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Updated Jan 25
Updated Jan 25

Meet your Posher, Arleen

Meet the Posher

US$0 US$100,000


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Hi! I'm Arleen. I'm from the beautiful island of Puerto Rico. My better half is from Honduras. Posh has changed so much. Im obsessed with the live shows. I love shoes and jewelry. A collector of 🐸 just about anything. I'm into collecting items of Frida Kahlo and the good-evil eye as well. I am not a seller but love to get goodies for the right price. I'm always looking for a good deal. Mother of 6 grandmother of 4 they call me Lela. We are parents to a dog my baby girl named Bella. I shop for everyone. So if you have great items at great prices please tag me. I'd love to shop your closet. Thanks for stopping by.πŸ‡΅πŸ‡·πŸͺ·πŸ‘‘
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170488 and 46 others like this
leenposh18 @jewelrytolove thank you for welcoming me. You have some very nice things.
Aug 21Reply
atabex Bienvenida a Poshmark. Cualquier duda o pregunta te puedo ayudar. Puedes poner tus piezas de ropa y accesorios que ya no uses y estén en buen estado y venderlas. Dale un vistazo a mi closet para que tengas ideas. Happy poshing! ✨
Aug 25Reply
leenposh18 @atabex que linda gracias. Yo no survive para gender pero me encanta comprar. Vi tu armario anoche. Todo bello nada me sirve a mi pero a mi hija la mayor si. Asi que estare mirando a lo que ella le pone ojos. 😚
Aug 25Reply
leenposh18 Quise poner que no sirvo para vender.
Aug 25Reply
melaniecrodgers Hi Arleen it's Melanie 😊. Thank you for putting some of my items out there, very sweet! Any questions please ask as I give discounts on 2-4 Items in my closet & I take offers also so feel free to ask me anything πŸ˜€πŸ˜ŠπŸ’—πŸ’—
Sep 19Reply
capecodterry Welcome to Posh 😁
Sep 26Reply
leenposh18 @capecodterry Thank you. I'm in love with Posh.. 😚
Sep 27Reply
bonimo Welcome to Poshmark πŸ˜‰
Oct 07Reply
leenposh18 Thank you @bonimo 😚
Oct 07Reply
cat_tato Welcome to poshmark!!πŸ’•πŸ˜Š
Nov 04Reply
leenposh18 @cat_tato thank you. You cute stuff!!!
Nov 04Reply
leenposh18 I meant you have cute stuff! πŸ™‚
Nov 04Reply
cat_tato πŸ˜‚ thank you 😊
Nov 04Reply
melllaaa_2011 Nice to meet you!
Nov 17Reply
vjaxn @lafskm Hello Arleen, welcome to Poshmark. God's blessings to you my friend. Give me a shout if you need any help or next want to chat. I'm Thankful for lovely Poshmark friends like you that touch my life and warm my heart. Xoxoxo Val @vjaxn πŸ€—πŸ˜‡πŸ‘‘πŸ’›
Nov 22Reply
arbitrarilychic Thanks for sharing my listings! If you post anything, please tag me so I can return the Posh Love πŸ’•βœŒ
Nov 25Reply
leenposh18 @mamazthang thank you but I'm just a buyer. A serious buyer. Love a lot of your items will swing by after holidays to get some things for sure. Happy holidays!
Nov 25Reply
arbitrarilychic @lafskm gotcha! Well, I do appreciate you sharing my listings, that's very sweet of you. If I can be of any help, please let me know, have fun shopping πŸ˜‰, and happy holidays. Thanks again! ! XO πŸ’• ✌
Nov 25Reply
thatstookicks Welcome to Poshmark πŸ’šπŸ’šπŸ’š
Dec 07Reply
leenposh18 @ritzymint thank you so much. You have a great discount for bundles.
Dec 07Reply
neshajackson Welcome to Poshmark. I have really enjoyed this app.
Dec 08Reply
leenposh18 @neshajackson thank you so much. I have too. Hope I can snatch up the items I liked if not already taken on the 15th. Happy Holidays!
Dec 08Reply
texanlady Hi Arleen I'm Karen, nice to meet you, you like frogs I like lizards! I like a really good bargain too!! Have a great day!! 🌞 Happy poshing
Dec 09Reply
leenposh18 @texanlady Hola Karen. I love your shoes. Too bad I wear a 7-7.5. Thank you for stopping by to say hello. Happy holidays! πŸŽ„πŸŽπŸΈ
Dec 09Reply
texanlady @lafskm Hola Arleen, Thank you dear, I appreciate the compliment Thank you for stopping by my closet dear
Dec 10Reply
lizpink13 Welcome Arlene to Poshmark! If you ever need help with anything feel free to ask Happy poshing !πŸ’™πŸ’š
Dec 16Reply
leenposh18 @lizpink13 oh thank you. Love the jeans. Great stuff. Happy holidays!!!
Dec 16Reply
lizpink13 @lafskm I meant if you have questions about poshmark if I can ever help with anything :) it's a pretty fun place here and very social :)
Dec 16Reply
lizpink13 @lafskm and Happy Holidays to you too !
Dec 16Reply
preciousonez Arleen Thank You for your like. Let me know if i can help you with any thing. Happy Holidays.
Dec 31Reply
leenposh18 @preciousonez thank you very much. Will do. Happy new year to you as well!
Dec 31Reply
scou662373 Hi and happy new year! Thank you for liking items in my closet. Everythimg must go! Bundle and save with the percent off I have going on. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. Happy Poshing!
Jan 01Reply
coloradocache @lafskm Hi! I just saw u started to bundle my ring I have listed and wanted to let you know I will take 10% ( or $20 which is more) off the price if you buy today. Really want to move this so I can purchase something I've got my eye on today! Just a thought 😜
Jan 04Reply
leenposh18 @coloradocache hi there. Yes I was going to purchase it but my hubby said no because we spent too much over the holidays. Sorry! I hope it sells soon. I really love it.
Jan 04Reply
coloradocache @lafskm make me an offer HE can't refuse. Lol tell him it will be your Anniversary ring. ( that's what I'm doing- have picked out a Anniversary necklace for my hubby) as he never knows what to get me and after only 53 years. Haha
Jan 04Reply
leenposh18 @coloradocache WOW that's a long time. God bless you and congratulations. Well my bday is this month I will try to convince him.
Jan 04Reply
coloradocache @lafskm Congratulations to you! ( don't want to issues - mostly just kidding with you) Wishing you best of luck and much happiness!!❀🍸
Jan 04Reply
leenposh18 @tankytinks hi there. I'd be more than happy to check out your closet. Thank you!
Jan 17Reply
thegoodiebox Hi Arleen, just wanted to say thanks for visiting my closet and liking those cute combat boots. Please stop by again sometime.
Jan 21Reply
leenposh18 @sanness hi! Oh wow I just looked at your closet. You have a lot of great sruff. And yeah ill have try and get those boots soon. Had my eye on another pair but someone got to them first. Thank you!
Jan 21Reply
thegoodiebox @lafskm LOL! Unfortunately that's what happens on here - there's usually only 1 of something! So much fun though!
Jan 21Reply
leenposh18 @sanness Yes I agree. 😊
Jan 21Reply
hmsimon1 Thanks for sharing... If you like anything let me know by making an offer. Again I appreciate your support 😊😊😊
Jan 27Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 ok yes I will definitely consider that. Beautiful closet. Thank you so much!
Jan 27Reply
hmsimon1 I would be happy to hold it
Jan 28Reply
hmsimon1 Happy on the 31st
Jan 28Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 thank youuuuuu!
Jan 28Reply
hmsimon1 😍😊
Jan 28Reply
racustomcloset Thanks so much for sharing my closet!πŸ˜€
Jan 29Reply
leenposh18 @racustomcloset you have very beautiful items. No prob! My pleasure!
Jan 29Reply
hmsimon1 They're both available
Jan 30Reply
hmsimon1 Will pack right now and get the package in tonight's mail. Thanks.....appreciate a person who is honorable.
Jan 30Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 no prob. And I one who is trustworthy. πŸ€—
Jan 30Reply
hmsimon1 Thanks 🌹 make me an offer
Feb 09Reply
hmsimon1 🌹🌹🌹 I can always make one I have lots of loose stones
Feb 09Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 That sounds like a good idea. Let me get back to you next week. Maybe I can get you to work on something special for me.
Feb 09Reply
fashion101_diva @lafskm Feel free to visit my Poshmark closet, hope you find a treasure or two! 😊
Feb 20Reply
leenposh18 @fashion101_diva I sure will. Thank you for introducing yourself. πŸ€—
Feb 20Reply
sweetnsimple1 Hey there!! Welcome to Posh! My name is Gail!!.. Stopping by to say If you have any extra time please swing by and check out my closet! Lots of goodies! Reasonable offers welcome! Have a blessed day!!
Feb 22Reply
leenposh18 @sweetnsimple1 I'd love to. Thank you for stopping by and introducing yourself. πŸ€—
Feb 22Reply
cecrider1 Hi Arleen thank you 😊 for visiting my closest and liking my items feel free to make an offer and I bundle too! There are lots of 4$ items too!!! Hope you're having a beautiful day!
Mar 19Reply
leenposh18 @cecrider1 thank you so much. You have a great closet. I most certainly will real soon. To you as well.
Mar 19Reply
cecrider1 @lafskm πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Mar 19Reply
hmsimon1 Good morning Arleen. Glad your back. Thanks for the likes🌹
Mar 31Reply
amypposhcloset Hi! I saw that you liked a Camo jacket and I'm selling a great one for a low price. Please feel free to check out my closet :)
Apr 03Reply
leenposh18 @apiekar hi there. I'd be glad to take a look. Thanks!
Apr 03Reply
cee_cees_closet Thanks for the like ❀️
Apr 09Reply
cecrider1 Hi there! I hope this message sees you well!! These bracelets you liked are an amazing set, so very cut at a really low price. Remember I bundle and accept offers too!
Apr 11Reply
leenposh18 @cecrider1 hi there. Yes I know. You have an awesome closet. I missed out on some of my likes. Hopefully still available on pay day. Thank you! 😚
Apr 11Reply
cecrider1 You know I can always take anything off of sale and reserve it for you when you let me know that you can buy🌼🌼🌼🌼I trust you!
Apr 11Reply
leenposh18 @cecrider1 oh wow. What a great and humble gesture. Thank you and yes I am trust worthy. I will mark the items I want and will purchase them Thursday.
Apr 11Reply
cecrider1 @lafskm ok, just let me know....
Apr 11Reply
leenposh18 @cecrider1 I will message you first thing Thursday a.m. thank you!
Apr 11Reply
cecrider1 Do you want the bundle of bracelets if so great.... if not no pressure. The girls hanging is soooo cute and WAY underpriced for you, the right home!
Apr 11Reply
cecrider1 Sounds good glad I could hold them for you!!
Apr 11Reply
leenposh18 @cecrider1 yes I'd like those too. And I think most your items are way under priced.
Apr 11Reply
cecrider1 @lafskm I know I have sooo much stuff an entire bedroom to post!!!
Apr 11Reply
leenposh18 @cecrider1 if those are the prices you want to list then for that's fine but you should at least make them bundle. You know ? $4 if bundled with 2 or more items. Make it worth your time and effort. Most buyers will do that. I know I don't want to pay $6.49 in shipping for a $4 item. You know what I mean. Just saying. πŸ™‚
Apr 11Reply
cecrider1 Oh yes bundle them on Thursday so you only have to pay one feeπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
Apr 11Reply
leenposh18 @cecrider1 yeah. I meant it for both of us. I know you don't want to go to post office for a $4 item that you don't get paid that much for
Apr 11Reply
cecrider1 Thank You 😊 just bundle Thursday and i will get them to you. Happy to do itπŸ˜ƒ
Apr 11Reply
aliceh22 Hello :) saw that you liked several of my items, please let me know if you have any questions or are interested in a discounted bundle!
Apr 11Reply
leenposh18 @edenromy oh yes. You have an awesome closet. Wish you wore my size. I'll come back to make my purchases. Thank you!
Apr 11Reply
bestbuycloset @lafskm Hi I'm Cindy! ☺️ Welcome ot Poshmark! Feel free to reach out with any questions! Happy poshing! πŸ˜πŸ›πŸ’ŒπŸ’πŸ‘ πŸ‘žπŸ‘’πŸ‘‘πŸ‘ŸπŸ‘œπŸŽ’πŸ‘›πŸ‘—πŸ‘•πŸ‘šπŸ‘”πŸ‘™πŸ’„πŸ‘ πŸ’‹βŒšοΈπŸ’°
Apr 27Reply
leenposh18 @bestbuycloset thank you. I love your closet. Hitting you up soon. πŸ€—
Apr 27Reply
waubonsie awh thank you for the so nice comment, jen xx
May 04Reply
leenposh18 @waubonsie you deserve it. πŸ€—
May 04Reply
waubonsie @lafskm thank you that is so nice to hear, enjoy everything jen xx
May 04Reply
oliaposka Hi dear! Will be happy to see you in my closet! Hop you will like it! Just make an offer with price you like! Have a great day! ❀️❀️❀️
May 23Reply
modifiedmon Welcome to Poshmark sweetie❀️❀️
Sep 27Reply
leenposh18 @modifiedmon thanks hun. Enjoy your day! πŸ€—πŸ’œ
Sep 27Reply
modifiedmon @lafskm You are so welcome precious❀️ Have a great day sweetie❀️❀️
Sep 27Reply
elhamsaleh I can not believe you're a grandmother. You look very young :) please check my closet for the jewelry & I will definitely gave you a great deal & also send gift with purchase :)
Oct 01Reply
leenposh18 @elhamsaleh thank you for the compliment. He is one of the loves of my life. I just made a purchase for something else today. But I love your closet give me a few days if not bought I'll make an offer. πŸ’œ
Oct 01Reply
elhamsaleh @lafskm I am serious you look very young to be a grandmother :) you seem a very nice person. Keep in touch. No problem I will be posting more jewelry especially now that I know you love jewelry. If you bundle I can give you private discount & you will save on shipping. Take care!
Oct 01Reply
leenposh18 @elhamsaleh thank you. I'll be 40 in a couple of mths. And I'm a serious buyer. You've been very kind I promise to shop your closet soon. πŸ’œ
Oct 01Reply
elhamsaleh @lafskm Good morning, just want to let you know that I lowered the price on my jewelry listings & the shipping is free in the next hour if still interested :)
Oct 08Reply
manorly Arleen, such a great picture of you. Do you check your mail everyday? Sending you something tomorrow in the mail my friend.😁
Oct 20Reply
leenposh18 @manorly Nora!!! Thank you honey. I just this picture this morning on my way to work. I do because I got a PO Box right by my job. I walked there 4 times today to get your package πŸ˜‚. It kept saying delivered but it wasn't. You don't have to do that please. You do enough....πŸ’œ
Oct 20Reply
manorly It won't be from POSHMARK, it's a personal gift. So please check on it. It'll go out tomorrow.❀
Oct 20Reply
leenposh18 @manorly thank you sweet Nora. I am sure I will love it. πŸ’œπŸ˜š
Oct 20Reply
manorly @lafskm My husband will take it to the post office tomorrow my friend ❀
Oct 20Reply
leenposh18 @manorly thank you. Have a good night. πŸ’œβ€πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›
Oct 20Reply
spreadlove Hello! I know there are many closets on posh, but I'd be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I wanted to say hi and wish you a lovely night! 😊
Oct 30Reply
leenposh18 @spreadlove I'd be honored hun. πŸ’œ
Oct 30Reply
2017lainey12 Thank you for your likes in my closet. If you want to bundle I’ll see what else I can do over the already 15% discount for you! 🌸😊
Nov 05Reply
leenposh18 @2017lainey12 thank you. You have an awesome closet. I'll have to really get back to you on my likes. But I appreciate it. πŸ’œ
Nov 05Reply
2017lainey12 @lafskm That’s ok, anytime! Hope you have a great day!! 🌸🌸.
Nov 05Reply
leenposh18 @2017lainey12 thank you. To you as well.
Nov 05Reply
carina_3707 Hi, thanks for liking my closet, please create a bundle of your likes and I will send you a private superb offer. Thanks 🌹
Nov 12Reply
leenposh18 @carina_3707 love,love,love your closet. I can't today but I will definitely come back for my likes. Holidays are right around the corner. πŸ’œ
Nov 12Reply
carina_3707 @lafskm no problem dear, please do come back , I will give you maximum discount. Take care
Nov 12Reply
carina_3707 @lafskm just to inform you my closet will be closed from November 14th till January 2018 because I am shifting to another state, so if you want to buy anything before November 14th then I can ship but after 14th I won’t be able to take orders. Take care
Nov 12Reply
mymagnifique Hi hun! I got a notice you added some items into a bundle but for some reason when I click it it’s only showing them as β€œlikes”. If you want to try to add them to a bundle again I can make you any offer πŸ’—
Nov 17Reply
monikens Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing posh love for the infinity Ring ❀️
Nov 19Reply
monikens and all those other beautiful rings too😊
Nov 19Reply
leenposh18 @monikens you have a very unique closet. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Nov 19Reply
monikens @lafskm thank you 😊❀️
Nov 19Reply
monikens @lafskm I love your peace bracelet.
Nov 19Reply
leenposh18 @monikens yes got them from a great posher @texanlady πŸ’œ
Nov 19Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Arleen😁🌹
Nov 25Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 Hi Hank. I hope you enjoyed the holidays. My bday is coming up in January. I need something special made for me. Preferably a ring. I'll get back to you 3rd week in December. When my xmas shopping is over and I know I can spend the extra cash. I'm not done with xmas. 😒 . πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Nov 25Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 this is what I'm thinking. My birthstone in the middle and then my kids birthstones going around it. I have 6 and starting clockwise it would be peridot, diamond, aquamarine, amethyst, peridot and lastly citrine silver ring. I love unique, unusual. I know you can do this. Size 7.5. Tell me how much something like that would cost. I'm looking to get end of December
Nov 25Reply
hmsimon1 @lafskm I am finally taking a vacation from 12/22 -1/3 I have been creating and Poshing for 12 months straight...need a break. Let me see what I can come up with to create something before I go.
Nov 25Reply
hmsimon1 @mymagnifique long day my fingers aren’t working so good😒
Nov 25Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 it's ok I can wait until after you get back from vacation. My bday isn't until January 18th. No pressure right now. Enjoy the holidays, have a wonderful vacation and God bless you. 😘
Nov 25Reply
hmsimon1 Fantastic, you will be my first project when I get backπŸ˜πŸ‘Hank
Nov 25Reply
texanlady What a beautiful family picture It's good to see you again hunπŸ’• Have a wonderful day!πŸ˜˜πŸ’—
Dec 04Reply
leenposh18 @texanlady thank you. They are my pride and joy. I need to shop your closet after the holidays. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Dec 04Reply
thatstookicks Hi just touch base with you to let you know more listings have been added to RitzyMint Shoes Closet. Yay! Check them out, and offer negotiations are welcomed. Happy Poshing & Happy Holidays!! πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’š
Dec 10Reply
gemstone14kt Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt 😊All merchandise purchased this evening will ship tomorrow
Dec 13Reply
pralinequeen Greetings Arlene ! Come explore your Praline Queens closet filled with rare and unique treasures πŸ‘ΈπŸ‘‘πŸŒΉ
Dec 16Reply
ervonne @lafskm thanks for the likes let me kbow if u have any questiobs merry christmas
Dec 26Reply
mymagnifique Hey hun, Feel free to add any of your likes to a bundle and I’ll send you an awesome offer! I’m also doing Buy 2 Get 1 Free for all kids items. Happy New Year!
Jan 01Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Arlene. Back from vacation, just checking to make sure you want the ring and that the center stone is a Garnet for January. Will begin ASAP after you confirm to make your birthday. πŸ™πŸ’πŸ˜Hank
Jan 03Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 Hi Hank. Happy New Year. Will you read the message from me to you posted on here in November? I wanted to know if you could add to the ring like in the description listed in my message but of course it might cost more if too much then let me know please. I don't want it to be too expensive. β˜ΊπŸ’œ
Jan 03Reply
hmsimon1 @lafskm sorry I didn’t quote. Just one question real stones or Swarovski crystals?
Jan 03Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 I'm OK with Swarovski πŸ–’
Jan 03Reply
hmsimon1 @lafskm ok between $65 and $75 six surrounding larger Garnet in center size 7-7.5 Sterling Silver Ring If ok will begin tomorrow. Hank
Jan 03Reply
leenposh18 @hmsimon1 WOW that's an excellent price especially since posh gets a 20% cut. Please allow me to get back to you next Friday. I want to make sure I'll have enough money. I don't want you to start working on it and then I can't get it. But for sure I'll request it this month. πŸ’œ
Jan 04Reply
monikens Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing posh love for the jewelry and handbag❀️
Jan 18Reply
ragstoobags Hi there !! Beautiful fam ! Please check out my closet πŸŽ‰
Jan 28Reply
texmex4 Yes thank you but more beautiful is her brave spirit! Thank you so much β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️
Feb 01Reply
corpsewhale Hey! Just wanted to let you know, feel free to send me an offer for the items you’ve like in my store! I also have a bundle discount
Feb 10Reply
leenposh18 @corpsewhale i wish I could right now. Your closet is exquisite and your unique taste is admirable! πŸ’œ
Feb 10Reply
gowrights @lafskm Hi there! Happy Friday! I wanted to send you a bundle offer but I don’t think I did it right! You’ll see my 3 items you’ve liked in your closet! Feel free to make a bundled offer if interested! πŸ’ŽπŸŒΈπŸ’˜
Mar 02Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you so much for visiting my beautiful closet 😁😁😁🍾πŸ₯‚πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ‘
Mar 24Reply
leenposh18 @dazzlingdeals no thank you for opening the doors to your beautiful closet. Every girls dream come true. πŸ’œ
Mar 24Reply
4868 @lafskm Hi πŸ‘‹ Thank you for sharing and for all your likes. Feel free to bundle and send me a reasonable offer. Any questions feel free to ask me πŸ’•πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•
Mar 24Reply
leenposh18 @4868 πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Mar 24Reply
armenia26 @lafskm Hi, interested in two $10 or less items? Bundle for $12. Thanks for your interest.
Mar 28Reply
adriennef315 Hey! .. πŸ™Œ I noticed you liked a beautiful dress in my closet! If you have any questions, or I can help with anything please feel free to reach out to me!✨ I offer discounts for bundles!! πŸ˜ƒ
Mar 29Reply
leenposh18 @adriennef315 i love the dress will look some more to see if there's anything else I like and definitely get back to you. πŸ’œ
Mar 29Reply
maryrach @lafskm I love how you share the love from fellow Poshers! That just makes this app so much better:)
Apr 13Reply
manorly @lafskm Hi Arleen! You things are going out tomorrow. Thanks so much❀😘
Apr 15Reply
leenposh18 @manorly thanks Nora. I appreciate the update. I wasn't worried πŸ’œ
Apr 15Reply
jar8b9 @lafskm hey I’m sorry I had to delete the ring listing because I realized it was an error. I sold that ring this morning. I’m sorry
Apr 17Reply
leenposh18 @jar8b9 it's ok. Things happen. Thank you for quick response
Apr 17Reply
manorly Have a blessed day my friend!πŸ’œ
May 04Reply
leenposh18 @manorly thank you Nora. Have a blessed and rested weekend. πŸ’œ
May 04Reply
manorly Good morning Arleen!πŸ’œ
May 10Reply
leenposh18 @manorly Good morning Nora! πŸ˜šπŸ’œ
May 10Reply
meme2626 πŸ¦‹Hi there Arleen, can you please tell me where you got your cute Heart Thank you Stickers. I’ve been looking & cant find anything that’s good that sticks well🌷🌷🌷Thanks so much Dear
May 26Reply
leenposh18 @meme2626 hi there. Unfortunately I can't take credit for those. They are gifts from my favorite posher Nora @manorly. And I'm sure if you message her she'll let you know where she got them. Enjoy your weekend. πŸ’œ
May 26Reply
manorly @lafskm thank you friend!πŸ’œ
May 26Reply
lola4387 Hi hun I saw you liked 2 pairs of the same sandals the ones in black and the ones in gold, if you want both of them I can give you a good deal and only pay shipping once. I hope to hear back from you soon. All the best, Jen
Jun 12Reply
lisagman Hello! If you bundle, everything is 5.00!!
Jul 24Reply
leenposh18 @lisagman love all of my likes. Will try to get them next week pay day. πŸ’œ
Jul 24Reply
maymayscloset @lafskm Beautiful Family!!! God bless you!!! πŸ’–
Jul 26Reply
leenposh18 @maymayscloset thank you my friend. I'm very grateful that God has blessed me with such wonderful kids and grandson.
Jul 26Reply
destinejewellry Your posts are adorable!
Aug 02Reply
leenposh18 @destinejewellry thank you!!! πŸ’œ
Aug 02Reply
mrshowelljr Mira que chulo!!!! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜œπŸ’‹πŸ’‹
Aug 03Reply
leenposh18 @mrshowelljr gracias es mi Bebo de 6. πŸ’œ
Aug 03Reply
mrshowelljr @lafskm Dame lo!!! 😜Todo los mio son major! Que Dios los bendiga πŸ˜˜πŸ’‹πŸ’‹πŸ’‹
Aug 03Reply
leenposh18 @mrshowelljr 😊 me mata el pai. πŸ’œ
Aug 03Reply
mrshowelljr @lafskm πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜œπŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜πŸ˜˜
Aug 03Reply
peruvianjewel Thank u so much for yr likes! Let me know if I can help further! 😍 enjoy yr day!
Aug 12Reply
leenposh18 @peruvianjewel you have a wonderful closet. Will be back soon. Haven't had a chance to look through it all. 😣
Aug 12Reply
peruvianjewel @lafskm o, how sweet u are!! I know there is so much there! ha! I have more things to post so if u are looking for specific things and/or sizes, let me know. I can dig thru waiting piles! Heehee! So grateful for yr time in looking!
Aug 12Reply
leenposh18 @peruvianjewel Oh that's great. I have a son and grandson the same age. If you have clothes for fall weather sizes 2t through 4t tag me please and thank you. I like to bundle so it's always better to get a few items at one time
Aug 12Reply
peruvianjewel @lafskm I'll look tonight for those sizesπŸ˜„wish we could have coffee together - would love all yr advice on a big family!!
Aug 12Reply
leenposh18 @peruvianjewel Oh that would be so nice. But all I can tell you is that prayers and communication with your children are the most important keys. I'll pray for you and your family. Please do the same for me. πŸ™‡πŸ’œ
Aug 12Reply
peruvianjewel @lafskm will ABSOLUTELY be praying for u and would cherish all yr prayers!! Had no idea about big families but now have such a heart to help, learn, and pray for them. It was such a hard adjustment from 1 child to 5. And some days it's still a struggleπŸ˜„ sending love, peace, prayers, and relaxation yr way😍
Aug 13Reply
leenposh18 @peruvianjewel well for sure you have earned your crown in heaven. Thank you so much. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ
Aug 13Reply
peruvianjewel @lafskm I shared 2 more items I just posted to u so hopefully u got those. I won't share other items from my closet unless u want me to (the items u might have already looked thru that are not new postings). Just let me know! The majority of my things are girls clothes since my new son is so hard on his! Ha! If I see anything else in my piles I will post and pass it on to u! No pressureπŸ˜„
Aug 13Reply
myshoeshack @lafskm Good evening, I hope you are having fun poshing!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰
Aug 23Reply
leenposh18 @midnightjewels hi there. Yes I love poshing. Love your closet. Hope to purchase from you soon. ☺
Aug 23Reply
myshoeshack @lafskm Thank you so much! I have met so many great poshers on this app just did a Vancouver meetup about 3 weeks ago. If you see anything, would enjoy making a fun bundle for you. I sell on a few platforms. Although I don't have a Huge amount of sales on here compared to other sites but posh is still relatively new to the market
Aug 23Reply
mitzpaws1 Thank you for the likes! Have a great weekend- :)
Aug 25Reply
leenposh18 @mitzpaws1 thank you to you as well πŸ€—
Aug 25Reply
nyfashionstore Hey! Can you check out my closet! πŸ’œ it would mean so much
Aug 30Reply
amber021992 @lafskm Hello!! ❀ feel free to add all your likes to a bundle and I will ship out today! Happy Poshing!! ❀❀
Sep 17Reply
trinitiblue Wow Arlene! That’s an amazing family you have☺️How awesome of you to give a shout out to Poshers that make your day in your closet since you don’t sell. Those are some beautiful children you should be proud and the little grandson is just adorable. Maybe some day I’ll have an opportunity to ship to you and have a chance to be in your closet of FAME🌺 God Bless you and your family it looks like he already has though
Oct 05Reply
leenposh18 @trinitiblue Oh thank you very much. Yes to God the glory for my amazing children and my gorgeous grandson. Yrs I love praising poshers that go above and beyond in customer service especially since I know Posh takea a big cut and I am aware of all a seller has to do to get the items to me. But communication is key. Thank you for your amazing comment I will definitely check out your closet. πŸ’œ
Oct 05Reply
trinitiblue Thank you so much for the rating my lady 🌺
Oct 12Reply
leenposh18 @trinitiblue of course . I posted a pic also. I love everything!
Oct 12Reply
trinitiblue @lafskm let me now if I can help you with anything at all in the future It’s not about the money all about the smiling faces God Bless fair lady
Oct 12Reply
leenposh18 @trinitiblue i agree with you. Our purpose is to love and serve one another.
Oct 12Reply
redtudorrose2 @lafskm Hello Arleen, nice to meet you ! Thank you for the shares and likes, it was very kind of you to do. Please tag me if you open a closet and I will be very happy to share your items with other Poshers. Best Wishes, Lisa
Oct 23Reply
leenposh18 @redtudorrose2 thank you very much. I appreciate your kindness. πŸ’œ
Oct 23Reply
hmsimon1 Hi Arleen, Christmas is right around the corner. As a valued customer, if you see anything in my closet you like please make an offer. Happy Holidays 🌹 Hank
Nov 26Reply
krede715 What an adorable little boy !😊
Jan 10Reply
pontevedragirls Hi! 😊
Apr 11Reply
suzannesj Hi I noticed that you liked quite a few items in my closet. I would love to make you a deal on a bundle and save you shipping. Please let me hear from you. :)
May 03Reply
leenposh18 @suzannesj hi Suzanne. I'm really interested in the San Marco necklace but what can you do for all of my likes? And thanks for offering. πŸ’œ
May 03Reply
suzannesj I will take $100 for all 5 items with discounted shipping. If you want them all put them in a bundle and I will go and offer you the $100 with discounted shipping. :) If not let me know what to take off. I will make you an offer on just the San Marco if that is what you want to do. Thanks
May 03Reply
leenposh18 @suzannesj WOW Suzanne that is an awesome deal. Can't pass it up. Please let me know when you have bundled my items and offer the discounted shipping and I'll purchase immediately. I'm getting ready for work right now and should arrive at work by 7:30. I can do it after that time. Thank you!
May 03Reply
leenposh18 @suzannesj Good morning! I just realized you asked me to bundle the items make the offer and you'll give me discounted shipping. Doing that now.
May 03Reply
leenposh18 @suzannesj Hi Suzanne they're all bundled. Can you give me the discounted shipping ?
May 03Reply
girlzglam Hi!! Feel free to bundle your likes and I will give you a great deal!! (More than 15%) 😊
May 22Reply
leenposh18 @girlzglam i can do without the earrings but I'll bundle and see your offer. Thank you!
May 22Reply
peppy11kc Your page is amazing! 😍What a great idea to put up feedback for the packages you get! First time I’m seeing this and’s genius!! I hope I’ll one day make it on to your page πŸ€žπŸΌπŸ˜‚ Have a fantastic day! You seem like such a positive person!πŸ’‹
Jun 02Reply
leenposh18 @peppy11kc awww thanks. I appreciate the kind words. I just think that some poshers really go the extra mile. And if I were a seller that's exactly how I'd be. You have a wonderful closet. I loveeeee jewelry. Have a great evening! πŸ’œ
Jun 02Reply
peppy11kc @lafskm well you’re my favorite posh account right now - seller or not πŸ˜‚β€οΈ Stay awesome! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
Jun 02Reply
racustomcloset Thanks so much for liking my Bob Marley earrings. If you are interested on saving on shipping costs, please kindly check out my etsy website or where my shipping cost ranges from 1.00 to free shipping. Thanks so much!😊
Jun 12Reply
leenposh18 @racustomcloset that is great to know since I've purchased on etsy numerous times. Thank you! πŸ’œ
Jun 12Reply
boxster Hi, you have a beautiful family... anyway the four items you liked in my closet. I’ll sell to you for $30. If you put them in a bundle...
Aug 07Reply
lucyland Hi Arleen, thank you for your likes today. If you bundle I will give you the shoes for 20% off and the bracelet for FREE!! πŸ’•from Lucyland
Aug 24Reply
leenposh18 @boxster OMG! Never even saw this comment. I get tons of them. I'm very interested in my likes. I can't do it today but I can do it next Friday if the offer still stands. Don't know how I missed it. 😣
Aug 24Reply
angelzc Hi and welcome to Poshmark!!!! Hope you have fun shopping and selling in return on this awesome platform!!!! Thanks for all your likes!!!! Feel free to bundle and I can get you a good deal. Have a great time poshing!!! πŸ›βœ¨πŸ’›
Aug 24Reply
leenposh18 @lucyland what a wonderful and generous offer. I really love the both of them. I can't just get them today. I'd love to make this offer pay day. Thank you!
Aug 24Reply
leenposh18 @angelzc you have a wonderful closet. The items are for both my daughter and granddaughter I'm very interested just can't do it at this very moment. But I'll bundle my likes soon since I need them for my granddaughters 1st bday.
Aug 24Reply
lucyland @lafskm ok no hurryπŸ’•
Aug 24Reply
angelzc @lafskm ok sounds good, just wanted to welcome youπŸ€—
Aug 24Reply
leenposh18 @angelzc thank you very much! I love posh!! πŸ’œ
Aug 24Reply
lucyland @angelzc Hi Arleen, if you are still interested in the shoes and the brace, they are still available πŸ’•
Aug 28Reply
leenposh18 @lucyland hi there. I really love those shoes and when you offered $30 free shipping the other day I almost cried. I can't right now because I just got my kids back to school but if available on the 13th of next mth I can get them.
Aug 28Reply
lucyland @lafskm ok. Just let me know. We r all in the same boat. I completely understand πŸ’•
Aug 28Reply
laci37 Hi! Just wanted to stop by and say Hi. Feel free to shop by my closet, make a bundle and send me an offer!
Sep 09Reply
ahava_jewelry That's so sweet that you post your purchases!
Sep 13Reply
leenposh18 @catsandclass thank you. That's the least I can do for my fellow poshers. πŸ’œ
Sep 13Reply
karinlouise Hello πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒπŸ’ƒfound your closet and I think your amazing to list your purchases to thank your sellers for the way they took care of you !! Just had to stop in and tell you that πŸ’•πŸ’•β€οΈβ€οΈπŸ’•have an amazing weekend !!!
Sep 21Reply
leenposh18 @karinlouise thank you so much. I love posh. Best wishes to you in your sales! πŸ’œ
Sep 21Reply
korreyn88 @lafskm *Hey beautiful! I just wanted to hit you up & check to see if u needed ANY more AMAZING product!!! Ive got TONS of incredible goodies going out right now w/ expedited shipping! And if u need ANY items NOT listed just LMK watchu need & I gotchu! TRUST me girl my inv is selling out SUPER FAST so PLZ lmk asap! Thanks again doll! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜˜πŸŽπŸŽ‰πŸ’•πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ˜πŸ™πŸ»
Jan 08Reply
variedadesregyn Hi there!Β  Happy day!!!Β  I invite you to check my closet!Β  Please feel free to like, ask me your questions and / or make an offer.Β  I am here to help you.Β  God bless you!!!
Feb 26Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! Hope you are staying safe and sheltered in this time!! We could all use something to make us smile and bring us some joy right about now! Shop my JOY sale on all my jewelry and accessories and get a discount of 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! πŸ’πŸ’
May 12Reply
more_and_more Hi Arleen πŸ‘‹. I just wanted to stop by and invite you to visit my closet, @more_and_more . I have many items on sale and I also consider all reasonable offers (even on sale items). For a private offer, just create a bundle (even if it’s just one item) and I’ll send you an offer of at least 20% off with discounted shipping. Also I have a special sale going on right now on all jewelry. I hope you have time to stop by and browse. πŸ’–
May 25Reply
tiffanie534 @lafskm you know i been on posh a few months now and your the only other person that thx sellers the way i do πŸ’• i think its so incredibly sweet how you do your thank yous i try to keep them up as well but i sell as well so i have to take my down after a certin time but thank you for being such an incredible nice soul it what makes us buyers keep wanting to make others happy πŸ˜„πŸ’• thank you
Aug 09Reply
rockinfrocks413 @lafskm ❀️
Oct 07Reply
cutehosiery @lafskm Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 20Reply
dallasstylez_ What a beautiful family πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
May 14Reply
leenposh18 @dallasstylez_ Thank you so much! I'm very blessed. So are you. You're boys are beautiful and very witty. You've gorgeous!
May 14Reply
leenposh18 You're *
May 14Reply
dallasstylez_ @tainamom thank you love where are u from
May 14Reply
leenposh18 @dallasstylez_ Born in PR raised both there and the Bronx. My mom shared custody with my grandparents. Now living in NC.
May 14Reply
dallasstylez_ @tainamom wow how amazing 🀩 how do you like nc
May 14Reply
leenposh18 @dallasstylez_ NC is nothing like PR. But it's a great place to raise kids. Slower pace more laid back. We definitely have to go out of state for fun Lol. But all my kids live here even the grown ones. 27, 25, 21, 19, 13 and 7 yrs old.
May 14Reply
loveisthenewblk love love that you do reviews on your page! hope that you posh by soon! thank you for the love πŸ–€ @tainamom
Jun 03Reply
designor @tainamom what beautiful fam.
Jun 03Reply
vadenata Hi,thank you for like my items, I open for offers.
Jun 26Reply
hellobrigid βš‘οΈπ™·πšŽπš’ π™΅π™°π™±πš„π™»π™Ύπš„πš‚!πŸͺ© πŸͺ‚π™Ήπšžπšœπš πšπš›πš˜πš™πš™πš’πš—' πš’πš— πšπš›πš˜πš™πš™πš’πš—' πš’πš— 𝚝𝚘 πšπš’πšŸπšŽ 𝚒𝚘𝚞 πšπš‘πšŽ πš’πš—πšœπš’πšπšŽ πšœπšŒπš˜πš˜πš™πŸ¦, πŸ™‰πŸ™ˆπŸ™Šπ™Έ'𝚍 πš‘πšŠπšπšŽ πšπš˜πš› 𝚒𝚘𝚞 𝚝𝚘 πš‹πšŽ πšπš‘πšŽ πš•πšŠπšœπš 𝚝𝚘 πš”πš—πš˜πš : πš–πš’ π™Ώπš˜πšœπš‘πš–πšŠπš›πš” πšŒπš•πš˜πšœπšŽπš πš’πšœ 𝟻𝟢% 𝚘𝚏𝚏!πŸ«§πŸ§ΊπŸŽ¬π™Έ'πš– πšŒπš•πšŽπšŠπš›πš’πš—πš 𝚘𝚞𝚝 πšœπš™πšŠπšŒπšŽ πšŠπš—πš πšŒπš•πš˜πšœπš’πš—πš πšžπš™ πšœπš‘πš˜πš™ πšπš˜πš› πšπš‘πšŽ πšžπš™πšŒπš˜πš–πš’πš—πš πšπšŠπš•πš•, 𝚜𝚘 πš—πš˜πš '𝚜 πš’πš˜πšžπš› πšŒπš‘πšŠπš—πšŒπšŽ 𝚝𝚘 πšœπš—πšŠπš πš“πšŽπš πšŽπš›πš•πš’ πšŠπš—πš πš˜πšπš‘πšŽ πšπšžπš— πšπš’πš—πšπšœ! 🌈✨
Aug 02Reply
jscapp72 I Love Your Closet ! What A Great Idea !! You’re Awesome ! 😊
Aug 17Reply
leenposh18 @jscapp72 Thank you so much! :)
Aug 17Reply
glitznglam716 Hi, please feel free to check out my closet. I mainly sell jewelry, but have a little of this and that. You have a beautiful family😊
Aug 29Reply
leenposh18 @glitznglam716 Thank you so much! They are my everything. I don't think I can afford 90% of your jewelry but you have amazing taste. LOL! Your nails are GORGEOUS!
Aug 29Reply
modnaya_koshka Hello!! How are you, please take a minute to check my Artisan closet, hope you will find your little Treasure here. Thank you. Fashion Cat 😻
Aug 31Reply
theposhaholic Sorry if you are unhappy with the purchase. Hope you enjoy πŸ’•
Sep 17Reply
obaoba @leenposh18 Hi, Arleen! You have a beautiful family.πŸ₯° It was very nice meeting you at Chrissy’s live. Happy Poshing!
Oct 12Reply
leenposh18 @obaoba Awww thank you Ana. I'm in love with your closet. You are super sweet and helpful. I'm wishing you many sales on this platform. πŸ₯°
Oct 13Reply
ve_ron_ika Hi thank you for All the likes in my closet, if you are interested in any of the likes you picked if you get at least 4 you can have them at 50% each as long as they don’t go past the 5 lbs. thank you for your interest. Have a blessed day.
Nov 04Reply
walterk007 Hi! If your looking for Disney items, feel free to check out my closet! Hope you have a great weekend!
Nov 26Reply
michellesf21 Arlene, Mother of six and you shop for them all! You are so sweet. If you are a lover of curated costume jewelry visit my friend Christina’s closet… @ChristinaMona. Visit mine for a cute Frog lapel pin… @MichelleSF21
Jan 01Reply
leenposh18 @michellesf21 yes I'm always trying to get them stuff. I love poshing. Thank you so much I'll check out both of these closets. Happy New Year to you wishing you many sales on this platform. πŸ₯°
Jan 01Reply
heyitsvanessae What a beautiful family pic β€οΈπŸ™πŸΌ
Jan 11Reply
leenposh18 @heyitsvanessae Thank you! They are my ❀️.
Jan 11Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet. My husband and I create a lot of the gemstone and sea glass pieces. We also have a lot of boutique jewelry at affordable prices. Our pieces are unique and many are one of a kind. Happy Poshing!
Jan 31Reply
tatianaboutique beautiful family!
Feb 05Reply
leenposh18 @treasuresbytati awww thank you. You are gorgeous. You and my oldest daughter are the same age. I'll place an order. I'm praying for a successful business for you. πŸ₯°πŸ’œπŸ’š
Feb 05Reply
yasrat1618 Hi arleen how are you dear?
Feb 12Reply
kathyfeczko73 Hi Arleen, What a beautiful family you have! My name is Kathy and I would like to invite you to stop by my closet sometime! I hope you’re having an amazing weekend!πŸ’•
Dec 01Reply

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