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Updated Aug 18
Updated Aug 18

Meet your Posher, Amber

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Amber. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)


  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

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drenise1975 Thank you very much for all of your shares. I truly appreciate it!
Aug 21Reply
hit111 Welcome 🙏 welcome,welcome, to poshing which is easy.......checkout my closet, if u see something u like just make an offer......
Aug 21Reply
renewingthreads @drenise1975 of course and thank you :)
Aug 21Reply
renewingthreads @hit111 I will thanks
Aug 21Reply
driftwoodpearls Awesome closet!!! 😘😎🙌
Aug 23Reply
hellochica33 Thanks for the shares!! 👛
Aug 26Reply
sazzolina88 Thanks for all the shares!! 💕💕
Sep 03Reply
renewingthreads @sazzolina88 thank you for all yours :)
Sep 03Reply
meriks1977 Thank you for all the shares
Sep 03Reply
kitkatbar2017 Thank you for the shares😊Wishing you a great day💕
Oct 16Reply
lightsoutbeauty Thank you for sharing, Happy Holidays 🤗
Dec 15Reply
mmdell11 Hi!! I hope your day is going well! I just wanted to let you know I am trying to clear out my closet & im having a 3 for $20(or less) on certain items! feel free to check it out! ! I'm open to offers, bundles & shares!! Happy poshing❤️❤️❤️
Jan 12Reply
ranae62 @ambersproul Hello! Could you give me the measurements to the Vince camuto the v neck with the striped bottom. It is up toward the top of your closet. The long one not the tank top. I would really appreciate it, Thanks!
Feb 02Reply
ranae62 The dress size 14.
Feb 02Reply
renewingthreads @ranae62 I’m in the middle of moving today, but as soon as I have a chance I will 😊
Feb 02Reply
closet105 Hello @ambersproul thank you so Much for taking the time to look at my closet and engage with my listing(s) I really appreciate it that 😊❤️my closet is open for any offers, feel free to make one if interested on anything from there 😊 If you have any questions please feel free to let me know I’ll be more then happy to help you☺️ You have an amazing day ahead of you 🙂
Feb 16Reply
fabfashion95 Thank you for all your shares!!!😊🎉❤️
Feb 19Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Feb 26Reply
nakamoto88 Thanks for your sharing too! Happy poshing 🤗😘
Mar 17Reply
wonderaa Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts for bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
Apr 18Reply
baggaliciouz Welcome to stop by 🎀
May 07Reply
prue44 You cannot imagine how psyched this 90’s kid is to get that AWESOME T-SHIRT! Thank you so much!
May 31Reply
renewingthreads @prue44 I’m a 90’s kid too and I LOVE it too!!! I’m so glad you’re happy
May 31Reply
prue44 @ambersproul 🤘🤘🤘💕
May 31Reply
sn23 Hi. Are you shipping any time soon?
Jul 17Reply
grammytata2012 Hello fellow Posher. Nice to meet you. Sending positive vibes. Wishing you the best experience in buying and selling. Happy Poshing! :)
Aug 25Reply
hayzeeweiner I shared one of your listings too! ❤🎊
Oct 11Reply
mmkoriginal Hello beautiful. I just stopped by to share your beautiful closet👗👠💍💄👜👢❣. I wish you much Posh success in sales sharing the love❤❤❤.
Jan 17Reply
ihh Thank you for sharing my item, I stopped by your beautiful closet and shared some posh love, have a blessed weekend full of happiness and great sales ❤️❤️
Feb 21Reply
clipgirl66 When will you’ve shipping the Koral shorts? I purchased them on the 28th. Thank you
Sep 01Reply
renewingthreads @clipgirl66 they were shipped this morning! Our post office is kinda slow right now!
Sep 01Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey everything in my closet is $2 off today and all items come with a free gift!! Just make me your offer and I will most likely accept! The more you bundle the cheaper it is! All orders go out same or next day. Stay safe xoxo
Dec 23Reply
selena_sale Hello Amber! I left question in comments to Joie dress. Could you answer blessed about belt😃 Thank you!!!!!!!!!
Apr 26Reply
jonaho457 I hope that you’ll be interested in buying something from my closet. Please check it out
Jun 12Reply
thepunksbunk I’m interested in that offering just won’t be able to for the next week. If you still have it, would you still do that deal?
Sep 15Reply
renewingthreads @thepunksbunk yes just send me the offer when you’re ready :)
Sep 16Reply
olijac Hi Amber, I purchased the Badgley Mischa dress the other day and was wondering when I can expect to receive? I noticed it has not shipped yet. I would love to wear it for an early holiday party. Thank you so much!
Nov 17Reply
renewingthreads @olijac it was shipped this morning :)
Nov 17Reply
olijac @ambersproul Thank you so much! Can’t wait to receive!😊
Nov 17Reply
guru9789 Hello 👋 Will you ship to India 😊
Apr 15Reply
jrbascom14 Hi, I bought a pair of pants from you and the inseam measurement was not correct (the listing said 34' but the true measurement is 22'). Can I please have my money back?
Aug 04Reply
renewingthreads @jrbascom14 I have no way to refund money, only poshmark can do that
Aug 04Reply
brwneydgrl58 where do you ship from?
Aug 31Reply
brwneydgrl58 @ambersproul ok thank you so much! I know it's an odd question lol
Aug 31Reply
mntntop4me Thank you sooo much!!!
Oct 02Reply
benji_orozco @ambersproul can’t wait for your live show later today at 2:00pm, so excited.
Oct 24Reply
renewingthreads @benjiorozco98 yay thanks benji! I’ll add the blazer :) I might change it an hour earlier!
Oct 24Reply
benji_orozco @ambersproul i think Poshmark is still working on their bets mode for people live shows.
Nov 02Reply
benji_orozco Beta mode
Nov 02Reply
tishcheney Hiya! Can you please bundle my items from your show today? Thank you so much.
Nov 16Reply
renewingthreads @tishcheney you’re so welcome yes I will do it in a few and tag you :)
Nov 16Reply
benji_orozco 🦃Happy Thanksgiving @ambersproul🦃
Nov 24Reply
renewingthreads @benjiorozco98 aww thanks! You too’
Nov 24Reply
treasures2luv Hi, Amber! Just came from your live auction which popped up on my P.M. ap. While I was commenting my question to you on how it works, I accidentally made the opening bid on green and white print pants. Yikes! Couldn't see if so won them (yikes) and never heard your instructions on how this all works, I sent a partial kite to Customer Service. I stayed to the end. Thx Monica Treasures2Luv
Dec 19Reply
renewingthreads @treasures2luv hii Monica :) I don’t see any purchase from you so I don’t think you got them!! Also sorry I didn’t see your question sometimes the chat moves fast. I’m happy to answer any questions though ♥️
Dec 19Reply
treasures2luv @ambersproul Thx for writing back! You did try to explain it while I was scrambling to see what I'd done. I believe someone else bought the item for $7, but with full shipping? on one item, it more than doubles the price👖which would still be an exc. value. Do all runs take up only 30 sec. for bidding? How does one see the collection of what's on your rack please? Thank you. 💝
Dec 20Reply
nanajunecamp I accidentally bid on the alley grey dress on the auction. I did not mean to hit that button. can we stop that transaction? I am so sorry for that???
Feb 07Reply
benji_orozco @ambersproul can’t wait to watch your posh show today 👍🏽
Feb 20Reply
cooperjenny2347 @ambersproul hi I have a question ❓ how do you apply to go live at home?
Feb 20Reply
pepperetc Amber, This is pepper and I won blue jeans in your last live auction. Could you hold off on shipping until your next live auction? I would really appreciate it. This was my first purchase in a live auction. I’m really excited. Thank you.
Mar 23Reply
pepperetc Hi Amber, please hold all my purchases for Sunday’s show. I love your show. Thank you, Pepper
Mar 24Reply
renewingthreads @pepperetc yay!! Yes I will!
Mar 24Reply
nanapg @ambersproul Hello Amber, praying you had a blessed Sunday. I appreciate you holding my 2 items until today. Please bundle them with the blouse that I got today so that I’m only paying shipping once. I saw where I have been charged for the shipping on both orders already so I’m hoping you will change that. Thanks again and I pray continued success for you on Poshmark.
Mar 26Reply
renewingthreads @nanapg yes it auto charges you but I’ll make you a custom bundle in a little bit and then cancel the other ones so you only pay once :)
Mar 26Reply
nanapg @ambersproul okay that sounds good, thanks again🤗
Mar 26Reply
kathykay57 Thank you Amber for the bid on Duluth blouse. 🙂🙂
Mar 27Reply
twofoxes left message on item I won today, to please hold til after Friday's auction
Apr 19Reply
marilyna627 Hey lady! Hold my Eloqui dress please. Thanks Marilyn
Apr 19Reply
pepperetc Hi Amber, please hold on to my top I won today so it may be bundled with other items at your next show. When is your next shows? Thank you again for being one of the best Posh shows out there….and Happy Birthday! I hope you have a blast tonight.❤️
Apr 19Reply
renewingthreads @pepperetc of course I’ll hold :)
Apr 19Reply
pepperetc Amber, when is your next show?
Apr 21Reply
renewingthreads @pepperetc today at 2 central :)
Apr 21Reply
phillipfoust Thanks !
Apr 21Reply
commercesurf Hi! Not certain where to say "hold for next auction" but pls hold my purchases from today's auction (commercesurf) to bundle with your next auction. Thank you!
Apr 21Reply
pepperetc Amber, I missed your show today, sorry. When is your next show? Please hold my shirt and I promise I’ll be at your next show. Thank you, Pepper
Apr 22Reply
renewingthreads @pepperetc Its monday night :) and its okay haha see you there
Apr 22Reply
pepperetc Amber, if you could save my items until Friday, I would greatly appreciate it. You have such a fantastic shows. I just love your energy. I’m going to a posh party soon, so I hope to be 1/2 as good as you. Thank you for all your trouble to change the embroidery blouse. See you at next party! 🥰
Apr 27Reply
klewsolver I don’t know how to do a personal message. I just bought from your show but want you to hold the jeans until the next show 🙏
May 02Reply
shannonleehayes Hey Amber, will you please continue to hold my bundle? Thanks.
May 05Reply
laremella Hi Amber! I’m planning to shop your show tomorrow so can you hold my item from today (5/14)? Thanks! You are amazing!!
May 14Reply
shannonleehayes Will you please hold my bundle?
Jun 01Reply
crzybella Will you please hold my item?. I’d like to shop your next live and shop more. Thank you 😊
Jun 01Reply
pepperetc Amber, may I hold my purchases till the Tuesday show? If not, that’s okay too. Happy sourcing tomorrow 😀
Jun 04Reply
renewingthreads @pepperetc it will be tomorrow or Wednesday and yes you can :)
Jun 04Reply
pepperetc Thank you so much Amber.
Jun 05Reply
pepperetc Amber, I’m so sorry that I haven’t been able to follow your shows. My Mom, Pepper, went to the hospital on last Sunday and was transferred to a larger town 1.5 hrs away. It was life threatening and after surgery she is a little better but not out of the woods yet. If you need to cancel my order then you can. I will touch base with you soon. Thank you, Bunnie
Jun 10Reply
renewingthreads @pepperetc ahh I’m so sorry you’re going though that and I hope everything turns out good ♥️ I can cancel and save for you and then when you’re ready we can repurchase
Jun 10Reply
pepperetc Amber, you are so sweet. You are the best Posher! I just received my notification that my Mom, Pepper, and I can do posh shows. It will be awhile though until I can get my Mom healed and at home. Thank you so much, Bunnie
Jun 11Reply
jessfueleo Can you please hold my purchases from the 7/12 show until Sunday 7/16 as I will watch your shows over the weekend? Thanks!
Jul 13Reply
pgullo Hi Amber have been watching your shows. I found the purple Chicos top that I liked in your closet . I was hoping I could add it to a bundle if I buy from your shows. Not sure if you discount things in your closet when adding to your show bundles. Just saves so much on shipping.
Aug 07Reply
renewingthreads @pgullo yes I do bundle from ahows with my closet /m:). I know shipping is so expensive any way I can help
Aug 07Reply
mardel Hi I didn't buy a I thing it was an accident if I did can I cancel this 🙏 please
Aug 11Reply
unclaimed Amber beautiful pictures Nice closet, enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50+. Free shipping on a $25 purchase. l also wholesale purchase any items in my closet priced $19 or less for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Check out Poshmark videos on YouTube: Great ideas to increase your sales. Start your closet for $50,or replenish your inventory.
Aug 12Reply
tropical49 Hi amber: just bought two items habitat and Olson tops. Is there a chance you can hold the shipment till Wed? I will be in cape Cod Sunday returning next Saturday. I won’t be able to accept it till I return. Thank you! Jan
Sep 09Reply
renewingthreads @tropical49 yes! I’ll make a note to ship then
Sep 09Reply
tropical49 @ambersproul Thank you Amber. I might be adding from your show tonight. Thank you for offering 50% in your tray during a show.
Sep 09Reply
cadillac30 welcome to my Store offers welcomed 🤗
Sep 20Reply
mariadavalos730 good day I purchased one item but needed to bundle but was logged out. please do not ship item. I need to bundle this weekend please 😩.
Sep 22Reply
msdeeva50 Hi Amber, thank you for sharing my closet 🫂🌹. i see you are trying everything to move your merchandise... good for you!!!! 🛍️ 💰
Oct 29Reply
annamccomb Hello, do you have any recommendations on videos to watch to assist how to 'go live'. I get trapped in a rabbit hole when researching. I can't figure out how people keep straight who bought what. I really like your system of the little sticker, you move quickly from item to item, and you don't spend alot of time dilly dallying. So I just wanted to see if there was any tools you used that really helped with getting a solid show started up. Thank you ;)
Feb 10Reply
hiitnrunner Hey Amber! @renewingthreads seller question: how do you set up your show listings to not have photos? I know how to do quick listings when the show has started without photos but can’t seem to figure out how to list with minimal info like you have in your trays (no photo, no set price etc) thanks for the coaching if you’re willing to share! Love how consistent and quality your shows are 👏 ♥️ 🦋
Mar 09Reply
renewingthreads @hiitnrunner hey girl If you are talking about a multi quantity listing for numbers you’ll want to make an actual listing and choose custom size and then write in each number individually! If you’re talking about my 3 dollar show I make quick listings before the show starts :) If you want more info we have a step by step guide on how to make those listings with photos / video in our the live five group! I’ll tag you in the listing if you want to check it out!
Mar 09Reply
hiitnrunner @renewingthreads yes please tag me (I didn’t know you could make quick listings without being actively LIVE!
Mar 09Reply
hiitnrunner @renewingthreads omg I figured it out! I was trying to do from my closet not from my show tray! Ty!
Mar 09Reply
tropical49 Hi Amber: I won the auction on the flowered dress on Friday. I would like to cancel, please. I like to Bundle and there are not hardly any xl in the shows this weekend or in your closet. Tomorrow I can’t watch due to other commitment’s. So sorry but can you please cancel? TY
Mar 22Reply
renewingthreads @tropical49 yeah girl I can cancel, did you want me to hold until next week in case you find anything else and then bundle then? That size isn’t the easiest to find all the time but I try my hardest to have as much as I can!
Mar 22Reply
tropical49 @renewingthreads Thank you Amber. I appreciate you canceling. Next weekend is Easter so I may not have time to watch. I wait and wait for XL and Sm and Med takes over the show. I guess maybe more watchers are Lrg and XL. Size 14 and 16 are the sizes I look for. Your show is not the only that are limited in these sizes. So they must be hard to find good quality. Comfy Girl does have a show dedicated to these sizes. Thank you again! Happy Spring!
Mar 22Reply
pooh28bear Happy Poshing 🎉🌞❤️
Apr 29Reply
lilsweeny Hi Amber, so sorry for the false bid this morning, I was watching your show this morning while getting dressed for the day, but I guess I accidentally hit bid button 🤷🏻‍♀️. Thanks so much for canceling order. Catch you next show. Thanks again!!!
May 24Reply
stevenbarrow970 Gorgeous
Oct 05Reply
nolagirl70 I only got to purchase one item in your live show tonight. Would you offer another magic item for low start for me?
Jan 06Reply

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