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Updated Mar 15
Updated Mar 15

Meet your Posher, Amber

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Amber. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, and lululemon athletica. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)


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malky12 Hey welcome to Poshmark! We are a great community here, if you have any questions please feel free to ask!! I hope all you r Poshmark dreams come true! Feel free to take a peek in my closet I have some fantastic items and give great discounts!
Mar 27Reply
themagicwand 🌸🌸🌸Welcome to Posh! Good Luck with your closet! 🌸🌸🌸
Mar 28Reply
misssophie04 Hi Amber, enjoyed going through your closet ❤️
Aug 06Reply
theearthwise Thanks for sharing!!✨💕
Aug 06Reply
thebleukiwi Hi and thank you for the shares😘 but could you limit it a bit? I would like to be able to reciprocate but I am unable to share your closet every day that many times 🤦‍♀️ around 10 shares a day will make it so I can also share your clothes too! 🤗😊thanks again ❤️❤️
Aug 10Reply
lafawn87 @enjoylifenow it's really no big deal if you can't share back as much. Thanks for what you can do! :)
Aug 11Reply
opheliazb Hi, thank you for sharing😊~ Lovely closet. ❤
Aug 19Reply
lafawn87 @opheliazb thank you so much!🥰
Aug 19Reply
brammacinny @lafawn87 Thank you so very much for sharing my closet. I hope you have a Wonderful day. 🙋‍♀️
Oct 11Reply
oneworld19 Thanks for all the Posh 💖, have a great day!
Oct 17Reply
madblk3 🧡😇I am now humbled to be a Posh Ambassador😇🧡I will appreciate you checking out my closet🥰💕🌸and am always committed to caring🌸sharing🌹being respectful to all🌷🌺💐If you want message me and I will help in any way I can🎀💐Happy Poshing💐🎀🧡Be Blessed🧡
Oct 27Reply
debrajf1234 Thank you soo much for following my closet. I hope you’re enjoying the wonders of Poshmark 😄 I wanted to let you know that I am clearing out my closet to get ready for a huge move and I am having a sale. All items with a 🎄 in the title are 3 for $25 or 6 for $50 plus add a free gift of any item marked with a 🌺. See something you like, please make an offer and it’s yours. Lots and lots of brand new gifts, home decor, clothing, accessories and more. Thank you again and Happy Poshing!!
Nov 19Reply
kristyberry 🔥🔥🔥Hey! I’m doing a deal right now, spend $50 in my closet get a free item from my DEAL listing or spend $85 and pick 2 free items! Some of the free items include : still in its packaging Nike sweatband, 2 full bottles of bath and body works perfume, 2 different pairs of new earrings, a new necklace, or the movie Why Him on dvd and Blu-Ray! I have lots of Nike, Forever 21, PINK, and Adidas in my closet🔥🔥🔥
Dec 01Reply
fanaticls Hi Amber! U just sent me an offer on the Cole Haan Loafers. Thank You! However, I'm about to buy a similar pr for much less. I don't want to insult U so I'm just asking... IF.... you'll take $40, then I'm in! Otherwise - Thanks for trying and I do Not want ya upset with me. From fanaticls
Jan 24Reply
bobbett328 Hello🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet/boutique 😊🌺🌸Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Feb 04Reply
danabella_92 Thanks for taking the time to look through my closet, and for the shares/likes on my items. If you see something in my closet that you would like to purchase, I’m sure we could find a price that we both think is perfect if pricing is an issue. I also have a bundle discount of 10% off of 3 or more items. 😊💕feel free to make an offer or bundle and make an offer.
Mar 27Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super weekend and poshing 🛍🙏🤟🏻🤟🏻💜
Mar 27Reply
anasbcloset Hi, Thanks for the share. 👍
Apr 09Reply
greenbaypackers Morning 👋 Amber. Thanks 🙏🏾 for the share. Am following you now. Enjoyed sharing your closet. You have many lovely 😊 items. If you’re ever interested in anything in my closet, I’m always open to offers and take 20% off bundles of 2+ items & 30% off 2+ through Wed. Hope you have a beautiful day, stay healthy and safe & Keep Poshing!!!
Apr 13Reply
ziasclozet8 Thanks for sharing my listing. Happy Poshing 😊🌷.
Apr 14Reply
greenbaypackers Yeah for participating in Sabine's Share-A-Thon. Hopefully it helps us all. Have a blessed day. Keep that Family Safe!!
Apr 15Reply
lafawn87 @greenbaypackers thank you!! I'm hoping it will help too! have an awesome day!
Apr 15Reply
greenbaypackers @lafawn87 I think if we keep helping each other out it can only help. Certainly can't hurt:)
Apr 15Reply
kthomp_24 Thanks for sharing my listing!
Apr 17Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your share. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package. And offers are always welcome, too.
May 15Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
May 22Reply
erikakessler1 @s27a Thanks for sharing
Jun 22Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to POSHMANIA🎪 New friends 👫 will answer your question❓and cheer you on!. Posh is all about sharing items 🛍from your closet & from the closets of others. At bottom R of About page goto 'See All Closets. ' Touch a blue 'follow.' Click on it. U have added that follower😐 & their closet 👠👕 to your stats. They will receive a notice 💳that you are following them. A large % of 👥 will follow U back, start up a conversation & share ⌨. Stay safe. *Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Jul 01Reply
digitalsandy Hi Amber, Thank, you for following my closet and Sharing my lovely plaid scarf❣ Saundra
Jul 01Reply
kdtlove @lafawn87 thank you so much for the share, love🤗🌺
Aug 01Reply
goldneyez311 Hi.👋😁 How are you? Just wanted to invite you to come check out my closet!! 🛍I have a ton of inventory to list right now- So make sure to keep an eye on my closet. If you are looking for ANYTHING in particular,  please let me know. I have it all!!😊 I am more than happy to spread love by offering great deals on anything you like & bundle! Come check it out!😁💗Wishing you Happiness and Good Health. @Goldneyez311
Aug 21Reply
janfast Hi Amber! Thanks for sharing my Zooz bike shirt! 🌸
Nov 03Reply
fattybow1 Thanks for sharing!🥰
Nov 29Reply
aidomi Thank you for the share!🥰 As a newbie to PoshMark I’m still learning your closet and following you now 😊
Dec 16Reply
conniedg0012 Hi Amber, Thank you for your offer on your Brighton shoes! I would hop right on the offer if I still had the need. Almost embarrassed to say but I just recently bought 11 pairs of Brighton’s and 5 pairs of Rangoni”s. Thanks again and sorry we could do a sell. Thanks Connie
Jan 02Reply
loud_luxury Hi 👋 Amber: Thank you for your lovely shares. You have a 👍 wonderful looking closet. I wish you much continued success 🙏 and many sales 💰. Best, Anthony.
Feb 04Reply
s_curves Thank you 🙏 so much for sharing, my items I feel honor, that you stop by to take a peak@ my closet & tickle pink that you share a thing or two...Thanks 🙏 🙏🙏 4 the POSH ❣️Luv❣️& support. You have a super day & happy 😇🥰😋 posh😎. I shall return the shares!
Feb 10Reply
janfast Thanks for sharing my Ralph Lauren sweater! 💕
Mar 10Reply
mommom501 Hi Amber! I would like to invite you to come look at my closet and I hope you will have a great week!
May 11Reply
anjisattic Hi Amber, thanks so much for sharing my Mawi Kunzite. Fingers crossed. Stay well, peace and love, Anji
May 27Reply
us514_lenab Thanks a lot for Sharing, means a lot! Have a great wk-end, Amber!
Jul 02Reply
conniedg0012 Thanks Amber for your offer on your Brighton shoes! I went crazy for a while and bought 10 pairs of Brighton and Rangoni shoes. Good deal but I better pass! Thanks for your offer!
Jul 02Reply
johnsonbig458 anybody ever tell you that you look like Carrie underwood but cuter than her... just saying
Mar 12Reply
cutehosiery @lafawn87 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 15Reply
kdr88 Thanks for the follow! ❤️Feel free to check out my closet! Like any items $15 or over and on the next closet clear out day and I drastically reduced the price of the item so you can receive $4.99 shipping! ❤️
Jul 14Reply
lynnjfox @lafawn87 hi there if you decide to sell that Rachel Zoe shirt let me know 💜
Aug 13Reply
lafawn87 @lynnjfox hi , I'm sorry I had to decline because the shirt was sold a few days ago. It didn't get deleted from Poshmark.
Aug 13Reply
lynnjfox @lafawn87 ❤️no worries
Aug 13Reply
valdezarm1974 Thank You for following sweetheart!😋
Sep 02Reply
branthinchman Thanks for being so easy to deal with.
Sep 09Reply
lafawn87 @branthinchman thank you so much!
Sep 09Reply

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