Meet your Posher, Andrea
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Hi! I'm Andrea. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Coach, and kate spade. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

15 others
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Welcome to PM. Great closet
May 11Reply

@jabberduck Hi, welcome to Poshmark, thanks for following me and I wish you all the best 💜💜
May 11Reply

Hi ! My name is Raci and I'd like to welcome you to Poshmak! It's an amazing place where you will find some wonderful people.
Please check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum where you will find a lot of helpful information for those new to Poshmark. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me as well if you have any questions - @virago.
Best of luck to you and wishing you many sales!
Happy Poshing!!
May 12Reply

Hi Andrea and welcome! Hope you'll love Poshmark as much as I do! Thanks for the posh love! Let me know if you have any questions I can answer for you! Happy poshing! 💗
May 12Reply

Hello Andrea --- welcome to Posh 😃 nice to meet you 💕
May 12Reply

Welcome to Posh!!! 🙋. 💖
May 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!! I'm a veteran 2012 Posher who would be more than happy to let you in on tips it took me years to learn💁🏼 I love mentoring!! The guidelines can at times be confusing. I made mistakes at first & wouldn't want you to make my same mistakes 😳🙄😜This is a great community for making sales.... I've made friends I'll have for a lifetime😍 Don't hesitate to ask me anything! Please visit my 2nd closet @missrochelles2 💕
May 14Reply

Thanks MissRochelles
May 14Reply

Hi. Andrea & WELCOME to Posh!
Its a very supportive & social community where if U have questions theres always a Posher to help! Or just visit my closet & I'd be happy to help U
When U SHARE an item to Ur FOLLOWERS they see it in the FEED
The more Followers U have the more the item is seen
So....the more Followers U have ...the more POTENTIAL SALES U will have!
More questions? Just ask me
May 14Reply

@jabberduck Welcome to Posh. If you have any questions please let me know. Thank you for taking your time visiting my closet and liking my top. That was really sweet of you. I hope you are having a great night. 💕💕💕💕
May 16Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
May 17Reply

Hi! I saw you liked one of my listings! I just wanted to let you know I am open to ALL offers (event he crazy ones haha) and I give discounts on bundles! Please let me know if you have any questions or if you are interested! Thanks for stopping by my closet! 💖Marissa
May 18Reply

Love your items and great creative styling in your pics. The effort alone is refreshing!:-)
May 18Reply

I love your closet
May 20Reply

Hi Andrea! I'm Carolyn! It's nice to meet you. Thank you for stopping by. Welcome 🌹
May 21Reply

Andrea welcome! THANK Y💟U for sharing my listing! Enjoy the rest of your weekend! Happy P💟SHING! 🛍
ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ Yesenia
May 22Reply

Hi, I'm Donna. Welcome to Poshmark. It's definitely addicting! 2 tips: 1)Follow your fellow Poshers & share their items. They'll do the same for you. 2)Make your pictures clear & bright to show off your items. If you're interested, I belong to a Facebook group of sellers. We have lessons to help us further our business & support one another. Go to For more info. If there's ever anything I can do to help you, please don't hesitate to contact me!💖
May 23Reply

hey there❣ thanks for the like! If you are ever interested in purchasing anything from my closet, let me know and we can work out better pricing(:
May 24Reply

Thank you for the like😊
May 24Reply

Hi Andrea, welcome to Poshmark. Heres wishing you many sales and many good deals
Jun 03Reply

Thanks for the shares and likes! Your closet is full of wonderful pieces. I would love to see a picture if one of the hair pins in use, so cute! Happy Poshing! :)
Jun 12Reply

Sweetie, I have good oodles of beads I will never use, I've been designing jewelry from age 10, would you accept a gift of some free beads? Maybe you can design me something in trade. Or not! I'm not asking for anything! I would like to give them as a gift and a word of advise, Everybody designs jewelry. So unless your using real stones and or precious metals your prices might have to come down. Sorry! But I'm loving. The one I hearted and many of the hair sticks! :) ... Chelle...
Jun 13Reply

A very belated welcome to Poshmark. What a tremendous eclectic chic closet & obvious great taste! Hope you're having fun shopping with the enormous amounts/diverse clothing & accessories on here, as well as success in selling. Buona Sera Bella
Jun 13Reply

Hi nice meeting you and I love your closet
Jun 15Reply

Welcome to poshing.. Great smile. Enjoy your postings and closets...😙
Jun 17Reply

Thanks for liking my listings! Lmk if you have any questions or want to bundle for cheaper! Happy poshing🎉🎀
Jun 17Reply

Thanks I love that shirt myself.If I can interest you plz. let me know.Happy Daddy Day😁
Jun 19Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Jun 20Reply

Lovely name. It was my late sister's. Thanks for like. Nice heels. I wore once. Live in the countryside so in boots n flats these days! Thank you!
Jun 29Reply

Do you make the jewelry in your closet? It's beautiful!
Jun 30Reply

Yes I do... I made all the jewelry in my closet
Jun 30Reply

Are you interested in my shirt?
Jul 02Reply

Hi Expert Posher...thanks for liking my listing.let me know if u have any questions about this item
Jul 03Reply

Thanks for sharing and thanks for the like! Definitely love your jewelry! Right up my alley'
Jul 30Reply

Thanks for sharing my item. Love your closet💕💕💕💕
Aug 01Reply

Hey Hun! Sorry to bother you, I'm a consultant for Rodan and Fields skincare, and I'm reaching out to those who may be interested! All of our products have a 60-day money back guarantee so if you don't like them you get a 100% refund! Plus all Preferred Customers (PC) members get 10% off and free shipping!! Let me know if you have any questions or want help placing an order! My website is: or email me at:
Aug 07Reply

Check out my jeans!
Aug 03Reply

Hey girl! Check out my closet! I’ve got some of the things that you’re looking for!😍💕🎁
Mar 21Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Michael Kors, Adidas, Nike, Philosophy skincare, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Sep 29Reply

Hi 🙋🏽♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Aug 09Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️
I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟
I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️
Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Sep 09Reply
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