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Updated Dec 02
Updated Dec 02

Meet your Posher, Ashlyn

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Ashlyn. I'm from Utah; currently residing in New York. I'm into all that is glam, original, funky, weird,band bohemian. Crystals, rings, beanies, and shoes are my go-to and I'm a sucker for bags. Been a recovered shopaholic for some time now, so when I see a good deal, I like to think I'm doing myself and others a good deed. I love sharing and supporting the dream for all! Thanks for stopping by!
  • Seller Discount: 25% off 3+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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janimack7 💟Good Morning!☀️! I'm Jan👋🏼Welcome to POSH! If you have any questions or need help, feel free to ask me! I'd love to help! Another great place to find LOTS of information and answers to questions you might have is @official_forum. The site also has some great ideas to increase sales! 😄 Happy POSHing!
Dec 11Reply
tennislayer Please cheek out my closet! I negotiate!😌
Dec 11Reply
totsie28 Thanks! Will try to get that out today!!
Aug 14Reply
zynnia @totsie28 yay! Thank you! :)
Aug 14Reply
totsie28 Thanks so much for the rating!!! Xoxo
Aug 17Reply
oneljcm Thanks for your purchase, I will ship your item today before 6:00 pm EST.
Aug 25Reply
zynnia @oneljcm thank you!
Aug 25Reply
lovingpurple 😊 I just wanted to stop by to say hello, you have a pretty closet :) Hope you are having an awesome time buying/selling fashion items. And I'd be thrilled if you check out my closet as well :) Blessings and Happy Poshing!
Jan 17Reply
julietilghman Thanks for the shares😃
Aug 16Reply
taracavin Awww I feel bad none of the 2's fit. You can use my pictures if you want to re-posh them. I have some 4's on my page.
Sep 01Reply
zynnia @taracavin omg you are THE SWEETEST being. Really?! I'd appreciate that so much! I couldn't believe they wouldn't fit. It was just so unusual - I've started a "fat shedding" routine (I feel like I've gotten TOO muscular) so hopefully that helps in the 4-8 weeks! 🤞🏽
Sep 01Reply
taracavin @zynnia I wish my weight was too much muscles 😂😂I'm getting married in June and have started on 1200 calories a day. It's been 5 weeks and I still feel hungry all the time, but my 10's fit again. No worries about the pictures. I always tell my daughter no use in something sitting in your closet. If it doesn't work let it go.
Sep 01Reply
kchubcheva Hello. Thank you for following my closet. I'm always open to offers and can accept up to 50% off on particular items ;) HAPPY POSHING :)
Oct 07Reply
omsamadhi Thank you so much🍃I’ll have your purchase to the Post this morning🌻
Oct 09Reply
zynnia @omsamadhi thank you I'm so excited!
Oct 09Reply
brooketyrol89 Thank you so much for your interest in the watermelon tourmaline earrings- they're gorgeous and so unique! Since they are genuine crystals I really can't go much below my listing price. Thank you so much for your understanding!
Oct 24Reply
aasare Hi, My name is Anthony and I just wanted to stop by and say hi. Also, I would like to invite you to my closet which is made up of fashion items made in Africa. The outfits are sown by local Artisans in Africa and portions of the proceeds are donated to African charities that focus on disadvantaged children in Africa. Take a look at my closet and let me know if you have any questions or interests. Also, have fun Poshing!!!
Jan 03Reply
tori_rave84 Hi there, Ashlyn !! My name is Victoria , I am a Poshmark Ambassador and love inviting people to check out my closet !! I love having great sales, giving big discounts and also give 72 hr holds if needed. I carry a variety of brands and sizes. My closet is open to everyone and I am also open to offers. Thank you so much for your time and I hope you have a wonderful day !! Happy Poshing !!
Feb 11Reply
wonderaa Hello!😊💕 feel free to visit my closet to see amazing finds!👚👗👙👘👠👡👢👜👛👝🥿
Mar 28Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a great day! :-)
Apr 07Reply
curvygurl1978 You are adorable! Thank you for the 5 stars!!! Come back soon!!! 😘😘😘
Jun 18Reply
pinkhummingbird Hi Ashlyn, Thank you so much for your Nike and Beyond yoga bundle, I will ship the package out tomorrow. ♥️♥️
May 22Reply
beclassybebold Would you please be so kind and check my closet? You may be pleasantly surprised by different things you’ll see there!😍Ty! Happy Poshing, Have an awesome Day!😃♥️
May 01Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
Jul 15Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Aug 12Reply

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Last Active: Mar 11

Stamford, CT
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Last Active: Mar 11

Stamford, CT
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