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Updated Sep 07
Updated Sep 07

Meet your Posher, Ashlee

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ashlee. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Nike, and lululemon athletica. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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drroxane likes this
kristta12kristy Hi, I can do 🅿️🅿️ for lee (if you’re interest). Thanks
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy what is the lowest you will go?
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hi, I can do $750 plus shipping through Posh. Thanks
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy wow that would be great if we could do that threw Poshmark. How much is shipping ?
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 $750 through 🅿️🅿️ and $10 shipping on here. It has to be friends and family though. Or else o have to charge more bec. or the fee. Thanks
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy Iam a bit confused , Iam a little new to Posh, Confused on the friends and family thing lol
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 haha there is an option on 🅿️🅿️. you can either choose to pay for goods & services (the seller will have to a certain % fee). If you choose to send money through friends and family, there is no fee to me. You can check out all my seller’s feedbacks for your piece of mind. It’s up to you. Or we can just go through here for a higher price. I’m fine with either way. Thanks
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy thank you for explaining lol. Yes you look like a very great seller from all the posts ! I do not have a account , I can use my sisters tomorrrow it’s a bit late here in NY , definitely interested so I will message you first thing tomorrow to get the info to move forward , hopefully it will still be available. Do you currently have a lot of interest on this bag?
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hi, just 2 offers and one person want to meet up. But, lots of likes. Please feel free to message me back tomorrow. Have a great night. 😊
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy perfect I will be in touch ASAP! And it comes with leather strap and chain as well?
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 yes, original dust bag, an attached original golden chain and LV cross body leather strap. All accessories are all original from LV. Thanks for your interest
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy great thanks so much for being so helpful will talk to you tomorrow !
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy hi again , where are you located ?
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hi, I’m in Fontana, CA
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy are you able to tell me any others that have purchased threw 🅿️🅿️ to see how their transactions went ? Thanks
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hi, those are done of my 🅿️🅿️ transactions. Too many to list them all.
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 let me know when you’re done review them. I need to delete it.
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy got them , thanks so much
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 great! I will have to the same for you (if you’re going to purchase through 🅿️🅿️. I will create a $3 listing for you to purchase (just like those pics. I showed you). Thanks
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy ok I’m all set just set up an account , just walk me threw how to do this please lol
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 Threw 🅿️🅿️
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 great! Please log into your 🅿️🅿️acct. and select send money “to friends and family“. Please send $750 per agreed. Once, your done, please let me know so I can decline all my offers in here. And creat a shipping label for you. Thanks
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy Okk I don’t need your name or email, to friends and family is your user name ?
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 I’m sorry I’ve never used , is it the friends and family abroad button? Or just type ur email in ?
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 type in my email
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy got it then select send to friend ? Instead of paying for item ?
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy $22 fee still coming up is that normal even with sending to friend
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 nooooo! There should not be any fee. Which method are you funding from? Is it from your credit card or banking?
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy oh maybe that’s it let me put my account info
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 Ok sent it
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 it say uncleard/echeck pending. The fund is not in my account yet. I will screenshot so you can view.
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 let me m ow when you’re done viewing it. I can’t ship out your bag yet because the money is not in my account yet.
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy yes mine says pending right now it was not taken out of my account yet , does it usually take a bit ?
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 Done viewing
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 it should be instant. Not sure why it’s pending. Are you done with the other listing? I’m going to delete it
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy mines saying estimated echeck delivery for oct 1st.. ? I have well over he amount in the account , should I call the bank?
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 if you want me to ship it out today. Yes, please call them and have them release the fund. Thanks
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 you need to call 🅿️🅿️. they are the one who is holding your fund.
Sep 26Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 I’m just hoping no one purchase the bag, October 01 is about 5 days away.
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy I no I hope not !! Clearing it up now
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 The bank is not seeing it on there end I have no idea why. Is there a way to cancel the 🅿️🅿️ request and then I can do it on my fiancé’s account that is not a new account ?
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 🅿️🅿️ says it’s not them it’s the bank and the bank isn’t even seeing a pending charge
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 Hey , is there a way to cancel the 🅿️🅿️ and re do it ? Or are you able to write like pending purchase and we can wait ? I’m going to get you the money either way wether I have to use another account or anything . I’m getting married in November and have dying to find one of these bags to use the day of and I promise I will make sure it goes threw
Sep 26Reply
ashlee52290 Hey just got notified it went threw I can see it now in my account . If you can let me no if u got it on ur end
Sep 27Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hi, so sorry... I din’t see your messages from yesterday. You need to tag me in order for me to get notifies.
Sep 27Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 also, I can not cancel your incoming fund bec. the fund is not even in my account.
Sep 27Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy ok hopefully it will be in your account soon since it’s now showing it was taken out of mine. Hey said it’s because I was new to 🅿️🅿️ and they didn’t have any other source of previews transactions or say a credit card to actually see the funds are there. Are you willing to hold the bag? Like I said I’m going to make sure this money gets to you no matter what, thanks for your patience @kristta12kristy
Sep 27Reply
ashlee52290 Well more like willing to wait for the money to process @kristta12kristy , I’m sorry this isn’t as smooth as it should be , not what I had planned either
Sep 27Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 I wish I could put it on hold for you. Unfortunately, there are 3 active counters offer pending on this bag. Therefore, I can neither end or revise my listing. My counters offer are very high and close to my asking price, so I think and hopefully no one will accept it.
Sep 27Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy ok I hope not either just keep me posted , if someone buys it you will send back to money correct ? @kristta12kristy
Sep 27Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 YES! DEFINITELY! No worries, I’m very honest and strongly believe in karma :)
Sep 27Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy thank u so much , keep checking ur account let me no if u see it !! Fingers crossed! @kristta12kristy
Sep 27Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 I sure will let you know as soon as the fund is release. 😘
Sep 27Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hi, I just received an offer for $950 on my Favorite. Your fund is till on hold. What are your thoughts. Thanks
Sep 28Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 yes, I would get $760 net. Which is little more than yours. But, that’s not my concern. My main concern is that I’m not sure when will they release the fund and I just don’t want to loose the potential buyer. At the same time, we have been corresponding for a while. I really feel bad if I were to sell it to someone else.
Sep 28Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy thank you for asking me , like I said if it didn’t go threw on the first I would get it to you with another account , I promise I want the bag so bad for my wedding like I said . You will not lose me as a buyer no matter how I get the money to you lol! Even if I have to match the girl and give you 10$ more @kristta12kristy
Sep 28Reply
ashlee52290 Waiting for another call back from 🅿️🅿️ right now as well @kristta12kristy
Sep 28Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 ok, please keep me post it. I don’t need you to pay extra $10 to match other buyer. You just need to pay on what we agreed. You also need to pay for the shipping as agreed. Thanks
Sep 28Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy of course $750 as we agreed and shipping , not a problem at all. Just got off the phone with 🅿️🅿️ and bank. Bank already cleared it I have a routing number as well. 🅿️🅿️ just says since I paid with my bank account and not a card it takes a few days to clear. I really appreciate u helping me out and waiting . @kristta12kristy
Sep 29Reply
ashlee52290 as you are being honest and loyal , I will only do the same and pay the amount we discussed and shipping ! Thank you again I’ll keep you posted , they said the 1st it should be released @kristta12kristy
Sep 29Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy can’t say thank you enough ♥️ @kristta12kristy
Sep 29Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy just wanted to check in make sure u didn’t think I went missing lol hopefully tomorrow this is all over !!! Thanks again enjoy your Sunday @kristta12kristy
Sep 30Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hi, yes! I hope so too. I’ve declined 12 reasonable offers. This is one hot bag in an excellent condition too. You can always resell it (after you’re bored with the bag).
Sep 30Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy I really appreciate that u did that ! I feel like this is one I won’t let go of maybe ever 😊😊 @kristta12kristy talk to u tomorrow !
Sep 30Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy good morning , I saw the charge is still pending I called 🅿️🅿️ they said it’s should release by the end of today if not first thing tomorrow. I’m sorry again for all this let’s hope it’s done ASAP. I’ll keep u updated , thanks ♥️@kristta12kristy
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 yes, I checked it like 3 times already. Still pending, this is really a hassle. I had so many inquiries and offers on this bag (too many). I just comps ignored all of them bec. I don’t know what to tell them. I hope it will release it today. It has been more than 5 days already. :(
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy I no I apologize again, like I’ve told u I’ve never used it and didn’t no it would be like this. I can send it to you threw something else , I don’t no if I can write on here but Then is there a way when you receive it on 🅿️🅿️ to send it back?
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 I feel terrible you had to wait and decline so many and still don’t have the money. Just trying to figure out how to get it to you any other way ASAP. @kristta12kristy
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hi, do you have V e n m o? YES! I will definitely SRND IT BACK TO YOU. I’m a high rated and reputable seller, I’m not going to ruin my reputation. This is what I do and I need this app to sell. 👍
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy yes I do!! Will it go threw and process right away I don’t want you to have to wait longer
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 I will delete it, once you’re done viewing it. Please let me know ASAP, so I can delete. That is my user. ThanS
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 I will ship it out today, if the payment is made by 10:45am. I’m heading out in a bit. Thanks
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy hey got it I’m going to do it right now let me no when u get it
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 yes, I will. 👌
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 yes, got it! Thanks a bunch.
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy perfect, now what do we do for shipping @kristta12kristy
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 now, I’m going to create a shipping label on Posh. Please buy it ASAP. So, I can ship it out today. Thanks again :)
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy ok it will be on your page? @kristta12kristy
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 yes, I tagged you
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 wonderful! It will go out today. I will keep checking on my 🅿️🅿️ every hours or so. If the fund is available, will refund it to you ASAP!!! Thanks again for your purchase
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy can u just confirm the address that is showing @kristta12kristy
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 The 836 one you have correct ? @kristta12kristy
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 sure, give me one sec. I’m packing your bag at the moment. Thanks
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 I have 836 Densfield Rd, NY. Is this the correct add?
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy yes !! Thank u so so much ! I really appreciate it ! I will speak to u soon about the 🅿️🅿️. again thank you!!!!!
Oct 01Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 I just checked my 🅿️🅿️ and it’s not in yet. I will also message you as soon as the fund posted to my acct. you can check on the status of your tracking on here (under purchase). 😊
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy 👍🏼👍🏼♥️♥️@kristta12kristy
Oct 01Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy I am also looking for a LV toiletry pouch 26 ... do you happen to have any of those !? @kristta12kristy
Oct 02Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 hello, I don’t have any at the moment. I will tag you (if I do get one in). :)
Oct 02Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy hello, just got notice that the funds were released on 🅿️🅿️ if you could send that back ASAP.. thank you!! @kristta12kristy
Oct 02Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 yes, can you please send me a request on v e n m o. Thanks
Oct 02Reply
kristta12kristy @ashlee52290 done ✅. Please confirm back if you received it. Thanks
Oct 02Reply
ashlee52290 @kristta12kristy got it , thank you so much I really appreciate everything you did and being so trustworthy. I will be buying from you again in the future ! @kristta12kristy
Oct 02Reply
lexashoar The Gucci backpack is available 💕💕💕
Aug 29Reply
aquaortiz I will be shipping first thing in Monday if you accept my offer
Aug 21Reply
drroxane Hi Ashlee, Nice to meet you ☀️ You are going to love the orange aviator hat! It’s in amazing condition! If you are also interested in the blue one as well, I’d happily match the $38 offer, for you💕
Jun 30Reply
ashlee52290 @drroxane thanks so much! I am good with just the orange one , thank you though!
Jun 30Reply
drroxane Sure thing! Away for the holiday weekend 😎 I am going to mail it out Wednesday, is that ok?
Jun 30Reply
ashlee52290 @drroxane yes thanks !
Jun 30Reply

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West Babylon, NY
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Last Active: Feb 19

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