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Updated 3 days ago

Meet your Posher, Amanda

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Hi! I'm Amanda. Some of my favorite brands are Kate Spade, Free People, and Anthropologie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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shopnaway Welcome to Poshmark Amanda, I’m Nicole. It is nice to have you as a part of this wonderful community. If you have questions about the app or my closet, please let me know by tagging me @shopnaway. Have a great day and happy poshing!
Aug 08Reply
shopnaway Welcome to Poshmark Amanda, I’m Nicole. It is nice to have you as a part of this wonderful community. If you have questions about the app or my closet, please let me know by tagging me @shopnaway. Have a great day and happy poshing!
Aug 08Reply
katzkoz Hi. & Welcome to Posh! It's a very supportive & social community & if U have any questions there's always a Posher to answer them. Or visit my closet & I'd be happy to help! 🌟 SHARING 🌟 is KEY! Why? When U SHARE an item to Ur FOLLOWERS they see it in their FEED The more they SHARE it to "THEIR" Followers the more exposure it gets So... the more Followers U have the more POTRNTIAL SALES U'll get! More questions? Just ask me
Aug 11Reply
shopxoxopres hey girl! Congrats on starting your closet! just stopped by to let you know that you can feel free to make me an offer anytime, and I also do discounted bundles! 💕🌷
Aug 11Reply
miyah_01 Hi, welcome to Posh!💕 if you get a chance please check out my closet - i have some brands you may like☺️😍 happy POSHing!💕💕
Aug 11Reply
dbrgnz Hi and welcome Amanda! Happy Poshing!😉
Aug 17Reply
the_blue_topaz Welcome lovely! Stop my closet and say hello :) If you have any questions, please let me know! Like something in my closet? Make me an offer and it's yours ✨🌻 Love Jenny🌻✨
Sep 11Reply
the_blue_topaz Hey lovely! Stopping by to let you know I'm having a 3/$20 sale and reduced S&H in my closet 💛
Sep 18Reply
glitzylife Hi, How are you enjoying Poshmark? Are you able to get your head out of your phone. I know I can't! Lol. It's soo addicting. Come by and visit. Happy poshing!
Sep 19Reply
juggernaut0666 I am having a blowout sale this week, I have three types of mystery boxes stuffed with designer clothes jewelry, watches, colognes and perfumes , one box will have a 600 dollar oscar de la Rena men's ring and some with special edition bottles of perfume , I am doing this to make room for my new shipments , I also can do buy one get one half off of anything of equal or lesser value, it's a steal ,,,, also I take offers
Mar 23Reply
juggernaut0666 I am having a blowout sale this week, I have three types of mystery boxes stuffed with designer clothes jewelry, watches, colognes and perfumes , one box will have a 600 dollar oscar de la Rena men's ring and some with special edition bottles of perfume , I am doing this to make room for my new shipments , I also can do buy one get one half off of anything of equal or lesser value, it's a steal ,,,, also I take offers
Mar 23Reply
abkea Hi 😊💕I'm Alixe! I hope you enjoy poshmark as much as I do! wishing you make many sales and find great deals! && I hope you enjoy my closet (women's and men's)!! Happy poshing 💕🛍
Apr 02Reply
spreadlove Hi! I know there are so many great closets on Posh but I would love for you to check out mine! Thanks so much, have a wonderful day!
May 01Reply
amanda_611 @open_hands Thank you as well!! :) ❤
May 02Reply
paigemo Just wanted to stop by and say 👋 Let me know if you have questions and be sure to stop by my closet! Happy Poshing 😘😘😘😘
May 03Reply
slisa317 I love your closet and Elena Gilbert!!! Will be back to shop I hope ❤️
Jul 22Reply
iclemmons Thank you for the ❤️
Sep 10Reply
urbanlove Hello !!! I'm Aria !! Please let me know if you need help or have questions about anything!! Welcome !!! Happy Poshing 😘💞🌸🌸🌸💕💕
Oct 14Reply
prieta888 hello, What state do you ship from?
Oct 23Reply
amanda_611 @prieta888 Hi! New York
Oct 23Reply
hollybruck Hey Amanda did the Ralph Lauren top end up fitting? I just want you to know I never actually wore that top.. Not even once! So any flaws that you noticed have to be the way the top is made. It literally had been folded up nicely in my dresser for a year. I saw your review and I don’t want you to think that I tried to pull a fast one on you!
Mar 17Reply
amanda_611 @hollybruck Hi Holly! Thanks for messaging me, I really appreciate it ☺️ I believe you didn’t wear it, there was just some piling and a couple loose threads on the lace part. But I know you would never lie!❤️ Maybe it got pulled in the package or something. It’s a little tight but I’m working on losing weight so hopefully it fits comfortably soon!! Thanks again :)
Mar 17Reply
hollybruck @amanda_611 I know I did wash it cuz I wash everything before I wear it thinking I’m going to wear it but just never did. Ok..just checking:)
Mar 17Reply
biogoddess I accepted your offer of $8 on the red Chico’s capris. It wldnt let me accept, so I had to counter with your offer! Thank you.
Jun 20Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Jun 24Reply
erinjacqueline1 Hi! Do you have any other screen worn items of Holland’s? 😊 & Is the one you will be selling the H&M dress from the first or last auction?
Nov 06Reply
amanda_611 @erinjacqueline1 Hi there! Yes I do, however I’m only going to be selling the dress. It’s from the second auction I believe! (Whichever was the final one). I have the stunt worn boots that go with the dress as well that I’m deciding whether to sell with it or not. Thanks for your interest ❤️
Nov 06Reply
erinjacqueline1 @amanda_611 If you ever sell anything from the first auction could you please let me know? I missed out on that one unfortunately. Do you know how much you’ll be selling the dress for? X
Nov 07Reply
amanda_611 @erinjacqueline1 I actually never participated in the first auction, only the second! I actually didn’t even know there was a first auction until my friend told me haha. And not quite sure about the price yet. I will probably be selling the complete outfit tho and it’s hard to let go of which is why I’m stalling, but I’ll let u know when I actually list it with an official price!
Nov 07Reply
erinjacqueline1 @amanda_611 The whole outfit? The dress + stunt double boots? 😊
Nov 07Reply
amanda_611 @erinjacqueline1 Yup! I also have the SA jacket she wore with it as well that I may include also. That one isn’t screen worn like the boots and dress are, but it is in great condition. So the three pieces would make the full outfit!
Nov 07Reply
amanda_611 @erinjacqueline1 Still making my mind up tho on what I want to sell. The boots have some faint blood stain markings on them from the set which is pretty cool. I’ll let you know once I decide tho!
Nov 07Reply
erinjacqueline1 @amanda_611 I would be really interested in buying just the dress since I have the SA jacket already. 😊 Are the boots the Aqua brand?
Nov 07Reply
amanda_611 @erinjacqueline1 I’d have to look but I don’t believe the boots were aqua brand. If I sold the dress I’d probably sell with the boots tho since that makes the most sense, still deciding :) The only reason I’m selling is because I’m pretty broke and need money for Christmas gifts haha
Nov 07Reply
erinjacqueline1 @amanda_611 I don’t have the aqua boots (they’re so hard to find!) so that sounds good. I remember having a look at them & they looked pretty similar to the SA boots. I’ll have a look when the post is up! Thank you 😊
Nov 07Reply
amanda_611 @erinjacqueline1 They were worn by the stunt double and usually the stunt double wears the SA brand as the actress so these should be correct :). Maybe she wore the aqua boots with a different outfit! I’m not super knowledgeable about her clothing haha
Nov 07Reply
erinjacqueline1 @amanda_611 No her stunt double wore a different pair which is really unusual, but Lydia has only ever worn her aqua boots. Sorry I’m just super obsessed with Lydia’s fashion, not trying to be a know it all! 😂
Nov 07Reply
amanda_611 @erinjacqueline1 Huh interesting!
Nov 07Reply
cnskin Hi, l saw your note to me now about my Ben and Lucia shirt. Are u signed up on the M e r c a r i app? The reason l ask is because they don't charge taxes, and there shipping fees are way less than here and l they only take 10 percent from u. I can sell u my shirt there and my name is the same on here. A lot of people that sell on here also sell on here also u should check it out there.
May 15Reply
amanda_611 @cnskin Awesome thanks for letting me know!! I do have one on there so I’ll check it out :)
May 16Reply
ashleyjgreen53 Hey! Seeing if you came up with a price for the size 4 garden floral american eagle dress? Let me know if you're still interested in selling it! Thanks!
Oct 20Reply
amanda_611 @ashleyjgreen53 Hey! Sorry for the delay here, been working so much lately. I am actually working on creating a post for it, when I do I’ll make sure to tag you in it :)
Oct 20Reply
ashleyjgreen53 @amanda_611 hey! seeing if you got my comment on the dress post? lmk!
Jan 28Reply
malibubeachyogi Hi there! I wanted to message you because I am ready to accept your offer, but I’ve had an unexpected situation and will not be able to ship it until Tuesday morning... will that work okay for you? Thanks!
Feb 08Reply
amanda_611 @malibubeachyogi Yes Tuesday works totally fine! Thanks for letting me know :) and hope everything is ok!!
Feb 08Reply
malibubeachyogi @amanda_611 Thank you so much for your kind words and understanding! A family member recovering from transplant surgery who had a minor setback. I just accepted and will be sure to ship first thing Tuesday upon my return. Many thanks again! 💕
Feb 09Reply
luvmee40 Welcome to Poshmark. Big closet, No Closet or just started my closet, I am here to help you. just ask! At the same time I am running my biggest sale ever on over 1000 drop dead gorgeous items. My Avg discount is 68%!  I am taking off an additional 30%. Pay NO attention to any price you see. Click on the heart under each item you want and I will send you the additional discount. Everything and I mean Everything gets the additional discount. Come shop till you drop :)))
Mar 10Reply
ashleyjgreen53 hey! I know you're probably super sick of me at this point, but if you would consider selling your nicole Miller lava sz 2 or alt size 4 I would gladly pay $150+ and a roll of toilet paper lol the ballet will be opening in a few weeks here and it would make my life if you would consider it. thanks!
Mar 16Reply
amanda_611 @ashleyjgreen53 Hey! I am really not interested in selling unless I find one in my size first. Sorry! I also paid over $200 for my size 2 so it was pretty pricey. :/Thanks!
Mar 16Reply
ashleyjgreen53 @amanda_611 not even the sz 4 alt? :( had to try also did you see my message about the. hsm3 alt dress?
Mar 16Reply
ashleyjgreen53 @amanda_611 I'll pay 300 for the size 2, or whatever you like for the size last ditch effort. I've been looking for years. sorry to be a pain!
Mar 17Reply
amanda_611 @ashleyjgreen53 I’m not ready to sell, sorry! To be honest a ton of people have been asking me to sell it so I’m about to take the listing down haha. I hope you do end up finding one down the road tho!
Mar 17Reply
ashleyjgreen53 @amanda_611 I understand, sorry to be relentless about it. I hope I do find one too. if you see another in a 2 or 4 please tag me. thanks
Mar 17Reply
ashleyjgreen53 @amanda_611 hey, me again. last time I'll try to bother you, honestly I'm not insane. promise. just going crazy about the dress. my final offer is 500 for the size 2 or 300 for the alt. I sincerely hope that you do find one close to your size, I know I've been killing myself trying to find one as well. thanks for your time, please let me know if you have changed your mind about either and good luck.
Apr 17Reply
amanda_611 @ashleyjgreen53 Were you able to find the dress yet? I’ve been trying to find one in a larger size but so far no luck. If I’m able to eventually find one though, I’ll sell you my size 2. Hope all is well!
May 22Reply
ashleyjgreen53 @amanda_611 no I wasn't able to find one yet, and I will gladly buy it!!!
May 22Reply
ashleyjgreen53 @amanda_611 keep looking, and I will do the same in both of our sizes. :) stay positive!
May 22Reply
amanda_611 @ashleyjgreen53 Sounds good!! Hey if you are able to find one in a larger size for me I’ll definitely give you a great deal on the size 2 haha :)
May 22Reply
ashleyjgreen53 @amanda_611 😂awesome I had some false hope come my way the other day because someone commented on my in search of post saying they had one in a size 8, it was the geometric pattern maxi unfortunately.
May 22Reply
amanda_611 @ashleyjgreen53 Aw that stinks! A lot of people think the alt versions are SA unfortunately, when I personally think they look very different haha
May 22Reply
amanda_611 @skating_dance Hi there! I unfortunately do not, I sold them all. The only 2 I have left are in my size so I am keeping them. But of luck in your search! :) ❤️
Jul 09Reply
secondchancebtq Hi Amanda! Stopping by to compliment your lovely closet. Happy Poshing and stay safe!
Jul 18Reply
tjb214 luv ur interesting closet. How do u find clothes that were on TV or movies? Just curious, I find it really interesting. lol
Nov 12Reply
amanda_611 @tjb214 Hi there! Fashion has always been a major interest of mine so it’s mainly just a whole lot of research and time looking on sites. :) Thank you for the kind words! 💕
Nov 14Reply
sevigne hey amanda, hope you’re doing well :) feel free to check out my closet💛
Nov 21Reply
ms_nikkis_shop Hi Amanda, you made an offer on the Elle bra and I just want to let you know it was accidently laundered! 😣 It was never worn and I believe tag is still on but mangled from the wash. I will post the current pics if you still want it.
May 17Reply
amanda_611 @ms_nikkis_shop Hi there! Thank you for letting me know! I will cancel my offer in the meantime but still interested, so if you can post some updated photos when you have the chance that would be great :)
May 18Reply
ms_nikkis_shop Ok I'll post as soon as I can
May 20Reply
dizy4dizny Hi! Just wanted to invite you to check out my closet! Hope you have a wonderful day!
Jun 11Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Aritiza, Lululemon, Free People, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Oct 07Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Mar 09Reply
its_crystal28 @amanda_611 Hi🌹 Im Crystal , hope ur doing great today, by the way, if u have time I would love to invite you to check my simple closet, and if you like something just simple click the “❤️” or make an offer , always open to Offers😉 thank you in Advance. God bless and Happy Poshing my friend 👗👗speedy sales to u
May 23Reply
alpopoola @amanda_611 hi there! Please let me know if you are willing to sell the krma jacket
Nov 06Reply
amanda_611 @alpopoola Hi there! Are you referring to my ISO listing? I’m unfortunately still looking for the cream KRMA jacket and don’t have one to sell. Best of luck in your search though! :)
Nov 07Reply
lindseyryan629 Hi! Did you by chance buy the Hermione Granger Yule Ball dress from another vendor? I'm trying to hunt one down and would love to buy it from you if you have it🤞🏻☺️
Nov 14Reply
amanda_611 @lindseyryan629 Hi there! I didn’t buy one, I had actually sold her Yule ball dress that I had some time ago. Sorry and best of luck in your search! :)
Nov 14Reply
alpopoola @amanda_611 oh no! I thought you purchased a black one?
Nov 26Reply
cutehosiery @amanda_611 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 09Reply
mainstreetstyle Hey there! Just stopping by to say hi! 🌺🌺🌺 What a lovely closet!✨✨✨Wishing you good sales! Happy poshing! Have a wonderful day! ❤️❤️❤️
Feb 14Reply
amanda_611 @mainstreetstyle Thank you very much!! :) ❤️
Feb 14Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Aug 31Reply

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