Meet your Posher, Ami
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👋 I'm Ami. 👋welcome! There’s different price points so there is a variety of things in my closet . If you have an issue with purchase please reach out to me before leaving a bad review I would rather resolve if poss .i consider reasonable offers but please be considerate half of the asking price is not an offer it’s an insult. And please rate I always rate when I get I expect the same courtesy. Thank you for browsing my closet, follow me I’ll follow you share for a share 😘

21 others
like this

Hi there. Thank you very much for visiting my closet. I will ship out your new shoes in the morning. Have a wonderful and safe weekend.
May 11Reply

Thanks for your purchase hun! I’m getting your earrings wrapped and will be shipped out this afternoon. You are going to love them! Have a great day!
May 14Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💖Thanks for your like 💋Feel free to make an offer 😊
Jun 17Reply

Thanks for another like I give 20% off bundles💖😊
Jun 17Reply

Thanks for the likes🤗 Feel free to bundle and i will give you 20% off plus free shipping!
Jun 29Reply

I have a number of exquisite jewelry pieces listed in my closet that you might want to check out. Have a great day and happy poshing.
Jul 01Reply

check out my firecracker sale...30% off (40% off bundles of 2 or more items) on jewelry priced at $100 or higher.
Jul 03Reply

Hi there, I sent you an offer on the bundle you created on my gold Pandora bracelet. Did you see it, because I noticed you liked another item in my closet, but didnt respond to the offer. Not sure if the offer went through or not.
Jul 07Reply

@tjacks529 yes I’m sorry I saw it but that was accidentally done my three year old was playing with my phone I’m sorry 😐
Jul 07Reply

I really wanted the coach heels tho!!!!
Jul 07Reply

Hi there! Thanks for visiting my Closet🙏🏼 I just put everything on Sale for the OneDaySale🎉
Blessings🙏🏼 Sandra
Aug 03Reply

Ami💖 Thanks for your purchase! I’ll get these in the mail in a few hours⏰⏰⏰😘😘😘😘 Sandra
Aug 03Reply

@samloveslife 👍thanks 😘
Aug 03Reply

hey there what a great closet you have! I just wanted to let you know my entire closet is 50% off if you bundle two or more items and discounted shipping :) feel free to take a look and I’ll send you and offer and even a freebie :) come on over ! 😁
Aug 05Reply

Hi, Ami😎 So glad you love your Earrings!!!💖💖Thank You for he ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Rating!! Appreciate you🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼 Sandra🦄🦄🦄
Aug 06Reply

@samloveslife unlike some of these rude asses on here as long as the item is what I ordered I would give a five star rating I can not believe how some ppl won’t rate you or act so rude I just can’t believe it .... I love the earrings😍 and thank you for being a fast responder and shipper..much appreciated 😘😍😘😘😘
Aug 06Reply

@amiearley Ami😇 I hear ya. If I have an issue, I Contact the Seller. I’ve had good luck here overall, I have been a bit disappointed when including a free gift on a large purchase, and that goes un-acknowledged...that’s not so nice... but I’ve also sent out smaller purchases and been surprised by a VERY nice Love Note!
Guess there’s all kinds 😶 Anyway, YES! I am proud to hold a 24-hour ship time! Again, Thank You💖💖💖
Posh on!! 🤓Sandra🦄
Aug 06Reply

Hey, Ami. I want that JHardy Ring!! I got your offer💖 Thank you!! I am hoping it’s still here on Friday😬 Thx😘
Aug 06Reply

@samloveslife probably will be :)
Aug 06Reply

@amiearley 😍😍😍
Aug 06Reply

@samloveslife believe me I know. the struggle is real !!!! 😂 I want some all sorts of things I can’t get and it hurts my soul ....
Aug 06Reply

@samloveslife and also want to say you have some awesome things in your closet btw😍😍😘😘
Aug 06Reply

@amiearley Right??!!! Check out ally_marc her Closet is OMG!!!! She is always posting new fab items that I really want🤓
Aug 06Reply

@amiearley Oh, Thank You! I am purging my Personal Closet Of Items purchased on impulse that are new but never worn/ worn once only to feel the pain of a 6” Loubatin Heel in a shoe ya loved sooooo much ya bought the same in two colors🙄... and they too small🥊
Aug 06Reply

@tarr_nicole7 thanks 🙏😘
Aug 07Reply

@amiearley Hi, Ami😎 Thanks for the Shares🙏🏼 It’s been an odd week on Poshmark for me😮. I had a $16 Offer on a $185 Item??!!... and a $40 Offer on a $120 Item??! Both Newbies, but....
Really???? Oy Vey😶 I shared some of your jewelry just awhile ago.. haha, except the ring I want😛😛😛 Cheers😘😘 Sandra🦄
Aug 09Reply

@samloveslife I know ..some ppl...🤬
Aug 09Reply

@samloveslife and if u had the $ I’d own half your closet lolol 🤤🤪🤣
Aug 09Reply

@amiearley Ijoined 2 years ago, and never shopped or sold until my divorce😶 The items I am listing are NWT!!! So I’ve been Comparison Shopping, and sharing similar listings that are totally used and refurbished so they get a hint😏
I’ve NEVER had Lowball offers in the two months that I have been selling. Weird. Anyway... yeah..
Aug 09Reply

@amiearley That’s funny! I’d be buying ALL your Hardy and Yurman as well!!!! I have some cool Hardy items, the Dragon Bracelet, Ring, and some others I am unsure of the names. I’d like to keep those, though💕 Well I’d be happy to make you an awesome deal, my Poshfriend!!! I know, there are some really incredible Closets on here!!! Thanks again! I’ll keep sharing!!💖🤙🏽
Aug 09Reply

@samloveslife it’s funny because I have a bunch of pieces I could sell and make money off of , I saw a Tiffany bracelet I have sell for 450 and a bracelet for 300 but can’t bring myself to do .. even if it means living off popcorn and ramen (figuratively lol)
Aug 09Reply

@amiearley Right??!! Lol, of course.... figuratively😛😛😛😛 I’m right wit ya girl!!!!!💖😎😘💥😊🤪🤓⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️😎😎🦄🦄🦄
Aug 09Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 11Reply

Thank you! I’ll ship it off in the morning💖💖💖🦄🦄🦄😎😎😎⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💕💕💕💕🦄🦄
Aug 14Reply

Ami!!! Oh nooooo!!! I thought for sure that would fit you!!!!! Hmmm, sorry about that🤔 But it sounds like you have a Lucky Lil’ Mini-Ami whom it does work for😊😇😊💕So glad it all worked out! Yeah, I have several semi-precious/Crystal Rings I like to gift to Poshers whom I have a great repoire💕 Glad you like it!! Thanks and stay in touch!!! 💖Sandra🦄
Aug 16Reply

Identity theft had to change credit card. Been traveling for the weekend will make another offer and should be fine. Thanks for your patience!! 😘😘
Aug 27Reply

@slinkets oh no
Aug 27Reply

@slinkets no problem that is the worst!! 👎
Aug 27Reply

Ok must be posh problem let me work on it. 😳
Aug 27Reply

@slinkets hey I will get the ring out to you in the morning I already hit the post office once today lol thanks for your purchase!!
Aug 27Reply

Thank you so much for the follow! I hope you’ll visit my closet. I’m currently running a sale: 20% off when you bundle two or more items. Happy poshing!
Aug 31Reply

Welcome to Poshmark.
I am a Posh Ambassador if you have any questions.
Sep 09Reply

@joaneva thank you very much 😘🙏🏼
Sep 09Reply

Hello and thank you. 😊
Sep 12Reply

Hi, doll! How has it been going for you lately? I haven’t sold more than $29 since the last time we text. Hope it’s better your way! I have been working very long hours and have only been tryin to share at Parties, while on break🤓
Thinking of you😘😘😘
Sep 19Reply

@samloveslife hi hon just deleted the message I tried to send lol I’m half asleep 😴 I’ll talk to u tomm 😘
Sep 19Reply

Hello Beauty! Howz youz? I have been working SO much it’s crazy!!! I have only been able to hide in the restroom and quick share my Closet lately because of my hours🤓 Hope all is good on your end. My sales have been like.. nothing.
I saw u like that Bittar Bib! It’s SO amazing!! Do you like the ring?? It’s a long knuckle-Style super cute. For you, I’d give you a great deal on both. Or if ya just like the Bib, I’ll make a deal anyway😎 Thx for Shares gurl! Sandra
Sep 19Reply

@amiearley Lol! SleepPoshing! Gotta be careful with that😛😛😛
Sep 19Reply

@samloveslife yes I like both but.... broker than broke the next few weeks... I reinvested a bunch of money on some things and had some bills I’m BROKE lol 😂 if I can’t laugh about it I’ll cry 😭 what do u do for work my dear? And of course whenever I have some down time (w working and four kids lol) I try to share my posh friends stuff 😘😘😘
Sep 20Reply

@samloveslife I like most of your closet 👍
Sep 20Reply

I love love ur closet. I wish I could afford some of the things I shared. Just beautiful
Oct 01Reply

@bagobsession1 That really means a lot to me I haven’t really made a sale in weeks I thought I was starting to think I have bad taste LOL
Oct 01Reply

Talk to text lol
Oct 01Reply

And thanks for the shares I will get u back on break
Oct 01Reply

No everything is beautiful. I have expensive purses that just sit, because no one wants to pay.
Oct 01Reply

@bagobsession1 omg right?!? Like love the 40$ offers on 300 items etc
Oct 01Reply

Really right🤑
Oct 01Reply

@bagobsession1 just hid in the bathroom and checked out your closet awesome bags 👏👍
Oct 01Reply

Thx so much 4 sharing also. But why r u hiding ? WORK????
Oct 01Reply

@bagobsession1 haha ya 3-11
Oct 01Reply

@bagobsession1 although I have four kids so could totally apply at home too 😂🤣
Oct 01Reply

Well u have a great work day. I dont know where u r from , but I'm in Arizona & we dont have time change
Oct 01Reply

Oh I c u have a very busy life.💕💕💕
Oct 01Reply

@bagobsession1 oh hi from mass then 😉
Oct 01Reply

Its rainy & gloomy here I'm used 2 alot of sun
Oct 01Reply

Hi, Ami. Just checking in. Life is very weird for me right now. Forgive me no Shares , I am now only on here a few times a week😔 I have a concussion and am not seeing/thinking/doing very clearly right now. I do the bare min in hopes of getting a sale. Hope you and your pumpkin are doing well💕💕💕 All the Best! Sandra🦄
Oct 13Reply

@samloveslife I was thinking of you I did notice you were not on as much and was hoping you were just busy. Life can get crazy 😜 believe me I know I have four kids lol 😂 and a lot of bs Lolol anyways I’m here if you need to vent
Lots of love ❤️ all the way from Massachusetts
Ami xoxo 😘
Oct 13Reply

@amiearley Ami, I just Luv you💙I didn’t realize you had FOUR!! I don’t know if I could handle that🤓 I Thank You for your kind words, I wanted to reach out to the OG’s 😎who got me started here, and understanding the Power of Sharing, and Parties. Yeah, I’m just healing from injury and a little pist at my job for not taking better precautions to prevent workplace injury🥊
Nice to hear from you! Always! S🦄
Oct 13Reply

@samloveslife what do you do for work? I have worked in medical for 14 years and need a switch I am thinking of doing massage like hospice massage or something. I love making people look and feel better and I have experience with elderly and sick not sure tho change is scary.... I hope that you get better quick 😘😊and I mean what I said I am here if you want to reach out and vent or your bored
Oct 13Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Nike, Yellow Box, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 14Reply

Ami, I’m so out of it, I cannot find your # u left for me. I’d love to text/talk!! Please re-send and Thank You💕💕💕🦄 Sandra
Oct 16Reply

@samloveslife commented on one of the sold posts I tagged you again please shoot me a message you haven’t seemed your cheerful self lately and I’m here god knows I need to vent too lol
Oct 16Reply

Ami, hello! Just got lab results, I’ll be texting u tomorrow. OMG! Soooooo WANT THIS RING!!!!
Is there anything in my Closet u want? Do u ever do trades? Thx, and I will be in touch tomorrow. What’s a good time for you??
Oct 23Reply

@samloveslife which ring and text me tomm I’m not working so whenever
Oct 23Reply

O perfect! The Tiffany w/3 diamonds I LOOOVE
Oct 23Reply

@amiearley OK so now it seems I’ve lost ALL my mind... I can’t find the text😠😠😠 wanted to talk with you today. Me 3109803071 if u wanna text
Oct 24Reply

If you like to dress up with fine quality, feel free to view my closet
Nov 13Reply

Hi there!😊Just wanted to stop by to say hello, hope you are having a great time here on posh 🤗 Hope you can have some time to visit my closet 😶 Blessings! -Liz💜
Nov 29Reply

Hi Ami! Thanks for the shares and likes. I need to move inventory for space so please if you are interested in items feel free to send offers or bundle... thanks!
Dec 04Reply

@ashakma am interested in some of your stuff but December is not a good month (mom of four 🤷♀️🤦🏻♀️) so I may not have extra cash til after Xmas. I will keep you in mind tho you have some nice pieces!
Dec 04Reply

@amiearley understandable! Happy holidays! Keep in touch! You have a great closet!
Dec 04Reply

@ashakma 👌🙏🏼👍
Dec 04Reply

@amiearley Hi Ami! Thank you for stopping by my page and letting me know that you understood my situation. You are truly one of the kindest person I've ever met here. May God return your kindness a hundred folds and the best of everything in 2019! 🤗
Dec 28Reply

@ralba_308 no problem my dear!!! Hope you love it 😍 and have a great new year! 😘😘😘🎉🎉🎉
Dec 28Reply

@amiearley I love it! Prettier in person. Thank you and happy new year 😘
Jan 01Reply

@ralba_308 ahhh yes!!! Love making people happy 😊 you made my day! I strive for satisfied ppl but sometimes no matter what you do people aren’t happy. You have been a pleasure to work with. Happy New Year!!!!🎆
Jan 01Reply

I LOVE your jewelry collection! We are actually both selling the same Tiffany stackable rings with the .02 diamond - I also have the sapphire too that I’m going to list. So funny. Anyway- if I have anyone who likes mine but needs a bigger size, I’ll refer them to you!!
Jan 12Reply

Stunning jewelry!!!
Jan 16Reply

@evsjewels you too! You have some nice Silpada pieces! Those earrings and some of the rings are awesome
Jan 16Reply

@amiearley Thanks so much! 💕
Jan 16Reply

Love your closet!!!
Feb 06Reply

@monalisa_posh thank you very much! I love your things I like when people have some really cool offbeat things some of those bags are so fun!
Feb 06Reply

@animarkarian Planning on it when I get out of work
Feb 09Reply

Hi Amie, I love your rings. My birthstone is citrine and I iike that size 10 art deco ring. I will have to measure my fingers to see if the size 10 will work. What is the brand on the blue and white art deco style ring I like? I havent bought real gemstones on here before, so I am a little cautious...
Feb 17Reply

@cowiche 👋 hello thanks for your interest you have three days to inspect it you can bring to a jeweler if you like. It is white and blue diamonds very small diamonds but a lot of them in sterling silver there is no “brand” for this one other than a 925 stamp. I am here to help w any questions
Feb 17Reply

What size do you wear? I have some larger ones unlisted as well I don’t usually wear gold so most everything is silver for the most part I wear a 7-9.5,depending on finger and my daughter is a 5.5-7 so I have a variety of sizes
Feb 17Reply

@cowiche also thank you for the compliment 😘
Feb 17Reply

@cowiche I just looked in your closet as well you have some nice stuff too!!
Feb 17Reply

@amiearley Thanks! I am waiting for this bad weather to go away and then I will open up my closet again. As you can tell...I have a bit of a jewelry addiction...
Feb 17Reply

@cowiche same!!!! 😆I pray my fiancé is not home on days I get my deliveries I love sparkly things
Feb 17Reply

@cowiche also I have two citrine items I have not listed if you like citrine I will let you know when I put them up
Feb 17Reply

@cowiche no pressure to buy though
Feb 17Reply

@amiearley thanks! I love antique, art deco, southwest, etc.
Feb 17Reply

@amiearley good morning, did you get my offer?
Feb 20Reply

@cowiche i missed it let me check sometimes I don’t see them right away
Feb 20Reply

@cowiche thank you for sending a message sometimes they slip by me I get a lot of notifications.
Feb 20Reply

@amiearley Thanks! I am so excited to get this ring! : )
Feb 20Reply

@cowiche 👍
Feb 20Reply

@cowiche will mail out today or tomorrow
Feb 20Reply

@amiearley Hi, I just got the ring. It looks faded on the sides. It looked a little brighter in the pictures.
Feb 23Reply

Thank u for all the shares. Your closet is stunning. Glad to have a new Poshmark friend. Fran @cleedles closet
Mar 16Reply

Hi hun! Beautiful closet!! ❤️
Mar 24Reply

@11752 thank you 🙏🏼 you as well!
Mar 24Reply

Great closet!!!!
Mar 26Reply

Hi! I know you liked my Chanel Boy Bag, and wanted to stop by to remind that Posh will begin enforcing sales tax in April. That means this is the last weekend to buy before you could be charged an additional few hundred dollars in tax on the bag. If you are still interested, let me know and I’ll be happy to ship out on Monday!
Mar 30Reply

@laurawilliams13 unfortunately that bag is way out of my budget but it is very beautiful and I am aware of that new rule I am so not loving it
Mar 30Reply

@amiearley I know, disappointing. Have a great rest of your weekend!
Mar 30Reply

@laurawilliams13 you too (I wish I could afford both of those bags! They are beautiful)
Mar 30Reply

Hi Ami - you have exquisite taste and a beautiful closet! We have the same taste LOL I have already mentally bought at least 5 things from your closet!
Apr 02Reply

@aleighdev thank you
Apr 02Reply

@amiearley Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Apr 04Reply

Would you accept a P.a.y.P.a.l transaction for the vintage DY bracelet. If yes, what's your lowest possible on there?
Kind regards,
Apr 16Reply

💍💍💍 @amiearley You are my “ Closet Crush of the Week” ! I picked you because you have lots of beautiful jewelry 💍💍💍
Apr 20Reply

@romonaburton so cool! Thank you for picking me 😊 Nothing beats your shoes though!!!!
Apr 20Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day!
Apr 25Reply

@spreadlove hi 👋 how are you?! Nice to meet you 😘
Apr 25Reply

Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
May 17Reply

@amiearley You have a beautiful closet also, I haven't even started mine yet. Pamela
Jun 15Reply

@pavery777 thanks! You should do it! It’s a fun way to sell things you don’t wear as often anymore and fund the new things you want! If you start and have any questions feel free to reach out I have been selling for a while now
Jun 15Reply

@amiearley Thanks very much Ami, Pam
Jun 15Reply

Hi Ami!! I see you have awesome taste in Valentino and I have a beautiful pair in my closet. Take a peak! #motivatedtoSELL #alloffersWANTED
Jun 16Reply

@amiearley Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I enjoy sharing, shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jul 06Reply

FYI you received a LIKERS offer on my Tanzanite Earrings. I have decided to temporarily list them as NOT FOR SALE, pending a jewelry appraisal. I want to obtain paperwork on them. Please disregard the offer. TY. Sorry for the confusion.
Jul 27Reply

@dellyoder no problem understand completely
Jul 27Reply

@dellyoder if I was to buy anything from your closet it would be the two Chanel pieces lol 😆 but unfortunately my eyes are bigger than my wallet.. I love the necklace and brooch
Jul 27Reply

@amiearley CHANEL is so expensive so I get it! It is a lot of one’s savings. Down the road if things change for you contact me for a private offer. In the meantime we both have to keep reminding ourselves, “Is it a want or a need?” My sister and I are forever challenging each other before we go crazy and buy. 😉
Jul 27Reply

@dellyoder omg yessss same 🤣
Jul 27Reply

Hey! So glad we were able to connect on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Aug 02Reply

@amiearley comes with no lining that’s the design - it’s coated type
Aug 21Reply

I just learned about a new type of scam on poshmark, check out the account @ reyana20 - they steal pictures from another account of an authentic bag, list below $500, after buying they change the address to a fake address but not the tracking code, the system says the package is delivered but they just send an empty box to a fake address :-/
Oct 02Reply

So if the buyer doesn’t catch it in time they get your money like that, another girl told me it happened to her and I’ve seen listings like that popping up :-/ :-/ just wanted to warn you cause this was also new to me!
Oct 02Reply

@charlink i have been seeing a few diff things unfortunately the scammers are getting smarter 😑
Oct 02Reply

@amiearley Yes, they really are and it seems like posh can't keep up :-/ in the mean time I bought TWO fake bags on M - for one the seller added pics of a another bag's code and inside tag so I couldn't see it was fake, for the second it had a really really good (fake) receipt :-/ Can you believe?!
Oct 02Reply

@amiearley and I'm always super careful if I buy but how can you know if they use pictures of another authentic bag (same model / color...). Luckily M quickly approved a return/refund for the first one and I'm now requesting a return for the second one. I've so had it with all those fakes and scams!
Oct 02Reply

@charlink me too .. I can forgive anyone a mistake if it is a accident and they make it right , (like they genuinely thought it was real etc... ) but ppl that knowingly try to rip ppl off...I just can’t
Oct 02Reply

Thanks for all the shares doll! Love love loooove your closet btw! Your purses are to die for! Happy Poshing! 😊💕
Oct 12Reply

@rachiew8 thank you ☺️ 😘😘😘
Oct 12Reply

@amiearley Hi Ami! I see that you enjoy pearls and finer items. I’d like to send a warm welcome to you, and to invite you to please check out my closet. I have a gorgeous pair of vintage 14K mabe pearl and diamond earrings listed you may love. Really gorgeous luster, and they are one of a kind. Thank you! Alison
Oct 14Reply

How do you have your hands on so many wonderful does one choose 😍???
Oct 21Reply

@lumadivot88 thank you very much dear!! I love to recycle when I get bored I move on and I use reselling as a way to give me some spending money and be able to get the nice things I can’t afford new. ❤️❤️❤️I absolutely love posh ❤️❤️❤️ I have been doing this for a few years if you have any questions I would be happy to help you (advice on selling or about any of my items). Thank you and have a great night 😘😘😘
Oct 21Reply

Thank you! I’ve never done anything like this and wonder how to sell when so many people are selling-I always donate my things but some things are too valuable and new to just give away. There must be a trick?
Oct 21Reply

hi. thanks for your interest! If your are interested in purchase I can give u a great deal!
Nov 15Reply

@dutchessxoxo I am interested it’s a larger version of mine.. but I am cut off for a bit lol til I make some sales if I do make an offer I would go through the other app cheaper for me and less fees
Nov 15Reply

@amiearley okey dokey. Just let me know
Nov 15Reply

Hi Ami, What a fabulous closet you have! I could share every item! Thank you for your shares, too! Much appreciated ❣️🤗👍
Nov 28Reply

@starzelda7 thank you so much 😊 happy holidays
Nov 28Reply

If you are still looking for a Lizard Chanel I have one in my closet that I’m willing to negotiate 💕
Dec 11Reply

Hey Ami,
I haven’t heard from you yet...🙂
Dec 17Reply

@natashacbk hi Natasha! Can’t figure out how to find you .. when I put the name in it says invalid user name. Any guidance as to wth I’m doing wrong?
Dec 17Reply

@amiearley its a shop. Btw, i am interested in doing a trade.
Dec 17Reply

Hello! I’ve created a “Poshmark Massachusetts Area” group on Facebook. Trying to get a local FB group together to share selling ideas plus share our items with each other to help promote more sales. Would love to have you join. Happy Monday
Jan 13Reply

@kmtcapecod yes for sure!
Jan 13Reply

@kmtcapecod what is the name of it?
Jan 13Reply

@kmtcapecod I think I found it .. I requested
Jan 13Reply

@amiearley 👍
Jan 13Reply

Hi! I do love the alligator cuff, but I’m purging now, and want to keep track of things I’m interested in acquiring. With any luck the two will align. 😊
Jan 14Reply

@love_it_merch cool thank you for the compliment.. it’s a pretty unique/fun piece ... you have a nice closet as well...
Jan 14Reply

@amiearley thank you! I’m new at this, and I love shopping, fashion, home style, and making money. So Poshmark is perfect! It’s also dangerous, I find things like your cuff that match a belt buckle I have, not that I’m so matchie. Any Poshmark tips for me?
Jan 14Reply

@love_it_merch not really .. just be sure to share your closet and other peoples listings that will help ppl seeing your closet. I love reselling and then reinvesting the money I make on new (to me) things . It has made it possible for me to own things normally that would not be in my budget. If you have any questions about anything I am here to help answer them if I can. I have been selling for a bit ..
Jan 14Reply

@amiearley Agreed on all points, I also appreciate that I can click a button and Poshmark doesn’t sell my data. I think they are leaders in this big data world. Thank you! 💕
Jan 14Reply

@amiearley Hi I Wanted To Ask You A Question! Did You Sell€An Item To A Buyer Named Connie? Did You Have Any Problems With The Sale?
Jan 27Reply

@madkis22 I’ll have to look back and see what sale that was
Jan 27Reply

@amiearley Ty
Jan 27Reply

What is her screen name
Jan 27Reply

@madkis22 she released funds didn’t leave a love note it was uneventful that I remember
Jan 27Reply

@amiearley Ok Ty!
Jan 27Reply

@madkis22 no problem
Jan 27Reply

Feb 08Reply

Any, this is Wendy who bid for the ring. I appreciate your offer and, if I can, I’ll bid again. I can’t spend more $$ now! Thank you!
Feb 10Reply

@one_silver_star ok no problem thank you
Feb 10Reply

Good Evening! Nice to meet you))) I hope you find a minute to check on my closet, I have some cool items you may find interesting. Appreciate your time, thank you, Viva
Feb 13Reply

Beautiful closet. Love ❤️ your style!
Mar 16Reply

@stenotee hi 👋 thank you 😊 I just browsed your closet and you have some awesome pieces too!!!
Mar 16Reply

Hello! Are you interested in any of the items from my page you liked? Thanks
Mar 26Reply

Hey dear! Thanks for the like on the Chanel bag. I’d be happy to give you a discount if your interested! Lmk ❤️
May 07Reply

@ceescloset098 hey 👋 thank you!!! I would If I had any extra money but I’m cut off of spending at the moment.... I haven’t made sales etc so I can’t spend.. but I will share and hope you have better luck today than I have had...
May 07Reply

So sorry Ami my Tiffany ring sold a few weeks ago.
Jun 24Reply

Hey! Thanks for the like on my Chanel bag. I’d be happy to offer you a private discount if your interested! Lmk ❤️
Jul 15Reply

Thank you for the shares love. I am mew to the trading world. If your interested let me know xoxo ❤
Jul 17Reply

@jessmedina760 I do sometimes trade. It all depends on what you are interested in of mine. Some of my things I won’t trade but as long as people are decent trading is awesome! You have a great closet 😊
Jul 17Reply

@amiearley Thank you love. Like I mentioned I am new to trading and don't mind sending first 🥰😉
Jul 17Reply

@jessmedina760 ok yes that would have to happen. What are you interested in in my closet? I see a lot of sold things I love lol but don’t see much available at the moment. Can I have details on the gold diam ring ?
Jul 17Reply

@amiearley I love Chanel... And that ring is pretty vintage, what would ypu like to know about it?
Jul 17Reply

@jessmedina760 gold purity and natural diamonds? And size? And weight?
Jul 17Reply

@amiearley Got it. It's size 5½, 14K, diamonds are roughly .10ctw each. I should be putting up more items soon. Feel free to check back next week 😉😊
Jul 17Reply

@jessmedina760 ok let me know when you post more!
Jul 17Reply

@amiearley Will do, thank you so much for responding 🥰 Have a beautiful day. ❤
Jul 17Reply

@jessmedina760 your welcome! You too and def let me know I’m always willing to discuss trading right now I’m broke so it works for me.. and it’s fun
Jul 17Reply

Love your closet! check out mine for reasonable priced designer items! :)
Sep 01Reply

Hey Stranger! Hope you’re doing awesome and the kiddos are fantastic! Love your handbags. I’d love to hear from you, it’s been a while 🙁.
Jan 02Reply

Hi there 😄 Come check out my closet @honeytag for awesome, fashionable finds, I think you're gonna love! 🖤
...🖤🖤🖤Happy Poshing 🖤🖤🖤
Mar 12Reply

love your closet!
Jul 01Reply

@mycustomcloset hello 👋 you do too! Thank you for the shares 😊
Jul 01Reply

My name is Marianne. a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items, including china, books, clothing, DVD’s, video games, jewelry, and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. Hope you’ll drop by (and I’ll visit your closet too.)
Jul 15Reply

My name is Marianne. a Poshmark Ambassador. I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many vintage and unique items, including china, books, clothing, DVD’s, video games, jewelry, and religious objects. I am happy to consider all reasonable offers. Hope you’ll drop by (and I’ll visit your closet too.)
Jul 15Reply

Massive SALE! Everything In my Closet is 50% off when YOU buy 5 Items. Just click the heart under each item and I will send you the corrected offer. Lots of very high-end Items included. Nothing left out!
Gorgeous Closet with Loads of the best brands around. Lots of Plus and Vintage too. I have it all! Do not miss looking! YOU will not believe it. Shop Till YOU Drop! Have some fun
Sep 13Reply

Hi there❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals🥳🥳🎉 if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 09Reply

@amiearley Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 13Reply

hello! if you love authentic designer bags please check us out 🤗✨ happy poshing!
Sep 08Reply
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