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Updated Dec 24
Updated Dec 24

Meet your Posher, Ania

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ania. EVERYTHING I SELL IS AUTHENTIC. I’m a Pharmacist by day and a Posher by night. I Have a passion for fashion and i take pride and joy in everything I sell. My Home is SMOKE FREE and clean. Some of my favorite brands are Sephora, UGG, Louis Vuitton, Tiffany, LULULEMON, Tory Burch and kate spade. Thank you for stopping by!
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dbellalimited Cool Cat!!
Jun 16Reply
misssophie04 Hi Anna, welcome to Poshmark ❤️ I wish you much success. Feel free to ask me any questions. Happy Poshing 😊. Like your fur baby.
Jun 17Reply
mostlyglam24 @lbarcellos aww thank you. You’re so sweet. I’d love some tips on how to increase sales. I only list really quality stuff. I will not list anything I would not want to buy myself. How do I get offers. Thank you for your warm welcome. 😊😊
Jun 17Reply
misssophie04 @fafaraqueen First read the tips from Poshmark. So much info on Poshmark. Share to followers 10 times per day including the parties at 9am, 12. 4 & 6. When someone likes an item send 10% discount offer. On weekends, I will send 20% offer to likers.
Jun 18Reply
dv1011 Hi Anna! Welcome to Poshmark! 🤩 I hope you’re enjoying everything here. It’s a great place to buy, sell and meet other fellow-Poshers. Feel free to stop by my closet to pick up some helpful Poshing tips while you learn a little about me and my sense of style. 🇺🇸🛍🎊🌷
Jul 05Reply
mostlyglam24 @dv1011 hi. Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate any tips can can offer as I’m new around here. I do love it already and it’s a great community. 😁😁.
Jul 05Reply
dv1011 @fafaraqueen You bet. Everyone is pretty helpful here! If you click on my “Meet the Posher,” post with my photo I have tips in there to help you. And just by playing around and clicking on things helps you to see how things work too. Feel free to ask a question, I am happy to help! 😃
Jul 05Reply
mostlyglam24 @dv1011 you’re so very nice. I am getting the hang of things. I sold quite a few items in a very short time. I will be sure to check out your tips. Thanks again 😊
Jul 05Reply
dv1011 @fafaraqueen Then maybe you should share your tips with me, 😁! That’s great! 🤩 Well I wish you tons of sales! Share some of that good mojo, lol!
Jul 05Reply
dv1011 @fafaraqueen By the way~ your cat is ADORABLE! Such a cute face. 😻
Jul 05Reply
amberhcostello Super cute closet!!!! Best of luck on Posh 💕
Jul 05Reply
mostlyglam24 @amberhcostello thank you!!! I appreciate your kind words. Thanks for stopping by!! And liking my cat buttercup. 😄
Jul 05Reply
appareltrends Thank you for sharing my listing.
Jul 12Reply
mostlyglam24 @appareltrends thank you for sharing mine !! 😃. Has this week been slow for you? Or is it just me? I’m kinda new to this.
Jul 12Reply
appareltrends @mostlyglam24 It has been slow for me this year, but you seem to be doing great. Best wishes for speedy sales.
Jul 13Reply
mostlyglam24 @appareltrends I wish you the same. Dead all week.
Jul 13Reply
rockclimber23 @mostlyglam24 What a gorgeous, plush fur baby!
Aug 08Reply
mostlyglam24 @rockclimber23 thank you. She is adorable and the sweetest girl ever.
Aug 08Reply
dailychanges Hi Anna! Thank you for visiting my closet and the shares!!! Although I’m not on Twitter I will continue to reciprocate sharing through Poshmark! Thank you again and have a great day!!!
Aug 10Reply
mostlyglam24 @dailychanges hi!! I appreciate the shares!! Thank you for stopping by. You have a lovely closet!!
Aug 10Reply
jewelzjewels You have an amazing closet! I love your kitty too. I also have two kitties. If you get a chance please check out my closet too! Have a great day! -Julie
Sep 01Reply
mostlyglam24 @jewelzjewels thank you so much!! That’s so kind of you to say. Thank you for your purchase!! I’m a fellow make up lover!! I have way too much. I’ll check out your closet for sure. Kitties are the best. I bet yours are cute bc they are all cute!! 😀. Have a great day!
Sep 01Reply
skyblue8039 Thank you for shared my listing on Twitter! ❤️❤️❤️ God Bless YOU♥✝️🙏
Sep 06Reply
mostlyglam24 @skyblue8039 of course!! Happy to do it. May the good Lord bless you as well!! 🎊🎊
Sep 06Reply
skyblue8039 @mostlyglam24 amen !! Thank you
Sep 06Reply
littlepeachxo hello, i’m spreading awareness & thought i’d let you know that the earnings from my closet go to a child abuse survivor to help them heal. 🎗-peach
Sep 23Reply
julliev22 Hi Ania, I invite you to visit my closet. ✨I have hundreds of Unique and Beautiful Artwork Prints, Posters and Holiday Cards! They are perfect as Gifts for Family and Friends. I wish you many sales and Happy Poshing!!! Juliana 🙋‍♀️🧚‍♀️🌷
Oct 14Reply
julliev22 Hi Ania, I invite you to visit my closet. ✨I have hundreds of affordable, Unique and Beautiful Artwork Prints, Posters and Christmas Cards! I have lots of art of kitties too!! They are perfect as Gifts for Family and Friends. I wish you many sales and Happy Poshing!!! Juliana 🙋‍♀️🧚‍♀️🌷
Oct 15Reply
mostlyglam24 @julliev22 Hi Julie. Thank you for the invite!! Your art work is amazing. I’ll have to take a look and consider some for Christmas presents. They are all Amazing!!!
Oct 15Reply
mybritishblue Too cute!! I guess it’s also two cute kitties!! Thanks for saying hi. That makes my day! Instant connection! That was really sweet of you to take time to say hi. This is all new to me so thank you!! Happy Poshing; and take care of those cuties!!
Jan 10Reply
mostlyglam24 @mybritishblue let me know if you have any questions or need any tip or anything I’m always happy to help!!
Jan 10Reply
mybritishblue @mostlyglam24 Thank you so much!! Thank you for the shares, and thanks for reaching out. 54 love notes! I love your closet! It's full of nice things!
Jan 10Reply
danadin14 Hi 👋, Check out my closet sometime. I have something for everyone! Women's, bags, totes, jewelry, shoes and much more. 🛍 Adding new stuff weekly so stop by often. Enjoy your shopping and Happy poshing!
Jan 17Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺 
Jan 19Reply
spreadlove Hi! I’m Melissa, just stopping in to say hello! Please check out my closet if you’re in the mood to shop! ❄️☃️
Jan 19Reply
mostlyglam24 @spreadlove hi. Thanks for stopping by. I sure Will. Happy sales!!
Jan 19Reply
bamamoondog Love Your Cat !! My Cats love Boxes too !!
Jan 31Reply
mostlyglam24 @bamamoondog thank you. I have two of them. The smaller the box the more they try to squeeze in. 🤣🤣
Jan 31Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello! Thanks for the follow. Our closet is jam-packed with stock. We're accepting offers at 20% less than our posted price on most items. Happy Poshing!
Feb 04Reply
krystalmcc1621 Thank you for following me. I just visited your closet to follow you and share some of your items with my followers. Have a wonderful day 🌞 and many sales📦!
Feb 05Reply
mostlyglam24 @krystalmcc1621 thank you for following me back!! I also Visited your closet and shared a few things. Wishing you many sales!!!
Feb 05Reply
frmrshopaholic9 🎉🎉🎉Congrats on Hosting a Party!💖💖💖 Hope it’s amazing!!!😍😍😍 I would be super grateful if you could check out my closet and choose an item as your Host Pick!🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Feb 06Reply
ditooshop @mostlyglam24 Congratulations on cohosting today's Best in Jeans Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Feb 07Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! If you have a chance, would you please check out my closet for a host pick? Thanks
Feb 07Reply
adornedlovely Hi 😊, Congratulations on Co-Hosting the Best in Jeans Posh Party! I would love it if you would consider selecting an item from my closet as a host pick for your party. Wishing you a fabulous party & day. Thank you🤍
Feb 07Reply
urbanstyles810 Awww!! Your stuff sells itself the adorable cat is overkill 😜😉
Feb 12Reply
mostlyglam24 @urbanstyles810 Awww you’re so sweet!!! And yes my kitties are too cute. I do have some good stuff ha? I’m proud of my closet. 🫠
Feb 12Reply
westcorner Yay!!!! Congrats on being Co -Host! "✨Thank you for all the time and effort you’ve put in! Hope that you have fun, and happy Poshing!🌿✨If you need any host picks, I would be honored of you took a glance in my closet!
Jun 14Reply
voc124 Hi Tania congratulations on co hosting the Together We Posh party tomorrow. Please take a look at my closet to consider an item as Host Pick. Thank you!
Jun 14Reply
catpvaughn You have a wonderful closet! Wishing you all the best!
Jun 14Reply
toughluck00 Congratulations on hosting this amazing posh party⭐🎉🎆
Jun 14Reply
edweezy_ Congrats on hosting the Together We Posh Posh Party! Please consider my closet for any host picks! Thank you for your time. 😁
Jun 15Reply
karinhausman Congrats on hosting a party! Please check out my closet. Thanks
Jun 15Reply
emms_corner Congratulations on cohosting!🎊🎉 I would really appreciate it if you could stop by my closet and take a look for maybe a potential host pick. Thank you and have a wonderful party!✨
Jun 15Reply
ziznick30 Congrats on hosting Together We Posh! I’m ready to party with you😊🎉👯‍♀️
Jun 15Reply
hibiscusshop 🎉🎉🎉 🎈🎈🎈 Congrats on hosting 🌸🌸🌞🌞 🦋🦋🦋 TOGETHER WE POSH PARTY! 🎉🎉🎉 Have fun! Please consider one of my listings as a host pick. Thanks! 😊🌺🌺🌼🌼🛍🛍🎉🎉
Jun 15Reply
mostlyglam24 @hibiscusshop thank you so very much!! I will choose one of your great items as a host post. Happy Poshing!!
Jun 15Reply
hibiscusshop @mostlyglam24 Thanks! 🌺😊
Jun 15Reply
turnapageresale @mostlyglam24 Congrats on co-hosting the Together We Posh party tonight 🎉 Your closet is absolutely adorable! Take a peek at my closet for a possible Host Pick 🫣 Thanks so much from all of us at Turnapage 🥳🎉🧡🎉🥳
Jun 15Reply
mostlyglam24 @turnapageresale hi!! Thank you!! I sure Will pick one of your great items for tonight’s host pick!
Jun 15Reply
ditooshop @mostlyglam24 Congratulations on cohosting today's Together We Posh Posh Party. I hope you can take a moment to check out my posh-compliant closet for a potential host pick. Thanks!
Jun 16Reply
shop_mer_ Congratulations on hosting the party! Wishing you luck hosting and getting those sales! 💪♥️ ✨
Jun 16Reply
poutypants I love your Kitty’s sweet face!!! 🥹 Congrats on hosting tonight! 🎉🎉🎉 Please check out my closet for HP! 😍😍😍 I’ll be sharing your closet!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 16Reply
jillianchristia Congrats on hosting tonight’s party! Would you mind stopping by my closet for a possible host pick? Thank you so much! ❤️❤️😀😀🙏🙏🥰🥰👍👍😘😘💙💙🎉🎉
Jun 16Reply
acelestialsoul 🥳Yay! You get to Host The TOGETHER WE POSH party! 🤗I’m so excited; I have A LOT of new listings to share. Will you please 🙏 take a look👀 in my closet for 🏆host picks? TYSM🎈See you there. 🍾 🥂
Jun 16Reply
coastalbreeze64 @mostlyglam24 Hi 👋🏼 congrats on co-hosting 🥳 can you please take a look at my closet for a host pick 🥰🤞🏼🎉 thank you!!
Jun 16Reply
sweethonesty3 Congrats on hosting the current party 🎉 Please consider one of my items as a host would be greatly appreciated. 🤗 I hope you have much success and many sales🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳
Jun 16Reply
tahiti_tan333 🎉🎊🥂 Congratulations on co-hosting tonight's party!!! Please visit my closet and consider my items as one of your Host Picks. Wishing you much success. ❤️ Susie
Jun 16Reply
nadiadelsonno Heyyy Ania! HUGE congrats on becoming a host for the “Together We Posh Party”” I have some listings I think you and others might enjoy. I would LOVEE if you would consider them for Host Picks. Health and Happiness to you and yours. Wishing you so many sales!!!! :) Let me know if I should tag you in any of my eligible listings.
Jun 16Reply
2girls2122 Love your cats, Ania ❤️. Awesome, a pharmacist. My daughter's friend is also one. a lot on your feet and body. She goes every month for a full body massage.. Thanks for stopping by, wishing you many sales and more. Don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Stop by my live shows for lots of fun, like my✌️notifications. Happy Poshing 🎉.
Jun 16Reply
nadiadelsonno Heyyy @mostlyglam24 HUGE congrats on becoming a host for the “Premium Denim Posh Party” I have some listings I think you and others might enjoy. I would LOVEE if you would consider them for Host Picks. Health and Happiness to you and yours. Wishing you so many sales!!!! :) Let me know if I should tag you in any of my eligible listings.
Jun 19Reply
cutehosiery @mostlyglam24 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 06Reply
mostlyglam24 @cutehosiery thank you so very much for your kind words. I try to offer stylish/popular brands in all sizes. Thanks for stopping by and Checking out my stuff. It’s a hobby I just can’t put down lol. Happy Poshing!
Sep 06Reply
rachb929 Hi! with your counter offer on the magenta lulu top, would you be willing to include any shipping discount? Thanks :)
Nov 20Reply
mostlyglam24 @rachb929 hi. Yes I can do $55 plus 5.95 ship so if you counter at 52 I’ll accept that will equal a shipping discount:) thank you 😊
Nov 20Reply
mostlyglam24 @rachb929 thank you! It will go out tomorrow! :)
Nov 20Reply
busy_boyer Hello….. hoping it may not be too late to change sizes on item purchased this AM
May 16Reply
mostlyglam24 @busy_boyer hi. I got your message I responded. Size 8 is sold out. Unfortunately
May 16Reply
vintagevogue777 Hi - I found another pair of LULULEMON BRUSHED SOFTSTREME RIBBED ZIP FLARE that are NWT size 4 at $45. Might you be able to match this? I'm looking for 2 pair. (
Jan 13Reply

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