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Updated Dec 04
Updated Dec 04

Meet your Posher, Angi

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Angi. I am the proud pawrent to 5 beautiful, rescued fur babies. I am OCD clean though. But I do have cats, so be aware if your allergic. I keep my leather and handbags in a temperature & humidity controlled closet where the animals are not allowed. I have a serious handbag addiction, (waiting on a patch for that 😝) I was injured so my loss is your opportunity to score. Motivated to sell. All offers welcome A year after I started posh, we were hit with a pandemic. After the lockdowns were released, people started throwing their pandemic adopted, (and bred) animals out where I live. I’ve always rescued, but since summer of 20, they have quadrupled in number. I was ruled disabled and, while I work as much as I can, it’s not enough. SO, my sells go to help me provide vet care, treatment, food and shelter until they can be rehomed. Most of the time I do not get my expenses returned when I rehome. So……your purchase helps me, help these babies. The pics are just a very few of my rescues.
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sarahstylesllc Cute closet. Good luck selling 🛍
Jun 28Reply
angidabartender @connie_posh thank you for the advice. I’ll take any I can get. My sales have dipped recently on eBay so I was advised to try this. I was injured at work and lost my job. Workman’s comp just doesn’t pay much, so... I REALLY need more income. But God is good. He does provide for me daily. Thanks again. A-
Jul 06Reply
sugabears04 Welcome to posh  I'm Tasha  Posh Ambassador fast shipper with 5🌠🌠🌠🌠🌠 ratings Hope your enjoying posh😊 feel free to ask any questions if you get confused 😵 Enjoy a stop by my closet anytime @sugabears04  😊I try to add several item daily 👠👙⌚👞👟👗👖👕👢👡👔 Wishing you many sales 😃🛍🛍📦 and blessings Happy poshing😃🌺🌺🌺
Jul 15Reply
latashavaughn08 Thanks for following me. I am having a BOGO Half Off Sale this week Hope you will check out my closet. I have some great deals. I ship same day in most instances. Any likes and shares are much appreciated. Wishing you lots of success 😊
Jul 15Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing 😃
Jul 16Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark 😃Hi I am Gloria. I hope you are enjoying this great community of wonderful people and amazing deals. I am a Poshmark Ambassador, Top rated seller, fast shipper and a Poshmark Mentor. Feel free to contact me with any questions about Poshmark, I’d be glad to help .Also I invite you to check out my closet, i carry men’s and women’s items in all sizes. I also give discounts on bundles 😃
Jul 16Reply
madblk3 💜I appreciate you checking out and/or following my closet😘 I will do the same💐💐🌸share and care💐😇🛍 Happy Poshing☀️😘 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 18Reply
madblk3 🐶🐱🐱🐶Beautiful furkids🐶🐱🐱🐶
Jul 18Reply
angidabartender @madblk3 thank you!!! Love your fur babies as well. I love all babies.
Jul 18Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for all the shares💜 Share and care🌸💕🛍. I appreciate you😇😘🥰
Jul 18Reply
angidabartender @madblk3 you as well my friend. I’m still figuring this thing out. Any tips are greatly appreciated. I’ve NEVER spent this much time on something like this. And haven’t sold anything. That’s the drawer dropper. Do you find it better to list your items lower and not take offers or price higher and take them? I listed mine high to take offers and cover my expenses but I need to sell. What are your thoughts?
Jul 18Reply
madblk3 💜Thank you for all your shares💜. 💜It is so very kind💜. 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 18Reply
madblk3 💜Guuurl, every single word you wrote is truth💜. It certainly can be frustrating and exasperating. One thing I figured is, it’s a FT job. Do you read the followings (res)? I’ve seen some folk that have only been here a few months. Either they have some type of hookup, or they are on the grind. I’ve sold a total of 5 things and allowed myself to be lowballed on 4. That’s why if you read, I have posted sayings referring to selling your worth.
Jul 18Reply
madblk3 CONT., If you KNOW something is worth $100, why sell for $20? By the time you package nicely, drive, etc,., you MAY clear $10, especially if you don’t have a printer, like me. That’s what my dumb butt did. I’m on the bus. Time I’ll never get back. There is a wait factor. I get offers everyday, but I know my items worth. The key. You are starting a business, you are not going to make a lot of 💵💵💵 in the beginning. It’s difficult, especially if you need that cash.
Jul 18Reply
madblk3 CONT., However, if allow lowballing, you will not crawl out. If you know your items worth and, you have nice items, hold onto to your faith in the meantime. Get your closet cleaned out enough then restock with things you believe in. That’s what I’m trying to do now. Don’t just follow trends, at least completely.
Jul 18Reply
madblk3 CONT., By that time, you’ll have many followings(ers), and you’ll see your business blossom. There is a quick Masters Class of what I’ve learned so far. I wish someone had done this for me. I pray it helps, Beloved. Wordy but worth it. If you want anything else, hit me up. I’ll try to help you. In the meantime, 💜Be Blessed💜
Jul 18Reply
angidabartender @madblk3 thank you so very much for your help. I wasn’t sure how to do this. 😁
Jul 18Reply
marymccreery Hi hello 👋, Angi! Thank you for Poshing by my closet and for following me. I love all your babies especially the tabby rolling around on the ground! Reminds me of my recently made angel barn kitty Maggie. Som I’m jealous that your closet it climate controlled!!! You rock and you rescue 🥰😆🐾🐕!!! Blessings, Mary💐💐💐
Jul 18Reply
angidabartender @marymccreery thank you so much. I love all my babies. It’s funny that spike is the one that caught your eye, he recently passed as well. I had to include his pic though. I miss him so. I’m down to 6 now. I don t have human kids, these are my babies. I work with a rescue group that rehome’s abused/stray animals. Part of my profit goes to those expenses part for myself as I lost my job because of an injury. Any tips you have are greatly appreciated.
Jul 18Reply
marymccreery @angidabartender Hi Angi! Oh I’m so very sorry to hear about your personal losses and an injury.🤗🤗🤗 I follow @madblk3 too, just recently found her, she had really good information to share. I’ve run across some good listings. If I liked them, which would have been a smart thing for me to do, I will share their closets to you. I know sharing is a good thing. AND Thank you !!! For all the Posh love shares, BTW. I’m a little confused about sharing here lately...cont’
Jul 19Reply
marymccreery ...I ran across a share group/follow me listing last night that had a ton of info about sharing. I’m still new and still learning. I read that a Posher has a you tube channel she’s been so successful, but I haven’t watched any. No human kids here either. Horses, dog, chickens, cats...newest is about 7weeks old...found at the landfill...she might be here to help with the pain of the many losses this year human and animal. I will tag those most helpful/insightful Poshers to you. Blessings, Mary
Jul 19Reply
angidabartender @marymccreery to you as well. I’m so thankful to meet you. I’ve run into some really snarky, sarcastic people here. I don’t do social media, this is as close as I’ve come. I finally just marked everything down to about what I’ll take I left minimal wiggle room I’ve been told multiple times today that I “way overcharge”. Even though most is considerably less than what I paid.
Jul 19Reply
angidabartender @marymccreery I believe the Lord puts people (and animals) in our lives when we need them. My little dog is my constant companion. My indoor cats hate leashes. 2 were rescued from an enclosed patio with more than 40 cats and 30 dogs. More than that inside. They’d been starved and beaten, so they are scared to go outside. I considered rehiring them, but they’d been through too much already and were comfortable here. Love my babies!!! 😺
Jul 19Reply
libertylady63 Thanks for sharing and following my closet! I am currently adding new items so check it often. If you have any questions or are looking for something special, please do not hesitate to ask! Thanks again and Happy Poshing.🥰
Jul 19Reply
madblk3 💜 Angi, I didn’t read through every communication because it’s not my business. I did read the part that included my name. I must say I am so so very hurt you lost one of your furkids. I know what that’s like. I don’t have human children either and furkids are family. We have A LOT in common. If it’s OK email me I’d like to share some things with you off the grid. I pray you do. In the meantime 💜Be Blessed and uplifted💜
Jul 19Reply
madblk3 💜Mary sounds like a beautiful soul. I read part of her story because my name was in the comments. I found my heart breaking for her as well. We need a Poshers Support Group with furkids/fur babies (I go back and forth). When asked I say I’ve got two kids, period. Anyway, have a Blessed Evening💜
Jul 19Reply
angidabartender @madblk3 hello. It’s fine to read them. She does sound beautiful. So do you though. I’ll email you this weekend. I’m headed to bed now. How a lovely evening.
Jul 19Reply
pinkysclosetoc Awwwwww your little furbabies are all so cute and adorable!! 💖💖💖 your pups face is just toooooo cute 💖💖💞💞💞💖💖
Jul 19Reply
angidabartender @pinkysclosetoc ha!!! Thank you!!! He knows he’s adorable!!!
Jul 19Reply
pinkysclosetoc @angidabartender 🤣🤣👏👏😍😍😍
Jul 19Reply
mw_online Welcome! May you be blessed with much success.
Jul 22Reply
t_kitten Cuuute pets! Just wanted to say if you wanted anything I’d send it all in one package to save shipping! 🖤 Happy Monday!
Jul 22Reply
leitiques Thank you for visiting my Poshmark closet and if  find items you like make a bundle for a discount on shipping.
Jul 23Reply
wareit - [x] 🔆 I would love for you to consider joining my Facebook group “SHOWOFFS OF POSHMARK” - [x] 🔆 Take a pic of you showing off your goodies & send it my way so I can upload for others to ‘oooo’ & ahhhhh!!!! - [x] ❌⭕️‼️ @wareit🔆
Jul 25Reply
angidabartender @wareit thank you, I appreciate the offer but this is as close to social media as I do.
Jul 26Reply
americansuede WOW!! Your bag collection is AMAZING ❤️
Jul 29Reply
angidabartender @americansuede thank you, you can make any or all of them your bags? Make me an offer. 😁 I’ll work with you as much as I can. I paid retail for most of them.
Jul 29Reply
americansuede @angidabartender I wish!!! Omg I wish!! Maybe in the future!! I’ll definitely stop back when I can buy!! They are so GORGEOUS!!! I’ll keep sharing daily for you!! ❤️
Jul 29Reply
zardiva1 Awwwww, so many fur sweeties! 😃😍😘🐶🐱
Aug 09Reply
angidabartender @zardiva1 they are my sweet babies. I love all of them they are rescues. It seems rescues are so thankful to be out of the bad environment they came from, they have so much love to give.
Aug 09Reply
angidabartender @americansuede any time your ready just let me know.
Aug 09Reply
zardiva1 @angidabartender Hey, it looks like you shared *ALL 19* of my 👜👜👜, haha! 😀 Thanks so much! 👍😃😘
Aug 10Reply
angidabartender @zardiva1 I’m admiring you baby. He’s very handsome. I have 4 and a dog. I’m still learning all of this posh stuff. The sharing and bundling. I finally got a couple of sales. I’m hoping my business is going to pick up now.
Aug 10Reply
zardiva1 @angidabartender Pandy said “😽” to you for saying he’s *handsome* (😆😆😆). Anyway, LOL, as far as learning all about poshing, there are many Poshers willing to help show you the ropes 👍🙂 The camaraderie is *fantastic* on here 🤗🤗🤗
Aug 10Reply
angidabartender @zardiva1 seems to be so far. Thank you. 😝
Aug 10Reply
zardiva1 @angidabartender You’re welcome, haha! 👍😀
Aug 10Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my closet ❤️🤟🏻🤫. Cutest kitties 💜. Happy weekend and poshing ❤️🤟🏻💜
Aug 10Reply
deosilva19 Hi Angie , thank you so much for all the sharing 🌸🌸 I wish you all the best in your sales 🎉🎉🌸🌸💕
Aug 11Reply
stanori808 Hi Angi! Thank you for Following my closet! I also joined Poshmark recently (made a purchase in Mar/started my closet in Apr) and really appreciate it. I love all of your fur babies! They are so adorable! Please come back for another visit. Enjoy the rest of the weekend! Thanks again!💐💖🦋🐾
Aug 11Reply
angidabartender @stanori8370 i love my sweet babies. They are rescues. I enjoy them so much. Check out my closet and come back anytime.
Aug 12Reply
sherib216 Hi Angie, thank you so much for all shares! ❤️🙏❤️ Sending you lots of Posh love and sales vibes! 💞
Aug 12Reply
sherib216 Oh and your fur babies are adorable!
Aug 12Reply
angidabartender @sherib216 thank you so much!!!! They are such little blessings. 🤗
Aug 13Reply
usmcsoldier @angidabartender Thanks for Sharing My Closet
Aug 15Reply
angidabartender @usmcsoldier yes sir my pleasure. Thank you as well. Mabae we can help each other sell more. 😁
Aug 15Reply
sherid10 @angidabartender Hi. Great closet. Handbags to die for. I have just a total handbag addiction. 🤷‍♀️ Right now I have a couple of Sharif bags and at least one Coach. Check them out. Not necessarily to buy but just for fun.
Sep 15Reply
mysusieque Your fur babies are precious! Rescues rock! 🥰
Sep 15Reply
ssarahh_don love the fur babies:’)
Sep 19Reply
angidabartender @sue_sells hello. I’m having a buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @sarahstylesllc hello I’m have buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @connie_posh hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @sugabears04 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @latashavaughn08 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @jocole96 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @jocole96 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @soriag hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @madblk3 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @marymccreery hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @libertylady63 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @pinkysclosetoc hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @mw_online hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @t_kitten hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @leitiques hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @wareit hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @americansuede hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @zardiva1 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @05teddy11 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @deosilva19 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @stanori8370 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @sherib216 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @usmcsoldier hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @sherid10 hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @mysusieque hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @ssarahh_don hello. I’m having buy one get one half off this week
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @sue_sells ha!!!! MINE TOO!!!!! And I’m preparing to be off work for 3 months at the first of the year for another surgery, so......2 birds.....
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @sue_sells your lips to Gods ears!!!! 🙏🏻 this has been going on for 2 years. But He has been good to me a faithful. He has provided everything I’ve needed. I’m just trying to put back a little if I can.
Sep 22Reply
americansuede @angidabartender Hi! Thanks for thinking of me. Unfortunately, I’m not in a position to make any big purchases. Good luck with your sale!! Hope you sell a lot!! ❤️
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @americansuede thank you so much.
Sep 22Reply
sherid10 @angidabartender Well I better look around. 👀 Thanks for telling me.
Sep 22Reply
angidabartender @sherid10 yes ma’am. I’m preparing to be off work for 3 months after my surgery so....I need to sell, sell, sell. Any tips, I’d love to have them.
Sep 22Reply
libertylady63 @angidabartender thank you 🙏 you for letting me know.
Sep 24Reply
stanori808 Hi Angi! Thank you for the invitation to your beautiful closet! Wishing you many sales! Happy Poshing!😊💕
Sep 24Reply
stanori808 Btw...I love all your fur babies! They are so adorable!🐾🐾😊💕💕
Sep 24Reply
angidabartender @stanori8370 thank you. Your is a beauty as well. Mine are reduced too. My favorite breed!!! And let me tell you, you think yours is the boss of you, I have 6 telling me what to do!!!!’ Ha!!
Sep 24Reply
stanori808 @angidabartender I can only imagine what having 6 fur baby bosses is like! Must be crazy!😝Gotta love em tho...🐾💕🐾💕🐾
Sep 24Reply
angidabartender @stanori8370 oh my!!!! It totally is!!!! I’m a foster failure. I started fostering most of them, fell in love and kept them all. I get overly protective of the babies. Especially when they’ve been abused. They just want I give as much as I can. 😁
Sep 25Reply
stanori808 @angidabartender I'd say that you're a foster winner! You're a wonderful person with a big heart! They are such lucky fur babies to be loved so much. And I'm positive that they know how lucky they kitty Cece can be quite a little Beastie but she knows she's loved. It's sad when they have rough beginnings but great when they find love. Wishing you the very best!💕💕😊🐾🐾
Sep 25Reply
aovintage Cute dog 💕☺️ love some of your 90’s stuff! I’m looking for mini dresses from the 90’s let me tag you on the style. Hoping you can help 🦋😌
Sep 30Reply
ceeblue56 Hi Angi🧚‍♀️ Thank you for visiting and sharing my closet! 💖 I will continue to do the same! By the way Love Love your Furry Babies! 😍🥰🤗 So So Cute! Happy Poshing! Cheers! Maritza 🧚🏼‍♂️💫
Oct 04Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Wishing you a very Happy Happy New Year ❄ very much for following me and Sharing my closet. I returned Posh Love ❄ Get in your it's cold outside. A cup of hot chocolate and Enjoy. Poshing in your Pjs is the best. I'm having a Mega Sale, check ot out if you have half a chance❄ Wishing you are yours a Fantabulous Happy New Year filled with all the blessings you so richly deserve. Super Cute Fur Baby
Jan 17Reply
annkokosmom 🐈🐶💛Beautiful Furbabies!💛🐶🐈
Jan 20Reply
indians12 Are the 2 Brown Cats Ragdoll’s I love you Kitty’s!💜 I had a Black Cat like yours also !!
Jan 22Reply
coachandtrunk Hi, I wanted to stop in and introduce myself and to say hi. Also, thank you so much for the follow. If there's anything in my closet you might like for yourself, please let me know. Hope you have continued success with your closet. Sharon🌻
Jan 23Reply
angidabartender @coachandtrunk hello. Looks like we both have coach love. Mine is actually my personal collection. I was injured at work so I’m selling instead of buying right now. Thank you for the offer though. A-
Jan 24Reply
coachandtrunk @angidabartender Angi, sorry to hear that you'r injured. I hope it's nothing terribly serious and you heal well and quickly. Sharon
Jan 24Reply
mbdream Hi, I love your two chocolate lions - nice collection of fur babies! M
Jan 25Reply
angidabartender @mbdream aren’t they sweet. They are rescues. They were less than 5 pounds when we rescued them. One is 18# one is 23# now. They are liter mates.
Jan 25Reply
mbdream @angidabartender Yes, ADORBS, gorgeous babies!! I thought they might be litter mates. Their color is just beautiful and it’s obvious you take VERY GOOD care of them all❣️
Jan 25Reply
angidabartender @mbdream I LOVE my babies. I’m a foster failure though. That’s how I’ve ended up with so many. I foster the rescues and fall in love with them. I’ve had to stop letting myself get so attached. It’s hard though. People can be so cruel to animals. It makes me sick. We go into hoarding situations. Sometimes there are dozens of animals. The most we’ve seen is 135. Then there are dead animals in the houses. It’s GROSS!!!🤮
Jan 25Reply
mbdream @angidabartender What do you mean when you say you’re a foster failure? You’re right. I totally get it, though! It’s very tragic for the humans and animals, when it manifests into an animal/love hoarding situation.
Jan 25Reply
thepatriciahall Thank you so much for the follow!
Jan 26Reply
thepatriciahall Thank you so much for the follow!
Jan 26Reply
lt999 So adorable! 🐕😻
Jan 27Reply
evamsatori Very adorable furry family!
Jan 27Reply
angidabartender @evamsatori they are my reduced babies. They are so so sweet. 3 were actually beaten and tortured. The twins were less than 5# and so matted we had to shave them the the skin. Now they are 19# and 23#. The top tiger striped cat is blind in one eye and has a heart murmur. Idk how anyone could do that to these sweet babies. They are happy and healthy now though. 😁
Jan 28Reply
evamsatori @angidabartender im glad your fur babies found their forever (furever) home! I’m partial to black dogs, once I learned most people don’t want black dogs (or cats) and if, God forbid, it’s a high kill shelter... I believe in rescue. My pups have a cat brother, too!
Jan 28Reply
angidabartender @evamsatori and see, I don’t get the no black animal thing. My black beauties are so so sweet. I’ve always had black animal, but, if you’ve looked through my closet, the majority of my wardrobe is black. 😝 I guess I’m still a goth girl at heart. Financially, I’m at my absolute limit. I have so many strays that come and go. I trap fix release, so.....and my home seems to be a dumping ground for strays. I even had a horse walk up one morning. 😳
Jan 28Reply
evamsatori @angidabartender I don’t get the black dog stigma either. Your black pup is a cutie! I stop myself volunteering at a shelter as I know I would bring home some fur babies! You have nice items in your closet! Black is so versatile!
Jan 28Reply
angidabartender @evamsatori I know!!! I love my babies!!!! Hey if you see anything in my closet you like, make me an offer. I’m ready to add new items and get these out of both my posh and real closets. 😁
Jan 28Reply
gigimom6 Beautiful babies! I have 6 dogs and 4 cats most all rescues💕
Jan 29Reply
angidabartender @gigimom6 mine are too. I LOVE my babies.
Jan 30Reply
ragsandfeathers Hi there! Thanks for following. I have items from $3+... and the more you bundle the better my offer. I give 20% off 2 items up to 50% (or more) off 5+ items! Cheers 🖤
Jan 31Reply
jcjones46 Thank you for visiting my closet. Whether you sell, or shop, I wish you much success and fun. May every day of 2020 glow with good cheer & happiness for you & your family. God Bless!
Feb 02Reply
janfast Hi Angi! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Feb 02Reply
decdesign Your little dog has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen!!
Feb 02Reply
angidabartender @decdesign thank you. I love my little man.
Feb 02Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @angidabartender ! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Feb 05Reply
letitiaflower What adorable pets! I hope you’re feeling well.
Feb 06Reply
ltbbalance What an amazing much variety and style...something for everyone...💫💞🎀🌻 I have shared Posh love by sharing items from your closet to my followers and to any active Posh party that applies...I hope you will do me the honor of visiting my closet and if you are so inclined, sharing mine too🥰🌷.. Happy Poshing!!💕⚘🎁💥
Feb 09Reply
denimreseller What a darling baby
Feb 09Reply
denimreseller The cats are cute as well
Feb 09Reply
angidabartender @annmillerteam thank you. They are my sweet sweet babies.
Feb 09Reply
ramosadam92 Hello Gorgeous lady and nice to meet you and all your animals and Thank you ma'am for letting me look in your closet and have a blessed day with your animals.
Feb 09Reply
angidabartender @ltbbalance hello doll. Sorry I’m just getting back to you. I was in a follow game yesterday that I thought I was never going to finish. On my way to your closet. Thanks for the shares. 😁
Feb 10Reply
bj_perkins @angidabartender hi there. My sister is a very proud owner of my neice who happens to be a cat but I can’t buy anything from you until the 3rd next month. I really would like to but can’t I put an offer in for one of your cats but need to ask you to decline it. I can get them next month. I’m so sorry!
Feb 11Reply
angidabartender @bj_perkins hey doll. All I can see is where you liked the set. I didn’t get an offer. Just let me know. I have quite a few cat sets that I’m selling.
Feb 11Reply
bj_perkins @angidabartender ok I’ll let you know the set name. They are white jeweled set.
Feb 11Reply
angidabartender @bj_perkins sure. Just shoot me an offer when your ready for them.
Feb 11Reply
ladykrc @angidabartender Hello my fellow Posher! Stopping by🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store!👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #Bundle3ForDiscounting #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Feb 16Reply
babsgilbert Angi, Happy Feburary! ❤ The month of love!❤ Let's continue to spread the love throughout our Poshmark community by sharing each other's closets!👚👠👕 It only takes a few extra minutes and the benefits are rewarding for everyone. I hope you catch the love bug!❤🐞 Thanks for sharing!💕
Feb 20Reply
shoppegigi Congratulations Real Posh Wives Chosen Closet Winner! What a great way to enjoy my Posh day sharing your closet! 🌈💋❤️👑⭐️Wishing you speedy and great sales! Xoxo
Feb 25Reply
lrubyhumbird Just wanted to tell you I love the pics of your babies!
Feb 25Reply
angidabartender @lrubyhumbird thank you. I love my babies
Feb 25Reply
angidabartender @wine4u2 lol!!! I have random raccoons and possums as well. My land is a dumping ground for animals. Ive started the trap, fix, release. My food bill has gotten very large. 😁 I can’t let them go hungry though. I’ve even had the occasional black bear and horse wander up. 😝
Feb 26Reply
petuniasgrammy Love all your fur babies , I have three of my own , my daughter has 3 also along with 5 dogs n 3 horses 😸😸😸😸😸🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐎🐎🐎and we love them all.
Feb 26Reply
angidabartender @wine4u2 lol!!!! SO FUNNY!!! I’m a foster failure. I tried fostering then I ended up keeping most of the animals. My babies are rescues also. I work with a group that rescues and finds forever homes for them. It’s truly sad what people will do to animals.
Feb 26Reply
ctetc I have a black cat and a black w/white chest Cavapoo that look just like your babies!!!!:):)
Mar 05Reply
angidabartender @revampedstyle awe!!! I LOVE my babies. They are rescues. They lived through so much in their short little lives before they got to me. I try to spoil them as I can. 😁
Mar 05Reply
angidabartender @nolagirl790 I feel the same way. I can hook you up if your actually in NOLA. Your not far from Jackson. I work with a group that rescues and rehomes animals. My babies are rescues. This area has too many. Let me know if your interested in adopting.
Mar 08Reply
angidabartender @nolagirl790 awe!!! Special needs babies are challenging. Bless you for being willing to take that on. I’m appalled at some of the conditions these babies are rescued from. My twins came from a hoarding situation with over 100 live animals and dozens of dead animals. My girls were less than 5# each now they are 19 & 23#. They are love bugs. Let me know if anyone you know wants a new fur baby. 😁
Mar 08Reply
rocky248 Hi angi, love all of your fur babies! Lynne
Mar 08Reply
qualitymerch76 Thaks for following beautiful photo of the dog Im an artist on my day job let me know if you ever need any artwork done follow me on Instagram@SCHOARTT Thanks
Mar 09Reply
shoppegigi 🌎Congratulations Real Posh Wives Chosen Closet Winner! What a great way to enjoy my Posh day sharing your closet! 🌈💋❤️👑⭐️Wishing you speedy and great sales! Xoxo
Mar 23Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 25Reply
hollywoodheidi Thank you for your order! Your beautiful reading glasses will go out tomorrow. I hope you love them, please let me know 😊❤️
Jun 20Reply
hollywoodheidi Awww such sweet babies! Pets and scratches!
Jun 20Reply
hollywoodheidi I"m so happy you like your beautiful glasses!! Thank you so much for the rating! Have a great weekend!
Jun 26Reply
amandab0511 hello!! please stop by my closet!  I am moving soon and need all of my stuff gone asap!  I am open to offers and can give huge discounts on bundles!  I have both mens and womens clothing. please let me know if you have any questions!
Aug 24Reply
lillievonstoop1 Thank you for the follow 🌠 Happy Poshing 💞💐!
Aug 25Reply
lunalake I am an out of work bartender with a black kitty. Things will keep getting better and better for you. I love Poshmark.
Nov 01Reply
wiregal Thanks for following me. I’d like to share that my entire closet is an extra 50% off right now so please visit my closet and save.
Jan 30Reply
coachbagsplus I don't have any real secrets just hard hard work that pays off. just follow share and list a ton! good luck happy poshing!
Feb 23Reply
watsonlilmommy @angidabartender hello check out my closet see if you see something you like an I can help you out all offers are accepted
Apr 03Reply
angidabartender @adoringstyles shared back. Thank you. Good Lord!!! I would have lost my mind in your closet in the ‘80’s/‘90’s!!!! 😝. Guess I need to list mine. I have a ton of them. 😝
May 26Reply
angidabartender @andy1camilla I ONLY communicate on posh. Do NOT come onto my page and try to solicit off posh transactions
Aug 13Reply
cutehosiery @angidabartender Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 10Reply
angidabartender @cutehosiery thank you so much. I haven’t been selling much lately. I could DEFINITELY use more sells. Especially right now.
Sep 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!!🤎
Oct 02Reply
rad0529 Hello Angi, my new friend, I pray your day was truly blessed as well as all your tomorrows, God Bless always, Rhonda (absolutely love the picture of your awesome fur baby)
Oct 03Reply
ambersullivan19 @angidabartender I love all ur fur baby fosters! Gorgeous Snowshoe Siamese🥰 Love love love how ur helping them girl!
Nov 02Reply
angidabartender @ambersullivan19 Those are actually ragdolls. They were in an animal hoarding situation where they were beaten and starved along with over 100 other animals in an enclosed porch. There were twice that many inside the house along with all the gross that goes along with hoarding. I’ve had them 8 years.
Nov 02Reply
rockintherack Omg these are the cutest fur babies ever!!!💖💖I love my squirrels and doves i feed them everyday and have now for 3 yrs 💖💖now we have 4 babies that kno me lol and come up to the door making noise like they knock lol on lol door looking for the lady with food and that would be me lol 😂 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣💖
Dec 12Reply
angidabartender @rockintherack Thank you. These are just a fraction of the animals that I’ve been rescued. SO MANY since the Covid lock downs were lifted. It was like the people no longer wanted them once the lock downs were lifted. 🤦🏼‍♀️ I can’t comprehend it. And, they never sought proper vet care, so, all of that fell on me.
Dec 12Reply
ellagraham530 Hello, I am interested in your Coach Leather Studded Edie Bag. Would you consider selling it? Thanks!
Jan 09Reply
angidabartender @ellagraham530 if it’s listed I’m selling it. Message me from the listing or shoot me an offer
Jan 09Reply
candy258 Hi🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Jun 08Reply
claudisnook @angidabartender 😥 People are horrible to dump their babies. I'd live in my car before I'd ever give up my pet(s)!
Jun 25Reply
angidabartender @claudisnook I absolutely agree with you!!! I just spoke with a couple that have 6 puppies that they are “getting rid of” the problem is that we have people in my area that use puppies to make their fighting dogs vicious. The puppy gets ripped to shreds and, if it survives, is left to fend for itself.
Jun 26Reply
angidabartender @claudisnook I do the best I can but I am definitely NOT made of money and since all of the posh shows with low bids keep popping up, my sales have all but come to a screeching halt. 🤦🏼‍♀️ not sure what I’m going to do from here but, 6 puppies are not going to vet themselves.
Jun 26Reply
angidabartender @claudisnook if you look in my pics, the black and white dog, that was a bait dog that I rescued and rehomed. He was skittish but so very sweet
Jun 26Reply
paulakhu Good morning dear. Im waiting for a reply on my bundle
Jul 25Reply
k_pannullo 👋 I absolutely LOVE your cause & dedication to these animals. What you are doing…….well, there are no words!! You’re an absolute angel!! 😇🪽 I would love nothing more than to purchase & help draw attention to your closet in order to support all the weight you have so selflessly put onto your shoulders ✨♥️✨. Well deserved shares on the way & more to come! 🤗
Dec 23Reply
angidabartender @k_pannullo 🥰 awe thank you!!! I have a couple of babies I’m trying to trap right now. One actually got into a fight with a skunk. SO it’s kind of stinky outside right now. 😝 those boogers are smart. I will catch them, hopefully soon, NOT the skunk!!! 😝 I appreciate all purchases and I REALLY need cash so I’m making deals right now.
Dec 23Reply
angidabartender @k_pannullo SO…..I caught one of the babies tonight, she is in heat, has a RAGING eye and respiratory infection………SOOOOO this is going to be a huge vet bill. If you want anything, it will go toward her vet bill. And will be GREATLY appreciated 😊
Dec 24Reply

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