Meet your Posher, B
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Hi all! My name is Brice and I am a working momma of three living in NYC. I am originally from Milwaukee, WI so am a Midwestern girl at heart! I have lived, learned and loved in many different sizes and am so happy to be a size 'Me!' My littles (and hubby) are my reasons for all that I do. This includes freeing up space in our tiny apartment by selling on Posh! I love to thrift, cook and craft with my girls. My hubby and son take lots of naps while I Posh away. ;) So nice to meet everyone. <3

13 others
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Hi sweetie, I am Shirin. Welcome to Poshmark!
I follow & help u share :) if u ever need any help please let me know. I'll be happy to help u :) Enjoy shopping & selling 🎀
Feb 01Reply

Hi! I'm Jade, and I love foxes, Taylor Swift, and high waisted skirts. I sell mostly J. Crew, Ann Taylor, Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, New York & Company, and White House Black Market. And I have all sizes from XXS to plus size. I'm so excited that you joined posh!!! Feel free to ask me any questions and check out my closet. 💗
Feb 08Reply

Welcome to Poshmark! 🤗 Great start to your closet already!! Hope you sell lots! 👠💄❤️
Feb 10Reply

WELCOME! Welcome to Posh! This is a very social and supportive community so if you ever have a question, there's always a Posher to answer it! Or, just pop in my closet and I'd be happy yo help you too! "SHARING" is key! When you share an item from your closet to your followers, it appears in their "feed" and their followers feed. The more followers you have, the more potential sales! Happy Poshing!
Feb 12Reply

Hi There! What a gorgeous closet!! Absolutely love 😍 Well, welcome to Posh 💐 you'll love it and soon have a border line addiction (tee-hee) ☺️ but it's fun, and there are many helpful and lovely ladies to show you the ropes. Feel free to ask me questions and browse around some closets including mine. Happy Poshing!! 💃🏻🎉💃🏻🎉💃🏻
Feb 14Reply

Thanks so much for the warm welcome @tavoosfashion, @merlinfanatic77, @ericarose1989, @katzkoz and @flirtygirl2015! I am beyond addicted already and can't wait to add more to my closet. Lots of Posh love! <3
Feb 14Reply

Thanks for the Posh love! ✨ super cute closet!
Feb 19Reply

@carrie1ou - Always a pleasure. :) Cute closets unite! ;)
Feb 19Reply

Hi Brice! So nice to meet you :) I was born just outside Madison & moved to Florida after graduating....but like you have a Midwestern heart! Thanks for the shares & I've returned some! All the best, Aurora xo
Feb 19Reply

Hi B! Welcome to Poshmark. I stopped by to say that you have a beautiful closet and I would like to extend an invitation to you to become a member of the Posh Society on Facebook. This fun, informative group was initiated by Barbara Grant, a long time Posher and business owner. She provides biweekly videos with tips to help us increase our sales, fun contests and is a wonderful mentor. Go to Hope to see you there!💕Kelley W.
Feb 20Reply

Hi Brice, hope you're having a great day! Nice to learn a bit about you in your bio. 🙂 As promised, here is what I've come to to learn about Posh parties within the past month. When I have the time, I like, comment, and share listings for people who will be hosting. I also like to show my support for them by sharing at least five of their listings right after. (Continued Below)
Feb 20Reply

The sweet ladies on here seem to enjoy repaying the support through host picks! And your lovely cover shots are sure to catch the eyes of some hosts!! 💕🌷
Feb 20Reply

I love your closet! 💖
Feb 22Reply

@taybickford thank you so much!!! Once you Posh you just can't stop! ;) I love how you accessorized that dress! 😍
Feb 22Reply

You have some beautiful pieces in your closet! ☺️
Feb 22Reply

@ericarose1989 thank you so much for the Posh Party tips and your sweet words. :) Sending so much Posh goodness your way!!! <3
Feb 22Reply

@leahpid - Thanks so much! Yours is lovely, too! :)
Feb 22Reply

You're welcome! Hope they help. ☺️ And thank you so much! 💕🌷
Feb 23Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Feb 29Reply

Thanks @callie5510. Cute closet!!! :)
Feb 29Reply

Hey Brice😊 Thanks for sharing. You have a beautiful closet!😃👍🏻💞
Mar 01Reply

Thanks @doodleneal! Just spreading the Posh love!!! <3
Mar 01Reply

That's Right...Me too! Love It😃👍🏻💞
Mar 01Reply

Thanks for all the shares and kind words! NYC...I'm jealous. My favorite city😍
Mar 03Reply

Darling closet!
Mar 06Reply

@bamarrero now I know why...I'm originally from Indiana...Midwest rules! Ur closet really is special and u have a great eye!
Mar 06Reply

Aw, @ebspear thanks so much!!! You've gotta love the hearty Midwest. It raises you right. ;) Love your closet as well!!! :)
Mar 06Reply

@carriekey I do love's where I met my hubby and where I'm raising my family. But at times I miss the quiet of Wisconsin. Hoping all my littles get to experience the best of both worlds.
Mar 06Reply

Just checked out your closet and omg! So lovely! So glad to meet you :)
Mar 08Reply

@stephxred nice you meet you, too! Love your closet and your pics!!! <3
Mar 08Reply

Hey Brice, Welcome to Posh, how are you liking New York, ??? I am in the suburbs , Great Closet💜💜💜🌺🌺🌺💕
Mar 08Reply

Hi @butterflyrae I really do love New York but know that I would like to be back in the Midwest one day! Cute have soooo much to choose from. I love it! <3
Mar 08Reply

Hey Brice, if you ever wanted to come out to Long Island , when the weather gets warm , I have 3 kiddies also , the South Shore beaches are so beautiful , how old are yours?
Mar 08Reply

@butterflyrae That's so sweet of you. Mine are 2, 7 and 8. My hands are full every I am sure you know! ;)
Mar 08Reply

@bamarrero mine just turned 4, boy , 11 girl, God help me , and 8 girl. Well, let's try to share each other's closets as much as possible , and happy poshing!!!
Mar 08Reply

@butterflyrae my two oldest are girls. :) My boy is the easiest, haha! Yes, happy Poshing!
Mar 08Reply

Welcome to the Posh family, a wonderful community of encouraging women! 👭 😇 FYI..a few things I have learned to be a successful posher & be eligible for those wonderful 🎉 host picks 🎉
1️⃣ maintain a posh compliant closet‼️💯 ( a post in my closet )
2️⃣ share 👠👗👙
3️⃣ follow 👣👣👣
4️⃣ ask questions!! 🤔
✔️check out @poshuniversity and the 'selling on POSHMARK' post @fairlygirly for great info on posh compliant closets and other info for beginners!
Mar 08Reply

@vickyss Thank you so much for the tips. Yes, I have already learned that sharing once spreads the Posh love, sharing twice can create a friendship and sharing three times can lead to a sale! SO many great ladies here!!! Oh, and you have a lovely closet! What a great mix of casual and athletic wear!!! <3 <3
Mar 09Reply

Good Evening!!! Thank you for the sweet comment you left me. I have to say that made such a nice start to my day! I love looking through all the great items in your closet. I'm in save mode right now :( but when things turn around I will definitely be back. Hope you have a great evening!
Mar 09Reply

@blair_treat08 I am in save mode as well. ;) As a Mom of three it is my usual state, lol. Have a great evening! <3
Mar 09Reply

Just wanted to say Thank You for all your support! 😁😁
Mar 09Reply

@luv2laff79 Aw, that means so much! I wouldn't be here without you. Literally!!! I LOVE when I see you add new items to your closet. How much do you pay your model? She's too cute!!! ;) <3
Mar 09Reply

Lol! I don't think she's aware people
actually get paid for that. I'm sure she'd be humbled by your compliment but let's keep this as our little secret 😉
Mar 09Reply

@luv2laff79 Haha, ok! Love it!!! Tell her she can come over to the city any time and model my closet. I pay in cookies and chocolate.
Mar 09Reply

I'll definitely let her know but I think she's a bit pricier than that! Maybe some breakfast or really good pizza will probably work better 🍳🍕😁
Mar 09Reply

@luv2laff79 So Triple A before a trip to Brooklyn it is!!! Let me know when. I will pay for gas and throw in a Luigi's Pizza. Ok, now I'm hungry. Haha!
Mar 09Reply

You drive a hard bargain😁😜
Mar 09Reply

Thank you ☺️ casual is definitely me! I can't wear any of those heels in my closet, but I love finding them to sell! 😄
Mar 09Reply

Welcome to poshmark ! :)
Mar 09Reply

@jassieboo92 Thanks!!! It has been a fun, new adventure! :)
Mar 09Reply

@bamarrero Hi B, thank you for all the shares! Gorgeous closet, following you now!
Mar 11Reply

@bankygirl Ditto on the gorgeous closet!! Now I know where to go for shoes. ;)
Mar 11Reply

@bamarrero guess the kids r in bed?
Mar 12Reply

@ebspear Haha! My girls don't get to use their iPad all week so Friday night they get to go wild. My littlest was kidnapped by grandma and grandpa this weekend so I am a free woman for the night (at home with my computer)! Haha. The hubby works late.
Mar 12Reply

@bamarrero good for u! Quiet! Enjoy
Mar 12Reply

Awesome closet & amazing photos! Nice meeting you this week. Best regards...💞💕
Mar 13Reply

@ceclectic Thank you!!! Nice to meet you as well. <3 So excited about the shoes. Thanks for the speedy shipping :) :)
Mar 13Reply

Thank you for all of your shares, you are amazing!! 💕
Mar 16Reply

@ericarose1989 You're welcome! ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 16Reply

@bamarrero will share lots when back in town! 😘
Mar 16Reply

@ebspear Enjoy your time away. Hope it is for pleasure rather than business! :)
Mar 16Reply

@nicolebabb26 Thank you so much for the kind words! Wisconsin is truly the daylight.......when not on a boat. Haha! I am not a fan of boats. 😖 Sounds like you've had some great travel opportunities! I'm going to finish checking out your closet. 🙂It's so nice to meet you! Happy Poshing!!! ❤️
Mar 17Reply

@bamarrero so I guess u have snow? I won't tell u about our weather...
Mar 20Reply

Great closet! I am also originally from Wisconsin and recently relocated to California. Talk about culture shock!
Mar 20Reply

@ebspear It is scheduled for tonight. Don't remind me. I am crossing my fingers that it reroutes itself around nyc but I don't think we'll be so lucky. I'm sure you're weather is gorgeous.......I hope your time away was spent somewhere lovely as well. I need a vacation!!! <3
Mar 20Reply

@bamarrero hope it misses u. It is nice here. Was skiing actually. Just reminded me that I never miss snow😜
Mar 20Reply

@meagnew Thank you!!! Yes, total culture shock. I am from right outside of Milwaukee so I was able to get by. I think going from farm to major metropolis would have been more difficult. :) Also, beautiful closet. Go Midwest! <3
Mar 20Reply

@ebspear Snow is a 'no' for me. Well, maybe it's just the skiing and snowboarding. My husband is great but my snow skills are just laughable!!! Even being from WI.
Mar 20Reply

Oh, @ebspear is that beautiful, rosy, clear crystal-like necklace in your closet made with glass beads?
Mar 20Reply

@bamarrero Yes. A friend of mine makes some jewelry on the side.
Mar 20Reply

@bamarrero sorry been a little less active. Relatives in for Easter. But glad u got the t shirts cause already had two offers on the white and black! And the coral had an offer pending...get them out Later today!
Mar 25Reply

@ebspear Glad I scooped them up. Late night impulse buy! I have been transitioning into a new job so in the same place with inactivity. So happy to have you and @ericarose1989 to help share. ❤️ you two! 😘
Mar 25Reply

@bamarrero same! 😘😘😘
Mar 25Reply

@bamarrero @ebspear Same to both of you! You two are wonderful for always helping to share! It's been a busy time got me lately, but I try to make up all the shares. Hope you're both doing well. ❤️❤️
Mar 25Reply

@ericarose1989 I don't remember March ever being this busy, lol! Enjoy the long weekend! <3
Mar 25Reply

@bamarrero I know, right?!?
Mar 25Reply

@anniekackman I have never seen it, so Zi totally
Mar 27Reply

@anniekackman I have never seen it, so I just googled, lol! Thanks for the compliment! ❤️ I am a Modern Family and In The Middle Fan. 😀
Mar 27Reply

@anniekackman Haha, yes! Sue and Brick! I laugh through the whole show, even when watching alone. My hubby thinks I'm crazy and I try to explain to him how good it is!! :)
Mar 27Reply

Glad your package got there! I know how hard it is with kids. I do remember the younger years...but wonderful years.
Mar 28Reply

@ebspear Super fast shipping.....six stars here. ;) Yes, the younger years are wonderful ones. They have so much energy......more than I remember having at that age. The City Walks cards look like so much fun. My oldest is all about maps and facts, so I know they are going to be a big hit!!! Again, thanks so much for thinking of not only me, but of my littles, too. <3
Mar 28Reply

I just got your comment about the tank from anthro you got from me with stains - I am totally horrified. I would have NEVER sold something with stains on them on purpose and I first want to apologize and second if you can't get the stains out I want to make it right somehow - refund you the money? I don't even know how to do that on posh but we will figure something out of you can't get the stains out. I am just so embarrassed and I apologize again. Please let me know what happens.
Mar 29Reply

Hey Brice I have two items in a bundle and I was wondering if there is any possibility you are willing to increase the percentage?
Apr 29Reply

@knh0250 I raised my bundle discount to 15% off for the weekend. Plan to put it back to 10% on Monday. 🙂
Apr 30Reply

@bamarrero Hope you can join in at the gathering this Sunday :) Listing is the first one in my closet :)
Aug 12Reply

You're so cute! ❤😘
Jun 17Reply

Hello Doll, It's an honor to meet you‼️ Please pop in & check out our closet. We've got all sorts of goodies we'd love to make a deal on from 450 women's Items, 90 home goods, 170 kids & baby clothes🥰 & maternity. A nice & clean smoke free home. New, newish & always worthy items.
We are a mother & 2 adult daughter fashionistas so lots of variety & we are top rated sellers so you have more security with us💕🌈Visit us at
May 14Reply

Salam, please check out my closet! I have gorgeous dresses from the Middle East & hijab friendly clothing 💕Love your listings by the way!
Nov 04Reply

@bamarrero Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Jan 21Reply
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