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Updated Aug 04
Updated Aug 04

Meet your Posher, Amy

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Amy. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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flashvintage Hi ! I’m lynn 💐Welcome to Poshmark. Anything you need to know, don’t hesitate to ask ... I’m just PM away. Enjoy and have fun. Good Luck!😊
Jun 21Reply
saleberi Thanks so much!! Here's a wish for continued success!! My best -Amy
Jun 28Reply
isuzie Amy, Welcome To Poshmark 🌸🌸🌸
Jun 29Reply
saleberi So thrilled to be here! Many Thanks! Love your unique kids attire & accessories for all of our furry friends too! May your achievements continue to flourish!
Jun 29Reply
classtiques Thanks for all the shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! 😙 @classtiques 🦋
Jul 29Reply
saleberi @classtiques You're Sooo Welcome!! May success continue to follow you! :)
Jul 29Reply
oliviaami Dear @saleberi , happy to see that you are following our closet 💗
Aug 05Reply
saleberi @oliviaami Beautiful Closet~Happy 2 Follow!!! Amy
Aug 05Reply
saleberi @imjenchen Hi. Thanks for all of the shares!! Nice closet - glad to share yours too!!! :)
Aug 05Reply
classtiques @saleberi 😘😘😘
Aug 08Reply
blessingsup Hello Amy and thanks for the shares! I appreciate your time & support. Please accept this personal invite to come and visit. I offer 25% on bundles of 3+ items everyday and post new listings weekly. Thank you for looking! Blessings, Debbie
Aug 18Reply
saleberi @blessingsup Absolutely & Thank you also!! Amy - Saleberi 🍓 ♥
Aug 18Reply
classtiques Hey girl!! I’m behind in returning my shares! I’ll catch up next Monday when I’m off (my regular job) work again!! Thanks for your shares, you sweet Posher!! Happy Poshing!! 😙 @classtiques 🦋
Aug 20Reply
saleberi @classtiques Thanks for the message! No worries dearest. Amy. 😊
Aug 20Reply
beverlyadams922 Thank you for the shares!🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Beverly 🌹🌹🌹
Aug 31Reply
saleberi @beverlyadams922 You're Welcome- Happy To & Thanks for sharing mine also. Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓 ♥
Aug 31Reply
beverlyadams922 Thank you for the shares!🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 Beverly 🌹🌹🌹
Sep 02Reply
saleberi @creolenative Always a pleasure! Thanks for all of your Posh Luv too!! 🎉💜🌞🌺🌻🌷
Sep 25Reply
rockurstyle Thank You Amy !!!! Love them ! 💛
Oct 10Reply
rhen711339 Amy thanks for the shares, I definitely will be returning the favor 😁
Oct 13Reply
saleberi @rhen711339 You are welcome!! Mid-week Boost. Hope it propells more sales!!!
Oct 13Reply
yunique66 Hi Amy, thanks for your kind shares😊💕 happy sales!! Welcome to Poshmark, hope you’re having fun!!
Oct 15Reply
saleberi @yunique66 Hi Diana! Thx for the msg & return shares!! 🌺💕 Poshing is the BEST ~ amazing, intelligent, ambitious individuals cross our paths each day!! Amy - Saleberi 🍓
Oct 15Reply
yunique66 @saleberi so many reasons like you why I love Poshmark community💕😊 thanks so much 🙏
Oct 15Reply
rockurstyle Hey Amy !!! Thanks for ur continued shares ! I will repay the favor 😘. Just got in from horse show , luv ur socks !! Thanks Saw your neice competes too !!! Very Cool!
Oct 16Reply
saleberi @rockurstyle Awh. The horse shows are so fun! I learn alot too!! Thanks for your shares as well, there's lots of gems 💎 🛍 in your closet!!! I love it!! 💗💕💖
Oct 16Reply
rockurstyle Thanks Amy !!! You Rock !!!! 🥰💛
Oct 17Reply
rockurstyle Hey Girl !!! Thanks for the continued shares !!! So appreciate it !!! Was busy last couple of days with horsey stuff .. I will keep sharing your awesome closet as well !!!! Have a great weekend !!!🤗🐎💛
Oct 22Reply
saleberi @rockurstyle Never a problem! Im here for the flexibility too! &&& The horsey's are important! 😉🐎
Oct 22Reply
rockurstyle Sorry throw was a mistake when sharing but thank you !!! Lol 😘
Nov 02Reply
saleberi @rockurstyle Np. I've done it too!! ;)
Nov 02Reply
rockurstyle @saleberi Ha Ha !!!! Thanks for the shares 🤟💛
Nov 02Reply
redbearz Beautiful hibiscus!
Nov 06Reply
kpike2001 Thank you, your a doll to keep sharing my stuff! I’m despairing that they will ever sell 😭 any tips?
Nov 19Reply
saleberi @kpike2001 You are Welcome!! Thank you also 💕. Sent you a msg in your Bundle.
Nov 19Reply
hannah_8_style Thank you for all of your shares!! 👠🍸❤️
Nov 20Reply
saleberi @hannah_8_style Np. You are very welcome!! Thank you also! Happy Poshing! 😊 Hope the shares generate some sales!! Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓 💕
Nov 20Reply
blessingsup Good Morning Amy and thanks as always for your many shares! I try to always share back but usually have to limit it to #10 each time due to arthritis in my hands. Have a Happy & Healthy Thanksgiving and may we both be blessed with many sales! Blessings, Debbie
Nov 22Reply
saleberi @blessingsup No worries. Thanks for letting me know. I completely understand. You are so kind & I also wish you Happy Thanksgiving!! Amy
Nov 22Reply
yunique66 Hi neighbor😊 welcome to poshmark! You’ve been a posher since June and you’re an ambassador, very impressive, congratulations!!!🎈 have fun poshing and happy sales💕
Dec 03Reply
classtiques Hey Amy!! 👋🏻👋🏻 Thanks for continuing to share my closet even though there hasn’t been much reciprocation. I’ve had Covid for almost 2 weeks and haven’t had any strength to do anything other than sleep. Haha!! You’re my fave ❤️ Posher! And I truly appreciate you, and all your generosity!! 😘
Dec 12Reply
saleberi @classtiques My goodness Sooo glad you are recovering!! 🤗Terrible stuff. Certainly appreciate your message ~ You are on my daily share list!! Hope you see some sales soon! Take care. I'm out here if you ever need anything ~ Amy. 💕
Dec 12Reply
lmoore840 Heeey, I am happy to say, I am having a HOLIDAY SALE on my page, come check it out, won’t be doing these sells for long, get things low while you can!!!I have great Christmas presentsss😃😃!!YAAAAY! 🎁🎁,Merry Christmas and Happy New Years!!!!🤩🤩🤩!!!
Dec 19Reply
rockurstyle Hey Girl Do u have anymore of those kate spade 70s style socks ? Love them! Wanna buy a bunch of packs .. thx & happy new year !!! Appreciate the shares ! Have had ctazyness going on lately but will def share back ! XO 🥰
Dec 31Reply
saleberi @rockurstyle 70s Socks. Sorry none on hand. Can do some hunting... How many pairs were you thinking? && Np on sharing. ++ HAPPY NEW YEAR!🎉🎆
Dec 31Reply
rockurstyle @saleberi Hey Like 4 packs? Would be thrilled if you come across them again Thank you !!😘
Dec 31Reply
sallysbroom1968 Hello Amy. Happy New Year to you. Hope you have a great and prosperous year. Thanks for being such a wonderful posh friend. ✨✨✨
Jan 01Reply
rhen711339 Happy New Year Amy!!!!
Jan 01Reply
saleberi @rhen711339 You too! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 🎉🥂🤗🎆🥳💕 & Robinette THANKS for all of your shares! Wishing you Health + Happiness + Prosperity in 2022!!
Jan 01Reply
saleberi @sallysbroom1968 Indeed. Debbie ~ Happy New Year to you also!! 🎊✨️🥂🎉I appreciate each & every share!! Thank you & best wishes for 2022!! Health + Happiness + Prosperity 💖
Jan 01Reply
rhen711339 @saleberi always a pleasure sharing my fellow poshers wares. Wishing you a happy and prosperous 2022 as well!!🎉🎉🎉
Jan 01Reply
walkmangirl2u Hi Amy…thanks for sharing my closet. I have a question and just curious? I noticed you have a lot of nice items listed for only $3..?? After posh fees, you make nothing. I’m not understanding..even some for $5. Am I missing something? Please advise and thanks again for all your shares. (Just the time to list ,package, ink to print label and then take to post office) just curious how that works for you.
Jan 04Reply
saleberi @rockurstyle No luck yet! Sorry.
Jan 04Reply
rockurstyle @saleberi Hey ! Its ok , I found a few pairs so i am all set !! Thanks for the shares , will repay the favor tonight :)
Jan 04Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your follow and all your shares. Any questions, please just ask. There is a 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package 📦. And offers are always welcome, too.
Jan 09Reply
glassprism70 Appreciate all of your daily shares. Are there any particular items in which you ate interested ?
Jan 12Reply
w_glitterontop Hi there! Thank you so much for all of the shares!
Jan 13Reply
saleberi @w_glitterontop Hi KRISTIE! You are welcome 😊 & Thank you too!! 💕💖🥰
Jan 13Reply
computershoptx Happy New Year and Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have a fantastic 2022 and successful Poshing!😊
Jan 13Reply
whocaresdamnit 😉 hi Amy, Thanks for the shares! John
Jan 13Reply
saleberi @whocaresdamnit John. Thank you as well. Wishing you lots of Sales!! Take Care ~ Amy Saleberi 🍓
Jan 13Reply
sweetpeacin Hi Amy. Thank you for the follow and all of the shares. I really appreciate it. Happy Poshing! 🙂
Jan 13Reply
saleberi @sweetpeacin Hi Cindy😊 Thank you too! 💕Happy to share all of your lovely items!!! 🛍🎀
Jan 13Reply
crafteelinda490 Hi, Amy. Thank you for visiting my closet and liking some items. If you like, you can send me an offer and I can either accept it or counter. Remember if you bundle 3 or more items below $16, you will receive a 10% discount and reduced postage. Also by purchasing these 3 or more items, you save on postage.
Jan 13Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Jan 14Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle for a great deal! And Happy New Year🎊🎉
Jan 17Reply
uneekfinds Thanks for the follow! Welcome to UNEEKFINDS. I try to keep a closet that has something unique for everyone. Shipping🚚🚚🚚 occurs the same day or the next📆. Offers are always welcome if they are reasonable. When I have special offers or sales 💵 I let my shoppers know directly first! So keep in touch! ☎️
Jan 17Reply
artistinspired Thanks for the shares! You have a beautiful closet!
Jan 17Reply
whocaresdamnit 😘good morning
Jan 17Reply
unclaimed Amy Happy MLK Day Happy New Year!!! , hope you are prosperous, well, and in good spirits. l m having a closet liquidation sale, enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more ,(free shipping on a $25 purchase). Wholesale ,purchase any item in my closet priced $19 for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet or replenish your inventory. expires 1.20.22
Jan 17Reply
rhonda_anne Have a blessed year!
Jan 17Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you Amy for all of the many shares!
Jan 18Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Rhonda a special thanks to you as well!! Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓
Jan 18Reply
saleberi @artistinspired Hi Georgia! So grateful for your shares & the compliment💕 - Amy ~Saleberi 🍓
Jan 18Reply
uneekfinds Amy many blessings for the shares! You are awesome!
Jan 20Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there and thanks so much for stopping by. Please accept my special deal I have going on today. It's BUY ONE GET 2 FREE, YEP GET 2 OF EQUAL OR LESSER VALUE ABSOLUTELY 💯 FREE, only for a limited time, and for a select few... So hurry and select your 3 items. put a bid in, and your on your way to getting one heck of a deal...
Jan 22Reply
nicholepruitt73 thanks for all he shares. I'm having a BOG2 FREE SALE THANKS AGAIN
Jan 25Reply
herzogrn Hi! @jozborne wants to use your dress as host pick. She said to go to her page and comment on her party link. I’ve been host before and it’s nice to have original picks- which is why I shared the dress w her. Good luck selling!
Jan 29Reply
saleberi @herzogrn Thank you so much💕 for sharing my dress 👗 to the party host!! I will follow up on the info you provided. Thanks again, you're awesome!!! 💐🎉🤗 Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓🍓🍓
Jan 29Reply
herzogrn @saleberi I’ve only been listing since Aug and us newbies have to help one another out! I have a ton of host picks but not as many followers. LMK if you have any tips! 😁❤️
Jan 29Reply
saleberi @herzogrn Sure!!😊 Tips: Actively seek new followers under Find People, New Users, + By Sellers Under Brands & Attend Lots of Posh Parties. Hope This Helps!!! If I think of anything else I will let you know. BTW I've not hosted a party yet will you fill me in one day? A.
Jan 29Reply
rhonda_anne Amy...thank you so much for all of the shares....especially my artwork...have a blessed day!
Jan 29Reply
pennylane1972 Hi Amy! Thank you for sharing! I really appreciate it😊🦋🌸
Feb 03Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Feb 05Reply
zezeadel Hi! Thank you so much for the shares, I really appreciate it. I wish you lots of good luck and success. Happy Poshing 💌😄
Feb 08Reply
saleberi @zezeadel Hi. Thank you so much for the shares💕 & kind, thoughtful wishes!❤💙💜
Feb 08Reply
smokeyrivtalk0x Hi, Amy! Thank you for all the shares. Keep ‘‘em coming and I’ll hit you back. I really got ripped off on the NFL Trubisky Bears jersey, if you can, share it uppppp!! Thank you lol 💕💕🙏🏻 I’m very new to this. Your closet is impressive. Love— Sarah
Feb 09Reply
saleberi @smokeyrivtalk0x Hi Sarah! Thank you too!💕💜 If you have any questions- just ask, I'll do my best to help! I appreciate the compliment!! Wishing you lots of followers, shares & sales!!! 🛍🌟💟
Feb 09Reply
smokeyrivtalk0x @saleberi thank you so much!!! 💕💕💕💕🙏🏻😘 when do you or when have you normally posted new clothing?? I think I’m just going to wait until I make more sales. This website/app is very addicting though!!
Feb 09Reply
nicholepruitt73 Hi there gorgeous, I hope your having a great night.Im having a small clearance Closeout so pic one item at regulat cost and get another at half price, plus I will throw in a BONUS GIFT BAG , filled with all sorts of goodies just for you.
Feb 09Reply
rhonda_anne Amy...thank you for sharing my listings! Have a blessed week!
Feb 09Reply
victorkat16 @rhonda_anne thank you fir the Shares!
Feb 09Reply
rhonda_anne @victorkat16 Have a blessed week!
Feb 09Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne You are so kind! I wish you the same!💜💕
Feb 09Reply
zezeadel Hi! Thank you so much for the shares! I really appreciate it god bless you! 💌
Feb 17Reply
unclaimed Amy,nice closet beautiful picture Happy belated Valentine's Day!!! , hope you are prosperous, well, and in good spirits. l m having a closet liquidation sale, enjoy a 50% discount on your next purchase of $50 or more ,(free shipping on a $25 purchase). Wholesale ,purchase any item in my closet priced $19 for $5 with a minimum purchase of $50. Start your closet or replenish your inventory. expires 2.20.22
Feb 17Reply
yunique66 Have a great weekend my PFF🤗💕🤗😊
Feb 19Reply
saleberi @yunique66 Thank you!!😊 You have an awesome weekend too!! 🎉💖
Feb 19Reply
girlloves2shop ✨👋 Hello. Thank you again for all the shares!! Appreciate it. Have a wonderful day 😊✨
Feb 19Reply
saleberi @girlloves2shop Hi. Thanks! I appreciate your shares too!! 💕😊 Wishing you a happy day! 🙂
Feb 19Reply
smokeyrivtalk0x Good morning there! Greetings from IN!! At what point did you get a warehouse? Storage area? This website and trade has certainly paid off for you, huh! Have a great day. I was in Ft. Lauderdale for the first time last June!!! It was so amazing.
Feb 23Reply
eyesoncarey Thankful for all the shares!! 👚👕👗👔👛👓
Mar 03Reply
saleberi @eyesoncarey Hi Sirpa! Your Welcome! I am grateful for your shares too!!💖 Wishing you lots of sales!!🛍 Take Care. Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓
Mar 03Reply
classtiques Amy, sweet Amy! Thanks very much for sharing my closet so often!!! I’ve been taking a short break from Poshing, but almost ready to kick it back into gear! 😘❣️😘
Mar 04Reply
kpike2001 You are so amazing, you have shared my item sooo many times ☺️ thank you! I am despairing of ever selling it. But i truly appreciate your help!!
Mar 05Reply
saleberi @kpike2001 No problem. Just added you in my share rotation. Fingers Crossed. Have a great weekend!!
Mar 05Reply
polka5dots Thank you! Be safe.
Mar 05Reply
rhen711339 Enjoy your vacation Amy!!!
Mar 11Reply
saleberi @rhen711339 Thanks💕 - it was a nice little break! 😊 Watched my niece in a figure skating ⛸️ competition!
Mar 13Reply
aquiredforyou You are totally awesome!!!!!! Thank you for all the shares😁😁😁😁😁😁😁😁
Mar 14Reply
gmaiolini Thank you so much for all your share. I really appreciate it very much!! :)
Mar 17Reply
rhonda_anne Amy thank you for all of the shares......I think that you helped sale a pair of men's jeans......and I notice that you have sold two things that I have shared is working!
Mar 22Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Yay!! 🎉Fantastic News!!🎉 Congrats on your sale!!🛍🛍 I'm so happy to support your lovely closet! 💕🌟🌷 I will definitely keep sharing! I appreciate your comment. 🤗💐 Amy 🍓
Mar 22Reply
classtiques Hi sweet Amy!! Hope you’ve been well and happy!!! Thanks bunches for all the shares!! Reciprocating right now! Happy Poshing! 😘😘😘 @classtiques 🦋
Mar 24Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you Amy! Have a blessed day!
Mar 24Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne As always it is my pleasure sharing!! 🌻Gifting you the jewlery shares.⚘️⚘️⚘️ Fingers crossed- hope it promotes a sale!! 😊🛍🛍Take Care. Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓
Mar 24Reply
gmaiolini Amy God bless you and thank you so much for all your shares. I really appreciate because I don't always have time to do it a d you take the time to share my items. Thank you so much and many blessings that you sell all your items. Gloria/ mz gee
Mar 30Reply
saleberi @gmaiolini Thank you for the sweet message!!🧁💕 Happy to be helpful!! Let's hope for some sales!! Amy - Saleberi 🍓
Mar 30Reply
nicholepruitt73 STORE CLOSING LAST DAY TO SHOP TODAY AND TOMORROW BOGO ON EVERY ITEM in my closet plus every customer gets a free gift valued at $10 just for shopping with me
Apr 01Reply
its_crystal28 Hi Amy 🌹🌹 thank you for the generous share of Love😘 🌹 if u happen to eye something you like in my closet pls let me know , im always welcome to any offers👗🌸God bless and Happy Poshing 👗
Apr 02Reply
peruvianjewel So grateful for all yr sweet shares! Thank u for taking your time for us!! ❤ have a wonderful day!
Apr 04Reply
smokeyrivtalk0x Thank you, Amy!! Much love goes to you!! Wish I was going to Florida but it’ll probably be next year. Thank you for your continuous sharing. No sales recently AND I have brand new clothing items up. Frustrating. Have a great evening 💕❤️💕🌸😘 Sarah
Apr 05Reply
its_crystal28 Thanks Amy 🌹🌹 Sharing back as much as i can as long my carpal tunnel doesnt kick in lolz…✌️🤣🤣
Apr 05Reply
saleberi @christaline28 Hi Christaline! Thx for your msg.💖I appreciate your shares, however do not wish to cause issue with your carpal tunnel. 😦 Reducing shares immediately!!💕 Return what you're comfortable with. I totally understand.🌷 Take care!! 🤗Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓
Apr 07Reply
its_crystal28 @saleberi 🥰🥰 Speedy sales to you my dear 🌹
Apr 07Reply
kpike2001 Thank you so much for all the sharing! I finally was able to sell an item 🥳🥳 I owe you all the credit!
Apr 08Reply
colorplay I’d be totally buying you clothing items if they were my size 🥲.
Apr 13Reply
saleberi @jodi_2448 Thank you dearest!! 💕💐
Apr 13Reply
aquiredforyou Thank you Amy for your constant shares I appreciate every one of them!!!
Apr 14Reply
classtiques Thanks for sharing my closet! I really appreciate it very much!! Happy Poshing!! @classtiques 🦋
Apr 15Reply
saleberi @classtiques You are welcome! I really appreciate your time & all the shares you send too!! 💕Thank you!! 🤗 Happy Weekend!!
Apr 15Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou Thank you as well!! It's no bother, I love 💕sharing all the pretty things in your closet!! 👗 Happy Weekend!!
Apr 15Reply
classtiques Thanks for sharing so many of my closet items!! I really appreciate it!! 🤗 Here’s wishing you a Happy Easter 🐣 @classtiques 🦋
Apr 17Reply
saleberi @classtiques I am grateful for all of your shares too!!! 💕Thank you! 🌷🌷 Happy Easter!! 🐣🐰- Bunny Day!
Apr 17Reply
scubamvg Thank you for sharing my items once again!!! You’re amazing!
Apr 18Reply
scubamvg Wow! Thank you again!!!😃👍
Apr 18Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you Amy!
Apr 19Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Thank you also!! 😊
Apr 19Reply
crafteelinda490 Hi,Amy - I want to thank you for sharing my closet consistently. It really means a lot to me and I appreciate it so very much. I love to share, but have been remiss lately. I’m in the middle of a move and it has not been going to well. I am just too old for this mess. LOL!! I have put my closet on hold once and am going to have to put it on hold again until this thing is over. Keep on doing your good work with all the sharing as difficult as it is sometimes. Stay safe and God bless.
Apr 21Reply
saleberi @crafteelinda490 Linda. Thanks, you're so kind to let me know.💕 I sincerely hope your move goes a little smoother and you get settled in your new space soon!🤞I can resume daily shares upon your return. 😊 Amy
Apr 21Reply
scubamvg Thank you again for sharing my items!😃👍
Apr 25Reply
scubamvg You’re very kind for sharing my items thank you again!!!!😃👍
May 05Reply
scubamvg 😃👍
May 12Reply
saleberi @marcusgalembeck Thank you as well!!😊
May 12Reply
lesm1972 hello🙂I'm Leslie. thank you for the shares! have a wonderful day.🌈🦋
May 13Reply
saleberi @lesm1972 Hi Leslie! You're so kind.😊 Each share makes a ripple. I appreciate yours too! Thank you!! & Happy Weekend! Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓
May 13Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listings.
May 13Reply
scubamvg 😃👍
May 16Reply
musharina You’re on vacation till June something?!? Oh no! You’re one of my fav sharers! 😂😂. I hope you have a wonderful Poshmark break and vacation! Come say hi when you’re back 💓🥰💓 - Michele
May 22Reply
scubamvg Amy, I hope you have an awesome vacation 😃👍
May 22Reply
jozborne @saleberi Thank you so much for sharing my closet, PFF! I will be sure to return the favor as soon as you return from vacation ❤️
May 22Reply
gmaiolini Miss Amy your on vacation; I appreciate you sharing my items but enjoy your off time.😊⚘
May 28Reply
classtiques Well, look who’s back!! Hey girl! Been missing you! Hope you had a great vacation! @classtiques 🦋
Jun 07Reply
artistinspired Thank you for all your shares! Hope your vacation is good- am wanting to return the favor when you return💐! Thanks for your thoughtfulness!
Jun 07Reply
scubamvg Thank you so much for sharing my items 🥰👍
Jun 14Reply
saleberi @marcusgalembeck Always a pleasure! Thank you very much for sharing my items too!
Jun 14Reply
pennylane1972 Hi Amy! I appreciate you! Have a blessed day!🥰
Jul 09Reply
saleberi @pennylane1972 Thank you! I'm super grateful for your shares too!! Blessings. Amy
Jul 09Reply
aquiredforyou Thank you for all the shares you are so AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 10Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou Thank you kindly are Awesome too!! I appreciate each & every share!! ❤️
Jul 10Reply
lesm1972 hope you have a wonderful day! 🙂🌻
Jul 11Reply
jozborne @saleberi Thank you for all of the shares, PFF! I will be sure to return the favor when you are back. Have a wonderful vacay!
Jul 14Reply
angelaemmerton Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing! Blessings 🦋⭐️🌺
Jul 17Reply
saleberi @angelaemmerton Thank you, Angela!♡ You're so kind. Posh Blessings Back.
Jul 17Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Thank you Amy! Have a blessed day! Hope you sell a lot!
Jul 20Reply
aquiredforyou YOU ARE SO AWESOME THANK YOU FOR EVERY SHARE AND EVERY TIME YOU THINK ABOUT ME!!!!!!!! I share as much as I can and I apologize for being so slack about sharing back my husband has been so sick and he’s not pulling out of it this time like he usually has in the past but I will return the shares as much as possible!!! Thank you again😄😄😄
Aug 01Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou Not to worry. Your husband's health is far more important! I'm sorry to hear that he is ill and hope you see improvement soon! Please consider the shares a gift. I'm happy to help. Sending my thoughts & prayers. Amy.
Aug 01Reply
aquiredforyou Thanks Amy you’re precious!!!
Aug 01Reply
jozborne @saleberi Thank you so much for all of the shares, sweet PFF! I appreciate you and will return the favor as soon as your closet is re-opened. Xoxo ❤️
Aug 06Reply
blessingsup Amy, thanks so much for sharing! You know I'll return the favor when your items are available again. Blessings, Debbie
Aug 06Reply
fancycandy007 Thank you Amy for all your amazing shares! Hope all is well! Sending positive vibes your way! xo
Aug 06Reply
artistinspired Thanks so much for all your shares!💗💐
Aug 08Reply
jjlisle Hey Amy! Thank you for all the shares. I went to share your closet but everything was marked not for sale. Will the items be back on trying to figure out if I should share them 💜
Aug 08Reply
saleberi @jjlisle Hi. I'm away & cannot ship however, I still wanted to participate in sharing + supporting my poshmates! Share if you wish or wait til my return. Thanks so much for your shares!! Happy Summer ☀️
Aug 09Reply
saleberi @artistinspired You're welcome 😊 & Double thanks to you too! 💕
Aug 09Reply
chrismbc Hey Amy! Thank you for sharing my closet!! Are you taking a break from selling? I was going to share back a few times, but noticed you have things marked not for sale. Would you like me to share them anyway? I didn’t see a vacation notice. Just let me know☺️ I always appreciate your shares!!❤️
Aug 11Reply
saleberi @chrismbcb Hi. Yes. I'm away & cannot ship. Still -I love ❤️ supporting my poshmates & am continuing to share. I'm here on & off. No preference- share back if you wish or wait til my return. Enjoy the precious days of what remains of Summer! Take Care.
Aug 11Reply
blessingsup Amy, thanksso much for the continued shares even when you're away! I have always appreciated your support!
Aug 14Reply
saleberi @blessingsup I appreciate your shares too! Thank you! 💕
Aug 15Reply
rhonda_anne Amy...thank you for all of the shares! I keep coming to share your items and it says ...not for sale....hope you are doing ok.....
Aug 15Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Hi. Away, but still wanted to participate in sharing & support my poshmates! Resume upon my return.
Aug 15Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Blessings! Have fun....
Aug 15Reply
gidget368s Hi there! Thx for the Shares 🥰 All ur Items say Not for Sale. I'm not sure if u want them to be shared? I'd be more than happy too! 😊
Aug 18Reply
saleberi @gidget368s Hi!! You're so kind to ask! Your discretion ~ I'm present & sharing to support all of my poshmates!! Amy
Aug 18Reply
criscolescloset Thanks for the shares. I never know what to do when everything in a person's closet is either sold or not for sale. So, I don't know if I'm supposed to share not for sales or what. I'm still kind of new to all this, so you'll have to forgive me. Have a wonderful day and Happy Poshing!
Aug 19Reply
saleberi @criscolescloset Hi Cris! Thanks for asking, it's so kind of you. In my case, I am away and have marked remaining items not for sale. However, I wanted to participate in "sharing" to support my fellow poshmates. If you wish to share back, the platform permits this. It does help in keeping my closet active, despite being currently not for sale. Either way I will continue sharing your items. Thanks so much! Happy Poshing!!
Aug 19Reply
criscolescloset @saleberi Thanks. I'll just go ahead and share back then. Have a wonderful time.
Aug 20Reply
aquiredforyou Thanks again for your awesome shares and support!!!!!!! You are amazing and thank you for being such a precious friend🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰
Aug 20Reply
zelmarmoses @saleberi Thank you very much for all the shares your awesome! I will continue to share your closet as well!🙂
Aug 20Reply
jjlisle Thank you for all the shares my friend!!!
Aug 23Reply
saleberi @jjlisle You're welcome! Thanks to you also! 😊
Aug 24Reply
peruvianjewel You have been so so sweet with sharing. So thankful and grateful for your time and thoughtfulness! Hope u have an amazing week!❤❤
Aug 25Reply
saleberi @peruvianjewel You're welcome & Thank you too!! 😊 💐
Aug 25Reply
teamhotts1 Thank you for sharing my closet! I wanted to reciprocate but you closet says not for sale!
Aug 26Reply
saleberi @teamhotts1 Hi! I'll be back quite soon! Feel free to share now or once I return. Thanks so much for the msg. 💕 Amy.
Aug 26Reply
jmfeichtner Thank you, Guardian Angel! 🙏😘
Aug 27Reply
computershoptx Thank you for the Posh sharing 💕! I hope you are well and having a Blessed Sunday!😊 Helen
Aug 29Reply
katskloset757 Hi, thank you for sharing my items. It seems like all your items have been sold. Congratulations:)
Aug 30Reply
saleberi @katskloset757 Hi. I'm away. However I'm still participating in sharing to support all of my Poshmates! Please feel free to share back now or once I return. Either way. I will share your items. Thank you 😊 💕
Aug 30Reply
katskloset757 @saleberi Hi Amy, thanks for responding and I will share now that I know you’re only away:)
Aug 30Reply
aquiredforyou Thank you again you are a blessing!!!!!!!!
Aug 30Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou You're Welcome! 😉
Aug 30Reply
saleberi @katskloset757 Thank you!! 😊
Aug 30Reply
katskloset757 @saleberi You’re welcome 😀
Aug 30Reply
blessingsup Good Morning Amy! I really appreciate the continued shares while your closet is closed 😁. Have a Wonderful Wednesday!
Aug 31Reply
artistinspired Thank you for all the generous shares! Hope all is going well for you, really appreciate it💐💗💐🌞
Sep 03Reply
classtiques Are you ok Amy? Was wondering why you’ve had all of your listings as “not available”?
Sep 04Reply
isuzie Amy, Welcome Back🌸🌸🌸Have a Blessed Day
Sep 05Reply
saleberi @isuzie Thank you so much!! Have an amazing day!! 💕 🌞 💐
Sep 05Reply
saleberi @artistinspired Thank you for all of your shares!!! 💕 I really appreciate your time & support!! Have a awesome day!! 🌞 💐 🌹 🌸 💜
Sep 05Reply
saleberi @katskloset757 Thanks 😊 I truly appreciate each share!! 💕 Enjoy your day!! ☀️ 💐
Sep 05Reply
rhonda_anne Amy...happy you are back! I appreciate all of the shares that you have shared! Have a blessed week!
Sep 06Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Thank you! Wishing you a wonderful week also!!
Sep 06Reply
scubamvg You’re very kind for sharing my items thank you again!!!!
Sep 10Reply
amourdvetements 🙏❤️🥹 thank you for the shares! It really means a lot 🙏❤️ 💞posh love 💞 posh community 💞 I wish I could express my 🫶 best wishes and success in life, love, and posh 😁💖🤝 ☮️💟Ashley
Sep 16Reply
blessingsup Good Morning Amy! Have a Thankful Thursday!
Sep 22Reply
saleberi @blessingsup Good morning Debbie! Wishing you the same. Take Care!
Sep 22Reply
pennylane1972 Thank you Amy!🥰
Sep 23Reply
tor2512 Hi, Thank you very much for all the shares !! You’re very sweet💐💐 Have a wonderful day and many sales to come.
Oct 01Reply
aquiredforyou I don’t know who you are but you are a wonderful friend and Poshmark member!!!! Your support means so much to me and I consider you as a friend more than anything!!!!! The Lord sent you my way during a rough time and I thank Him for you and hope you know how special you are and how appreciated you are!!!
Oct 01Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou Awh. Thank you so much for your kindness and heartfelt words! So glad to help! I pray things improve. Just a few minutes makes a world of difference sometimes! Be Well.
Oct 01Reply
saleberi @tor2512 Hi Pat! Thank you also!!! My pleasure to share your lovely closet! Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓
Oct 01Reply
saleberi @pennylane1972 Thank you! Merci! Gracias! Grazie! Tack sa Mycket! 😊
Oct 01Reply
shellsite You and I have been sharing each other’s closets for a bit now 🌸 I wanted to offer you half off ANY bundle of 2 or more items as a big thank you. You’ve been so kind🌼
Oct 05Reply
margaretgee Hi thank you for the shares ❤️. I was getting g ready to share some of your items but they all say not for sale.
Oct 28Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you Amy
Nov 01Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Rhonda it's so fun to share your artistry!! You're welcome. If you ever create poppies let me know! My mother loves them! ❤️
Nov 01Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Amy … I will try to paint some in a few days…is there a certain color that she likes?
Nov 01Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne My goodness. Thank you. No rush at all...please, when you have time. Red, Yellow, Orange - single color or any combination. I appreciate your wonderful talent. 💛
Nov 02Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Hi Amy... I have a poppy painting ... you can look and see if you like it....or if it is too big... I can make a smaller one or a card.....or if it does not look like you want it I will try again.... I am not as familiar with poppies being from Arkansas.... I think they are more in California....not sure
Nov 06Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Hi. I'm so excited 😊 it's amazing!! I purchased. ❤️ Love it!! Absolutely wonderful! 💕 This is definitely your "specialty"!! Thank you! Thank you!
Nov 06Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Thank you... I appreciate your compliment on the artwork!
Nov 06Reply
classtiques Wow Amy!! Thanks bunches PFF!! Hope you’re feeling better 👀!!
Nov 11Reply
rhonda_anne saleberi Hi says that the package was delivered...did it get there safely and undamaged ? If you are happy please give a rating....thank you....
Nov 11Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Good morning! Yes, I was thrilled, so beautiful! Package arrived unharmed. Thank you again! 😊 💕
Nov 11Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Oh thank God! I always pray that my packages arrive safely and to the right person! Yay! Have a blessed day!
Nov 11Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Amy...thank you so much for sharing my art! I sold two cards last week....probably from you sharing it....thank you also for purchasing the painting.... my friend I hope you sell a lot and that you have a nice weekend!
Nov 13Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne That's wonderful news!! 😊 So glad it's helping!! Many sales & new followers to you!! Enjoy the weekend! 🌞
Nov 13Reply
rhen711339 Welcome back from vacation!! The lives have taken over. I do appreciate the shares.
Dec 01Reply
zezeadel Welcome back! 💝
Dec 02Reply
saleberi @zezeadel Thank you!! 😊
Dec 02Reply
saleberi @rhen711339 Hi. Thanks for the msg, glad to be back! 💕
Dec 02Reply
rhonda_anne saleberi Thank you sweet Amy for sharing my art! I hope you have a blessed holiday!
Dec 08Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Thank you sweet helped me sell a purse!
Dec 18Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Fantastic!! That's great news!! Hope you are looking forward to the holidays! Have a wonderful day!! 😊
Dec 18Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi I sure am looking forward to Christmas! I hope you have a wonderful day!
Dec 18Reply
classtiques Thank you my sweet PFF Amy!!! So many shares!! So much Posh love!!! Merry Christmas my sweet friend!! 😘😘😘 🎄🎄🎄 🎁🎁🎁
Dec 21Reply
classtiques Hello sweet Amy. Lost a family member night before Christmas Eve. Not feeling like Poshing. Will return shares in a few days or so. Thanks for being such an amazing PFF!!
Dec 29Reply
saleberi @classtiques Awh. I'm so sorry for your loss. Especially difficult during the holidays. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Honor your loved one with fond memories. Please let me know if you need anything at all!! Amy.
Dec 31Reply
classtiques @saleberi 😘😘😘
Dec 31Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy New Year✨🌸🌸
Dec 31Reply
aquiredforyou Hi Amy!!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! Well we made it through the holidays 😀. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for every share and for the love and caring you have shown me through the past year!!! You have been a Godsend and I appreciate you more than you can imagine. I pray this will be a most wonderful year for you and your family!
Jan 02Reply
rhonda_anne Hi Amy.....I haven't seen you on here in days.....I hope that you are ok....if you are just taking a break that is good but I hope you are not ill or anything wrong.....God bless you and be with you....your friend Rhonda
Jan 04Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi....see text above...blessings and good health and healing....
Jan 04Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Hi! Happy New Year! Everything is good. Glad to be back. Hope your holidays were wonderful!! The poppy watercolor was opened on Christmas & my mom "loved it"!!! Thank you again! 😊 ❤️
Jan 06Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi I am so glad that you are back and very happy that your mother loved the painting!
Jan 06Reply
rhonda_anne Amy… you made my day today telling me how happy your mom was! Thank you friend… I was having a sad day today and you cheered me up!
Jan 06Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Awh.-Cheer up! "Some days you just need to make your own sunshine!" 🌞 I just re-watched the video of her opening... There was intrigue, joy, and appreciation!! "Oh My - it's so pretty!"...Beautiful!" Gram announced!
Jan 06Reply
saleberi If you're feeling "January" lol....think of the Swedes, sunrise was 8:40am & sunset was 3:08pm in Stockholm! I have visited there during the Winter...little lights flicker in the windows to simulate sunlight. Despite the darkness, it's very peaceful and pretty!
Jan 06Reply
saleberi Peek sometime at the Minnesota Maritime Art Museum, Amazing to have access in a small MN river town! Visited numerous times & It certainly rivals some of the greats that I've seen in London, Madrid, etc. I think you'll enjoy reading about it! Hugs. Amy
Jan 06Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Amy...thank you so much for always long have you been on here?It looks like you have sold many things in the past and present
Jan 14Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi I just now saw this and looked up the Minnesota Maritime Art Museum! The pictures are beautiful and look so real! I love art and seeing paintings and sculptures!
Jan 14Reply
scubamvg You’re extremely kind! Thank you so much!
Jan 25Reply
criscolescloset Thank you, Amy, for all your extra shares. If you had more to share, I'd share them. You're awesome! Have a wonderful new year and, of course, Happy Poshing!
Feb 02Reply
saleberi @criscolescloset You're Welcome! It's np. Thanks for all of your shares too!! 💕
Feb 02Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺 
Feb 02Reply
criscolescloset @saleberi 😊👍👌🌈
Feb 03Reply
pennylane1972 THANK YOU AMY!!😊💕❤️🥰
Feb 06Reply
saleberi @pennylane1972 You're welcome! 😊 💕
Feb 06Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Hi Amy....thank you so much for all of your many many shares! Blessings on you and I hope you have a great week! I got to see a dear friend and her mother today! She came a very long way to visit!
Feb 09Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne You're welcome. 💕 Awh so fun you have long-distance guests!! Enjoy this precious visit! Take Care. Amy
Feb 09Reply
kpike2001 Hi Amy, thank you so much for continuing to share! question: i’m having a problem with a seller that i bought a purse from 10 days ago. it’s still not shipped. i really want this item, and she’s not responding at all. i can’t tell if something is wrong with her or she’s decided she can get more for item and wants to wait me out & cancel. but she’s a posh ambassador so i don’t think she would do that, would she? customer support was no help. i just don’t know what to do. any suggestions? thx!!!!
Feb 14Reply
nicholepruitt73 thanks for stopping by today. get a $3 discount and a free bottle of gel nail polish with your bundle today
Feb 15Reply
aquiredforyou You are such a blessing!!!!!!!!!
Feb 26Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou 😊 Thank You 💕
Feb 27Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Thank you sweet friend... I sold a painting yesterday!
Mar 03Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Yay! That's awesome! A beautiful painting!! Congratulations on your sale!! 💕
Mar 03Reply
onyxnoir1111 Thank you for sharing
Mar 07Reply
saleberi @onyxnoir1111 My pleasure! 💐 Thank YOU too! 💕 😊
Mar 07Reply
onyxnoir1111 Thank you 😊
Mar 09Reply
rhonda_anne Hi Amy...thank you for the many many shares! I hope that you have a blessed weekend! I am offering a free 925 sterling silver heart pendant necklace with the purchase of any purse.....
Mar 11Reply
aquiredforyou Hi Amy!!! Hope you’re having a great vaca😁. Even though we have never met face to face, which I hope we do someday, I feel like you are family!!! I wanted to let you know they have pretty much told us there’s nothing more they can do for Billy except keep him as comfortable as they can. He’s not bedridden at the time but he is getting worse. I thank you for your compassion and help you are a true friend!!!
Mar 14Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou Dearest Dianne. Hugs. I'm sorry to hear about Billy. Despite mental preparation, this juncture is one we can not feel until it arrives. I know you will have strength and will care for him so lovingly, just as you have up until now. It is an honor to be considered family. If I may...please take care of you too!! You are in my thoughts. Blessings. Amy.
Mar 14Reply
aquiredforyou 🥰🥰🥰
Mar 14Reply
criscolescloset Have a wonderful vacation. I'll pick up when you get back!
Mar 16Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Have a nice vacation!
Mar 19Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you Amy!
May 01Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Hi Rhonda! You've been busy painting! It's so exciting to see more of your original work. All beautiful! Hope everything is good with you! Amy
May 01Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Hi Amy! Thank you… yes I have been busy drawing and painting! I sold alot of purses and now I have just my art out there for sale for awhile and will have more time to paint! I am fine I hope that you are too…
May 01Reply
criscolescloset Welcome back! I'm curious. What are all these Drops at 10 AM things? I don't think I've seen those before. Thanks. I accidentally shared a Not for Sale. LOL
May 02Reply
saleberi @criscolescloset Hey Cris. It's nice to be back! Hope you are well! Consider the DROPS like a preview to create interest in an item before it's available for sale. This feature can be found in the listing as a selection under For sale, Not for Sale, and Drops on. You can set both the date & time it Drops. I'm familiar with the term from the music industry - where the musician "Drops" their new recordings on a certain date & time. Hope this helps!! Amy 🍓
May 02Reply
isuzie Amy, Welcome Back🌸🌸🌸Love Your Closet
May 02Reply
saleberi @isuzie Thank you so much! It's great to be back! 💐
May 03Reply
criscolescloset @saleberi Thanks. So, it sounds like you still have to go through all the process of listing something in order to do the Drops on. I had to go through all the process of listing an item just to put out a Not for Sale headline, Like "New Arrivals". So, if you have to go through the whole process of listing something to get a Drops On, why would an item be unavailable? Sorry, I'm a little slow today. LOL
May 03Reply
saleberi @criscolescloset You're fine. Sorry that I skipped over the listing portion. Think of a product drop as a marketing strategy. It it is used to create hype and excitement. Like the release of a new movie is promoted. It is a way to "preview" your new products. You may wish to Google the benefits of "product drops" - might explain it better. Hope this helps! Amy
May 04Reply
saleberi In this case, the product would only be unavailable to purchase for a "short" period of time.
May 04Reply
criscolescloset @saleberi Thanks. I get the promoted idea. I'm just not sure why something wouldn't be available if you've already listed it. But I will do as you suggest and do an internet search. Thanks again.
May 04Reply
onyxnoir1111 Thank you for the shares, hope you have a great weekend ahead…😊
May 05Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you Amy! Have a blessed weekend!
May 05Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Thanks 😊 You too!
May 06Reply
aquiredforyou Hey Amy hope you had a great vacation!!! I like the color swatches that’s a good idea!
May 07Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou More a reprieve than actual vacay! It's good to be back - I've missed everyone ❤️ Hope things are well with you!
May 07Reply
aquiredforyou Right now not so much he’s got to have some iron infusions his bp is dropping again he’s at passing out level and having to wait because they don’t have any openings. The medical field can be a challenge right now especially for people our age. Glad you had a good reprieve😁😁😁
May 07Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou Thank you for the update. Hopefully, an appointment opens soon! I've seen numerous angles through employment, medical professionals in the family, and being a patient. Fortunately, I am close to Mayo Clinc! Advocating helps sometimes. Wishing you the best outcome!
May 08Reply
criscolescloset Amy—WOW! That's the most by far that anyone has ever shared. You need to get more listings out there so I can catch up. Thanks so much. You're awesome!
May 09Reply
onyxnoir1111 Thanks for sharing 😊
May 09Reply
gmaiolini Hi Amy, your pictures look so nice. Good to see you back.💞🙏
May 11Reply
saleberi @gmaiolini So nice to hear from you! 🌼 🌸 🌻 🌹 I'm happy 😊 to be back. Hope things are going well for you! 💕 🛍
May 11Reply
glassprism70 Thank you for your shares again. Any questions, please just ask. Same as ever 15% automatic bundle discount with extras in every package and offers are always welcome. All of the items in my closet were purchased retail, not thrifted or overruns.
May 17Reply
gmaiolini Thanks for the shares Amy.💞🤗 Hope all is well with you.
May 21Reply
saleberi @gmaiolini Thank you too 💕 for the shares! 🤗 💐. Everything is fine. Simply enjoying the beautiful weather and sight + smell of blooming flowers! Can't wait to see the "pregnancy pics" of my daughter! Photos were taken at sunrise this morning in Colorado at the Red Rocks outdoor Amphitheater! What's new with you??!?
May 21Reply
gmaiolini @saleberi OH HOW AWESOME!!! I know they will be beautiful. I too am enjoying watching the flowers bloom and have decorated my yard with my solar butterflies and windmills getting ready to park myself on the swing and enjoy it all.
May 21Reply
gmaiolini @saleberi turned 60 last month which was hard since my sister died in February but I took myself on a 9 day cruise and had a good time meeting people and dancing the nights away. I came back May 8th and it has been hard to get out of vacation mode. Hope you get lots of sales from your newly stocked closet. 😊💞🙏🤗
May 21Reply
saleberi @gmaiolini Gloria, I'm sorry to her about your sister's passing. I'm certain she was a very special person! Good for you for taking yourself on a cruise! As a former travel agent, I'm a huge proponent of much needed getaways! Your yard sounds beautiful! 🦋 🌹 🌸 🌼 Wishing you lots of sales too!! 🛍 Until next time ....take care! 🤗 💕
May 21Reply
patriciacloset @saleberi Thank you so much for all the shares♥️
May 28Reply
gidget368s Thank you as usual for ur kindness and all the Shares ❤️😘🙏🇺🇲
May 29Reply
patriciacloset @saleberi Soooo many shares…thank you very much I double shared your closet trying to share back..Again thank you for all the shares!
May 30Reply
saleberi @patriciacloset Your welcome! 😊 Thank you too!! 💕
May 31Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Hi Amy! Thank you so much.... I appreciate all of the many many shares you have done for me....I hope that you sell alot !
Jun 03Reply
classtiques Holy smokes Miss Amy! I can’t even begin to tell you how grateful I am for your Posh friendship! My husband lost his sister Christmas Eve, then his mother on Palm Sunday. It’s been tough, and I’ve lost interest in working my business! But thanks to you it’s still alive! Thanks for sharing!!
Jun 04Reply
saleberi @classtiques You're most welcome. Sending healing prayers and a comforting hug. I'm sorry for your loss. Amy
Jun 04Reply
classtiques @saleberi Thank you sweetheart!! 😘❤️😘
Jun 04Reply
onyxnoir1111 Thank you for sharing, wishing you a wonderful evening 😊
Jun 12Reply
aliokane Hi Amy! Thank you so much for the shares again! That’s really kind of you to come back and share my closet again. I LOVE your closet! I’d buy pretty much everything if they were my size. Return sharing now, and I wish you lots of sales, Ali 💖
Jun 16Reply
aliokane Hi Amy, thank you SO much for sharing my closet again, you’re so sweet to come back and do that again. I’ve return shared yours. I hope you are doing well, and I love the clever touch of adding the Pantone color to show how fashionable the shades are. Super smart! So I have to ask, are you a designer in some way? I’m a creative director, or was before I got sick. Wishing you lots and lots of sales, Ali 💖
Jun 16Reply
saleberi @aliokane Hi Ali. Nice to meet you! I'm well. 😊 You're welcome for the shares!! 💕 If 20 is okay with you, I will continue to share daily?! No design background. Only personal interest. I like to keep abreast of the fashion trends each season, and pantones play a vital role. Wow! Creative Director, what an amazing career choice! I'm sorry you feel ill. However, I'm certain you showcase this talent in a variety of circumstances!! Enjoy the weekend & msg anytime! Amy ~ Saleberi 🍓
Jun 17Reply
aliokane @saleberi Hi Amy, it’s so nice to hear back from you! Thank you again for the shares, you need to stock up your closet because I ran out of return shares 😉 I hope you’re enjoying your weekend, we’ve got a humdinger of a storm about to hit us - all red on the radar, yikes! I’ll keep sharing your closet too, I’m so glad we connected, take care, Ali 💖
Jun 17Reply
kqhgo Hello wanted to thank you so much for the follow! Fairly new to Poshmark, love it probably a little too much already if that’s possible lol what an amazing community! Fixing to give your closet a browse! Thank you again! 😊💕🌸🦋😊 @kqhgo
Jun 24Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your 👚items 👖with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞and many sales!
Jun 24Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Jun 25Reply
aliokane Hi sweetie! Thank you again for the shares! You’re amazing! I’ll return share later as soon as I can. I hope you’re doing well, and are having a fantastic July 4th weekend! With love and blessings, Ali 💖
Jul 01Reply
mzpitty1 BUNDLE 2 OR MORE ITEMS 👠👜🥻👗👒FROM MY CLOSET AND RECEIVE A SPECIAL DISCOUNT 💰. PLUS YOU GET TO CHOOSE 👀 A FREE GIFT 🎁👍 FROM LISTINGS IN MY CLOSET MARKED "FREE GIFT WITH PURCHASE" 💋💋😁 I will make you an EXCELLENT DEAL if you make a Bundle!! if you have any Special Requests LET ME KNOW.. Color, style, garment, accessories, sizes....I have a ton of things I haven't listed yet.
Jul 03Reply
marywilliams130 Hi this is Mary 😊 thank you for following my closet and for the share 🦋🦋🦋
Jul 03Reply
aliokane Hi Amy! Thank you for the shares! You’re so sweet 🥰 I hope you’re enjoying your July 4th! 🥰🇺🇸❤️
Jul 05Reply
artistinspired Thanks for your shares! Hope all is going well for you and you had a good 4th!
Jul 06Reply
rhonda_anne Thank you Amy! I sold a painting the other day! I sold two sets of cards this morning!
Jul 08Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne That's wonderful!! My compliments to the artist! Wishing you many more sales!! 🛍 Hope your summer is going well! 🌞 Due date for my new grandson is July 11th - Can't wait!!
Jul 09Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi Thank you ! Happy for you about your new grand baby coming soon! How fun!
Jul 09Reply
ringthing313 Hi Amy, just wanted to let you know that I admire what you have done in your closet with the Pantone samples, such a great idea 😊
Jul 10Reply
gidget368s Hey doll thx for all ur Shares! ❤️ You don't need to share all my closet, just equal amount as yours 😘 is always appreciated 🤗🥰 Happy Sales and Poshing 💥👍
Jul 10Reply
saleberi @gidget368s As always, thank you for sharing!! 💕 Sorry, I will be more mindful of the count. 😊 Enclosed are my wishes for a wonderful remainder the summer!! Enjoy! 💐 🌞 ⛱️ Lots of sales too!! 🛍🛍
Jul 11Reply
gidget368s @saleberi I'm just trying to save you time! 🤗🥰 Thx for being a great Sharer and Posher I can depend on ☺️
Jul 11Reply
saleberi @ringthing313 Hi Anita! Nice to meet you!! 😊 Thanks for the "admire" ❤️ Wishing you lots of sales & a great summer!! Amy
Jul 11Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Just sharing my news! A healthy baby arrived at 2:40am 7/10/23! So excited! 😊
Jul 11Reply
saleberi @artistinspired Thank you too!! Summer is passing quickly, I hope you've had some fun!! I wish you the best of the rest of it! 💐 🌞 🏊‍♂️ & sales 🛍 too!
Jul 11Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi How wonderful! Praise God! Boy or girl?
Jul 11Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Boy. 8lbs 2oz. His name is Wells. Now I have 1 granddaughter & 1 grandson!! Thanks for sharing in my news!
Jul 11Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi How wonderful! Grand babies are so precious!
Jul 11Reply
artistinspired @saleberi Thanks I have had fun! Hope you have fun with the rest of summer too and also great sales!
Jul 11Reply
aliokane Hi Amy! I hope you’re doing well, and enjoyed your 4th July! Thank you again so much for your shares, I really appreciate them! Have a wonderful rest of your week, Ali 💖🙏🥰
Jul 13Reply
onyxnoir1111 Thanks you, for often sharing, that’s so wonderful of you😊💐
Jul 13Reply
sinny1976 Thank you so much for all the shares😊
Aug 19Reply
rhonda_anne Hi Amy! I hope things are going well with you!
Sep 05Reply
saleberi @rhonda_anne Hope you are well and that summer has been good to you! Lots of poshmark sales. Precious time with family & friends. Relaxation. Yummy food. Plus, plenty of inspiration for your art!! All is well here! I've been off the grid a bit enjoying summer & that new grandson! One final trip to scenic northern mn, so my mom may see her sisters. We always stop at the little gallery in Battle Lake MN called I will be thinking of you. Sending "happiness" soon! Amy
Sep 07Reply
rhonda_anne @saleberi I am glad… yes I have enjoyed my family and painting and playing my piano… going to church… I am happy you are enjoying your new grand baby and how wonderful about the trip with your mother to see her sisters! Have fun…
Sep 07Reply
aquiredforyou Hi Amy are you doing ok?
Sep 21Reply
saleberi @aquiredforyou Hi! Thanks for checking in on me! My interest has been diverted lately. I'm doing well & hope you are too! Summer was busy!! Nice visit to see my daughter & family, especially my new grandson ~ Wells! Just returned from taking my mom to see her sister's at the lake in Northern MN. (*Gosh, do they have fun stories!) I'm taking a couple of classes & then I should be back!! Would love to hear more about your summer & how poshmark has been!!??!!! Hugs. Amy.
Sep 21Reply
cutehosiery @saleberi Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 28Reply
aliokane Hi Amy, just saying hi! I’ve not seen you on m fit a while. I’ve been checking in to share your closet but you’ve been on vacay. I hope it was a good one wherever you went! Give me a shout when you get back so that I can start sharing your closet again, it’s the least I can do for all the times you’ve shared mine! Sending hugs, Ali 🤗🤗💕
Sep 29Reply
gmaiolini Hi Amy, I hope you and your family are well and you will be back selling with us soon. Take care and God bless you.🤗😊
Dec 15Reply
rhonda_anne Hi Amy! I hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Dec 19Reply
gmaiolini miss you Amy, God bless you.
Jan 16Reply
gmaiolini hi Amy, hope all is well with you and your family. take care and stay safe. PM is still the same lots of work to make a few dollars. I didn't think I would be doing this for more than a year but I didn't even sell half my items in a year so here I am. 😆
Feb 05Reply
saleberi @adoringstyles Thank you so much for sharing my items! I appreciate your time! All of your beautiful scarves were shared with my followers! Have a wonderful day!!
Mar 18Reply
rhonda_anne Hi Amy...hope everything is going good with you.....
May 08Reply
classtiques Merry Christmas my sweet PFF! 🎁🎄🎁
Dec 24Reply

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