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Updated May 11
Updated May 11

Meet your Posher, April

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm April. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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chsmith5032 Sorry cancelled your order die to issues from last sell to you
May 30Reply
style1994 Thanks for your bundle like to purchase, I hope you like my offer 😊
Jul 09Reply
lindsayn12 Hello, I'm not sure why you were charged there's no way that box weighed over 5lbs I had it scanned at the post office. I will call the post office tomorrow since they close at 5pm and find what the issue was - you shouldn't have been charged anything.
Jul 12Reply
aprilsattic00 I scanned a picture of the package. It's the second time I have been charged postage due on a Posh purchase recently. Total is over $12. frustrating. I was never reimbursed. I just took a photo of it but not sure how to put it here....thank you
Jul 12Reply
aprilsattic00 It would not surprise me at all if the fault was on the post office. the box was hardly full and somehow I owe almost $6 for it?
Jul 12Reply
lindsayn12 @bzsgirl74 hello I called the post office and they said it might have been the type of box it was shipped in. I had no idea I alway save the boxes I get from other Posher's and had never had that issue. Since it was a USPS box they charge $13 which is crazy. I'm so sorry about that first time it happens and I've sold 65 things. If you would like to pick something $9 or under out of my closet to make up for it I can mark it down to $3 and I think that would bring shipping to $3.99.
Jul 13Reply
lindsayn12 Or maybe Poshmark could deduct from my account and issue you the 5 credit. The post office did say you could bring in the box for them to verify to see if it was an error either way I want to make this right you should not have to pay that and I'm so sorry !
Jul 13Reply
lindsayn12 The funny thing is I've shipped those types of boxes before and that's never happened I always check to make sure when I get them scanned in too ... normally if there was an issue they would tell you and make you pay right there.
Jul 13Reply
torithrifts22 Hi! I am sorry my listings weren't as described! Could you tell me what was wrong with them? Would love to know so I can update future listings to avoid problems. Thanks!
Jul 16Reply
aprilsattic00 @fasshion456 everything in the box smelled strongly of cigarette smoke even though most of the items were described as new. I did not know they were from a smoking home. 2 of my kiddos are super sensitive to that and made a comment about it as soon as I took the items out. I contacted Posh to see what the protocol was in this case but they simply told me to return everything. Super bummed because I love all of it! :( (smell is no better today after letting the box
Jul 16Reply
torithrifts22 @bzsgirl74 I am so sorry about that! I am not sure of the smell as we are a non-smoking home. I am sorry about the inconvenience. If you would like you can just keep the items for free and I will have them refund you. That way you can maybe wash or febreeze them and hopefully get the smell out. Let me know if that's what you would like to do.
Jul 16Reply
aprilsattic00 @fasshion456 really? gosh, I am sorry for the hassle then. Honestly, we are just super sensitive here to smoke and only 2 times before (from non posh purchases) were sent items that smelled ~ smoke but those were even inside the package. I didn't even want to return them when I submitted feedback. Was just trying to figure out how to know if items have to be reported as "from smoking home" or not so I would know for next time.
Jul 16Reply
aprilsattic00 I really don't know what to say but am sorry to have caused the trouble...
Jul 16Reply
aprilsattic00 I don't think it will be a major problem with the shoes b/c they will be worn outside obviously. The wristlet is to be a gift and I am keeping the organizers but I can try to febreeze them and see? just didn't want to spray anything on them until I knew what to do if it didn't work out. tHAnk you so much for your help and let me know. I can try to accept the shipment or change my response while we resolve this...
Jul 16Reply
torithrifts22 @bzsgirl74 normally people will list that it is from a smoking home if it is. Otherwise it is hit or miss, as someone who has never smoked in my life it wasn't something that crossed my mind when writing my profile. I guess the best way for future purchases would just be to ask if it is something you are super sensitive to.
Jul 16Reply
aprilsattic00 @fasshion456 I can return them if you like and you can check them out. I have asked numerous people and they all said "definitely cigarette smoke". I believe what you are saying, I just don't want to try extreme measures (like washing/febreeze) and lose the chance to return them if it doesn't come out.
Jul 16Reply
aprilsattic00 Poshmark has only given me until tomorrow to submit the return (no post office open today and just got notice last night about it)
Jul 16Reply
aprilsattic00 Maybe people that have been to your home smoked? just a thought
Jul 16Reply
torithrifts22 @bzsgirl74 honestly I am really just trying to clean out my closet as we have way too much stuff so I would rather you just keep them. Feel free to try and clean them and if it doesn't work out just donate them or throw them away. I am really sorry for the inconvenience. Whenever it gives me the option I will release the refund to you.
Jul 16Reply
torithrifts22 Did they send you a prepaid shipping label? If so, just put it on the empty box so it registers that you sent me something.
Jul 16Reply
aprilsattic00 @fasshion456 they did but I don't feel right about keeping everything and you giving me a full refund. I will febreeze the heck out of the items, leave them out overnight and that should take care of most smells in my experience.
Jul 16Reply
torithrifts22 @bzsgirl74 okay I am fine either way, feel free to freeze and wash and if it doesn't work just send them back. No issues.
Jul 16Reply
caraj1984 @bzsgirl74 Thanks for your purchase! I have your items ready to ship out in the morning.
Jul 17Reply
torithrifts22 @bzsgirl74 did washing and febreezing work?
Jul 19Reply
aprilsattic00 @fasshion456 hello. I haven't washed them yet but febreeze and sitting outside overnight did help. shoes are fine, love those! at this point, the smell is only noticeable on the organizers. And just a note, hubby said that it smells like a chemical smell that he notices sometimes on 31 bags (I used to be a consultant) when they are still in the package so I don't know. He didn't think it smelled like cigarettes to him. ThAnk you for your help.
Jul 20Reply
torithrifts22 @bzsgirl74 no problem! So just want to clarify you are keeping the items and paying for them, correct?
Jul 20Reply
aprilsattic00 @fasshion456 yes, I didn't know how to update that with postmark but my understanding is that my return label already expired so I didn't think it mattered if I contacted them or not. thank you!
Jul 20Reply
torithrifts22 @bzsgirl74 yep we should be good, thank you for your purchase and I am really sorry for the inconvenience of the smell. Happy Poshing!(:
Jul 20Reply
blingks Hello.. I didn't mean to counter your offer on the bundle.. can you re-offer at $23 and I'll accept it? If you can, I'm going to the post office later today and I'll mail it then.. so sorry for the confusion!!! 😟
Jul 28Reply
mtrpp I hope you enjoy the bags! Great purchaser!
Nov 01Reply
aprilsattic00 @mtrpp thank you so much! I love them!
Nov 07Reply
victoriamahaney @bzsgirl74 hi thank you for the like on the Thirty One owl bag and lid. If you happen to be interested I'm open to offers. 😊
Nov 28Reply
hshields100 @bzsgirl74 Hi there, I apparently already sold and accidentally listed the pic of one of the key fobs in your bundle. Do you mind if I replace with another zipper pouch (or the Thirty-One T-shirt I have listed if you would be interested)? I'm so very sorry for the inconvenience.
Dec 03Reply
aprilsattic00 @hshields100 oh darn! Okay, I really do not want a t shirt. Which zipper pouch and is it new in package? Which fob is missing?
Dec 04Reply
hshields100 @bzsgirl74 it's the pink pop medalion that is missing and the zipper pouch would be the same blue and white one.
Dec 04Reply
aprilsattic00 @hshields100 could I get a refund instead on the fob? Sorry, just don’t need any duplicates at this time, any other 31 items? Thank you
Dec 04Reply
hshields100 @bzsgirl74 sure. I do have a littles carry-all in Navy with turquoise polka dots or a thermal bottle water drink holder if you would be interested in either of those
Dec 04Reply
hshields100 Please let me know if you would like one of those items I mentioned above and I can mail out your package tomorrow. If not I will have to cancel the order and you can choose your bundle again if you would like. Again, sorry for all of the inconvenience!
Dec 04Reply
aprilsattic00 @hshields100 are either of them in package? Is it the bottle thermal with the clip? Thank you
Dec 04Reply
aprilsattic00 @hshields100 I would take either of those if new in package. Thank you!
Dec 04Reply
hshields100 @bzsgirl74 they aren't NIP. I'll just cancel your order. Sorry.
Dec 04Reply
aprilsattic00 @hshields100 ok. When will the items show up as available again? I would like to purchase a few of the items but they are marked as sold
Dec 04Reply
hshields100 @bzsgirl74 I don't know but it was the only way to refund you the money that I knew of
Dec 04Reply
melou77 Thank you so much for your purchase!! I have your order packaged and all ready to ship tomorrow. Have a blessed week!😊
Dec 04Reply
hshields100 Ok, they are back up for grabs if you are still interested
Dec 04Reply
aimfromhome Thank You so much for the rating & the nice comment! I'm so glad you liked them!
Dec 08Reply
melou77 Thank you for purchasing from me again. I dropped your package off at the post office a little bit ago. Have a blessed day!😊
Dec 13Reply
lmkerr424 Hi April. I'll work on getting separate listings so that I can create a bundle for you. I'll do that and prep it to mail tonight. I'm heading home in an hour and will get this set for you soon thereafter. Cheers.
Feb 06Reply
lmkerr424 Hi April. I've just shared two more listings to you profile. If you add those to your bundle and then send me an offer we can move forward from there. I can't figure out a way to add to you bundle directly. Hope this works for you. Cheers.
Feb 06Reply
lmkerr424 That was quick. Lol. I'm packing it up for you now and will get it out first thing in the morning. Thanks for stopping by my closet. Cheers.
Feb 06Reply
blingnthings Hi April! It's so nice to meet you 😀 I hope you are loving your Posh experience and have made some great finds 🎀 Please stop by my closet when you have a minute! Have a fabulous weekend ✨ 💝 Carol
Feb 09Reply
kb_lengyel Hi April!!! All your items are packaged and ready to go... I just need to print the packing slip. We are having a heavy rain nor’easter right now and unfortunately we lost power today. I haven’t printed your packing slip and can’t print it till power comes back on. I’m not sure when that will happen.... when power comes on and I can print I will bring to post office. I just wanted to let you know in case I don’t get the box in the mail till Saturday. So sorry!!!!!! Darn weather!!!
Mar 02Reply
aprilsattic00 @kb_lengyel no worries! stay safe and get it out when you are able. thanks for the heads up. :)
Mar 02Reply
fjk369 Offer is in. I can mail this bundle out this morning and since you live close to me I suspect you’ll have it quickly.
Apr 17Reply
tapqueen1957 Thank you for your like 💕❤️
May 30Reply
enluxe Hinand I noticed your bundle...I am firm at 15 are welcome to purchase directly...or bundle other items with your wallets.... and then I will create an offer for you.
Aug 21Reply
phoebecatfood Hi there! I sent your 31 bag already but I forgot to put on your thank you card! Thank you so much for your purchase 💜!!!
Sep 05Reply
aprilsattic00 @phoebecatfood you're welcome and thank you!
Sep 05Reply
aprilsattic00 @becomewinners Thank you so much! 😘
Feb 10Reply
mickeysfan50 Hi!!!! Do you still have the Mickey pen set? If not, would you please let me know if you get another? Thank you
Mar 11Reply
aprilsattic00 @mickeysfan50 it sold, sorry. I will certainly do that. :)
Mar 11Reply
aprilsattic00 @mickeysfan50 I just posted another set.
Apr 01Reply
beachylover18 @bzsgirl74 Oh my goodness, you have the cutest stuff!!!!!! I have an almost 2-year-old granddaughter. Please let me know (if you can-I know it is crazy) if you get Puppy Pals (her favorite) and Vamperina her likes at the moment. I will mark your sight to keep checking. I will send you a bundle price but you have to remove the item, I can't. I don't understand how all this works. Also do you sell 31? I have new envelopes for invoices in an unopened package I was going to throw out.
Apr 06Reply
aprilsattic00 @beachylover18 Thank you!! I don’t have any of those items currently but will definitely keep an eye out for them. I usually don’t do trades but since I already made a bundle with you let me know if you would be interested in doing that and how that even works. Thank you so much!
Apr 06Reply
beachylover18 @bzsgirl74 I don't think trades are allowed. That's ok. I will watch your site. such cute stuff. Did you rebundle? or cancel that bundle and rebundle? I am going out in a little while and have someone else bundling some of the 31 stuff. I will wait a bit for you. Thanks so much!! Did you want the 31 envelopes?
Apr 06Reply
beachylover18 Sooty don't mean to be a pain but are you rebundling? I need to go out but don't want someone to snatch something on you. ( these items hve been really popular. I will wait another 10 mins(10:35) for you. ( no rush) and then check later when I get back
Apr 06Reply
beachylover18 @bzsgirl74 sent you a message and realized it went to me. Sigh. First are you rebundling or did you want to shop? I need to go out but didn't want someone taking one of your items...there has been a lot of interest in these items. Also in case it matters
Apr 06Reply
aprilsattic00 @beachylover18 rebuilding yes. Send an offer if you can thank you!
Apr 06Reply
beachylover18 @bzsgirl74 it won't let me. It didn't come thru as a bundle
Apr 06Reply
ronnie1433 You have a great closet ❤️❤️💜💜🥰🥰
Apr 14Reply
aprilsattic00 @ronnie1433 thank you! ❤️❤️
Apr 14Reply
jujuscam Hi OMG I am so sorry 😐 if you want to return it please do I thought I checked everything over I am so very sorry. Please let me know what you would like to do 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ Judy
Apr 16Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam hey girl. I don't think I can return anything now that I have "accepted the purchase." I love the other items and they are perfect! :) the wallet has brown stains in 3 places. I have no idea what it is or if it will come out. I can tell it hasn't been used so I'm sure it was an oversight. ...
Apr 16Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 I am so sorry I will send you another 31 item is there anything else you would like I have a bunch of stuff to list. The wallet along with everything else has been in storage so I am truly sorry I have your address so if there is anything else pick another item or 2 I will gladly send it to you 🙏🤗☺️
Apr 16Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 also if you are looking for anything in particular let me know and I may have it. Again I am so so sorry I should of looked it over more carefully. But everything is in bins and in storage so I just figured it was ok and I do give them a check over but apparently I will have to do better 🤦‍♀️☺️🤗
Apr 16Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam awww, thank you so much! I am sure that I will find something of yours to purchase. You have amazing stuff girl! Love it!!!
Apr 16Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam and just so that I know, what is the best way in the future to tell a buyer that you have an issue with your item but not cause them any trouble or bad reviews? I really don't want to make waves for anyone. I almost always leave 5 stars.
Apr 16Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 Hi no I dont want you to purchase I want to send you a couple things for all your trouble please let me, I will be listing Thermal lunch bags tonight and anything you see you want please let me know and it’s yours. I guess you go on there site under there picture? I am not sure cause I only started in November on here. But PLEASE let me send you some things please let me know what else you like and I will send you a package Thank you so much 🙏☺️
Apr 16Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam would you happen to have a mushroom thermal? I have someone looking for one of those! let me know what prints you have. thank you!
Apr 17Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam would it be possible to "trade out" the going places thermal or the medium utility tote or the vary you coral cross body or one of the wristlets for the coin wallet I bought? I would be happy to ship it back to you, no problem at all. :)
Apr 17Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 hi sure that would be fine. Is the mushroom a pattern? How about the medium red chevron stipe Utility Tote?
Apr 17Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam yes, mushroom is a print from a long time back. I think they only made a thermal tote and luggage tag. I'm looking for the thermal but it's pretty rare. I would love any of those items, the medium tote would be great! (if that's not too much trouble) also, how can you send your address to me so that I can send the wallet back? I really don't have use for it but you could likely re list. :)
Apr 17Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 ok I will get back to you on that May have to do a few messages. Name: Judy Evans
Apr 18Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam I can get it back to you this week and you can re list it. Let me know. Also, do you need my address for the replacement item?
Apr 18Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 I think I have it yes. Ok 2nd part (21 Elm Street)thank you 3rd part to come later
Apr 18Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam okay, got it so far. I will get this out when I have the rest. Will you let me know when you ship the medium tote? thank you
Apr 19Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 Monday I will ship out I found another one so I resisted the one I had on posh (Jamestown OH 45335) and I will let you know when it ships 🥰☺️
Apr 19Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam Hoping to ship the wallet back to you tomorrow. Please let me know when you receive it. thank you!
Apr 22Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 I am hoping to ship the red tote tomorrow I have been sick since 330 this morning so hopefully I feel better did you get the whole address?
Apr 22Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 I will let you know I will let you know when I ship it out and please let me know when you get it 💕
Apr 22Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam got the address for return. THAnks girl, feel better!!!
Apr 22Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam wallet shipping back your way today. Keep me posted please.
Apr 23Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 medium utility tote at the post office 🤗 keep me posted too you are April of Hendersonville TN correct?
Apr 23Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam Yes, that's right. wallet went out today. :)
Apr 23Reply
jujuscam Hi received the wallet today thank you.
Apr 25Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam oh good! thank you for letting me know. Do you have an ETA or info on the medium tote (arrival)? thank you
Apr 26Reply
aprilsattic00 @jujuscam I got my medium tote. wonderful, thank you!
Apr 27Reply
jujuscam @bzsgirl74 great thank you so much for letting me make it right. God Bless ❤️
Apr 27Reply
imserenitysmom Hi April. My name's Amanda. I'm a stay at home disabled Mom of 1 AMAZING 8 year old daughter and also help take care of my wonderful Mom. My daughter LOVES UNICORNS and RAINBOWS & MLP EVERYTHING!!! I HOPE TO FIND SOME AWESOME STUFF IN YOUR CLOSET! NICE TO MEET YOU!-HAVE A BLESSED DAY!-AMANDA FREEMAN FROM JOHNSON CITY TN AS A KID AND SAN ANTONIO TX NOW.
Jun 16Reply
hippiegirl222 Thank you for stopping by and liking an item in my closet.  If you would like an offer just start a bundle and I will be happy to send you one 😀🛍 happy poshing
Jun 29Reply
801threads Thanks for the like if purchased your item will be shipped out quickly 🎉🎉
Oct 12Reply
2muchstuff3691 HEY! So happy we connected through Poshmark. Hope you will check out my growing closet and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Oct 23Reply
susangill753 hello, my name is Susan. on the items you like there are kids to go with the med. and large tote. you may want those. they are 10.00 each, but i will let you have both for $5.00. I can get in mail today, if you decide you want the items. thanks
Nov 22Reply
stacydornseif So glad you like your items! Thanks for the great posh transaction 😊🙂
Dec 12Reply
babybugtoo Thank you for your sweet note🤗 Glad you got everything safe and sound! Enjoy!
Jan 14Reply
icyhot808 Hi April, thanks for the awesome review, I’m glad you were happy with everything, including the treat😊
Jan 28Reply
i_heart_shop Thank you for connecting with me! Today I would like to offer you an exclusive deal of 50% ff your entire purchase! Simply like items and I’ll bundle them for you. All items in closet included! Happy Poshing!
Nov 09Reply

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