are seen by many. Follow as many people as possible most will follow back, become active in the community. 👯👯👯 @jeweledonyx 💕😘
Sep 14Reply
dandymandys55 @justfabulous32 Hi Liz! Thanks for the nice welcome!
Sep 15Reply
dandymandys55 @adelinexo Thanks so much for all the shares!
Sep 15Reply
adelinexo @dandymandys55 you're very welcome ♡ trying to help with sales!
Sep 15Reply
dandymandys55 @adelinexo Your Posh love & support is much appreciated!
Sep 15Reply
dandymandys55 @gypsyangel Can't tell you how much I appreciate your comments and wonderful shares!!!!
Oct 15Reply
robinirvin Nice to meet you! I love your closet!
Dec 09Reply
beegibbs Hi Amanda. I am kindly requesting an update on the order I placed with you 9 days ago on Jan. 18th. The sequined and paisley size 7 boots. They still have not been shipped. May you please update me. Thank you kindly. Bianca
Jan 27Reply
dandymandys55 @beegibbs OH MY GOSH!! I'm sooo sorry! I totally missed this. I've been super busy with a new job and haven't been able to keep up with my closet. Excuses, excuses... I'll ship them right away!
Jan 28Reply
dandymandys55 @beegibbs Hello Bianca. I put your package in the mail this morning. Again I am sooooo sorry I missed this!
Jan 28Reply
ispyabuy @dandymandys55 I just wanted to let you know your TW corset purse is worth way more than what you sold it for and the person who bought it buys and resells on another site to make a huge profit! I know because this happened to me. Just giving you this friendly information in case you sell another TW bag.
Jul 08Reply
agoddessproject Hi Amanda - we had some internet trouble and had a tough time getting to the label, but I believe it is fixed and we will be getting your ring shipped out asap. Thank you so much for your patience!!
Mar 07Reply
dandymandys55 @agoddessproject Thank you so much for the follow up! Looking forward to wearing this beautiful ring.
Mar 07Reply
dandymandys55 @agoddessproject Hello, Still looking for my ring to be shipped. 😖😞
Mar 13Reply
agoddessproject @dandymandys55 OMG! You still don't have it?! I am doing this with a partner and I was unaware - I was told it was shipped. I am soooo sorry and I will get it to you, along with any other ring of your choice. Please let me know which one you want and I will get them out to you personally. I can't apologize enough!
Mar 13Reply
agoddessproject @dandymandys55 I can't tell you upset I am about this! I WILL make it right for you and worth your wait. I am trying very hard to start a new career in the jewelry industry and this is not the kind of service I will permit. Thank you for saying something and not just cancelling.
Mar 13Reply
agoddessproject @dandymandys55 I will get to the bottom of the issue ASAP. And I certainly want you to have another beautiful piece. I have garnet earring studs, like the square blue Topaz ones in my closet, if you would like those instead of a free second ring. Just let me know which you would prefer.
Mar 13Reply
dandymandys55 @agoddessproject Thank you for the prompt reply. I'm so sorry this has happened and truly appreciate you offering another piece to make things right. Would it be possible for you to also send me both the aquamarine pendent and the square studs. My birthday is in March so aquamarine is my birth stone. Thank you.
Mar 13Reply
agoddessproject @dandymandys55 I will be very happy to do that! Great choice 😆 I will do my best to get my inventory from my partner tomorrow and get all 3 items shipped asap. Thank you you for your patience and support! 😍
Mar 13Reply
agoddessproject @dandymandys55 Apparently, my partner shipped the ring on Friday, so hopefully you will receive it soon. I will be meeting with her tomorrow to get the other pieces and those will get mailed as well 😆
Mar 13Reply
dandymandys55 @agoddessproject Hi there, Thanks for the update. Although, just to let you know my purchase in Poshmark still says "in process" not shipped. Probably takes a little while to show in the system.
Mar 13Reply
agoddessproject @dandymandys55 I am hoping that's all it is - she even sent me the picture she took of it all packaged up with the label, which still didn't show that it had been printed...very odd. Please keep me posted 😆
Mar 13Reply
thehappyrack Amanda, you purchased a bundle from me - a ring and some earrings- and they are being shipped out today. However they will be shipped in 2 separate packages.
Jul 02Reply
thehappyrack I am out of state and I have the earrings with me. The ring is in my shop and I have someone pulling it and shipping it out today also. Didn't want you to worry about getting one package with just one item in it. They're both on their way. Thanks so much.
Jul 02Reply
dandymandys55 @vickirmoody Thanks so much Vicki! I appreciate your clarification.
Jul 03Reply
thehappyrack @dandymandys55 you're welcome. We travel a lot in our motorhome so I take as much of the jewelry as I can , but only have so much room. We are in Wyoming right now so the earrings will have a Wyoming postmark and the ring will be from Florida.
Jul 03Reply
thehappyrack Also we have the 4th holiday so mail might be a little slower. Let me know if you don't have both packages by Thursday and I will track it down. Hope it will be there by then. More than likely you will get the Florida one first.
Jul 03Reply
watsonlilmommy @dandymandys55 check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 18Reply
watsonlilmommy @dandymandys55 good morning check out my closet all offers are accepted she something you like I also have so beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in
Aug 11Reply

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