Meet your Posher, AvaMarie
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Hi! * Glad to be here.
Hope your experiences are as happy as mine.
Have a wonderful day, poshers

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Welcome to Poshmark 💕💕
Dec 13Reply

@shays68 "wink" * t.y.
Dec 13Reply

Hi and welcome to poshmark! Good luck with your closet 🍀 As a new member I would like to offer you a discount on anything in my closet, just comment with the word “welcome” and I will give you at least 25% off. I add new things every day in all different sizes. If you have any questions just let me know, I am a posh ambassador. Happy Poshing!!!
Dec 13Reply

@jfbett thank you dear
Dec 13Reply

@thebluepoodle No problem! #1 tip: share, share, share both your items and your follower’s items every day
Dec 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark. Let's become (Posh Friends Forever) PFF. Just go to @ourclosetlnc and look for "Be my PFF" post. When you like that post we can guide you on how to play poshmark games that will increase followers and sales. Just comment "Tag Me". Laurie & Christie
Dec 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 😀
Dec 13Reply

Welcome! Best of luck and happy Poshmarking!!
Dec 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!😊
Dec 13Reply

Welcome, AvaMarie! Wishing you a successful and fun Poshmark experience. You’ve got some great winter sweaters and tops so I’m sure you will :D Happy Holidays!
Dec 13Reply

Hello and welcome to poshmark! 💛💛💛
Dec 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark, AvaMarie! I wish you the best of luck on making sales🍀
Dec 13Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 😊 I'm a posh ambassador, so let me know if you have any questions! Happy selling & shopping 💕
Dec 14Reply

Welcome to poshmark! You're in great selling territory! I've enjoyed every moment so far and hope you do too. Remember to share your closet, others closet and follow follow follow. All the best and happy poshing!
Dec 14Reply

🌺 Welcome to Poshmark! Good luck with your closet sales! 🌺
Dec 18Reply

Hi there, Welcome to Poshmark, a fun place to buy and sell things from closet! Let me know if you have any questions, I am there to help you out. Just a tip, share people's stuff and they will share yours. Things get sold fast that way. Happy Poshing ❤️💗
Dec 18Reply

Thank you for following
Dec 20Reply

Thank you for all the shares! Wishing you many sales and Happy Holidays 🙋
Dec 21Reply

@superbrands Hi. U are so sweet, to say hello and to offer ur help. * Can I ask one question? = When u give a $1.50 discount on shipping [they pay $4.99] do u still get the regular label from Posh, worth the $6.50 [up to 5 lbs.] to be able to mail ur sold item. * t.u.v.m. dear
Dec 23Reply

@thebluepoodle yes you get a label in all the three situations, 1st if the buyer is paying all the shipping, second if you are paying 1.50dollars for buyer and third when you are paying all $6.50 shipping. All the best with sales. Try offer to liners every time if possible, you will get lot of buyers.💕 hope it helps.
Dec 23Reply

@superbrands Thx. * Please... What is 'liners'. * [I know about private offers.] *** And second, are u saying - even if u gave them $1.50 offer [they only paid $4.99] posh will still give u a $6.50 label??
Dec 23Reply

@thebluepoodle sorry, it was likers. 🙂 yes, you will always get a $6.50label. Even if you paid $1.50 and buyers paid $5.
Dec 23Reply

@superbrands Whew!! t.y. for the help, dear
Dec 24Reply

Hey! Would love it if you could go check out my account!! I’ve got name brands like PINK, Victoria’s Secret, Chico’s, Levi’s, Kat Von D, Abercrombie and Fitch. And if you would like to make a bundle, I can give you an AMAZING offer! Thanks!!💘💘
Dec 25Reply

I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for following and if you have time stop by my Fb-@genevafitness & IG-@genolin1 and follow me there also. I WOULD GREATLY APPRECIATE IT😀
Dec 28Reply

Hi Ava Marie...such a beautiful name. Welcome to Poshmark!!!🎈🎈🌹 Thank you for the follow and if I can help you please don't hesitate to just ask. I'm Deborah and I'm sharing your Closets to my special PFFS. HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎈✨❇🎊🎈✨🎇🎉🎉
Dec 28Reply

@deborahrn U.R.Sweet. *** Sweething, did u see, I have a 2nd closet @SoulKitchen99. Its "purse heaven". Alot of fun too. * So happy to read ur note. Keep coming back. I always chg up my fun posts... Plus new items a'ways!!! * And dont forget to ask for discounts [ikeepputtingupthesigns,buttheyforget]
Dec 28Reply

@deborahrn I forgot to truly thank u for ur sweet note. About my name, that was so generous of you. * And that u are sharing my closet w ur pff's. That is too kind. * I will try to remember to share ur closet, for ur kindness. Ur closet is WOW... is really supreme!! * Wow, a lace bridal dress, etc etc... I shared multiple times on the things i thought most profound. Ciao, PFF!!
Dec 28Reply

@thebluepoodle ..You are most welcome and the pleasure is all mine...I have a daughter pretty close to your age range. If you need anything don't hesitate. I will also send you all FG follow games I you know FG💃💃💃👣👣👣❤
Dec 29Reply

@thebluepoodle You bet I'll check it regularly. I shop more than I sell...just can't seem to get sales...I've tried everything,, I think👀👀
Dec 29Reply

@deborahrn I have several HUGE hints for selling. Always glad to help out poshers. * First, the hottest time to Share ur own closet is = Friday & Sunday, at around 8pm. *** If u have the time, ppl will share their closet once in morning, afternoon & evening. [i try, once a day] * The fastest way to do sharing is on a computer/laptop. Not cell phone.
Dec 29Reply

@deborahrn As for Following. U can go to anyone's closet, hit their Follower or Following button [at top of their closet] and it will bring down their entire list of followers. * U can just hit all their followers. U'll get hundreds in one sitting. * It is only the blue blocks that u click. * Weirdly, its fastest to do following on the phone!!! * lmk if u have any questions or want to talk. *** I shared a few of ur items [numerous times] that i thought were outstanding. ;)
Dec 29Reply

Hey friend! Thanks for all the shares!!! You have SO much energy, I’m jealous! I’m actually sick, and can do very little in a day. But I hope your well. ❤️
Happy New Year!! 🎉💕
Dec 29Reply

@nailahcloset Hi. Are u taking Vit.C ?? * U can take it 5 times in a day. And u will wake up cured. * The gov'mt has been trying to downplay & get rid of vit.C for decades. Stopping it from being sold as medicine [so the medicine companies can still make money on their Sudafed, etc] * And O.Juice has too much sugar, not enuf vit.C. U gotta take tablets. Even the cheapest ones are as good as expensive! lmk sweetie
Dec 29Reply

@nailahcloset u use the phone or computer, when doing posh? * Cuz computer or laptop is quicker for doing things. And easier [i think]
Dec 29Reply

@thebluepoodle Thank u for the tips & your concern, honey! Unfortunately, I’ve been diagnosed with multiple auto-immune conditions, and I’m bedridden most of the time. I take loads of supplements & meds every day, but they don’t help much since there’s no real treatment for my illnesses. That’s why I started Posh. I had to stop working, and am on disability now. Oh, and the IPad is the easiest for me, since I work from bed! 😊
Dec 29Reply

@nailahcloset I hope u dont mind my continuing this subject?? * I found a book, BEST in th world on vitamins. Its vintage, but its supreme. She tells about all the gov'mt treachury, and about the scientists who came up w these wisdoms. * U can look th book up. Called: "God and Vitamins". by Marjorie Holmes. * On e bay its $59.00. From the year 1980!!! That is proof of my claim to its being the best.
Dec 29Reply

@nailahcloset Ok. I just saw, on A maz on, its $3.99 used. * Ok. It tells how u shd take vitamins or they dont work. * U only take Vit. E with vit C, or it wont work!!! * Plus u must take Selenium w it. Vit E, C & Selemium together. * Adults must take Iron. But it only works w Vit.C. Or it wont work!! *** Now, Iron w eliminate vit.E. So u must take Iron 8 hours separate from Vit.E. * So i take Iron in morn, and Vit.E in evening.
Dec 29Reply

@nailahcloset Thats just a small portion of what this book is about. * She tells of scientists discorveries on almost all ailments. How th gov'mt has destroyed half of th scientists who discover cures!! * Theyve had cures for cancer, heart, SIDS [children], liver, heart, everything. But th gov is covering this up. * And I see that noone is saying that u cant take E w o C. U must or Vit.E wont work. * B12 wont work w o Folic acid. It wont work!!
Dec 29Reply

@nailahcloset All adults do NOT manufacture B12. We need it up the wazoo. U can take it several times a day. * I hope sincerely that u get this book. Its on A ma zon, right now!! for $3.99. Pls go get it asap! ** lmk if u want to talk anymore. HEY! Ur my good buddy. U gave me the Rolling Stones tee for free. I am beyond the moon over that. * U bes' know, sweetie, that was my best xmas present this year. [half cuz it was free, & partly jus cuz its the Stones] * call me
Dec 29Reply

@nailahcloset Dear, it [the book] speaks oodles...about the immune system. And how to take vitamins correctly on that. [ur body is just waiting to heal itself!] ** She explains during cancer, etc. * Heart disease, th med.society dont care if u loose ur father [dr's will not tell u how to get healthy w th vitamins ur lacking], theyll just keep dad on med's till he dies. * They'v known of th cures for decades. U'll read all about it......
Dec 29Reply

@thebluepoodle You’re SO sweet! You just made my day by telling me how much u appreciated a worn Stones tee!! You’re so caring! However, I’ve been very ill for a while, and my symptoms are severe. When I say “very”, I mean not being able to walk from my bed to the freaking bathroom. And I used to be a runner, before falling ill and ending up in the ER, in 2014. I still can’t believe I’m not able to shower, for example. That feels like climbing a mountain to me! 😔
Dec 29Reply

I also need IV infusions every day, to stay hydrated. Posh & my little dog, who never leaves my side, are my only sources of joy. But styling, and taking pics is still a challenge. But I do my best to keep myself occupied & not think about what’s going on!
Dec 29Reply

Thanks again. I’m getting sleepy now, finally! Talk soon! ❤️
Dec 29Reply

@nailahcloset And when u get a chance, pls re-read my notes above. About my telling u about that book, "God and Vitamins". * Its for sale [its a vintage book, 1980] at Am azon, for $3.99. *** I want to tell u so much more about vitamins & health. If its possible, i wld like to giv u my email so we can talk & I can show u much more.... lmk dear
Dec 30Reply

@nailahcloset I cld giv u my page. U can talk-type way easier there. * I know u may be sleeping, so I await ur message, tomorrow or whenever.... *** Bythby, Im a writer. Iv got two books, waiting for trad publishers. I write: disney for adults. They're so good. I'd luv to show u. They're on Am azon, right now. * l8r gator
Dec 30Reply

@nailahcloset I think I went too far. Being too pushy. * So, I will bow out and let u be. * Best of luck
Dec 30Reply

@thebluepoodle You haven’t been pushy, your just showing concern, which I really appreciate. My husband and I have always tried to be kind to others ( he’s also disabled, and our only daughter was adopted when she was 7 yrs-old). You’d be surprised how few people show gratitude, in general. We both have very non empathetic families, unfortunately. You, on the other hand, have been so greatful, it’s amazing! Your special, and I really appreciate you. We’ll talk again tomorrow. Good night 😴💤🌙
Dec 30Reply

@nailahcloset I am so happy to hear that. * Now, when u get a chance, please re-read my notes about that vitamin book. I hope u get it on e bay, for $3.99. * We'll talk when we hook up on notes. Unless u'd like to talk easier on * I have oodles of self-help things. For one = u & ur husband have GOT to do foot massage. It wakens ur entire body, but firstly, ur organs. * I also work w crystals myself. They are th metaphysical world of healing. * My is= TheBluePoodle. * Toodles...
Dec 30Reply

@thebluepoodle Hello! Welcome to Poshmark! 🎇🎆🎊🎉Congrats on your additional closet! Cheers to many sales and happy Poshing!🐚🌺
Jan 02Reply

@thebluepoodle Hi! How have u been? I’ve been kinda sad, so didn’t write sooner. Hope you’re well!! 💕😘💕
Jan 09Reply

@nailahcloset Please re-read my notes. Esp about getting that book: God and Vitamins. It will explain everything. Even tho its 1980, its the living truth. * Nobody today tell u: Calcium doesnt work w o Magnesium. That U cant do Vit.E and Iron at same time. * Alot of things. There are cures for everything in there. * Lmk dearest. * And if u want to talk more we can do f book, or something
Jan 09Reply

Thank you for all of the shares!! I really appreciate it!!!😊
Jan 10Reply

@rodieorodgod1 Ur welcome. U shared alot of mine. Thats the game here. U'll get shared back...from almost everyone. * U doing the Mens Parties?? I think its the biggest FEED ** U got great stuff. I'd but the name brand & graffic stuff up at the top, if it were my stuff...
Jan 11Reply

@rodieorodgod1 Cuz its not about being polite or humble. There are 20M closets & growing. * Plus, keep up on ur Followers button, up at top of ur closet... lmk if u know that. Bet
Jan 11Reply

@thebluepoodle thanks for the tips, and know I didn’t know that! And yes I share in the men parties and try to keep up with putting certain pieces on top. And yes your right I share because it’s a community, and we all trying to make the best out of our closet. Thank you and you have a great selection as well!
Jan 11Reply

@rodieorodgod1 So u know that at top of ur closet there are two words = Followers & Follwoing. Just click ur FollowERs button. Ull get a scrolling list. Go down & ull see all th blue boxes, u must click on. * And now, ur following those ppl too. That makes for a larger FEED. Cuz ur Feed, i believe is as large as t amt of ur followers. * U kno, u can go in anyone's Followers or Following box, click on it & click all their blue boxes. * Now ur follwing more. And theyll come to ur closet.
Jan 11Reply

@rodieorodgod1 Posh is tricky till u catch on. * Utube has lots of poshers doing self help vid's too. * I like to help out the guys [ur the smaller percentage here]. * Ill have a Mens Cloths soon. I got really good fun posts for them. U'll see. I do hi fashion & fly stuff. Soon. * Any questions just ask.
Jan 11Reply

Thank you for visiting my closet and sharing my items! Have a great day! Scott
Jan 11Reply

@thebluepoodle Thank you for your informational input!! I will do that ASAP.. if you like I will be selling re-seller bundles soon or you can make a bundle and I can give it to you at a re-sellers price.. I can get my hands on a lot of high end and fly stuff lol just let me know.. and thank you again for taking the time out to talk to me. I really appreciate it!! A lot! Thanks for the help!!😊
Jan 11Reply

@thebluepoodle thank you for all the shares today really appreciate &need that!!🦋🌸🌺
Feb 20Reply

Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet 😊 it is much appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions. Always up for offers and always send gift with purchase. Looking fwd. To checking out your closet as well.
Mar 05Reply

@dbw0854 i saw ur closet on feed w ur gucci 👛. Best of luck lady. Id lik 2 invite u 2 my 2nd closet @soulkitchen99. Its purse heaven. Everyone says so. Ciao
Mar 13Reply

Thank you for following me! When time allows, please browse my closet and share or make me an offer on anything you might want to make your own! 👍I offer a 15% discount on bundles of 3+ items. I'll be adding more merchandise to my closet over the weekend. Stop back soon! Hopefully you'll find something you like and share or buy!
May 24Reply

baby thank you for your advice!
Jul 17Reply

Love your username !
Jul 18Reply

@alansmith120451 Thank you. Noone every says that. * Have u gone to my Mens section? I have fun posts there to enjoy. * U can click the category. Lmk
Jul 18Reply
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