Meet your Posher, Arthur
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Hi! I'm Arthur. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

31 others
like this

Welcome to Poshmark! I have had so many amazing people help me get started and @pm_editor is a great resource 🎓 Please let me know if I can help @urselamay. My best 📂tip is fill out your Style Card for a more personalized Posh experience & ♥Follow Share and check out your Private Dressing Room to save on Bundle Deals!
Jun 24Reply

The Chanel bag is really amazing. I’m incredible condition. You will be happy!
Jul 01Reply

Hi, thanks for your offer. I would like to accept it, but I already lowered the price plus Posh gets 20%, a big portion, we can agree on my last offer. I will ship it today so, you will receive it very fast. 👍😊
Jul 02Reply

Thank you for your offers on my Chanel bag. $500 is my absolute lowest. Thanks!
Jul 14Reply

@ldrehs4 ok thanks for the message it’s very nice but much more than I can afford
Jul 14Reply

@westphilly64 I understand! If you change your mind my $500 offer stands. Thanks again 😊
Jul 14Reply

@ldrehs4 I was maxed out at 300 my boyfriend offered to chip in 100 if you could do it for 400 I’d be grateful if not I totally understand
Jul 14Reply

@westphilly64 oh, how nice! I really wish I could, but $500 really is a steal for this bag!
Jul 14Reply

I understand thanks again I’m gonna see what else I can find in my price window
Jul 14Reply

@westphilly64 YAY! Thank you so much for your purchase! You’ll love it! I will get it shipped out tomorrow. Enjoy the weekend 😊
Jul 14Reply

Sorry I had to cancel your order the pants were my daughters and she Dold them already so I no longer have them.
Jul 15Reply

So sorry, can't accept your offer, had one for 100 more. These are in great condition, would be willing to go down 20%. Thank you very much for your interest, though.⚘
Jul 26Reply

@westphilly64 😊🍍Hello welcome to Posh😃 your Posh closet is looking great looking forward to seeing more postings if you have the time, come by and take a look at my closet.
🌻Wishing you the best on Poshmark I am a Poshmark Mentor any questions please feel free to ask me🌷🐛
I am @midnightjewels When you post more up for sale please tage me, and I would be happy to share your closet. I am a posh mentor 😊😉
Jul 26Reply

Hello feel free to submit a counter offer for the Chanel shoes 😌price is negotiable!
Jul 27Reply

Thank you so much for your purchase. I will have it shipped out first thing Monday. You will love this bag!
Jul 27Reply

Hi hun 150 is the absolute lowest I can go on that purse. Posh takes 20% commission. Feel free to make an offer at that price if you’re interested
Jul 29Reply

Your payment didn’t go through hun. I accepted
Jul 29Reply

Hi this is Jessica Holt the shipper of your versace bag. I did send it out yesterday. I'm not sure why the tracking has not updated. I will look into it. Normally I get all of my deliveries out promptly. I'm so sorry for the delay.
Jul 31Reply

@westphilly64 hi hun, I was just wondering if you received your Versace bag and if you were happy with it. Also when you get a chance, could you accept it so your payment will go through. Thank you so much for your purchase and I hope you love this bag as much as I did.
Aug 02Reply

Hi Arthur ! I see you have made Offers on three of my items in my closet. I have countered on one and accepted 2 . But there seems to be an issue with payment ! Sorry ! You might just need to update you card info .
Aug 03Reply

Thank you for your purchases I will ship first thing in the morning !
Aug 03Reply

Hey. South Philly in the house!
Aug 07Reply

Welcome to Posh 🤩
Aug 09Reply

@westphilly64 really rude just FYI to offer less than 1/2 of a listed price. If that’s all you have to offer you should go to Wal Mart and stay out of LV section
Aug 14Reply

@kimishin thank you for bringing that to my attention it wasn’t meant to be 140 it was meant to be 240 I didn’t mean to offend you but you didn’t have to be such a snot face about it
Aug 14Reply

Good morning 💖dear thank you for your offer let me know if you love 💞to have it💐
Aug 16Reply

@mayka3310 Good morning,thank you for excepting my offer👏 you made me very happy🤗I will enjoy this beautiful bag💞
Aug 16Reply

@westphilly64 💟💟💟💖💖💕💞💞💝 you're welcome beautiful I will ship you are beautiful bag today enjoy
Aug 16Reply

@westphilly64 Thank you so much for the return business! I will be shipping today! I really appreciate it! I will be using the money for school clothes for my kids so it couldn’t have come at a better time! It truly means so much to me! Thanks again! 💕💗💕
Aug 17Reply

Hi! Just passing by. Hope you’re doing well. Just letting you know that I sell Authentic luxury bags and fashion jewelry. Come check out my closet if you have time. Thanks🌺
Aug 19Reply

Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet. All of my items are New of Like New.🌸 I love making offers on bundles✨🦄 I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Aug 21Reply

westphilly64 Hi there! I see that you have liked a few of my items. Let me know if there is any questions I can answer for you. I can definitely work with you on pricing especially if you purchase multiple items :)
Aug 25Reply

Thank you for purchasing the gold Coach flats! I will get those in the mail to you today! 💕
Aug 25Reply

Thank you for your purchase! Your order will be shipped on Tuesday or Wednesday due to the weekend and the holiday on Monday. Thanks for understanding:)
Sep 02Reply

Hi! 💕Thanks for liking my coach bags pls feel free to make an offer and also bundle to get 10% off and save shipping.Thank you & happy poshing💕🎉
Sep 08Reply

Pls make an offer💕😊
Sep 12Reply

@westphilly64 Hi Arthur, I am currently accepting offers on your likes from my closet so please feel free to submit an offer. Thank you
Sep 15Reply

Good morning! I noticed you received your Coach purse. I hope you love 💕 it!
Sep 18Reply

@westphilly64 Hello, I countered you at $100. I am only willing to sell it to you at that price. All other offers I have turned down. Believe it or not I am actually making nothing and actually loosing to even sell at this price but I like you and appreciate your return business! If you can’t do it I completely understand! Thanks! 💗💕💗
Sep 22Reply

Sep 23Reply

westphilly64- thank you for the like on the Black Patient Leather Coach Bag, if you would like to bundle the bag and the sunglasses from yesterday i will give you an amazing deal.
Sep 28Reply

@westphilly64 Hi Arthur, thanks for your interest in the item but you need to update your payment method. Thank you
Oct 03Reply

Hello : ). I see you are addicted to my closet thank you for the purchase.
I can combine a few sets together and hold them to split up payments. Let me know
Oct 04Reply

Hi🤗Thank you for your purchase I will ship today..
Oct 04Reply

Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet 😁
Oct 06Reply

Will ship your Tory bag out soon! ☺️ thank you
Oct 06Reply

Hi lovely!❤️ I would love for you to stop by my closet 🎉 for amazing deals staring as low as $4!! if you have any questions feel free to ask me💕
Oct 07Reply

Hi! I accepted your offer but it seems like you need to update your payment method. Pls
Check it out! Thanks;)
Oct 07Reply

@westphilly64 Lololol right on
Oct 07Reply

Hello, Welcome to Poshmark🌻.We hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet @maismo50 are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount.
Oct 08Reply

@westphilly64 Hello posh friend! 💕 If you are willing to pay my offer price I sent you for the coach bag I’ll also sell you the Brighton bag for just $10 more. If interested please feel free to put them in a bundle and make the offer. Thanks and hope you have an amazing day! 💗
Oct 18Reply

Dont forget to bundle! I noticed you liked a few of my items...when you have 3+ items get an additional 10% off and 4+ an even greater bonus!
🌻 Enjoy the day 🌻
Oct 19Reply

Oct 24Reply

Hello beautiful,
Please come and check my closet out. I have awesome prices :)
Oct 29Reply

Hello:). Thank you so much for the love on my closet! If you are interested in any of your "likes," add them to a bundle for a generous discount! Looking to clear items out of this house!!
Oct 30Reply

Hey there! If you're ever interested, since you are one of the best pushers around, please take a peek through my closet. I'll gladly give up to free shipping for bundles and some great deals since you are a repeat guest in my closet, even with firm price items (;
Oct 31Reply

Thanks for your interest in my jewelry set it’s inspired 🌟
Nov 02Reply

Hey Arthur I wanted to give you an offer on the Gucci bag however it's not showing up that you liked it for some reason. Just keep in mind it is a p o u c h e t t e, a very small Mini bag. But if you want to make me an offer anywhere around a hundred I would accept it.
Nov 02Reply

Thank you for the like 🤗! Feel free to make a reasonable offer.😀💃
Nov 10Reply

Hi Arthur!!! Drove to post office this morning and was closed for Veterans day!!! Try again tomorrow
Nov 12Reply

Thank you for the likes!! 🙂🙂🌸🌸
Nov 14Reply

Hi love. Are you aware that all totes are on sale today ? I have been sending a flyer Every few hours. This one is on sale for 60
Nov 16Reply

Thank you for your purchase I will ship asap..have a beautiful day 😊♥️
Nov 21Reply

@westphilly64 hi thanks for the likes feel free to send offer thank you
Nov 22Reply

@westphilly64 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! ⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I have over 900 items preloved, new and designer items up for sale. Buy with confidence at my store👍🏼Wishing you a Beautiful day🌈 #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹Happy Blessed Thanksgiving☺️🌈🙏🏻
Nov 22Reply

I’m having a buy one get one free sale on lippies 😽😽
Nov 23Reply

What shade is your skin color? Light? Medium? Dark? Please lemme know ASAP 😽😽
Nov 25Reply

thanks for the like! Im very flexible with prices so feel free to offer!
Nov 26Reply

Happy Poshing!! 😍 Hope you have a wonderful day full of lots of sales and shares. ❤️🙌🏻🎉😊 Please check out my closet! I have lots of fun baseball caps, beanies, gloves, scarfs and jewelry. 🧢🧣🧝🏻♀️🧤
Nov 30Reply

Thanks for all your likes! I offer 15% off 2 items and 20% off 3+. 💖🛍
Dec 09Reply

Hi you should definitely check out my closet I have brands like PINK, FASHION NOVA, VICTORIA’S SECRET, HOLLISTER and GUESS. I also have a ton of other brands. Hopefully you can come and check out my closet. And feel free to make any offers on anything you like!💕
Dec 12Reply

Hey sorry but the Gucci sunglasses that you liked sold out i have another Gucci tom ford and salt sunglasses check them out .
Thank you
Dec 15Reply

Good morning! Just wanted to say hi again and that I hope you had a Merry Christmas 🎄🎁
Dec 27Reply

Hi! I just noticed you ordered two different makeup palettes from my closet - THANK YOU :) But next time, to make it easier and more cost effective for you, please place items in a bundle (it’s like filling your cart at the market) so that you only pay shipping once. Of course this would only apply if you’re buying several items from one buyer. Hope this makes sense... Please let me know if you should have any questions.... 😊😊😊
Dec 31Reply

Hi there, let me know if you're interested in my listing. Everything must go so please feel free to make me an offer or bundle items for a huge discount. Thanks!!!
Dec 31Reply

Jan 01Reply

Hi Arthur, Thanks for liking. Please lmk if you have any questions. 🌻 Lorri
Jan 02Reply

Hi! Happy New Year ! I just wanted to invite you to browse, and if you are interested, feel free to add your likes to a bundle for a discount... I am trying to clear out some inventory
Jan 03Reply

Thanks for all the likes from my closet 😊..
Jan 03Reply

Hello!! Hope you enjoyed your makeup😽 lemme know if your interested in your current likes I’ll hook you up w nice deal❣️ thank you again
Jan 04Reply

Thanks babe ill ship ot out tomorrow 1😽
Jan 09Reply

Thx for Stopping by my closet!
Jan 15Reply

Thank you so much! Your order will be shipped tomorrow!
Jan 15Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! Check out my closet and let me know if you see anything. I offer 10% off bundles of 2+ items ✨ happy poshing!! 🤗
Jan 17Reply

Thanks so much for purchasing the Coach handbag from my closet. I will mail it to you tomorrow!!
Jan 17Reply

Thank you for stopping by my closet and welcome to Poshmark 😁🎉🎉🎉👏
Jan 19Reply

Thank you for your interest in my denim jacket! I’ve countered at my lowest. If you accept, I’ll send it out to you tomorrow! ☺️💕
Jan 19Reply

Hi. I just realised ur from Philly. So am I. West Philly as well near Belmont and Girard. I could do your last counter in person
Jan 20Reply

Hey there! I sent you and offer on my “shape tape foundation”, it has been sold on another app so please don’t accept my offer! Thank you (:
Jan 21Reply

Welcome to PM, Arthur 🥰
Jan 24Reply

Hi! if you have a second i would love it if you could check out my closet!! thank you!!💓
Jan 24Reply

Hi Arthur! Thank you for browsing my collection! I noticed you liked one of my favorite listings! I would love to slip you an offer on it you will love! Feel free to throw it in a bundle for one or add multiple items from my closet you like and save even more! If you have any questions, I am happy to help answer them so shoot me a message! Happy Poshing! 💕 Sue
Jan 24Reply

Hi Arthur thank you for the like on the Gucci sunglasses 🙂
Jan 29Reply

Thank you for your purchase was sent out yesterday have a great day
Feb 01Reply

Thank you for purchasing again I will get it shipped out this afternoon
Feb 01Reply

@westphilly64 I’m shipping your palette out tomorrow morning. My toddler has been really sick and I couldn’t get to the post office today. I’m going first thing in the morning and I’ll update tracking
Feb 01Reply

No problem I hope your little toddler feels better soon🌻
Feb 02Reply

Thank you again for the ratings hope you enjoy your items have a great day 💙
Feb 07Reply

Its buy 2 get 1 free!
Feb 09Reply

Hi!...if u decide bundle, ill keep out the most expensive, give u a offer...but bundle all 3, cause it shows sold that way...thsnks for looking at my closet!
Feb 09Reply

Hi. Good morning. Welcome. I’m just pass to say Hello👋 and invite you to see my poshmark closet @believeinhope. Happy 2019 and have a great week. 👍😀 🌸🍡🐶🌸🐶🍡🌸🐶🍡🌸🐶🍡🌸🐶🍡🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈🎈
Feb 09Reply

Thanks for liking any questions please feel free to ask Happy poshing 🙂
Feb 09Reply

@westphilly64 Thankyou soooo much for visiting my closet store and for your wonderful likes....I truely appreciate it! Bundle 3 or more items for a Great discount or make an offer👍🏼I will ship next day after purchase👍🏼Wish you a Wonderful Week
Feb 12Reply

Hi, Thank you for purchasing my Burberry scarf and I will also send you the Burberry Bear. I am taking it to the post office now so you should be receiving your package very soon! Thanks again, Melissa 😊❤
Feb 15Reply

Thank you and I will take very good care of the bear lol he’s coming to a good home😍
Feb 15Reply

Thank you for the purchase ! Thank you for the sweet comment . Stop by anytime . Happy poshing to you 😁
Feb 16Reply

Hi - thank you so much for the rating! I hope you love your new dress! 😊💕
Feb 17Reply

@westphilly64 hello! I wanted to let you know that I am better and will ship your beautiful palette tomorrow with a gift for being so patient with me ❤️
Feb 19Reply

@westphilly64 hey hun TYSM FOR your purchase! I would love to GIFT you some free goodies/samples as a thankyou for poshing w/me! I was wondering if you had any preferences like (SKincare, bath/body, perfume, nail polish, hair, eyes, lips a certain color perhaps?) plz lmk😊💗💗id love to make it perfection for you!
Feb 26Reply

@westphilly64 hey hun I just packed up your order!!! I threw in one of your likes (a NYX shadow) for free as a gift and a shimmer shadow so u have 2 new shadows to match ur new liner!!! I hope u absolutely love everything & it all looks amazing on u! Plz leave a review and let me know if u love everything bcuz I hope so! Tysm again & I hope to ttys & posh again soon!😊💖
Feb 27Reply

@westphilly64 - hi Arthur 🦋- come shop by me / offers too😊
Feb 28Reply

@westphilly64 hey boo! TYSM FOR stopping by again!! I threw in a full sized too faced (one of your likes) as a gift cuz ur so awesome & I appreciate ur return business!! Plz leave a review onc eit arrives & lmk if u like it cuz I HOPE ITS PERFECT!!! also, I do lives if u ever want to come get crazy deals we'd love to have u! TYSM again & I hope to posh again very soon😊💗🙌🏻⭐️
Mar 02Reply

Thanks again for your purchase!
Mar 04Reply

@westphilly64 hey hun tysm for your sweet review note!!! I hope u loved everything I included & your new items & I hope to posh again soon!😊💚
Mar 06Reply

Hi! Thank you for the offer on my Fendi Bag. I appreciate your offer and am considering it but was wondering if you would be willing to do $150.... that’s 50% off my original asking price?
Mar 09Reply

Yes 150 is fine with free shipping
Mar 09Reply

Hi Arthur! Are you interested in purchasing the Limited Edition Valentine Palette by KC?
Mar 14Reply

Hey there! Thank you for your offer on the liquid lipsticks! I did accept the offer but there was an issue with the payment so you’ll have to update your payment info for the order to go through (:
Mar 14Reply

Hi! I was just wondering if you saw my previous comment about the payment issue. The liquid lipsticks are still available for others to purchase until you update your payment info. I wouldn’t want for you to miss out since I already accepted your offer.
Mar 14Reply

@westphilly64 for you special I'll do the LIME CRIME for about your offer and a bunch of freebies. Cuz your the BEST!😊⭐️⭐️💗
Mar 16Reply

@westphilly64 Hey hun TYSM FOR your purchase! I soooo appreciate you supporting me on my lives ESP cuz I'm super new & hope to have much more fun in the future together also! TYSM for everything and i hope you love your new mask and minis😊💗
Mar 17Reply

@westphilly64 I wanna give u some extra goodies !!
Mar 17Reply

Hi just to let you know I will be shipping your item first thing tomorrow, I’m sorry for the inconvenience.
Mar 18Reply

@westphilly64 hey hun I just packed up your order!!! Cuz of your AMAZING REVIEW and repeat business & AMAZING character I added DOUBLE gifts & went through your likes to choose them!! A Lorac gloss (hot pink), the pirates lippy u liked, an urban decay mini purple liner like your like & more!!! I so hope u love it all! Also, I bubble wrapped your GORGEOYS palette like CRAZY! Plz lmk when it arrives safely! TYSM again😊💗
Mar 19Reply

I just dropped off your top to the post office! I ran out of cards but I left a little punk kit surprise as another thank you. (:
Mar 22Reply

@westphilly64 wow hun I am soooo happy ur palette arrived safely!!! Plz kno I will gift u more and more always!!! I appreciate u SO SO MUCH and will gift extra even more cuz ur reviews and ur integrity! I appreciate nothi f more than an honest buyer! Your the best! Plz lmk what u think of that amazing soldout palette!!!!!💖😊
Mar 23Reply

thx for quick & 5 star rating i also appreciate the positive note
Mar 27Reply

Hi! I see you were interested in my antique perfume! I will accept your offer for $15 please send your packet again and I will accept :)
Mar 30Reply

Thanks so much for your purchase this afternoon! I have it ready to go and a USPS pickup scheduled for tomorrow so it’ll be on its way to your home VERY SOON! Hope you’ll love wearing it! Thank you again for choosing my closet and enjoy the rest of your weekend... 😎
Mar 31Reply

Hi I did accept your offer. I don’t know what happened.🙏🏼😊
Apr 03Reply

Thank you very much for the great rating! I really hope you’ll enjoy the jacket! Have an outstanding upcoming weekend and please know how much I appreciate you... 😘💕
Apr 03Reply

Thank you also.Have a good summer🌻
Apr 15Reply

Hi🤗🤗thanks for your purchase 💄I'll ship tomorrow morning💗💄💗💄💗🦄
Apr 16Reply

🛍📦🦋 sorry that it may not track until Monday as the post office was already closed when I dropped it off. I know she will L😍VE.
Apr 20Reply

🌈🌸Oops, I thought I was typing the above comment on another posher’s listing. Sorry about that. Your package has also been dropped off, and I likewise apologize if it doesn’t track until Monday. Have a great weekend and a fabulous Earth Day✨💫
Apr 20Reply

Hi, I made a new listing with the offer you sent me since it won’t let me accept your offer...
Apr 21Reply

Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day!
Apr 22Reply

Hello 👋 I have many unique beautiful clothes you might like 😍If you’re interested, feel free to make me an offer. I always accept reasonable offers 🥰
Apr 25Reply

What’s going on WEST PHILLZ 🥳🥳🥳 I’m philly too 😉😉😉
May 05Reply

Welcome and I hope you are enjoying your time on Poshmark!
May 07Reply

Hi honey I am sorry I am out of Gucci lipstick. Would you like to pick up a different one instead? Thanks
May 11Reply

Hi, can I ask if the girl ever shipped your Androgyny palette?? Wanted to check before I bought anything from her closet. Thanks!!
May 21Reply

Hi,yes she did👍🏻
May 21Reply

Thank you for your order! I'm driving into civilization tonight to resend a store order that was lost and another that ordered the wrong size 🙊
I am starting to use a post office that offers more staffing and hours, only need to get to posh ambassador by getting my ship time to 3 days or less instead of 4. I know you'll love tbis,rare item at 50% off what most are selling for and hope to receive a 5 star rating if you are hsppy! Thank you for supporting small business!
May 23Reply

Hi, thank you for teaching me something new,I was wondering how you get to be a Posh ambassador, good luck to you i’m sure you will do it👍🏻
May 23Reply

May 25Reply

Hello! I just wanted to let you know that the belt you ordered from me was sent out on Friday. With the holiday you might not see tracking until Tuesday. Thanks for your understanding!
May 26Reply

Hi,no problem 🇺🇸🎊
May 26Reply

I just wanted to confirm that your order was shipped. I live out in the mountains so postal service hours & staff are limited with the low population of towns around here. Thank you for supporting small veteran owned business!
May 27Reply

Hi, no problem thank you for the heads up🎊happy holiday🇺🇸
May 27Reply

@westphilly64 so good to see u again TYSM FOR coming back!!! Any GIFT hopes this time?!💗😊
Jun 01Reply

Hi there 🤗i am Irene PM ambassador and a 5 🤩seller and if you like Coach i invite you to check out my closet 🥳🤩🤗🙏thank you
Jun 05Reply

@westphilly64 shipped ur orders! In the rush one I added a shadow to use with tHE brush and a brush cleanser MINI and some Eyeshadow samples💗😊😊😊
Jun 05Reply

@westphilly64 hey hun I shipped your Mac palette and added a ysl lip brush to use w ur palette, a Mac mascara mini, a small bright ulta lippy to use w ur palette, and a luxurious lush sample!!! Plz lmk if u love it w a review! Btw I'm in Fb and would love to have fun with u there toooo!😊💗💗💗
Jun 05Reply

Hi, thank you so much for all the freebies that’s very generous of you ,you definitely will hear from me again,happy poshing🌻
Jun 05Reply

@westphilly64 yay yout so welcome! Sry I didnt c this cuz u have to tag me? Like writing (@chiclillady27) at the beginning or u can hit reply and itll do it 4 u. But yes I'm so glad I liked it and I'm so excited to do a fun order for u this time also!!! Any hopes?! I always want to make it perfect for however ur feeling at the time💚
Jun 13Reply

Hi Arthur, nice to meet you my new posh friend!! I hope you're loving it here as much as I do, isn't it sooo addicting!! Stop by my closet anytime and say hello, I'm always here! Hope you’re having a fabulous day, talk soon! 💜
Jun 13Reply

@westphilly64 alsoi will add a free Medusa to your Medusa order too!💗
Jun 14Reply

@westphilly64 both orders have been shipped and ur gifts r better than usual and will be even better next time tysm!!!
Jun 14Reply

Hey, I have some items in my closet I feel you’d be interested in. if so, feel free to send some offers. (I give great deals & ship fast) 🙌
Jun 17Reply

@westphilly64 tysm for the super sweet review!!!! I love gifting u and am so hopeful everything is perfect and hope to ttys!!💗😊
Jun 18Reply

Hey! Just wanted to let u know I can do a makeup mystery box for 50$. Included will be brands such as too faced, Mac , Anastasia etc .
And you will receive five items all brand new .
Let me know if u want one so I can create a listing for you!
Jun 19Reply

@westphilly64 🌺 thank you so kindly for visiting my closet and for all your Posh 💖💕! If interested please add the 2 tops & handbag to a bundle and make me an offer 😍 I would love to work with you and give you a nice discount for you to enjoy these gorgeous items 🤩!
Jun 22Reply

@westphilly64 🌺 or any item(s) you like 😀😍!
Jun 22Reply

Hello ! I don’t have the paperwork for this one that’s why I discounted the price . However I can include the pouch it was purchased with , it is guaranteed authentic ! Stamped with code . Please let me know if you are still interested .
Jun 28Reply

Hi, yes absolutely I still want it🥰 thank you for getting back to me until next time happy poshing 🌻
Jun 28Reply

@westphilly64 When you respond without having @ and username ( @leviya ) the person won't be notified unless they chance to come here to look, or you can hit 'reply' to get name up. Thanks for liking the Missoni dress again! I do fantastic bundle discounts.
Jul 02Reply

Hi, I’m just stopping by to say hello and inviting you to check out my closet. I carry a lot of high end designer brands NWT up to 75% off retail price. I’m adding new items daily. Let me know if you see anything you like. I would be more then happy to help. I ship immediately🌷 Have a wonderful Friday 💕💕
Jul 05Reply

Hi! Thanks so much fir purchasing the Dior mascara! I’m sorry but I’m currently traveling so won’t be able to ship out the item until end of the month, let me know if you’re ok with it or else I can cancel the order as well! Thanks and sorry about this!
Jul 10Reply

@westphilly64 Hi thank you for liking my Dooney & Bourke bag ! I know I gave you an offer, but if you like you can counteroffer for $30. If not , no worries:). I just want to keep you updated .
Jul 11Reply

@westphilly64 hey gorge I. So glad u got the deal on sugarpill!!! I lowered the prices of many other colors too including trick and some more. If u have any u like plz lmk I'd 1000% lower anything and I mean ANYTHING 10% at least for you no problem!!!😊💞💞💞
Jul 13Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet! 💕
Jul 13Reply

@westphilly64 hey hun thankyou for your purchase!! I'd love to GIFT u some free goodies as a ty for poshing w/me and was jw if u had any color/style preferences?! I have Sephora/ipsy/Ulta/Popular drugstore brands & i hav skin/hair/nail/bath/!body care, perfume, makeup-lips eyes bronze etc; a bit of everything really! Plz lmk what colors or styles u usually like most so I can make this purchase perfect for you!😊💗
Jul 15Reply

Hi aurthur, I was gonna send you that offer I posted on that page and I will accept it. 😉
Jul 16Reply

Welcome to Posh! You will meet some really great people on here 😉 Not to mention snag some really great deals! 🌸🕶👖👜👗👜 I’m Jan, a Posh Ambassador 🌹 and here to help with any questions you may have 😸 I specialize in women’s designer clothing such as Lululemon 🍋 Free People, BeBe Guess and Anthology just to name a few 💕 I also offer an extra 15% discount on bundles ❤️❤️❤️ Feel free to check out my closet 😉 Happy Poshing! Jan
Jul 16Reply

Aurthor, I saw the items that you .liked ❤️...Thanks for liking them, 🌈 let me know if you want to bundle any of these for an extra 15% off the regular offer price that I will send you plus a discount on the shipping cost 😉
Jul 16Reply

Thanks so much for purchasing the brighten rhinestone belt, it will be shipped out tomm 😉
Jul 17Reply

@janmariescloset 💞💞💞💞 I'm glad that you're at least one of them, because I sent them together and I do not know why the other one has not been scanned yet, I just hope they do not lose💞💞💞💞💞
Jul 17Reply

@westphilly64 💞💞💞I arrive, thanks to God that I arrived, I was very worried that I did not see that it had been scanned .... they are beautiful and remember to always visit my closet I always have new ones available💞💞💞
Jul 17Reply

Hey there Arthur ~ Above all, HAVE FUN 'round the carousing and browsing of good ol' PoshTowne. ▪︎ I can only promise you *never a dull moment*. ✴ Best to your zest of success on the soar. ~Kate✒ absolutely
Jul 21Reply

Hi Arthur...thank you for liking so much in my closet. Feel free to bundle and make an offer. Three items gets an automatic 15%. I’m from South Philly so you won’t have to wait long for shipping!
Thank you again, Monica
Jul 21Reply

Hey I was just checking in to make sure that you got your mirror yesterday? Also after you check it let me know if everything is OK I also sold to other mirror that were shipped the same day and one of them arrived damaged so I just want to make sure yours was OK
Jul 25Reply

@beautyobsessed0 hi, no I didn’t receive The mirror yet although it does say that it was delivered🤷🏼♀️
Jul 25Reply

@westphilly64 oh no... ok lemme check the tracking # on the USPS website... I would just send you another but I only had two and they sold VERY fast... so hold on...
Jul 25Reply

Hi my friend, I just received the mirror and all is well🥰thank you until,next time,happy poshing👍🏻
Jul 25Reply

Hi Welcome to Poshmark ☀️ I’m Sarah and it’s great to meet you! I stopped by to say hello and invite you to visit my sweet little boutique. If you have any questions please let me know .. I’m more than happy to help.
Have a beautiful day ☀️🌷
Sep 15Reply

Hello! I'm not sure if you saw the message on the Nomad pallette you had ordered, but it was returned to me with damaged wrapping, the product was undamaged and I have relisted the item. You have 1st dibs, plus a discount with extra gifts due. My apologies for the inconveniences, Customer service is my #1 priority over making $🌹🎁
Sep 23Reply

Hey there! This is a kindly message.
I spend my time to check your love notes that you given after you received the items, so I think some of my listings will meet your style.
There will be more kinds of goods in the future. So welcome to follow me!
Also please don't hesitate to send me an offer if something you like.
All the best for you. :)
Dec 10Reply

🎉Hi Arthur 🛍I’m Susan, 5 Star Rated Seller & Posh Ambassador. I want you to feel completely confident shopping my closet for new designer items from Michael KORS, Free People, Anne Klein, Coach & more! Handmade Sterling Silver Earrings🌟I’ve personally shop from top retailers only, as well as items from my own smoke free closet. Each item is top quality & authentic ❤️
Dec 18Reply

🙋♀️Hi⭐️Hope you are enjoying shopping 🛒 and selling 🛍. When you get a moment, please stop 🛑 by my closet and follow me.. and I will do the same. I wish you all the luck in the world 🌎
May 31Reply

Thank you so much for the
likes, you are super sweet! Right now I am running a buy even get even free sale which means add any even amount of things to this bundle and get half of them for free! I'm working on cleaning out my closet for a move. Also feel free to make an offer on any item if you don't like the price! l'am here to help, If you have any questions let me know and have a beautiful day! ❤️
Mar 24Reply

@westphilly64 Hi, hope you are having a nice day.🤗
💐Please come and visit my closet & if your total purchases
$50 or more or if you like 3 items or more ,I will put them in a bundle and I will send you a private special discounted offer of 20% off on your total purchase
plus discounter shipping & I will give you free gift 🎁 🤗💐🌺💕🎁
Can add extension free of charge if requested 🛍
All jewelry comes in gift boxes 🎁🛍
Aug 27Reply

Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 15Reply
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