Meet your Posher, Andrea
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Hi! I'm Andrea. Some of my favorite brands are Kate Spade, PINK Victoria's Secret, Michael Kors, Coach, J. Crew, and 24th & Ocean. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too☺️

96 others
like this

Hey welcome to Posh Mark 😉happy shopping and Good Luck 👍🍀
Dec 02Reply

Hi Andrea! Thank you so much for taking the time to visit my closet! I just wanted to let you know that your order has shipped, and I cannot wait for you to receive it. If you have any other questions in the meantime, please don't hesitate to ask! And also, thanks for being my first customer! ♥️
Dec 05Reply

@briannagrace96 Thank you so much! Looking forward to receiving my first purchase!
Dec 06Reply

@dlightfulheires Thank you!
Jul 23Reply

@faheyga NP 🥰
Jul 23Reply

@faheyga NP 🥰
Jul 23Reply

Hello gorgeous💕 ! I would love to share 10 of your items & if you could share 10 of mine🥰! Sharing is SELLING! Please Comment under my page when done! Please give me one day to return the shares❣️❤️❣️
Jul 24Reply

@clineq okay no problem as soon as I list my items will do!
Jul 24Reply

@clineq sure no problem & thank you so much!!!💙
Jul 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 😚
Jul 30Reply

@irish2017 Thank you
Jul 30Reply

Thanks for following my closet. You have a great closet. I shared all of your listings. I would really appreciate it if you could share some of mine and play and share my follow game. It’s a great way to get more follows. If you start one please let me know and I will be happy to share yours too!
Jul 31Reply

@theresas_closet sure, np and I shared a few of your items as well. Thank you so much!
Jul 31Reply

@irish2017 thank you so much!
Aug 01Reply

Welcome to posh! I am a posh ambassador and here to help you with any questions you may have. As you continue to list items to your closet I will help you sell them by sharing them with my followers! Please check my closet out I hope you find something you love for yourself if not I have a lot of great gift giving items for every occasion graduations birthdays you name it… If you like the item but not the price please make an offer I am very reasonable💕
Aug 02Reply

@dchillas thank you so much!!!
Aug 02Reply

Thank you for the follow! Happy Poshing! 😄😉
Aug 02Reply

@caseycropper - Casey meet my friend Andrea. I’m forcing her to Poshmark and she’s been on for 2 weeks- look at her followers - MONKEY 🐵 GIRL- what the hell are we thinking, Andrea is a super cool girl! I met her at my local surf shop buying stuff for Louie. Andrea works there - say hi
Aug 04Reply

Hey, my name is Aaliyah, welcome to posh. If you need any help let me know 😊
Aug 04Reply

@cocosverobeach 😘🙌🏼♥️ Welcome to PM, @faheyga!!! Love your closet - so many fun things!
Aug 04Reply

@marsharomanow if you can resend the offer for flamingo necklace, I’ll gladly accept it. Thank you for your patience & interest!!!
Aug 04Reply

@caseycropper thank you so much!!!
Aug 04Reply

@connie_posh thank you for your kind words & no problem, I’ll gladly share as well!!! Thanks again!!!
Aug 04Reply

@dchillas great, thank you for letting me know!
Aug 04Reply

@irish2017 thank you!!!
Aug 04Reply

Thank you so much for stopping by and following my closet 😊 🌺🥰 Happy Poshing 🛍🛍
Aug 05Reply

@bobbett328 thank you so much!!!
Aug 07Reply

@booandtank thank you for your interest in the beautiful earrings. I am open to any reasonable offers! Thank you for your interest in my closet!!!🥰
Aug 07Reply

@dlightfulheires thank you 😊
Aug 07Reply

@caseycropper thank you so much ☺️
Aug 07Reply

@faheyga 🌺🥰
Aug 07Reply

Welcome! I hope you love it here as much as I do! Please let me know if you have questions about anything! Happy Poshing! Rosanna 👛👗👠👓👙👢👚👜👔
Aug 08Reply

@faheyga Hi there Andrea! My name is Adrianne and I am a new seller on Poshmark! Please feel free to stop by and check out my items! All my items are open to reasonable offers and bundles! ❤️ Please let me know at anytime if you see anything! Would love for you to be my first buyer! Thank you and God bless!☺️❤️
Aug 09Reply

@seastar3 thanks so much!🥰
Aug 09Reply

@xoxoadrianne thanks so much! Let me know if there’s anything in my closet you like as well & I’m open to all reasonable offers as well!☺️
Aug 09Reply

@faheyga 🌸😊💕
Aug 09Reply

Hi I was under the impression that the bag was in excellent condition. Yes the outside was very clean. But the zipper is definitely not working well. It keeps getting stuck to the point that I will probably never will be using the bag. And because I tried to fixed it so many times the little strap to pull the zipper broke. My loss
I just wish people would be honest about the full condition of the items they sell.
Aug 11Reply

@mechita979 I apologize sincerely but I honestly did not even know that there was an issue with the zipper because I never used the bag. I purchased it to resell it. I would have most definitely accepted a return. It was not intentional at all. What can I do would to make you happy? Please let me know!
Aug 11Reply

@faheyga I try to contact Poshmark and ask for a refund but they denied it since a accepted the bag. I would really appreciate a refund. I just don’t know how to do it at this point.
Aug 11Reply

Hope you find something you love in my closet
Aug 12Reply

Hi, thanks so much for following & sharing 🌺
Aug 20Reply

@roses_formillie thank you for sharing your closet☺️
Aug 20Reply

@faith0555 thank you for the follow back☺️!!!
Aug 20Reply

Thank you for the follow. All the proceeds from closet sales will be donated to my nephew to pay for his school trip to Washington DC so please check out my closet. I appreciate you! 🥰
Sep 02Reply

🍁🍁🍂welcome to poshmark enjoy poshing 😂🍁🌻
Sep 15Reply

Sorry por the funny face my finger was fast 😂🙏
Sep 15Reply

@bertads thank you so much 😊
Sep 15Reply

@faheyga Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing Fabulous items from your closet store for my Followers to Enjoy🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Sep 23Reply

@ladykrc Thank you! I shared some items in your closet as well🎉😊🎊!!!
Sep 23Reply

@faheyga Your most welcome!!🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for your shares....I truely appreciate it!🙌🏼🌈☺️🤗🦋Much Blessings to you and yours!
Sep 24Reply

@nippycrochet thank you 😊😊😊!!!
Sep 25Reply

💜Thank you for checking out my closet😘 I am happy to help promote your efforts💐💐🌸I only want to share🌺, care🌸 and be respectful🥰 💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Sep 25Reply

Hi, moving soon and looking to get rid of everything in my closet. Trusted seller with over 80 reviews. Bundle and wait for a special
Offer from me. Check my closet out :)
Oct 01Reply

@madblk3 Thank you & same here! I will gladly share for you if you can share for me as well😊😊😊
Oct 01Reply

@stylesilicon thank you so much! I’ll be watching and best of luck😊😊😊!!!
Oct 01Reply

@bonita513 my sister and I share pics; when one item sells, we remove from the others site.
Oct 06Reply

@bonita513 you’re welcome! It’s a beautiful bag; hope you enjoy it😊
Oct 07Reply

Welcome to Poshmania!🎪 Posh Friends💃🕺🏼will answer your questions❓and cheer 👏🏻you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closet(s) of others. At bottom of ‘About’ page, on the R, click on ‘See All Closets.’ Touch ea. blue bar. It changes to white, meaning U are following that closet. Share 5-6 items 🛍from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers you follow will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR closet. 😉
Please☑️ MY closet. Saundra❣️Posh Ambassador
Feb 18Reply

Andrea just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Feb 24Reply

@msneverending1 Thank you Carol...You have great items in your closet as well! Have a wonderful evening😊🌺
Feb 25Reply

Hi Andrea! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Mar 03Reply

@janfast You have a great closet! Happy Poshing😊🙃😊
Mar 03Reply

@aagcloset Thank you for the compliment! 💕
Mar 03Reply

Great closet Andrea! Where did you get your dress form (the one with the arms and legs)? Are you using the same one for all of the pictures? Or different sizes? Your dresses look great. Nice job! 🌞🎉🌼
Mar 11Reply

@lilyspring Thank you so much! My friend has the one w/arms & legs that I borrow and I use the form one w/o arms as well. You have a great closet☺️🥰☺️
Mar 13Reply

@wholesalecloset Thank you & same to you🥰😉🥰
Mar 13Reply

Hi Andrea! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Apr 10Reply

Hello Andrea, welcome and hope you're staying safe.🙂
Apr 10Reply

Andrea hi and thank you for the follow, wishing you many $$$$$, have a wonderful and safe wknd. ma'am, Bill
Apr 10Reply

@sargebill Same to you Bill☺️
Apr 10Reply

Thank you for sharing my Gallery Coach NewYork in Signature Canvas handbag and Airpod decorative case. I appreciate the support.😊❤💕
Apr 15Reply

Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Apr 17Reply

@tiffanygirl17 You’re welcome! Always sharing to help Poshers😊😉☺️
Apr 18Reply

@jrtexas99 Same to you! Stay safe & hope you have many sales$$$!
Apr 18Reply

Just stopping by to introduce myself😍 I’m Gen. Thank you Andrea for following me as I embark a Poshmark career. After being diagnosed w/ breast cancer, I went through an aggressive treatment. Needless to say, not only have I gained weight, I also embraced the “au naturel” look with salt & pepper hair. I invite you to take a peek at my curated closet, who knows you might find something that you like for yourself or someone you care for 🙏😍
Apr 19Reply

@alajas Hi Gen! Thanks for introducing yourself & I wish you the best on Poshmark. Thank you for sharing your story as well and I wish you the best of health😊😘😚
Apr 20Reply

Greetings from New York! A pleasure for me to greet you and wish you success in your daily work.
Nice pic!
May 01Reply

Hi there Andrea… You have a cool closet. 🤩 Thank you for stopping by mine! I am trying to build up my followers day by day, thanks again for jumping in!! 🤩🤩😇😇
May 08Reply

@alisepeace Happy Poshing😊😊😊!
May 25Reply

🤗hello! 🕶 thanx for following ✈️got some irresistible items being added 🛍
Jul 23Reply

Happy poshing!!🥳 Feel free to come check out my closet if you’d like! Have a great day☺️
Aug 23Reply

Thank you for viewing my closet! Be safe...Dorothy
Nov 08Reply

Hey:) thanks for the follow!!! All orders places tonight will go out tomorrow morning! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo
Nov 23Reply

Thsbbbmkg I
Nov 23Reply

@msacks12 I meant to say thank you 😊
Nov 23Reply

Hey thanks for following me I’m Emily if you like any of my items send an offer or create a bundle! Happy Holidays😊☃️❄️
Dec 09Reply

Hi Andrea! Our closet has some of your favorite brands so hopefully you will get a chance to stop by! Have a great week! 🥰👑🥳🤩
Dec 09Reply

LOVE YOUR CLOSET! Such beautiful items!!!!!
Dec 18Reply

Oh my gosh I’m blushing thank you so much I appreciate that - lots of love
Dec 18Reply

The Kate Spade IPhone case 😊
Dec 19Reply

Hi: You countered the Kate Spade wallet. can yoy do anything about the shipping costs please? Thank you!
Dec 20Reply

@aagcloset I am just checking to see the shipping status of the LV purse I purchased last Monday. Thank you!
Jan 11Reply

@krawciwm so sorry for the delay, the LV should ship no later than Wednesday.
Jan 11Reply

Hi Andrea, I noticed you were interested in a few of my Coach keychains and pen sets. Feel free to email me at if your interested in buying bulk items to resell. We can do all of the sales through posh for safe transactions.
Jan 16Reply

Hello and welcome to Poshmark please feel free to check out my closet and let me know if anything there can be an extension of your beauty. Happy Poshing!
Feb 07Reply

Hi my name is Tammy I just ordered the Boston Terrier earrings today but a few days ago also ordered a Boston terrier ring from you is it still possible to ship both together if not it’s ok
Feb 28Reply

@jgpkelley I apologize for this but the phone case was in great condition & was barely used. I absolutely did not & would not sell a defective item purposely.
Apr 13Reply

Hi Andrea, I just bought the Beautiful Kate Spade earrings! I just recently moved to Palm Beach Gardens, FL and wanted to be sure you received my new address. Let me know. Thanks! Grace
Apr 14Reply

@gkressu yes! I haven’t your new address!
Apr 14Reply

@gkressu Thank you 🙏
Apr 14Reply

@aagcloset ok I think you said that you have my new address. Thanks for checking!
Apr 14Reply

Thanks for your purchase. I will ship today
May 06Reply

@shoenut6 your welcome and thank you 🙏
May 06Reply

Hi Andrea, I got your address change notification and will be shipping your top out this morning. Thanks for the heads up, and thank you for shopping in my closet. Hope your day is blessed. 🙏😊.
May 06Reply

@faithful121247 yay! That’s great news and I thank you 🙏 so much
May 06Reply

@aagcloset Hello Andrea, you purchase from me this morning SWAROVSKI Pendant for $15, but you never played for it, please unblock your payment method, Jolanta
Jun 02Reply

Of course should be pay not play, sorry
Jun 02Reply

Hi Andrea can you send me that again so I can accept it I'm sorry I haven't been on my phone all day really all week I haven't been feeling well but I need that thank you
Dec 18Reply

@denicestebbins It won’t allow me to send another offer but I put in a bundle for you with the offer if you’d like to accept & thank you😊
Dec 18Reply

The offer has expired so you will need to make me an offer and I will accept. There’s a time limit on Posh for sellers making offers after they’ve expired. Thank you again.
Dec 18Reply

Hi do you have any idea why I didn’t get yet my order ?
Dec 28Reply

@khaty68 Your order was shipped on 12/16 and is tracking as manual tracking which usually means the package was lost by the USPS and I have reached out to Poshmark support. They have to wait a certain amount of days & then they refund the buyer. I don’t know why this happens, but it has happened a lot to me lately on some shipments. I do apologize for the inconvenience as I know you’d like to receive your item instead of a refund.
Dec 29Reply

Hi, I'm Marianne, a Postmark
Ambassador. l'd like to invite you to visit my closet where I have many vintage and unique items including china, clothing, seasonal decor, plush toys, books, CDs, jewelry and religious items. You'll receive a 20% (or more) discount when you purchase a bundle of 2 or more items (up to 5 lbs per bundle). Hope you'll take a peek at my closet and make an offer on any item that you’d like to purchase.
Apr 24Reply

your closet is very lovely 💐 your jewelry so beautiful and I like your bags 🥰you have great taste 💐💝💐
Oct 03Reply

Hello, I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Oct 05Reply

@lamarquez16 Thank you & I’ll return the shares🥰
Oct 11Reply

@onlyfancybags Thank you🥰
Oct 11Reply

Thanks for connecting me! I want to invite you to check out my current sale.
-4 for $15 sale!
-over 100 items included!
-all items marked with a 🍁
-simply search 🍁
-2 day pop up sale! (Ends 10/16/22)
Oct 14Reply

Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Oct 15Reply

Hi Andrea! Hope your having a great morning! When you get time, please check out my closest. Giving anywhere between 10%-30% discounts and discounted shipping. Spend over $75 for FREE shipping. Each item you buy, $2 goes to an animal rescue group. Please send offer on anything you have interest for. Happy Poshing!
Nov 03Reply

Hello there & welcome to my closet 🥰 I have a wonderful sale going on! Make a purchase of a $100 or more (can be two or more items combined for a total of $100 or more) & get any item of your choice priced at $40 or less for free.
It’s never too early to start your holiday shopping! Buy gifts for your loved ones & get a free item for yourself or pamper yourself (because you deserve it) & get a free gift for your loved ones 🥰😍🥰
Nov 04Reply

Hello Andrea, my new friend, I pray your day was truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda
Nov 17Reply

Hi! Thanks for following our closet.. Wishing you many sales💰and buys📦..Happy Poshing
Nov 19Reply

Thanks so much for all of the shares! 😊
Nov 21Reply

Thanks for the follow! ❤️
Nov 24Reply

Hello ma'am and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet.
Nov 25Reply

Hi! Thanks for following my closet!
Dec 08Reply

Hi! Do you offer discounts on your T-shirts? Thank you, Mary💐
Jan 13Reply

@jordanner2 Hello! Yes I do & feel free to make an offer🥰
Jan 13Reply

Your an ambassador. Could you tell me if a seller is ligit or not? How do we know as buyers ?? I accidentally excepted an offer I didn’t intend to. It won’t let me cancel and she is on your friends list. @joannedurfee36 could you give me insight on this? It doesn’t look ligit.
Feb 02Reply

@bombers47978 I would send her a message telling her you accidentally accepted the offer and would like her to cancel as only she can do it on her end. She looks legit and I don’t know her; just a follower. Hope this helps!
Feb 02Reply

@aagcloset thank you so very much for your professional and kindness. I did see she reached out to me and I’m trying to get back her response. Thank you so much for your time and I truly appreciate that. You have a blessed day
Feb 02Reply

@bombers47978 Anytime & you’re very welcome ☺️
Feb 02Reply

Thank You 🙏 so much for accepting offer. Bought it for My Son. He will put it in His office and use as small trash can. Need a few more. Haha. If You find any, I’m definitely a buyer
May 08Reply

@glide2005 You’re very welcome! I don’t have any others though. Glad it is being put to good use!!!
Jun 05Reply

@aagcloset Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 04Reply

Hi @5c036ba18a2ff6e39f022a24 , thanks for following us! 💗 Like or comment our items to get great offers😊
Jan 16Reply

Thank you so much again for attending my sort of live show today. It was so much fun having you in. Hope to see you soon, have a wonderful weekend.🩷🩷🩷 you’re such a wonderful sweet posher!! ANYONE reading this definitely buy from her closet she is amazing🩷🩷
Feb 02Reply

@jtwomey1 Thank you so much! I enjoyed your show as well💕
Feb 02Reply
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