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Updated Sep 15
Updated Sep 15

Meet your Posher, Angelica

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Hi! I'm Angelica. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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madkis22 TY, Melissa
Sep 27Reply
bongbong18 Hi Angelica my harajuku can't sale 6$ because somebody try to bundle 3thing before you purchase i will go 12$ if you want it I make new list sorry for convenience 💋🙏🏼
Jul 03Reply
theanitaedit 😍😘❤👍🏻😍😘👍🏻🌟🌟🌟
Apr 12Reply
ally_marc Thank you for sharing
Apr 17Reply
cee_cees_closet @aajhernandez Thanks for interest , yes these shoes do run true to size 😀😀
Apr 28Reply
water_mermaid I can not go that low on the London Fog jacket because there are others that are much more and this one is a unique one with the color - I hope my counter offer is good enough for you - trying to work with you as much as I can! :) HAPPY POSHING!
May 15Reply
willoffortune Hey thanks for your purchase! I will be shipping it out tomorrow morning when I get off work!
Jul 24Reply
freedom2soar Thanks for the like!!😃☺️😀
Oct 26Reply
butterflybaby16 🦋 Welcome To Posh Hun 🦋 Feel Free to ask me any questions you may have 🦋 My Name Is Mena I am a Posh Ambassador 🦋
Nov 30Reply
2016shirinz Hello Angelica, thanks for offer on the bangles, I accepted it but it says it can’t go through because of payment issue.
Jul 02Reply
aajhernandez @2016shirinz I’m sorry I’m fixing it
Jul 02Reply
2016shirinz @aajhernandez no problems it’s fixed. I will mail it tomorrow morning. Thanks for your purchase.
Jul 02Reply
2016shirinz Thanks for your purchase, I just mailed it. Enjoy
Jul 02Reply
daninicole_11 Thank you so much for your purchase! I dropped this off at the post office this morning. Have an amazing weekend!
Jul 07Reply
madnls Welcome to Poshmark!! There are amazing Poshers all working together to support one another in the name of fashion and style. I hope you have fun finding treasures, connecting with followers, sharing the Posh love, and selling special items from your own closet. Enjoy saving money, making money, and helping the Earth by reusing, recycling, and reducing. Good luck and much success to you. I am just a closet away. Treasure Resale 😎
Sep 02Reply
renemarrieee Hey, I accepted your offer for my AHS top, but it said your payment method needed to be updated 😊
Sep 24Reply
fionaandnoel @aajhernandez hi you made a counter offer to me w my black seven pants.. I am counter-offering and I wanted you to know I am only making $5 off these as if you look at the chart I have on my listings - you will see how much Poshmark take 20% of everything I sell. You are new to posh so you will understand when you start to sell. I’m an ambassador and if you need help let me know. Thx so much ❤️
May 12Reply
aajhernandez @fionaandnoel I see I’ll take the $10 offer
May 12Reply
rachaelvance515 Hey! I’m so sorry I didn’t get you those measurements yesterday!! I am heading home and can do it as soon as I get there, would a measurement at mid thigh and the bottom be good or would you like something different?
May 17Reply
filthyanimals Thanks for the offer on the Boots but please consider a more reasonable offer especially since this app charges a fee for every sale! Hope you can understand:) I do include a free surprise gift with purchase! Let me know
Jul 07Reply
filthyanimals Again, sorry but not willing to go down that much on price. These are in good condition and boots similar to this on their website retail for up to $150
Jul 07Reply
sigi_bebe Good morning Angelica … Thanks for stopping by the Sigi Bebe' Closet and showing us some ❤️! We upload some interesting new and barely used items daily (vintage, retro, minimalist, fly) so if you didn't see anything that made you want to click "BUY NOW" PLEASE check back!
Sep 24Reply
laurab9434 I really hope you received the sandals that i shipped over to you;-) Thank you Laura B;-)
Dec 14Reply
laurab9434 Hey can u please accept my sandals when u get a chance?? Thank you Really appreciate your time to this matter Laura B
Dec 15Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to my Poshmark closet I wish you much success and happy poshing 🍀
Feb 08Reply
bluebirdcloset @aajhernandez hello Hun. Left you a message about the shape wear. Please let me know what you would like for me to do. If the medium will fit I will be happy to ship it out quickly. If you need the large I will cancel the order
Mar 31Reply
bluebirdcloset @aajhernandez Good afternoon hon, I see that you have been active on Poshmark but haven’t responded to my question. I am going to put the medium in the mail and hope for the best for you. I am sorry and apologize for any confusion
Apr 01Reply
toden46 hello, checking to see if you received the boots yesterday? Thanks!
Apr 14Reply
rissylayne Hey Angelica, good luck poshing!
Nov 22Reply
ljamesplus5 Hi, I just saw your offer and someone bought one of the items. I’m sorry about that! If you see any other ugly sweater or sweaters you like I will be glad to accept the offer.
Dec 07Reply
ella_fleur thank you for checking out my boutique. offering less than 50% for items is seen as low balling and many sellers will block you if you do it repeatedly. the earrings you are interested in cost more than your offer to make. I can't go much lower than the listed price, which is already discounted.
Feb 02Reply
ella_fleur btw not trying to be mean about... it's all just very matter of fact. these are gorgeous earrings and if you want them for what they cost, it will be my pleasure to sell them to you. 🌸
Feb 02Reply
lovenarf Hi Angelica. I see in the past you have liked Max Studio dresses. I just posted one in a size M. Plus, I have 1000 other things that might be of interest to you. Would love it if you stop by my closet sometime. Thanks.
Mar 19Reply
kathiewilliamso Hi there! I just wanted to invite you to visit my closet where I sell handcrafted earrings that I make.
Jun 26Reply
teresapicchioni Hello, I accepted your offer for the trench coat but Poshmark is indicating it will not go through because of a payment issue.
May 31Reply
halleyjpeters Thank you for liking the shoes! Let me know if you’re interested and I can do a discount.
Jun 18Reply
jodyert thanks for stopping by and liking the Max Studio Dress all offes are appreciated. have a fabulous day
Jun 18Reply

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Last Active: Mar 16

Montebello, CA
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Last Active: Mar 16

Montebello, CA
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