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Updated May 06
Updated May 06

Meet your Posher, Ashlee

Meet the Posher



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hey there ! i'm ashlee :) i'm living in monument for now and some of my favorite brands are PINK, free people, band of gypsies, obey, and chaser. thanks for stopping by! feel free to leave me a comment so that i can check out your closet too. 💜
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macloudstore likes this
misstana Hey missy! So what do you think about Poshmark so far? A couple tips for you, 1). to get ahold of a user, make sure to tag us in your post with the @ symbol, followed by username. 2). PM is very socially based. Follow users and get followers back! Those followers will see and share your listings. Also, sharing your listings often = sales! Meet us all on Facebook for some chatter and help!
Nov 27Reply
ex_globetrotter Hi Ashlee! I'm Shiela from Golden & welcome to Poshmark! This is a great app not only for buying & selling but for the great community of people in it! I've made friends here too! Please don't hesitate to reach out anytime if you have questions! I have a listing in my closet for newbies & I hope you'll find it useful! Posh love (aka shares & tips) are always free! I hope you'll enjoy it here as much as I do! We have an upcoming meet up on Dec. 4-5, 2015. I hope you can come! Happy Poshing! 💗💗💗
Nov 28Reply
heatherschoice You have a fun closet. A bit of this and that, very cool. Blessings on your closet! BTW, your gorgeous!
May 18Reply
claireellin Hey there! It looks like you have received your package 😊
Jul 15Reply
ayeashlee @claireellin hey doll, looks like it got shipped to my old address. it could take a few days for the forwarding process to happen but ill accept the purchase as soon as i get it !
Jul 16Reply
bestdeal4 It's almost brand new And I can give you $22 Let me know
Aug 19Reply
taraelizabeth_ that's cool you're from monument i'm from co springs! 😀
Nov 18Reply
shawnitq You are so pretty!! Xo I'll be shipping them out in a couple hours.
Dec 15Reply
shawnitq Oh.. my.. I'm an idiot.. I packed up and sent the wrong jeans.. ugh- I can likely catch them before they leave the facility though- Oh my god I can't believe it.. actually, ya know what- merry Christmas. I'll send the other pair tomorrow and give you the tracking # when I ship them. It'll be in the AM. If you don't like them, feel free to send them back. I'll tag you in the pic of which ones they are. Idk why I thought those were the ones..
Dec 16Reply
ayeashlee @shawnitq wooah, are you sure?! i'm sorry the mix up happened but i totally understand, definitely seems like something i would do lol i'll at least give them a shot but if there's anything keeping me from loving them i'll send them straight back :) thanks so much girl, hope you have a happy day.
Dec 16Reply
shawnitq Oh no worries sweetie! Of course I'm sure! Hey- they're just jeans. I can think of a billion things that could be worse! lol I'm sure they will fit you and look amazing! Once upon a time they were my favorite! The onyx rhinestone pocket detail is unique and gorgeous for a night out!! I'll be sending the BKE's in a few short hours here. Have a happy day as well doll!
Dec 16Reply
shawnitq 9505 5115 1775 6351 0597 45 the tracking # for the jeans you paid for lol. Seriously- if you like them and they fit- keep em! It's really no big deal!
Dec 16Reply
shawnitq I am so very thrilled that you love BOTH of them! I'm glad I could turn a disaster into a positive, and honestly, it make me happy to make others happy! So- Happy Christmas doll! xoxo
Dec 22Reply
bambammom Sending out the bikini tomorrow!
Feb 01Reply
ayeashlee @hip61 you're so welcome ! i'm glad you like everything ❤️
May 18Reply
ayeashlee @1stopfootshop offer re sent !
Jun 19Reply
shajoy Hi, I see you liked the flannel shirt. So versatile. Let me know if you’d like it. Can give it to you for 20$
Mar 08Reply
shajoy Need to think about offer- really wanted 20- it’s a great top
Mar 08Reply
ayeashlee @shajoy i understand. it really is ! i wish shipping wasn’t so much :( otherwise i would have done $20 no problem. have a happy day !
Mar 08Reply
shajoy Hi, I see you shared a few pieces of clothes- if I want to add anything to the flannel shirt- let me know. I’m going to mail it soon
Mar 08Reply
ayeashlee @shajoy just wanted to say thank you by sharing some of your cute things ! but thanks 🙃
Mar 08Reply
augustbellhome Aslhlee, THANK 🙏 YOU! Beautiful day. 🙏❤️😊🌈
Sep 17Reply
ayeashlee @augustbellhome girl, thank YOU ! beautiful packaging, and thank you for my little surprise ! you run a great closet. have a happy day 🙏🏼💜
Sep 17Reply
augustbellhome ❤️❤️❤️!!!
Sep 17Reply
ohaiclaire @ayeashlee Hej sorry to disturb you again But would you consider reselling the wildfox open back maxi dress with slits ? Would be so amazing
Apr 15Reply
ayeashlee @ohaiclaire oh my gosh, i’m so sorry i forgot the respond last time. but yes ! i wouldn’t mind selling that back at all :)
Apr 15Reply
ohaiclaire @ayeashlee omg that would be super amazing !!!! Can you make a listing ? You bought it for 30 Do you think if you put it on poshmark for 35 it’s ok for you ?
Apr 15Reply
ayeashlee @ohaiclaire $35 sounds great ! i’m working some today but i’ll get it posted.. i’ll make sure to tag you in it once i do 💜
Apr 15Reply
ohaiclaire @ayeashlee thank you so much It means a lot to me Been looking for that dress everywhere Thank you❤️ Have a nice day
Apr 15Reply
ohaiclaire @ayeashlee hej sorry to disturb you again, but do you think you will upload it this weekend?
Apr 18Reply
ayeashlee @ohaiclaire hey girl, i’m sorry but i had to make a sudden trip home for my mom. the dress is laying out just waiting to be posted ! ill do it as soon as i get back to colorado, sorry for the delay
Apr 18Reply
ohaiclaire @ayeashlee oh ok sure sorry ! That’s super important of course ! All the best to you and your mom of course !
Apr 18Reply
ohaiclaire @ayeashlee Hej sorry to disturb you again Hope you and your mother and family are fine I was wondering if you already traveled back home and are able to post the dress ?
May 03Reply
ayeashlee @ohaiclaire ah ! girl thank you for reminding me. i honestly completely spaced. posting it now !
May 03Reply
honeytag Hi there! 😃 Come check out my closet       @honeytag for awesome fashionable finds, I think you're gonna love! 🖤 ...🌼🌼🌼Happy Poshing 🌼🌼🌼
Feb 08Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Chanel, Lululemon, Nike, Spanx, Skims, Victoria’s Secret, Wolford, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Jul 10Reply
cutehosiery @ayeashlee Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 14Reply

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Last Active: Feb 24

Colorado Springs, CO
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Last Active: Feb 24

Colorado Springs, CO
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