Meet your Posher, Amanda
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Hi! I'm Amanda. Some of my favorite brands are Prada, Gucci, Louis Vuitton, and CHANEL. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
I am truly grateful for all of you! Please feel free to check out my closet. And as always HAPPY POSHING!! 🤗

18 others
like this

Hi Amanda, will ship your top first thin in the Morning. Thank you so much!💞🐞Theresa
Feb 26Reply

Thanks cant wait to see item!
Feb 26Reply

Thank you for your purchase I will ship first thing in the AM!!!
Feb 28Reply

@toniyoung thanks!
Feb 28Reply

Your sunglasses have been shipped.
Feb 28Reply

@leo7476 cant wait to see them! Thxs
Mar 01Reply

Hi Amanda, So happy you were pleased with your Gucci top. Thank you so much 💞🐞 Theresa
Mar 02Reply

@diverseboutique thanks!
Mar 02Reply

@drogistin I'm so glad you liked the Gucci Top. Hope it's what you were expecting. Please stop by often I'm always adding new things to my closet! Your new Posh friend Toni!!!
Mar 02Reply

I Amanda - i see you made an offer on my LV. I just dropped the price from 199 to 150. It really already at a good deal. I countered . Just wanted to explain why I didn't go lower. Thank you . Welcome to Posh!
Mar 04Reply

@jrmenapace sorry I countered before I read this. Glad we came to a reasonable offer. It looks like a nice piece
Mar 04Reply

@drogistin Thank you ! And congrats because you got a great deal. I will try and get it out today. My local post office closes at 12 or 1 . Otherwise it will be first thing in am. Monday. Have a great weekend .
Mar 04Reply

@jrmenapace ok sounds good
Mar 04Reply

ill meet you in the middle at $120 for the boots if your interested. :)
Mar 06Reply

Hi Amanda. I normally ship everyday, but I won't be able to ship the blouse to you until tomorrow. I had a medical emergency. I will get it to you asap though. 💋
Mar 27Reply

Thanks for your purchase !!
shipping out in a few ❤️😘
Mar 27Reply

Mar 27Reply

Hi Amanda 😊 Thank you so much for your purchase of my DVF crochet dress!! I can get this shipped this afternoon🎁🎁 I know you are going to love it!! It's gorgeous! Happy Poshing!!
Mar 27Reply

Hi amanda. I can make you 1 listing with both pieces you offered on for $70 and you pay only 4.99 shipping. Let me know if you want me to do that for you. Thanx
Mar 27Reply

@drogistin hello I saw you made an offer on my Chanel replica do you want the Chanel box too ?
Mar 27Reply

@avarobert yes i would like the box
Mar 27Reply

@avarobert yes i would like the box
Mar 27Reply

I was able to get you 3.99 shipping. I tagged you in the custom bundle. I can cancel your romper order and you can buy both items. Let me know.
Mar 27Reply

@hvhousewife thats ok just do romper
Mar 27Reply

@drogistin Poshmark saying than you need to update your payment information to complete the purchase !
Mar 27Reply

@drogistin I'll ship just the romper than. Thanks for shopping my closet.
Mar 27Reply

@avarobert already did
Mar 27Reply

@hvhousewife k thanks!
Mar 27Reply

@drogistin your welcome. Visit again soon. Have a lovely day.🌻
Mar 27Reply

@drogistin thank you for your purchase . Will ship tomorow morning
Mar 27Reply

@drogistin I really want you to have the Fendi suit- I just needed to counter to ensure my earnings were higher then at least the Jacket price alone or skirt price alone - I'm completely open to a counter from you!! The skirt is in almost perfect condition- jacket has mini wear inside the collar- but it's a total deal, esp with the bundle price ❤️
Mar 28Reply

@drogistin thank you for your purchase. The shoes were shipped today !
Mar 28Reply

Do you want that D&G jacket thr P"P for $200+ ship?
Mar 28Reply

@drogistin this counter would bring my earnings to $90 for both pieces! I hope this is great for you! ❤️
Mar 29Reply

@cnlajeun thank you! Looks very cute
Mar 29Reply

@drogistin Hi Amanda! I hope you are having a wonderful time Poshing. Please feel free to @ me if you have any questions on how to get your closet started. Happy to help.💕
Mar 30Reply

@drogistin hello thank you for your purchase please accept the purchase like that Poshmark can send the money to me thank you
Mar 31Reply

Hi Amanda, I saw you received and accepted the dress! Thank you for your purchase I hope you enjoy it! Please can you rate this sale by filling the stars where you accepted it? ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Apr 02Reply

@mjbp💕💕💕welcome to poshmark💕💕💕as suggestive user feel free to ask me any question u may come across 💕💕💕❤️I invite u to visit my closet great fashion at fordable prices. Thank you mj💕💕💕
Apr 04Reply

I'm willing to accept your offer price of $100
Apr 05Reply

Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 06Reply

@katiealyssa im not sure which item u have? Ive been on vacay
Apr 07Reply

Apr 30Reply

@drogistin thanks for your offer, please mail me about the oder detail, thanks
May 18Reply

I will send the sweater off Monday when I get back in Atlanta thanks for you business I hope the delay on shipment is fine
May 20Reply

"I have been shopping all my life and I still have nothing to wear." - every woman ever
Just stopping by to say hello 🙋, have a great weekend!
May 21Reply

@brandideitrich I have not received it yet. I am going to get my mail over the weekend
May 27Reply

Hi Amanda! ✿♥‿♥✿ Hope you're enjoying Poshmark and life is wonderful your way 🍋@lemonposh & @minicoconut 🍭
Jun 09Reply

Hey would you like to do this w 🅿️🅿️
Jun 26Reply

@vela7 yes that works for me!
Jun 28Reply

Hi, sorry had to decline offer it's already priced as low as I can
Jul 08Reply

@drogistin Hi please accept or decline the offer. I can ship today and include a free gift if you do accept. ☺
Jul 14Reply

Hey Love, I can't go lower because their hardly worn Dior :( hope you can understand. But if you accept I can send them in right away and you'll get them soon! Xx
Jul 14Reply

@fashionclouds I just woke up I plan on accepting just need to go to bank
Jul 14Reply

I'm feeding my children first then I should be on my way to bank
Jul 14Reply

@drogistin ok sorry about that. No rush 😇
Jul 14Reply

@fashionclouds ok thank u plz do not cancel offer or sell items
Jul 14Reply

Heading to bank I will update payment as soon as I'm done
Jul 14Reply

@fashionclouds heading to bank I will update payment as soon as possible
Jul 14Reply

@drogistin ok take your time no worries. It's saved for you 👧
Jul 14Reply

@fashionclouds thank you! I've already returned to ur closet. I bought the gucci snake T about a week ago. I really love ur pieces
Jul 14Reply

Hey Love, sorry I can't go any lower. Their hardly used Dior shoes. Let me know if you accept and I will send first thing tomorrow morning xx
Jul 18Reply

@ellinafreer ok you do realize I would of already bought these last week? Now I see u dropped price anyway
Jul 18Reply

@drogistin I have a few offers, since yours way the first let me know if you would like them love xx
Jul 18Reply

@drogistin The price was set higher last week but I dropped it, But i can assure you it won't get any lower or I would just sell them else were. Their brand new dior so I wouldn't be able to go any lower.. But I'm glad to see you have been interested in them! let me know xx :)
Jul 18Reply

Also if you're not sure about my delivery services or products, you can review my reviews on my latest sales! Happy shopping x
Jul 18Reply

@drogistin hey did you ever get your Gucci shoes from that auntdaisy person I was thinking about ordering some
Aug 04Reply

@sctyson hey! No that turned into a mess
Aug 04Reply

@sctyson yo i paid her, told what I wanted, she agreed, over a week later I'm like yo wat up, I never got them they ain't sent still.. posh contacted her and after waiting 10 days she cancels
Aug 04Reply

@drogistin wow I'm glad I asked seems like she was a scam
Aug 05Reply

@vela7 hi was it the blk shirt with circle cut out on chest?
Aug 17Reply

Welcome to poshmark 💁🏼⭐️
Aug 25Reply

@heidy0622 thanks, now I'm on both sides 😎
Aug 25Reply

Hey there, welcome to Poshmark! Awesome closet! Wanna check out mine? If you aren't in the market to make any purchases now you can like anything & come back to it later. I have a variety of different kinds of items from baby clothes, juniors clothes, etc. there's a little something for everybody! I am currently accepting all offers made on any items, you can lowball on anything except the wedding dress but I can work with you on the price. Happy poshing let me know if you have any questions! :)
Aug 25Reply

@drogistin I see that! ;)
Aug 25Reply

Hi Amanda - please make sure you see there is one pull that needs to be fixed otherwise they are in fabulous condition
Oct 16Reply

@thelaurnyc are they wearable
Oct 16Reply

@drogistin yes 100 percent
Oct 16Reply

@drogistin I never wore them!
Oct 16Reply

@thelaurnyc do u have box and dustbag
Oct 16Reply

Hi Amanda thanks again for your purchase hope all is well and your happy with your purchase happy poshing please accept your purchase thank you 💖
Oct 26Reply

Thank you doll for the five star rating 😗
Oct 26Reply

@india79 yes np! Let me know if you have any other Chanel or Prada items
Oct 26Reply

Hi Amanda, there is a posher Thay keeps trying to buy the IRO skirt .. I just declined her $35 offer ... was totally willing to hold it for u but she might try and purchase it? Let me know hun, k? Thanks 🙏
Oct 27Reply

Hi Amanda ! Thank you so much for your purchase! I just wanted to let you know I will be shipping it out Monday! Have a great rest of your day! ☺️❤️
Jan 19Reply

@carolinewro ok great! Thanks!
Jan 20Reply

sorry I had to decline your offer on the St. Laurent. I fear I need to keep it. so sorry. Great closet tho. Love that Gucci wallet with the bamboo....
Feb 03Reply

@westy555 ok just figured i had extra $$ and got where you needed to be
Feb 03Reply

😊 I just wanted to stop by to say hello, Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling fashion items. And I'd be thrilled if you check out my closet as well :) Blessings and Happy Poshing!
Feb 19Reply

Hi Amanda I sent you an offer on the wallet. I understand if it’s out of your accepting price but it’s what I have available right now. If not & it’s still available in the future sill keep my eye on it. Your closet is beautiful ❤️
Mar 29Reply

@caataylor3 ok I will look at it. I also include free gifts with purchases. Plz do stop back thank you!
Mar 29Reply

@caataylor3 can you go to $100?
Mar 29Reply

@drogistin I can come up a little I made a sale last night but I have To figure in shipping also so that’s the max I can do I send you over the counter offer
Mar 29Reply

Thank you for soGraciously reviewing
Mar 29Reply

I saw your offer but am on vacation until Sunday. I’ll think about it. :)
Jul 03Reply

@pseudosound ok lmk
Jul 03Reply

Hi Amanda! I dropped the bag you purchased off at the shipping store near my house because I could get there faster than my usual place. However, my usual place sends a confirmation of tracking very quickly, and I haven't gotten one yet from the new place. If I don't get a confirmation of tracking soon, I'm going to call to confirm that it goes out ASAP and ask if I need to pay for it to be 2-day.
Jul 10Reply

@gracekells ok just let me know
Jul 11Reply

@gracekells I actually just got a shipping notice from posh so it must be on it's way. I appreciate it! Cant wait!
Jul 11Reply

Yes, me too! So glad it's on it's way!
Jul 11Reply

@drogistin Hey there! Just wanted to be sure you received the Prada bag today?!
Jul 12Reply

@gracekells I'm not sure yet I'm not home yet
Jul 12Reply

Oh ok! No worries! Something to look forward to when you get home!
Jul 12Reply

Hi Amanda. You asked me to alert you if I had any more Prada items to list. I will be listing another beautiful Prada dress in the next 2 days. It is a size 42. Pleated cut out dress in EUC. Just wanted to let you know.
Aug 18Reply

@shrimpx ok thank u
Aug 26Reply

@drogistin Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and sharing from your Fabulous closet store⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I have over 900 items preloved, new and designer items up for sale. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼Wishing you a Beautiful day🌈 #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Nov 10Reply

Hey Amanda! Wow, gorgeous closet! And your pup!! So stinkin sweet, that face!
I just listed a Burberry jacket for sale if you have any interest in that. ❤️😘 Happy Holidays, babe!!
Dec 10Reply

@courtney_baird thanks hun! She's my best friend. I will check it out thanks for heads up! Happy Poshing!
Dec 10Reply

Hi Amanda. Thank you for your purchase! I just dropped off the Moncler at the post office so you can get it ASAP for the holidays! Kind regards
Dec 14Reply

@shesells72 oh great! Thanks so much again! Do you have any other Moncler items?
Dec 14Reply

@drogistin my pleasure. Nothing we wan to let go of at the moment. We love our coats and vests. :). Thank you again for your purchase and happy holidays!
Dec 15Reply

Your Prada Pink Satin Jewelry Case has been carefully packaged & delivered to the post office this afternoon, so it should get to you pretty quickly. Enjoy your holidays & stay safe! 🎄🥂
Dec 21Reply

Thank you for the share!
Jan 09Reply

Thank you for your purchase 😁
Jan 13Reply

@pamelabrowning thank u! Happy Poshing!
Jan 13Reply

Can you please except your package, it’s been a few days since you received it, thank you
Jan 26Reply

@pamelabrowning sorry I haven't been home. I will accept in good faith
Jan 26Reply

Thank you
Jan 26Reply

You still have not excepted your package, it’s been 3 days now
Jan 27Reply

Looks like you have received the bag. Would you mind accepting it please?
Thank you
Feb 01Reply

@amunozz1970 sorry I haven't been home
Feb 01Reply

Hi dear are u still interested in those Gucci inspired sneakers I had posted.. u sent me offers but they were erase😬 if ur still interested let me know and we can arrange a sell. U last offered 50, I’ll do 75 please just let me knoe🤗
Feb 09Reply

Just wondering when you plan to ship the Burberry wallet I bought
Feb 13Reply

Thanks for the offer but that. At is brand new and actually worth$2,700. So that offer is a slap in the face. Sorry
Mar 06Reply

@sweetolebee its only worth as much as someone is worth to pay
Mar 06Reply

@drogistin sorry it’s not and you obviously know nothing about high end fashion. Have a great day.
Mar 06Reply

@sweetolebee ha not the case at all. The minute I pay $3k for a Miu Miu bag is the minute I need my head examined. U are the one who needs to have a good day. I threw a 3am offer ur way. Its better than nothing. And Im sure the offers aren't rolling in on that bag. Which by the way Im not sure how could be almost 30" long by those pics?
Mar 06Reply

@sweetolebee U may want to change your listed dimensions. Good luck with your closet clean up. All I wanted to do was help share a fellow poshers closet. But u felt the need to say more and go further. Happy Poshing
Mar 06Reply

Hat is basically new and so well made, no flaws. I’m just getting started to help my family in need. I looked at your page, you have a great selection of all types. Would love some tips. What’s a bundle? What sells more clothes vs bags or shoes? I’m shipping in plastic as the rain is relentless and it’s on the way, already scheduled pick up! You can resell for so much more, if you resist keeping it!!! LOL Thanks again it means a lot and I know you’ll enjoy
Mar 06Reply

@lisaandrews213 hi hun! Thanks! A bundle is designed to give people discounts when buying multiple items. I have mine set to 3 pieces and discount at 15% I think. I'm not sure what sells the best. It varies item to item, designer to designer. Im here to help! Lmk if u need anything else! Happy Poshing!
Mar 06Reply

Thanks I’m going to try and set that up!!!
Mar 06Reply

You have a great closet. I love so many of them!
Mar 09Reply

@babyblue0713 thanks hun!! Stop back! Happy Poshing!
Mar 09Reply

Beautiful closet😍
Mar 10Reply

@hbbk2013 thanks hun! Happy Poshing!
Mar 10Reply

@hbbk2013 i shared ur closet too! Stop back soon!
Mar 10Reply

@drogistin will do🥰thank you 😘😘
Mar 11Reply

I see you’re in PA. Me too. My brand 🌱 HBBK is available at Young’s Magasin de Quartier in Bethlehem, PA. If you’re ever in the area please stop in. May your week be filled with multiple sales💕💕
Mar 11Reply

@hbbk2013 ok thanks! If I'm out east I will look you up. Happy Poshing!
Mar 11Reply

Very nice closet! 🌷🌷🌷
Apr 28Reply

@dianabrown47 thank you!
Apr 28Reply

Hello I just purchased the pearl sandals today. Was wondering when you would be shipping? I wanted to wear them to an event on the 14th.
Jun 05Reply

@mjgriffin083 i should be able to drop off tomorrow along with your free gift! Hope you enjoy!
Jun 05Reply

Thank you.
Jun 06Reply

I noticed that pearl sandals had not shipped. Wondering if I would receive prior to 12th. Or should I shop for another pair to wear with my out fit. Please let me know.
Jun 10Reply

@mjgriffin083 they were dropped off already. They will be there do not worry
Jun 10Reply

@mjgriffin083 i know alot of times the usps wont update tracking over the weekends too
Jun 10Reply

Hey, I love ❤️ my pearl sandals.
Jun 30Reply

@mjgriffin083 so glad! I hope you were able to wear them at your planned function. They are so cute! And they look so similar to the Chanel ones too! If you find something else you like in my closet let me know. I offer discounts to loyal customers. Enjoy the summer in those girlie! Thank you again 💜
Jun 30Reply

Hi there! I accepted your offer but see there is an issue on your end. If you get this fixed I can ship today 😊
Jul 03Reply

@tresoux oh sorry i will fix it today. Thanks for working with me. Give me a few hrs to get to bank
Jul 03Reply

@drogistin sounds good love :)
Jul 03Reply

@tresoux thanks! Payment made! Thank you. I 💙💙 ur closet. I will be returning for sure!
Jul 03Reply

@drogistin aw thanks so much love, and thanks for your purchase! Will ship it out ASAP! Have a wonderful holiday! XO
Jul 03Reply

Hi 👋 I accepted the offer you made on my Vuitton sweater but your account needs updated to complete the transaction. Just wanted to let you know 😊 also hey hey fellow Pittsburgher! 💛 small world
Oct 21Reply

@ogmotherhustler i fixed the issue. Thanks for the headz up!! Awesome ur from da burgh too!! Pittsburgh 💙💙. If u have more items like that Im interested. U can email me
Oct 21Reply

@ogmotherhustler drogistin1984
Oct 21Reply

@ogmotherhustler at g m ail
Oct 21Reply

Hey Love, I see you have great taste, style and love luxury brand deals. I wanted to invite you to our Prada Baguette liquidation sale, as well our Gucci limited edition collection, and other deals like Burberry Jackets and Versace and Gucci scarfs that just came in. Check us out, and sharing is caring. We always share back 10 x :)
Jan 24Reply

@lesmarques thank you! shared and checked it out! 💙💚💜
Jan 24Reply

Would love for you to take a peek in my closet - I specialize in Brahmin bags, but just listed a beautiful, preowned Gucci bag I think you might like!
Feb 27Reply

Hi Amanda .. just checking on my counter offer on the Prada shoes really like new . Going to PO Monday not tomorrow would love to make this deal how about $150 so I can pay Posh their cut and clear enough.. I will mail Monday if you accept..thanks for thinking of me.. 🌹
Mar 01Reply

@robocar33 im very interested in them but I just don't have the extra $$ right now. i can do my offer like i said earlier
Mar 01Reply

Okay let’s do it I need the money now ! Please make your offer .. I know you will love them.. 🌹
Mar 01Reply

Hi Amanda okay let’s do it now please make your offer again so I can accept it now .. thanks , Rose
Mar 01Reply

@drogistin Hi Amanda.. Can we complete this sale tonight? I would like to bring it with me tomorrow when I go to the PO..
Mar 02Reply

Hi Amanda .. didn’t here from you so I edited the price to $125 for the Prada shoes.. that is my final price and in a few days I will remove them. Just thought you might want to know.. Rose
Mar 04Reply

Hi, just wanted to send you your tracking # for the purchase you made today....#4201500915229405510202061062185160
have a great rest of you day, n keep healthy!
best regards,
Nikki D
Mar 28Reply

@dunndealz ok thanks again
Mar 28Reply

@drogistin thank you dear Amanda for your offer, but it’s too low, why 175 on a brand New Sold Out Gucci velvet flats? Everything in my closet is my own authentic designer collection of 25 years, vintage & new. I loved fashion and collected, But, now that I’m not working, I don’t have much use for all this, giving away, donating
Apr 22Reply

@ally_marc thats all I could afford. i understand your point but I also know offers are few and far between.
Apr 22Reply

@drogistin I understand your point, but not that low on a brand new, sold out every where, GUCCI slippers 😍 Actually, I have sold more in this month in a lockdown, because I am reputable. thanks to my regular customers, my supporters here, whom I’m very grateful & thankful to. Thank you dear Amanda for your support, you have a beautiful closet, stay safe and healthy, many more blessings to you 🤗
Apr 22Reply

Hi! I would love to sell that Chanel too but I paid over $600 for it. It’s a classic!
May 09Reply

Sorry.... not going to go lower than $185 for the belt.
May 09Reply

Hi Amanda. Thank you for liking my Chanel brand new wot cashmere sweater. Feel free to make me an offer or drop it in a bundle for a personal discount and savings on shipping. Please keep in mind that all my prices are negotiable. Also don’t hesitate to check out my closet, where I carry lots of other high end brand name pieces for a fraction of the retail price which I’ve hardly or never worn. And I’m always open for reasonable offers. Happy poshing
May 22Reply

Hi, I noticed you like my Chanel sneakers I’m selling. Would you buy them if the price was lower?
Jun 03Reply

Hi, I noticed you like the Chanel sneakers I have for sale. Would you like to buy them for a good price? Thanks
Jun 09Reply

Hey there you just put in a couple of offers for my comic books. If you would put the two listings in a bundle I can give a better offer with one shipment. Thanks
Sep 12Reply

@rdiscountcloset sorry I would of done that but I didn't see this message until after you accepted my offer. feel free to ship together. if you have any other ones from 70s or 60s or older plz let me know. thanks
Sep 12Reply

@drogistin you know the one listing for 65 pretty much fills the box, that’s why I went ahead and took the offer. I’ll get these two in the mail to you tomorrow. You may want to check back I’m slowly getting rid of a 3500+ comic book collection. I’ve got a mix of all sorts of stuff. I also have that Batman listing now. It’s got a detective comic in there from 1953, so it’s pretty sweet. Anyway thanks for the orders and I hope we get to do a lot more business together.
Sep 12Reply

@rdiscountcloset i didn't see the Batman earlier I love Batman and so does my son. we read them. i just put another offer in. you can throw in same box as star wars. its my bday i hope we can do more business thanks again
Sep 12Reply

Well Happy Birthday to you....Happy birthday Amanda....Happy birthday to you.....Unfortunately, I can't take your offer on the Batman's that Detective Comic in there is worth some $$. I'll give you my best price on it, but i can't get that low. Really Happy birthday, if you buy the three batman's I'll throw in 15 random comics for a gift.
Sep 12Reply

@drogistin thank you again! Hey there birthday girl, what’s your son’s favorite couple of superheros. I’ll throw a little something extra in the box.
Sep 12Reply

@rdiscountcloset spiderman, batman, superman etc thanks again
Sep 12Reply

@drogistin thanks goodies on the way tomorrow.
Sep 12Reply

@rdiscountcloset ok thank you again
Sep 12Reply

Hi Amanda:-) thanks for the likes on the LV top & boots from my closet🌺🐶
Sep 14Reply

Hi there Amanda ! Lots of premier designer heels and clothing in my closet. You should take a peek when you have a minute 🌺
Nov 05Reply

Hi Amanda:-) thanks for liking the CHANEL sneakers I have listed🌺💕
Nov 05Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase Amanda. I will make sure to send them tomorrow so you can get the boots as soon as possible.
Nov 18Reply

@nonoid ok cool thanks again! please send the original box & Dustbags too if u have. i know its $$$ on here. if u feel comfortable next time I can pay you if you have any other pieces.
Nov 18Reply

Hi Amanda, I accepted your offer but might be old cc - can you check thanks :) I can send out today with other orders if I get it in time. Lisa
Nov 20Reply

@frontcloset yes that was the issue thanks again!
Nov 20Reply

@nonoid just got them in today!! 🥰🥰 If you ever have anything else like those plz let me know...thanks again
Nov 20Reply

Hi! If you’re looking for quality, one of a kind handcrafted items, feel free to check out my closet! I create everything you see for sale and yes, offers are welcome!
Take a look at my reviews!
Thanks for reading and take care!
Nov 25Reply

Hello Amanda you bought the Gucci from me it’s packed and ready to go we had a family emergency and my husband had to leave to Mexico and I’m stuck with my 4 kids I will ship in the am hope you understand
Dec 20Reply

@mimi_1988 oh my ok luv ship when you can! Safe travels for him and I hope he can return before xmas! Take care and just keep in touch lmk when ypu can ship. dont worry I'll hold Posh off lol
Dec 20Reply

yayy,thank you for your purchase, your package will be mailed out first thing tomorrow morning 🌄😀
Feb 08Reply

Hello my Poshmark friend please when you get some free time on your hands check out my closet I have lots of 🔥🔥smoking deals with name written all over them....
Aug 11Reply

Hi Amanda, I accepted your offer on the timberlands so that I could take them with me on my run to the regional post office (which is open right now but 30 minutes away) & not have to pay for gas on another round trip tomorrow but it says there’s a payment issue and it didn’t go through. If you could please correct it so that the order can go through, I can print the shipping label & make it with my orders before it closes! Thank you for you purchase & have a happy Halloween!
Oct 31Reply

hey there! i appreciate your interest im thinking we can make a deal today, any chance you can do 190?
Apr 14Reply

please rate when you recieve the item and are happy!
Apr 18Reply

@drogistin Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 04Reply

can you accept the order-_-
Jun 26Reply

Sorry $190 is the lowest I can go on the Gucci tee. It is new with tags. Hope that works for you!! ❤️
Jul 12Reply

"Why not spend less and get same quality luxury bag Ⓕⓡⓞⓜ
ⓌⒽⒶⓉⓈⒶⓅⓅ +⑧⑤②④④⓪⑤⓪④⑨⑦"
Aug 12Reply

Hello, I’m Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I make a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have lots of boutique jewelry at reasonable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Oct 21Reply

Hi. Sorry the 100 offer is the lowest it will be for the Gucci socks.
Jan 23Reply

Hi Amanda - thanks for offering on the belt. It doesn’t work for me after fees. Always try my best
To make deals so feel free to make a new offer. Thanks! Ellen
Feb 02Reply

@littlee1020 i understand completely...they usually make more than we do...😹😹..exactly why i slowed down from selling...i will keep the belt in mind i just can't do $$$ right now unfortunately...thanks for hitting me up
Feb 02Reply

Hi Amanda, thanks for your interest in the moncler track pants. Happy to meet in the middle on the counteroffer?
May 19Reply

Thanks for the like on my villains t shirt. I’m open to offers!
Sep 09Reply

Hi your payment method declined. Let me know if you want the item. Thanks
Jan 06Reply

@alexanderm007 I just fixed it sorry
Jan 06Reply
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