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Updated May 01
Updated May 01

Meet your Posher, Angelica

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Angelica. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, CHANEL, and Louis Vuitton. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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stacey9394 Welcome to Posh! I'm sure my addiction will soon be yours💜💚💙 Please take a minute to check out my closet👠👗👜. Happy Poshing💋💋
May 01Reply
winnie123321 Hi, 30% off for two or more items, welcome to see my closet if you are interested.
Jun 25Reply
mlis @angelics1 Hi There 💁🏼 If you are ready to receive an additional 10% off just click the BUY button for your bundle. You can locate your bundle under your LIKES. Happy POSHING
Jul 03Reply
victoriajaneln @angelics1 thanks for the purchase! I will ship out first thing Tuesday morning , do you like baking/ cooking or face mask/ lotions more!? It's for free gift I am adding :)
Jul 04Reply
sheblingz @laflordemayo has she paid yet im just checking if she legit to send out what she purchased from me no offense to anyone
Jul 05Reply
angelochekk1989 Welcome to poshmark enjoy your shopping
Jul 09Reply
blingnthings Hi Angelica! It’s so nice to meet you! I hope you’re loving your Posh experience. Have a great evening :D
Jul 20Reply
trending007 Hi lmk which color hat your interested in :)
Nov 12Reply
kstyle123 Hello this is Kstyle123 you bought the bundle I am reaching out to you because I sold out of the style of MK Logo Gold earrings you purchased. I will be eill in to give you another pair that were more exspensive for the same price and though in another pair of MK earring as a FREE gift because it's my fault. You can have MK hearts with Crystal accent or padlocks in Gold both sell for more thank the others. LMN so I can put them in the mail today TY :)
Nov 14Reply
angelics1 @kstyle123 hi, you can do whatever is more conveniente for you. Thank you for considering. I'll take anything you send☺
Nov 14Reply
trending007 Hi please dont forget to rate your purchase. Thanks
Nov 16Reply
bubbett2001 Angelica thank you for your bundle purchase there will be 2 free gifts with your purchase one is the beautiful blue and white ring it comes in size 7 or 8 please let me know so I can include it . Also a stardust Crystal bracelet please also let me know if you would like pink, white, or black. Thank you again your purchase is much appreciated and please let me know how you like all of your pieces. Gail 😍
Nov 20Reply
angelics1 @bubbett2001 anything will be very welcome. Surprise me one more time with the gifts colors.☺
Nov 20Reply
laurenmahoney4 @angelics1 I'm so happy you like the bra and the coat 💕. Thank you so much for taking the time to write the kind words it means a lot to me. Happy Holidays 😘
Nov 26Reply
beck3693 Thank you so much for the 5 stars. So glad you love the coat! Happy holidays! 🎄☃️
Dec 20Reply
kcantonwmu Thank you so much for your understanding! I'm glad you liked the items you got! You're awesome. Happy holidays. :)
Dec 20Reply
slamjamdunk23 Shoes are I will go down to 50
Dec 29Reply
blue_bird_love 💓Posh 2017💓
Jan 04Reply
ostewartt hello thank you for ordering! just wanted to let you know that it will probably take 2-3 days to ship out your order because i need to get a packaging envelope!...thanks again
Jan 08Reply
angelics1 @ostewartt I can wait ..not a problem.
Jan 08Reply
neferteri 😘🌷
Feb 01Reply
bently7 Hi Angelica my name is Barbara, Im bently on Poshmark. You just bought my bundle, the little girls dress, cell case and little girl shoes. I will send the dress and cell phone case tomorrow but i believe i already sold shoes offsite and forgot to delete from Poshmark. I can contact poshmark so they will adjust the proper amounts from your account and mine. I apologize for this, first time it happened.Thank you Anjelica and welcome aboard!
Mar 04Reply
angelics1 @bently7 Hi Barbara, I just got the order from you. I'm going to accept it as is. Please make the neccesary arrangements with poshmark for the right amounts. I liked a lot the dress and the phone case. Thanks a lot.
Mar 09Reply
happyscissors Good morning, I am sorry for any confusion. I was attempting to illustrate how the one pair is reversible. I don't want you to be disappointed....
Mar 16Reply
angelics1 @happyscissors Then it was my mistake. I'll change the editing. Thank you.
Mar 16Reply
happyscissors @angelics1 That is very generous 💜I will be more careful with my wording!
Mar 16Reply
bestbuycloset Hi I'm Cindy! Welcome to Poshmark 🛍🛒📦💌💓😀 feel free to reach out with any questions! Happy poshing👍🏻
Mar 31Reply
bygiulia Welcome 🍾🍾🍾🍾
Apr 24Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it 😊 Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day ❤️❤️❤️
May 08Reply
edensgardennn I'm happy you accepted the bracelet! If you would like to purchase another belt let me know I'll be happy to knock the price down for you!
May 13Reply
fearless_mom @angelics1 hey could you please rate when you get a chance?
May 16Reply
andreawood1 Good morning, Angelica! Thank you for your big bundle purchase, I'll have it out to you today!!! Normally I wash everything fresh, will that be alright? I use Snuggle and Persil. (I always ask case of allergies!) Thank you again, you picked some great pieces!
Jun 07Reply
angelics1 @andreawood1 I'm sorry for my reply 10 hrs later. I was very busy at work today and didn't have an opportunity to look after my order with you. I have not problem with whatever you use to launder. Thanks for doing such thing. Hopefully by now everything has been washed by now lol
Jun 08Reply
andreawood1 @angelics1 it has been!!! I just love when everybody everything comes out fresh and clean! It will be on its way to you first thing tomorrow then! Thanks again
Jun 08Reply
andreawood1 Thank you so much for your wonderful reading I'm really glad you loved everything! I'm so sorry about the links on your pants I will be sure to list inseams on jeans always now. I'd hate for anyone to have to go to extra trouble! Have a great week!
Jun 13Reply
angelics1 @andreawood1 that isn't any problem. I'm a shortie so I always have this issue. It will work good not worries. You too have a great poshing week.
Jun 13Reply
blue_bird_love Hello to my #poshpal ❤️. Today only I'm giving previous customers 50% off any 1 item. Just submit offer and I will accept. 💕💕💕
Jun 17Reply
mjbp @mjbp💕💕💕💕welcome to Poshmark 💕💕💕enjoy ur time 💕💕💕💕great fashion at affordable prices so please come window shop 💕💕💕💕have a great week💕💕💕💕@mjbp
Jun 18Reply
amberlydawn820 Thanks so much for the like I hope you enjoy shopping postmark as much as I have!
Jun 24Reply
glammablog Hi! Can you meet me half way?
Jul 04Reply
glammablog Did you still want??😀
Jul 06Reply
angelics1 @glammablog how much do you want?
Jul 06Reply
angelics1 @glammablog yes! Thank you! I'll submit the order.
Jul 06Reply
glammablog @angelics1 Hi sweetie, Thank you! I got your message that you received everything. Hope you like the Tote I make pretty much any theme. The oil was just a little something extra for you. Enjoy and please stop by again❤️
Jul 09Reply
samanthadoc Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jul 16Reply
angelics1 @samanthadoc I absolutely will check out your closet. Thank you☺
Jul 16Reply
aseel1999 Thank you for the like 💞
Jul 24Reply
bellesbureau Ty for your purchase! I will get it ready this afternoon so I can drop it in the mailbox. If the mail has come and it does not go out until Monday, you will have it Wednesday.
Jul 29Reply
angelics1 @qcshannonleigh thank you! ☺
Jul 29Reply
bellesbureau @angelics1 you're so welcome!
Jul 29Reply
pastora62 Omg!!! Thank you soooooo very very much for all of your purchases. Will ship asap. Again, from my home to yours, thank you. Hope you really enjoy your purchases.
Jul 30Reply
angelics1 @pastora62 thank you! I hope you don't have any problems with the shipping. I don't know if it will be heavy for the postage rate.
Jul 30Reply
pastora62 No worries. Will ship first thing in the morning. Have a pleasant evening
Jul 31Reply
angelics1 @pastora62 thanks again! You too enjoy the nice weather.
Jul 31Reply
bellesbureau @angelics1 ty for the note! I'm glad you like your purchases. I hope to sell to you again. Have a great day!
Aug 03Reply
curveygurlzcloz Hello I will be shipping your items in the morning sorry for the delay I was in the hospital
Aug 16Reply
iuliiahayek Hi hun) welcome to my closet ! Feel free to make an offer with price you like! ❤️ have a wonderful day ☀️☀️☀️
Aug 20Reply
carina_3707 Hi, please visit my closet, I hope you like something from my closet. Stay blessed
Aug 20Reply
igotitall4u Did u want me to make u a deal on the bundle ?
Sep 30Reply
meghan_bai I just saw your offer on my bundle! So sorry. Please make an offer again :)
Oct 01Reply
pitty012 Welcome to Poshmark!! This is a great community to buy and sell items in. Please visit my store for many great items. New items are added frequently. Feel free to ask any questions you have. I will help you if I can.
Oct 29Reply
modamecouture HI Beauty!⚘Thank you for visiting MODA ME COUTURE! Please let me know of I can be of assistance while you browse through our beautiful clothing & accessories collection. Happy Shopping❤ XOXO Vanessa💋
Nov 08Reply
debbie128 Hi, thank you for purchasing the bundle of 2 jackets and accessory. I️ was packing up the jackets and noticed that there was a large hole under the arm(brown weather tamer jacket) . I️dk how it got there but all the same I️ would never send it to u in that condition. Would you like the velour parka, it’s a XL . I️ will send that in place of the brown jacket for the same price. That’s in mint condition. Please let me know
Nov 08Reply
angelics1 @debbie128 sure! Not problem. I really don't want to take advantage of you though.
Nov 09Reply
debbie128 @angelics1 No I️ want to make it right, u r not taking advantage. I️ will package everything now and take it to post office tomorrow a.m. Thank u so much for understanding.🙏🙏
Nov 09Reply
angelics1 @debbie128 Thank you! ☺
Nov 09Reply
boopboutique Care to bundle the three items from my closet and save 15 percent?
Nov 10Reply
staceyancich Glad you liked your purchase! Thanks again :)
Nov 10Reply
whiteboard1111 Hi Angelica, it's nice to meet you. I hope I'm not bothering you. I saw you liked an item and I'd be happy to offer a free item of you choice in a bundle (lowest value). So buy three get there fourth for free. Thank you for looking, xoxo
Nov 15Reply
dinamarie804 Thank you for your purchase, I will ship everything out tomorrow morning 😊, have a great day 😊
Nov 19Reply
nicolettesatka Hi babe interested in another bundle? I added more items and I’d so I’ll give you 20% off!
Dec 19Reply
angelics1 @nicolettesatka thank you so much. I'll wait til xmas is over. Hopefully the offer still is on. Merry xmas
Dec 19Reply
nicolettesatka @angelics1 of course dear! Talk soon 😘
Dec 19Reply
nicolettesatka @angelics1 hi dear, I know you said after Xmas but I have to get rid of everything quickly to make room with all my stuff I’m selling an office.. if you want I will give like 30% off everything if you want just make a bundle and shoot me an offer 😛 at about this point I’ll Accept anything. (More or less the clothing)
Dec 21Reply
nicolettesatka @angelics1 your offer is still on and I got out of town Thursday!!! 😛
Dec 26Reply
alexarev Hello! I just saw your offer and I will let you buy the Michael Kors tote for $90 if you want to re offer (:
Feb 07Reply
jovita34 Hey girl i’m so sorry to hear that hopefully everything turns Ok know how that 🤬 feels like so please let me know if you receive it tomorrow
Feb 10Reply
angelics1 @jovita34 I got it!!! and I love it!!! Thanks a million! ☺
Feb 13Reply
jovita34 I’m glad that you have it with you I was worried about it that happened to me once and I was so 😡 she left my package to the wrong house then God the lady return back too us I’m happy for you Thank You for your purchase🙂
Feb 13Reply
angelics1 @jovita34 aren't we lucky? ☺ glad we are posh followers☺☺☺
Feb 13Reply
lettyga @angelics1 You have some great likes! 30% off of bundles!
Feb 19Reply
gingerann1234 hello i will be shipping your lovely mk bag tomorrow as today the post office was not open today thanks, alice
Feb 19Reply
silvergemdeco Hello my name is Kelly. I would love for you to check out my closet when you have a chance. 🦄💜 I really hope you love it here 😍. Want more followers ?
Mar 17Reply
anefe Thank you so much for the likes! Let me know if you have any questions about anything and always feel free to make an offer on those items that you really love! I am willing to negotiate! ❤️❤️
Mar 25Reply
msleslied1 Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshing where we buy what we loe and sell what we don't..the ultimate in re cycling! Hope you too will love your new wardrobe..pls take a peek in my closet where I have all my sweater and jackets 50% off for winter clear out..Thank you, Leslie
Apr 13Reply
giaj Hello👋, I'm currently doing 25% off bundles if you'd like to give my closet🚪 A look 😃
Apr 18Reply
julebyrd Thank you for your purchase Angelicas1! Good choice! You’ll love these boots!
Apr 25Reply
angelics1 @julebyrd ty. I'm looking forward for that
Apr 26Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
May 23Reply
leitzelj Hi Angelica❣️ You are going to love this Jean jacket, it’s amazing!! It will be in the mail so it ships out first thing Monday 😉 Have a wonderful rest of you weekend. Thanks for shopping my closet 😝
Aug 26Reply
rosepetals3 Looking for your next dress👗 to wear on the town? Or something simple for those casual days🙋🏻‍♀️ If so check out my closet I have pieces to fit any style! You can find both NWT and Preowned items. Like or bundle any item to save money! I respond quickly and ship quicker💌 🎉I can't wait to hear from you! Xoxo Rosepetal’s Closet🌹
Sep 19Reply
patchwork386 Make an offer!
Sep 22Reply
patchwork386 Thanks for following. 🌟🌟🌟
Sep 22Reply
lshopnyc Hi! Feel free to check out my closet. I’m accepting all reasonable offers 🙂
Sep 22Reply
winstonpoopi Hi I saw you liked my plaid pajama pants. I found the matching top. Now it's a set! Thanks for looking!
Oct 05Reply
norasark67 Good morning! I have your shirt all packed up and ready to go to post office!!
Oct 09Reply
norasark67 Very glad you got on time and you like!
Oct 12Reply
snatanov I just wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling on posh. I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Oct 14Reply
recovet Thank you Angelica. I hope you enjoy your shirts ☺️👍
Oct 27Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Marc Jacobs Daisy, Chi hair products, Nike, Victoria’s secret, and so much more! so take a look around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 31Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Angelica, don’t you love Posh?!!! So many unique people with so many unique styles! Please stop by and say hi sometime. Happy shopping! 😘
Nov 10Reply
shadowkizz Hello! 🤗 Hope you're enjoying it here. I would love it if you'd check out my closet, I have many deals going on and I give mystery gifts with every purchase. If you have any questions about anything in general, please feel free to ask away.
Nov 17Reply
jlsimpson1973 Hi. I saw that you purchased a gold beautiful ring from mromeo23 and was just wondering if it turned your finger green? The posher won't answer my question. Thank you!
Nov 19Reply
angelics1 @jlsimpson1973. Hi, I have been very lucky with most of my purchases that everything has been on excellent condition including shoes and jewelry. Hopefully that answers your question. 😊
Nov 19Reply
tessicaodo I looked back, and sure enough you bought a bundle in September with the exact same dress. Funny story. Thanks so much. Glad it was cheap
Nov 20Reply
angelics1 @tessicaodo. I like it a lot!!! I haven't wore the other one yet. Have a great time!
Nov 20Reply
gj857701 Hi! I’ll mail your boots out on Monday! Thank you😊
Nov 24Reply
angelics1 @gj857701 😊😊😊
Nov 24Reply
hibiscuspizza AH! Your Roper Western Shirt has shipped! Let me know when you're ready for your next Hibiscus Pizza delivery!
Dec 02Reply
tierneylee0622 @angelics1 offer sent.. 🤩🤗
Dec 06Reply
daddynmi Good Morning!:) I just dropped off your package off at the post office. Thanks.
Jan 07Reply
angelics1 @daddynmity so much 😊
Jan 07Reply
kizasue Hi. Thank you for another purchase! I shipped this afternoon, so hopefully you will receive it in a timely manner!😊 Have a super day and I hope to hear from you again!
Jan 14Reply
arlenerl Hi Angelica, thanks for your purchase. I'll ship your order Monday morning. Thanks again and have a great weekend!!
Jan 27Reply
dblodanish Hi there!! I have some great items in my closet that I think you will love! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around! Happy shopping! 🤗💕
Feb 06Reply
fuzzy400 Its fine you could of waited really I hope you like them thank you very much.
Mar 29Reply
vintagerage 🥰Poke! Come back to my closet for the Fourth of July Sale! Ending Sunday! All bundles 3+ 30% off! All prices slashed! 🇺🇸
Jul 06Reply
cmcevers Hi I wanted to let you know that I am currently offering an ADDITIONAL 50% OFF EVERY ITEM IN MY CLOSET SALE❤️. If you see items that you like just add them to a bundle and send me a 50% off offer and I will accept. Happy Poshing.❤️ Cami
Aug 02Reply
jorja062 Thank you for looking at our family closet prices are negotiable and we have excellent ratings and reviews
Aug 19Reply
sapphoeros @angelics1 thank you for your purchase I will ship your package off Monday morning!
Aug 24Reply
lizettefuentes I noticed you like some items! This months sale is a Fall sale! Buy 1 item get 2 more items free! That’s 3 items but u only pay for one!! Thanks for the likes. Have a great day!
Nov 13Reply
lizettefuentes I noticed you like some items! This months I’m having a black closet clean out sale. Everything in my closet is 10 for $10. And orders $25 r more get free shipping !! Thanks for the likes. Have a great day!
Nov 26Reply
windcharmers Thank you for your order! I will get this packed and shipped out today! Have a great day!
Nov 30Reply
angelics1 @windcharmers ty... I'm pretty sure I will enjoy this two outfits.
Nov 30Reply
model1234 @angelics1 Welcome to PoshMark! I hope you enjoy your experience here! If you have any questions or need help with anything let me know and I will be happy to help you out.
Jan 22Reply
lanadoherty Thanks for liking 🦋offers welcome
Feb 09Reply
sofoula27 @angelics1 Hi!Hope you and your family are doing well during this time. I just wanted to let you know that I have added new items( clothes, jewelry, bags, and other accessories) in my closets. Please take a look and let me know if you have any questions. Returning customers receive a discount Thank you and have a great night.
May 09Reply
stacyana818 Hi Angelica, thank you for checking out my closet and liking the Dr Martens Laureen Venice loafers. I just sent you a private offer with discounted shipping for them 😁
Jun 22Reply
maryznak Hello) How are you? I would like to invite you to visit my wardrobe) May be you will find there something interesting) Thank you! Hope to hear you soon 😉
Aug 24Reply
vintagelini Hello! I saw that you liked a listing of mine :) if you’d be interested in a bundle, at the moment all bundles are 50% off (or more for larger bundles)😃 Let’s work something out!
Dec 27Reply
aldermanmarcela hi! sweet 💕 posh Angelica 🐝 come look at my beautiful ❤️ closet fast delivery 🚚
Jul 21Reply
refreshedfinds Hi😀Happy Poshing!💕
Aug 03Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Welcome To Poshmark‼️🛍
Dec 18Reply
fashionolympus hi there! Please check out my closet! I accept all reasonable offer 🥰 -All Purchases help fund my education 📚 - Women(makeup,bag, clothes), Men (bandanas, clothes and accessories) , Kids, Home, and more!I ship as soon as 1-3 business days -💎Affordable 925 Sterling Silver 💎 -If you are interested in any of my items please SEND ME AN OFFER 😊I have many Fellow Poshers who are satisfied with items from my closet, so don't be afraid to stop by and take a peek 😄💘 Thank you💕💕
Jan 12Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Dec 06Reply
gingerann1234 Thank you for purchasing from our closet, Alice😊
Jun 08Reply

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Last Active: Mar 23

Salem, OR
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Last Active: Mar 23

Salem, OR
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