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Updated Aug 28
Updated Aug 28

Meet your Posher, Barbara

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Barbara. Some of my favorite brands are Michael Kors, Coach, UGG, The North Face, and Nike. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

  • $7.97 Expedited (1-3 day) Shipping on all orders

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wlew @loca1968 Hi and welcome to Poshmark!
Dec 29Reply
loca1968 Thank you and ❤️ your closet
Dec 29Reply
crystal_iris Nice to meet you!
Dec 31Reply
melody_z Hi! I hope your posh experience is going well:) I'm sure you would love my closet so please check it out! I do trades sometimes and I also have a bundle discount if you want to purchase multiple things! I also never ignore any offers❤️ I desperately need money and to clear my closet due to school :( help a sister out?
Jan 03Reply
loca1968 @melody_z Thank you for reaching out to me. I appreciate you taking the time out to introduce yourself and to let me know about your wonderful closet. I can totally understand where you're coming from and I would love to help a sister out when I can. I have made some purchases so far and I really do like it very much I'm actually quite addicted to it. My health is isn't the greatest I suffer from fibromyalgia and I've been going through a real rough time and when he is a little scarce.
Jan 03Reply
loca1968 @melody_z I'm not really a seller amor Justin Beier I love buying things I love shopping. So if anything I would be buying. I will mention that I am a plus sized woman and I love jewelry and clothes. I must ask you a question though how does the bundles work? I have seen people buy like 3 pairs of sneakers like 20 bucks like how does that work?
Jan 03Reply
melody_z You click the "add to bundle button" under a listing on the listings you want (all from the same seller) and if the seller has a discount on their page, you can get things for cheaper because you're buying more! Or you can try to negotiate with the seller :)
Jan 03Reply
melody_z And I hope you stay strong through your health condition! You're very pretty:)
Jan 03Reply
loca1968 @melody_z Thank you so much xo
Jan 03Reply
dramaless @loca1968 Hello Barbara, my name is Beth. Welcome to Poshmark. If I can ever help you with anything, answer any questions, etc., please feel free to tag me. This sit is so addictive & you will meet some amazing women from all over the world, who will quickly become lifetime friends.😉 Let me know if you list any items and I'm happy to share for you! Have a fantastic day!👍🏼😘💨
Jan 07Reply
loca1968 @dramaless Thank you Beth you are so sweet. I am already addicted and hope to make many more friends like you.
Jan 07Reply
parpar15 Welcome to posh! I'm new-ish too but am so in love with Posh as well! I love to meet other poshers who are in the same boat! I hope your health stays well and Happy new year!
Jan 10Reply
loca1968 @parpar15 Thank you so much. It is a pleasure to go shopping here and meeting everyone. Looking fwd to shopping at your closet.
Jan 10Reply
loca1968 @totes_ma_gotes Thank you so much - I look forward to more posting and hopefully from you.
Jan 23Reply
kerrir414 @loca1968 nice to meet you on here. Happy Poshing and check out my closet anytime! :)
Jan 25Reply
purplearies @loca1968 Hi I'm Kia! I would love for you to check out my closet when you get a chance 😊💞
Feb 07Reply
melllaaa_2011 Hi Barbara! Welcome to posh! I sell some of your favorite brands if you want to check out my closet! I offer 50% off your entire purchase if you buy five or more items!!💕💕💕❤️❤️
Mar 03Reply
guccim15 Hello :) welcome to posh Hun and thank u for the like:)
Apr 02Reply
dazzlingsoul Hi Barbara please visit my closet when you get a chance I have some lovely items that you might like 😊looking forward to seeing you 🌺thanks
May 20Reply
jamochel Hello and welcome
May 23Reply
plump_petunia Thanks for visiting my closet 😊
Jun 22Reply
voguebeautiful Welcome to poshmark! I hope you're loving it here so far 💓
Jun 30Reply
loca1968 @voguebeautiful im completely hooked lol. Thank you @voguebeautiful
Jun 30Reply
loca1968 @jamochel Thank you ❤
Jun 30Reply
loca1968 @lvlover1970 I will absolutely keep you in mind.
Aug 07Reply
loca1968 @dramaless Hi Beth how are you?? I've been crazy busy and caring for my mother. I have a question do you know the sight Merc??
Aug 12Reply
loca1968 @diva2010 Thank you xo
Aug 12Reply
dramaless @loca1968 Hey Barbara, yes I've heard of it.
Aug 12Reply
dramaless @loca1968 Hey Barbara, are you still here? I'm ready to answer your question whenever you are. Just tag me.😘💨
Aug 12Reply
dbrgnz Hi BRBARA! Nice to meet you!' Happy Poshing!☺
Oct 26Reply
loca1968 Hi Deb thank you for that warm welcome. Love our closet!! Hope to do business with you soon.
Oct 28Reply
andreabarrett22 Thanks for adding to bundle I trust that you will see fit to purchase it nice color
Nov 11Reply
kat0110 Hi Barbara, happy Poshing! 💕
Nov 11Reply
officestyle @loca1968 hi friend, I can sell you that bracelet set for $20. Just make an offer🙂
Nov 19Reply
loca1968 @kat0110 Hello Same to you!! 😉
Dec 06Reply
poshmark8530678 Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items, you can use the apps cool feature to make an offer on a bundle❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Dec 16Reply
retiredgal56 Thank you for the like. God bless 😊
Dec 18Reply
retiredgal56 Hi welcome to the Poshmark club. Enjoy shopping and getting great deals. Have a great day 🎄🎁💕
Dec 18Reply
riffaterum Welcome to Poshmark Thanks for purchasing from my closet i will ship your item tomorrow morning :)
Dec 19Reply
loca1968 @riffaterum Thank you so much!!
Dec 19Reply
loca1968 @fabmee Let me know what you have left?
Dec 19Reply
tracy1113 @loca1968 thanks for visiting my closet. If you have questions just let me know. Happy New Year!!!
Jan 05Reply
matadora1978 Hello there im jess, welcome to posh! Keep a posh compliant closet,and follow as many people as possible also share your closet as well as others, good luck and happy poshing ! :)
Jan 08Reply
lizaola74 Hi thanks for stopping by my closet, I seen that you cancelled a purchase, did you not like the item?☹️
Mar 26Reply
loca1968 @lizaola74 no it was not the correct size
Mar 28Reply
julissa3000 Hi 🙋🏻! Feel free to check out my closet 💕
Apr 05Reply
loca1968 @julissa3000 Thank you!!!
Apr 06Reply
colleengibson So happy you love your items!! Good luck with surgery. My stepdaughter had it done and has lost 135lbs.
Apr 06Reply
loca1968 @colleengibson That's terrific tell her I'm so happy for her. I hope I'm just as successful. Will keep in touch. Xo
Apr 06Reply
colleengibson @loca1968 yes keep in touch!!
Apr 06Reply
fawnandfeather Hey girl! I see we like a lot of the same brands, good taste 👍🏼😉 if you get a chance you should come take a look through my closet! I just uploaded some bags by Michael Kors and accessories too! 😍 thanks in advanced and let me know if you ever have any questions! Always here to help! 🤗 Happy Poshing
Apr 20Reply
fashiongirl_btq Hi Barbara!! I hope you had a fabulous week and you're enjoying your time on poshmark! come stop by @little_lamb boutique any time! XOXO
Apr 27Reply
wildtimefashion Hi and welcome to the Poshmark family! I hope you're having a good time checking out all the variety and selection in the closet's. Please feel free to visit me anytime in my closet. Have a good evening and as always happy poshing 🤗
May 26Reply
wildtimefashion Hi and welcome to the Poshmark family! I hope you're having a good time checking out the huge selection of closets. Please feel free to visit me in my closet anytime. Have a great day and as always happy poshing 😘
May 26Reply
blakesmom212 @loca1968 Hey. Were those old Navy pants you purchased from me not XXL? Feel free to return them to me and I will refund your money.
Jun 10Reply
loca1968 @wildtimetoys thank you and i will most definitely
Jun 10Reply
loca1968 @blakesmom212 no they were XL. Can you please send me your mailing information to my email.
Jun 10Reply
loca1968 @blakesmom212 Btw do I get a refund on the shipping? Does Poshmark send me labels? What is the process?
Jun 10Reply
blakesmom212 @loca1968 yes. I am so very sorry. I will send you an email when I get home.
Jun 10Reply
blakesmom212 No idea. But I would assume they will refund you for the shipping. If they don't. I will.
Jun 10Reply
loca1968 @blakesmom212 its ok i just am having a very hard time finding joggers in like a stretchy thin knit. If you stubble across any, please let me know.
Jun 10Reply
blakesmom212 @loca1968 oh for sure!😃
Jun 10Reply
indiewavess ☀️🌵💕✨✌🏽️
Jun 11Reply
ally_marc Welcome to Poshmark 😍 have fun buying & selling 😍
Jun 21Reply
blondy824 Hi can you please rate so I get the $. Thanks
Jul 14Reply
kimberly_smith Thank you for the likes 😇😊
Aug 02Reply
indiewavess 💙🌴☀️🌵💫
Aug 23Reply
zandiye Blessings Barbra ❣
Oct 07Reply
loca1968 @ally_marc Thank you ❤🌇
Oct 07Reply
loca1968 @kimberly_smith Thank you ❤🍺🐧🌇😎
Oct 07Reply
loca1968 @zandiye Thank you blessings to you ❤😇😎👍
Oct 07Reply
kimberly_smith @loca1968 thank you for the amazing review
Oct 08Reply
loca1968 @kimberly_smith Well what else could I possibly say. You will be seeing a lot of me . you aiate you. And believe me you will . xoxo
Oct 08Reply
veluru Hi...It's a closet clear out...Please make an offer if you are interested..Everything must go..Thank you
Oct 27Reply
loca1968 @veluru I would love to but I don't get my check until Nov 3rd. Would you hold the items?
Oct 27Reply
veluru @loca1968 I'm so sorry..actually I'm moving out of country very I need to sell everything....I can't hold...if the item is still available till nov3rd ..u can buy...Thank you
Oct 27Reply
alyssatippett Hi, Barbara!! I'm so glad you loved your bundle and especially that gorgeous jumpsuit! I have more this size uploaded & coming soon ❣❣❣
Nov 08Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 Hi, Barbara you just purchased the earrings and (1) safety pin necklace from me. Which color would you like in the necklace silver or Rose color?
Dec 03Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 Thanks for your kind words rating the products you purchased from me. I do have (1) silver Safety Pin necklace left but I'm out of the Rose color and unfortunately will not be ordering anymore of those. I just thought I would let you know in case you wanted my last one. I hope everything is ok with you. Stay Healthy! 😊
Dec 11Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 Hi, Barbara I just want you to know that I did place an order today for the rose gold safety pin necklace that you are requesting for your friend. I do not know when I will receive it due to the company being back logged due to the holidays. Rest assured that I will inform you when this order arrives. I specially ordered this just for you. Thank You for your repeat business. I hope you and yours have a Wonderful Holiday and a Happy New Year! Teresa
Dec 21Reply
loca1968 @ckcloset1 what can I say to you Terry you are the best! I thank you so much for doing that for me because she would really love it and I just think it's beautiful it's so delicate and dainty I just it's really very pretty. So you let me know when that comes in it'll be probably sometime next month or so that way I can replinish my funds
Dec 21Reply
lotusflower2001 @loca1968 Hi Barbara, Happy New Year! If you're in the market for jewelry, please visit my closet if interested. thanks!
Jan 07Reply
urbanlove Hi im Aria welcome to my closet 😘🌸💞happy poshing
Jan 13Reply
rosepetals3 Hello, my name is Jen☺️ If you are looking to shop🛍 check out my closet, I have tons of sales and accept offers✨ I hope to hear from you soon🌹
Jan 17Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 Barbara, I'm trying once again to contact you regarding the safety pin necklace. Please if you could kindly get back to me in regards to that I would greatly appreciate it. Thank You, Teresa 😊💐
Feb 04Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 Hi, Barbara I'm trying to contact you one last time in regards to the Safety Pin Necklace that I specially ordered for you. If I do not hear from you by Sunday, February 4, 2018 at 3:00 pm I'm going to post it up for sale for others to have a chance at purchasing it. I have held on to it for you and now I can not get you to respond to me. Thank You, Teresa 🌷💐
Feb 04Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine. Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Feb 05Reply
loca1968 @ckcloset1 I'm sorry Theresa I wasn't ignoring you. I was at a funeral. I'm getting it now....❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 05Reply
ckcloset1 @loca1968 That's ok I was just confused about what happened and I never heard from you so I thought maybe you changed your mind but didn't want to tell me. I'm so sorry. Please forgive for posting it where others could have purchased it before you did. I'm so glad you got it though. Best Wishes to you! 💐 It will ship tomorrow as I'm dropping packages off as as I'm typing for today!
Feb 05Reply
loca1968 @ckcloset1 No problems There's. Thank you for being patient. I would never leave you hanging. You're sweet enough to hold stuff for me and I appreciate it.❤️❤️❤️❤️
Feb 05Reply
vdorigine @loca1968 Thank you very much for your comments! I really appreciate it and I'm glad you like those pieces!
Feb 24Reply
loca1968 @meggets8282 I would but I have to wait until April. Used up my allowance lol...
Mar 06Reply
loca1968 @meggets8282 😂😂😂
Mar 06Reply
leajamesfashion @loca1968 . Please cancel that raring and go to problems with order and they will send you a label to send it back. Or I will send you something else, but please don't leave a 2 star rating. Just get a refund first. Are they way small ? I put in the listing about running a tad small.I will make things right! Otherwise if you start a case ,they may rule in my favor. Then you are out your $$
Mar 09Reply
leajamesfashion @loca1968 Hi Barbara, please contact me. You haven't replied back so I have no idea if you saw them . I am going to send you a pair of brushed leggings in 3X . That's all I have in 3X . They are black with a pretty floral print, you will see them in my closet. I will pay the shipping. All I ask of you is to comment on your rating what I did to make you satisfied. Is your address 61 Johnston Ave. please send me a message, not too many Poshers would do this. Thx,Lea Ann💞
Mar 09Reply
leajamesfashion @loca1968 . Hello Dear, not sure why you won't contact me . I sent you a package today. You should receive it Monday or Tuesday. I don't want the top back. Keep it and sell it on Poshmark, I hope you like what I sent you , I have gone through the same situation, however I was sent a pair of fake Miss me jeans that were clearly soiled . I am trying to sell them to recoup my money. You take care and I hope you are feeling better. Lea Ann❤️
Mar 10Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 Hi, Barbara how are you? I hope you're doing well. Are you enjoying your necklaces? Did your friend like hers? I just wanted to say hi and check on you. 💐💙
Mar 10Reply
loca1968 @ckcloset1 Hello sweetie I'm well just trying to recover slowly. My legs are most difficult. Due to the weather I'm unable to walk like I'd like to but I try to do other things to try to get my legs circulating. She absolutely LOVED it. She doesn't take it off, except to take a shower. Are you getting new goodies? Let me know. God bless you my friend. Xoxo ❤❤❤
Mar 10Reply
ckcloset1 @loca1968 I'm so glad that your friend enjoys wearing her necklace. Yes, I will be getting new pieces in very soon. Look for them towards the end of the month and in April. I just got some new pieces that sold out fast before I could even inventory them in. 😊🍀
Mar 10Reply
mjbp @mjbp hello wow u pop up was thinking of u how are u feeling. 💕💕💕
Mar 20Reply
loca1968 @mjbp Hello my friend. Im soso. Its a difficult process but trying best that i can. Im down 60lbs since December. How are you and the family?
Mar 20Reply
mjbp @loca1968 glad to hear ur ok 😊😊😊great 60 👍👍👍. Keep in touch
Mar 21Reply
mjbp @loca1968 hi sweetie have untie wrong. Price I. Meant 33. I gave u 25 percent off bundle. Sorry on vaction in south beach on my family boat for another couple weeks. I hit the wrong keys just decline offer I send New one
Mar 22Reply
loca1968 @mjbp omg 😲 you should of put me in your luggage!!! Lol
Mar 22Reply
loca1968 @mjbp Did I screw up?! 😝 I can place the order on the 3rd.
Mar 22Reply
mulleng63 @loca1968 hi on the Bebe Hat I will do 28 and 4.99 ship. If so let me know. I will send a offer out to all people who liked it to get the reduced shipping. Make sure you liked it. Thanks Geri
Apr 03Reply
tanyamarie1 Hi nice to meet you! You showed up as a suggested posher for me so I wanted to stop by and say hello! <3 If you have time please stop by my closet, I love giving bundle discounts! Have a great day!
Apr 04Reply
queenjudyyyy Happy poshing 💖💛💝 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💜💚 Let me know if you have any questions 💝❤️
Apr 10Reply
queenjudyyyy Thanks for like feel free to send me a offer, keep in mind all bundled items get a free gift ❤️💖💚❤️
Apr 11Reply
queenjudyyyy Thanks for the likes! Feel free to send me a offer 💖
Apr 12Reply
giaj Hello, I'm currently doing 25% off bundles if you'd like to give my closet A look 😊
Apr 16Reply
queenjudyyyy Thanks for the likes feel free to bundle and send me a offer 💖💚❤️💛
May 01Reply
queenjudyyyy I’ve sent you a offer that I think is reasonable, hope you’re comfortable with the offer that I’ve made 💖💛💚
May 03Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda and if you 💖Jewelry, either Vintage or New Unique One Of a Kind Handmade, please stop by and visit. If you are shopping or selling the best of luck to you......and Remember No Outfit is Complete Without Jewelry 💋
May 28Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 Hi, Barbara how are you doing? Have you fully recovered? I hope you're feeling very well now that the weather is getting better. Have fun Poshing! 💜
May 31Reply
pmangus Thank you for the like on the Micheal Kors Blouse! Let me know if you have any questions. Also, you save $$ when you bundle 2 or more items. Just use the “bundle” feature for your likes and I’ll send you a private offer!👍 Have a great day!🌸
Jun 28Reply
virginiabean Hi Barbara! I would love to accept your offer on my Alex and Ani Boston Red Sox bracelet but I am actually out of town for a wedding and won’t be able to mail it until Tuesday Sept 4th. Just wanted to let you know before I accepted your offer. Please let me know if the late mailing date changes anything. I would love that bracelet to go to a true Sox fan 😁
Aug 31Reply
loca1968 @virginiabean Aww that’s awesome!! I was just there two weeks ago with my friend. He’s the one buying it for me. No problem thank you.
Sep 01Reply
loca1968 @ckcloset1 Hello darling never even saw your note I apologize. I’m doing well lost 140lbs.
Sep 01Reply
ckcloset1 @loca1968 Wow, that's awesome. Your picture looks great. May I ask how you did it because my boyfriend needs to lose some and he's having a rough time. He's in his mid thirties and just had a heart attack and didn't even know he had one. I just wanted to see how you were doing. 😊💕💐
Sep 01Reply
loca1968 @ckcloset1 I had the gastric sleeve done in December and I’ve lost 140 pounds in nine months it was very difficult to do you beginning but I’ve gotten used to it.
Sep 01Reply
ckcloset1 @loca1968 Well you look very nice. I like the Red Sox pics as well. ⚾️
Sep 01Reply
virginiabean @loca1968 great! Didn’t want to accept your offer until I got your “okay” with a later delivery. Please offer again, as the first one expired. Happy to put it in the mail for you on Tuesday 😁💜
Sep 01Reply
cleoclone Hi!! Welcome to Poshmark! 😀 I'm a top 10% seller and I ship within a day. 👍🏻 Check out my closet if you are interested in buying! I have everything: men's, women's, and children's clothing and accessories 👕👔👗👖👜👞. You're going to love buying as I have the best prices!
Sep 15Reply
sukijess Hi! I’m so glad you love the Bag you bought from me!!! Thank you for letting me know!!
Sep 20Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for liking my Tory Burch bracelet It’s got quite a few legs I have some matching earrings in my closet is well always Open to reasonable offers😄 enjoy your Sunday💐
Sep 30Reply
theblinguation Hi thanks for liking my listings. You can save 15% by bundling three or more and I send you a discounted offer as well ☺
Oct 01Reply
jaxsmummy Payment didnt go through
Oct 07Reply
denimmunkies Hey beautiful thanks for checking out my closet!We are currently moving to our dream home so we accepting all fair offers!I'm never offended by an offer 9 out of 10 I accept the 1 I will simply counter!I'm super easy to talk to so feel to ask any questions!I have gone from a size 24 to a 9 we have tons of items never worn or w/o wear bundle & save on shipping & bundling discount.I'm Mel please let me know if you need anything!All items $25 or less are clearance we dont send but welcome all fair
Oct 28Reply
loca1968 @jeanfinder Congratulations. You should be extremely proud!! I too have gone through weightloss I've loss 150lbs!
Oct 28Reply
denimmunkies @loca1968 you should be too!!!! Great Job !!!!
Oct 28Reply
dmalec55 Hi....thank you so much for the 5 star rating...I feel terrible that you were not aware of the size of the really is adorable, I think it’s definitely perfect for going out for cocktails. Thank you so much for shopping my closet😊
Oct 31Reply
dreamjewels84 Hello, Welcome to Poshmark🌻.We hope you have a wonderful experience in our beautiful community. The doors of my closet @maismo50 are open for you when you want to visit us. All our articles have a special discount. Blessings
Nov 09Reply
erinliz48 @loca1968 you can bundle anything I have and make an offer :)
Nov 10Reply
robbieschmidt Hi and I want to welcome you to my closet on Poshmark. Sizes and styles to make you look your best. Discounts and fast shipping to.
Nov 12Reply
woraphan Hi Barbara, thank you for following me ❤️. Please feel free to check out my closet for pretty clothes and cool jewelry, as I am very flexible with bundles and reasonable offers 🤩. Have a great day and happy poshing 🎊
Nov 20Reply
woraphan Hi again Barbara 😊.. I’ve seen that you liked a few items from my closet ❤️. Please feel free to bundle them up so I can send you a private offer with a special discount. Alternatively, you can send me your offer and we work it out together 🤩. Hope to hear from you, thank you 😊
Nov 20Reply
woraphan Hi Barbara, hope you are doing well there 😊. I dropped you some messages on your bundle, please check and kindly let me know your thoughts. Thank you 😊
Nov 29Reply
woraphan Hi Barbara, I sent you the offer with the special discount as promised. Please check and feel free to discuss when you are available. Thank you 😊
Dec 03Reply
crankyoldlady Hi! You wanted to purchase bundle on Dec 3rd so I put the items on hold. It’s now the 6th and I haven’t heard from you so they are off hold
Dec 07Reply
woraphan Hi Barbara, thank you so much for your 5-star rating and the lovely note ❤️. Please feel free to re-visit my closet again in the future as I regularly have new clothes and jewelry coming in. Take care & and happy poshing 🤩.
Dec 10Reply
loca1968 @maureengrace Thank you! I appreciate that. Looking forward to more happy shopping.
Jan 08Reply
dblodanish Hi there!! I have some great items in my closet I think you will love!! I would love if you would stop by and take a look around!! Happy shopping!! 🤗💕
Jan 09Reply
ckcloset1 @ckcloset1 Hey Barbara, how are you? You look very nice how are you feeling? How was your holidays? It was nice to see you pop up on my news feed this morning, it was a nice surprise. Have a wonderful day and a Fantastic New Year! 😊❣️🌷
Jan 10Reply
tinagma50 🌻Barbara..."thank you" for your purchase. Your treasures on their way to you. Thank you for shopping in my closet. 😊
Jan 30Reply
loca1968 @tinagma50 thank you can’t wait to get it!!!
Jan 31Reply
tinagma50 @loca1968....I dropped off your package at the Post Office today. Enjoy your new Treasures....😊😉....and "Thank you for shopping in my closet"🌻
Jan 31Reply
ldmtreasures Hey I’m Linda, Buying or Selling..... New to Poshmark or Been here awhile..... Best of Luck to you.....💖 Jewelry Makes the Outfit..💋
Feb 09Reply
graycrowmarket Hi there! Check out my closet when you have a chance - I have some great plus size pieces!
Mar 06Reply
rawluxe_world Awwww! You cute.. Thanks for following me back 🥰🥰🥰 I have TONS more to post and will be dropping prices as soon as I post more items to my closet. but if there something that you see and like, let me know and I’ll offer you an amazing discount... I’m right in the middle of posting more jewelry. Hope you’re having a wonderful day beautiful and that you’re enjoying your weekend! 🖤🖤🖤
Mar 16Reply
loca1968 @rawluxe_world that’s very sweet looking forward to it
Mar 16Reply
rawluxe_world Thank you for being so kind & actually responding to my messages. It’s very rare that I ever get a message back from somebody. So I really appreciate it. And I appreciate you too. I LOVE the photo of you from Halloween!!! Did you do that make up all yourself? It’s really incredible.
Mar 16Reply
loca1968 @rawluxe_world No I did it with Snapchat LOL
Mar 16Reply
daiisyboutique Just stopping by to say hi 👋❤ Feel free to check out my closet, i have both NWT or Preowned items. Dont forget to like or Bundle to save big!! =]]
Mar 18Reply
sarahscloset @loca1968 Bundle the Giants shirts and I’ll give you a great discount! 😊
Mar 27Reply
bethdawson @loca1968 Hi Barbara! Thanks for checking out my closet. I’m able to offer you both the Michael Kohrs and Rock Republic tips that you like for only $39. Buy one get one half off. Let me know if you have any questions. 🤩
Mar 27Reply
corybaehr Hi Barbara, you liked three items in my closet. If you would like to add them to a bundle I can make you an offer for all three with one shipping amount.
Apr 03Reply
lasvegasnv @loca1968 Hi Barbara! Thank you so so much! I'm honored. Thank you. Yes I have the pants in black also 😊💖💖💖💖💖
Apr 06Reply
gabysbags Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet for your next NWT designer 👜 handbag! Like or add purses to bundle 🥰☺️ private offers will be sent to you💕
Apr 18Reply
yourmodernbabe Hey there Gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get the chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have never been worn and still have tags attached. Brands such as Lululemon, Nike, Michael Kors, Clinique, Victoria’s Secret, Spanx Shapewear, Tarte Cosmetics, and so much more! So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts! Xoxo, B.
May 04Reply
lolikesclothes Hi Barbara! I would love for you to check out my closet! I have a variety of items for spring and summer as well as ✨NEW✨ Steve Madden handbags and UGG boots for well under the prices you would find in stores! I am willing to negotiate all of my prices so feel free to make an offer on any items you like! Have a good weekend and Happy Poshing!
May 04Reply
dreamjewels84 Thank for the like on this item! I have sent over discounted offer, please let me know if you have any question 😄 Thank you😉
May 14Reply
shopswankstyles Hello and Happy Monday! 🤪 New items available in my boutique! Grab your size before it sells out!🥰💕 Have a great week!💜
May 20Reply
jordan2013 Hello!! I’d love for you to have those items at a price you feel is reasonable. 🧡
May 25Reply
robn4q Hi Barbara- I wanted to thank you for your likes in my closet! I’m back from vacation if you wanted to bundle. I give an extra 10% off of 2 or more items! I’ll also give you the 4.99 shipping option too. Thanks again for the likes! Happy Poshing!🛍💕🛍
Jul 15Reply
luckyladybug4u @loca1968 Hello Barbara - Just stopping by to share your closet and invite you to check out a pretty Time and Tru blouse (XXL) in a cream color, that I just listed. It's reasonably priced and I ship from a smoke free clean home. Thanks and have a special day! :) :) :)
Jul 21Reply
shop_love_ Hello! Let me know if you’re interested in purchasing the top you liked! I’d love to sell it to you!! :)
Sep 11Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Oct 04Reply
blackaudi1 Thanks for liking my Tory Burch earrings they’re selling on the Nordstrom website right now for 98 open to reasonable offers I only have the silver left and everyone loved them😄❤️
Oct 06Reply
loca1968 @jackysbags Can I ask for a discount in shipping? The price as is...
Nov 09Reply
livvysworld I may have missed the mail drop for today. If so, I will mail tomorrow. Thank you!
Jan 03Reply
absolutelykate 🗨 Hey there Barbara ~ Above all . . . HAVE FUN around your carousing browsing of our good ol' PoshTowne. ▪︎ I can only promise you *never a dull moment* ✳ Best to your zest of success in your 2020▪︎vision soar. STAY⚛SAFE out there ~ Kate✒ absolutely
Apr 04Reply
rivers_roads Hi! Check out our closet! We have tons of cute boutique clothes with brands like Umgee, kancan, Cello, Judy Blue etc. Also offer discounts for bundling. 🥰
May 17Reply
bre0114 @loca1968 Hi!💕 I’m having a 3/$30 sale on jewelry in my closet. Along with a 3/$25 sale on hair accessories. (there are listings explaining both sales at the top of my closet). I also have other items that you may be interested in like masks😷 (for adults and kids) and many other things. I’m willing to work with prices, just make me an offer. And if you like 2 or more items I can create a bundle for you making the shipping and price of the item cheaper. Stay safe and stay healthy!😊
May 31Reply
loca1968 @colleengibson Hello how have you been? I hope this note finds you well.
Jun 18Reply
mojogreeneyes Hi Barbara. I’m so glad you like my Lularoe tops. If you’re interested in purchasing any of them please make a bundle so I can give you a discount and combined shipping. The bigger the bundle the better the discount 😊
Jun 19Reply
abfb Hello I’m just stopping by to say hello and invite you to check out my closet. All of my items are Designer Brands NWT and deeply discounted. Please take a look and I would be more than happy to help. I ship immediately! Have a great Weekend 😊💗
Jun 20Reply
theislandgirl73 Hi Barbara: so glad you received sandals OK!! Many thanks for my 5 star Rating Very much appreciated ♡♡♡ Thanks again for shopping theislandgirl73 Sal
Jun 23Reply
loca1968 @theislandgirl73 yes thank you again
Jun 23Reply
Jul 27Reply
charlottefoxx Hi!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🌞🌞
Jul 06Reply
missmoly Hi my name is Selma and I am a Poshmark Ambassador! ❤️ Please check out my closet for name brand clothing! I take many pictures to make sure you see all details. If you need additional information please always ask me! Please follow my closet @Missmoly. Share my items and I will share yours! It’s a fun way to meet each other! ❤️P.S. If You Love Torrid, You Have Come To The Right Place. I Have Torrid All Over My Closet & List New Torrid Everyday!❤️
Aug 08Reply
candy258 Hi 🙋🏽‍♀️Happy Poshing‼️🛍
Dec 28Reply
nylifeaccess Hi Gorgeous , how are you? You got a lovely closet :) Here I would like to say Hi, invite and welcome you to stop by at my store to check out if you could find anything you Like. My closet is selling 400+ beautiful Accessories and doing BUNDLE discount and “Buy 4 get 1 FREE” Wish you have a wonderful day :)
Jan 21Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Jul 10Reply
julissazelaya Welcome to Poshmark! I’m Lissa, and I invite you to check out my closet.❤️ I have a lot of beautifuls and cutes charms for your bracelets and necklaces.🍸 🌟 I am available If you have any questions feel free to ask me! ❤️ ❤️ Happy Poshing! 🌺🌺
Sep 27Reply

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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Kearny, NJ
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