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Updated Feb 20
Updated Feb 20

Meet your Posher, Angela

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Angela. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) If you are new to Poshmark, let me say Welcome. You have found an awesome place to both buy and sell. I do a lot of both. If you don't have a registered Poshmark account yet, feel free to use my invite link albertaangela You will get $15 as a gift after your first purchase and I too, will get $15 so win win.
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 3+ Bundle

  • C$12.49 Expedited (1-7 day) Shipping on all orders

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breacd and 58 others like this
alyssaandrew615 Hi welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions let me know and feel free to check out my closet! I've got some amazing deals
Jan 17Reply
albertaangela @sarinacliplef yes. She is our cat. She was a rescue cat from the shelter. Have a great day.
Mar 04Reply
charliee33 Hi Angela & welcome to Poshmark!🤗😁 Beautiful fur baby 🥰
Mar 04Reply
albertaangela @charliee33 Thanks for the welcome. Have a super day
Mar 04Reply
charliee33 @albertaangela You’re welcome, you too!😉😁
Mar 04Reply
closetcupid Thank you so much for the follow!! 🤗 Following back & sharing your lovely closet with my 63K followers 😊🙏 Cheers, Suchi 💕
Mar 04Reply
albertaangela @closetcupid thank you so much. It is very appreciated. Have a happy day 🌸
Mar 04Reply
albertaangela @sarinacliplef hi. Have a happy day 🇨🇦
Mar 04Reply
chagee0 @albertaangela Thank you for the follow! Stay blessed.
Mar 07Reply
annkokosmom 🐈💛Beautiful kitty!💛🐈
Mar 07Reply
albertaangela @annkokosmom Enjoy your weekend
Mar 07Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Angela!🙋🏻‍♀️ I’m Alicia Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐The best way to Buy & Sell Fashion! Thank you for visiting my closet!💎💎👜👜Please feel free to Buy, Make Offers (use button) OR Put ❤️❤️❤️on ALL your Likes & will send you my Lowest Offer!🤑🤑🤑BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so please feel free to ask me any questions!💕
Mar 08Reply
kcruz1966 Welcome to Poshmark! ❤️🐈❤️
Mar 09Reply
demonhunters Aloha from Las Vegas...
Mar 09Reply
albertaangela @808classysassy hello from Alberta Canada
Mar 09Reply
xdestinyscloset Welcome to Posh! Happy shopping / selling 🌸🌺 If you're a seller feel free to ask me any questions you may have getting your closet all set up!💕👚👗 If you're a shopper, check out my closet for some great deals!🌞🌟
Mar 10Reply
mariahgarcia953 Welcome to Poshmark 🌹
Mar 10Reply
albertaangela @mariahgarcia953 Thanks. Nice to be here
Mar 10Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Spring is on it's way, but winter is still rearing its ugly head. So stay Warm and Cozy cuddle up and Posh in your Pjs. What better way to chase away the winter weather Blues. I'm always having Specials and Sales so feel free to stop by. Wishing you and your Family continued blessings we go into the New Year. So stay Warm and Think Spring. And continue to be Poshtastic ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Let the Countdown to Spring Begin 🌻🌻
Mar 11Reply
albertaangela @xdestinyscloset hi. Thanks for commenting. If I do have any questions and I likely will, I’ll be in touch.
Mar 12Reply
scfragilicious Hi luv❣️ Happy 2020 & Welcome to Poshmark!🤗💝💝 Thank you for following me! Feel free to ask me questions as you get your footing here. 🎖Looking forward to watching your closet grow.🥳🥳🤩💕💕 I wish you quick sales and amazing finds in this wonderful community. ❣️❣️ Check out my collection of Clothing, Accessories and Homegoods curated from 98% Natural Fibers and Materials❣️💕 You’ll find many one of a kind, handmade, pre-loved vintage, and even new sustainable choices. 💕Happy Poshing!❣️❣️ - Nik
Mar 13Reply
digitalsandy Welcome to Poshmania! Friends 👩‍🎤👨‍💼will answer your questions❓and cheer 📣you on! Posh is all about sharing items from your closet & from the closet(s) of others. At bottom of 'About' page, on R, click 'See All Closets.' Touch ea. blue 🅿️bar. It changes to white, meaning U are following that closet. Share 5-6 items 👗👔from it. Continue. A large number of Poshers you follow 👣will follow 👣you back & share items from YOUR 👜👠closet. Please ✓☞MY closet. ❣Saundra, Posh Ambassador
Mar 13Reply
dina_fiore Hi Angela! Welcome and thank you for following my closet! Have a great evening 👋👏😊❤️
Mar 14Reply
unclaimed Angela hope you are well and in good spirits, thanks for your support Please enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more (free shipping on $25). expires 3/31/20.
Mar 16Reply
princessmarcy Welcome! HaPpY PoShInG! ❤❤❤
Mar 16Reply
healingbeauty cutie patootie kitty witty meow purr love 🐈❤
Mar 17Reply
albertaangela @princessmarcy hi. Thanks for the welcome❤️
Mar 18Reply
albertaangela @healingbeauty Thanks. We think she’s pretty cute too. ♥️🌸😃
Mar 18Reply
princessmarcy @albertaangela ur VeRy welcome! ❤❤❤
Mar 18Reply
rosemastellone Hi Angela, Welcome to PM and thanks for following my closet. Best of luck building your closet, buying/selling, making new contacts and having fun. At your convenience, browse by my closet and inquires are always welcomed. Beautiful Kitty Pic! Much success and happy poshing,
Mar 20Reply
mesimply Welcome to Poshmark Angela! I'm Cristina and am so glad you joined this wonderful posh community. Thank you for the follow. I'm a Poshmark Ambassador. Let me know if I can help answer any questions as you navigate the app. We're all about spreading the love by "liking" and "sharing" our posh closets. Happy posh selling/buying!!! 🥂👠💃🛍👛🎉
Mar 22Reply
annamartone Absolutely stunning fur baby!!! 😸😻
Mar 22Reply
2girls2122 Beautiful Kitty 😊We are two cousins that share a closet together. We invite you to stop in and look around..If you see something that catches your eye send us a like and we can send you a private offer back to you..Have a great day 🙂 Be safe 🙏
Mar 23Reply
aagsue Love your closet!! Sj
Mar 23Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐈 (Your profile pic)
Mar 23Reply
albertaangela @aagsue 😊 That means so much. Take care and have a happy day
Mar 23Reply
albertaangela @zardiva1 🌝⌨️💻
Mar 23Reply
inngi Good afternoon. Take a minute to check out my closet if you see something you like but not the price. Make an offer.More coming, so keep checking. Happy Poshing.
Mar 25Reply
divasandqueens Thank you for following and supporting my closet. Bundle 3 items from closet Divas & Queens and get 30% off your order at any time or Make Me An Attractive Offer on a single item.
Mar 28Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize 🤗
Apr 15Reply
albertaangela @marcelahasani I’m so happy to have won it. I am usually not lucky so I’m pumped. 😊
Apr 16Reply
marcelahasani @albertaangela I am happy for you Angela,you are blessed 🤗
Apr 16Reply
albertaangela @marcelahasani Thanks. Stay safe.
Apr 16Reply
westcoastwoman @albertaangela thank you very much for sharing my closet - take care 💕
Apr 19Reply
albertaangela @westcoastwoman you are very welcome. Hope you sell some things this weekend. Take care. Stay safe ♥️
Apr 19Reply
westcoastwoman @albertaangela thanks - you too!!💕
Apr 19Reply
diligentdiva74 Thank you for sharing my closet on Twitter 💕
Apr 21Reply
albertaangela @diligentdiva74 you are very welcome.❤️ Thank you for sharing my closet too. Have a wonderful day.
Apr 21Reply
duchess_consign Thank you for sharing my listing on Twitter! I do not have Twitter but will definately share your listings on here!🙏🛍❤
Apr 23Reply
albertaangela @duchess_consign thank you so much. I appreciate the shares. Happy poshing
Apr 23Reply
albertaangela Poshing not posting lol
Apr 23Reply
telitabobita Hi...I wanted to welcome you to POSHMARK! I am a POSHMARK ambassador.If you have any questions along the way, feel free to reach out. The most important thing to do is HAVE FUN! ❤❌⭕❌⭕❤ Drop by and visit my closet when you get the chance!!!
May 07Reply
pamela902 Congrats on your win! Have a great day! 🥳💖🤗
May 07Reply
albertaangela @pamela902 thanks. Enjoy your week.
May 07Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations on your prize 😊 I hope you can find items of interest in my closet, your $50 credit will get you a lot, all offers accepted and every item comes with bonus. Have a great day!
May 07Reply
ilil_berana Thanks for sharing my listing❤️
May 09Reply
albertaangela @ilil_berana you are very welcome. I hope you enjoy your time on Poshmark
May 09Reply
ilil_berana Thanks
May 09Reply
rollab Thanks for sharing my listing!
May 14Reply
albertaangela @rollab you are quite welcome. Happy poshing 😆
May 14Reply
judym1954 Thank you for sharing on Twitter. I’d return the favour but I only have 2 followers...I really don’t use it or FB, IG etc.
May 29Reply
albertaangela @judym1954 have a great day Judy
May 29Reply
redhairdoll Thank you for the twitter share dear !<3 (:
May 31Reply
albertaangela @redhairdoll you are very welcome
May 31Reply
sassy506906 Hello, thank you for sharing from my closet! stay well.
Jun 04Reply
albertaangela @sassy506906 you are very welcome. Hope you are having a great week. Stay safe and healthy as well.
Jun 04Reply
forget_me_nott Love your closet!!
Jun 09Reply
albertaangela @forget_me_nott thank you so much. Have a wonderful day😀
Jun 10Reply
merlekb Hi Angela, thank you for following and sharing my closet. Very much appreciated. I hope you found some interesting stuff and will visit again. I add new items often. I had the pleasure of browsing and sharing your closet too. Stay safe and have a great day!
Jun 24Reply
stephanieposhs6 Thank you very much for sharing my listing. 👍🏻
Jul 04Reply
albertaangela @merlekb thanks for stopping by and for your kind words. Stay safe and happy poshing
Jul 05Reply
albertaangela @smbwilliams you are very welcome. Happy Poshing
Jul 05Reply
mpaulaw I sure wish your closet wasn't full of things I want - makes it difficult to mind my budget ;) You could pretty much transfer all your jewelry to me. Not the handcuffs, though - would give my man the wrong idea!
Jul 11Reply
albertaangela @mpaulaw you do make me 😃
Jul 12Reply
pretty_and_cute Hiii! Please come take a peek at my closet when you have some time! 🤗🤗🤗 Hopefully you find some items you like! Please let me know if you have any questions! 🥰🥰🥰 Happy Poshmarking! ++ BEAUTIFUL KITTY!!! ❤️
Jul 22Reply
lunajin Hi. Thank you for sharing! 🙂
Nov 14Reply
albertaangela @lunajin hi you are very welcome. Have a great day
Nov 14Reply
keerat07 thank you for the followww girl!!! if you are interested in the winter jacket we can talk about pricing so it fits your budget 😊
Nov 29Reply
valleystyles Thank you for all the shares, I'm very grateful 😊 I love your closet and the quality of your items 👙👖👕👘👗🎽👚👠🥿👢👟👞 Take care ❤ and stay safe ❤ Cheers 🍻🍷
Dec 11Reply
albertaangela @valleystyles hi. Thanks for stopping by it’s always nice to hear from fellow posters. I appreciate your nice comments. I will continue to share your closet. Merry Christmas
Dec 11Reply
misssheenabunny Is that a rag doll Manx in your profile pic? Because I have a rag doll Manx also
Dec 18Reply
albertaangela @misssheenabunny hi. She is a ragdoll not sure what a Manx is??? We got her from a rescue shelter
Dec 20Reply
misssheenabunny @albertaangela stubby tail! I realize it might be the angle. Mine came from my exes dad
Dec 20Reply
moreenbrooks Hi! I don’t get paid until the 29th, but if you were able to send me the same offer as you did for my bundle, that would be amazing! Thank you! ☺️
Dec 27Reply
dani202010 Hi,I just want to reveal something, @thriftykarmela Posting Malicious Comments to my items on Poshmark,I had never sold anything to her.Now this person has retaliated against me and left me Fake Online comment.This is cybercrime.She is using the media to destroy people’s business. As a seller/buyer ,I never leave anything but possitive feedback.The personal who left fake online comments is a Poshmark employee. Stay safe and be well, Sincerely, Tina
Jan 02Reply
ciara_nolan hey im Ciara !!! thanks for sharing my stuff! i love your closet too!! 💞💓💞🖖 happy poshing 🦖💜
Jan 08Reply
boloe711 Hello! I’m Boloe a Posh Ambassador😊💐Please visit my closet and send me an offer if you found something you like.🌸I always generously give gift 🎁 for every purchased and give big discounts 💵so you will never regret on buying from my closet. 🌼🌻Thank you and have a blessed day. 🎁😊🥰happy shopping 🛍👗👚👠🧣👛🎒🧢👟🧥
Jan 20Reply
miliandmo @albertaangela Hi Angela. Thank you for your purchase. I will ship ASAP. Best wishes from Niagara Falls, Ontario. 🌸
Feb 03Reply
ciara_nolan 💓💓hey! my name is Ciara and I'm a posh ambassador! I found your account and I love the items in your closet 🔥💓 feel free to check out my closet, and if you find anything you like, create a bundle so I can give you a special discount! happy poshing! 💓💓
Feb 15Reply
alisonluvs2shop @albertaangela - Thank you for sharing my closet. I am new to Poshmark and I am absolutely loving the community. You just made it even better. Be well and stay safe 💜🙏✌️🛍
Feb 18Reply
alisonluvs2shop @albertaangela - just wanted to say thank you so very much for sharing my closet on Twitter. Wow. That is just so kind. Thank you 🙏 🥰
Feb 20Reply
albertaangela @alisonluvs2shop you are very welcome ⛄️
Feb 20Reply
jolifashion Hello Thank you for purchasing our mystery box. I will mail it tomorrow 😁. By the way, your cat is sooooo cute 🥰
Apr 14Reply
albertaangela @jolifashion You are welcome. Looking forward to receiving the package. Have a great day. Angela
Apr 14Reply
marcelahasani Congratulations Angela 🤗🌷 I am happy for your prize on love and list challenge!
Apr 20Reply
camelia41 Hi Angela! Thank you for sharing my listing on Twitter! It is very much appreciated! I don't have a Twitter account, so I am unable to reciprocate and do the same for you. All the best to you! Jo-Anne
Jun 05Reply
albertaangela @camelia41 Hi Enjoy your weekend. Happy poshing
Jun 05Reply
misstessa5000 Hi Angela, thank you kindly for all the shares, specifically sharing my listing on Twitter✨🙏✨💕✨
Jun 30Reply
albertaangela @misstessa5000 You are very welcome. Thank you for sharing my closet too
Jun 30Reply
misstessa5000 Angela, thanks a million for sharing my listings again on Twitter ✨🙏🌸
Jul 20Reply
classiclife Thank you for sharing my 80’s belt on Twitter. I do not use Twitter but will be happy to share the Posh love here! Happy buying and selling 💞💞
Aug 02Reply
punkyinpink Thank you for being so kind and continuously sharing my closet , Angela ! I really appreciate it ! And I’m absolutely In love with the vintage items in your closet and your gorgeous fur baby !♥️🐈‍⬛
Sep 22Reply
albertaangela @punkyinpink thanks for your kind words. I’ll keep sharing your items. Have a wonderful day of poshing. Sending good vibes your way.
Sep 22Reply
doubledolce Thank you so much for all the shares! Also, thank you for sharing on Twitter. I truly appreciate all your support. All the best to you on your wonderful closet! 😊🛍
Oct 09Reply
albertaangela @doubledolce Hi. Thank you for your kind words and also for your shares. Hope your weekend is great and that you have lots of sales.
Oct 09Reply
eyelettdreams @albertaangela Thank you so much for the 5 star rating on the Mystery glad you are pleased. Thanks again and enjoy :)
Oct 21Reply
forget_me_nott Love your closet!!
Nov 01Reply
albertaangela @conki_4848 Hi. Thank you for stopping by. You have a very nice closet yourself. I can see we like a lot of the same things :) Enjoy your night and just send me a quick message when you are ready for an offer. Thanks
Dec 08Reply
albertaangela @conki_4848 thumbs up That's the best way
Dec 08Reply
moonlighting23 I was just admiring your closet. You have lots of interesting things and you offer awesome prices! I could shop here for hours :)
Dec 11Reply
albertaangela @moonlighting23 Hi Moonlighting Thank you for your wonderful comments. Drop by anytime. Happy Poshing
Dec 11Reply
twicelucky @albertaangela Angela thankyou kindly for the Twitter share. Every little bit helps. Cheers Leslie
Dec 16Reply
albertaangela @curvydream Have a wonderful Christmas season
Dec 25Reply
lou_la_belle Hi Angela, thanks so much for sharing my listings ~ you really made my night 🥰 You have such a lovely closet 🛍Wishing you a lovely evening, Carrie-Lou 🌹Be Different, Be Original, Make a Statement🌹
Jan 06Reply
albertaangela @lou_la_belle very nice to hear from you. Hope 2022 is your best year yet. Happy poshing
Jan 06Reply
shenelap Heyy I’m also from Alberta! Thanks for the follow! I’m fairly new to poshmark. I was wondering if I could pick your brain.
Jan 14Reply
albertaangela Hi. Nice to meet you. Happy poshing
Jan 14Reply
prairieposher Thanks for all the shares Angela! ~from a fellow Albertan 😊
Jan 21Reply
albertaangela @prairieposher you are very welcome. Enjoy the rest of the week. Happy poshing
Jan 21Reply
kindposher many thanks for the 5⭐️ rating … could u please also write me a love note for these orders? Appreciate that ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Jan 24Reply
albertaangela @vernzvintage hi. i have bought a lot of things lately Could you remind me of what I bought from you. Hope you don’t mind me asking
Jan 24Reply
albertaangela @conki_4848 Thank you for all the shares. I love your closet. You have some amazing things. Have a wonderful day.
Jan 27Reply
l_winick Hi Angela. Thank you for sharing the shoes from my listing on Twitter. Much appreciated! I offer 10% off when you bundle 2 or more items. I'm having a 💕 2 for $20/$30, etc. 💕 sale right now. Check out my closet, and see if there is anything else that catches your eye! Plus, with every bundle purchase, I'm also offering discounted shipping, depending on the amount of your purchase. Either way, again for the Twitter share. Posh on! Linda 💕
Feb 25Reply
saamaanthaa939 Hey Angela! Thanks for the shares - I also wanted to share that I have some incredible deals right now like 😉2 for $20 on many items, 🤑2 for $100 on many name brand items worth much more, and a 🤗FREE w purchase gift on some purchases!! Hope you get to enjoy ❤
Mar 14Reply
sjulie745 Hi Angela. Thanks so much for all the shares🤗 Have a fantastic day☀️ Happy Poshing 🛍
Apr 01Reply
wheelworx Greetings from Sherwood Park. Thanks for all the shares. You’ve got great items in your closet. Appreciate you sharing the Poshmark ❤️. All the best, Linda
Apr 21Reply
albertaangela @wheelworx Hi Linda. Good to hear from are very welcome for the shares. You have really nice things in your closet as well. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Apr 21Reply
thenorthcloset Thank you so much for the 5-star rating and sweet love note. Glad your enjoying it! Hope you are having a wonderful day! :)
May 20Reply
ajooj Hello 👋 hope your doing well☺️ Thank you for checking out my closet bundle your likes and send me an offer. I’m accepting all reasonable offers
Jun 21Reply
lou_la_belle Hi Sngrla, thank you for sharing my listings ~ you really made my evening! Warmly, Carrie-Lou🥰
Aug 13Reply
lou_la_belle Oh my goodness!!! My sincere apologies Angela. I was multitasking and my nails got in the way hence the gross misspelling of your name. I am so embarrassed. My apologies.
Aug 13Reply
albertaangela @lou_la_belle no worries. Thanks for your lovely comments. No problems sharing. I will share some more. Have a good evening and happy poshing
Aug 13Reply
telitabobita THANK YOU FOR SHARING MY ITEM ON TWITTER!!!...I will return the favor?
Aug 18Reply
angelalouise394 Thought I would stop by and say hello👋 I'm also Angela from Alberta 🙃
Dec 06Reply
marjoriepaes Good afternoon Girl 💕! I would like to personally invite to my posh show tomorrow (Wednesday December 14) at 7pm. It will my first posh show. I am super excited and nervous about it and I would love to see and have there 😍. Everything will be cheaper there 😅☺️ I can’t wait to have you there in the posh show! 😍
Dec 14Reply
irishleprechaun ❤️❤️❤️40 Year Collector ❤️❤️❤️ Hi Angela I’ m new to Poshmark MEGA SALE!! Whole Closet 50% OFF the Prices Listed Make bundle and I’ll adjust to 50% Off Total RARE Collectibles & Autographs Hockey, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Horror, UFC, Wrestling, Celebrities And Much Much More !!
Feb 06Reply
irishleprechaun 🏀Toys🔥🔥Fire🇨🇦Sale🔥🔥Sports🏈 Hi My Names Jason I’ m new to Poshmark I’m having a MEGA SALE!! My Whole Closet Store 50% OFF the Prices Listed Make bundle and I’ll adjust to 50% Off Total Please come check out my Closet Rare Collectibles Autographs, Vintage Toys, Sports, Celebrities and So much More!!
Feb 08Reply
irishleprechaun Hello Angela My Names Jason I’ m new to Poshmark I have a Collector Store Autographs & Vintage Toys + More!! MEGA DEALS & LOW PRICES Please Check Out My Store Thanks Jason ❤️✌️👍
Feb 17Reply
effibabe Thank you so much for sharing my closet!🎈🎈 Could you help to share more items of my closet. Really appreciate 🙏🙏🥺🥺
Feb 21Reply
lanikaiangel221 Hello beautiful Fluffer! What’s your name? Greetings from Chloe and Holly Golightly 🐱🐱
Mar 20Reply
albertaangela Hi Hello Chloe and Holly Golightly. Our cat has gone through several name changes, from Princess to Miss Kitty to Cat, whatever seems to fit at the time. She gets along with our shitzhu but not so much with the chihuahua :(
Mar 21Reply
mytimetoletgo Hi, Just looking through your lovely closet! So interesting. And so much variety. I love it! Like being in a bricks and mortar store - only easier! You never know what’s coming next. I’m new and trying to keep like items together…. ☹️what a waste of time…. I learned that from your closet just now!! Thank you and congratulations on your Poshmark success.😘
Apr 06Reply
albertaangela @mytimetoletgo Hi. So nice to hear from you. Thank you for stopping by. I'll have a look through your closet and share some of your items. Wishing you much success and happiness on Poshmark.
Apr 06Reply
mytimetoletgo @albertaangela You are so sweet! I’m trying to get the hang of it as I dip my toes into this platform and have to keep listing. I plunged in and listed some things and sold a few. I had always felt I needed the perfect backdrop, no creases, the right light, enough time, blah blah blah! In other -serious excusitis! And then I read something about an imperfect listing is better than no listing at all and that it’ll never be perfect. So, here goes! Cheers, June
Apr 06Reply
May 28Reply
irishleprechaun Hi Angela Please Check Out My Store Having a 💂💂FATHERS DAY SALE 💂💂 🔥🔥ALL PRICES REDUCED🔥🔥 🔥🔥ALL NEW ITEMS🔥🔥 🚨🚨SUPER SALES🚨🚨 🔥🔥 5/$20 SALE 🔥🔥 🔥🔥4/$20 SALE 🔥🔥 🔥🔥2/$25 SALE 🔥🔥 FREE SHIPPING OVER $100 PLEASE SHARE THANKS JASON ❤️🌹🔥🙏
Jun 18Reply
ugotthis093 Hi I just wanted to know if you sold the smiley mug …thank you 😃
Jul 15Reply
albertaangela @ugotthis093 no we didn’t sell it. It is still available. we have two but one is more of an emoji smiley face. Both yellow. If you go to my closet and click on the product listing of home scroll down and you should find them. Feel free to make an offer. Thanks
Jul 15Reply
ugotthis093 Thank you soooo very much … 😎
Jul 15Reply
irishleprechaun Hi Angela Please Follow and Share ❤️ I’ll do the Same 🧡Promoting MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 🎾HIGH END 🎾 🎾COLLECTOR STORE🎾 Autographs - Toys - Cards Hot Wheels - Sports Plus More !! 🏀SUMMER SALE 🏀 Make A Bundle Please and I’ll Adjust Total 💜SUPER MEGA DEAL #1 💜 $6 BLOWOUT SALE 💜Or 8/$20 ❤️MEGA DEAL #2 ❤️ $6 BLOWOUT SALE ❤️5/$20 With $9.99 Shipping 🩷MEGA DEAL #3 🩷Bundle 3 or More Items 🩷Save 30% OFF 🩷Plus $9.99 Shipping FREE SHIPPING OVER $100 Please Check Out My Store Thanks Jason 🧡❤️✌️👍
Jul 16Reply
janetbratberg Hi. My name is Janet and I am a Poshmark ambassador. Please take a peek at my small closet. I carry a variety of preloved items such as Cleo,  Talbots, Nine West, American Eagle...Old Navy, white blouses and various styles of ladies shoes and sandals. Stunning sleeveless ruffled neck Italian top⚘ Vintage leather jewelery display boxes. Vintage velvet boxes . 😊 Just added vintage/retro necklaces Monk & Lou dress too. If you have any questions about my closet, please, just ask.
Jul 30Reply
jlm61 Hi Angela! Thank you so much for all of the sharing you have done from my closet. It is very much appreciated - Janet🙂
Nov 01Reply
irishleprechaun Hi Angela My Name is Jason Have A Collector Store Since 1988 💖30% OFF BUNDLES 💖OF 3 or More Items ❤️For Sale❤️ -Pokémon Hockey Sealed Card Packs -Barbie -Horror -Vintage Toys -Celebrity Autographs Eminem, Mariah Carey Betty White Plus More Plus ⭐️Have 4 Taylor Swift VIP ⭐️Stage Seats For Sale ⭐️In Toronto November 2024 Please Come Check Out My Closet Please Share and I’ll Share Back❤️ 🎁⛄️Happy Holidays Jason
Dec 26Reply
irishleprechaun 🥳Happy NEW YEARS 2024🥳 Hi Angela My Name is Jason HIGH END Collector Store I Support MS & Cancer Awareness ❤️Save 30% OFF❤️ When You Bundle 3 Items or More 💙3/$10 Sale - Items Marked 3/$10 ❤️3/$20 Sale - Items Marked 3/$20 Mega Deal on Sealed Packs of Cards 🥳FOR SALE Toys New & Vintage Pokémon Funko Pop Horror Clothes Marvel Barbie Spice Girls Celebrity & Sports Autographs Plus Much More Please Share and I’ll Share Back Thanks and Happy Poshing
Jan 17Reply
modaboutique170 Hi Angela, thank you for stopping by. Sent you an offer on the men’s cashmere overcoat. It’s definitely a timeless statement piece to own Accepting reasonable counter offer 🙂
Apr 13Reply
modaboutique170 Good news Angela it’s CCO today. Contact me if interested in purchasing the men’s cashmere coat today. I’ll lower my listing price to $770 submit to you to receive the discounted shipping paid by Poshmark today. Looking forward to hearing back from you soon 🙂
Apr 14Reply
irishleprechaun 🥳CLOSING SALE🥳 ⭐️ULTIMATE 🔥COLLECTOR STORE MY LOWEST PRICES Everything Reduced 25%-90% My Actual Prices New & Vintage Toys Vintage Collector Money Sports Sports Cards & Rookies Celebrity Autographs Plus So Much More Great Gifts 🎁 Xmas Birthdays Or Great Prices For Resell Please Come Check Out My Closet Thanks for Your Kindness Irish Leprechaun 🍀🙏 Jason ❤️
Apr 25Reply
flcreations @albertaangela You are receiving a special invite to come join me on my FIRST Jewelry Live Show june 4 at 12:00 pm east time ! Please feel free to share your closet also ! its always fun to help each other ! ... be there some giveaways alslo !
Jun 03Reply
bewtefulthreads Thanks for swinging by my closet. I try to source unique, exceptional condition clothing that I sell for affordable prices.
Jul 26Reply
albertaangela @bewtefulthreads Nice to meet you I'll be sure to check in often
Jul 26Reply
flcreations @albertaangela Live Show at 12:30 est time this sunday sept 1 . Come see the latest and let's have fun !
Sep 01Reply

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