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Updated Jul 19
Updated Jul 19

Meet your Posher, Angelica

Meet the Posher



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Hello, all!! I'm Angelica. I am obsessed with dresses (which you'll find a lot of in my closet). I'm even more obsessed with my furry friends! (but don't worry all clothes will be fur free!) I am completely open to bundles and discounts! Thank you so much for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can stalk/like/share your closet!! :)
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had_2bu Welcome to Poshmark! 💞 I hope you have a wonderful time on here, and if you need any help, please don't hesitate to ask me (or any of the other lovely poshers☺️). If you need any help getting started, you can come check out my closet! 😊 Have a great day!! ☺️😊💕
Jan 04Reply
awong3 @had_2bu Hiii! Thank you so much for the welcome and for sharing my closet! I really appreciate it and will definitely share yours as well!! :D
Jan 04Reply
miltsangel Welcome to posh😊
Jan 05Reply
awong3 @miltsangel Thank you!! And thank you so much for the shares <3
Jan 05Reply
lovelymey Hi Angelica, welcome to Posh!! Hope you like it here 😊 ENJOY!!! 🎉🍸🌼✨🍻💗
Jan 16Reply
lashandav @had_2bu Thank you so much! I've had a warm welcome from beautiful women such as yourself.
Jan 17Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Cute closet! Welcome to the Posh family! 🤗 This is where you will find a truly wonderful community of women always willing to help you! 👭 😇 my short time here, the most important things I have learned to be a truly successful posher... 1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet 💯 2️⃣ share share share 👠👗👙 3️⃣ follow follow follow 👣👣👣 4️⃣ and ask questions!! 🤔 If you want I can send you the names of a few closets that's a big help for new poshers! 👍🏻
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @lovelymey Hello!!! Thank you for the welcome and for the shares! You're closet is beautiful :) Hope you're having a great weekend!
Jan 17Reply
lovelymey @awong3 You're most welcome! 💗 Your closet is just as gorgeous!! I enjoyed sharing it 😊
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @vickyss You are so sweet, thank you for all the tips!! And it would be absolutely amazing if you could send me the names of the closets! I love following and sharing so it'd be fun! Ever since being on Poshmark, I'm a bit jealous that I don't have an iphone and I can't put all the cute emojis (haha!)! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend <3
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @lovelymey You really are incredibly lovely <33 Just wanted to say, thank you again for the posh love!
Jan 17Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Ha, I know! I can't talk without my emojis! 😄 I'll be happy to send you some awesome closets!
Jan 17Reply
lovelymey @awong3 it was my pleasure! 💗
Jan 17Reply
vicky_ymcagirl I'd check out @poshuniversity and @official_forum to start with! These closets also have good info regarding posh compliant items and other starter tips! Tap on their name to get to their closet, 'category' then 'other' for info @ex_globetrotter @jodisjewelry @allyoop23 @kookc @meg23 @queenmumm @teresamarie01 @pink_bee- @vickyss - follow game instructions
Jan 17Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hey friends, when you have a few minutes would you please drop by this new poshers compliant closet and show some of the posh love we are so famous for! 💖👭☺️ @derinda @abstractdreams @beautyshineson @femmefeline @lisa2644 @bdbcsr @jodisjewelry @tezza630 @kbarkhimer @pink_bee @cbltrio @mlaferte @exwolfe @faithcloset914 @ptl8 @lizray529 @kenzie_alexis
Jan 17Reply
derinda @derinda Welcome to Poshmark!! If you ever need help with anything, please feel free to ask me!! Happy selling!!
Jan 17Reply
exwolfe @awong3 welcome Angelica, so nice to meet you.
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @vickyss You are an angel <3 Thank youu for everything!! :D :D
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @derinda @exwolfe It is so lovely meeting you all! Thank you for the warm welcome <3
Jan 17Reply
croweart Hi! I'm Lisa. Welcome to Posh! Hope you have lots of fun and make lots of sales!!!! Enjoy!
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @lisa2644 Hiiii, Lisa!! Thank you for all the shares, that's so so sweet of you!! I haven't been on for very long but I can tell this will be addicting haha
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @femmefeline Thank youuuu <3 You have an absolutely gorgeous closet!!
Jan 17Reply
vicky_ymcagirl You are very welcome! Just doing what was done for me when I started! ☺️💕
Jan 17Reply
51twenty Hi Angelica! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. Happy Poshing!💜
Jan 17Reply
croweart oh yes it will!!!!!
Jan 17Reply
ptl8 Hi, welcome to Posh! Don't hesitate to ask any questions. ...especially remember to not get overwhelmed, but just have a good time😆😆😆😆
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @kookc Hello, Carolyn!!! Thank you so much for the recommendations! I'll definitely check them out! It is soooo nice meeting you as well!! <3
Jan 17Reply
awong3 @ptl8 Hii!! Thank you for the kind words!! It's so lovely meeting you!!!
Jan 17Reply
51twenty Thank you 😊
Jan 17Reply
tezza630 Hi! So nice to meet you, I'm Tari - cute closet for sure! Hope you're loving it here in the Land of Posh! TY @vickyss 👠💄👗👛 Here are a few of my favorite PFFs - sweet lovely ladies who are willing to help! 💚😽 @jimsprincess @meboutique @wowenypon @mstyle2 @jzel39 @elleemann @kookc @mrz_breezy @katolarae @kenzie_alexis @kbarkhimer @redumbrella @sunnietrish @cbltrio @exwolfe @tabithaleann @kcford24 @pink_bee
Jan 19Reply
pink_bee Welcome to posh, u will luv it here. I have a new posher listing post in my page if u will like to check it out. Has a lot of helpful info😽
Jan 19Reply
kenzie_alexis Hi Angelica, I'm Mackenzie. It's nice to meet you 😊 welcome to poshmark! 🎉 your fur babies are adorable 😍
Jan 19Reply
awong3 @tezza630 Hi Tari!! It's so lovely meeting you too! Thank you so much for the compliment! <3 I absolutely adore your cats!!! They're beautiful! Thank you for introducing all those closets to me! I'll be sure to check them out! :D
Jan 19Reply
awong3 @pink_bee Hello! Thank you!! I'll definitely reference it if I need help! <3
Jan 19Reply
awong3 @kenzie_alexis Hi Mackenzie!! Thank youu! They're my little babies 💕I absolutely love your closet!!
Jan 19Reply
bdbcsr Welcome to Poshmark, Angelica! It's nice to meet you! I'm Beth. You have a nice start to your closet! I'm sure you've already received a lot of good advice. Mine is to follow, share your closet and others' closets like crazy, be patient for sales to come, follow posh rules, and you will do great! Lmk if I can help you in any way. Have a fun experience here and I'm wishing you lots of success in 2016!
Jan 19Reply
bdbcsr Thanks, Vicky, for the tag! @vickyss
Jan 19Reply
tezza630 You're so welcome Angelica! You've got a cute furbaby too! Aren't they awesome to have? Yes all of these PFFs are a delight and you would do well to meet them. Holler if you ever have questions! 💚😽
Jan 19Reply
sunnietrish @tezza630 thank you for sharing
Jan 19Reply
jzel39 A great big welcome and hello to you!! Poshmark is AWESOME & u will LOVE it! Please don’t hesitate to ask if you should have any questions! Here r some of my fav Poshers closets & asked them to share w/ their followers - paves the way for a nice following for all!! :0)@tezza630 (thx 4 tag!) , @corporatebarbie, @allyoop23 , @stunning_29 , @debbimiller @jamie_mackey Much thx and have a wonderful day!
Jan 20Reply
awong3 @bdbcsr Hello, Beth!! You are sooooo sweet! Thank you for all the advice and for tagging me in all those co-hosting posts!! You are amazing and I am so appreciative of your help! 💖Sending you lots of posh love!!
Jan 20Reply
awong3 @tezza630 Yess! The little guys keep me sane after a long day haha! And thank you, again!
Jan 20Reply
awong3 @jzel39 Hii! It's so nice meeting you! Thank you so much for the sweet welcome!! I'll be sure to follow everyone you've tagged! 💗
Jan 20Reply
hbinns @awong3 Your fur babies are so sweet. Enjoyed browsing thru your closet. Wishing you great success on Poshmark.
Jan 20Reply
stylenu Hi Angelica, I'm Leigh. It's nice to meet you and welcome to Posh! I see you've met a lot of the wonderful ladies on here. It's great and they all give great advice. I see you've been introduced to the official forum. There is also a Facebook page that's great where you can chat, share, ask questions. It's There's a questionnaire at the top of the page if you want to join!!! Take care, happy Poshing and ask questions!
Jan 20Reply
stylenu Thanks for the tag @vickyss @tezza630 Y'all have a great Posh day!
Jan 20Reply
katolarae Hi Angelica! It's a pleasure to meet you! Welcome to Posh! I hope you love it here! This is a wonderful, welcoming community and an incredibly supportive environment so if you have any questions at all, please don't hesitate to ask. All the best to you! Happy Poshing! 😊💐💕💕💕 Thanks for the introduction Tari! @tezza630 😘👍💖
Jan 20Reply
awong3 @hbinns Hi Heather! Thank you so much for the sweet words!! Your doggies are sooooo adorable!! Sending you and your pups posh loveee 💕
Jan 20Reply
awong3 @cbltrio Hello Leigh! It's nice to meet you too!! Yes, everyone has been super sweet and helpful! Thank you so much for the link, I'll check it out!! 😀
Jan 20Reply
awong3 @katolarae Hii!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Everyone has been so amazing! I definitely feel the love from this community! Hope you are having an amazing day!!
Jan 20Reply
katolarae I'm so glad to hear that! Your closet looks wonderful! Just be sure to follow Posh rules, follow other Poshers like crazy, and share, share, share other closets as well as your own! I see you've already met Tari and Leigh☝who are both FABULOUS! Here are a few more amazing ladies to follow! Friends, if you get a chance please stop by to say hi and welcome Angelica! 🙋@allyoop23 @kcford24 @kbarkhimer @notoriousvog 🙋 Have an amazing day yourself! 😘
Jan 20Reply
hbinns @awong3 thank you so much for your generous shares. I'm really big on sharing too and try to always keep up with returning the Posh love. I work all day but like to relax by browsing and sharing in the evenings.
Jan 21Reply
awong3 @katolarae You are sooo sooo sweet!! I genuinely appreciate all the advice and for tagging more amazing people!! 💖It really is beautiful people like you who make this community so wonderful!
Jan 21Reply
awong3 @hbinns It is absolutely my pleasure!! Thank you so much for sharing my items as well!! Seeing your pups face on my newsfeed whenever you share my items is one of the many things that make my day amazing!!! SOO CUTEE! 💖
Jan 21Reply
katolarae It's my pleasure Angelica! ☺️ Thank you for your wonderfully kind words! 😘💐💕💕💕
Jan 21Reply
pbkat Thank you so much for the shares! 💗💗 Welcome to Poshmark! 😃😄💗💜
Feb 01Reply
awong3 @pbkat It's no problem at all!! You have a beautiful closet! and thank you!!!! 😁💖💗
Feb 01Reply
katolarae Thank you for the share bomb Angelica!!! 💣❤️👍 Coming right back at ya!!!
Feb 04Reply
awong3 @katolarae Omg!! I love that term, "share bomb"!!! That's genius!! I can't express how grateful I am for your kindness!! Just, thank you, thank you, thank you, for everything!! Sending you lots and lots of posh love 💞💖💗✨😄
Feb 04Reply
katolarae I'm not sure who came up with the term but I've seen it on here! It's so fitting! You deserve it!!! 😘👍💐💕💕💕
Feb 04Reply
jassieboo92 Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Feb 10Reply
awong3 @jassieboo92 Thank you!!! :D
Feb 10Reply
minablack @awong3 Commented: Hi! Angelica, I am Liz 🎀If you any help or questions I can help you🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸 Thank you!
Apr 01Reply
jenna1127 @awong3 your pup is absolutely adorable!! What a cutie!! I have a fur baby of my own and he helps me shop! Ur closet is adorable! Feel free to check mine out! Hug your little fur baby for me! Happy shopping! 🐶🐶😍😍
Apr 01Reply
lacie510 Oh my goodness what a cutie pie !!!! Love the snow picture
Apr 08Reply
katolarae 😘💕😘💕😘💕😘💕😘💕😘💕😘💕😘💕
Jun 22Reply
geauxgal Hello Angela. I'm going to accept :-), just let me make sure there's nothing else from your closet I need. Give me about fifteen minutes. Thanks!
Feb 25Reply
awong3 @geauxgal hey! Thank you for the bundled offer! Please consider my counteroffer 😊
Feb 25Reply
awong3 @geauxgal I can ship tomorrow if purchased today!
Feb 25Reply
awong3 @geauxgal oops! Just realized I typed in the wrong number. I can do $44 so it’s $22 for each bra
Feb 25Reply
geauxgal @awong3 Thank you so much. Don't make a special trip just for my order. Wednesday or Thursday will work. That way you might have another order as well. I'm just appreciative because I need 36s now and I live in the country and nearest VS is an hour and a half away.
Feb 25Reply
awong3 @geauxgal just dropped the package off! Hope you enjoy!!
Feb 26Reply
geauxgal @awong3 Thank you😘🤗😎
Feb 27Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing new year deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing✨🎉🎉
Mar 13Reply

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