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Updated Nov 04
Updated Nov 04

Meet your Posher, Ashley

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ashley. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, PINK Victoria's Secret, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jillsis Welcome to Poshmark😊It's a great community and you'll meet tons of really nice people from all over the country. If you have any questions about how things work, don't hesitate to ask - I'd be happy to help. Happy poshing! 😉Jill @jillsis🐢
Jan 13Reply
stylesheets Hi Ashley, I'm Danyelle. I appreciate you showing love for my closet. You’ll find a lot of items at great prices & on sale! So stop by anytime, you're always welcome.💓💖POSH LOVE💖💓
Jan 15Reply
ashvquez Thank you everyone for being so awesome and friendly!😃 I can't wait to get my shop on! Peace and love to all 💖
Jan 15Reply
ashvquez @inga3088 Thank you very much! 😎
Jan 17Reply
mystica10327 thank you for all the love <3, best wishes. I'm always opened to offers. Welcome to Posh. If you need any help . I can always help you .
Jan 17Reply
rileema Welcome to Poshmark 🌸
Jan 17Reply
ashvquez Thanks again all! Everyone has been so nice! I'm finding so much awesome stuff 😁 Pay day is coming up! 😋
Jan 17Reply
orianna0815 Hi welcome to Poshmark and thanks for the likes, if you’re interested in those items in which you’ve liked, I’d be more than glad to give you an awesome deal on them...or anything else you may like. Just let me know.
Jan 17Reply
ashvquez @orianna0815 Thank you! I really appreciate it. Payday is almost here so I should be looking to buy soon!
Jan 17Reply
orianna0815 @ashvquez Ok sounds great, never any pressure. But the doors are always open to you. Thanks! Be blessed
Jan 17Reply
utmini83 Welcome
Jan 18Reply
fashionaffairs @ashvquez Thanks for sharing!🌷
Jan 19Reply
gemstone14kt Thanks for the like I am open to offers@gemstone14kt😊
Jan 21Reply
annasposhalley @ashvquez Hi Ashley Biggest TY HUGS for loving my closet🎀You are so sweet. I see your fairly new to posh? Welcome, its a great community for shopping & selling. I started out as a shopper and everyone is super nice here. If u need any help around posh plz let me know. I will send u my free gift with purchase specials to your dressing room as an fyi and yes you can pick which free gift you would like 🎀Have a wonderful Sunday Evening & Again TYVM ~ Anna
Jan 22Reply
donnastreasures Hi, my name is Donna. Welcome to Poshmark! If there’s ever anything I can do to help you, please don’t hesitate to ask!😊
Jan 22Reply
melllaaa_2011 ⓦⓔⓛⓒⓞⓜⓔ to posh!!! You're going to love it here! I sell your favorite brands in my closet and offer 50% off bundles of 5+ items if you want to check me out! Have fun and ℋᎯℙℙᎽ ℙᎾЅℋℐℕᎶ!
Jan 24Reply
bestbuycloset @ashvquez Hi I'm Cindy! ☺️ Welcome ot Poshmark! Feel free to reach out with any questions! Happy poshing! 😍🛍💌💍👠👞👢👡👟👜🎒👛👗👕👚👔👙💄👠💋⌚️💰
Jan 31Reply
boutiquesale 🎈🎈Welcome to Poshmark 🎈🎈 Let me know if you need help navigating this site. 🔸️Posh Ambassador🔸️
Feb 20Reply
vllaureano Hi! I'm dropping prices in my closet, Plus 🔴Buy 1 get 1 free
Feb 23Reply
jjfaith Welcome to Poshmark!! 🎉👗👢🛍💕 Feel free to reach out if you have any questions!
Feb 27Reply
cari831 Hi & welcome to Poshmark! I noticed that you liked a couple of the items in my closet. Don't forget to bundle and save. Right now you get $3.99 shipping when shopping my closet. Happy poshing!
Feb 28Reply
cdbarnes7 Hi Ashley, thanks for the likes!! If you decide to bundle your likes I'll give you a discount of 25%!💖👍🏽
Mar 06Reply
ladestiny29 Thank you for the likes. Bundle them and I can send you an offer 🙂
May 06Reply
ahuot Hello Ashley 😊 Welcome to Poshmark✌ I hope you are doing well. I'd like to invite you to check out my ever-growing closet. I offer a bundle discount, discount shipping, and I ship the next day. If you have any questions about Poshmark, or my closet, please don't hesitate to ask. I hope you have a wonderful day and week. ✌💚
Jun 15Reply
ashvquez @mrs_crow13 thank you very much girl! I found several items in your wonderful closet! Soon as my husband gets back home from his job I will be looking to buy soon! Gotta wait for him to bring home the bacon lol 😁
Jul 09Reply
ashvquez @smcmur yes of course! You have a great closet! 😍
Jul 13Reply
sunnyxcloset Heyy thanks for liking feel free to add your likes to a bundle and I’ll try to make you a great deal!
Jul 15Reply
nedyak27 Hi Ashley. Thanks for the like. SALE today in my closet. Everything $10 and under is 3 for $15😄😄😄
Jul 15Reply
j_beane Hey Ashley. Thanks so much for the likes ☺️ Please lmk if I can offer you a special bundle deal on your likes 💕
Jul 15Reply
kpizz101 Thank you so much for all the likes:) if you bundle them all together I could give you a 40% discount! Just let me know:)
Jul 16Reply
ashvquez @kpizz101 of course! I love your closet! I just wish I was smaller and I would've liked sooooo much more! My daughter is fixing to go back to school, so here in the next couple weeks I will be looking to purchase. I will definitely be back by your closet! Best of luck to you! 😄
Jul 16Reply
kpizz101 @ashvquez aw awesome thank you! And best of luck to you and your daughter with her school shopping:)
Jul 16Reply
errinxo16 Thanks for the 3 likes! Let me know if you’re interested in a bundle! I’m trying to clean out my closet this week so getting rid of everything for very cheap👍🏼
Jul 17Reply
adeav Hey love ! You might be interested in some of my VS Pink, Nike, Adidas, Under Armour, Vera Bradley, LOFT, Vineyard Vines, Simply Southern, American Eagle, or Hollister items :) Always willing to negotiate prices and guaranteed discounts on bundles !!!
Jul 29Reply
1o_a_k Hi welcome to posh
Aug 02Reply
1o_a_k Hi welcome to posh
Aug 02Reply
poshmark8530678 I ship packages same day for CLOTHES YOU’LL LOVE😃 Simply hit the “like” button on all the items you want and it can be yours before some else takes it☺️ -Happy Poshin’💕
Aug 11Reply
degas3011 If you click on BUNDLE with your "likes" ~ mix & match anything in my closet ~ I will send you discount on every item PLUS you only pay 1 shipping fee ... Now that's a great deal!! ;-)
Aug 15Reply
299tym Thanks for checking out my closet.
Aug 23Reply
katrn42 Hi Ashley! Welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions just ask!😘♥️😍
Sep 02Reply
jlynno1987 Hi! If you bundle your likes, I'm doing a buy two get one free sale right now!
Sep 06Reply
methmeth4 Hi 👋 welcome old & new Postmarks I’m Lecci Hope for all great success I’m an AMBASSADOR I do fast shipping. Big discounts 👌🏽 so if you have questions or need help let me know 😊 sharing closet , like and sale or buying it’s a great start but remember to have fun. See you in my closet while I’m in yours. 😂😁🙏🏽
Sep 09Reply
vip_kids @ashvquez Thanks for the follow & likes!😃 💥All graphic tees & Ralph Lauren Polo tees have been reduced in price & are buy 2 get the 3rd free!💥 Bundle your likes for this offer!🛍
Sep 10Reply
believeinhope Hi. Good evening. Welcome to my poshmark closet @believeinhope. Just to let you know you can receive 50% off when bundle 3 or more items on your first purchase✌️😀Have a peaceful weekend. ☀️🌈⭐️☃️
Sep 14Reply
ljejj4life Thanks for all the likes!! Feel free to bundle and make an offer I'm pretty easy going and negotiation friendly and don't get offended ty and happy poshing!🤗🤗
Sep 15Reply
faithdestiny16 hey! i just started my closet on poshmark and i would love it if you took the time to check it out ☺️ i have a lot of cute gently used things 🖤✨
Sep 18Reply
jrnast88 Hi doll! 💋 Thanks so much for all the likes! Feel free to make a bundle of you'd like! And I'll send you a private offer! 😘
Sep 24Reply
ashvquez @jrnast88 thanks love! I'm OBSESSED with your makeup! You have such a lovely closet!😍 I get paid tomorrow at midnight(I live in Oklahoma though) and will be looking to buy! Best of luck and much love to you!!!💓💕💓💕
Sep 24Reply
inlovewithluxe @ashvquez bundle the makeup together and I will make you a great offer!
Sep 25Reply
stephanie7334 Would you like to purchase anything from my closet
Sep 26Reply
isthedocinn Hi Ash, I saw that you liked three pairs of shoes in my closet. Willing to sell you all 3 for $20. If you are intetested, you can bundle and submit offer.
Sep 27Reply
ltrzos72 Hi! Thank you for all the likes and posh love! I truly appreciate it! If you’d like to bundle any of those items, you can get them for $5 each. Thank you for stopping by my closet and looking. Have a beautiful evening! 😊❤️🦋
Oct 05Reply
nyjman25 Welcome to Poshmark, Bundle of 3 discount are available!!!!
Oct 11Reply
bohomeow @ashvquez Thank you for the likes 😊 Feel free to bundle them up and I will give you a private discount on them 💕
Oct 26Reply
wayne4bama Let me know if you want anything you liked. I’m negotiable 😊😊
Nov 19Reply
wayne4bama Let me know if if you want anything you liked, I’ll try to get you a good deal😊
Nov 20Reply
wayne4bama Cute pics! If you decide you want any of the stuff you likedlet me know and I can ship in the morning when I go to work. Ty😊
Nov 23Reply
ashvquez @wayne4bama thank you so very much!😍 I set up a bundle of a few things. I'll send you a message on the bundle💕
Nov 23Reply
molecularmuse Thank you so much for stopping by my store! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask!
Nov 24Reply
wayne4bama Let me know if you want the bundle, shipping stuff this morning
Nov 26Reply
rondakay63 Hi! I noticed you liked an item! I have a BOGO offer going on... Bundle any two items ($9 and under) and I'll send you an offer - you pay only for the higher priced item (and of course one shipping cost). Happy Poshing *BH eye palette is BOGO eligible
Dec 03Reply
neverstoploving Hi, feel free to add everything you like to a bundle so you only have to pay shipping once and send me any offer! I have a baby on the way and want items gone asap! I can ship tomorrow. Thank you🙂
Feb 02Reply
california_gal WELCOME..☺️ Wishing you lots of sales 💵 One of the key elements that has worked for me is SHARING others closets and your own as often as possible💰😉💝
Feb 04Reply
inspire_style Hello, I hope your experience with Poshmark has been going great! ❤️ If you would like to check out my closet I have tons of items from great brand like PINK, Torrid, Betsey Johnson, Vans and Converse 🛍️ as well as a few luxury items from brands like Frye, Coach, Kate Spade and Valentino 👛👚👜 Have a wonderful day! Happy Poshing!
Apr 02Reply
kaylaraeee1 Feel free to purchase the palette bundle and I'll throw in the free necklace
Apr 11Reply
iranybrito Hi welcome to Poshmark I wish you much success
Apr 28Reply
chicksover50 Welcome to Postmark! You're going to love it here. Happy Poshing!💃🎉🎶
May 08Reply
krystalalexand Hi ! I have new boys clothing and baby girl !
Jun 13Reply
Jun 22Reply
sunnyxcloset Hey I’m having a huge sale everything in my closet is either ⭐️5/$25⭐️ + 🌻3/$20🌻 MAKE SURE TO CHECK IT OUT WITH YOUR LIKES🍒😊
Jul 12Reply
m_acuna Hi posher ! I have a huge sale goin on! Come Visit my closet I have banana republic, H&M , Kylie and Kendall, forever 21, tarte, Huda beauty , it cosmetics etc.. 😊🛍
Jul 20Reply
mizzlizz21 Hi Ashley! Thank you for checking out my closet and all the likes ❤️😄! If you’re interested in putting together a bundle, I can give you a great discount and ship it out today! Please let me know if you have any questions about any items 😊 Hope you have a great day!
Jul 24Reply
yantonio87 Thanks for checking out my closet!!! Please feel free to bundle and make an offer.😄
Jul 24Reply
shameekahunt Bundle and save a lot. Thanks for visiting my closet.
Jul 24Reply
ested22 Hello! if you want check out my closet!!
Sep 08Reply
anniebunnii Aloha, beautiful!! I hope you're enjoying Poshmark so far! Hopefully you can check out my closet and maybe shop as well!! I'm holding a 30% off sale for all bundles & I also throw in a free thank you gift for helping me find my items a new, loving home ♡
Oct 23Reply
emmao17 Hi Ashley!! I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark so far!! Feel free to check out my closet and add a bundle or make an offer if you like anything!!😊😊 I’m selling girls, boys and women’s clothes ❤️❤️ Have a nice day!!
Mar 16Reply
itslinascloset Hello Ashley! I hope you are you doing well! Feel free to check out my closet for some kids and women clothes! Posh on!
Mar 31Reply
rooster1984 Hello!! If you're interested I am having a sale that if you bundle 3 or more items you get them half price. Purses and tools not included. Have a blessed day 🙂
Jul 05Reply
mmadisond Hi Ashley! I would really appreciate it if you could check out my closet, I sell kids/tween clothes:) Thank you so much, have a great night! 😊
Jul 21Reply
ashtyn_2584 Hi! My name is Ashtyn! I hope you’re finding everything well. I have a fun thing I like to do, which is for all my followers, if you choose 2+ items to purchase together, I offer a 15% discount. I also add plenty of other discounts, ranging from price reductions to shipping reductions, regardless of the number of items purchased. So feel free to take a look at my page! Any and all reasonable offers made will be accepted on the spot, so don’t be afraid to send one in! Happy Poshing!
Sep 29Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as D&G, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Kate Spade, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
Dec 13Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 09Reply

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Last Active: Apr 28 2022

Locust Grove, OK
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Last Active: Apr 28 2022

Locust Grove, OK
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