Meet your Posher, Ashley
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Hi! I'm Ashley.

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Thanks for liking my closet! Many listings are marked as "donating soon." I'm accepting all reasonable offers. Bundle and save, I ship the same day 🌸 I'm adding new listings today!
Apr 04Reply

Wow, super sexy girl
Apr 12Reply

If you would like more pictures or details about an item, please comment!
I accept most reasonable offers.
I love to bundle! Bundle your likes and I will make you an offer you can't pass up!
May 01Reply

Hello stylin lady! Thank you so much for visiting my closet and liking my items! If you're interested, I offer 15% off of 3 or more items! If you would like more pictures or details about an item, please comment! Happy shopping! ❤
May 01Reply

hello girly. everything is buy one get one free right now so let me know If you are interested. :)
May 31Reply

@eaglesgrl93 hey girl. hope you enjoy the zip up n t-shirt you ordered! if you could please accept it so i can make a purchase of my own, id greatly appreciate it! thanks again (:
Aug 13Reply

@eaglesgrl93 Hi Ashley. I canceled the order for the PAC Sun jeans/leggings bc I noticed several loose threads that caused several stitches on the waistband to come undone. I’m sorry for the inconvenience and any disappointment this may cause. Thank you for your order. I appreciate it very much, and, again - I’m truly sorry. 🌻
Sep 27Reply

@something2see aw man okay thanks for letting me know
Sep 27Reply

@eaglesgrl93 You’re welcome. I’ll send them to you for free bc of the inconvenience if you’d like them as they are. You’ll just need to put a few stitches in and it won’t be noticeable if thread doesn’t match perfectly. I didn’t feel right fixing it and sending them bc they are NWT & should be perfect. Would you like them, Ashley?
Sep 27Reply

@something2see sure I’ll take them !
Sep 27Reply

When would you be shipping these ?
Sep 28Reply

@something2see when would you be shipping these ? Thank you again
Sep 28Reply

@eaglesgrl93 Hi Ash. Today. 😁
Sep 28Reply

@eaglesgrl93 & you’re very welcome. I live in MD so we’re not too far away fr one another. 😁
Sep 28Reply

Hey there gorgeous! Wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance, stop by to take a look at my closet! I will be moving soon and everything must go! A lot of my clothing has never been worn and still has tags attached, like Marc Jacobs Daisy, Nike, Yellow Box, PINK, and so much more! so take a look a around. And if there is something that you like, but not the price, make an offer! XoXo, B.
Oct 21Reply

Hii, feel free to check out my closet. Have a great day!
Nov 12Reply

Hi! Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark as much as I am. Please feel free to check out my closet, I have two really nice pairs of Jordan Eclipse that you might be interest in. 😊
Jan 07Reply

Thank you for looking at our family closet prices are negotiable and we have excellent ratings and reviews I am able to ship today ask any questions 😊offers welcome
Feb 28Reply

omg let's go out boo
Oct 28Reply

Hello! I sell both Men and Women's clothing. Feel free to visit my closet and ask any questions. Happy Poshing! @Shopper411411
Jul 26Reply
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