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Updated May 20
Updated May 20

Meet your Posher, Andrea

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Andrea! I’m a stay at home mom of two boys! I sell on Poshmark as my income! So if you purchase from me it means a lot to me if you leave a quick rating OR just simply “accept” that you received your purchase so I can get paid! All of my earnings go towards my children 9/10! ☺️ hank you for stopping bye!
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macsgal2010 @antougas hello darlin'! I wanted to let you know I stopped by and I LOVE LOVE LOVE your closet! 💖💖💖💖
Jul 06Reply
pinksecret27 @macsgal2010 thank you so much! If you're interested in anything at all just ask! I'm negotiable! ☺️
Jul 06Reply
macsgal2010 @antougas I was wanting to know if you could do the blue nail polish & the 2015 VS bag for 15.00 total?
Jul 06Reply
macsgal2010 @antougas I have 17.00 plus shipping in my Posh account. Can you do that?
Jul 06Reply
ness1421 @antougas do you sell through m. E. R. C. ?
Nov 16Reply
pinksecret27 @ness1421 no I'm not sure what that is. I only sell on Poshmark.
Nov 17Reply
acq127 @antougas I have that same hoodie in pink if you want it I have one in L and one in Medium???
Jan 09Reply
acq127 Both coral pink brand new never worn before!!
Jan 09Reply
pinksecret27 @acq127 can you post a picture of the lathe one
Jan 09Reply
pinksecret27 @acq127 large one* lol sorry
Jan 09Reply
acq127 @antougas ok but how much do you want to pay because this large one I really don't want to get rid of it since it's brand new never worn, I can't let it go for cheap money I paid a lot for it
Jan 09Reply
pinksecret27 @acq127 I'm not sure post some pics and the price you'd want for it and we can go from there? ☺
Jan 09Reply
adamdbyers Hey miss, those VS hoodies are like brand new condition. . I think my wife wore them once... Just so you know, it's a pretty good deal if you swoop them up.
May 19Reply
acq127 @antougas I dunno what you want to do hun lol I am stumped lol
Aug 14Reply
canarygreen Hi hun! I did $7 a piece on the VS's. I can't find them much lower on Posh!🤗🤗😉😉😘😘
Nov 15Reply
starherston @antougas Thanks for the bundle offer on the VS, if my $ comes in and it's still available I will but, at least one of them 😊
Nov 25Reply
shinebrightshop I have lowered the price of the Pink Victoria’s Secret flip flops 😊
Dec 31Reply
jbrown044 Hi!! Thank you so much for the 💖!! If you have any questions please feel free to ask!!🤗. I’m always open to reasonable offers and I love to bundle!😁. Right now I have a BOGO 50% off sale goin on!!🎊🎊. Thanks for stopping by and peeking at my closet!! 🌷🌷🌷
Feb 08Reply
nnleal Thank you for checking out my closet! If you have any questions about VS pink plush towel let me know. It’s NWT! 💕
Feb 18Reply
modifiedmon It is absolutely beautiful in person💎❤️
Feb 22Reply
styleplanet Hi Andrea!:) Thank you so much for the like on the PINK VS bag and pants! Great choices, they're lovely and ready for a new home! You might also consider a bundle; thanks again!:)
Mar 14Reply
guilcres Thanks for liking my listing. Feel free to ask any questions.
Apr 30Reply
scarlettpuddin Hey hun, i bought the Rockin Republic shirt from you and was just hoping you were still planning on shipping it out soon ? Please let me know, and thank you for your time.
May 13Reply
whiteboard1111 Hi Andrea, thanks for the likes. Hope I’m not bothering you. I’d be happy to offer a free item of your choice at the lowest value in a bundle. So buy three and get the forth for free, xoxo. I’m also accepting all offers on the spot. Everything is also 15 dollars or less.
Jun 06Reply
adeav Hey love ! You might enjoy some of my items which include brands like American Eagle, Under Armour, Adidas, Altar’d State, H&M, Nike, Polo, LOFT, VS Pink, Abercrombie and Fitch, Hollister, Urban Outfitters, Loft, Simply Southern, Vera Bradley, Banana Republic, and More !!! Always open to offers and bundles are guaranteed discounts :)))
Jul 31Reply
kristinbaum82 Hi! I created the separate listing for the grey VS hoodie. Let me know if you are still interested as I was trying to wait for you. If not there is another offer. Thanks so much!
Aug 13Reply
myachao6 Hey Andrea! Thank you so much for your purchase. I will ship it out by today or tomorrow. Today was my first day of school and I am also a student athlete so I am trying my best to balance out my time. Thank you again!
Aug 16Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Aug 27Reply
claire8787 Hi Andrea! I recently listed Victoria’s Secret dogs and was wondering if you would be interested in purchasing them. Feel free to take a look:)
Aug 27Reply
shelviebrown_ No sorry☹
Nov 06Reply
sheybaae Hi! I noticed you liked my Victoria’s Secret Duffle Bag. If you are still interested in it and would like free shipping. You can purchase it in the Mer cari app with Free Shipping! Username: @shaybae
Nov 22Reply
neceybxo Hi love! Wanted to make sure everything was okay with your order!?
Jan 05Reply
luckyladybug4u @pinksecret27 Hello there - I saw that you were interested in VS items..... Just a heads up, I listed a pair of VS PINK yoga legging pants (L) with bling ANGEL foldover top. They are priced reasonable, but I will consider and offer......I ship from a smoke free, clean home. I'd love for you to check them out..........thanks and have a super great day :) :)
Feb 20Reply
luckyladybug4u @pinksecret27 Just sent you a private offer with discount shipping to sway your decision on the liek for the VS PINK yoga pants........go ahead and treat yourself :) :)
Feb 20Reply
laupresentacion Hello ! Thank you for your Like ❤️ I am open to offers ! Happy Poshing 🎉
Aug 09Reply
princessthriftz hello lovely! ✨ just wanted to stop in and say id love if you stopped by my closet to check out my listings! let me know if you have any questions beautiful! 💘🌻 happy poshing! 🖤💋
Aug 21Reply
natoshamarie77 Hi just wondering when your going to send my bundle it’s been over a week and my mom really needs the halloween costume ASAP???? Thank you
Oct 06Reply
natoshamarie77 Hello I’m still waiting on my order with a costume in it and it’s been over 2 weeks. Would you please send my mother needs it for a Halloween party ASAP.
Oct 12Reply
maddiecastillo7 I purchased but shipment has not been placed just seeing if you’re still active on this,if not I need to cancel my order! Ty☺️
Apr 02Reply
monolidi Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Sep 07Reply
katie3912 Hello! Feel free to check out my closet! I have multiple name brands and stylish clothing! I hope you have an amazing day and happy poshing!!💜
Jan 20Reply
cutehosiery @pinksecret27 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Mar 07Reply

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