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Updated Aug 15
Updated Aug 15

Meet your Posher, Ashley

Meet the Posher



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Hey, I’m Ashley! Nice to meet y’all. From Indiana, but love to travel around when I can. I’m in the nursing field and absolutely love my job. Everything I sell is always laundered before hand if it’s used and is SMOKE FREE. Hope you like my closet! :)
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moonshinepearl Welcome to Poshmark! 🎉
Nov 28Reply
aafuhs @moonshinepearl thank you 😊
Nov 28Reply
eholder Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Please feel free to ask me any questions about the app or about my closet. Happy to help! Best, Elizabeth from Los Angeles
Dec 06Reply
aafuhs @eholder thank you😊
Dec 06Reply
bennyshere23 Hey you are beautiful
Dec 18Reply
chiefbudti28 4438163099
Dec 18Reply
caseymartin68 Hello how are you?
Dec 19Reply
caseymartin68 Did u message me?
Dec 19Reply
caseymartin68 Did you message me?
Dec 19Reply
caseymartin68 @aafuhs ok i was just checking because the site said that you messaged but it did not show any messages... Have nice good day!
Dec 19Reply
aafuhs @caseymartin68 no, I didn't.
Dec 19Reply
aafuhs I'm just going to make a clear statement for everyone on here to see. Please DO NOT try to message me or comment me on here to flirt with me or try talking to me in an inappropriate manner. I am in a serious relationship with someone who I am deeply in love with && not to mention, I am not on here for that. This is a site for people to purchase things and sell things. Lastly, if you bombard me with multiple messages and basically harass me, I will report you.
Dec 19Reply
chrischerie Welcome to poshmark dear💖💖💖happy shopping or sell faster👯🌹👯🌹if u have any questions,i would be happy to help😉feel free to check out my closet too‼️
Dec 19Reply
aafuhs @chrischerie thank youuu😊😊
Dec 19Reply
aafuhs @purplej thank you 😊 you as well
Jan 11Reply
girlinpearlsco Thanks for the follow! I'm currently having B2G1 free or B1G1 50% off!! Please take a look at my closet!💗💗😊love love love your closet
Jan 15Reply
aafuhs @elliebellie1234 will do :) && thank youu😊
Jan 15Reply
girlinpearlsco @aafuhs great! I'm open to offers as well and please tell me what you find😋
Jan 15Reply
nekaweeka Hi Ashley! Sorry that's as low as I can go. Thank you for your offer😊 You also have a great closet!
Mar 28Reply
lalato4 Hi Ashley! Thanks for Liking the Jeans in my closet, I will be shipping out tomorrow and if you find 2 other items to add to a bundle you will get 15% off and free shipping on those items added. I have some nice tops that would go great with those jeans! Thanks again for stopping by! 😊🌷💕
Apr 27Reply
piranis Hello - I received the return today. The hoodie was stained from the tissue paper as you stated, and I apologize for that; however, the sports bra was NOT in the return! Not cool! To receive a refund, you had to return ALL bundle items!
Apr 30Reply
aafuhs @piranis okay, for one, I didn't realize the sports bra wasn't in there. I have been so busy and just grabbed the box out of my car super quick and thought it was still in there. So, it must still be in the house. Not my fault so please don't accuse me of purposefully doing that when I definitely didn't. All you have to do on your end is tell posh there's a problem and explain what happened so they don't release the funds yet.
Apr 30Reply
piranis @aafuhs I would hope you would not purposefully do something like that since it's stealing. I already contacted Poshmark; I'm not really sure how you can say it's not your fault since it's your job to make sure everything is there. Next time, check the box.
Apr 30Reply
aafuhs @piranis it was supposed to say it wasn't on purpose. You should stop being so rude because you are the reason I had to return it to begin with and I was actually pretty nice about that. Not once did I accuse you of anything or was rude to you because accidents DO happen.
Apr 30Reply
aafuhs @piranis maybe next time you should do your part then and make sure your stuff isn't stained. I wasn't going to be rude to you, but I've never EVER heard of someone's stuff getting stained from "tissue paper". Now, please just go through the process in a professional manner and stop sending me rude comments. It will be handled.
Apr 30Reply
piranis @aafuhs You were the one who said the tissue paper stained it, not me. I apologized for the stained item when you first informed me of it; I have never had an item returned before in part because I am always honest about stains and flaws on anything I list! I would have noticed a "huge blue stain" when I went to ship it, so the stain had to have occurred during shipment or once you had it.
Apr 30Reply
piranis @aafuhs Regardless, the return was approved with the caveat that you return all items, and you did not do that. You have yet to apologize for neglecting to ship the sports bra back, but that's okay. Taking responsibility for your actions is a basic premise of being a human being, along with apologizing when you're wrong. A simple, "I'm sorry, I thought I shipped it," would have been better than a litany of excuses. I'll wait for Poshmark Support to take it from here.
Apr 30Reply
aafuhs @piranis I would have apologized from the beginning if you were actually nice about it and didn't basically accuse me of purposefully doing it and you're still talking to me like I did it on purpose. I didn't. I am a very apologetic person, but not to rude people.
May 01Reply
aafuhs @piranis & I'm sure Poshmark will get back with you on this because if they send me something asking what happened I will obviously tell them it was an ACCIDENT and it's still at my apartment.
May 01Reply
aafuhs @piranis Good luck with all your future purchases and sells. I wish you well with it. Anymore messages from you here on out will be ignored unless it has to do with shipping your item back once Poshmark has figured out the entirety of the situation and handles it. Other than that I don't see any point in furthering this discussion.
May 01Reply
skrtsk858 Hey do you have an ig?
Aug 11Reply
bopsmom1 Thanks for liking my sperrys. Feel free to make an offer if you are interested. They are very cute and in great shape.
Nov 16Reply
jenniek41908 Beautiful!!
Jun 11Reply
aafuhs @jenniek41908 thank you:)
Jun 12Reply
jgolladay9 Hello there 😁 ! Thanks for the follow !
Jul 17Reply
joshuaangel1 Thank you 😊
Aug 29Reply
kayleyrose5 Wow nice pictures
Aug 31Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Sep 03Reply
swscraftshop Hello 🖐Thanks for Following my Closet! Feel Free to Leave Comment or Shop my Closet! If you see anything you want but don't ❤ the price make an Offer! Most Offers 💰 accepted! Thank You! Wishing You Great Sells!! 🙂Happy Poshing!! Enjoy the little one!
Sep 04Reply
lisamoskal Hi! Thanks for the share! I just wanted to introduce myself and let you know that I’m a Posh Ambassador too and a trusted 5-star seller, so if I can ever help you, don’t hesitate to ask or stop by and say hi and check out my “End of Summer” SALE...I'm offering a 💥Buy One/Get One for $5 💥on EVERYTHING in my closet through the end of the month! …It's best to face the world armed with kindness and support. Best Wishes to you. 😊 ...Lisa
Sep 11Reply
lamarquez16 Hello, From one nurse to another. I appreciate the follow. I'm new to selling but not new to buying on Poshmark. I started this adventure with my daughter as a means to spend quality time together. We have a variety of clothes for women, men, and youth boys. We shared some items from your closet and we hope you can do the same? Thank you. Happy Poshing!
Sep 13Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily Rose😊🌹 I’m doing a closet clear out sale which means I’ll accept anything since I need everything gone as long as it’s not to low
Sep 14Reply
laruelabelle Thanks so much for the follow 😊! We appreciate it and are happy to follow back and share 😀.
Sep 22Reply
misterposher Thanks for the follow! 😃
Oct 20Reply
ttifany09 Hey Ashley ! I have a bling name key chain free with any purchase ! I am giving a few gifts with purchases to celebrate Halloween ! After all I am from Salem Ma ! ❤️💕💕
Oct 21Reply
ttifany09 I have lots of items and have marked a lot of them down ! I have something for everyone ! A variety of lots ! 💕💕💕
Oct 21Reply
mpope599 How are you like your profile
Oct 23Reply
the_hidden_wick Buy 5 wax melt bars or wax melt bags for only $20 with $5.95 shipping. Don't miss out on this great offer. 👏
Nov 13Reply
maaxx77 Beautiful 😍
Nov 19Reply
thelillyjoyce Hi! I love your closet! I am running 20% off all Items in my closet!! If you bundle its even cheaper! I also accept most offers and ship quick!! Stay safe ♥️
Dec 02Reply
afdad01 🔥🔥🔥
Dec 04Reply
fashiongirl2375 Hi! Thanks for the share 💝. Happy Holidays!
Dec 17Reply
lynnbeckylynn Hello and thanks for the follow. We're having an overstock sale and we're accepting offers at 20% less than our asking price on most items.
Dec 22Reply
polka5dots Thank you for the shares. Happy Poshing!
Dec 26Reply
debbiesjourney @aafuhs Hi! Nice to meet you! Thank you for following me! If you are looking for Children’s clothing, please feel free to check out my closet! Always listing! 😊
Jan 02Reply
cecilfaile1 Hey welcome thanks for the follow just wondering 🤔 about the tatts Scarlet Begonias I can’t tell if you’re a deadhead or not lol 😂
Feb 18Reply

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Last Active: Mar 12

Evansville, IN
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Last Active: Mar 12

Evansville, IN
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