Meet your Posher, Ashley
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Hi! I'm Ashley. Some of my favorite brands are PINK Victoria's Secret, Nike, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

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Welcome to Posh! I hope you have an awesome experience as I have. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask 😊 If you're going to post anything, you can check out my closet for the PC (posh compliant) list. It will tell you everything that is prohibited. Happy Poshing 😘
Feb 16Reply

🌹Hi, thx for your interest in the Victoria Secret PINK Logo Weekend Gym Bag Duffle, do u use Merc? If so I have it on there for a little cheaper, Posh just takes 20% of my sales so prices are a little higher on here. But let me know and maybe we can make a deal!🌹
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 i dont know what merc is.. Lol.. But i really like the bag tho...
Feb 25Reply

@beba0623 🌹Mercari, it’s ok, it’s another app like this. I’m just able to sell on there a little cheaper than here but if u want, I can send u an offer?🌹
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 ok
Feb 25Reply

@beba0623 hey love, if u want I can send u an offer of $44 plus I’ll throw in a free PINK gift, is that ok? It won’t show the gift in the offer but I will put in in with the bag when I ship in the morning, up to u.
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 yes ma'am...
Feb 25Reply

@beba0623🌹 k I’ll send it now Love🌹
Feb 25Reply

Did u receive the offer hun?🌹
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 no ma'am
Feb 25Reply

@beba0623 it’s on there click on it and view offer, let me know if u find it. Or go to your notifications and u should see an offer from me🌹
Feb 25Reply

It won’t let me send another offer to u because I already have a pending offer, we’re u able to find it love?🌹
Feb 25Reply

Hey girlie, just seeing if u were still interested, someone else is asking me to send the same offer I gave u, but wanted to see if u still wanted since u asked first, let me know, thx🌹
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 yes i want it.. I cant find the offer thing
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 but i teally want it...
Feb 25Reply

@beba0623 k, go to the listing for the bag, click on the hanger on the top right corner, then it should say “view offer” or make offer, click on view offer and accept it. Let me know if u need more help, I’ll be happy to help 🌹
Feb 25Reply

Make sure after u click on the hanger (on the top right) view my closet (andrea5501) it should let u view and accept the offer.
Feb 25Reply

@beba0623 Step 1: Go to your Newsfeed (News)
Step 2: Select Offers at the top right of the screen Step 3: Select View all Active Offers
Step 4: Select Active Offer andrea5501 for the gym bag duffle
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 ok...
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 i see it.. Yayyy.. I get paid tomorrow.. Can u hold it till tomorrow... I give u my word that i aoon as i get my check ill do the payment.. Cuz i really want it..
Feb 25Reply

@beba0623 well you’re offer is good for 24 hrs. Don’t really like to hold stuff because I’ve had people never return to pay, I can do u a favor though and don’t send anyone else an offer, so if they want it they have to pay the $49, but I’m sure it’ll still be here. Let me know or accept the offer as soon as you can, my apologies for the confusing directions to the offer, lol. Thx Lovely 🌹
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 haha.. Ok n I'll give u my word that I'll pay u tomorrow.. 🙋Promise..
Feb 25Reply

@beba0623 🌹Alright love, I’ll talk to u tomorrow, have a good evening!🌹
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 thanks alot.. I'll be contacting u tomorrow...
Feb 25Reply

@andrea5501 I'm making the payment like atound 4 or 5 pm..
Feb 26Reply

@beba0623 🌹Awww thx hun, I’ll talk to u around then! 🌹
Feb 26Reply

@andrea5501 yes ma'am.. I gave u my word..
Feb 26Reply

@beba0623 🌹I really appreciate that, not many people stick to their word anymore, and I will be sure to put your free “PINK” gift in with the bag when I ship, Txs again Love, I’ll talk to u this evening!🌹
Feb 26Reply

@andrea5501 thanks hun
Feb 26Reply

@andrea5501 hey love.. Is there any othet way i can make my payment. Cuz i went to the bank to change my chaeck n they came with some B.S b/c its the end of the month n if i deposit i had to wait 7 days for it to reflex on my account.. N i gave u my word to make that payment today...
Feb 26Reply

@beba0623 as far as I know I don’t believe there is another way to pay on here..... if there is I’m not familiar. Is there something I can do to help? Haven’t had this issue yet, lol🌹
Feb 26Reply

@andrea5501 is with my bank.. I have never seen a bank that can not cash a check n deposit it with any problems. But apparently this bank cant cash n deposit cuz is the end of the month n it will take 7 busyness day to be able to reflex on my account.. That is some B.D right there.. Lol
Feb 26Reply

@beba0623 I don’t know if you’ve already gave the check to them but usually it’s because the check is worth more than what’s in the account, but u could also go to a check cashing place and then deposit the cash into your bank account , bad thing is they do take a fee. I’m not upset, u can’t help what the bank does, god knows I’ve had my fair share of issues with them too, it sucks! Just let me know what you want to do and I’ll be more than happy to work with u! 🌹
Feb 26Reply

@andrea5501 no i did not.. Ima c if i can cash it at walmart in a bit.. I tought i coul pay u walmart to walmart.. Or see what i can do with this mess.. I dislike this bank.. Had never had this problem with my other bank...
Feb 26Reply

@beba0623 Aww, I’m sorry I really wish I could help u, don’t worry though if someone offers I won’t accept , unless of course someone buys at full price. Just keep me updated and I’ll do whatever I can to help u!🌹
Feb 26Reply

@andrea5501 if i can't solve this mess.. Can i pay u walmart to walmart?
Feb 26Reply

@beba0623 I never got paid through Walmart and don’t really know how that works, do u have a Pay-Pal account? That’s a pretty secure way to pay.
Feb 26Reply

@andrea5501 no i don't have that..
Feb 26Reply

@beba0623 I could always have someone loan u the money to put in the account to cover it, and do it that way, I really don’t know
Feb 26Reply

@andrea5501 hahha.. Let me cash the check.. N then we go from there.. Lol.. I'm sorry.. This mess has me so frustrated..
Feb 26Reply

@beba0623 🌹You’re fine, I completely understand, we’ve all had something similar happen in one way or another, no worries, just let me know when u do, thx for staying in contact, I appreciate that, communication is key!🌹
Feb 27Reply

@andrea5501 yes ma'am..
Feb 27Reply

@andrea5501 good morning.. I work all day today.. Im off thursday.. Can you hold it till then? That i can go to the bank n see what they can do..
Feb 27Reply

@beba0623 yes, I’ll mark it up so nobody will buy, just contact me Thursday hun, thx so much for keeping me updated, it’s very much appreciated!🌹
Feb 27Reply

@andrea5501 yes ma'am thanks alot
Feb 27Reply

@beba0623 ⭐ Hi Ashley, Welcome to Poshmark! Its an awesome community for shopping & selling. I will send my FREE gift specials to your dressing room & if i can ever help you now, or in the future just let me know. Have an awesome night ⭐Hugs Anna
Feb 28Reply

@andrea5501 hey love.. I'm going tomorrow to the bank.. So I'll let u know what when on.. N thanks a lot..
Mar 01Reply

@beba0623 Awww, thx for letting me know. As I see I have marked the price up but whenever you’re ready just put it in a bundle and I’ll send u another offer, if you’re other offer has expired. I look forward to hearing from you Love, have a good night!😴
Mar 01Reply

Sorry, I meant “as u see” not as I see, lol. Gotta love autocorrect!
Mar 01Reply

@andrea5501 hahhah.. Ok.. Yes ma'am i will..
Mar 01Reply

@andrea5501 hello.. Well i went to the bank to deposit the check n o did but since im a new customer they had to hold my check for 7 business days for it to clear in my account.. I only have 30 in my accnt.. Can we do something with that? It's up to u.. Let me know
Mar 01Reply

@beba0623 hey, A couple more days and it’ll be 7 days, right? I’d rather wait till u had the rest of the money, I did receive another offer today, but didn’t respond until I found out if u were able to purchase. Do u think either someone can loan u the money & u deposit or wait till it clears? Let me know, thx🌹
Mar 02Reply

@andrea5501 it doesn't matter if its cash or check..since im a new customer they hold it.. Wixh i don't i don't understand why.. But its the bank.. Have money but at the same time i
Mar 02Reply

@beba0623 I know, I completely understand about the bank, I’ve had the same issue before, it’s just because you’re either a new customer or it’s another banks check, no big deal though. I was just trying to say, just buy here in a couple of days when the check does clear, I’m sure I’ll still have it. 🌹
Mar 02Reply

@andrea5501 thanks i totally appreciate you! For working with me...
Mar 02Reply

@beba0623 No problem, life happens girl, You can’t help that! Whenever you hear something just let me know, thx a lot Love!🌹
Mar 02Reply

@andrea5501 of course.. Thanks
Mar 02Reply

@andrea5501 hey.. Just weating on my check to clear.. Still here.. Lol
Mar 03Reply

@beba0623 Lol, you’re fine so am I & the bag, no worries!😜🌹
Mar 03Reply

@andrea5501 hey love.. How much was the bag? There is this lady who send to my page the same bag for 23$.. But i want to buy it from
Mar 05Reply

@beba0623 Awe, you’re so sweet, I couldn’t blame u if u did but I thought we agreed on $44 & I’d throw n a free PINK gift but it’s completely up to u love, just let me know either way so I can lower the price. Thx so much for keeping in contact with me, I really appreciate that, not many people out there that keep their word! 🌹
Mar 05Reply

@andrea5501 u have merc?
Mar 05Reply

@beba0623 Lol, yeah, I was just about to ask u that!
Mar 05Reply

@andrea5501 how can i find u... Lol
Mar 05Reply

@beba0623 I have the same exact name on there, I marked it up on there too so no one would buy but whatever u find it let me know
Mar 05Reply

The listing is under Victoria Secret PINK Weekend Logo duffel, if that helps!
Mar 05Reply

@andrea5501 i don't know how to serch u up? Lol
Mar 05Reply

@beba0623 just look up victoria secret PINK logo weekend duffel, and u should find it, hopefully, lol let me know
Mar 05Reply

This is exactly how it’s listed “ Victoria Secret PINK Logo Weekend Duffel “
Mar 05Reply

@beba0623 Welcome
Apr 17Reply

@sapp12 thanks
Apr 17Reply
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