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Updated Oct 22
Updated Oct 22

Meet your Posher, Amy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Amy. Some of my favorite brands are Christian Louboutin, Chanel, Jimmy Choo, Gucci, Valentino & Sisley. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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gracielj welcome to poshmark!! I hope you find some awesome deals! Feel free to check out my closet!!! I have a variety of sizes and styles in my closet! Also feel free to bundle and offer a price on anything! Have an awesome day!!! Gracie
Mar 26Reply
ms_shayla ~ Welcome 🌸🎀🌺🍒~
Mar 27Reply
ashleyeb82 Welcome to Poshmark! It's great to have you here!
Mar 27Reply
jakesheart Hi Welcome🎈over! I hope your having fun on poshmark! 🌷Thank you for visiting❣️Please lmk if you ever need any help, I’m always happy to be of service☺️‼️ just an FYI, Im running a Sale,**any 3 items** 25% off :-) &5/35$! 🎉💛Any questions just write!! Have a fabulous time on Posh! Warm wishes, Adrienne @jakesheart 🌹
Apr 03Reply
hailstone_ Hi dear! Thank you for stopping by our closet and liking our item! :) We're having a 4 for $25 sale right now! If you don't wish to purchase 4 necklaces, we can do 1 for $12, 2 for $16, or 3 for $21. A free gift is also included with ANY order! <3
Apr 03Reply
amyasmith740 @gpatriz no problem. Thank you for letting me know.
Apr 05Reply
jctilton10 Hi Amy, I just missed post office hours this morning. I will ship your Ted Baker dress first thing Monday am. Have a great weekend! Julie E
Apr 06Reply
amyasmith740 @jctilton10 no problem. Thank you for letting me know,
Apr 06Reply
gloriaes40 Thx 4 the like😊😊🎉🎉🎉
Apr 12Reply
koalababy33 Your closet is gorgeous!!!
Apr 24Reply
amyasmith740 @koalababy33 thank you so much!!’
Apr 24Reply
wubblesnugs Hello lovely, I’m Sinclair. Thank you for liking and sharing my closet. If you have any suggestions on how to improve my closet, please don’t hesitate to share. I’m am open to suggestions and to offers. If you see something nice, please like it and share it with someone you think may love it! @simplysinclair So far, I have learned that “liking and sharing “ items is very helpful for new Posh Mark sellers.
Apr 25Reply
amyasmith740 @simplysinclair hello. Yes, liking & sharing makes a huge difference!
Apr 25Reply
chrmdhrtsbtq Thank you so much for sharing my item! 😊💕
Apr 25Reply
amyasmith740 @afnoles3 no problem😊
Apr 26Reply
wonderaa Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts for bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
May 01Reply
hbbk2013 Hi Amy! Thanks for following my closet🌺💖🌺
May 13Reply
amyasmith740 @hbbk2013 good morning. Sure, you have beautiful bags👛👜!!!
May 13Reply
amygallegos Hi @amyasmith740 I can do $125, let me know if that works for you. I can ship tomorrow morning
May 31Reply
amyasmith740 @amygallegos hello. I just saw this, after I accepted your offer. Thank you so much☺️
Jun 01Reply
ladybuddap Gm thank you for stopping by my closet nice closet feel free to offer if you like on the dress Have a great day
Jul 22Reply
the6perfections I’d be happy to purchase all your solid LLR Irmas in size S or M as a bundle but don’t need the leggings. Thanks
Jul 26Reply
amyasmith740 @the6perfections hello. Sure, I’d be happy to pull all the small & medium solid Irma’s. Let me see what I have...
Jul 26Reply
the6perfections @amyasmith740 thanks Amy! Elle Douglas on FB
Jul 26Reply
amyasmith740 @the6perfections I just posted a pic of all my solid small & medium Irma’s. There are 2 Irma I did not post until tonight. And there is a green Irma that is striped, it’s 2 shades of green.
Jul 26Reply
alexaposh007 Hi! Thank you for purchasing the NARS palette! Sorry for the shipping delay. We are in coastal Wilmimgton by Carolina beach and had been doing tons of hurricane prep, then the storm hit yesterday! But, I have it packed and will get that shipped (I’ll check and make sure post office is open). Thank you again!
Sep 06Reply
amyasmith740 @alexaposh007 thank you for the update. BE SAFE!
Sep 06Reply
alexaposh007 @amyasmith740 So sorry for the delay. We had soooo much hurricane cleanup, lost power, just been a mess. Getting dropped at post today, or very latest tomorrow morning, Hope that’s ok! Apologies again! I’ll put an extra gift in your package !
Sep 13Reply
luvmee40 30% OFF the already low prices for the next week. Its my 1 Year Anniversary on Poshmark. My Closet is truly something incredible. Over 1000 items with everything thing from Giorgio Armani to Michael Kors. Lots of very unique Vintage Glamour. Stop in asap and take a good look. YOU will find lots of things you love. Just like the item and I will send you a 30% discount. You can also bundle. Just take off 30% and I will accept.  This sale is one week only. Thanks!
Nov 07Reply
paanibun05 Hello bundle for 6 and I’ll send offer. I have a variety of soaps you’ll love. Thankyou for viewing my closet. Hope to see you soon 🌺
Nov 09Reply
paanibun05 Hi! No problem just add 2 of each scent . Bundle of 6. Thankyou
Nov 09Reply
paanibun05 Hello again. You bundled!! For two! Bundle for 6. Thankyou
Nov 10Reply
paanibun05 Hello i shared a bundle with you. Hope you like it. Hope to see you soon 🌺
Nov 10Reply
amygallegos Hi, just stopping by to let you know that I’m having a cyber sale... 30%-50% Off... Today Only! Happy Poshing - Amy
Dec 02Reply
budjatom Hello and welcome 😊❤️👋🏽🎉
Dec 04Reply
codelina Hi! Great closet, lots of fun stuff at reasonable prices :) If you're into handmade accessories, I have a lot in my closet and can also do custom orders! Happy poshing :)
Dec 20Reply
debsdesigndealz Hi Amy, May this new year be filled with success and great deals  ! 🎈🎈🍾🍾🍷🍷🎂🎂🍬🍬😙😚🌷🌷🎂🎂🍾🍾💕💕🗓🗓🌻🌻
Jan 15Reply
midoa Thank u Amy for sharing my free people top but it’s sold out!
Jan 27Reply
ingoodtaste104 Thank you for ALL your help. I appreciate it so much!
Oct 31Reply
danamariecre8 Hello. I’m Dana, and I’m a mom to an adorable 3 year old boy❤️💕I also love shopping on posh and I’m a posh ambassador. Really hope you can check out my closet. Wishing you speedy sales and lots of success💕💕All the best, Dana ❤️
May 19Reply
phoenixexchange @amyasmith740 Hi A! If the counter offer works for you they’ll go out today! 👍🌵💨
Jul 08Reply
phoenixexchange Awesome! They’ll go out today!
Jul 09Reply
phoenixexchange Thanks for taking the time to write a lil review! Glad you liked the sandals! 😊🌵
Jul 13Reply
frank2371 Hi Amy, My name is Frank, you might not remember me but I bought a killian perfume box from you about a couple years ago, and at that time you told me that you have a bottle of apple brandy by killian, but you were not selling it at that time. So my question is: would you sell it now? Please let me know Thank you and have a great day
Sep 01Reply
cutehosiery @amyasmith740 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jul 15Reply
amyasmith740 @cutehosiery thank you, so kind of you to say! You have a great selection of bracelets!!!
Jul 15Reply

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Last Active: Feb 27

Mars, PA
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Last Active: Feb 27

Mars, PA
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