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Updated Mar 25
Updated Mar 25

Meet your Posher, Angel

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Angel. Some of my favorite brands are torrid, Lane Bryant, Fit flop, and Prolatus. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) rest assured that my posh closet is in a pet free zone
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2girls2122 Welcome new Poshers.😊 We are two cousins that share a closet. We are 5 ⭐rated Posh ambassador's. We would be delighted to answer any questions you may have.You may visit our closet anytime to get ideas. Good luck with buying and selling. SHARE and FOLLOW your Poshers to make sales as it will act as a domino effect. Happy Poshing 💞💞
May 03Reply
angel_highsmith @2girls2122 thank you for your comment. I often wonder how people keep their closets so organized. I share things that I want at the top but that’s the o my way I know how to do it.
May 03Reply
2girls2122 @angel_highsmith Hello it depends how you want it once you have it the way you want it always post from the bottom up..Then it will stay that way..I scrolled your closet you have a mask you made near your picture I would bring it up to the top..It is near other sold items... Good luck you will get it where you want it .Take care. Be safe 🙏
May 04Reply
serena_sofea Hi Angel thank you for your purchase! I mailed your package out to you today and it ought to begin tracking sometime later. Have a lovely evening and happy poshing! 💕💕💕
May 04Reply
angel_highsmith @serena_sofea thank you. I look forward to it. 😍💜💙🧡
May 04Reply
angel_highsmith @2girls2122 thank you for the feedback. I’m starting to get the hang of it. 98% of the way to ambassador already. 🧡🤞
May 09Reply
2girls2122 @angel_highsmith Awesome🎉🎉 Good luck to you.Let us know if we can be any help to you in the future.. Take care and stay safe 🙏
May 09Reply
angel_highsmith @2girls2122 hello. I just accomplished 5⭐️ posh ambassador level. I wonder if it is proper to put that tag on my banner or is that something posh does?
May 11Reply
2girls2122 @angel_highsmith Congratulations 🎉🎉 That is some you do.. That would be nice if they did that for us.. That would be to many people to do that.. Good luck 👍
May 11Reply
2girls2122 I wanted to say that is something you do😃.
May 11Reply
angel_highsmith @2girls2122 thanks. I knew what you meant. ❤️
May 12Reply
katielin26 thank you for my bundle! you packaged it so nicely, got to me quickly, and it all looks fabulous...I'd give you more stars if I could!!!
May 15Reply
angel_highsmith @katielin26 oh, thank you so much for your kind words. I aim to please. Glad you got it so quickly. Stay safe😷🧡
May 15Reply
west_coast_life Thanks for the shares😊💕
May 21Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you so much for sharing. I wish you the best in your posh endeavors. Welcome
May 21Reply
angel_highsmith @crafteelinda490 the pleasure is all mine. I’m happy to do my part in helping everyone succeed. 💙happy poshing.
May 21Reply
angel_highsmith @west_coast_life your very welcome. I’m happy to help a fellow posher out. 🧡
May 21Reply
adiel1949 Thank you so much for sharing my items. If you come and visit again, I will have new items listed. I’m having to homeschool and babysit my grandkids and it is hard listing, but I try adding something everyday. I will definitely share your items. May god bless you, your business, and all your family. Keep safe. I’m Leticia all the way from San Antonio, Tx
May 27Reply
angel_highsmith @adiel1949 the pleasure is all mine. I know the area well. I grew up in Austin but live in Illinois now. Happy poshing. ❤️🛍
May 27Reply
amoreperlamoda Thank you for the shares! 💕 So very nice to meet you! 👋. Your closet is wonderful and you are very talented!
Jul 23Reply
jcjones46 Great marketing for your masks. I wish you much success and fun, whether you sell, or shop. May you feel the Lord's presence near you always, comforting your heart and giving you strength during this difficult time. Stay safe and God bless. 🌻🌞🌼
Jul 30Reply
angel_highsmith @jcjones46 thank you for the kind words.
Jul 30Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for the share support. Much appreciated🙏💕🌻
Aug 01Reply
angel_highsmith @jcjones46 the pleasure is all mine. Thank you for the return favors.
Aug 01Reply
cliffordbbailey Thank you for Following me 🏃‍♂️🏃‍♀️ 💜💜💜 In return I SHARED a few items from your closet 👔👕👖🧥👗👚🩳🥿👜👠💄💍👟🥾👙👛🛍👟 as a thank you 😊 At Postmark SHARING is caring. Good Luck THANKS CLIFF   "🥇🥇A Postmark Ambassador🥇🥇 "
Aug 16Reply
angel_highsmith @cliffordbbailey thanks for returning the favor. Happy poshing. 💙
Aug 16Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Just wanted to thank you so much for sharing all of my closet! Someone made a purchase today❤️😊
Oct 25Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl oh that’s fantastic! Congrats! That’s awesome news. I hope I had a small part in your great day. 🙂
Oct 25Reply
rtdiehl Yes ! I know that you had a big part🙏🏻❤️. Have a great night and a safe year!😊
Oct 25Reply
ymkitty123456 I noticed that you liked an item in my closet. Make any reasonable offer. Enjoy your day!
Oct 30Reply
brokegrandmom Sorry I haven’t shared u the last few days. Some how I lost you in my settings. I had to find you again. Anyway, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Nov 04Reply
angel_highsmith @amb15931 🥰 no worries. Life has a way of getting ahead of us. I usually just go thru my “shares” feed. Is there a better way to stay organized? Anyway I always appreciate and repay all shares. Happy poshing. 💙💚💜❤️
Nov 04Reply
bohoro Hello. Do your masks have the wire above the nose?
Nov 05Reply
angel_highsmith @bohoro thank you for your question. Most do. It is listed in the description if it has that. All the masks with adjustable ear and nose piece listed in description do. The older style with elastic ear do not as they were unavailable at the time those were made let me know if you have any other questions. I’m available all day 😍
Nov 05Reply
bohoro Are they all 5/25?
Nov 05Reply
angel_highsmith @bohoro yes indeed they all qualify. 5 or more masks get you to $5 each pricing. I also ship daily.
Nov 05Reply
bohoro Great...thanks!
Nov 05Reply
rickie_dee Thank you so much for all shares!💕🤗 Also, just wanted to say, I love you're closet!😍
Nov 09Reply
angel_highsmith @ericadb04 thank you. It is my pleasure to share fellow posters closets. That is how we help one another generate sales. I may only have time to share first thing in the morning so I do and in return the others return the favor when ever they have time. As a result we are all getting traffic to our closets during every time zone. It is a win/win for all. Happy poshing 💚
Nov 09Reply
rickie_dee @angel_highsmith Agreed!😊 Thanks again!
Nov 09Reply
brokegrandmom I like something on a persons page, quote , pic etc. Then i just go into my likes. My people come up quick.
Nov 10Reply
angel_highsmith @amb15931 that’s a good idea.
Nov 10Reply
ymkitty123456 Good morning. Thank you for sharing my listings. It is greatly appreciated. Have happy holidays and good luck with your sales.
Nov 21Reply
angel_highsmith @ymkitty123456 it’s my pleasure. You have a lovely closet
Nov 21Reply
ymkitty123456 Thank you. I like your closet too. I like seeing your pictures and reading your posts. Have a great day!
Nov 21Reply
ymkitty123456 @2girls2122 How do I do a Follow?
Nov 21Reply
angel_highsmith @ymkitty123456 in order to follow you just ❤️ a post much like this one.
Nov 21Reply
angel_highsmith @ymkitty123456 or hit the follow button at the top of the page
Nov 21Reply
ymkitty123456 I am unable to locate a follow button on the top of a page. Which page or what does it look like?
Nov 21Reply
angel_highsmith @ymkitty123456 tap on your name and you will see your closet entirely. In the banner at the top you will see a follow or following button. If you do the same process on another page ie:tap the persons name to see the entire closet you will see the blue buttons in the banner at the top and you can tap the one that says “follow”. If it says “following” you are already doing so
Nov 21Reply
angel_highsmith @ymkitty123456 you are currently following 3,600+ closets so you can do it. Good luck.
Nov 21Reply
ymkitty123456 ok. I just don't totally understand what I am doing yet. Thank you.
Nov 21Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Thank you again for sharing! It’s nice to for you to visit! So appreciative Have a wonderful n healthy holiday!
Nov 21Reply
rtdiehl Hello Angel! your kind sharing is so much appreciated! We are becoming good friends😊🙏🏻
Nov 28Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl yes we are. Lol. I do enjoy it very much. It helps to pass the time while I’m home recovering. I suspect I’ll be back to work in a couple more weeks. I might be a little limited this coming week also. Don’t be alarmed if I put it to vacation mode for a couple days. 🛍
Nov 28Reply
rtdiehl Thanks for letting me know Angel! 🙏🏻 Rest up! Enjoy your time off from work 😊
Nov 29Reply
jaxhouse Good morning 🌞 you have a very fun closet🎉 Good Health & Happy Poshing 🥰
Nov 29Reply
angel_highsmith @jaxhouse thank you for the follow and kind words. You have a great closet too. Happy poshing 🛍
Nov 29Reply
jaxhouse Good morning Angel 🌞 Thank you for all of the shares. You have a fun closet and a beautiful family 🤗 Good Health, Happy Poshing 🥰 & Merry Christmas 🎄- Jackie
Dec 06Reply
jaxhouse Good morning Angel my Posh Sister🥰 Thank you for the shares! Merry Christmas to you and your family 🎄✝️❤️
Dec 19Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Was just thinking of you yesterday! Thank you for sharing again! Hoping all is well! God Bless!
Dec 19Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl Thank you for thinking of me. All is well, merry Christmas to you and your family
Dec 19Reply
crafteelinda490 Thank you so much for sharing. God bless.
Dec 27Reply
angel_highsmith @crafteelinda490 the pleasure is all mine. You have a lovely closet.
Dec 30Reply
crafteelinda490 Hi, Angel. Thank you for the compliment. My closet is now devoted to my daughter’s special needs school. Because of Covid the school is in financial trouble and may have to close. I am donating all of my earnings to them. If there is anything that you are interested in, let me know and we can work something out. Do you make any Alabama masks? My daughter s a big Alabama fan. Have a great day and God bless.
Dec 30Reply
angel_highsmith @crafteelinda490 I’m sorry to hear about the financial troubles at the school. I know that is happening everywhere. As for the Alabama question, I haven’t bought Alabama fabric as of yet. You are the first to ask me about it. I can look into it if you would like. With shipping times like they are right now, who knows how long it would take for me to get an order in.
Dec 30Reply
crafteelinda490 @angel_highsmith thanks for your reply. If you decide to get some material, please let me know.
Dec 31Reply
angel_highsmith @crafteelinda490 I’m going shopping today. I’ll let you know if I manage to find some locally. I’m in the Midwest so southern schools aren’t generally easily available around here.
Dec 31Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith Happy New Year’s 🥳 and thank you so much for all the shares 🤗 I really appreciate each one 🥰 Wishing you massive sales in 2021 😃👍
Jan 02Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 thank you so much. Your so sweet. Happy new year
Jan 03Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith Good Morning my Posh friend ❤️ you’re awesome 🤩 Thank you again for the abundance of shares, love love love 💕 Have a great day and Happy Poshing 🙋🏻‍♀️
Jan 06Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 your so sweet. It is my pleasure. I enjoy it. However I am FINALLY going back to work Monday. I hope I still have the time to share as much as I do now. I’ve been off for the last 3 months on top of being off work earlier in the year due to Covid shut downs. 🙂🙃
Jan 06Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith I enjoy sharing also and don’t you worry.. I will continue to share your closet my friend and Enjoy going back to work ❤️👍we all need to get back to normalcy in order to make America strong again 😊👍
Jan 06Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Happy New Year!! I was just thinking about you the other day! Hope all is well! Thank you again my friend!
Jan 06Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl happy new year to you too. I always love sharing my posh friends closets. Your so sweet to be thinking of little ole’ me. 😍
Jan 06Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 you’re so kind 🥰 I’m ready to take this new knee out for a spin to see what it can do while it’s still under warranty. 😂
Jan 06Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith Lol you go girl 💪😊
Jan 07Reply
rtdiehl 🙏🏻😊 of course!!
Jan 07Reply
delcie11 @angel_highsmith I'm thankful for the support and shares 🥰 your posh love has been returned 💞 wishes for many posh sales in 2021👗👜🧥👠🛍️🎉
Jan 10Reply
angel_highsmith @delcie11 I enjoy sharing your closet. Happy selling in 2021
Jan 10Reply
delcie11 @angel_highsmith thanks so much 🥰 you're very sweet 💖
Jan 10Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 31Reply
rtdiehl ❤️🙏🏻
Jan 31Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith ❤️ TY for the shares 🤗
Feb 02Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 it is my pleasure. Thank you for all the return shares. ❤️
Feb 02Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Checking in to see all is well and as always I appreciate all your shares You’ll have to let me know how you share all of someone’s closet without going through each piece.😂 Still learning🙄❤️. Be safe
Feb 02Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl all is well. Cold and lots of snow. As for the sharing, I’m happy to do my part. I only wish there was a way to share all with out hitting every single item. 😀
Feb 03Reply
rtdiehl Thank you Angel! Yes so much snow! We are suppose to get another system in Pa on Sunday. So glad I found a plow man this time. Won’t be working until Thursday. Stay warm! Bless you!
Feb 03Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Hoping all is well! I have a question item I sold was lost in the mail Poshmark has reported. I was reimbursed and so was the buyer. The buyers page just posted that day and bought the item same day. When I looked I just took a chance and mailed it out. Did you ever have a lost item? I think I’ll be more careful next time.
Feb 12Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl hi. I am well. I hope you are too. As it happens, I did send out a package with masks very early in the pandemic. I send replacements because I was able to make more for the customer. To this day, it still shows pending and I’ve never been paid. I even asked the customer to “receive” the package so funds would be released since I sent her replacements. I filed it as lost with usps and posh. Still haven’t been paid from either one to this day. It will be a year in March.
Feb 12Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Thank you for taking the time to respond. I am really sorry to hear what you experienced. I’m sure this happens more than I know. I will be more aware next time. Have a restful night!😊🙏🏻
Feb 13Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith TY ❤️ for the shares 🥰 Have a Happy Valentines Day 💕
Feb 14Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 ❤️🥰💌it is my pleasure and thank you. Happy Valentine’s Day to you too.
Feb 14Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith TY ❤️ for all the shares my friend 🤗 I appreciate them so much 🥰
Feb 22Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 the pleasure is mine. I enjoy sharing and returning shares. Supporting my posh community. 💕
Feb 22Reply
rtdiehl ❤️🙏🏻😊
Feb 25Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Hoping all is well! I have a question..... is there a way I can delete a listing that doubled? I tried but it didnt bring a delete button up on editing.
Mar 06Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl hi how are you? As for the delete question, I e never successfully found one so when I’ve run across that type of thing I will Mark it as not for sale by reducing the price to zero then when I reorganize my closet I’ll just move it to the bottom with all the sold stuff. You could also change qty available to zero if you wish. Good luck and happy poshing. Let me know if I can do anything else for you. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💓💗💔🤎🖤💜❤️💛🤎💛🖤❤️
Mar 06Reply
rtdiehl Hi Angel! Thank you so much for getting back to me on my question. We are doing okay👌 and being patient with life 🙏🏻❤️ Please take care and keep in touch! Have a good evening!❤️🧡💜🤎💗💙💛💚🤍❣️
Mar 07Reply
aldute Shared 30 ✅💞
Mar 08Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith You have such beautiful clothes 😍
Mar 08Reply
angel_highsmith @aldute thank you for all the posh shares. I enjoy sharing your closet too😍
Mar 08Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 thank you. That’s so kind of you to say. You have quite a lovely closet too. 🧡💛❤️💜
Mar 08Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl good morning and happy spring ahead day🙂 I was messing around on posh last night and accidentally figured out how to delete an item and immediately thought of you. 😍 Ddop the price to $0 then mark it “not for sale” the “Delete Listing” will appear on the bottom right of the screen. I hope this helps you. Happy poshing💙💚💜🧡
Mar 14Reply
rtdiehl Oh my goodness Angel! I will do that!! Thank you so much for thinking of me God Bless You 🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻❤️. Happy Spring 🌸💐 ❌⭕️
Mar 14Reply
rtdiehl Good morning Angel! I did change it to zero and not for sake but all the comes up at the bottom is copy listing🙄
Mar 14Reply
angel_highsmith @rtdiehl so I changed qty to zero price to 0 and marked it not for sale. Then next to the “copy” button on the very bottom you will get a “delete”
Mar 14Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 here is the newest member of my family. He is an 8 month old Pom named Teddy Bear 🐶❤️
Mar 30Reply
rtdiehl Good morning Angel! And Happy Easter 🐣❤️. Your puppy is adorable! I’ve been quite busy lately but thank you so much for sharing again. I’ll probably will start up again in the next two weeks. Take Care! God Bless🙏🏻
Mar 30Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith OMGOSH 😱 He is adorable 😍 so beautiful! Is this your 1st Pom ever?
Mar 30Reply
angel_highsmith @lj61 thank you and yes he is my first Pom. And of course he runs the household. Lol My other dog is a Great Dane / Black Lab Mix. They are quite the pair and best buds.
Mar 30Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith LOL 😂 quite the opposites! But too cute! Well if he’s ur first Pom, get ready to have ur heart melted and stolen.. all dogs are amazing but Poms are a special breed that u can’t help but fall in deep love 🥰 their personalities are like no other, not to mention they melt ur heart every time u look at them lol but they act like pups from birth till they reach the rainbow 🌈 bridge. I live for them ❤️
Mar 30Reply
aldute Shared 20 ✅
Apr 08Reply
angel_highsmith @aldute thank you for the shares. I will happily return them. Have a wonderful weekend. Wishing you lots of posh sales.
Apr 09Reply
lj61 @angel_highsmith Ty ❤️ for the amazing shares! 🤗 Have a beautiful week 🌸
May 19Reply
aldute Good morning. 50 shared ✅🌹
Jul 16Reply
angel_highsmith @aldute thank you so very much. I be sure to return the favor as soon as I can
Jul 16Reply
angel_highsmith @mccaluza thank you. I’m glad you like it. I have a piece framed and matted in my kitchen and it looks amazing. Stop back by any time. 😍
Jul 21Reply
angel_highsmith @tutuwig thank you for the shares.
Dec 17Reply
cutehosiery @angel_highsmith Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Dec 21Reply
angel_highsmith @cutehosiery thank you for your kind words.
Dec 21Reply
moonstar505 I was just wondering when will perfume shipped
May 07Reply

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Mendota, IL
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