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Updated Mar 31
Updated Mar 31

Meet your Posher, Ashley

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Hi! I'm Ashley. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 20% off 3+ Bundle

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alb1023 @molli_hatchet Thank you!! ❤
Apr 16Reply
wonderaa Hello!😊🌷 Please feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!🌺 I accept reasonable offers and give great discounts for bundles. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions. Thank you & Happy Poshing!😁😘🌸 XO Aireen
Apr 19Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Michael Kors, Moschino, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx Shapewear, Tarte Cosmetics, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
May 04Reply
shopper411411 Thanks for the like on the Fleetwood Mac t-shirt. If interested find another item for 15% off. Feel free to ask any questions.
May 11Reply
nvrgrowold Merry Christmas sweetie if you like to bundle your like great saving . Happy Holidays
Dec 26Reply
alissssa_mae Hi! 🙋🏻‍♀️ I saw that you liked my Calvin Klein Performance Sweatpants in my closet! 👚👠👖👜 I try to keep adding a little bit of everything 👡👒🩱👟 I have SO much STUFF that I NEED to get rid of before I move 🚛 I am open to ALL OFFERS ⌨️ I SHIP same day or next day 📬📦 I also love to 🔁 other peoples items because I ❤️ when people share mine ! Xoxo
Jan 18Reply
carolinana08 Thanks for the likes in my closet!!! i appreciate the support. I send you a discount in case you are interested. Either way Thanks
Jan 24Reply
nataliecherie Love your eye make up 😊
Jan 28Reply
alb1023 @serenata31 thank you so much!
Feb 02Reply
christinamb1210 Thank you for your interest in my closet! My current sale is pretty much everything in my closet is on sale to be bundled for 4 listings for $16. That’s just $4 each!! Happy Poshing.
Feb 03Reply
merk15 Hi there! Would love for you to check out my closet! I am having a winter sale right now until the end of February, so any items with a ‘❄️’ out front will receive an awesome discount at checkout, plus a FREE surprise item with your purchase!! These things must go quick, so snag what you can while it’s here! Hope to posh with you soon ✨💋
Feb 06Reply
awesomeposhn2 Thanks so much for your purchase! Hope you love your shoes. I’ll get them shipped out to you tomorrow. Have a wonderful evening!🌷
Mar 05Reply
alb1023 @elkschherpride Awesome! 🙂 thank you so much!
Mar 05Reply
awesomeposhn2 @alb1023 You’re very welcome and thank You!🌸
Mar 05Reply
denejkivdom Hi, how are you, I hope you can find a minute to check on my closet, I have some cool items you may find interesting. Appreciate your time, thank you, Viva
Apr 23Reply
katelynk38 thanks for the likes!! feel free to bundle for a big discount:)
May 04Reply
aysha_h @alb1023 Hi! I’m selling a super similar pair of buckle ankle boots to the ones you liked but for less! Happy to accept an offer too 😊
Jul 21Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne, a new Poshmark Ambassador. I hope you’ll visit my closet. I have a number of unique items and many vintage items. If you find anything that interests you please let me know and I’ll be happy to offer you a discount.
Aug 02Reply
irenecase 🎉ACCEPTING offers on ALL items in my closet .... if interested send an offer on ANYTHING 💐. Stop by when you can and say, “hello” ~ always like to make new friends 😊
Sep 22Reply
sass__monster Hello! Stopping by to invite you to my closet where most of the items are 4 for 16! Thanks!!
Oct 17Reply
jesschaska Thank you for the like! Make sure to bundle some items and I’ll send you an amazing offer🥰
Nov 12Reply
khustler hi,Ashley thank you for stopping by, I noticed you liked the jacket its new and really nice condition, if you are still interested I'll give it to you for 10 just send me the offer, thank you
Nov 20Reply
mikmar65 Hi Ashley :) I noticed you liked two items from my closet. If you’re interested, you can bundle them and get a discount!
Dec 30Reply
honeytag 💕Hi there! 😄Come check out my closet @honeytag for awesome fashionable finds, I think youre gonna love ❤ 🖤🖤🖤Happy Poshing🖤🖤🖤!
Jan 09Reply
xivonnex Welcome😊thanks!!for stopping by my closet all items with a butterfly 🦋are 2/$20 just bundle the items you like!!😉offres are welcome 😊
Apr 15Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Apr 16Reply
kassie_wallace Make a offer on the tie dye vans :)
Apr 18Reply
abel6583 Hi Ashley, I’m willing to drop the price of the jumper you liked to $16 and you would only pay $4.99 for shipping today. Is that something you would be interested in doing?
May 30Reply
rayahopep @alb1023 Thanks for the likes! If you create a bundle, I’ll send u a great offer!
May 31Reply
alesiastarrr hey! i’m alesia!! ❤️ i hope u love this community as much as i do! feel free to check out my closet n make offers, i have some pretty fun stuff, and i’m a posh ambassador so you can shop w 100% confidence! have a wonderful day, and happy poshing! hope ya treat yourself to something nice!🥰
Oct 03Reply
serpentqueen02 Thank you for the likes! please feel free to bundle and make an offer! have a wonderful day and happy holidays!😊💙🎄🌻
Dec 16Reply
dimplesmcgee Hey Ashley! Thank you for the likes 😊 If you would like to make a bundle of 3 or more items I can give you 25% off the entire purchase.
Apr 08Reply
sourapplestore Hello⚘ My name is Danielle and I've created the Sour Apple Apparel closet and I would be so  grateful if you had a moment to check out my closet. I'm hoping there maybe something in there just for you! If you see something you LOVE please make an OFFER or SHARE it with our fellow poshers and ill do the same!! Much love! Danielle Sour Apple Apparel 🍏
Sep 21Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Oct 15Reply
rawrxx27 @alb1023 hi thanks for the likes :) send offer if you like and ill accept!
Jul 14Reply
street_fashion2 Hey check out my closet
Sep 04Reply
missmoly * Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️ * Please check out my closet for name brand clothing- Children’s, Bras, Sleepwear,Men’s, Women’s, Vintage Pyrex & Much More!  * I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. * Please follow my closet @Missmoly.  * ❤️P.S. If You Love Torrid & Soma You Have Come To The Right Place.  I Have Torrid All Over My Closet & List New Torrid Everyday!❤️ Lots of regular pajamas & Christmas pajamas of all sizes!
Oct 26Reply
melanieander922 Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Feb 27Reply

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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Emporia, KS
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Last Active: 11 hours ago

Emporia, KS
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