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Updated Feb 16
Updated Feb 16

Meet your Posher, Ann

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ann. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to ask any questions. I want my customers to feel satisfied :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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mariahweikel Welcome to Posh! Best of luck selling! 😊
Mar 02Reply
7lovesoles Greetings Ann! Congratulations 🍾 on listing your first items! I have witnessed that those who are active in this community have greater success. As a Poshmark Ambassador I would like to share a few tips you may find helpful. 1. Share your items OFTEN 2. Share other people items ESPECIALLY when they have shared yours! 3. Follow follow follow! Follow others specifically those that are following you. Don’t forget to have fun! I am here if you have questions. Best regards @7lovesoles
Mar 05Reply
matbayb Thanks so much for checking out my closet, following and sharing 🤗. Happy Poshing 💰💰💐😍😎
Apr 10Reply
sophiesspace Thanks for share
Apr 14Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Kann. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 18Reply
annbichon @connie_posh Thank you for the advice and sharing my items. Happy spring/Easter to you!
Apr 19Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to Poshmark I wish you much success and happy Easter
Apr 20Reply
annbichon @suite3b Oh dear! 😟 I’m a newbie and have never experienced this problem. I will contact Poshmark support.
Apr 22Reply
annbichon @suite3b I emailed them. I will get back to you on this. So sorry. I was looking forward to your receipt of the necklace too.
Apr 22Reply
annbichon @suite3b We will see. 😐
Apr 22Reply
annbichon @suite3b So relieved!
Apr 22Reply
annbichon I mailed 2 things that day. Are you in KY or NY?
Apr 22Reply
lizasluckyfinds I am so glad that the embroidered jeans fit so well! That’s always such a great feeling when everything works out when you weren’t too sure it would. Thanks again for your purchase! I’m sure they look awesome on you!
Apr 26Reply
baysidelu Hi 👋 Awesome closet 🛍🎁 Gladly I am following you back 🎈🎈🎈
May 06Reply
kimssilver105 Hello. I just contacted posh mark. Never received my shorts order. Checked tracking. Shows not delivered. I will accept as soon as I receive them. Thank you
May 16Reply
annbichon @kimssilver105 I know. I’ve been watching for their delivery. They could have been misdelivered. I’m sorry. Wish I could fix this. If you hear back from Posh let me know.
May 16Reply
kimssilver105 Woo hoo. They came today. How about that. As soon as you say something things work out. Can’t wait to try them on!! Thank you
May 16Reply
annbichon @kimssilver105 I’m relieved. Glad you received them.
May 16Reply
nan20002 Hi love and happy week 🤗can you check my closet when you have time and thank you
May 21Reply
annbichon @nan20002 Oh my! I think the only things I can wear are the rings!
May 21Reply
nan20002 @annbichon I am addicted on ring too 😘🤗Thank you so much for following me back
May 21Reply
sayyestojewelry Hi there 🥰❤️ I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet✨ Let me know if you have any questions! ☺️💖 Thank you for your time 💞💞
May 22Reply
annbichon @sayyestojewelry Nice closet! Love all those earrings. Thank you for sharing my stuff. 💜
May 22Reply
hmqpam_18 Thank you so much for sharing my item. If you find something that sets your heart a fire please contact me. Ok always willing to take offers. Again thank you sooo much. 😄👍
May 31Reply
annbichon @hmqpam_18 Thank you! I’ll check it out 😊
May 31Reply
grammytata2012 Hi, Welcome to Poshmark! Hope you enjoy it as much as I do. I am a Posh Ambassador, if you have any questions. I am here to help. Feel free to check out my closet for a special bundle savings. Sending positive vibes. Happy Poshing! :)
Jun 04Reply
jocole96 Welcome happy poshing, 😃
Jun 08Reply
baggaliciouz @annbichon welcome to stop by and Offer on any Likes 🎀
Jun 09Reply
koshfinds Hi @annbichon! Thank you for your support, very excited to be on Poshmark!
Jun 10Reply
melinferno Thanks for sharing my listings... Mel
Jun 10Reply
jyoteub @annbichon thank you for sharing my listing 💜
Jun 10Reply
tj808 It's your fellow posher Acacia! I wish your future closet sucess and that you finally discover new fashionable items you truly love. Have an amazing rest of your day. Thanks for sharing my listing! You Rock!
Jun 12Reply
texanlady Welcome to poshmark 🙋💕 🌻
Jun 13Reply
janfast Hi Ann! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Jun 14Reply
soshoppystore Thank you
Jun 14Reply
2ndhandtreasure Thank you for choosing to follow my closet. I browsed your closet and love your selection and layout. I hope you have much success.
Jun 14Reply
annbichon @2ndhandtreasure Thank you! I wish you success too.
Jun 14Reply
tschlitt Thanks for the shares! Just wanted to stop by and say hello! If you get a chance, come check out my closet :) if there is something you like, but not the price, just make an offer. I am having a total closet clear out so EVERYTHING MUST GO! I do next day shipping and sometimes even same day! I am adding new things every day! Happy Poshing! Xoxo, T. Also, I shared some of your listings! I wish you speedy sales!
Jun 15Reply
cburton81 Hi and thank you so much for the offer. I look forward to finding my place on this app with more of my listings :)
Jun 17Reply
reccawear I have a few question What are the top 5 selling items on Posh right now in Canada ? What would you recommend I use to send my items clothing , Jewelry etc? @Reccawear Rebecca
Jun 18Reply
annbichon @reccawear Hi. I’m not poshing from Canada. I don’t know who would know the answer. What I do is hunt for unique stuff (the fun part) and try to price it down the middle of what others are pricing similar items. You’ll get the groove of it. Have fun!
Jun 18Reply
linda1949cm Hi I’m Linda, One of the many Posh Ambassadors and Mentors . Warmest Welcome To Poshmark 🌺 Congratulations on starting your closet . I wish you success in selling and buying. If you have any questions , please feel free to ask. 🌺 Have a great day 🌺
Jun 22Reply
blinkie99 Tysm for all the shares❤️😊
Jun 23Reply
kissedbythegulf Hello! Thank you for the follow. All of my baby clothing is BOGO free with a 10% discount on top of sale if you are interested. Other Items have a bundle discount of 2/20%
Jun 24Reply
liplindy Thanks for following me and the share
Jul 03Reply
hoova52 Thanks so much for following me and have a blessed day
Jul 10Reply
hoova52 So kind of you to share my listing
Jul 10Reply
jennymess822 Thanks for the share! As a thank you I'm offering you a special for 3 dresses for $50 or mix and match 3 pcs of clothing/shoes/homegoods for $30 (excludes NIKE sneakers)! Or feel free to make me any offer(s) on anything you like! I'm very reasonable with pricing! Come take a look! 😊 Happy Poshing! And thanks again! The poshmark support is always appreciated!!
Jul 10Reply
annbichon @jennymess822 Thank you for the offer. I’ll take a good look at your closet.
Jul 10Reply
kb571960 @annbichon thank u for the share
Jul 12Reply
artistinspired Hi Ann - Thanks for sharing my listing! 🌷🌺
Jul 17Reply
carissamariexo Hi there! Thanks so much for sharing 🥰 Happy Poshing 🌸👗😊
Jul 17Reply
yvonnesg92 @annbichon thanks for the share 😁🌻
Jul 18Reply
mariva931 @annbichon Thank you so much Ann for visiting and following my closet and for all the shares 🤗🤗 Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!
Jul 28Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet! I hope you have a wonderful evening and successful Poshing! 😊
Jul 31Reply
annbichon @lynnsarmoire What I would do is send her a message, suggesting she bundle them and you will make an offer. Good luck and don’t be stressed! 😊
Jul 31Reply
poshmarisa Hi! I have a question for you about a sale that I recently had. You were the first person who reached out to me on poshmark so I thought you'd be a good person to ask.
Aug 01Reply
annbichon @mjf31295 Go ahead and ask me 😊
Aug 01Reply
poshmarisa @annbichon I recently sold something but the the user apparently doesn't exist? But I do have an address for them. Do I still ship?
Aug 01Reply
annbichon @mjf31295 I’m confused. How does the seller not exist?
Aug 01Reply
poshmarisa @annbichon idk I googled it and apparently poshmark allows guest users. I'm going to still ship
Aug 01Reply
annbichon @mjf31295 Yes, they can be guest users. No worries!
Aug 01Reply
1dayatatime020 @annbichon Hi Ann; I'm Ana Luisa! It's great to have you here on Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet any time you have a chance! Thank you very much for sharing my Posh listings; I truly appreciate it!
Aug 06Reply
annbichon @1dayatatime020 Will do! Thank you for the greeting 😊
Aug 06Reply
reccawear Hi there I have a few questions if you have a min
Aug 09Reply
alott84 @annbichon Good morning I have a 2/$10 dollar sale in my closet on all item's priced under $8🤗🤗 I ship out the same day as well
Aug 27Reply
lavenderbuddha Glad you're here! Take a peek inside my closet and you will find new and pre-owned clothing for men and women, Coach & Vera Bradley purses, jewelry and home decor! Hope you find something you like! Wherever you shop, enjoy yourself. Blessings and be well!! 😄
Aug 27Reply
annbichon @lavenderbuddha Thank you. You as well!
Aug 27Reply
mountainmaster Ann iamnew toposh selling. Long time 17 year ebay clothing seller but looking to something new. I amnot understanding the sharing and following. Are there tutorials or videos tohelp me under stand how to share, follow, or more importantly why. Ihave a ton of items to list just dont know how to promote it. Any info to help?
Aug 30Reply
annbichon @mountainmaster Go to Guide to Poshmark. That should be helpful. Good luck 🍀
Aug 30Reply
mountainmaster @annbichon yep already read that stuff and it doesn't make any sense to me
Aug 30Reply
annbichon @mountainmaster You follow and share whoever follows you and shares your items. This gives you more exposure to buyers.
Aug 31Reply
carolann3 Thanks for returning the Posh love! Happy Poshing to you! xo Carol-Ann 💜
Sep 13Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet 😂🤟🏻💜 Happy week and poshing ❤️🤟🏻💜
Sep 17Reply
pmshannon Thanks for sharing my Brighton Bag!
Oct 01Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for sharing my item. Have a wonderful day 😊
Oct 07Reply
annbichon @aprilgodwin Hi, April. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 09Reply
annbichon @mirellangel Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 09Reply
annbichon @jeveryday Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 09Reply
annbichon @ejeveryday Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 09Reply
annbichon @noeldoubek Hi, Noel. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 09Reply
annbichon @mingislingis13 Hi, Andrea. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 09Reply
myjoyfamily Welcome to our Posh closet! May your shopping experiences be inspiring and rewarding!
Oct 10Reply
jlafemina19 Thank u for the share!
Oct 11Reply
annbichon @crimsonvintage Hi, Kevin. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 12Reply
annbichon @tiggatann Hi, Tigga. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 12Reply
annbichon @chiresalelady Hi, Jessica. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 17Reply
annbichon @bella1844 Hi, Bella. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 17Reply
annbichon @kaylanichole0 Hi, Nicki. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 17Reply
annbichon @horsesrulep16 Hello! Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “likes”. Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 19Reply
annbichon @rachellemarie11 Hi, Rachelle. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 23Reply
annbichon @juanita444 Hi, Juanita. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 23Reply
annbichon @marce1021 Hello! Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 23Reply
marce1021 @annbichon thank you so much but I on,y like the cat purse . Hopefully I can get some sales going here and purchase it soon❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oct 24Reply
annbichon @mrecio04 Hi, Melinda. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 26Reply
annbichon @gabzzzzz Hi, Gaby. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “likes.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 26Reply
annbichon @trublu24 Hi, Anita. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 26Reply
sbashley3 Welcome 🙏To posh a great 👍🏿 community 2 become a part of. If you ❤️ Love fashion 👠👗U R in the right place. So let’s go just start clicking through all the beautiful closets. Lots of “oohs 😵"aah's" Yes fascinating remember your in an awesome community ask questions, & be sure 2 share 👏 help 👮‍♂️is always plentiful. A new beginning of meeting neww people 👩‍🦳👨‍🦱 a world of networking & Learning👨🏽‍🎓🎓amoung new friends. So #POSH on👔👞don't forget 2 enjoy the journey LIVE 🌸LAUGH 😃& ENJOY🙏 g
Oct 29Reply
annbichon @rgomz Hi, Rosa. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 31Reply
annbichon @olyaolya Hello! Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 31Reply
annbichon @hannahhtaylor19 Hi, Hannah. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Oct 31Reply
unclaimed Ann Beautiful pictures ,Thanks for your support .Enjoy a 50%off allowance on your next purchase of $50 or more($10 off $25) Expires  11/14/2019.
Nov 10Reply
annbichon @jenncerpa Hi, Jenn. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 10Reply
annbichon @juanita444 Hi, Juanita. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “likes.” Feel to bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 12Reply
annbichon @radiusgg Hi, Anna. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 12Reply
annbichon @only1robie Hi, Robie. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 12Reply
annbichon @jennaleighe Hi, Jenna. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 12Reply
annbichon @muchxtoxfar Hi, Denise. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 12Reply
annbichon @tishclark24 Hi, Tish. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 12Reply
annbichon @jody0424 Hi, Jody. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “like.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 12Reply
annbichon @halmaroposh Hi, Martin. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “likes.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 16Reply
maisiejane3 Thank you for sharing my closets! I truly appreciate your support 💗💗. Diane K.
Nov 16Reply
annbichon @ramirezcel Hi, Celeste. Thank you for shopping my closet and thank you for your “likes.” Feel free to make an offer or bundle up some buys and I’ll send you a deal!
Nov 20Reply
ramirezcel @annbichon hi there! 😊 Found some things I really like. How does the buy one get one work?
Nov 20Reply
annbichon @ramirezcel Look for items with a flower next to the title buy 1 get 1 free. The least expensive is the free one.
Nov 20Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!!😃
Nov 27Reply
haertfelt1 Hi Ann. Thank you for following my closet. While I was here I sent out posh love❤. Happy poshing...
Nov 27Reply
dazemarie Hello! For the holidays I want to offer you 40% off any item in my closet! Just bundle it and I will apply the discount. I will ship out the next morning. Happy holidays and happy poshing!
Dec 19Reply
_bryanna_13 Thanks for the follow! Check out my closet and like/bundle any items you’re interested in. All bundles of 3 or more items get an automatic 20% discount and I try to offer another discount on top of that for any size bundle you create. I’m open to offers. I’m just trying to clear out my closet while I’m home! Have a great day!
Dec 23Reply
bertads ❄️⛄️Hello Ann I’m Bertha thanks for the follow wishing you many sales ❄️⛄️
Dec 23Reply
onegirlforever Hello Ann!
Jan 05Reply
unclaimed Ann thanks for your purchase and 5* rating. Enjoy a 50% off allowance on your next purchase of $50 of more($10 off $25) expires 1/31/20
Jan 16Reply
annbichon @unclaimed I’ll check it out. Thank you.
Jan 16Reply
momof2boys621 Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East and hijab friendly clothing 💕
Jan 23Reply
healingbeauty Thank you so much for sharing me on Twitter! ! It means the world to me🤗 I've never had social media, so it's super special to be 'out there' ! I'm unable to return the favor in the same way, but I'm omw to share now 💗🙌🏽💗 xoxo Thank you!!!
Jan 29Reply
healingbeauty Your closet is so lovely!
Jan 29Reply
annbichon @healingbeauty Glad to do it. Thank you!
Feb 03Reply
angeldarling Hi🙋‍♀️Thank you so much for all the shares 👜👗👠😊💓🌺 🎉🎉🎉Happy Poshing🎉🎉🎉
Mar 22Reply
mardenboroughm Thank you for the 5 star rating and your lovely feedback I hope you enjoy the earrings ♥️❤️❤️
Mar 24Reply
merlekb thank you for following my closet. I hope you find some interesting stuff. I had a chance to browse and share your closet too. If you see something you like..... Make me an offer. Stay safe and have a great day!
Apr 06Reply
annbichon @merlekb Thank you! Peace.
Apr 06Reply
daffodildog23 Ann, thanks for your notation on the purchase of your purse: , it’s kind of rare to get feedback, but I enjoy the connection. Elizabeth
Apr 21Reply
nananellasrooms Hello Ann! Would love it if you could check out my closet. I’m fairly new to this but I am still adding items whenever I can. Any suggestions or pointers, I’m open for it. If you see anything you like feel free to make an offer. Wish you great sakes and happy Poshing 🙏🤗🌺
Apr 21Reply
nananellasrooms Such a great closet! How do you get everything color coordinated here? That’s pretty amazing 😳🤗🌺
Apr 21Reply
annbichon @nanazl327 The color coordination is kinda fun. Just started sorting my departments that way. Your closet looks good. You have enough photos (my pet peeve) and good descriptions. Good luck on your poshing!
Apr 21Reply
nananellasrooms @annbichon oh I see. Well I think that’s pretty cool. I like it!! Thank you fir letting me know I’m doing something right. Being fairly new I wasn’t exactly sure of all the ins and outs lol.a bit over but I’m trying so thank you 🙏🤗🌺
Apr 21Reply
hillmill61 hey A, thank you for sharing some of our listings!
Apr 27Reply
514lenab thanks for the Posh Love!!!😘✌❤
Apr 28Reply
eva__g Thank you for visiting my closet and for sharing ❤️❤️👗👗👗🌼🌼💕💕💕
May 01Reply
lilanastasia Hi Ann! Just wanted to thank you for your purchase of the C & B top! I will pack it and send it in the morning! 😀
May 09Reply
lilanastasia Good Morning! I am packing your lovely top and just wanted to let you know that your shipping label says 2 day shipping so it will be there shortly!! Thank you again!!💐
May 09Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊 Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 19Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy New Year. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  Adding new stuff weekly
Jan 21Reply
shopamorejewels Greetings! I would like to offer you a 50% off any item or items you like from my closet. Please visit my closet and take care! 😊🌸
Jan 31Reply
tweedydo2 Hi Am 💕🌻🌻On a cloudy,rainy day Sunflowers turn towards each other to share their energy let’s become the same flower in each others lives. Let us supporting and  empowering each other during their of despair. “So keep comforting one another with these words.” Isaiah 41:10 ” Do not be Afraid “ Jehovah’s creation has so much to teach us. The Bible is like a powerful light. We can use the Bible to show us how to make good decisions and to help us see what lies ahead. KEEP SAFE 🙏💕
Feb 01Reply
nearandfar_ Hi! Check out my closet :) I think you’ll like what you find💗
Apr 05Reply
alohasunnybeach 🪴thank you for the generous Sharing 🌸🏝🪴aloha Doll!!🌸🌸🏝 Happy Poshing 💕
Sep 17Reply
poshmf Hi 👋 welcome to poshmark feel free to check out my closet sometime 😊   I have an assortment of items and clothes from mens, women's, kids, books, and jewelry   Bundle a few items to save even more! thanks and happy poshing.
Feb 11Reply
cutehosiery @annbichon Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
May 25Reply
rhonda_anne I hope that you have a blessed year! I am giving away a free 925 sterling silver heart necklace with the purchase of any purse .....this month in April 2023
Apr 18Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Nov 08Reply

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Last Active: Mar 08

Tucson, AZ
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Last Active: Mar 08

Tucson, AZ
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