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Updated Nov 19
Updated Nov 19

Meet your Posher, Annie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Annie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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lavra_l and 7 others like this
dearcarmen 💙‼️Hi‼️💙 💫Welcome to✨P O S H M A R K‼️‼️ ✨✨I hope that you find the time ✨✨ ✨✨✨to browse through this✨✨✨ ✨✨A✨M A Z I N G 💎app 💃 ✨✨ ✨Have lots of fun & reach out to me ✨ ✨✨✨if you have any Q's!!! ✨✨✨ ✨✨I would be so happy to help✨✨ ✨✨💙H💙A💙P💙P💙Y💙✨✨ ✨💙P💙O💙S💙H💙I💙N💙G💙✨
Dec 11Reply
rethread_finds Welcome to Poshmark!
May 05Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jun 07Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Jun 16Reply
opalandwood Hello fellow Poshmark queen! 👸 When you get the time take a peek at my closet, I think you’d like it. I have reasonable prices on ladies clothing, shoes, bags and accessories. I can also give you an extra discount if you bundle more than one item. Thank you Annie! 💕🌼
Jul 23Reply
thesunriseiris Hi! I hope you’re enjoying your Poshmark adventure! Feel free to come on over and check out my closet! Happy Poshing! 😊🛍📦
Sep 11Reply
crystalco Hi Annie! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet! I appreciate it very much! Have a great evening!🌺Patricia
Nov 07Reply
hsbolden62 Hi Annie, I thank you so much for purchasing my Anthropologie Sweater. It is greatly appreciate and will ship out tomorrow. Blessings! :-)
Feb 20Reply
hsbolden62 I’m so glad you liked it! Your right it’s such a beautiful top and the material is awesome! Thank you for purchasing from me and I’m so glad u loved the Anthropologie sweater. Please continue to stop by my closet I add items daily. Blessings :-)
Feb 28Reply
rhen711339 thank you for your purchase it will be in the mail tomorrow!!😁
Mar 01Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! ✨✨
Mar 24Reply
txchelsey I’m so sorry. I hit the wrong button because I’m crazy. Please forgive me.
May 08Reply
txchelsey I am not good with this app yet at all. I am about to drop the price of those navy Tieks. I declined an offer from you for 100 so I wanted to see if you are still interested before I mark them down. Thanks.
May 16Reply
braegreymomma @sarawitta I haven’t received it yet!!!! I hope it gets here eventually. I really liked that sweater 😬
Jun 04Reply
braegreymomma @sarawitta I just tracked it and it was at eastern Maine distribution it appears to be getting closer to me.
Jun 04Reply
smadron Seems like you and I have the same interests in the brulee necklaces!! I feel like I found them pretty late in the game. They’re SO pricey!!
Aug 23Reply
braegreymomma @smadron yes! I just found them during quarantine. The past sales are so reasonable and now they’re crazy expensive 😭. I keep trying though.
Aug 23Reply
smadron @braegreymomma me too!! Honestly I can’t even remember how I found them on here, but I was originally looking for a pair of jeans LoL. I can help you look if you’d like. I’m looking for the same pink jumbo one and the multicolor one, also the jumbo green iridescent one. I’d love to find the orange, (not the double) but I haven’t even seen it listed anywhere at all.
Aug 23Reply
braegreymomma @smadron same! If I find any I will tag you. Or see other places. I haven’t seen the orange besides the double. I do have the double and the color is amazing! I can imagine how nice the single is!
Aug 23Reply
smadron @braegreymomma yes!! I just found the double orange one about a week ago and received it yesterday. SO PRETTY! I’m going to post photos of the ones I’m looking for today. Are you looking for any other ones besides the ones on your main page? I’ve seen a few recently, like the dark blue, large yellow, and iridescent ones etc.
Aug 23Reply
braegreymomma @smadron just the ones on my page. I have jumbo teal and yellow. Double orange & blue. Single pink strand. Just typing this out makes me want to vomit considering how much money I have spend on these 🤪 also I just bought the pink milky Brulee. I haven’t received it yet, but I can’t wait! Again, sick to my stomach 🤣🤣🤣
Aug 23Reply
smadron @braegreymomma oh my gosh I know!! I haven’t gotten the jumbo teal one yet, but I will eventually. I have the jumbo yellow one and it gorgeous. There’s two different jumbo yellow ones- seems like the other one is harder to find. The milky pink one is super pretty, but I haven’t found it anywhere for less than $300. 😩
Aug 23Reply
braegreymomma @smadron I have only seen pics of the other yellow one. So pretty. The pink one...I paid just barely under $300. I am going to have to sleep with it on to get use out of it 🤣.
Aug 23Reply
braegreymomma The jumbos are so beautiful. I want them all!!!
Aug 23Reply
smadron @braegreymomma sleep in it 😂😂😂 I am laughing so hard right now!!
Aug 23Reply
braegreymomma @smadron did you know there are two different double orange ones? One that has like 24 double gems and then a smaller one. I have the full double in the mail. It is an addiction / challenge 🤣
Aug 23Reply
smadron @braegreymomma omg there is?? I’ve never even seen a photo of it! You have to send me a pic when you get it! You’re right. It’s like the hardest challenge, but such a fun addiction! My husband says he “married a crow” because of how attracted I am to sparkly things 😂
Aug 23Reply
braegreymomma @smadron Bahahaha! I am trying not to share this addiction with my husband 😬 he knows a little about it. Hahaha. But yes. All the sparkly things!!! I would wear glitter everyday if i wouldn’t look like a lunatic. I will def send a pic when I get the necklace.
Aug 23Reply
smadron @braegreymomma hahahahaha! Are you kidding me?? If I could get away with it and not have my head weighed down to my knees, I’d wear every single one of them. I imagine I’d attract every bug and airplane pilot in the area...
Aug 23Reply
braegreymomma @smadron that sounds like the right amount of shine to me!!!
Aug 23Reply
smadron @braegreymomma omg thank you so much for the tag!! It’s soooo expensive 😩
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma @smadron I know!!!!! At least we can admire from afar 🤣
Aug 25Reply
smadron @braegreymomma the green one just sold 😩 i feel like the prices keep getting higher. I just can’t justify spending as much as that for a piece of jewelry made of brass, crystal, enamel and nylon :-/. ::sigh:: maybe someday the demand will go down and we can both get our dream necklaces for under $100 LoL
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma @smadron yes! So wanna hear something crazy. So I have posted about looking for these necklaces in A LOT of places. I had someone sell me one last night for $80. She said she hasn’t sold any yet and asked me what I thought was a fair price. I was completely honest and said I though between $100-$130 was fair but people are selling for a lot more. She said she could take that much and sold to me for $80.
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma So there are people out there. It is just hard to find someone who will sell for a reasonable price. I offered $200 for the green. I said that was all I could do and didn’t want to be disrespectful to their listing I just couldn’t do more than that and that I feel is still a lot. I hear ya girl! Crazy!
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma The one I bought is the green one that is the same as the milky pink choker. So excited!!!
Aug 25Reply
smadron @braegreymomma oh wow, how refreshing it is to find people like that!! So I found the taupe brulee on another site about 2 weeks ago for $20 shipped. I couldn’t believe it. Yaaaay you got the awesome green one!! I *love* that one!
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma @smadron I want the taupe one too!!! That one is so pretty.
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma @smadron jokingly I put in my two jumbo and the orange one and it was so heavy. So wearing them all at the same time is not a good idea 🤣
Aug 25Reply
smadron @braegreymomma Hahahaha!!!! 😂🤣 10lbs of necklace....
Aug 25Reply
smadron I’ll look for the taupe one for you!
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma @smadron thanks and I will let you know if I find some elsewhere as well!
Aug 25Reply
smadron @braegreymomma so I love JCrew necklaces in general, and I gotta say, in my whole collection, my absolute favorite right now is still one that I’ve had for years. If you like *sparkle*, then this is the necklace for you. I’ve never gotten SO many compliments than when wearing this necklace. It’s got a nice weight too. The photos do not do it justice. I’ll try to temporarily post it for you to see!
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma @smadron yay! Tag me so I can see 💗
Aug 25Reply
braegreymomma Pretty sure that other person is a scam 🤣
Aug 25Reply
smadron @braegreymomma hey!! There’s a multi colored blue one on EB right now I’ve never seen before.
Sep 05Reply
braegreymomma @smadron ohhhhh. I will have to check it out!!!
Sep 05Reply
braegreymomma I just saw it! It is very cute!!!
Sep 05Reply
smadron @braegreymomma so the other necklace that you tagged me in- the pink one- so I bought it over a month ago (if you look there’s another sold one on the same seller’s page) she said she was out of the state and would send it to me within a week. Fast forward a month and no reply since, so Poshmark cancelled it from lack of activity and I got a refund.
Sep 14Reply
smadron @braegreymomma Then a week later, she comes back on, says she’s back home and will sell it back to me if I’m still interested. (Of course I am) so she lists it without telling me while I’m at work overnight and it’s bought by someone else. Yet I’ve messaged her multiple times. I’m so irritated.
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron that is super frustrating!!! I could tell something happened. She could have cancelled that other order and sold it to you. Such a cute necklace.
Sep 14Reply
smadron @braegreymomma yea!! I asked her to cancel it, then lost it at $500, wait for me to “like” it, then offer it to me for her sale price so no one else could buy it. :-/
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron grrrrr. That is so maddening. It was an easy Fix. Generally the sellers are good, but man when this happens that is super rude. Sorry!!!!
Sep 14Reply
smadron @braegreymomma aw thanks :). But you’re right. Oh well. There are some others on here too, just not as inexpensive LOL
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron that’s the worst part about was a good deal! I hope you find another that you can get close to that price.
Sep 14Reply
smadron @braegreymomma me too!! I wonder whatever happened to the other two necklaces that we put offers on.. I guess they were never sold?
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron lol. I have no idea. I just want to know what they sold for. I am guessing they sold off site. The fees are crazy on this site.
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron you’re talking about the dune and colorful Brûlée’s right?
Sep 14Reply
smadron @braegreymomma yes!! If I could get those two and the large green iridescent one, my collection would be basically complete! Yea the fees are high here. But I’m assuming it’s a little easier to sell on here than on E.
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron yeah. So I want the black large one and the white and green as well. Soooooo my husband for Christmas bought me the colorful Brulee. Paid way too much damn money for it, but it is magical. He is saving it for Christmas. I may have found his hiding spot and tried it on a few times 😬
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron he bought mine on eBay. It was the last auction one that was in good condition.
Sep 14Reply
smadron @braegreymomma OMG!!!! Your husband is amaaaaaaazing!!!! You’re so lucky!!!!! Aaaah I’m so jealous and happy for you at the same time! Cross your fingers for me I can’t wait to find one too!
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron I will definitely let you know if I see one out there!!! I hope you get it soon. So so magical 🦄
Sep 14Reply
braegreymomma @smadron my husband asked me how many more of these necklaces do I still need to get 🤣. He was like a lot or a little. Lol. I told him only a few more.
Sep 14Reply
smadron @braegreymomma yay thank you! I really appreciate it. They’re so sparkly and gorgeous. They make me happy just to look at them 😆
Sep 14Reply
smadron @braegreymomma your husband ROCKS. Tell him I said that 😆
Sep 14Reply
allthereis Good morning Annie! I’m told there will be a delay on shipping for a few days and I wanted you to be aware. Our processing hub is Pensacola and we were hit by a hurricane! They are attempting to reopen and ship soon. We weren’t supposed to get the hurricane!!! It was supposed to land in Louisiana and Mississippi. 😟. Please advise if you don’t mind waiting. I’m sorry for the delay. Ellen
Sep 18Reply
braegreymomma @allthereis not a problem!!! Stay safe.
Sep 18Reply
allthereis Good morning Annie! Your package is finally tracking! Yaaaay!!! Whew 😅 Thank you so much for your kind patience. We have been through the ringers down here! I do hope you love it . 😍 Ellen
Sep 21Reply
allthereis Hi Annie! You should receive your package tomorrow!!! What a crazy week it been and then to think Teddy was in your area possibly?? We have had three back to back storms and Sally was a brutal one! Thank you for your kind patience! If you see anything else in my closet I will give you 50% off. 😃. I hope you find your package to be even more beautiful in person!🤗😍👍. Ellen
Sep 25Reply
braegreymomma @allthereis thanks for reaching out! It really isn’t a problem at all. I hope you are well and safe!
Sep 25Reply
debby2351 Thank u for the 5 star rating. Wear your sweater in good health...
Feb 08Reply
cynmz @braegreymomma thank you. 😊
Feb 15Reply
braegreymomma @cynmz you’re welcome! I will ship it out tomorrow
Feb 15Reply
cynmz @braegreymomma thank you. 😊
Feb 16Reply
mazyodc Hi, I’m Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. Some of you are long time poshers and some are new. I will do my best to assist you if you are new to Poshmark and have any questions about buying or selling. If you’ve been selling for some time I might ask you for some tips. 😄I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Feb 24Reply
guirgisc So glad you loved the extra gift! Enjoy it😊
Jun 15Reply
4jennylynn Sorry I tried to accept your offer on my necklace, but I was too late today! If you resubmit, I will accept. Thank you and sorry again!
Jun 15Reply
braegreymomma @4jennylynn oh yay!!! Would you be willing to hold it until the end of the week?
Jun 15Reply
4jennylynn @braegreymomma Sure. 👍🏼 I will put it on hold now.
Jun 15Reply
braegreymomma @4jennylynn I am ready! Just let me know when it is active again and I will submit my offer. Thanks
Jun 18Reply
4jennylynn @braegreymomma Ok—it’s ready. 👍🏼
Jun 18Reply
4jennylynn @braegreymomma I dropped it at the post office a little while ago. Not sure if it will get scanned today or Monday. Thank you!
Jun 19Reply
braegreymomma @4jennylynn awesome! Thank you so much 💗
Jun 19Reply
quality1only Hi. you sent an offer on a yellow gold Plaid J Crew sweater. It just appeared in my feed, but shows expired. You offered 25.00. If you would like to send it again, I will except it. Thank you.
Jul 19Reply
annachap thank you so much!
Aug 27Reply
braegreymomma @annachap you’re welcome and thanks for alll the shares!!! I hope you love your necklace 💗
Aug 27Reply
aleishalohnes Hi! Thank you so much for your like! I hope you can stop by and visit my closet. If you see anything you can’t live without please don’t be afraid to make me an offer 😃 Happy Poshing
Nov 14Reply
kurkova Thank you for the 5 star rating! Enjoy your sweaters! ❤️
Nov 23Reply
pattyshops Hi Annie! Thanks for your offer - I'm going to counter, as I was answering another offer when I got your message about measurements, so will send the same! (And I have another batch of cashmere sweaters to list, so check soon!)
Feb 22Reply
cutehosiery @braegreymomma Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jun 01Reply
loriricci396 Hi Annie. I'm Lori a POSH Ambassador 5 ⭐ seller and Personal Stylist here to welcome you to poshmark and to help you find your dream wardrobe pieces and accessories for less
Mar 02Reply
lavra_l I love your closet - we have the same taste! 👗😻 Have a great day! 🌺
Mar 03Reply

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