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Updated Sep 28
Updated Sep 28

Meet your Posher, Anissa

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Anissa. Thanks for stopping by & looking around in my closet😘 I am a mother of 3 wonderful children and we are ready to share "our" love for clothes with Y❤️U!! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I LOVE LIFE:) ❤️
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

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melanieschmidt Hi! I'm Melanie. Welcome to Posh, the most addicting app eVer. You'll see! I'm a recovering shopaholic so I have a lovely closet filled with mostly new items, I invite you to check it out! Good luck with your listings and Happy Poshing to you! 💞
Jul 10Reply
tiecountry @niss1968 Neat closet. Looking forward to more!
Jul 17Reply
carolynqx @carolynqx welcome. Hope you love poshing. Is addicting.
Jul 21Reply
niss1968 Thank you So much😉@melanieschmidt
Jul 21Reply
niss1968 So many thanks @tiecountry
Jul 21Reply
niss1968 I love it @carolynqx thank you!!😊
Jul 21Reply
sschuminsky Welcome, Anissa! I have some cute stuff in my closet that I think you might be interested in.
Jul 21Reply
toryshop @niss1968 Hi/I'm @toryshop/sister Closet Holder/top 10% Seller/Site Shopper/& Site Mentor. I'd like to welcome you & invite you to stop by say Hi/we can have ☕️/🍷depending on time/talk Fashion/Style/Beauty & how Poshmark can work for you/& about the Site! Anytime💞I would be glad to help you get started/but Whatever you decide to do/I'm here to help/I see your follow my closet💞! I'll be following yours💞too! @toryshop💞
Jul 22Reply
niss1968 Thank you so much for the sweet message @toryshop 😊
Jul 22Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hi Anissa! I'm Vicky. It's nice to 'e-meet' you! ☺️ FYI..just a few things I have learned to reap ALL the benefits Poshmark has to offer 👏🏻 1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant (PC) closet‼️💯 (post in my closet) 2️⃣ share your closet as well as others 👠👗 3️⃣ follow other PC closets👣👭 4️⃣ let me know if you want to play the follow games! 🤗 ( post in my closet ) ✔check out @poshuniversity & @official_forum for great info on what to sell, how to bundle, sharing etc...👍🏻
Jul 28Reply
niss1968 Wow, thank you so much @vickyss so much to learn and I am having so much fun😜I am addicted to Posh!!! I love getting a sale, the nice packaging and bows I get to make w/a sweet card:) I love doing this, SO 💯 Satisfied more than any other outlet I had tried before. I even got a 🌸Host pick🌸 last night in my kids closet and I have only been on a Week🎉🎉Again, thank you for your pointers and I would love to play a follow game @vickyss I will check out your closet in hopes you have one started!! 🌷
Jul 29Reply
vicky_ymcagirl You are too kind! Thank you! You have a great closet also! And it is quite addicting! ☺️ I will tag you on follow games!👍 🤗
Jul 29Reply
vicky_ymcagirl Hey friends, found us a PC closet to love! Meet Anissa! All my PFFs here have wonderful PC closets and will help you with anything! I'd follow them anywhere! 💕👭👭👭💕 @jodisjewelry 😇 @ptl8 @nic39 @stylenu @tburg21 @croweart @exwolfe @stephunruh @bdbcsr @tezza630 @kbarkhimer @restlessangel @triciatx @kwalden01 @creative2 @warrior04 @lissalynn26 @kirabella35 @angelbritton
Jul 29Reply
angelbritton Welcome Anissa to the Posh Community! I love that dress you are wearing!! Remember to listen to my PFFs @vickyss simple strategies and share share and follow follow! I will share some of your things as a welcome.😙💕😙💕
Jul 29Reply
saintluna Hi Anissa! I'm Jennifer. Welcome to Poshmark! Your closet looks great. Feel free to let me know if you have any questions 😊
Jul 31Reply
niss1968 Awe, Thank you so much😊 @Jenniferptk
Jul 31Reply
janimack7 Hello, ANISSA! 👋🏼 I'm Jan! it is great to meet you! 🌹 You and your closet are beautiful!
Jul 31Reply
niss1968 @janimack7 it's a pleasure to meet you as well!! Thank you for your comments and Posh love it's truly appreciated💐🙏
Aug 01Reply
janimack7 💞💜💞
Aug 02Reply
gwynethh Do you have advice on how to make my first sale?
Aug 10Reply
niss1968 @gwynethh :) hello, it's so nice to hear from you!! Thank you for asking me, I am actually new to Posh as well, I have been active for approximately 12/14 days with clothing and jewelry. Let me peek at your Posh closet..;))😊
Aug 10Reply
niss1968 @gwynethh I think even though I am new I can give you 2 big pieces of advice. When you look at your listings you will see (SHARES) your number was (0) that's how you get people to view your closet and share your closet with others. Everyday I share each item there is an icon on each items page-that says share--I share with my followers. I also, go to find people each day and add new Poshers and suggested Poshers to increase my followers. I will add you( tag you) in the next Follow Game
Aug 10Reply
gwynethh Ok thank you so much!
Aug 10Reply
katsal824 Your are adorable in that dress..I love it. GOD BLESS KAT
Aug 10Reply
niss1968 @katsal824 Awe, you are too sweet... Thank you so very much. 😘😘
Aug 10Reply
ride679 Great closet. Thanks for sharing✌🏽️
Aug 10Reply
niss1968 @ride679 Thank you so much, and you are very welcome. I love POSH!!!
Aug 12Reply
ginger_nj Anissa hello! Your closet is so beautiful and so are you! Thank you for your P💟SH L💟VE and sharing my listings! Enjoy the SUN ☀️ & rest of your WEEKEND! ⛱👙🍦🍹 っ◔︣◡◔᷅)Yesenia
Aug 13Reply
niss1968 @ginger_nj That was the sweetest compliment🌺Thank you so very much!! I loved your closet as well and thank you for being so kind. I am new to selling on Posh and thank you so much💓💓it means so much Yesenia😊. Blessings, Anissa
Aug 13Reply
stylishchic_222 Hello!! I saw your location is Jackson ant. It's my hometown also!!! Welcome aboard😄
Aug 23Reply
kittymav Thank you for sharing my item. ; )
Aug 23Reply
niss1968 @stylishchic_222 yeah🎉thank you for saying Hello!!! It's nice to meet you on Posh!! I will share your closet lots!! I met a lady last week on Posh from Jackson who know lives in Florida--small world:) blessings, Niss
Aug 23Reply
niss1968 @kittymav you are so welcome:) that is what Posh friends are for!!😊😊
Aug 25Reply
vintage2classic Hello, I've been on Poshmark for awhile, but haven't figured out how to make the "meet your posher" listing yet. Any advice is welcomed. Ty, and great items in your closet.
Aug 31Reply
niss1968 @mandn67 Hi Natalie, Thank you for leaving me a message, it's a pleasure to meet you:) I hope you are loving Posh🎉🎉If you have any questions although I am new too we can learn together... Have a Great and Safe Holiday Weekend! @niss1968
Sep 02Reply
4doggypawz Your such a beautiful southern bell👑👑👑💐
Sep 03Reply
niss1968 @faith2bshared You are too sweet!! I know I am so thankful for all you do, it is an absolutely time consuming I know--I feel Blessed to be amongst you and the Ladies in the group😊😘😊
Sep 03Reply
niss1968 @valerieshay7 Valerie, it was all perfect timing I must say😊😘🎉I hope your daughter loved all her stuff:). Thanks so much!!
Sep 03Reply
valerieshay7 @niss1968 Unfortunately it arrived just as we were leaving to go out of town, so I haven't even opened the box. It will be a terrific surprise when we get back home, though!
Sep 03Reply
holly4u Hi cutie, welcome and happy poshing, 😘💕💕
Sep 05Reply
niss1968 @holly4u Awe, Thank you for the warm welcome...Have a fabulous day:)) and many Posh Sales...I will definitely come share your closet:) @niss1968
Sep 05Reply
lisav70 🌹
Sep 07Reply
niss1968 @lisav70 Thank you Lisa😊🌹😊 so very sweet!!!! Have a Fantastic week @niss1968
Sep 07Reply
kmcnett Hope you're always as happy as you look in your pic! ♡ Enjoy your youth! ♡
Sep 10Reply
niss1968 @kmcnett, Kristy...Thank you so much, my youth will be age 50 SOON>>YIKES!! And yes...I am always HAPPY:) Everyday I am given another day to wake-up and enjoy my day is a happier day for me:) Have a Blessed Day!! @niss1968
Sep 11Reply
girlpride Hello!! ☺ thank you for the follow!! I hope you are having a great day!! ☺I am a representative for a health company and we amazing all natural products that are providing incredible results and helping people feel better💜💜this company also makes it super easy to earn extra cash💵 monthly!! I was wondering if there is anything I can help you with, when it comes to your health goals!!! Or are you interested in making extra money💵💵??? HAPPY POSHING
Sep 14Reply
annylou Wow 17k followers. That's amazing. Congratulations! Do you ever have people text you saying "I'm interested in this item, but I'm at work. Please email me at..." Is This s scam? If they're asking to buy off line, why not just ask ( like others do)? I'm just wondering what's up with that & if others also receive similar texts
Sep 24Reply
niss1968 @annylou Hello Louisa, I had a few people try to get me to go to Merc or email them, I am a definite Posh 100% dedicated seller. It is allowing me to homeschool and be w/my girls.. I block them. I would say it's definitely a scam.. Please be careful, I have been an active Posher for eight weeks and love it😊@niss1968
Sep 25Reply
bijoux888 Thank you for the welcome😊😊 Your closet is lovely🗼🗼😆😆
Oct 16Reply
cassmarie8406 @niss1968 Thank you for the shares 😊💝🌸💐
Oct 20Reply
aretcher Hey hun!!!! How did you say to wash the North Face Fleece jacket? Delicate cycle - warm or cold? Then hang dry right?
Nov 22Reply
kikistore Thanks for the shares!
Dec 28Reply
tracy1113 @niss1968 your closet is beautiful and congrats on all your host picks! wow!!! I've only been on poshmark for a month and I have so much to learn
Jan 23Reply
niss1968 @kikistore awe, you are so welcome it's my pleasure! @niss1968
Jan 23Reply
niss1968 @cassmarie8406 you are very welcome:)) my pleasure!!@niss1968
Jan 23Reply
niss1968 @bijoux888 thank you and you are very welcome, let me know if I can help you in any way@niss1968
Jan 23Reply
niss1968 @kikistore you are so welcome@niss1968
Jan 23Reply
niss1968 @tracy1113 you will do awesome!! I will start sharing your closet. Sharing is the key😊 And get in a couple group ( share groups also) Love them!! Let me know if I can help you! @niss1968
Jan 23Reply
niss1968 @annylou yes, I do and I never respond because we are not protected by Posh if we go to emails. If we stay here on Posh they back you up on everything. 😊@niss1968
Jan 23Reply
fivetenandahalf Hi Anissa, thanks for following my closet. Your closet is great! I hope you come around again and find things you love!
Jan 30Reply
niss1968 @purplej thank you😊😊@niss1968
Jan 30Reply
hoffy5 Hello, Please try to ship the Mens shirt and socks this on Tuesday, I am out of town on Friday, the package should get there by Thursday if you do so. Thank you for trying to do so! Bob
Feb 20Reply
hoffy5 I know the post office was closed on Monday for holiday. I was hoping to have you ship on Tuesday, however if you ship today Wednesday, I will not receive before Thursday, hence as mentioned, I leave for out of town on Friday AM, so please excuse my late approval of transaction since I will be not able to connect to the internet on vacation. Thanks anyway for trying!
Feb 22Reply
hmsimon1 Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 25Reply
lesleymmc You have a gorgeous closet/boutique! I will definitely come back and share some love. I too, have adult children (3boys) and 4 grandchildren. They're precious! My sister and her family live near Knoxville. I miss them terribly. Hope you're having a great weekend. Happy Easter 💕🤗
Apr 16Reply
sandragittleson Hi there! I'm sandra... I invite you to check out my closet, I'm a motivated seller,fast shipper, a top 10% Posher. Hope you're having s blessed day! 😊❤️
Apr 30Reply
mchagaa Hello there
May 09Reply
saskicarrerabsq @niss1968 Anissa, thank you for stopping by today. Please feel free to let me know how I may help. If you're needing the matching necklace, add it to the bundle and I'll be able to send my offer to you. Or if you're needing a different piece I may have it in stock. ✨❤️😘
Jun 21Reply
dplymale Thank you for stopping by, and sharing my shoes with others.😊
Jun 29Reply
dks121 Congrats on being a host! Please check out my closet for possible host pick!! Thank you💜
Jul 11Reply
styledbystasia 🎉🌸🎼 Congratulations on being a host for Work Week Chick🎼🌸🌺
Jul 13Reply
cmscordato Thanks for your interest. I am open to offers. Moving sale.
Jul 24Reply
cwood008 I love your style, very cool! Your closet is awesome! Hope you love Poshmark as much as I do!! Have a great night! ✨✨✨✨✨☺️☺️
Aug 09Reply
niss1968 @cwood008 Carleigh, That was the sweetest message, Thank you. I love your closet as well. Posh has been a fabulous outlet for me in helping to provide for my daughters...I love Posh!! Have a blessed night. Anissa
Aug 09Reply
niss1968 @dplymale I am just seeing your message. You are very welcome! Enjoy Poshing...
Aug 09Reply
dplymale @niss1968 again really appreciate you sharing more of my closet items, thank you!!
Aug 10Reply
jackiethomaz Hey! 🙋🏻Thanks for liking/visiting my closet! 🛍 I just wanted to let you know I give huge discounts on bundled items, I'm also very fair if you want to make an offer! 🛒 All purchases receives a free gift as well as same day shipping! 📫🎁 I package all my packages with a lot of ❤️ Happy Poshing! 💕✨
Aug 26Reply
tbren917 Happy shopping
Sep 16Reply
niss1968 @tbren917 thank you. Have a blessed week! @niss1968 🌴
Sep 17Reply
niss1968 @jackiethomaz thank you so much. Have a blessed weekend! @ niss1968🌴
Sep 17Reply
dametaylor I'm new to posh and Im living for your closet! Any Tips tricks to grow followers and sales? Thanks for following!
Sep 20Reply
niss1968 @dametaylor Hi Tracey:) thank you for the sweet compliment!! I ❤️ Posh. I have grown my closet by always adding new Poshers daily from "find people" on the app. Always follow Just joined Posh closets everyday. It takes some time but well worth sales:)🙏 and sharing closets. When you share everyone shares back. Have fun and many Happy Sales! @niss1968 🌴
Sep 21Reply
thepearllady @niss1968 it's great to connect with you! How neat ...My family is from Jackson, Tennessee! Thanks for sharing my jewelry!
Sep 21Reply
niss1968 @thepearllady Heather, thank you for leaving me a sweet comment. It's so nice to meet you here as well. Jackson isn't very large, I just might know your family. I love your pearls💓 have a blessed night! @niss1968 🌴
Sep 21Reply
mariemari Hi @niss1968 Anissa! Thanks for your share! Nice to meet you, my sis is in the great state of TN! 💖🌞🌻
Sep 21Reply
niss1968 @mariemari thank you Melisa:) what part of Tennessee is she in? It's a pleasure to meet you😊 @niss1968
Sep 22Reply
lavieenr0seg0ld @niss1968 thank you! Glad you enjoyed! 😘
Oct 15Reply
everygirlshop Hi! If your interested in the rainbow bright accessories make an offer and I'll ship today!!!
Oct 24Reply
vceijas Hi Anissa, Im a beauty youtuber please check out my channel!!! Please subscribe☺️
Nov 02Reply
wb81 Wow, you are beautiful!
Dec 01Reply
niss1968 @wb81 Leslee, Thank you for the kind compliment!!!😊
Dec 01Reply
unclaimed Beautiful pictures and nice closet , best wishes for your success. Happy holidays.
Dec 06Reply
niss1968 @unclaimed thank you so much for your kind words. Happy Holidays to you and your family! @niss1968
Dec 06Reply
zuzumarket - Happy Happy Sunday!!!😁🦊🐿❄️💨🧤🧣☃️😆
Jan 07Reply
niss1968 @zuzumarket thank you Becca:) Have a very blessed week!!!
Jan 09Reply
niss1968 @silversx75 Brian, you are most welcome! Thank you as well!!
Jan 22Reply
averyavacado Cute!! Check out my closet it would mean a lot !! 😊😊💕
Feb 04Reply
niss1968 @averyavacado Thankyou Avery😊Love your closet!! Happy Poshing!!
Feb 04Reply
adriennef315 Hi! Thank you for following me! 😀 I hope you like my items! I'm constantly adding a variety of new items! If you see anything you are interested in or have any questions please feel free to reach out to me! I am offering combined shipping on bundles & 10% off of bundles with 2 or more items 🤗
Feb 07Reply
niss1968 @adriennef315 Thank you Adrienne. You have a beautiful closet. 😊 Have a blessed day! @niss1968
Feb 07Reply
vceijas Hi, you follow me on poshmark. Check out my instagram , and if you like please follow . vanessaceijasMUA
Apr 04Reply
niss1968 @vceijas thank you😊Happy Poshing!
Apr 12Reply
niss1968 @tricitymerch Thank you Justin😊😊your closet is awesome as well!!
Jun 01Reply
postmodernpoppy Thanks for sharing!
Aug 17Reply
niss1968 @cg3hring your most welcome!
Aug 17Reply
niss1968 @peaceluvandcats ❤️🙏❤️
Aug 28Reply
areyounice Thanks for following me!
Aug 28Reply
jv71 Thankyou for the follow babygirl 😘😍❤️
Aug 28Reply
jimbarham5150 Jackson, TN. , Really? I work for FedEx in Jackson, I’ll bet I’ve delivered to you at some point.
Sep 03Reply
niss1968 @jimbarham5150 it’s nice to meet you here on Posh!! Have fun and enjoy! It’s a small world😊😊
Sep 04Reply
niss1968 @areyounice your most welcome:))😊
Sep 04Reply
niss1968 @jv71 your very welcome! Have a great week!😊
Sep 04Reply
resourcing_rob Thank you for visiting and following my closet Anissa, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Sep 04Reply
selling4donna Thanks for the follow 😊
Sep 04Reply
niss1968 @marioncolombo 😊You are most welcome! Have a great Tuesday!
Sep 04Reply
niss1968 @resourcing_rob thank you so much😊😊
Sep 04Reply
areyounice Thanks for sharing
Sep 10Reply
niss1968 @areyounice Stephan, you are so welcome!
Sep 10Reply
areyounice ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
Sep 10Reply
jtcr455 Thank you for sharing
Sep 10Reply
niss1968 @jtcr455 Jane, your most welcome! You have a great closet😊
Sep 11Reply
jtcr455 Thank you for sharing
Sep 11Reply
sleon382 Beautiful closet just like you. I want to get as many followers as you!!!!
Sep 19Reply
niss1968 @sleon382 😊Thank you Sheldon😊I’m sharing your closet, let’s get you a bunch more followers 😊😊
Sep 19Reply
sleon382 @niss1968 you are as sweet as can be and I thank you i will return the favor dear
Sep 19Reply
sleon382 @niss1968 thank you so much for the shares and it is a real pleasure to see you again
Sep 20Reply
sleon382 @niss1968 thank you for sharing me again it s great to see your smile
Sep 24Reply
niss1968 @sleon382 your so welcome!😊
Sep 25Reply
kfab333 @niss1968 Hello there 💕😊thank you for stopping by - if you would like to bundle your likes I can send a discount and ship with your gifts 🎁 asap
Oct 04Reply
niss1968 @kfab333 thank you:)))
Oct 05Reply
kfab333 @niss1968 💕😊💕😊
Oct 05Reply
blond_anna Thank you for the follow Anissa 💖
Oct 26Reply
niss1968 @anushkaco 😊your most welcome!
Oct 27Reply
alexxchz Welcome beautiful 😊😘 @niss1968
Oct 31Reply
niss1968 @alexxchz 😊Thank you Alex😊
Nov 01Reply
artbylee @niss1968 Hello Nissa! I hope you are having a wonderful day! Just wanted to thank you 😊 for sharing the PoshLove! I appreciate that a lot! Happy Poshing, Lee
Nov 08Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by and take a look at my closet. I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached. Brands such as Nike, MAC, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more! So take a look around, and if there is something you like but not the price, send me an offer! XoXo, B.
Nov 12Reply
niss1968 @beeblakelee Thank you so much Blake😊❤️Have a great day!!
Nov 12Reply
mjackman983 @niss1968 thank you beautiful for sharing my listings 😊
Nov 13Reply
niss1968 @mjackman983 your so welcome! Have a great week❤️😊
Nov 13Reply
mjackman983 @niss1968 thanks, you too dear 😘
Nov 13Reply
niss1968 @dogg6198 Thank you Dc!❤️😊Have a great weekend!
Nov 16Reply
niss1968 @afwatch Hello, Thank you so much!! Blessings😊😊
Dec 09Reply
onemoretime_ @niss1968 Thanks for sharing
Jan 02Reply
niss1968 @onemoretime_ your so welcome! Happy New Year!
Jan 03Reply
maidmarian Love shares for sharing my host pick 🥰 marian
Jan 17Reply
niss1968 @maidmarian Marian, your so welcome. Have a great weekend! 😊😊
Jan 18Reply
maidmarian @niss1968 you too 🥰
Jan 18Reply
chrisdrob32 Moving soon please make offers on your bundled likes. I'd love to negotiate and price my closet for these items to sale.
Jan 22Reply
jvl554 Good morning Anissa and thanks for the multiple shares! Those are always appreciated. Have a wonderful day and good Poshing!!!! 🤑 Joel
Jan 30Reply
krissylimo Hi Anissa! Just stopping by to say hi! Nice closet! I will definitely be back to shop and share 🌺🌺
Feb 20Reply
niss1968 @krissylimo Kristy, Thank you so much. I love your closet also! Have a great Day!!😊😊Happy Poshing! 🎉
Feb 20Reply
niss1968 @jvl554 Good morning. Have a Happy Posh Wednesday!!😊🎉
Feb 20Reply
kerry1313 Hey sweetie..sending lots of hugs and love and kindness 🤗❤️😊 love ur closet
Feb 21Reply
niss1968 @kerry1313 Thank you😊Susan for the sweet compliment!! I love your closet too!! 😘❤️Happy Poshing!!
Feb 21Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Mar 04Reply
nkassie Thank you for sharing my posts! :)
Apr 03Reply
kassavabread @niss1968 Thanks for ths share, hun. I hope you find something you like in my closet. Have a wonderful day 🌹
Apr 24Reply
houseoframos Thank you for sharing my closet, wishing you many sales & good luck on your poshmark journey💜 😊
May 08Reply
ahall414 @niss1968 graduations on your party! If you should have time to glance at my closet to see if I have anything host pick worthy, I’d appreciate it!💗💗
May 31Reply
ladycrackerjack @niss1968 ❤️💕❤️💕Congratulations!! ❤️💕❤️💕 I am so excited for you! Have the best time ever ⭐️Hosting your Very Own party tomorrow, 6/1 !❤️Cant wait to party & celebrate your day! Xo -Kat ❤️💕 - [ ]
May 31Reply
fourhanger I would love for you to consider one of my items as a host pick. It would totally make my day completely. ❤️😀❤️😀❤️
Jun 01Reply
michaelciriello ❤️🔥❤️
Jun 01Reply
myclassicstash Hi, Congratulations on hosting tonight’s Weekend Ready Posh Party! I’d be so thrilled if you would consider and item from my closet as one of your Host Picks. Thank you for your consideration, Jaqui @myclassicstash
Jun 01Reply
bryllianz You have a nice closet. Good verity of items in all different sizes. I shared a verity so those following me can see you have something for everyone. 🌻 💖 🐒 ❤️ 😁
Jun 01Reply
monascollection @niss1968 🎊🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my designs and the listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @merri_graceland @modig @cathyfrangos @pietta @lndc62 @sfish33 @lillylife @myvintagelady @giniva93 @bohochicbowteek @terri_lynns @wildcaresalot @michjprieto @fashiondiva411 @acelestialsoul
Jun 01Reply
monascollection @niss1968 🎉🍷Congratulations on hosting the upcoming party. I would be honored if you considered my designs and the listings of my PFF’s as a host pick. 🍾💝🎊 I’ll be sharing no matter what. @anamaral @bonniesailer @legalbeagle922 @flippintickled @ms_penny_posher @mimi447 @heidizme @808classysassy @erincavezza @sluvscats @poshcloset173 @funkyhulagirl @romualdo1 @flghtmedc1907
Jun 01Reply
reace28 Good evening I just shared a few of your items please return the favor happy poshhhing ps a host pick wouldn’t hurt 😎
Jun 02Reply
poshmel888 @niss1968 Hi there, Anissa! YaaayYooo!! \😄/ How exciting you’re hosting a party! I know you’re incredibly busy :/ but? If you have a moment could you please pop by my closet and take a peek for a possible host pick? Thank you!!! Sending you ALL THE POSHPARTYLUCK I CAN MUSTER!! Rock. The. House ~~~ 🎋🍀🦄🌈💘💕🌸💵💵💵💵🙏💫❤️🕺🏽💃🏽⚡️🍀🎋💵💵✨
Jun 02Reply
stacysmith690 I love posh mark awesomess 4sure
Jun 19Reply
niss1968 @stacysmith690 Thank you Stacy! Have a great day😀😀
Jun 19Reply
niss1968 @redsport1 your very kind! Thank you
Jun 28Reply
cindysfaves828 @niss1968 hello👋I'm hoping to host a Posh and Sip. I'm looking for a partner in Jackson. Are you interested? Best regards no matter what ✌ I'm looking at Nov. 16, Starbucks or other venue?
Oct 29Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Dec 11Reply
redsport1 @niss1968 merry Xmas :)
Dec 25Reply
mrsknle Hola- Just a note of thx for sharing from my closet, 👟+👕, where every day is a boy’s day. This Posher is hustling for a new Chanel bag to add to my 2020 wardrobe. I made a resolution to save more but there’s a grey crossbody calling my name constantly. I must respond. 😀 Appreciate it & Happy Poshing!
Jan 27Reply
johnnygripyahoo My goodness I gotta get to Tennessee
Jul 10Reply
johnnygripyahoo My best friend lives in Tennessee
Jul 10Reply
asavage01 @niss1968 Thank you for your time and stopping by my closet 🥰 I have a bundle sale (💐3/15$) going on in women, home, kids & men. Look for the bundle of flowers 💐💐💐💐💐 Bundle 3 or more selected sale listings & each item comes out to 5$ + 7$ shipping fee. no pressure #poshlove A percentage of my sales goes towards a no kill local Humane Society. 🐱🐶🐈🐶
Aug 11Reply
mailllle Feel free to check out my closet! :-)
Aug 26Reply
niss1968 @mailllle thank you, I sure will look at your closet! Happy poshing!
Aug 26Reply
niss1968 @redsport1 you are too sweet!
Aug 28Reply
niss1968 @redsport1 yes sir🙏🙏
Aug 28Reply
niss1968 @redsport1 where are you traveling ?
Aug 28Reply
niss1968 @midwestjock enjoy posh! 💪🏻
Sep 09Reply
niss1968 @midwestjock Awesome!😊
Sep 11Reply
ksenyayoung Hi Anissa! Thank you so much to checking out my closet!!! Just wanted to give you a heads up that we're currently running a buy 4 items for $20 Sale! Sale runs for the 4 for $20.00 that is marked only🌺🌺. Happy poshing!!!
Sep 20Reply
niss1968 @ksenyayoung thank you so very much! ❤️❤️
Sep 20Reply
niss1968 @redsport1 happy Voting day!😉
Nov 03Reply
redsport1 @niss1968 I can’t vote from England
Nov 04Reply
niss1968 @redsport1 you are always so sweet!!!☺️
Nov 23Reply
thedealmama Congrats on hosting a party! Please consider my posh compliant closet for a host pick, I have press on nails in every color including rainbows if you are picking by color;)
Feb 03Reply
niss1968 @thecurvymama thank you!!! I will definitely look at your closet!:))
Feb 03Reply
beclassybebold I LOVE your Items!!!😍👏👏 Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Great Sales Day!😃♥️
Feb 04Reply
niss1968 @beclassybebold thank you!❤️❤️
Feb 04Reply
momof2boys621 Salam beautiful, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses & hijabs from the Middle East🌍Welcome to Poshmark 😊Love your listings by the way!
Jul 05Reply
charleshamil280 Very beautiful
Sep 28Reply
watsonlilmommy @niss1968 hello check out my closet see something you like send me and offer or bundle up on a discount everything must go lost my grandma trying to raise some funds for her tombstone anything will help
May 23Reply
cutehosiery @niss1968 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 16Reply

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Last Active: Oct 06 2024

Jackson, TN
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Last Active: Oct 06 2024

Jackson, TN
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