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Updated Dec 10
Updated Dec 10

Meet your Posher, Autumn

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Hi! I'm Autumn. Some of my favorite brands are Louis Vuitton, Tory Burch, lululemon athletica, and Free People. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) No Trades!!
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kdufty thanks for the double likes! you ROCK! I offer 15% off bundles of 2 more items :) LMK if interested!!
Jan 16Reply
the_blue_topaz Welcome lovely! Stop my closet and say hello :) If you have any questions, please let me know! Like something in my closet? Make me an offer and it's yours ✨🌻 Love Jenny🌻✨
Aug 07Reply
jubisboutique Hi there. I'll accept your offer for the leggings and top just submit it again 😉
Dec 09Reply
ce_rimabelle ¾ÄÊÐÖ $*, ÀÆÌ  @FLRX^djp ¤ª°¶¼ÂÈÎÔ  TZ`f œ¢¨® äêðöü <B x~„Š ÄÊÐÖÜâ  TZ`flrx~„ ¸¾ ô,(.4 hnt ¨®´º ðöü PV\ – ÌÒ 
Apr 04Reply
ce_rimabelle Hello Autumn ☺️ I'm who purchased swarovski watch from your closet. My order should be delivered on 1,Apr but it's delayed, don't know why. Now the tracking information says package is available for pickup bit it's in another address, not mine 😔. Do you know why? Maybe it's scanned wrong. (sorry for my first comment, It's sent in another font)
Apr 04Reply
42415 @tseegii1210 Hi, I am not sure about the tracking info as I usually just drop off my packages and never have problems. Definitely wouldn't know about the address since I only see what is printed out after a purchase. I can call the ups today when they open and get back to you
Apr 04Reply
ce_rimabelle @42415 Okay Thank you ☺️
Apr 04Reply
42415 @tseegii1210 what is your shipping address so I can see what they entered
Apr 04Reply
ce_rimabelle @42415 My address is LA Ca 90004. Usually my orders delivered after when arrived in 90052. But my order's tracking information says it's arrived in 90052 and went back to Las Vegas, not to 90004 and now the order is in LA but not in my address.
Apr 04Reply
wildboutfashion Good morning, Would you like to make a counter on the J.Crew sweater?
Apr 04Reply
42415 @tseegii1210 ok thank you! I see that info on the website tracking info.. completely off on the last few numbers so not sure how that screwed that up. The girl at my po box is huge into poshmark so she will fix this
Apr 04Reply
42415 @tseegii1210 hi, checked and it's still in transit. Doesn't say it's been delivered yet so it hasn't arrived to you yet
Apr 04Reply
ce_rimabelle I think it's staying in 90028 for pickup. It's happening first time to me. The tracking info says 'in transit' because it's not picked up. The information will be change from 'in transit' to 'delivered' after it's picked up. But I don't understand why I need to pickup from another address. Did you ask from girl who is in your Po box?
Apr 05Reply
42415 @tseegii1210 yes I called her today and she said it's not ready for pick up till it gets your your actual address. And she read off the exact address that I have from you
Apr 05Reply
ce_rimabelle @42415 Thank you :). Now need to wait next period.
Apr 05Reply
suzyqhumi The mint green tunic is really cute., it is brand new without tags. Didn't like how it fit me.. please make an offer... happy poshing
May 21Reply
rrrtx I noticed a comment that you have other skin medic products but I am not sure how request them. (new to the site.)
Jul 01Reply
42415 @rrrtx Hi, yes I do have others. Currently I have Facial cleanser- all skin types Glytone- glycolic cleanser Rejuvenate moisturizer Skin polisher Redness relief Toner- all skin types There's more but this is what I can think of at the top of my head. Also have Neocutis, some skin ceuticals. Anything in particular your looking for???
Jul 01Reply
rrrtx @42415 I am really looking for the HA5 moisturizer. Any chance you that??
Jul 01Reply
42415 @rrrtx I don't have the HA5, but I do have Neocutis Hyalis which is their hyaluronic acid serum
Jul 01Reply
frostingjewelry @42415 Autumn, Just stumbled across your closet; WOW!!❤️ Love all your items & your style!💋 I share a closet w my daughter, Brooke, who is your size. I'll be telling her about your closet!! So nice meeting you! Gretchen🌸
Aug 07Reply
42415 @frostingfashion Hi Gretchen.. thanks for stopping by. That's so nice of you to say. I appreciate it so much!!
Aug 07Reply
frostingjewelry @42415 You are most welcome!💗
Aug 09Reply
nycarmoire If you are interested in the two tanks I can do them 2 for $20 instead of $26 just put and offer or bundle them up if you decide to take them ☺️
Oct 04Reply
rozyrozy Hi hun what's best u can do for Aldo bag
Oct 04Reply
42415 @rozyrozy Hi. You can use the offer button at bottom!
Oct 04Reply
lovingpurple Hi! Just wanted to stop by to say hello. Hope you are having a great time here on poshmark! I just shared some of your items : ) Hope you can visit my closet when you have some time :P Have a blessed day ❤
Apr 18Reply
thandiepixie Hi there Autumn ! I’d like to invite you to take a peek at my closet. Personal, chic and amazing prices for the brands🌺
Aug 03Reply
delilahwear @42415 hope your having a beautiful day ! From Delilah Wear
Sep 30Reply
bydonnywu Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋 Hi I’m Donny nice to meet you! I have lots new pieces in, come check it out! 🤗❤️
Nov 13Reply
dannatrinidad Hi! I recently purchased your black Ferragamo wallet and you forgot to remove your health cards. Do you want me to send it back to your address? Thank you and take care!
Mar 26Reply
42415 @dannatrinidad Hi. Yes please if you don’t mind. So upset I didn’t even bother to check it. Do you have the address
Mar 26Reply
chicnation @42415 hey good looking I sent an offer on your likes in our boutique ❤️❤️
Apr 24Reply
chicnation @42415 Hi I saw you liked boutique clothing and wanted to introduce myself I’m Vanessa with Chic Nation! We just stocked for Fall running a special today 30 Percent off bundles of 5 or more
Jul 18Reply
goldengood Thanks for the like! If you are ever interested I always accept reasonable offers. Have a great night
Oct 19Reply
chicnation @42415 hey Happy Summer I’m Vanessa happy Poshing
Jun 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hi there🌼I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals✨if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing!💝
Oct 13Reply
cutehosiery @42415 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 02Reply

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Las Vegas, NV
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Las Vegas, NV
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