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Updated Jul 17
Updated Jul 17

Meet your Posher, Angela

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Angela. I live in Sunny Key West, Florida with my husband John & 5 furry kids-we love it. For 22 years I had a Fine Jewelry Store on famous Duval St. I retired last year. The jewelry that you see in my closet is left over from the store and is brand new but available now at less than wholesale prices. I am uncluttering my life finally & hoping to find happy homes for my treasures. Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) Thanks for stopping by! Angela
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cee_cees_closet ❤️❤️ Welcome to Poshmark , hoping you much success , selling and buying ❤️❤️
Jun 27Reply
keywestkloset @cee_cees_closet thank you so much! Looking forward to it🌺🌻
Jun 28Reply
zlater Hey fellow islander!!
Jul 19Reply
keywestkloset @zlater Hi! Have you lived in the Keys for a while?
Jul 19Reply
zlater @keywestkloset On and off for the past 30 years!!
Jul 19Reply
keywestkloset @zlater nice! W We have been here almost 25! Love it! Nice to chat!
Jul 19Reply
zlater @keywestkloset I bet we will run into each other now!!!
Jul 19Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Angela. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 25Reply
keywestkloset @hmsimon1 hi! You have some great designs. As a fellow jeweler I understand and appreciate the work and the love! And thanks to you for all the shares!! 🌻
Jul 26Reply
mzpitty1 I see that you are following my closet. I would like to Thank You by offering you BUY ONE GET ONE 50% OFF of an item of equal or lesser value. HURRY this offer expires the end of July. Come back to see the SPECIAL FOR AUGUST.
Jul 31Reply
Jul 31Reply
keywestkloset @mzpitty1 hi thanks that’s Gabby in the middle( when she’s good) and Gabriella when she’s not! Lol. I rescue can you tell? Shar pei Pittie chow- if it’s furry I’ll take it! Does your name reflect love of pitti too?(pit bull). And I like your bio.... I’m brand new ... have tons to learn... one of them is HOW IN THE HECK do I connect to Twitter and instagram??? Thanks so much for your note and offer !! Angela ( btw we are florida neighbors I see!)
Jul 31Reply
mzpitty1 @keywestkloset She (Gabby) is adorable! Sounds like my Dottie she is part Border and thinks she knows it ALL. As for Instagram and Twitter...I don't know how to use them OFF this site let alone ON it. I've been on here a bit over a Year. Mzpitty was my cat's name (Pittypat after Aunt in Gone with the Wind). I see you are in the Keys. I have a friend I met on Posh that lives here in Englewood! Another one down in Pt, Charlotte. There are lots of nice folks on here
Jul 31Reply
mammallama Aloha! Thank you so much for sharing my items. Have a wonderful day....🌺🏝Keiko
Sep 14Reply
keywestkloset @mammallama hi keiko! Fellow islander! Thanks for the note and have a fab day! I hope you were safe from the hurricane ! Angela
Sep 14Reply
mammallama @keywestkloset Hi Angela, I’m from Honolulu,HI. Luckily, our recent hurricane downgraded to a light tropical storm, which resulted in some rain and wind. I hope all is well with you ☺️
Sep 14Reply
kekepaniapayne OMG I love your Pei!! I have had Pei’s most of my life & I adore them! I even volunteer at the Shar-Pei Rescue of Virginia as a pet transport & foster mommy! My Pei is named Maui & she is very similar looking to your Pei! Anyhoo, good luck with your sales & Stay Pei!💜💜💜
Sep 16Reply
keywestkloset @kekepaniapayne Hi!!! So nice to hear from you! Yes! I actually have three peis right now. I am a rescue house down in the Keys. Have had 23 ! Wonderful wonderful wrinkly souls! . We usually take in the ones with kidney issues. I’m going to bookmark you! If you don’t mind... always connecting to people in the wonderful world of Shar Pei! Happy sales to you too!
Sep 16Reply
kekepaniapayne @keywestkloset OMG that’s so awesome! Do you have a website? I‘d love to check it out! You can visit mine at & if you have more time, check out my business website at I’m on Facebook too. So nice & exciting to connect w/another Pei lover! Thanks for all you do! Fostering is so hard when it comes time to let them go! I‘ve fostered only 3! I’m going away in 2 Months but I plan to foster my 4th after😉 Have a great day & Stay Hap-Pei!
Sep 16Reply
keywestkloset @kekepaniapayne I dont have a website - but I’m going to check yours out and I’ll leave my email and #. Would love to see pics of you fur baby. -( in all honesty... almost everyone that comes to our house stays at our house ☺️💕)you’re right foster is soooooo hard.
Sep 16Reply
vanillaandzag Your name caught my eye. I was just in Key West a few weeks ago for the first time and loved it. Love your closet!
Sep 20Reply
keywestkloset @vanillaandzag it’s a great place to live and to visit! And thank you!!
Sep 20Reply
blackcatmoon Happy Poshing! Have a great weekend! 🐾🐾
Oct 14Reply
keywestkloset @blkcatfashions hi! Thank you! Same to you!!
Oct 14Reply
tannyaustin Thanks a bunch 💐🌺🌸🌻🌷for the follow💃
Oct 28Reply
kristie2m Love the way your items are styled in front of tropical backgrounds! Really makes me want to put them on and head south! Sadly I am not the size for the items I love. Good luck!
Oct 31Reply
keywestkloset @kristie2m hi Kristie ! Thanks so much for the compliment! Ooooh I do love the outdoors here! You should come on down! 🌺🌺🌴🌴
Oct 31Reply
crystalco Thanks for visiting and sharing my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great day!❤️
Nov 03Reply
keywestkloset @crystalco you are very welcome! Thank you!!!
Nov 03Reply
crystalco @keywestkloset ❤️🌸❤️
Nov 03Reply
corgismiles Gorgeous fur babies!!!
Nov 06Reply
keywestkloset @shannonjohns840 thank you so much! They bring a smile to our faces every day!!
Nov 06Reply
natalieeek Love your jewelry !!! I have probably been in your store been going to key west since 1980’s my uncle and aunt live in big pine key I’ll sure pass your closet to my many followers and I’ll look too Love you pictures of your fur babies And you and your hubby make a beautiful couple !!! Have a beautiful day Natalie K
Nov 08Reply
keywestkloset @natalieeek hi! What a sweet note! The store was Abaco Gold on front street and Duval. Thank you so much for sharing. I do have loads and loads more to post - there just doesn’t seem to be enough Time in the day! I have “met” so many people through this site that come down all the time. It is such a special place Your closet is amazing btw.... I am just getting started so appreciate any and all tips you might have! Thanks again and have a wonderful day!!
Nov 08Reply
keywestkloset @natalieeek and if you see something you can’t live without.... let me know..😉 😀🙋‍♀️
Nov 08Reply
natalieeek Of course. Such exquisite taste Really unique I’m bicoastal now. But eventually moving to Southern California. Soo I’m selling now It’s a big move from Philadelphia. 😎☀️🐠🌴 Natalie xoxo
Nov 08Reply
dlmu @keywestkloset Just wanted to say you have a beautiful closet!
Nov 10Reply
needsandwants Love your shop, love your puppers, love your life!
Nov 13Reply
keywestkloset @2much_jewelry thank you! I just checked out yours. Wowza you have some beautiful things.... I used to have a jewelry store in key west. Have lots of inventory left . So I am Just starting to try some of it on here. I hope it sells! I am open to any tips!!! Thanks again!! 🌺
Nov 13Reply
keywestkloset @2much_jewelry thank you.... yes it’s kind of slow going right now but I have to remind myself I’ve only been at it a couple months. I agree... I believe building the audience is most important right now... and of course building the inventory. Good luck to you as well. We shall stay in touch!! 🌺
Nov 13Reply
keywestkloset @2much_jewelry i am still trying to understand the bundle feature sadly... I understand when people put things in a bundle in my closet... do you know how to take multiple likes and put them into a bundle offer??
Nov 13Reply
keywestkloset @needsandwants oh how sweet! Thank you!! We do feel very very blessed to be where we are! The keys do force you to stop and smell the flowers! The air is fresh here! Hope you have a fabulous day💜
Nov 13Reply
keywestkloset @dlmu you are so sweet. Thank you💜
Nov 13Reply
ladydi_007 Beautiful closet but I really love the pups 🐶💕.
Nov 14Reply
keywestkloset @ladydi_007 haha! Thank you they are the highlight of our day too!!🐾💜🐾💚🐾💕
Nov 15Reply
h2os56 Angela, I love your fur babies🐾🐾❣️ Congratulations on retiring. I have recently retired from education after 30 years🥂
Nov 19Reply
martinaeffe So glad things worked out and you are happy with your purchase 😍thank you for the great ratings and kind words
Nov 24Reply
keywestkloset @martinaeffe thank YOU! And I will keep my eyes peeled for your new listings!
Nov 24Reply
martinaeffe Just put the black and white scarf up for sale ... thought I let you know 😜
Nov 24Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Angela, please let me know if you have questions. Have a Poshin Day! 😁
Dec 01Reply
bsociale Oh my goodness! The shar-pei... I had two growing up❤️
Dec 04Reply
keywestkloset @bsociale hi! They are a special breed! You should bring them back in your life!! ( ps... I do shar pei rescue💕💚🐾🌻)
Dec 04Reply
keywestkloset @bsociale you have a fab closet btw... 💕👍
Dec 04Reply
bsociale @keywestkloset Yes, they are❤️. I love that you rescue them. I wish I could have a dog right now, I have to move and finish allergy therapy first😩
Dec 04Reply
bsociale Thanks so much! Happy poshing💕
Dec 04Reply
kcnow Thank You SO much for sharing my painting with everyone !! Happy Holidays to you & your family ... lets keep in touch ! 😃👌🧚‍♀️🌲🍾
Dec 15Reply
keywestkloset @kcnow it is BEAUTIFUL! you are welcome!
Dec 15Reply
megmctear Beautiful closet! I have family in Key West and it is absolutely my most favorite place in the world. You are so lucky! ❤️☀️
Dec 20Reply
jls718 GM! I’ll be in key west in a few days!!💕
Dec 21Reply
keywestkloset @jls718 yay!! Getting out of the cold I hope?? The weather if fabulous! We just had a cool front pass through. Should be in the 70’s! Yum
Dec 21Reply
wendym198 Hi! need to tell u, I love that first pic of your fur baby!! My hubby and I have no Kids( we r in our 50’s) but have 8 fur babies! 7 cats & 1 dog. Of our cats, 3 are rescues, and 4 are purebreds. Our pup is a toy Pom ( check out my bio page for pics) . We are getting another pup, a female miniature husky. r trying to come up with a great name for her if u have any suggestions! so jealous of where u live! me,upstate NY & it’s a blizzard out !going to ck out your closet- please cK mine out too
Dec 22Reply
keywestkloset @wendym198 hi! Your babies are gorgeous! Lil Pom fits right in with the kitties! Don’t you just LOVE fur kids! The more the better it seems! ( we are up to six now!)yes.. I love your closet I have shipped it before! I see you have questions on other items I’ll go look and answer! Thanks so much for looking! Y’all should move down!!
Dec 22Reply
joleencampbell Thanks for following me! I hope you enjoy my closet! You will find I’ve got all sorts of goodies. I’d love to make a deal on; from women’s and me s clothes, maternity, to a huge selection of kids and baby item! Please let me know if you have any questions in general, or if I can assist you in any way! Thanks for taking the time to check out my closet! Happy posting!
Dec 23Reply
samslizzy @keywestkloset love the shar pei ❤️
Dec 24Reply
gpotestio hi! you should check out my closet 🥳 i have many name brand items listed such as lululemon, micheal kors, free people, nike, & more! happy poshing 🛍
Dec 29Reply
keywestkloset @gpotestio hi! I did check it out! Great items. Thank you!!
Dec 29Reply
gementhusiast Beautiful pups💕 🐶
Dec 30Reply
keywestkloset @gementhusiast thanks. I see you have a few wonderful furries yourself! Love our fur babies don’t we??
Dec 30Reply
gementhusiast @keywestkloset dogs are the absolute best thing in life!
Dec 30Reply
maidmarian Happy New Year Angela! Tx for following back and sharing! Wishing you many sales and all the best and I love to meet people I haven’t come to know yet!🥳🥳🥳
Dec 30Reply
keywestkloset @maidmarian people here have been fantastic to chat with. I’ve only been at it a few months but am enjoying selling and buying!! ! You have such a cool closet!
Dec 31Reply
maidmarian @keywestkloset a Tx for that! Almost 6 years! (See my top post) knew I needed help 😏🤷‍♀️
Dec 31Reply
keywestkloset @maidmarian i see it and I know it well...😉
Dec 31Reply
zonnietahir Thanks for sharing my listings! You’re puppies are so cute
Dec 31Reply
keywestkloset @zonnietahir thanks! You have cute necklaces! Keep listing!! Happy new year!🌺🌴
Dec 31Reply
keywestkloset @michjprieto hi! Yes! Sunshine state neighbors! Have a super new year! 🍾
Jan 01Reply
5280threads I grew up in the keys, went to Marathon High class of 84😎. My parents owned Dolphin Marina on Little Torch Key for almost 20 years...boy do I miss the Keys! Happy Poshing!
Jan 01Reply
keywestkloset @5280threads it is such a great place to be! I hope you get back to visit! 🌺🌴🌺💕
Jan 01Reply
hchabot I *love* your doggos and the sweet sharpei in the profile pic looks like he has a very important matter to address with me. :)
Jan 01Reply
keywestkloset @hchabot thanks! Yea they are all very very serious about their rides! Our favorite thing to do. Have a HAPPY New Year!!
Jan 02Reply
jewelska Hi Angela Great styles and jewelry! Thanks for the shares!
Jan 02Reply
randeeq Hi FL, we're in CA, Thanks for following me. If you don't see your specific colors or favorites among my creations...please ask. I love designing and personalizing anything...just look at my coats and dress as well as my Hugs...I've done jeans and shirts as well...your designer, Randee
Jan 03Reply
keywestkloset @randeeq hi thanks! Cute stuff but I live in the land of HOT lol.... key west!
Jan 03Reply
randeeq My Thing is yellow! I ordered it from Florida... wow
Jan 03Reply
keywestkloset @randeeq wow! That’s cool. We sold a yellow one about a year ago. We’ve had 4 or 5 of them. Take the pups for an evening ride every single night! It’s the highlight of the day! Don’t you LOVE your thing??
Jan 03Reply
randeeq She's been sick for two years now...soon! I love riding her in the winter with the top off and a fur coat!!!! I feel so alive!!! I miss LOVE(HER NAME)
Jan 03Reply
randeeq Don't run away, I'll be posting my Spring line that includes clothes, gorgeous tops, unique jeans all Resurrected...!
Jan 03Reply
keywestkloset @randeeq i can’t wait! Tag me please!
Jan 03Reply
geminimkay I love your furry friends ♡♡♡♡♡
Jan 11Reply
keywestkloset @geminimkay thank you! Precious joys they are!! Your closet is great btw... is there a secret to finding all of those stock photos? They look so nice!
Jan 11Reply
geminimkay @keywestkloset Google honey 😎
Jan 11Reply
geminimkay @keywestkloset thanks so much 💝
Jan 11Reply
geminimkay @keywestkloset actually one of my goals this year is to improve my pictures/listings. I'd like to get away from them altogether.
Jan 11Reply
keywestkloset @geminimkay good ole google huh? Thanks.... have a super day!
Jan 11Reply
geminimkay @keywestkloset hey send some sunshine this way PLEASE 🤯
Jan 11Reply
norasark67 What great pictures!! I am so jealous of living in the Keys-who doesn't love it there! Best wishes!!
Jan 11Reply
keywestkloset @norasark67 but you have horses💕🥰🤩 we don’t have enough room! Lol
Jan 11Reply
norasark67 But you have nice weather, I have snow. (The worst is I used to live in Naples FL now I am back here😭😭😭-parents were I'll). I do love the horses though. I absolutely love the dogs in the back seat of the convertible!!
Jan 11Reply
mikeymcguire Thank you so much for the beautiful love note 📝😊💕 It made my whole evening!
Jan 13Reply
keywestkloset @mikeymcguire awww well your sweater made mine! Lol... thanks it will be well loved. Even in the keys!
Jan 13Reply
afenismama The fur kids❤ so cute
Jan 14Reply
g1arlock Adorable furr babies!!! 😚you should check out my closet you might find something for that special furry friend in your life 🐶🐕🐩
Jan 20Reply
seasidesisters 🏝 We love the Keys! Your jewelry is gorgeous. Thanks for the follow!
Jan 29Reply
keywestkloset @seasidesisters hi! I went to USF too! And grew up in Tampa.... same neck of the woods.... lol Thanks for the note and have a fab day🌺
Jan 29Reply
keywestkloset @wendyi1968 hi! Thanks! Great To know... love the barefoot sandals... !!
Feb 03Reply
sheomiller @keywestkloset oh my goodness, your furbabies (I have two furbabies of my own!) are adorable! Also, thanks for the share and follow love! I’ve been selling for about 8/9 weeks now and I love it, greatly appreciate the support! 😘😘
Mar 02Reply
chicstylemaven LOVE 😍 your closet!!! Wish it was my size! I would be buying everything! Great taste! 💝🎀💃
Mar 03Reply
keywestkloset @chicstylemaven awwww. So sweet! Thank you!
Mar 04Reply
dresspink Hi Angela🌸 Thank you so much for all your Shares. You’re the sweetest. I love your closet! Great items & pics💗
Mar 04Reply
keywestkloset @dresspink Hey there! Same to you! FAB items ... I could browse all day! Thanks much and have a great rest of evening🌺💕🥰
Mar 04Reply
dresspink You too! Love those furry babies...especially the pic of them in the car. So cute!🐾💞🐾
Mar 04Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️ ps super cute pups!!
Mar 05Reply
mssnita 😘
Mar 06Reply
tangerinecrow Hello fellow Floridian! Your closet is fantastic, so vibrant and alive! Love it!!!!!
Mar 07Reply
keywestkloset @tangerinecrow hi there!!! Thanks so much! I love color !! And always have to have it around me! Thanks for visiting!!
Mar 07Reply
island_sos Hello Angela, Are you a Posh Passionate Person like me? I love to sell, shop, in brows on Poshmark. 💐 The amazing outfits and items you can find. Something for everyone. Please take a look at my closet. Everything is in gently pre-owned condition or new with tags. I have a buy 5️⃣ items that are listed under $10, for a total of $2️⃣5️⃣ when bundled together❗❗Fast shipping 📨📬📫
Mar 10Reply
Mar 10Reply
janfast Hi Angela! Thanks for following my closet! 😊
Mar 10Reply
vandesrarewears What a LIFE! Loving this closet Vibe🌟🎆🌞🌅🌴 🙌
Mar 14Reply
vandesrarewears Find Memory: Staying @ Hotel Marquesa ...Enjoying 🔑 West💛💛💛 I'm smiling...seeing your site...making my day an even better one.🙏
Mar 14Reply
keywestkloset @vandesrarewears oh my goodness! That’s where we used to stay when we came down. The marquesa! I copied the huge wood framed mirrors they have in the restaurant there .... and hung them all over my house! And my store... love that place ...
Mar 14Reply
vandesrarewears @keywestkloset🌟✨
Mar 14Reply
clopez61 I love your closet!
Mar 14Reply
keywestkloset @clopez61 awwww thank you!!🥰💕🌺
Mar 14Reply
ennazus72 Beautiful closet ! I'm just getting started . I moved to North Carolina from Jupiter Florida about 4 years ago. Born and raised in Central Florida, your closet is making me miss home for sure. Your creativity is phenomenal. You are my new Idol!🌴🌞🏖🏝👙
Mar 16Reply
bell1971 @keywestkloset 💄💄💄 Your a LIPPIE POSHER TODAY 💄💄💄 Enjoy 💋
Mar 16Reply
blocklori Hi, thanks for following me. I lived in South Florida for 7 years too. Theres a devine good will on palm beach island , and also the church mouse to source inventory from or shop. I bought honora pearls there.A necklace, bracelet, and 3 pairs of earings. As a matching set.
Mar 18Reply
keywestkloset @blocklori hey there! ( former neighbor!) I know oh so well the consignment shop on palm beach island!! We had a home in stuart just north of there for years and years... a fav haunt of mine! I’m in little ole key west now... with ZERO consignment shops lol. But that’s fine as I have 3 storage shed size closets of my own collections to sell off and downsize right now.... so sourcing and shopping are a no no for now! Haha! Thanks for saying hi! And stopping by!! Will stay in touch!!
Mar 18Reply
blocklori @keywestklosetoh wonderful. I am always looking for pearls that I can afford. You can keep an eye out and let me know. Ill be stopping in (virtually) from time to time to browse.
Mar 18Reply
blocklori @keywestklosetwe own a business there in Stuart , called DSS. It's a software development company. I know palm beach county like the back of my hand. (And Broward like the front...) Nice chatting.
Mar 18Reply
momcheevic I love the puppy pics! Happy Retirement!
Mar 19Reply
keywestkloset @momcheevic Hi - thanks so much!( retirement from the jewelry business😉) 😀
Mar 19Reply
momcheevic @keywestkloset Ironically, I have retired and my new hobby is making jewelry......just for fun at this point😀
Mar 19Reply
trixnkat Do you have a beautiful closet. I am from Naples. Have a great day
Mar 20Reply
salem191692 Hello!!! So jealous of where you live...I go every and Key West is my favorite place to be! Thanks for stopping by and checking out my closet!! I just had to stop and leave some love when I saw the name hahaha
Mar 20Reply
braz110 Hello....too name is Angela (I go by Angie) and I live in sunny Key West as well!!!
Mar 21Reply
keywestkloset @braz110 hi! What a small world!! I’m over by the casa... always out dog walking! If I’m not posting and shipping ( there are six now🐾🐾🤦‍♀️ lol)
Mar 21Reply
braz110 @keywestkloset I have two fur babies... 5 year old chihuahua and 15 year old Great Dane...can’t walk old girl much but I’m out walking the other stinker often...see ya around!
Mar 21Reply
keywestkloset @salem191692 hi! Thanks for stopping ! Yes I do think I live in a pretty magical Place. Very very grateful! You have some really cute things !
Mar 21Reply
keywestkloset @trixnkat hi neighbor! I have several friends that moved your way from here. Such a pretty place! Thanks for stopping by!!
Mar 21Reply
keywestkloset @ginasposhcloset how exciting!! I guess you guys have visited a lot?? The island is so diverse in many ways. Looking forward to hearing from you when you get here!!
Mar 21Reply
jocole96 Welcome, love your picture of furry family, 😁
Mar 21Reply
keywestkloset @jocole96 hi! Thank you ! ( doing what we love to do most!) cruising the island at sunset! Have a wonderful evening! And thanks for stopping by!
Mar 21Reply
keywestkloset @braz110 15 yr old Dane??? Wow that’s awesome! And talk about opposites! Haha! Love it! Yes! See ya one of these days!
Mar 21Reply
desertrockstar Awesome place to live! Moving back home to Florida 🌞 in 2 weeks! Love your VW THING! I’ve been looking for one..have a wonderful day !
Mar 21Reply
mysusieque Love your fur babies! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 21Reply
annehkc OMG! You, your husband and your fur babies could not be any CUTER!!!😁 So many cute items in your closet. Thank you for following me!
Mar 25Reply
keywestkloset @annehkc you are so kind! Thank you! And thanks for taking the time to look! And follow back! We support each other here on posh! Have a fab evening!🥳🌻
Mar 25Reply
keywestkloset @mysusieque hi- thanks so much! You have great jewelry and super prices! I Marked your closet to come back to. Were you in the biz before? I was a former jeweler... so appreciate good/fair pricing😀. Love your kitties... my fur kids would love to meet yours😉lol....
Mar 25Reply
mysusieque @keywestkloset Thanks. No, I am just a jewelry lover who has way too much jewelry to wear it all so am eliminating some pieces. If it is just going to sit in a jewelry box it needs to go to someone who will wear it. I price my stuff to sell rather than just sitting in my PM closet. Sadly, I bought from jewelers, so I paid high...c’est la vie!
Mar 25Reply
rainspirit6 Hi Angela welcome to Poshmark and the first thing I have to say is I love your fur babies they are gorgeous thank you for sharing them also if you have any questions don't hesitate to ask I'll do my best to get you an answer if I don't know it happy poshing
Mar 25Reply
keywestkloset @rainspirit6 hi ! And thanks so much!! Have a fab day!!
Mar 27Reply
keywestkloset @gomomgo6 thank you back! And likewise! Have a super week💕🌺
Mar 27Reply
areyounice Thanks for sharing ❤
Mar 27Reply
beirutbeutifull Thank you for sharing my closet it is greatly appreciated
Mar 27Reply
jenn_inajeep Hi! I’m a new posher and thank you for following me 🤗 You are living my dream and I hope to be able to live near the beautiful waters with my husband in a few years. I’m east of Atlanta and crave to see the surf every day. For now? We live between our trips to go saltwater fishing and sun soaking. Congratulations on your retirement last year!
Mar 27Reply
keywestkloset @jennsh3 hi! Keep Following your dreams and you’ll get here! We ended up here by accident! And have stayed now almost 25 yrs. I started selling on posh just last summer. It’s been a great experience ( I shopped way before that! That was good too lol). If you start selling and need help feel free to ask... I’m still learning but have been very very happy with results! Thanks for stopping by and saying hi!!
Mar 27Reply
bobbysworld7 Your dogs are amazing, so cute! And the car is awesome! Reminds me of the VW rabbit but I have never seen a four door!!
Mar 28Reply
kathryn_holland Thanks for the shares!
Mar 28Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐶🐶🐶
Mar 28Reply
kdtlove @keywestkloset thank you so much for the share love💕😀
Mar 30Reply
nanniern I just LOVE your CLOSET! 💕❤️💕
Apr 02Reply
lidmb Love your sharpei, can’t wait till we can get our second, just love those dogs ❤️🐾
Apr 09Reply
keywestkloset @lidmb hi! We have a lot in common! I just read your story. What a wonderful thing! My dream... to have a “dog farm” well really a forever home farm... I currently have 6. Have been rescuing pei s for years now. ( that’s a small sampling in the car) 🥰 Best of luck to you! ( I do work with a sharpei reduce down here if you ever have room let me know) we ALWAYS need homes 🥰
Apr 10Reply
keywestkloset Rescue ( not reduce😌)
Apr 10Reply
margali This dogs are so cute !
Apr 10Reply
lidmb @keywestkloset hey, thanks for checking out our story, the pei is really why i started the adventure, we have 10 rescues, and just got our LLC, we are starting with boarding in hopes to rescue and foster too. Thanks to Poshmark we are renovating our two barns (slowly 😬). We have 32 acres and will eventually have plenty of room (hopefully for more sharpies 😉). Thank you for being a beloved dog mom ❤️🐾, they make everything better, I’ll message you when we get web, insta, fb going...Elizabeth
Apr 10Reply
keywestkloset @lidmb on my goodness!! PLEASE DO!! Where are you located? I’m in key west.... people always say to me I’m living their dream.... I would trade being here in a heartbeat to living on a farm ranch or anywhere with nothing but wonderful amazing animals.... 🥰💕 sooooo I think YOU are living my dream! Lol... let’s stay in touch please!
Apr 10Reply
lidmb @keywestkloset sounds good we are in south AL, the country! So not too far...keep in touch I’ll bookmark you
Apr 10Reply
keywestkloset @lidmb ooooh near fairhope? ( also we have property in. .north fla. -Madison... maybe catch up One day!
Apr 10Reply
majbreonna Love your pei! I have a pei baby too, he’s a pure we got 6 years ago but I wanna adopt pei’s here on out God willing! Always gotta show love to fellow pei-mamas when I see one because of the rarity of pei’s! God Bless☺️
Apr 12Reply
tzack0317 I loooove your Sharpei ! I lived in Key West too! Did you ever see the show Flamingo Follies at the old Church the renovated into Eaton Street Theatre? I was in that. Thanks for looking st my closet. Happy Poshing!
Apr 15Reply
keywestkloset @tzack0317 hi! Oh my goodness! You won’t believe this but I own three of those flamingo costumes from back then! Haha! Yes of course I do!!! 💕💕💕
Apr 15Reply
tzack0317 @keywestkloset oh wow!!! Those were amazing!!! So cool! I was in the cast when I was 19:) crazy times. Key West has changed so much.
Apr 15Reply
keywestkloset You are in palm city! We have a home in coral point Salerno too! Used to live on the south fork of the river... right across from palm city. Small world!! Happy poshing!
Apr 15Reply
littlebithad12 What a handsome fur family!!! How did you get them to smile all at the same time???
Apr 17Reply
jumblepup Hi!! Love your pups!!
Apr 23Reply
flgrllife So glad you like the shirt! Keep in touch!🙂
Apr 28Reply
keywestkloset @flgrllife yes love it! Thank you! And will do!
Apr 28Reply
liberty1113 Beautiful closet Natural light pic with awesome Backgrounds love your closet . Thanks for sharing . 🌺🌺🌺🌺
Apr 29Reply
kcohen1010 Love your closet! Thanks for following me! I'll be back :)
Apr 30Reply
pinkmora Thanks for the shares 💕 Make sure to check out the rest of my closet! i am cleaning out my closet after having a baby ❤️ I make great bundle deals read my reviews ❤️ All offers accepted 👍
Apr 30Reply
sunshine1795 PRECIOUS fur babies ❤️❤️❤️
May 01Reply
katy2028 Love the name of your closet! I travel to Key West every chance I get 🏝
May 01Reply
keywestkloset @katy2028 haha! Hi thanks! Yes it’s a fab place To be! Thanks for visiting!!! 🌺🌴🌺
May 01Reply
werthetippits Lovely closet. I ❤ your jewelry pieces
May 06Reply
keywestkloset @werthetippits thank you!! Happy poshing!
May 06Reply
honey_peaches I LOVE YOUR CLOSET! @keywestkloset
May 09Reply
keywestkloset @honey_peaches awww thank you!!! 💚💕🥰
May 09Reply
friskyfairies Happy Mother’s Day from your fur babies 💕🐾💕👣💕🐾💕👣💕🐾💕💖🥳
May 12Reply
pitbullmamainfl Hello fellow Floridian!! You have beautiful pups and a gorgeous closet!!
May 23Reply
keywestkloset @pitbullmamainfl hi! Thanks so much! Love your pittie babe too!!
May 23Reply
jacknotjill Hi, Angela! We started following each other today and your closet name caught my eye! My husband and I could not love Key West more! Have been coming down since 1990. Married at Fort Zach 15 years ago. Stay on Petronia (cemetery side) multiple times a year. Do you know Ruthie and Wayne Kroehling? Dearest friends of ours on island! I just wanted to reach out and say I love your Key West vibes from my closet in Northern VA! All the Best, Jen
May 29Reply
cjoycamacho Hi! My parents are from Key West.....what a beautiful place! Happy Poshing!!!
Jun 03Reply
keywestkloset @jacknotjill hi Jen- thanks for stopping by! No- I don’t know the koehlings ( sp? But you know kw- we may know each other by site from Fausto’s or wherever! ) you probably know the store I shopped at so much. Remember BLUE on Caroline?? Gotta love kw huh?? See ya down here! Happy poshing!🌴🌴🌴
Jun 03Reply
keywestkloset @cjoycamacho hi! Yes! I hope you get to visit often!
Jun 03Reply
cjoycamacho Not as often as I’d like. I live in Asheville, NC. I hope to get there soon! I still have family there, the Leto’s.
Jun 03Reply
keywestkloset @twofishes1026 thanks so much! Living here makes me feel colorful! ( which to me is happy😀) 🌺have a fabulous day🌻
Jun 08Reply
tbiel Your dogs are so cute 💕💕
Jun 14Reply
bell1971 @keywestkloset 💄💄💄 Your a LIPPIE POSHER TODAY 💄💄💄 Enjoy 💋
Jun 20Reply
keywestkloset @bell1971 ooooh! So cool!! Thank you so much!!!! Have a FABULOUS DAY!! 🌺🌻🌴💕
Jun 20Reply
bell1971 @keywestkloset Wishing you a great day and many sales 💄💄😀
Jun 20Reply
moonlitmansion Happy to share your beautiful closet and congrats on being a chosen "Lippie" by @bell1971 today! 😘💗💗
Jun 20Reply
keywestkloset @moonlitmansion thank you sooooo much!! What a great group to be a part of! 🥰
Jun 20Reply
laluboutique Hi Angela please join our find our friendly Poshers. Helps us grow. I have just shared 10 of your listings and your closet on twitter. Thank you
Jul 07Reply
keywestkloset @laluboutique hi! Thanks so much for the shares- I just shared back. How does One join?
Jul 07Reply
laluboutique @keywestkloset I will just add you thank you so much
Jul 07Reply
agd_13 Thank you for sharing!!
Aug 01Reply
keywestkloset @agd_13 you are so welcome! Thank you!!
Aug 01Reply
cceseretti You have a beautiful closet!
Aug 02Reply
keywestkloset @cceseretti thank you... and thanks for visiting🌺🌴💚
Aug 02Reply
absoluttla I just love the “pups” - I like your closet too!
Aug 05Reply
imashoeluver 🐾😘🐾😍🐾😍🐾🙃🐾😆🐾😃🐾😎🐾😄🐾😊🐾😍🐾❤️ O m g 😃😀😂Those are the BEST pictures 🐾😘😍🐾❤️🐾ever!!!!!!!!!!
Aug 05Reply
keywestkloset @absoluttla 💕💚😍🌺 thank you!
Aug 06Reply
keywestkloset @imashoeluver haha! Love the clever name! And thanks for stopping by 🌺😍🥰💕🌴
Aug 06Reply
roses_formillie Hope you find something you love in my closet!! Once everything I have sells I have a whole new listing coming in!
Aug 10Reply
au_meridian Great pix of the furry kids😉
Aug 11Reply
keywestkloset @au_meridian thanks so much! My l😍ves!
Aug 11Reply
elj616 I had been visiting my cousin in KW for the past few years....she owns a gallery on Caroline. One of my favorite places!!! Hope to visit again the coming year. Great closet btw
Aug 11Reply
keywestkloset @elj616 hi- is your cousin Nance?
Aug 11Reply
elj616 @keywestkloset no it’s chris
Aug 11Reply
keywestkloset @elj616 ahhh. I know nance frank but come to think of it... her place is called Gallery on Green. Wrong street even 🤣. Anyways... yes.. it’s a lovely place. Do come back soon!
Aug 11Reply
elj616 @keywestkloset yep that’s them!!
Aug 11Reply
keywestkloset @elj616 great people! This is truly such a small (wonderful) town. 🌴🌺
Aug 11Reply
elj616 @keywestkloset yes! That’s why I figured you’d know them. Have a great day.
Aug 11Reply
keywestkloset @dgreene555 hi Denise thank you so much and yes! Of course... shared back🌺🌸🌼🌴 happy sales to you! 🥳🌴
Aug 15Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Super posher pictures and closet ❤️. Happy weekend and poshing ❤️🤟🏻❤️
Aug 17Reply
2girls2122 🙋Angela We love all your dog's..They are beautiful..I work with a rescue that places dogs in there 4 ever home..I got my rescue from Alabama ..A lady was in foreclosure with her home and had 89 dogs..we took 11..We are two cousins that share a closet together.. Thanks for stopping by..We have reasonable prices and a variety of different sizes and accessories.. Happy poshing 😊 and BIG HUGS🤗for your dog's from us..
Aug 22Reply
keywestkloset @2girls2122 oh I love you already! Lol... I actually have 6 dogs... I do mostly shar Pei and pittie rescue but I’m a classic foster failure hence so many! Haha. Love what you guys do! 89!! Wow! I’m sure she was well intended - or at least I like to think so... great for y’all to help! Thanks for stopping by- I’ll share share share for you!! 🌻🐾💚🌴🌺
Aug 22Reply
2girls2122 @keywestkloset Thanks a bunch 🤗
Aug 22Reply
puppylove305 @keywestkloset Hi! What a fun post to read with everyone’s love for KW! We are down almost monthly and are involved with dog rescue also :) I would love a mimosa and Benedict and a walk along the Bight and Truman Annex right now! Every visit is longer and longer and we never want to leave :)
Aug 25Reply
keywestkloset @puppylove305 hi- you must live close to come that often. We lived in Stuart before coming here.. that’s how it happens- you come down more and more lol... next thing you know..... 🤷‍♀️🌴💕🌺🐾
Aug 26Reply
puppylove305 @keywestkloset 3 hours! Yes and we are already looking at property lol :)
Aug 27Reply
innerbeautyposh Love your closet & your furry friends! ♥️♥️♥️
Aug 30Reply
ewbankclan love ur Peiby!!
Sep 02Reply
keywestkloset @ewbankclan haha! Love that Peiby! Thanks 💕🌻
Sep 04Reply
keywestkloset @gomomgo6 thank YOU! 🌻🌸
Sep 17Reply
cmf317 Great closet! 💕Come by and visit mine! Just added a bunch and will be adding lots more soon.
Oct 01Reply
cmf317 Thanks for all the Poshlove!!! 😘💕
Oct 02Reply
keywestkloset @cmf317 so welcome! Thank YOU! For visiting mine! And for all the likes! My closet is a declutter of my life. I’ve been hoarding for years and now oh so ready to lighten my world!😂 Don’t be shy to bundle and offer! I’m very very open! Can’t wait to see yours grow! 💖
Oct 02Reply
sovery77 Your fur babies are just the cutest!!! Have a great rest of the week happy hump day.
Oct 02Reply
keywestkloset @sovery77 thank you! Happy Hump day to you too!! I can’t believe it is October!!
Oct 02Reply
curvycloth Great closet! I love the tropical backgrounds. I’m from Tampa Bay Area.
Oct 23Reply
keywestkloset @curvycloth hi! Thanks! I’m From the Tampa area too. Grew up there.. family all still there. Thanks for stopping by!
Oct 23Reply
vivi4sythe3 Thanks for sharing my post 🌹
Nov 03Reply
sarabd10 Beautiful dogs!!!
Nov 11Reply
partyready luv your dogs and your closet💛
Nov 11Reply
keywestkloset @sarabd10 thank you!! Have a great happy day!
Nov 11Reply
keywestkloset @sellingmimi thanks so much! Have a fab day🌺
Nov 11Reply
dtood ~ great closet!
Dec 04Reply
keywestkloset @dtood thank you! And likewise! You have beautiful things!!! 🌸
Dec 04Reply
sasquatchposh VW Thing Cool
Dec 06Reply
keywestkloset @sasquatchposh haha! Yea makes a great dog car to drive around the island!
Dec 06Reply
stacey1225 Hey girl!! Thank you so much for the excellent rating and the very sweet message. I’m so glad you’re happy with your purchase. I hope you’ll be a return customer in the future! I appreciate you and your business 💗💗
Jan 09Reply
boutiquebonita hi there @keywestkloset, thank you for your purchase ♥️I dropped your dress off at the post office yesterday afternoon. keep an eye out for shipment scan! have a great day!
Mar 04Reply
letitiaflower Awesome Thing! Reminds me of when I went to new college in Sarasota. My friend Lisa had an orange one. We used to drive all around in it. It didn’t go very fast.
Mar 11Reply
keywestkloset @letitiaflower we putz around the island - it’s a true “dog car”. Exclusively for giving the four legged kids a ride. 🐾💜 glad you had nice memories seeing it!
Mar 11Reply
sandytoes_nose Love your Shar Pei. I was a proud momma to 3 purebreds. I currently have a Shar Pei/Pitt that I just adore🐾❣️
Jan 17Reply
keywestkloset @poopsieboys awww. Thanks... yes I have 2 pitties and two sharpei now.... and a chow! ( we are foster failures! ) Lol... pittie sharpei is a fabulous combo.... all of them are great in my opinion!
Jan 17Reply
glojaba Good morning I would like to cancel my order because it’s too long; I tried to cancel it but I’m not allowed. I apologize for the inconvenience. Thank you
Jan 20Reply
pugsinparadise 💙💙💙Those are the cutest backseat drivers I've ever seen!
Feb 16Reply
keywestkloset @pugsinparadise haha! That they are!
Feb 16Reply
justinconrad862 Hey!! Thanks for the follow :) I’ll be checking out your closet soon. I also have a bundle discount. If you bundle 3 or more items you’ll get a 10% discount and free shipping!! Enjoy the rest of your day 💙💙 Everything is 15% off today only!!
Feb 23Reply
lynnmarshall513 @keywestkloset Hi Angela. Thank you for your message. I was so disappointed when I noticed the damage. Initially, I pulled it from the box and it appeared to be okay. Ran off to work, put the case on my phone, and there it was. Wish I could send you photos.
May 19Reply
keywestkloset @lynnmarshall513 you can do Photos if you want to open a case. Which I would definitely prefer you to do. I bought the case and never used it so surprised to hear of damage. My bad for not opening and inspecting. I do apologize. But certainly do a case and return rather than keep Something you aren’t happy with!
May 19Reply
lynnmarshall513 @keywestkloset Thank you. I will. Appreciate your kindness.
May 19Reply
lemonandsloth Thanks so much Gabrielle for your support 🤗✨I’ll send it out on Monday. I hope you’ll love it much 💝☀️
Jun 06Reply
lemonandsloth Wow Angela. It’s the happiest sweet note I’ve received. Thanks so much. I’m so happy you loved the dress much💝☀️✨
Jun 10Reply
keywestkloset @lemonandsloth I like your note and packaging almost as much. It’s nice to see so much care go into such a pretty package. I owned retail shops all my life and believe the packaging is as important as the item. Maybe it’s just me. But thank you! I do appreciate it. 💚
Jun 10Reply
lemonandsloth @keywestkloset thanks Angela. I think the same. Plus it was so fun preparing packages 📦💝✨
Jun 10Reply
chic_cove Dear Angela, thanks for your purchase. 🌸🤩 just want to make autw that you know that I will be shipping you a size Small, which is tremendously oversized Ans runa like a large. Circumference is about 56” thanks for confirming that it would be okay.
Feb 19Reply
chic_cove By the way, that photos of your three babies 😍
Feb 19Reply
littlepeachxo hello ^^ ! i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that 100% of earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Mar 18Reply
cutehosiery @keywestkloset Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 11Reply
watsonlilmommy @keywestkloset check out my closet see something you like send me a offer an I will help you out
Jun 18Reply
watsonlilmommy @keywestkloset hello check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted
Jul 01Reply
leili24 Hi Angela, nice closet, feel free to check out my closet, you might find something you like 🌹
Oct 10Reply

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Last Active: 27 hours ago

Key West, FL
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Last Active: 27 hours ago

Key West, FL
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