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Updated Jun 10
Updated Jun 10

Meet your Posher, Barbara

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Barbara. Some of my favorite brands are J. Crew, kate spade, and Coach. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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jessica__k Welcome to Posh! Please check out my closet, I have some of the brands you like! I offer bundle discounts and I am open to offers!
Oct 14Reply
peacelove777 Hi! Ty for the like:) I did my internship at the University of Missouri at Columbia in research psychology! It's hot there! I live in NY now:)
Sep 01Reply
peacelove777 Also, I can with with u on the Earrings 🌼🌼🌼
Sep 01Reply
threadrescue @peacelove777 Hello! Nice to meet you. I loved MIZZOU! Thanks for the offer on the earrings. I will think about it.
Sep 01Reply
peacelove777 @threadrescue NP! I can go down to $60 since u went to MIZZOU!
Sep 01Reply
peacelove777 @threadrescue btw what did u get your degree in if you don't mind me asking? Amazing campus. I snuck in the pool and went skinny dipping lol I got my 4 year degree here at University of NY in psychology.
Sep 01Reply
threadrescue @peacelove777 Hello again, my degree is in Social Work but I ended up in Finance working for a large company. Good story about the skinny dipping. How did you end up in NY?
Sep 02Reply
peacelove777 I was going to college here and did my internship there. Did a study about how many women end up divorced and happy after lol funny thing is I was engaged at the time to a jerk, got divorced and then married an awesome guy. Should have done a case study on myself lol if I could have seen the future I would have filled out one of the questionnaires lol
Sep 02Reply
peacelove777 @threadrescue we have 4 children, I stay at home with them and also have an Etsy store. I make jewelry, which has always been my passion, and also sell Vintage items:) so I'm happy. Thinking about getting my MSW in a couple years.
Sep 02Reply
peacelove777 @threadrescue my Etsy shop is SeaGlassTreasures4U
Sep 02Reply
threadrescue @peacelove777 Thanks for the info. I will check it out.
Sep 02Reply
peacelove777 @threadrescue I have the earrings listed there plus a lot more:) would help me out a lot if u bought from there if u decide u want them:) have a beautiful night!
Sep 02Reply
threadrescue @peacelove777 You have a good evening, too.
Sep 02Reply
oungna Thanks for sharing my listings. It means so much 😍
Sep 16Reply
spreadlove Hello, I know there are many closets on posh but I would be grateful if you checked out mine! Either way I was just stopping in to say hello, have a wonderful day!
Oct 12Reply
alyce4m @threadrescue I shared a few pants that would go great with the tunic you liked. If you'd like you could add any of them to your bundle for $10 more. It would be an amazing outfit with your beautiful turquoise jewelry. 😀
Jan 06Reply
threadrescue @alyce4m Hello there. Sorry but I hit the bundle button by mistake. I was just trying to share some items in your closet😀
Jan 06Reply
alyce4m @threadrescue That's ok, I do that sometimes too😀
Jan 06Reply
needsandwants M-I-Z!🐯🐯
Jan 15Reply
threadrescue @needsandwants Z-O-U!!! Glad to meet you!
Jan 15Reply
jacaranda1831 Thanks for $haring.
Jan 17Reply
jat34d Saw your pic by a comment you left on someone else's listing and I HAD to check you out. M-I-Z!! Happy Poshing!!😘😘
Feb 24Reply
threadrescue @jat34d ZOO!! Happy Poshing to you, too! Did you go to MIZZOU?
Feb 24Reply
threadrescue @jat34d I meant to type ZOU!
Feb 24Reply
linlinlewis Your closet is beautiful! Linda
Mar 30Reply
wonderwomom18 You have such beautiful selection of shoes in your closet. Thanks for the share too. Happy poshing!
May 07Reply
threadrescue @rodacelle Thanks so much for the nice comment! I do like shoes. Also thanks for the shares.
May 07Reply
mugsyk74 Thank you for all the shares! 💖✨⭐️✨💖
May 20Reply
zazuco Hi 👋Thanks for all the shares🌹each on is appreciated 👍
Jul 19Reply
aperfectbuy Thank you for following me. If you see something in my closet you like click the   and "like" ❤ the item and/or bundle it to receive private offers and sales. Please feel free to contact me with any questions with either buying or selling. Happy Poshing 😊🌻🌻
Aug 08Reply
52bravens Hi im Paul, thanks for sharing , good luck selling !!
Sep 30Reply
lalato4 Oh I Like the name thread rescue!! Very cute! 😀 Happy Poshing
Nov 14Reply
threadrescue @lalato4 Thanks so much! Same to you!
Nov 14Reply
lalato4 @threadrescue Your very welcome! Thanks 😀
Nov 14Reply
good2bkind Howdy! Thanks for Following and Sharing. Nice way to spread some Love. I know I don't have allot in my Closet but I'm getting there. Stop by upon occasion, if only to say Hello, ok? God Bless and happy Poshing
Nov 15Reply
threadrescue @vedprem Thank you so much!
Nov 15Reply
jazzygirl5001 Hey barbara. Can you resend the blouse thanks and mark it for tracie ammons mistry. Thanks
Dec 23Reply
amber2286 Congrats on the deals days win! It’s so exciting! I’m running a winners special and HALF off my ENTIRE closet for the next 24 hours!!! Send me offer and please bundle so I can offer the winners discount to you only. Thank you! Be sure to spoil yourself today and happy Poshing ❤️❤️❤️
Dec 28Reply
themarketplace_ Congrats on your win!!! Guess what? For the rest of 2018 save 25% off bundles when you purchase ANY 3+ items from my boutique! Plus pay only one shipping fee! Check it out!!!💕
Dec 28Reply
lovedbyrach hey gorgeous! congratulations on winning the love or list challenge ♥ you deserve it! Feel free to visit my closet anytime :)
Dec 28Reply
randeeq Love the name...idea? many congratulations on your win!
Dec 28Reply
threadrescue @randeeq Thank you so much! Not sure what you are asking?
Dec 28Reply
randeeq Idea for the name of your closet? Rescue?
Dec 28Reply
threadrescue @jazzygirl5001 Hi there! Just wanted you know that Posh sent me an updated shipping label which I had to use since that has the tracking information on it.
Dec 28Reply
threadrescue @randeeq Ah, yes. Since clothes are made of threads and I resell, I basically rescue clothing to resell, hence threadrescue.
Dec 28Reply
randeeq I love that! I Resurrect the thread and give them new life community we exist in... we value what others list favor of....woohoo
Dec 28Reply
threadrescue @randeeq ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Dec 28Reply
mjackman983 @threadrescue thanks for sharing the tee 😊
Dec 29Reply
mjackman983 @threadrescue and thanks for sharing the dress 😊
Dec 29Reply
elle_flower _ 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤘 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹        🤜🤛🏽👨‍🎤Way to Rock!!!👩🏻‍🎤🤜🤛🏽 Congrats on winning the Love it or List it Challenge! I've got a mega sale going on and have free items for buyers through New Year's Day as well so swing on by and follow my closet bc im adding stuff everyday! Thanks for your Time!🤟🏻✌🏼🤙🏼 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹 🤘 🌹☠🖤💀🖤☠🌹
Dec 29Reply
tmbratton22 You have a beautiful closet!
Dec 30Reply
sellersmerch Congratulations on your love it or list it win🎉
Dec 30Reply
computershoptx Thank you for sharing from my closet!
Jan 11Reply
cwilf673 Hi! Just stopping by and wanting to say that your closet is super cute!!! I went a little share overboard! But I couldn’t help but share! Happy Poshing! 💕
Jan 24Reply
closet105 Hello @threadrescue thank you so Much for taking the time to look at my closet and engage with my listing(s) I really appreciate it that 😊❤️my closet is open for any offers, feel free to make one if interested on anything from there 😊 If you have any questions please feel free to let me know I’ll be more then happy to help you☺️ You have an amazing day ahead of you 🙂
Feb 17Reply
dotseyqueen Thank you Barbara for the 5 star and for taking the time to leave the sweet comment you did. I appreciate it very much!
Feb 25Reply
causeiuhgotta Thank you for your timely response. I can't wait to see my super-cute shoes! And a big hello to you, from your neighbor across the Ol' Miss, in Alton!
May 16Reply
threadrescue @causeiuhgotta Yes! Hello to you. Thanks for your purchase. Will ship tomorrow. We went through Alton about a month ago on our way to Grafton to the Loading Dock.
May 16Reply
causeiuhgotta @threadrescue Grafton is a great little town when it's not flooded. 😣 lol
May 16Reply
threadrescue @causeiuhgotta Absolutely! And very flooded now. Have a great evening and come back and shop my closet!
May 16Reply
xxxx1950 Hi Jessica, stop by my closet often, I’m always slipping new to keep it exciting ❤️🌹Rose
Jun 04Reply
zenfulco Hey fellow STL posher! My name is Heather. I was stopping by to say hi and maybe get some poshers together here in St. Louis for a Posh n Sip. I’d love to get your input and maybe we can be friends on Facebook. I would love to network and meet new Poshers in my city while having a drink, food, and/or games if you’re interested. Let me know, I hope we can meet soon and come up with some ideas 😊
Oct 10Reply
05teddy11 Blessings on sharing from my family closet ❤️🤟🏻💜. Happy weekend and poshing ❤️🙏❤️
Oct 20Reply
megan274 Thanks for the support!🤗I hope you enjoy my closet and find something you like. 👠👗👚👢If you do please make an offer I am trying to make sales! 🎉Happy poshing! 💚
Oct 30Reply
pearlprelude Thanks for the offer on the bundle. I will try to receive after another shirt ordered comes in for me to try on the style
Oct 31Reply
matadora1978 hi there! shared 10 good luck in your sales!!
Jan 17Reply
shoesbyjess @threadrescue shared 20 beautiful closet
Feb 28Reply
katecarroll6 hi hun! I am accepting any and ALL offers in the next few days! I am moving so looking to reduce my closet! Feel free to check out my closet and offer on anything you like! It will be accepted and shipped out same day! Thank you :)
Jun 23Reply
yizzie74 Thanks for following 👍🏾
Jul 22Reply
myscloset2020 Hello! How’s it going? Following other people is a great way to find some awesome stuff and grow your followers. We love offers and give discounts for bundling so check us out. Also, I wanted to share some of my favorite closets: @thriftpretty @keyaction7 @4bridges Happy Poshing🌹
Jul 25Reply
jlonggirl Enjoyed looking at your closet. So many pretty dresses! I wish you many sales!
Jul 25Reply
bargaintwins Hi! You have a beautiful closet! Enjoy your day ☮️❤️♻️
Jul 25Reply
kttaylor27 Hi Barbara. You have such a fabulous closet, and I'm not just saying that. I'm always checking back in to see what's new. I noticed your a top seller too! that's amazing! I'm currently using my closet to try and raise money for a friend's memorial and end of life services who passed of Covid. Any chance you would be willing to share some tips and tricks with me? Or even just stop by my closet ? maybe share some things? If your too busy I understand. Thanks Kate
Aug 15Reply
threadrescue @kttaylor27 Hello there and thanks for your kind comments. I looked at your closet and I have a couple of comments. First you have some good stuff but I would retake the first pictures to show the entire item. Second, I would start off the description with the brand name and use as many descriptive phrases as possible to capture anyone searching. I wish you luck!
Aug 15Reply
kttaylor27 @threadrescue Thank you! sounds like threads really could come to the rescue!!! Your the best! 😊
Aug 15Reply
janfast Hi Barbara! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Aug 29Reply
greatbunnini Hey Barbara! Thank you so much for following me. Super appreciate it. I shared some of your items with my followers. Feel free to stop on by my closet and leave me a comment. I have a few Kate Spade and J Crew items you might be interested in. Wishing you lots of sales. Hoppy Poshing! 🐰
Sep 17Reply
thriftedhustle Hello fellow STL posher! I love your closet name/username!!
Feb 04Reply
threadrescue @thriftedhustle Hello to you, too! Good luck on your Posh journey!
Feb 04Reply
czasmammy Thank You for your purchase I wanted to let you know your purchase is going toward ongoing medical bills and is appreciated. Bless You.
Apr 03Reply
threadrescue @czasmammyYou are welcome! Can't wait to get my sandals. Glad to contribute to your cause and I hope you make tons of sales to pay off your bills. Happy Easter to you.
Apr 03Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for following me. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 14Reply
jenn123456 Thanks for sharing my items. Hopefully really soon you will buy something from me!
May 14Reply
tatnaples Hi Barbara, thank you for your follow and support, happy Poshing 💜 Tamala
Oct 23Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to create a bundle or send an offer I just moved so I’ll accept anything
Dec 20Reply
mini_ritz Hi Sweetie, I invite you to take a look at my closet @mini_ritz. My webpage is: Please let me know if you have any questions on any of my items. I ship same day and respond to questions quickly. Please note, I offer a 15% discount when you bundle 3 or more items. Happy Poshing! Blessings ❤️🙏❤️
Jan 26Reply
timamy21 Thanks for the follow! I will be sharing some of the items in your closet and hope you can return the favor. God-bless!
Jan 28Reply
zanfel Welcome to Poshmark
Apr 23Reply
so_many_choices Hi there, still trying to purchase your champagne color silk Kay Unger dress listed at $80. I under stood we had reached agreement and you were going to ship it out on 11/12. The dress is still available, I just offered $69 for it, but I haven't received a response response. Can you assist. Thanks Jill
Nov 21Reply
threadrescue @lovey09 Hello! I do not have a Kay Unger dress in my closet as you describe and we have not been in negotiations for a dress. Go to the listing and leave a comment for the seller. I hope you are successful. Have a good evening.
Nov 22Reply
hatchimom Hi Barbara! Would you be interested in co hosting a show with me? I’m going live soon and I would like a duo closet. I have 430 + items. 25/25 for the first tray mine and yours then a second tray for our buyers? Let me know if interested?!
Jan 24Reply
threadrescue @hatchimom Hi Michele! I do not know the first thing about live shows and have been hesitant to do one. Don't you also need to complete a training session before you can do a live show? Thanks for asking me but I will have to pass. Good luck with your show.
Jan 24Reply
hatchimom Ok yes there’s a prep place. Thanks for responding. Happpy Poshing!
Jan 24Reply
cutehosiery @threadrescue Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Sep 27Reply
thillbill Hi fellow Poshers. I have a big closet, you may want to use the search button to help narrow down your search. Something for everyone. Updating weekly. Will entertain reasonable offers. Happy 🛍
Jun 23Reply

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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Saint Louis, MO
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Last Active: 14 hours ago

Saint Louis, MO
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