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Updated Jan 07
Updated Jan 07

Meet your Posher, Angelique

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Angelique. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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miss_nicole222 😊Welcome to Poshmark! 💃🏽
Jan 07Reply
samanthadoc Saw that we have some of the same sizes and just wanted to ask if you could check out my closet! Happy poshing💞💞
Jan 07Reply
ladymayberry @samanthadoc will do, and thanks for checking out mine 😉
Jan 08Reply
mz_raj Welcome to Poshmark! Str8 from the Dee I see! Me too! Let me know of you need anything! Cant wait to see u grow ur closet! Happy Poshing!
Jan 11Reply
ladymayberry @mz_raj thank you 🤗
Jan 26Reply
fivestartiffany Hi, we were so close on my brown jacket with leather embellishments. Please come back... Tiffany
Jan 28Reply
calm_the_chaos @ladymayberry thank you for purchasing the booties! They'll be in the mail to you tomorrow! 😊
Feb 08Reply
hedonista Thanks for your offer on my pet sling. Price is firm on Posh since they take 20%, but I can do $25 on 🅿️🅿️ including shipping which is still a little cheaper than what you will pay after shipping is considered on Posh. Just let me know. 😉
Mar 23Reply
fawnandfeather Hope you are enjoying poshmark! I just uploaded a TON of MICHAEL KORS to my closet. If you get a minute, you should come check it out! You never know! You might find a gem you can't live without! 👜👜👜
Mar 26Reply
anka0921 Hi!! Check out my closet! Hope something catches ur eye and of course don't forget to follow....🤑🤑🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻😘😘😘🤗🤗🤔🤔😉😉😉🤑🤑🤑😇😇😇😇😻😻😻
Jul 02Reply
ladymayberry @american_style great, I can't wait to receive it🤗
Jul 12Reply
ranalli Hi Angelique! Great closet you have going!😊 I saw your offer and am going to send back a counter really close to what you offered😊 Some items I have more room on, and wig the PM 20%, it makes it tough. I got within a couple dollars so I hope it works for you. Great choices!😊
Aug 02Reply
1lisalisa1 Hi! If you accept I can have out to you tomorrow! Thanks!
Aug 06Reply
1lisalisa1 Sorry, but with Posh taking 20 I can't go lower. It's only 2.50 more an item. If you change your mind....
Aug 07Reply
mz_tfellz @ladymayberry hi Lady Mayberry I will accept your offer👌
Aug 08Reply
mz_tfellz Theses shoe are great i love them never used just to small for me
Aug 08Reply
sassystylinfind Hello & Happy Share Follow & Poshing!
Aug 13Reply
traveledthreads Hi @ladymayberry! I saw that the Loft pants you ordered have been pending pickup since 08/12. Just wanted to make sure you didn't forget about them! 😊
Aug 17Reply
ladymayberry @nordona5813 Hello! I was actually outta town and returned yesterday but will get them today, thank you!
Aug 17Reply
traveledthreads @ladymayberry sounds good! Thanks!
Aug 17Reply
smartypants24 @ladymayberry Just wanted to update you that you item is pending to be picked up. Have a wonderful evening 😊
Aug 17Reply
ladymayberry @smartypants24 thank you, I'll get it today....I was outta town
Aug 17Reply
velocivixen Hey there! Ill honor your last offer on the steve madden shoes, if you counter me again at your last offer ill accept. :)
Aug 18Reply
flowerpowr1893 @ladymayberry hi!!you bought two items from me you could bundle so you don't have to pay shipping for each one...
Aug 25Reply
ladymayberry @flowerpowr1893 ok thank you....I'll bundle them
Aug 25Reply
flowerpowr1893 @ladymayberry so...I think I have to cancel the order and then you can purchase you want to do that??
Aug 25Reply
flowerpowr1893 @ladymayberry I see you like the boots too...if you bundle 4 items I have a 10% off too:) just checking:)
Aug 25Reply
1lisalisa1 Morning! Saw you liked my Jcrew pants. They're really nice & an awesome color! If interested, I can have it out to you by tomorrow!
Aug 25Reply
ladymayberry @1lisalisa1 they're nice, I just wasn't looking for capris
Aug 25Reply
flowerpowr1893 @ladymayberry my bad!!! You where supposed to cancel the order in the next 3 hours and bundle the items...I guess is to late ...I will be sending them today:)
Aug 25Reply
1lisalisa1 @flowerpowr1893 Hi! Too bad. They're not that short...More ankle length. They actually come just past my ankles (I'm 5'4). If you change your mind....Thanks!
Aug 25Reply
ladymayberry @1lisalisa1 I may actually reconsider if they're that long.
Aug 25Reply
ladymayberry @flowerpowr1893 no worries but thanks for reaching out
Aug 25Reply
flowerpowr1893 Ok!! I'm sending everything today!!! Thank you!!
Aug 25Reply
1lisalisa1 @ladymayberry Hi! Thanks! I accepted even though it was lower $. I'll have them out to you tomorrow! Have a great weekend!
Aug 25Reply
1lisalisa1 @ladymayberry Not sure if you're looking for, but, I wore the pants w the Rhinestone Jcrew T. Looks nice together....
Aug 25Reply
beoirem @ladymayberry hi sweetie, thx for d offer but 40% off of already low price is way 2 low! How about 10%? I think for only one item is fair! Thx again, GN 🙂🌸
Sep 28Reply
estellel @ladymayberry Hi. I’ll accept the offer on the jacket you just made but I wanted to let you know I have the skirt too if you’re interested. 🙂
Oct 10Reply
estellel @ladymayberry hi your package went out in two packages. I originally put it in one but I couldn’t send it that way because the sale generated two labels. I had to remove the skirt and send it separately. Sorry for the inconvenience, they should get there the same day. Thank you
Oct 17Reply
ladymayberry @estellel ok no worries, thank you
Oct 17Reply
laquintab Hello my dear!! Thank you for visitng my closet. Your package is ready for pick up at your local post office!!! Happy Holidays my dear!!!
Dec 02Reply
ladymayberry @laquintab thank you, I will get them today
Dec 02Reply
laquintab @ladymayberry you're welcome my pleasure!!! Hope your having a good weekend!!
Dec 03Reply
laquintab @ladymayberry thank you darlin for the 5 star rating!! Enjoy and happy holidays!!!
Dec 05Reply
bkstylez Hi will you accept the boots for $25 if so i can send them out on Tuesday im away and its the wknd and holiday so that will be the earliest i can ship them out.
Dec 30Reply
ladymayberry @bkstylez ok and yes that’s fine
Dec 30Reply
bkstylez Thanks for the purchase. I will ship out on Tuesday. Happy New Year's
Dec 30Reply
ladymayberry @bkstylez thank you and happy new year to as well
Dec 30Reply
reereescloset @ladymayberry thanks so much for your purchase. I will ship to you tommorow 🙂
Feb 07Reply
reereescloset @ladymayberry thank you so much for your rating I really appreciate it!🙂
Feb 13Reply
reereescloset @ladymayberry thank you so much again for your rating I so appreciate it😘😘😘😘💜💜💜💜
Feb 23Reply
windsop82 Thanks for the rating. Happy poshing 😊
Mar 21Reply
rule_the_world Hello 👋🏽 I wanted to inform that your package was shipped yesterday and it still says “Pending USPS Scan”. I’ve submitted a shipping inquiry to poshmark this morning. I also contacted the post office and they said that their tracking system is down. So it may actually be on its way and just can’t be tracked until the system is back up. I really hope that’s the case. I hate to keep my customers waiting. If I get anymore updates I will let you know. So sorry for the inconvenience 📦📬
May 24Reply
ladymayberry @rule_the_world ok thank you.....I’ll look out for it
May 25Reply
fabulous518 Thank you for your purchase!
Jun 07Reply
midoa Hi Angelique 😊 I sent u an amazing offer of 30% off on the tennis outfit that u like with a discounted shipping. Let me know if that works for u and I can ship it to u tomorrow! Happy poshing my friend 🤗🤗
Jun 10Reply
midoa Since we’re the same shoe size too, I’m willing to give u 30% off on the shoes too so it will be one shipping for all. If your purchase is $49 & up, u get a free shipping too 😍😍
Jun 10Reply
ladymayberry @midoa thank you for reaching out.....I liked a few items and am willing to bundle but have a question about the black skirt. It says it’s a large but runs small?
Jun 10Reply
midoa @ladymayberry hi Angelique: I wear a size 4/6, it fits me very well. I can take measurements for u if u want. I’m having a blow out sale of 35% off on everything today, make use of it if u want 😍
Jun 10Reply
ladymayberry @midoa yes please let me know measurements because I am a 6/8
Jun 10Reply
midoa @ladymayberry cool, I’m 6’8 too. I added some pictures for u with the measurements: the waist is 15 & 1/2 and the length is 21. Lmk if that works for u, i can ship it tomorrow.
Jun 10Reply
midoa Hi Angelique 😊 thank u for your purchases, I wish u did them both together so u can pay one shipping only! I’ll ship them today as I have few packages to ship too due to the sale that I had yesterday 🤗
Jun 11Reply
ladymayberry @midoa I thought I actually did them together :( should I cancel and try to rebuy?
Jun 11Reply
midoa @ladymayberry sure, that way u pay only one shipping. Bundle them and I’ll give u an offer of 35% off. I’ll wait on the packaging and shipping till you’re done.
Jun 11Reply
ladymayberry @midoa it wouldn’t let me cancel so don’t worry about it but can just ship
Jun 11Reply
ash98799 hi i'm taking shoes to the post office today. sorry for the delay but mailman was supposed to pick up at my door yesterday and didn't. errrrr. thanks for your purchase :)xoxo
Jun 15Reply
cookiecat4 Hello! Just wanted to let you know that your tennis shoes are at the post office ready for pick up😀
Jun 18Reply
deedee_barr Thank you Sweetie! I’ll mail your order out on Monday! 😁 Happy Poshing! Dee Dee
Jun 24Reply
ladymayberry @deedee_barr great thank you and thanks for accepting my offer
Jun 24Reply
deedee_barr @ladymayberry Ahhh...NP 😘
Jun 24Reply
theroyalhive Dropped your dress at the post office this afternoon!
Jul 03Reply
sunnydayvintage Hi Angelique! Thx for your purchase! Dropping the package off at the post office today ☀️☀️☀️ hope you love it 😊
Jul 20Reply
sbailey642 If you are still interested in the Cole Haan wedges, I will accept the $10 offer. Just resubmit the offer.
Jul 21Reply
pmharn Hello and ty for the offer. The orangey wedges are like new and gorgeous.
Jul 25Reply
pmharn Hello Angelique and thanks so much for your order. These are great. I will ship it today.
Jul 25Reply
recycledinnyc @ladymayberry Do you see anything else you might like? Bundle is always the best! 💜
Jul 29Reply
ladymayberry @thriftynyc1 not at this time but thx
Jul 29Reply
bettynka Hi dear, I sent you a counter offer for the banana republic dress 🌹
Jul 30Reply
kg2840 Your purchase has shipped😊!!! THANK YOU!
Jul 30Reply
cashjane59 Hi Angelique... I just checked the status of your order and it looks like it’s available for pickup as of yesterday at 12:03pm..... please let me know that you received this!! Thanks
Aug 16Reply
ladymayberry @cashjane59 Hi! I actually left town yesterday morning at 6am and will not be back until next Wednesday :(
Aug 17Reply
cashjane59 @ladymayberry the shipping address on the label was not your house?? You had said you wanted it by Wednesday which it was...well this is disappointing all around.... I even included some extra items that were specific for travel as you said you were traveling...
Aug 17Reply
ladymayberry @cashjane59 no worries, appreciate the effort. I’ll get the items upon my return. The address listed is a P. O. Box
Aug 18Reply
kg2840 Thank you! I will ship today!
Aug 20Reply
ladymayberry @kg2840 great, thx .....look forward to receiving them
Aug 20Reply
cashjane59 @ladymayberry wondering if you have returned and received your package?
Aug 24Reply
ladymayberry @cashjane59 I have thank you
Aug 26Reply
ladymayberry @mimi46v thx, appreciate it
Sep 24Reply
ladymayberry @mimi46v great, thx!
Sep 24Reply
ladymayberry @mimi46v hi.... yes, a PO Box works best for me but I’ll pick the item up today.
Oct 01Reply
starhungry Thank you for your purchase! Sorry for the delayed ship on your shirt - the holidays got the better of me:) I added a few freebies to the package to apologize. Thanks again!
Nov 27Reply
ladymayberry @starhungry thank you....I look forward to receiving the shirt. ......was it mailed today?
Nov 27Reply
starhungry @ladymayberry just dropped it off!
Nov 27Reply
theposhunic0rn Good morning! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking an item ✨ all orders placed today will ship tomorrow morning 💃🏼 Happy Poshing!
Dec 12Reply
amjohns04 Did you see the offer I sent you?
Dec 27Reply
cepatterson Hi Angelique. Regarding the Block heel Booties. They are Royal Blue. Thank you.🌻 @cepatterson
Dec 29Reply
xandmccurdy I love your closet!
Dec 31Reply
ladymayberry @xandmccurdy thank you, really appreciate it...,.feel free to make an offer on anything you see.
Dec 31Reply
garthlover Thanks for the offer on tights. Due to posh fees I had to counter but I’m still under my break even. Hope that is fair. I’d love to do business together
Jan 02Reply
ladymayberry @garthlover I understand thank you for accepting my offer..... when can you ship?
Jan 02Reply
garthlover @ladymayberry they will ship in the morning. Thank you for your purchase
Jan 02Reply
amjohns04 Thank you so very much for the 5⭐️ Rating I really do appreciate it. Enjoy your purchase and your blessed night. Happy New Year and God Bless!!!!!
Jan 03Reply
dunamus2018 Great rising thanks for liking an item in my closet I really appreciate it. Happy selling and shopping ok 🙋‍♂️😏❤🤜🤛🤑
Jan 31Reply
schreckmartha Thx for the like and for ck my closet if u have questions or you need more pictures just let me know. 🌺
Feb 06Reply
toniro5 @ladymayberry hi! The black party dress is in the mailbox. You will love 💕 it!
Mar 30Reply
clisaweber Hi is everything ok with your order? I shipped 4/21/19. Please advise.
May 02Reply
ladymayberry @clisaweber hello...... my schedule has been crazy lately and I haven’t able to get the post office, but will tomorrow
May 03Reply
awesomeposhn2 Hello and thank you for your purchase! Your shoes will be mailed out later today.🌷
Jul 11Reply
ladymayberry @higherendlabels today ......but I went Monday and it wasn’t there
Jul 18Reply
ablackdress Thank you 💕 will ship today 🦋
Jul 22Reply
ladymayberry @ablackdress thanks.....looking forward to receiving and rocking it out 🤗
Jul 22Reply
gat8or Hey there, I appreciate you stopping by! huge sale going on right now, the larger the bundle the bigger the discount. Everything needs a new loving home. ☺️ Thanks again for peeking in my closet, enjoy the Posh journey!!! 😃 Cheers, Stephanie
Aug 07Reply
iseo Hi 👋 Sending Posh 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜your way . Feel free to checkout my Closet when you have a Minute . Happy to answer questions on Sizing , Texture etc. Not Happy with the listing Price ? Don’t be Shy ☺️, Use the Offer button . I will either Accept or Counter offer . So do Stop by 😊. Thanks and Happy Poshing 🛒👗👠👔👖👙🧢👟🧚‍♀️ 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
Sep 27Reply
ladymayberry @gcinct oh no..... ok, let me know
Sep 27Reply
cceseretti Thanks for the five star rating!
Oct 17Reply
ladymayberry @cceseretti no problem.....the shirt is awesome
Oct 17Reply
cceseretti @ladymayberry Happy you like it!❤️
Oct 17Reply
bohochic58 Hello, Angelique. Thank you for visiting my closet and for the like of the Saks bag.💕 Reasonable offers and bundles are always welcome. Happy Poshing! Have a beautiful day. 😊💃👜🌟
Oct 18Reply
femmefatale85 Hi, thank you for the offer. The pantyhose is sold for a cost because it was a test item. You can find a new one at our website under Pantyhose and Hosiery!
Oct 28Reply
femmefatale85 Or buy it for the cost sold on Poshmark! Happy Shopping!
Oct 28Reply
crobin365 Hi! I just logged on for the first time in a while and saw you purchased the shoes. I will pack tonight and ship tomorrow.
Oct 30Reply
maryh317jo Thank you. Your Calvin Klein pants are on their way.
Nov 01Reply
maryh317jo Hi me again. Fyi. I am in process of adding great priced purses to my closet. Have a happy day.
Nov 01Reply
maryh317jo hope you got the pants and love them. Let me know if all is great.
Nov 03Reply
ladymayberry @maryh317jo I did not get them yet
Nov 04Reply
mariposhgal Hiii @ladymayberry !!! Thank you for your purchase :) Your package will be going out tomrw. Have a wonderful evening !!
Nov 04Reply
maryh317jo they went to a post office box. Is that correct?
Nov 04Reply
ladymayberry @maryh317jo yes....I went Saturday and it wasn’t there and it’s not open on Sunday but I’ll check today
Nov 04Reply
maryh317jo Hi Angelique - that is a beautiful name - I tracked package It was shipped Friday on schedule. I had your date confused with another. Because of the weekend, It is on time and is at your post office box now. Enjoy and thank you so much. Please visit again soon. I have marked down a lot of items. Mary
Nov 04Reply
maryh317jo Thank you for the great rating. Mary
Nov 06Reply
ladymayberry @maryh317jo no problem, they’re in excellent condition and was packed extremely well. Looking forward to wearing them soon.
Nov 06Reply
maryh317jo Thank you for the kind words. Have a blessed and poshful day.
Nov 06Reply
agapitos Hello... Thank you for liking the boots from my closet—- I can work with you if you want them.. 😁
Nov 11Reply
shmabarr1 Hi Angelique, I'm Shari and I wanted to Thank You for your purchase and for shopping my closet. I will get the pants shipped out tomorrow. Please check back periodically because I'm always adding New items of all kinds and clothes and shoes of different styles and sizes. I hope you have a Blessed Day and HAPPY POSHING! Shari
Dec 17Reply
ladymayberry @shmabarr1 ok great......looking forward to receiving them
Dec 17Reply
cheripi I just provided you with a discounted price for the royal blue bag you liked in my closet @cheripi. I hope it works for you and that you accept so I can ship this morning!
Jan 02Reply
parischic1006 Thanks for the five star rating! Enjoy your purchase! Please visit my closet again soon.
Jan 03Reply
stylesbyniya Happy poshing 💕be sure to check out my closet😊
Jan 06Reply
glitz7189 I added more pictures of the boots as I have someone else interested in them. Thanks.
Jan 06Reply
mihaelaa Thanks for your like doll ☺️ I am always open to reasonable offers! Let me know if you have any questions! Happy Poshing 🌼🌸💖
Jan 28Reply
floriatosca Thanks for the like on the Ralph Lauren dress. It’s a gorgeous piece. I can offer special discounted prices on bundles as well. Have a great day
Jan 31Reply
stylishy Hi Angelique, sorry for the late response, shoulder to cuff is 25 inches, I hope that will help with your decision for a purchase. Happy poshing!!
Feb 16Reply
ladymayberry @stylishy thanks.....what’s the condition? Is it bright white?
Feb 16Reply
stylishy Good morning, it is in pristine condition, like new and pure white, no discoloration or faults. Thank you for your interest - keep poshing!!
Feb 16Reply
showcases Happy Day, Check out my Closet for Cool Items.🤩🤩🤩🤩
Feb 25Reply
katie661 Hi Susan, I noticed u liked my cover up. Please feel free to send an offer as my guestroom is being overrun with Posh items. At this time I have 1 in white and 1 in black. Love to hear from youl Kathy
Feb 28Reply
stylishy Thank you 💝
Feb 28Reply
ladymayberry @lexylovess thank you so much Lexylovess, really appreciate the warning......good to have others weigh in on scammers so that we can’t beware.
Jan 04Reply
mamabearpdx Hi Love! Happy 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣1️⃣! Thank you SO much for visiting my closet! I would LOVE to make that ❤️yours!! My sales help me accomplish my life’s mission of spreading love to our hurting communities and helping kids feel loved and know they matter! Plus I get to give great clothes new life AND help our environment! 🥰
Feb 08Reply
toto7 🌺Thank you so much for your purchase. !! Have a wonderful day. !!🤗💐🌸
Feb 11Reply
ladymayberry @toto7 thank you, looking forward to receiving the boots
Feb 11Reply
toto7 @ladymayberry you’re welcome !! Thank you so much !! I will let you know when I send your purchase.😉💐✨🌸
Feb 11Reply
toto7 🌸Thank you for Shopping!!! I just ship Your Purchase. You will get the Tracking number. Thank you so much!!! ☀️☀️☀️ Have a wonderful night !!🤗💐
Feb 11Reply
toto7 🌼Thank you so much for Excellent Feedback !!!! Have a Wonderful day !!🤗💐✨
Feb 15Reply
charleenc123 I lowered the price and shipping hoping that makes it better deal for you. I’d like to at least make 15 bucks off of it, it’s practically new. And very soft and cozy :) I do hate the shipping cost on Poshmark
Feb 16Reply
snootylulus i am SO sorry it is taking so long for your package to arrive! i think the postal service is overwhelmed at the moment 😕
Feb 19Reply
realityshowez Hi there, my Gucci thong sandals run true to size.
Jun 03Reply
froggy12345 let me know if you are interested in my item
Jun 25Reply
froggy12345 maybe we can work something out
Jun 26Reply
froggy12345 let me know if you are interested in my item we might be able to work our a deal
Jun 27Reply
jodyert so sweet of you to take the time to stop by and like the silver metallic Vince Camuto shorts. all offers are appreciated
Jun 27Reply
mlanegf000 @ladymayberry Hi there. I am so sorry you weren’t 100% satisfied with your purchase of sandals from my closet. I work hard to make each transaction the best experience. Do you have any feedback on how I could have improved the transaction? Again, my apologies.
Jul 03Reply
wjss52 Appreciate your purchase will mail ASAP
Sep 19Reply
ladymayberry @wjss52 you’re welcome and thank you
Sep 19Reply
wjss52 You’re so welcome 😉 happy Poshing 🙏🏾
Sep 23Reply
mehalis Sorry for the delay in shipping! I had a few complications from a simple eye surgery but hope you understand.
Sep 25Reply
raelyneruff Thank you for buying my Casual Corner skirt. It’s lovely. I’ll have it ready for the mail pickup in the morning.🌸
Oct 10Reply
ladymayberry @raelyneruff great thanks…..looking forward to receiving it
Oct 10Reply
raelyneruff Thank you Angelique for the five star rating and kind words. It makes my day when a customs is pleased with their purchase.💕🌸💕
Oct 14Reply
bestdressed995 🙋‍♀️Hi 🍍It’s nice to meet you🍍 I’d love it if you would stop 🛑 by my closet and take a look. 💫Wishing you all the best of luck 🍀
Oct 26Reply
simplyposhb Hello you purchased my Shiite and I canceled the listing because I couldn’t find it in my inventory . I did find it and repost it if your still interested . Thanks again and sorry for any issues
Nov 24Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Moschino, Nike, Commando, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Dec 17Reply
rougelips Thank you for the purchase! Your order will be shipped out shortly ☺️
Oct 06Reply
ldmtreasures Hey, I’m Linda & I Love Jewelry~All Kinds. “Let Your Style Be Uniquely Yours.” Buy Made in the USA~One Of A Kind Jewelry It’s Not to soon, 🎄Start looking Stocking Stuffers NOW🎁
Nov 25Reply
cutehosiery @ladymayberry Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Nov 26Reply
kourpreet Hi dear, which one you want I mean which color cuz half of them already sold
Dec 01Reply
ladymayberry @kourpreet hot pink and green
Dec 01Reply
ladymayberry @beautifynails thank you, really appreciate it.
Jan 12Reply
ladymayberry @tutuwig thanks so much ….and yes I’ll definitely check out your closet
Jan 21Reply
rougelips Thank you for the purchase! Your order will ship shortly ☺️
Mar 22Reply
katie661 I sent you an offer in my jacket, look in your bundles, Kathy
Oct 31Reply

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Detroit, MI
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Last Active: 7 hours ago

Detroit, MI
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