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Updated Dec 26
Updated Dec 26

Meet your Posher, Becky

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Becky. Former Kindergarten teacher, mom to two grown sons, and I have one sweet grandson! I also have two sweet fur babies, Izzy and Keys. I'm also single! Would love to meet you!! Stop by my closet anytime!! Leave a comment about yourself. I love meeting new people. Never can have too many friends! Lovvvvvve Poshing!! 😊💞
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iqclothessavvy Hi Becky!! I'm Julia. We are glad to have you Poshing, it is very addicting! Always follow the rules, Women's Wearable Fashion only, visit @official_forum for lots of tips and rules. Join some of the Follow Games (FG), Share Games and participate in the evening Party often. Share, share and share. Have Fun, make new friends while cleaning out your closet and making some money! LMK if you have questions! I'm here to help. see BREAK ROOM post at bottom of my closet! WELCOME!!
Dec 03Reply
iqclothessavvy I also have some posts titled Learning Curve How to & Why explaining Follow Games, Share Groups, Share Your Own Closet, and Parties and Host Picks. When you are ready I will be happy to add you to my tag list! Here to help if you need anything! Welcome again!
Dec 03Reply
becky1950 Thank you so much for the advice. I'm just getting started, so just now reading comments. I'm so excited to be a part of Posh Mark. What with Christmas and shoulder replacement surgery in a week, I've been super busy. After surgery, I will have some down time to check comments more. I think that will keep my thoughts on communication instead of the pain!!! Ha! Excited to meet new friends too! Merry Christmas!🎄
Dec 04Reply
1smalltowngirl @iqclothessavvy @becky1950 :) I met Becky one day while out shopping. Super amazing lady! 💗 So sorry it took me so long to find you on here Becky.
Jan 12Reply
1smalltowngirl 💙💚💙🌴🍍🌴🌞@becky1950 WELCOME TO POSHMARK!!🌞 💙 💚 💙 🌴 👣 🌴 @dvacante @flylightly @1hermitcrab @lauras_boutique @lifeisgood63 @amocie @saundie @houseofposh @txan66 @kden_wallace @partymk999 @callie510 @hrachal @dierks24 @marlanap @nami001 @allyoop23 @jansjems @lakeforest @kookc @resthomas @sassyshopper82 @iqclothessavvy @bamagirl017 @chicaccessories @dressyu @drizzymizzylove @elevenroses @yolakohavi 💚 💙 💚 Ladies please help me welcome a friend of mine, from my neck of the woods to Poshmark? Ty!
Jan 12Reply
1smalltowngirl 💙 💚 💙 🌴 👣 🌴 @becky1950 All these ladies have been kind, patient and so helpful to me over the past year, I can not ever repay the kindness. They are amazing and hope you find you fall in love with Poshmark like I have! They make b it such an amazing place to be, thank you so much ladies!! Appreciate each and every one of you!
Jan 12Reply
yolarealdeal Very well come dear, all the best for you, lots of luck and prosperity, 😇😇🌈🌈🌈🌈🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Jan 12Reply
51twenty Hi Becky! I'm Carolyn! It's so nice to meet you. Welcome! Hey, follow me and feel free to tag me if you have any questions. I do recommend you checkout @official_forum for lots of good information at your fingertips. Consider also subscribing to PM's blog at One other helpful tip: Share, Share and Share some more. Exposure = Sales. Happy Poshing!💜@txan66 💥
Jan 12Reply
lauras_boutique 🎀💟Welcome to Poshmark💟🎀I'm Laura(SU/Posh Mentor/Co-Host)! The @official_forum is a great resource, and I have posts in my closet to help💜New Girl💜Following game💜Join My Tag Lists!💜 I'm here to mentor & help so stay in touch! Love, Laura😘 🎀PFF's please meet this lovely posher!💕@aflattery💕@bamagirl017💕@bella_xox💕@blu3935💕@callie5510💕@chicagdl💕@chloejoy15💕@cmc514💕@daisyd0102💕@dierks24💕@dotgallo💕@elevenroses💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY🔒
Jan 12Reply
lauras_boutique 🎀💟PFF's Please Welcome This Lovely New Posher💟🎀💕@heatherschoice💕@holdon3💕@hotpantsrhoads💕@hsohailk💕@jays_boutique_💕@jenniann5246💕@jill555💕@kookc💕@kcford24💕@kden_wallace💕@lnation818💕@mandapanda83💕@marlanap💕@matadora1978💕@mimsmenagerie💕@mrsmadariaga💕@muneewoo💕@nami001💕@proverbs_31💕@shethkh💕@smchop💕@treasuresbytrac💕@twinkletoestoni💕@txan66💕@wendimb💕🔒LAURAS_BOUTIQUE TAG LIST🚫COPY
Jan 12Reply
theradpineapple Hey sweetie 👋🏽. Welcome to the wonderful world of Poshmark 🌎. Let me know if you have any questions 🙋🏼. I have a Newbie Lounge in my closet you should totally check out to help get you started 😁. Have fun selling and shopping 🛍. Yours truly, @drizzymizzylove 💕
Jan 12Reply
poshgarden Welcome to Poshmark 💟
Jan 12Reply
proverbs_31 Hi Becky, I'm Megan. Welcome to Posh & Congrats on getting your closet started! You have a STAND-OUT amazing closet!! I just shared a bunch to my followers! I've been on here for over a year and I'm so addicted!! Please feel free to ask me questions (although I don't think you need any help at all!) or just chat anytime 😘 And thanks for the intro @lauras_boutique! 💜
Jan 12Reply
kden_wallace Hello Becky, it's really nice to meet you! Your not to far from me, I am in Bedford...I enjoy meeting fellow Texans! Linda @txan66 is awesome, if you got to meet and know her, then you met someone really special to many of us here. Wish you all the best on PM, hopefully our paths will cross someday as well! Happy Poshing! 💕Kathy
Jan 12Reply
lakeforest Welcome Becky to Poshmark! You'll have a great time here buying & selling your things and meeting great Poshers too👏👍🙋🏻💗💐 @txan66 Thanks Linda for the intro😘😻🐾
Jan 12Reply
allyoop23 Hello Becky! Im Ally! 💐Welcome to Posh!
Jan 12Reply
becky1950 Thanks, you guys for such nice comments. Just started listing some more things, cause hVe been getting over shoulder replacement surgery. Have felt kinda blah! 😊
Jan 12Reply
chicaccessories Hi Becky, welcome to Posh. You have a lovely closet. The ladies are here to help in any way we can. I am Andrea. Please feel free to stop by and say hi. @txan66 a Thank you for the introduction Linda.
Jan 13Reply
daisyd0102 Hi, there. Welcome to posh!!! My name is Daisy. Nice to meet you. If you have any questions or concerns let me know. I am more than happy to help. Great start to your closet. @lauras_boutique thanks for the tag. :)
Jan 15Reply
becky1950 Thank you so much, Ladies! I'm starting to get more involved since having shoulder replacement surgery last month! Trying to understand the ends and outs of Poshmark. Have a ton of stuff to sell. I keep thinking what a wealthy retired lady I would be now had I not gone on such a OVC binge a few years ago! Ha! 😊💞
Jan 15Reply
debprtz @becky1950 welcome adorable purse
Feb 11Reply
becky1950 Thanks, that was a cute purse!
Feb 11Reply
iqclothessavvy Hi Becky I noticed your closet has not been active in a long while. Are you still Poshing? You have a beautiful closet! I have you on my tag list and I have an upcoming party so I was just curious if you are still here. Have a blessed Poshing day! Please keep in touch!
Mar 08Reply
iqclothessavvy Also, if you want to talk to another closet you have to put the @ sign in front of their name otherwise they don't see your comment. The @ sign is like the address send button. Hope that helps.
Mar 08Reply
waterlily27 @becky1950 Hi Becky, so nice to meet you, my name is Deborah! You have a BEAUTIFUL closet! 😀😃😄💞😘😘😘💓
Mar 22Reply
becky1950 Thank you so much!!
Mar 22Reply
becky1950 Your welcome, Deborah! Thanks for the purchase! 😊
Mar 25Reply
dmn123 I love your closet. The purses are fab!!! I'll be back!
Mar 29Reply
becky1950 Thanks so much for the compliment!
Mar 29Reply
momgenes420 Hi:) I just shop on PM...I haven't created a closet YET. I just wanna say you have a beautiful closet w/ such unique items. Nice work!
Mar 30Reply
becky1950 Thank you so much! I appreciate that! 😊
Mar 31Reply
becky1950 Thanks so much! Glad you like them! 😊
Mar 31Reply
carolynqx @becky1950 thanks.for follow. Like your closet
Mar 31Reply
becky1950 Thanks, glad you do!
Apr 01Reply
tribal_creation Hey sweetie I absolutely love your closet it is so colorful and gorgeous just as you are I'll definitely be back payday to shop blessings peace love to you my friend xoxo Carla thank you
Aug 17Reply
becky1950 @tribal_creation Thanks so much for the kind words! I try!! 😊
Aug 23Reply
cgbmgb Thank you for liking the bottle of Sea Glass! I love making them.🐟🐠🐳🐡🐬🦀
Sep 07Reply
becky1950 @cgbmgb Beautiful! You are very talented!! 😊
Sep 07Reply
cgbmgb Thank you & Happy Poshing! 😍
Sep 07Reply
dlauren1977 @becky1950 love love love your fabulous closet.
Sep 16Reply
becky1950 @dlauren1977 Thanks so much Diane! Love doing it!
Sep 17Reply
verona2016 Thank you so much for all your likes and sharing my closet!!!💕💕👩‍❤️‍👩💕💕
Sep 17Reply
becky1950 @verona2016 You are very welcome, Elena! Thank you back! I love your closet!! Impeccable taste! I'm a jewelry addict!! Lol
Sep 17Reply
seashell52 Becky, you have so many cute clothes in your closet. I love your taste!
Sep 17Reply
becky1950 @venusdmyo Thanks so much!!! 😊💞
Sep 18Reply
becky1950 @venusdmyo Me tooooo! Always have, but as get older, it's a must to have some color, or look like Cruella Deville!!!
Sep 18Reply
becky1950 @venusdmyo 😜😊💞💞
Sep 18Reply
obindee Hello Becky! I see you purchased the bracelet, I'll ship first thing in the morning! Thank you !
Sep 20Reply
becky1950 @obindee Yes, I couldn't resist!! 😊
Sep 20Reply
obindee You should have recieved your necklace today, I hope you did?
Oct 06Reply
becky1950 @obindee Not today. It will probably come tomorrow. 😊💞
Oct 06Reply
obindee @becky1950 ;( I thought it was 2 day Mail, everyone else received their's today .poo
Oct 06Reply
becky1950 @obindee It's Okay! I didn't check the porch, but it would have been in the mailbox, right? Closed the thrift store down, and rushed home to drink that ghastly citric caltrate. Can't spell. Anyway, can't go anywhere tomorrow. Prepping for colonoscopy Friday! Had one in July, and now another one cause he was concerned that didn't see as well as he wanted. So he better get what he needs this time, cause may be the last! Ha! Really nice and very good doctor. They get younger all the time though!
Oct 06Reply
obindee @becky1950 ugh! I dislike colonoscopys.😂 The prep is no fun. I will keep you my dear friend in my thoughts and prayers. The only good thing is you get a great nap and because you haven't eaten and are basically "empty" the guilt of eating a burger, fries and milkshake is non-existent 😘
Oct 06Reply
becky1950 @obindee Thanks, Robin. I know what you mean. That's what I want. Nothing better than burgers and fries.
Oct 06Reply
becky1950 @bahena10509 Hi, Eduardo!! Welcome to Poshmark.
Oct 06Reply
kimmieque Hi Yes it does not show shipped yet that is very weird I wonder if there's something going on with posh Because one other item is showing in progress still and she said she shipped it three days ago! I wonder Thank you for letting me know though cause I'm very excited to receive that shirt!
Oct 14Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque We will keep an eye on it.
Oct 14Reply
kimmieque Ok sweetie Thank you so very much Thank you for letting me know I truly appreciate it!!😀😄
Oct 14Reply
kimmieque Hi sweetie Sorry to bug you Just wondering if you've heard anything Because I do absolutely love that shirt!!!!
Oct 16Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque Kim, you're not bugging me at all. I'm surprised you're not pitching a fit! No, I checked my email and haven't heard back. Probably won't till tomorrow. But I keep getting messages from PM to ship it. So confusing. I'm no spring chicken, but know I sent it, cause there's the Postal message. They said if I didn't ship, I would lose my earnings and you would receive a refund. At this point, I just want you to get one or the other. Lol!
Oct 16Reply
kimmieque Hhhhhhhmmmmm Well I just want the shirt And you know you shipped it So they are messing up on their records I guess So I'm guessing we just wait to see if it shows up in the mail If you shipped it it should come posh is just messed up with their records!!! If I'm understanding correctly!! Thank you so much
Oct 16Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque Either they have or the Postal Service has. I'll check back with PM tomorrow.
Oct 17Reply
kimmieque OK I'm sorry I misunderstood I thought you said you did ship them So it sounds like yes somebodydidmess up I guess we'll just wait and find out
Oct 17Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque Yes, it says pending postal scan, but no tracking. Sounds like it's just setting somewhere.
Oct 17Reply
kimmieque Yes They definitely need to fix that!!!!
Oct 17Reply
kimmieque Thank u
Oct 17Reply
ginabuch Thank you for the likes and shares sweet
Oct 20Reply
becky1950 @ginabuch You are very welcome!! 😊💞
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque Hi again So sorry to bug you Unfortunately I have a dramatic brain injury so somethings are hard for me to understand When I go into my account and track it it says I have to do it manually so I do and then it says it still awaiting the item to be shipped still So I'm confused has it been shipped? I'm sorry and any help you can give me would be wonderful
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque My head was ran over by a car after literally being thrown off of a mortar cycle So I have a major Trumatic brain injury I'm very sorry I'm not giving you a sob story I'm just trying to let you understand things are very difficult for me to understand because my head is so messed up
Oct 20Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque Bless your heart. What a nightmare! Was this recently that this accident happened? I haven't had anything that traumatic happen, but do have ADD, so kinda know what you're talking about. I went to the Post Office yesterday, and gave them your info, and she says it was brought in, but nothing else. She gave me another number to call, so will do that. I'm afraid it's just in some dead file somewhere.
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque OK sweetie thank you so much for your help Yes it is something that's happened within the last year Doctors are amazed that I'm alive I was in a coma for a while and they are just in shock that I'm here because they'll said I should be dead But unfortunately I have to deal with the way I am now it is just a long slow slow recovery Just telling you what's up and how my head works Definitely works different now getting better slowly day by day
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque Thank you so much for your help I truly truly appreciate it
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque February 8 That is when my life changed!!!!
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque You are a true sweetheart
Oct 20Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque No, Kim, YOU are the sweetheart! You have been through wayyyy too much in the past eight months. More than most people in a lifetime. Just so sorry this happened to you. Do you have people to help you, and an emotional support system? I hope so, because this has had to affect you in so many ways. Your thought pattern seems good from what I can tell, because your writing is very expressive.
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque Aaaww Thank you very much I do have a home health care provider who lives with me because I can't take care of myself And I do have a support system because you are correct it is a lot to go through Everybody does tell me I'm getting better and better every day because I'm sounding like a normal person now when they speak to me! So that's good fact that I'm well enough to where I can actually do shopping on here is pretty amazing and I'm very happy about it
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque And I can't shop and the normal store anymore so this is how I do my shopping
Oct 20Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque God bless you, and He will, because you have had more than many could handle in such a short time😜. Please write if need to vent. I'm a good listener. Maybe the runaway top, if nothing else, has brought two new friends together. Also, if you do Facebook, friend me, Becky Tingle.
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque OK thank you so much I will I do have Facebook so I will And my full name is it's Kim Patterson quesenberry I'll find you later today
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque OK I've looked but I don't think I can find you maybe you should find me there's not a whole lot of kum with my last name! I think I'm the only one I just looked and I found your name with someone in Alabama and that's about it I don't know if I can find you
Oct 20Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque Okay, will see if can find you!
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque OK perfect Sounds good
Oct 20Reply
becky1950 @kimmieque Yay! Found you and sent a request!
Oct 20Reply
kimmieque Yay Perfect
Oct 20Reply
djholliday Hi Becky! I think we are Posh-sisters at heart! I simply love your closet and had to scroll all the way through just to see every fun & sassy item! If you are ever near the Jersey Shore I want to meet for lunch and wine!
Oct 24Reply
becky1950 @djholliday Hi, Deborah! I knew we must be sistas from another mista! But when you got to the wine and lunch, that sealed the deal! We must be! Love your closet too!! If you do Facebook, friend me. Becky Tingle. My number is 8174878075. Text me sometime. I love decorating too, and have pics of my hodgepodge of home things.
Oct 24Reply
becky1950 @djholliday Fir some reason I can't send photos on messenger lately, so send by phone message!
Oct 24Reply
kcruley I love your closet! You have a lot of really cute stuff! 💕
Oct 28Reply
becky1950 @kcruley Thanks so much, Kate! Love it all! Clothes, jewelry, and loooove color!! 😊
Oct 28Reply
luv_shopper You have a very nice closet. Enjoyed it very much!
Oct 30Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper Thanks so much! Glad you stopped by. Adding more tomorrow. 😊
Oct 30Reply
jacquigoddess @becky1950 Hey! Love your husband used to ba a middle school teacher...nice to meet you!
Oct 30Reply
becky1950 @jacquigoddess Hey, Jacqui! Glad to meet you too, and tell your husband I taught the other end of the spectrum! 30 years as a K teacher. Started in 1972 right out of college. Age 22! Times really have changed since then. I retired in 2012, and loving being my own boss.
Oct 31Reply
share123 Hi Becky - I've never seen so many adorable purses in one place! All so very cute!
Oct 31Reply
becky1950 @share123 Thanks so much for the compliment! I sometimes think it would be nice to be an octopus so could have eight arms and display my favorite purses.
Nov 01Reply
tnoblex2 Hi, I love your closet, the colors are beautiful. Tanya
Nov 05Reply
becky1950 @tnoblex2 Thanks so much for the nice compliment!! 😊
Nov 05Reply
jemohol Thank you for giving me the chance to view your closet. It is so lovely. If you wouldn't mind, if you get in anything soft in 2x or 3X please let me know. I am 50 and still very young at heart but my body doesn't move so fast on the outside. If you ever have pajamas that would be fabulous. Thank you, and again lovely closet.
Nov 07Reply
becky1950 @jemohol Hi, Monica! I'm so glad you stopped by for a visit. Yes, I will definitely let you know if I run across your size. You are such a pretty lady, and I appreciate so much your kind words about my closet. And girl, I hear ya about the slow moving body. Mine has slowed down a lot with arthritis and aging, and I sure don't like it. But I just have to keep moving, just not as fast. Love ya, and again so nice to meet you, Monica.
Nov 07Reply
luv_shopper Hugo is right address. I need to chg it. Tk you 😀
Dec 04Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper So glad, cause mailed it there. You may get It tomorrow I hope. 😊
Dec 04Reply
allisonlynn17 Thanks for following my closet, Becky!! Happy poshing!!🛍💋
Dec 08Reply
becky1950 @allisonlynn17 You're welcome, Allison!! Enjoyed the visit!
Dec 08Reply
kikistore Hi Becky! I'm a newbie to poshmark, trying to clean my closet out. Love vintage, Free People, Athleta, anything Italian! Visit my closet often, will be adding more jewelry and workout gear. Shares are appreciated
Dec 24Reply
becky1950 @kikistore Hi, Christine!! I'm so glad to meet you! I will definitely share, and want to visit your closet!! I love vintage too!!! Will talk again. Running around like a chicken getting ready for Christmas!! God bless, and may you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and New Year!!!! 🎁🎄❤️
Dec 24Reply
kikistore Thanks for sharing!
Dec 26Reply
kikistore More shares! Thank you so much
Dec 26Reply
becky1950 @kikistore Happy to do it, my friend! 😊
Dec 26Reply
becky1950 @myfabboutique Thanks so much! I will indeed visit your closet and share with my followers!😊
Dec 31Reply
becky1950 @glammafab Thanks so much. Happy to do it. Happy New Year to you too!! 🎉🎉🎉
Jan 01Reply
luv_shopper Becky some of these tops r med but they look lg. Btw I'm from mansfied. I guess that why im attached to your closet. My sister says i need color in my wardrobe. Ha
Jan 11Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper If you want color, you're at the right closet. Almost everything I wear has a lot of color. I just need to clear out some things because have too many clothes. But love clothes and shoes. Big weakness. Didn't you live in Lake Worth recently? You're in my backyard now. I'm in South Arlington and taught in Mansfield for 18 years.
Jan 11Reply
luv_shopper @becky1950 I lived in Azle close to my daughter. Im in hugo ok now. My siser has been ill so ive been here to help. But im coming back to texas soon. My girls went to school there. Mansfield High and erma nash. My house was on Laurel St. The tree st names. I raised my granddaughter and she started school at erma and then middle school.
Jan 11Reply
luv_shopper Im retired nurse and have down sized 4 times
Jan 11Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper That is awesome! I just wish I could downsize once! Ha!
Jan 11Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper I see! Is Laurel close to Alice Ponder? That's where I taught for all those years. Taught K.
Jan 11Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper Yes, I remember! Azle. I first started teaching back in 72, right out of TCU at Lake Worth Elementary. Taught there seven years, then stayed home with my boys till 89 when my youngest entered K. Then taught from 89 till 2012, when I retired. From 89 to 2004, taught at a private school. Got a divorce, then the last 18 years were at Ponder!
Jan 11Reply
luv_shopper @becky1950 No erma nash is across the street from police dept. On broad st
Jan 11Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper Yes, of Ponder and Nash were the oldest schools in Mansfield. Alice and Erma were good friends back in the day. Finally a couple of years ago, Ponder got a brand new school. I missed it by two years. I had the same room for 18 years in the old school before they tore it down. That was some move. Ha!
Jan 11Reply
cborelli1975 Ty for the share❤💕❤💕😘
Jan 12Reply
becky1950 @cborelli1975 You're more than welcome! 😊
Jan 13Reply
becky1950 @amlafemme Thanks so much, Ann! Will look forward to seeing you! 😊
Jan 17Reply
livingin360 Hi @becky1950 !! Where did you teach kindergarten? We lived in Arlington for 20 years up until 2003! Nice to meet you here!!💕💕
Jan 20Reply
becky1950 @livingin360 What a small world, Kim. I'm originally from East Texas. Little town, Malakoff. Went to TCU, and after graduating began teaching. Live in S Arlington, and taught in Mansfield for 18 years. Taught K at Alice Ponder in the same classroom the entire time. Retired in 2012. Loving it for sure.
Jan 20Reply
livingin360 @becky1950 Ahhh, gotcha! We lived in No. Arlington & my kids attended Sherrod & Nichols.. moved back to TN in 2003! Happy Poshing & nice meeting you Becky!☺️💕
Jan 21Reply
butterflysnsass Hi ya know amazing awesome fun closet however, yours is the kind I dread getting to the SOLD SOLD LOL HOLD HOLD....Signs because the best and most of my faves r @OLD OR HOLD!! woe is me!! 😤💔😢Drama Posher Here!! Yep I'm so admitting to it. Lol I did ask a question re an outfit. If you tag for new listings or reserves that don't foplow thru. U can tag this lil Drama Posher!!! @danielleverno 💛☺😊
Jan 27Reply
becky1950 @danielleverno Hi , Danielle! So nice to meet you. I've got quite a few things I need to list. So keep checking back. I always have something new it seems! 😊❤️
Jan 27Reply
butterflysnsass @becky1950 ok thank you so nice to meet you as well. I had some questions about that pink jacket/ pants outfit. Just wanted to remind you. Thanks so much. I'll defiantly check back now and then. 😊👠👜😊🎀
Jan 27Reply
becky1950 @ckleon1950 Thank you so much, Karen. You just made my day with your kind words. I know what you mean after the internet. I have trouble too, but am a little better than I use to be. If you hit a snag now and then, please ask me any questions you might have. I still get confused, but I might be able to help. Stop in for another visit whenever you get a chance. 😊
Jan 28Reply
beach_gal Love your much I would love to get !! Just BEAUTIFUL... 💗🌸🌹
Jan 28Reply
becky1950 @beach_gal Thanks so much for the sweet compliment. Really appreciate it! 😊
Jan 28Reply
auctionmom Hi Becky😀Thanks for the shares and likes. I was in education also and loved going to the K rooms. Happy Poshing❤️❤️
Feb 03Reply
becky1950 @auctionmom You are very welcome!! Love your closet! 😊
Feb 03Reply
cherryleedavis Thank you for the Like on my on my one of a kind handmade evening bag. I accept reasonable offers and I am offering a 15% discount on bundles if you like anything else in my closet. Go Frogs!
Feb 13Reply
goodgaudy @1smalltowngurl very cool that y'all met out while shippinh. ♡
Feb 13Reply
becky1950 @cherryleedavis Thanks so much! And definitely "Go Frogs 🐸!"
Feb 13Reply
becky1950 @thriftstorebol I know!! Wouldn't have known about Poshmark if she hadn't told me. I've met so many wonderful friends while out shopping, and many on Poshmark as well. 😊
Feb 13Reply
goodgaudy @becky1950 that's awesome!
Feb 13Reply
1smalltowngirl @thriftstorebol We need to plan on PoshFest 2017?!!! Or @ least a few Posh N Sips?!
Feb 13Reply
1smalltowngirl @becky1950 Headed into Austin >>> Goodwills and thrift shops. Planning a Posh N Sip for end of March, Waco, Tx, @ Magnolia Market @ the Silo. Hoping you will attend?!
Feb 13Reply
1smalltowngirl @thriftstorebol Oops, sorry! Yes, it was an interesting story. I think she thought I was some nut though at first lol! I told her about Poshmark and she put on the afterburners ever since, lol! 💙💚💙
Feb 13Reply
becky1950 @1smalltowngurl That sounds like fun.
Feb 13Reply
becky1950 I'm sad today and trying to get some orders out, but hard because my dad passed away yesterday. We just found out a few weeks ago that he had cancer. It spread quickly and yesterday he finally succumbed to it. I hated to let him go, but his pain was getting very bad, so I'm thankful that he was spared the inevitable suffering.
Feb 13Reply
goodgaudy @becky1950 oh you poor thing. I'm sorry you have to try to function on the day after his death. I'm sure your customers will understand if there is a delay. My prayers and thoughts are with you new PFF. @1smalltowngurl did you see the above message? Xoxo
Feb 13Reply
becky1950 @thriftstorebol Thanks so much. I appreciate your kind words. I just sent several things with the postman, and am almost finished with the rest, thankfully. 😊❤️
Feb 13Reply
1smalltowngirl @becky1950 Higs and prayers for you and yours. I am so very sorry and take care of yourself. Poshmark and we will be here, so take a break if needed. Hugs and l❤ve your way. ❤❤❤
Feb 14Reply
oldstone Love all the goodies in your closet🌺🌷❤️👏🏽
Feb 14Reply
becky1950 @oldstone Thank you so much, Rachel. 💕❤️
Feb 14Reply
becky1950 @1smalltowngurl Thanks Linda. That means so much! You and so many other Poshmark friends are very special, and I feel fortunate to have your support at this difficult time. 😊❤️
Feb 14Reply
goodgaudy @1smalltowngurl oh that's fun. I love to talk to strangers about the goodies they find and would invite them over to the house if the husband didn't frown on that. Lol
Feb 14Reply
becky1950 @thriftstorebol Yes for sure. 😊
Feb 14Reply
oldstone @becky1950 PS my condolences on the loss of your father a big hug to you; may your good memories of him carry you through the days ahead☮️💟🕯I will light a candle for you🕯
Feb 14Reply
becky1950 @oldstone I appreciate that so much. Yes, I could use a hug now. You are very kind. 😊💕
Feb 14Reply
jenntoland Love your closet! Thanks for sharing my post!
Feb 14Reply
becky1950 @jenntoland Thanks so much! Glad to do it. 😊
Feb 15Reply
shopsarahkate Thank you so much got the shares! 💕💕
Feb 15Reply
shopsarahkate Sorry, autocorrect. Haha FOR the shares. 😉😊
Feb 15Reply
dolly1370 Hi Becky! I am also a former teacher and also single never msrried with an 11yr old daughter ! Here's to shopping on Poshmark and feeling free our own thing!
Feb 17Reply
becky1950 @shopsarahkate Glad to do it! 😊
Feb 17Reply
becky1950 @dolly1370 Wow! I was married 22 years and divorced in 1994. Have never remarried, but was in a long dead in relationship that was way too long! Got rid of him five years ago, and am very happy. Have a few men friends and feel like Blanche Deveroux! Ha! Problem is I love them all. I could probably be a bigamist, no doubt! Ha! Retired now! Think teaching K for 30 years has driven me slightly crazy! I have two grown sons who are wonderful!
Feb 17Reply
larahaileylux Thanks for the share! Happy Poshing to you & many many sales...
Feb 18Reply
slgray007 Pretty shirt, pretty Posher!
Feb 20Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 Thanks so much, Susan! You made my day! 😊
Feb 20Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 I callz em like I seez em!!!! 😁
Feb 20Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 Thanks So Much! Love it!
Feb 20Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 I love blanche....Nothing wrong with have a few to drag along, if one pisses you off you can tell them to go home and call the next one! I wasar RF ied 23 years and lost my love to cancer
Feb 20Reply
slgray007 Was married
Feb 20Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 I'm so sorry to hear that!! I just lost my dad last week to cancer. Just had his funeral this past Friday. Lost my mom at only 52 years to it back in 1981. It's a brutal disease!
Feb 20Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 I bet you are a little off after kindergarten ...,for how many years? Although I low kids! I have to grown kids a daughter, 40, that has 5 kids and owns a dog grooming salon in Bedford, VA . My son will be 27 tomorrow and delivers antiques all around the US....
Feb 20Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 , that's scary, you get checked often and it already looks as if you take good care of yourself.
Feb 20Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 Yes, my dad had a rare cancer of the duodenum. Found out he had it two weeks ago, and he was gone in just a little over a week after that.
Feb 21Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 Ha! I hear you!
Feb 21Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 I'll turn 67 next month. I'm hanging in pretty good for an old gal! 🤣
Feb 21Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 I taught for thirty years.
Feb 21Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 , dang! Did you find the fountain of youth?
Feb 21Reply
becky1950 Wahaha!
Feb 21Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 Thanks! I took that selfie last August, and it's a keeper! Ha! Some look like I'm a hundred! Don't know why!! But if I ever post on a dating site, this will be it!! 🤣
Feb 21Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 I know what you mean! I always tell my daughter not to take a picture if she's too close! Im a sun worshipper and ever year I say no more but I do it anyway! I was born & raised in Va. Beach so I've been doing this all my life! Oh and it feels good!
Feb 21Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 Yes, I'm the same way. I'm a native Texan, and have never lived anywhere else. Love it in every way, but in the summer, it's like the devil rented out a small section of hell, and called it Texas. Mighty hot! I use to be accused of being Hispanic many times when younger because got so dark. Now I mix what tan I get just naturally with the store bought kind. It gets too hot for an old lady to lay out like I use to! 🤣
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 that's too funny! I have this beautiful lipstick I wear in the winter and I remember the first time I tried to wear it after I got cooked and the toffee color lipstick looked a lot lighter than my skin! Scared the heck out of me!!
Feb 22Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 I can relate my friend! 💕
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 , I was wondering if you've ever gone to Key West ? I went last April and I think I know the kind of hell heat you're talking about! I've never felt heat like that even in August in Va. Beach!
Feb 22Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 No, I've never been, but it sounds like you experienced a little portion of our world 🌎! Ha! But today, is one of Gods winter surprises. It's 81, and beautiful! It feels just like Spring!! 💐🌹🌷🌸🌺
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 yes been in the 70s for the past week here, it hasn't been much of a winter thank God! I was an navy brat and we were in San Diego, Cuba and Pensacola Florida before he retired...I've got an unbelievable long term memory. I remember each place, I remember being in the crib, picking out what I want to wear before I was of those little sun onesies that tie on the shoulders and have elastic around my waist and lil chubby thighs! That's why I love heat & the sun! 😎
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 I went to Dallas years ago, weather was like VB I loved it...
Feb 22Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 I'm much the same. I stayed with my grandparents who lived out in the country. I can remember snippets of things that happened when very young. Once when was about three, I was out in the pin behind their house with the chickens. Well I saw a huge snake slithering along, so I ran in to get my grandma. I said there was a big bug out there, so she came out and it was still there. It was a very large Copperhead, one of the most poisonous and deadly around East Texas.
Feb 22Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 Yes, our weather is good except when it gets to be 104 degrees and higher in the summer!
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 WOW! I remember, speaking of grandmas, two doors down from my grandma's house the was an older couple and the man wrote music and words for country groups and he wrote for Buck Owens and Roy Clark! They would come to there house and every time the woman would they tell me they were coming I'd run yelling Miss Wilf is gonna have a hoot-n-nannie! They would play
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 And I would dance for them and get feed fudge! We even got to go to the beach and catch crabs and cook them right there on the beach....before the stopped the fires on beach, it was so fun. They were two of the nicest men you could ever meet!
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 Boy, a lot of typos...let me know if you don't get something!
Feb 22Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 How cool, to be around two legends in country music! How old were you?
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 , let's was before hee haw so I guess from 64-68 so I was 2-6 years old...I had a crush on Roy! 😆!
Feb 22Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 I bet they loved you!
Feb 22Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 Yeah, I must admit, I was pretty cute when I was little! I'd dance till I was sweating and outta breath and they would laugh till they cried ....good times...
Feb 22Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 Little kids are so cute!! You were probably sweating up a storm too. I was a fat child, so know I was was a mess! Always went barefoot, and made mud pies too! 😅
Feb 23Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 barefoot for sure! I remember going to the store barefoot! What was my mother thinking! 😂 😂! But I was a stringbean! My brother use to draw pictures that were supposed to be me and it would be two big eyes 👀 with a huge mouth 👄 on a stick used to p me off so bad!
Feb 23Reply
becky1950 @slgray007 That's hilarious! I never had a brother, but a younger sister.
Feb 23Reply
seenyadiva Becky, I love your closet! What a wonderment it is! Eclectic, artistic, funky, and fun!
Feb 23Reply
slgray007 @becky1950 I'm the baby....👨‍👨‍👧‍👧, my brother George is 13 years older, my sister Debbie is 10 years older and my brother Steve is 7 years I was all loved up, they said my feet didn't hit the ground till I was 6 years old!
Feb 23Reply
becky1950 @seenyadiva Thanks so much. That just makes my day! I seem to be drawn to the things that are a little different! Can't stand to blend in. Just hear the beat of a different drummer I guess! 🤣
Feb 23Reply
poppysgal Hi and thanks for the ♡♡♡♡ on the Dancing Lady Planter and the key fob . Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.
Feb 25Reply
tj_giftshop Lovely closet 🌸👍✅
Feb 28Reply
becky1950 @poppysgal Thanks so much, Linda! I will for sure! 😊❤️
Feb 28Reply
becky1950 @tjbuysell Thanks so much! I love yours as well! 🌈❤️
Feb 28Reply
gemsrpretty Hi Becky! 🙋 thank you for stopping by my closet and for the shares💞You have a wonderful closet! I love NB Raj pieces the bigger the better and my fave is turquoise druzy Green chalcedony etc. If you have any others tag me. I see you also liked a pair of my earrings if there's anything else you see that you're interested in more than happy to gift those to you. I don't have very much listed at this point but I have tons to list. Thanks again for stopping by🙏🏻😘
Mar 02Reply
becky1950 @gemsrpretty Thanks so much, Tammy. So nice to meet you! I'm standing here now in high stress mode just wondering where I have placed my shipping tape!! I have so many listings, and my house looks like a tornado just blew through it. Ha! Anyway, I do love your closet! I love antiques and vintage jewelry! Thus the reason for my stress! Have sadly decided I must be a serious hoarder mentality! Although am moving things out, thankfully, just need to say goodbye to more.
Mar 02Reply
becky1950 Unfortunately this isn't the site to be on if one is a shopaholic! Ha!
Mar 02Reply
gollysue Nice to meet you Becky super cute closet. Love your style stop by mine anytime I'm happy to share👵🏻💗🦋🌹
Mar 05Reply
becky1950 @gollysue Hi, Sue! I'm so happy to meet you, too. I love your closet as well! Vintage pieces are some of my favorites. There is a huge flea market here in Texas called Canton Trade Day, or First Monday, because it's always held the weekend before the first Monday of each month. I think it's been there at least a hundred years. I've heard it's the largest in the country. Anyway it's like a shoppers Disneyland. There's always some great vintage pieces to be found there.
Mar 05Reply
becky1950 @gollysue Anyway, long story short, I thought about it because I wondered if you have ever been. I'm going next month, and looking forward to it. Write back anytime. Would love to hear from you. 😊❤️
Mar 05Reply
becky1950 @gollysue Oh, and thanks so much for the shares. Really appreciate it!
Mar 05Reply
gollysue @becky1950 I know there's some big flea markets in Texas my daughter lives in Texas. I'm out in California in the rain and it's raining again tonight. We should never complain so much about not having any rain because now it's raining. I think Noah better build his ark. I love Posh Mark. I signed up a long time ago but only recently decided to really make a big go of it. I've been really busy. I will keep you on my favorite posh list and will share often have a good weekend.👵🏻💗🌹👏🏻
Mar 05Reply
becky1950 @gollysue Thanks so much, Sue! I'm the same way. Have really started listing and selling lately! Sure helps as extra income. Teacher retirement check isn't much! Ha! Will keep you on my favorite Posh list as well, my friend. 😊❤️🌈
Mar 05Reply
turtledove56 Thanks for sharing 🌼🦋🌸
Mar 05Reply
becky1950 @turtledove56 You're very welcome, Toye!! 😊❤️
Mar 05Reply
afroditie77 @becky1950 Thank you very much for sharing some of my items, it is much appreciated.
Mar 08Reply
becky1950 @afroditie77 You're very welcome, Jessica! Glad to do it! 😊
Mar 08Reply
monicap66 Becky I love your closet! Your style is full of color and Joy!🌺 Beautiful!
Mar 14Reply
becky1950 @monicap66 Thank you so much! You just made my day! So sweet of you!! 😊🌈❤️🌺
Mar 14Reply
monicap66 Hi Becky, I saw you are looking for long vests, thought I'd send this to you🌺😊
Mar 16Reply
becky1950 @monicap66 Oh, thanks so much, Monica! I'll check it out! Just looking through your closet! Girl, we are like fashion twins! Love your stuff! Beautiful! 😊❤️🌺🌈
Mar 16Reply
jamielynn62 @becky1950 Oh my goodness your closet is beautiful
Mar 17Reply
excelencia What a great closet! So fun to look through, your items show you have great style and personality <3
Mar 17Reply
becky1950 @jamielynn62 Thank you so much! You have made my day!! 😊❤️🌺🌈
Mar 17Reply
becky1950 @excelencia Thanks so much!! I appreciate that very much, my friend!! 😊❤️🌺🌈
Mar 17Reply
jamielynn62 @becky1950 You are very welcome 💐❤️🌈
Mar 17Reply
excelencia @becky1950 You're welcome :) and I am so excited about the bright pink dress! Looks perfect for warm weather.
Mar 17Reply
fabloot Dearest Becky! Thank you luv for all of your generous shares! I am saddened to say that as a Suggested User, I only share Posh compliant closets. Please review closet guidelines. Also, @poshuniversity and @users_forum have really helpful information. Maintaining a PC closet has many benefits including more shares and Host Picks! Wishing you the best!
Mar 27Reply
becky1950 @excelencia I think you will really enjoy it! 😊
Mar 31Reply
excelencia @becky1950 I love it and it fits perfectly! Now if we can just get some warmer weather here in Northern California :)
Mar 31Reply
becky1950 @excelencia I know! Here in Texas, we get a little of everything! Tuesday about 2am, I was woken to the blaring sounds of the neighborhood alert sirens. That usually means a tornado had been spotted, or could form at any minute. Scary when awake, worse when stumbling around half asleep!!
Mar 31Reply
excelencia @becky1950 WOW, so scary and to be woken up like that would be dondisproenting! Glad you are ok. 😊
Mar 31Reply
minicoconut Hi Becky! Hope things are wonderful your way 🤗
Mar 31Reply
1loveslvs Hi thanks for the like I just lowered the watch 50 bucks
Apr 03Reply
becky1950 @excelencia Thanks so much!! Don't like the sirens, but are necessary!! 😊
Apr 03Reply
becky1950 @minicoconut Thanks so much!! Hope you're doing great yourself!! God bless!! 😊❤️
Apr 03Reply
tyswardrobe thanks for sharing my listings 😊
Apr 06Reply
becky1950 @tyswardrobe Hey, girl! You're more than welcome! Sorry, just now seeing this! 😊❤️
Apr 12Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Hi, Jan!! I'm so glad to meet you! And thrilled that you're on Poshmark. I love the items you have listed, and as you update, I will be more than happy to share. I've been here since November 2015, and have found sharing is very important. So share a lot, and I follow tons of people. In the Find people section, you can just start scrolling, click, clicking down and before you know it, you're following a lot, and they follow you. And share your own listings.
Apr 12Reply
becky1950 Also, whenever you see a party starting, share the heck out of your things there too. I'm still learning myself, but if you ever have a question, I will be happy to try to provide an answer, or find someone who might know. You will also find that you will make so many friends too. I've become Facebook friends with several wonderful ladies I've met. One, I found, is my neighbor, five minutes from my house! My name is Becky Tingle. Write back anytime! Would love to hear from you. 😊❤️🌈🌺
Apr 12Reply
tyswardrobe @becky1950 no worries thanks 😊
Apr 12Reply
becky1950 @tyswardrobe 😊❤️💄👠
Apr 13Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Hi, Jan. I'm so sorry to just be getting back. I'm not sure about this, but in your closet, go to the top, and it will say, Your guide to Poshmark. You might find out what to do there, or scroll all the way down, and it will say FAQs. Tap on that, or contact Posh support. Hope that will help. ❤️😊
Apr 13Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 You're welcome, Jan!! They should be able to get you going. 😊❤️🌺💄👠
Apr 13Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 You are more than welcome, Jan! It's always nice having some help getting your closet out there. Share as much of your closet, and things from the closets of others, and they will share items of yours! Just a circle of friendship kind of thing, but at the same time, you're reaping the benefits from your shares!! ❤️
Apr 15Reply
enderockz Hi Becky, I'm Nancy! I'm so glad to meet you! Thank you for liking my Gold and Faux Pearl Choker! I'm always happy to answer any questions and I accept reasonable offers! Have a beautiful day and Happy Poshing!
Apr 23Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Which ones? Go ahead and make me an offer, okay!! 😊❤️❤️
Apr 27Reply
enderockz Hi Becky, I wanted to let you know about an offer that I am giving in honor of Mother's Day- until May 14th, I'm offering a bundle of 2 jewelry Items, 10% off and 3+ ANY ITEMS 15% off continuously, if you wish! Have a beautiful day! Nancy
Apr 30Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I'm so sorry! That sounds about like my luck. I know you want them, so I can hold them as long as you need. No problem!
May 02Reply
enderockz Hi 👋 Becky! It's Nancy and I have a special offer in honor of Mother's Day, May 14th, that I arranged! I remember that you love ❤️ my Turquoise Pendant on a size 28" SS Rope Chain.( I can change chains to 925-18",19" or 20" fine chain) I'm offering to you on a bundle of 2 jewelry items at 10% off until Mother's Day, or 15% off of 3+ ANY ITEMS! If you wish to take advantage of my sale, you'll receive a free gift 🎁 for becoming my valued PFF customer!Have a great day and Happy 😊 Poshing!
May 02Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 You're welcome! Don't hesitate. You have a beautiful closet, so many nice things. I've sold over 500 items so far, so the cost of the printer was worth it. You might even find one much cheaper on etsy or eBay. Google printers for sale in your area, and I bet you might find something. You're doing great. Follow as many people as you can, and share a lot. That really helps! 😊
May 06Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Go to the part by your closet where it says find people, and tons of names pop up. By your city, your size, your shoe size. Or go to anyone's closet and click on something they have for sale. And it will show how many likes or followers they have. Click on that a followers will show up in blue.
May 06Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 You're so sweet. I think you just need to give yourself more time. Keep doing what you're doing, and you will start selling. You haven't been here that long, and just need to wait and then you will see more sales.
May 06Reply
enderockz Thank you for all the shares Becky, my friend! Have a beautiful day! Nancy
May 08Reply
becky1950 @enderockz You're so welcome, Nancy!! Thank you very much as well! I love making new friends on Poshmark!! 😊❤️
May 08Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Okay, are you talking about your Poshmark?
May 09Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 So glad the sandals worked out. Looking forward to receiving the jewelry too!
May 09Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Hi, Jan! I saw your message, but just now saw the items. How about $15 for the bundle?
May 10Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Mail hasn't come yet today. I'll hold the others, but need to look for the other one.
May 10Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Thanks, sweet friend!! You are a go getter!! So proud of you! It just takes time to get it all on here. I'm still trying to list some things, and I'm running out of room! The old House of Hoarders is getting full!
May 11Reply
becky1950 I sold a few things yesterday, and now must go out to my garage jungle to try to find!! Nooooot fun! Hope you have a great day too! Has been thundering, so might get some rain!
May 11Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Yes, I got it yesterday. Just haven't opened yet, but will. Gonna take a quick nap cause didn't get much sleep last night.
May 11Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Oh and I put them on hold, except for some reason wasn't able to hold one of the turquoise bracelets. Just add to bundle and will do for $20, but do the one that's less expensive! The one for $14, is one I paid a lot more for.
May 11Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 No, Jan, you're the one that did it right!! I have to apologize! I've been so busy the past few days, I haven't opened it, and think about it several times each day, then get sidetracked!! I'm going to open it now!! Great mentor I'm turning out to be!! You would think being retired, I wouldn't be so busy, but am!!
May 13Reply
becky1950 Be back in a few! ❤️
May 13Reply
becky1950 Girl, you got ⭐️ stars alright!! I only wish I could have given you more! Thanks so much Jan!! I know you're going to do so well, because everything was simply breathtaking! I can't believe how beautiful my jewelry is! I need to take lessons from you!! Thanks again so much!! 😊😘❤️🦋🌺
May 13Reply
becky1950 Plus I loved the boxes all my treasures were packed in!! And the note was so nice!! Again, thanks very much! 😊
May 14Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I forgot to add @valentine5074 to mine too.
May 14Reply
gracefulginger Hi Becky!! Thank you so mych for all of the shares lately! I'm sorry I haven't been keeping up, I've just been having a tough time of things lately. I haven't even been promoting my closet as well as I nornally do! 💖🙏 Love, Hugs, and Happy Poshing!~Barb
May 16Reply
becky1950 @gracefulginger Bless your heart, Barb! I'm sorry to hear this. But know what you mean! It just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day. God bless, and hope things turn around for you very soon!! Will be keeping you in my prayers, my friend!! ❤️🌺💞🌸💜🦋
May 16Reply
gracefulginger @becky1950 You just brought tears to my eyes! I love having friends who are also Christians, and share my faith! You are such a beautiful blessing! My Disability case was denied again... Partially again with age discrimination, and on top of my spine trauma, my mom and I have been researching autoimmune diseases, because of other symptoms I've been experiencing, and Lyme Disease is coming up a lot in all of our reading.
May 16Reply
gracefulginger Living in chronic pain, being ill, and intermittant paralysis is definately exhausting, and it doesn't help that I've had Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since I was a teen. It's funny when you live with something for so long, and you're filling out all these MD forms and forget something you've just accepted as normal...Not to mention that they just look at you and think you look fine, so you must be fine, when inside your screaming for someone to hear you.
May 16Reply
gracefulginger On a different note... How are YOU doing? How's your shoulder? Did everything go ok, and are you feeling better? Your closet is coming along great! I absolutely love your variety of fun things! 💗, Hugs and 🙏~Barb
May 16Reply
becky1950 @gracefulginger Thanks so much, Barb! Just keeping things organized and able to find is a challenge!! Right now I'm looking for a top a lady ordered and hopefully will find soon. Oh goodness! Any ailments I have are nothing compared to you. Girl you have to win prize! Not making like light, but sometimes it makes issues a little better looking at from a light hearted view! But I feel so bad for what you're going through. I wish I knew of something to suggest, or be able to guide you somehow.
May 16Reply
becky1950 Prayer helps, and I can always send plenty of those. If you get down, and feel like venting frustration, I'm usually always here, or check in frequently!! Will check back later, my friend!!!❤️
May 16Reply
gracefulginger @becky1950 Thank you SO much Becky for being such a beautiful friend! I'm sorry I dumped all of that in your lap, I just wanted you to know that I had really been thinking about you, and keep meaning to reach out, but then get to doing simwthing else and completely forget. Thank you for all of the love and prayers. They truly mean the world to ms. 💗💗💗
May 16Reply
becky1950 @gracefulginger You are very welcome. I know! I'm retired, and not working, except for Posh, and that keeps me plenty busy, but I get frustrated because I seem to piddle, and don't get as much done as I would like. Oh, well! Do what we can I guess! Would be nice if some genie would come and clean my garage! Tooooo overwhelming for me! Ha!
May 16Reply
gracefulginger @becky1950 LOL! My mom and I have been having that same conversation! Our garage has 3 households worth of things that we keep trying to get to, but always get pulled in a different direction!
May 16Reply
becky1950 @gracefulginger I hear ya, and it's just me!!! Pitiful! But overwhelming, cause it's starting to get hot in the garage now, and will only get worse here.
May 17Reply
gracefulginger @becky1950 I understand the heat! Holy Buckets! I'm in Kansas, in "Tornado Alley", so it's just nasty here! The humidity is crazy, and we are scheduled for severe thunderstorms tonight. I am absolutely terrified of tornados! Thankfully we have a great shelter/basement, but they still terrify me.
May 17Reply
gracefulginger Mom and I were standing outside on the porch a few months ago, and literally had one directly over our heads, and neither of us could move. Thank God it didn't touch down, because I'm not sure what either of us would have done!!!
May 17Reply
becky1950 @gracefulginger Oh, Lord! How awful! I'm terrified of them too! Just nothing can do but pray!! Completely at their mercy! Kinda like being on a plane thousands of feet in the air, and no where to go except down! Out of control feeling!
May 17Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Thanks!! You're doing an awesome job!! 🎉🎊❤️
May 17Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I looked at everything, and I love it!! Very impressive!! 😊😊❤️
May 18Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Don't feel bad. I've noticed I'm not selling as much as I was. I'm thinking maybe the end of school, and graduation activities are keeping people busy. Who knows?
May 18Reply
enderockz Hi there Becky! Thank you for visiting my closet and all the PoshLove! You are so kind! I ❤️ LOVE your closet with all my sizes and bright colors! I shared to your dressing room all of your past likes from my closet to help with styling you for your bundle with the colorful necklace. If you have any offers, I would be happy to help you! Thank you for visiting my closet!
May 20Reply
becky1950 @enderockz You are very welcome!! Thanks so much!! Love your closet too! 😊💜🌺
May 20Reply
msbhavin1977 I noticed that you liked 4 items in my closet. I wanted to see if you would like to bundle them and I would give you 30% off on the live love and laugh necklace and the earrings and 20% off on the abalone necklace and watch. If all 4 were purchased today. Let me know what you think and I will look forward to hearing back from you.thanks
May 20Reply
msbhavin1977 I'm sorry I meant the bracelet not the watch
May 20Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Just be ready to share tomorrow at that time. There will be a pop up reminder!
May 21Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Yes, its super easy! Just anything men related in your closet, share. And a pop up with Share to men's fashion, or something like that, and underneath it will say my followers. Just click to the men one. Same way with other parties like jewelry, tops, etc.
May 21Reply
candycane57 Hello Becky and thank you so much for your purchase. I will try to get them out tomorrow; it may be late afternoon as I have a family emergency and will be gone in the morning. But your package is already wrapped and ready to go; just a matter of me getting it shipped in Time! Thank you again so much and enjoy the rest your evening!
May 22Reply
becky1950 @candycane57 Thanks so much! Don't worry! No hurry! Take care of your family! 😊❤️
May 22Reply
candycane57 @becky1950 😘thank you; what a lovely closet you have and you are a beautiful Woman!
May 22Reply
becky1950 @candycane57 Thanks so much, Candice. You have a beautiful closet as well!! A lot to put my budget in great peril, that's for sure! ❤️
May 22Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I don't know! I've had my hands full dealing with the most hateful piece of humanity I've ever seen! Just remarkable! This woman shared her closet to mine with a beautiful red swimsuit! So I gave what I considered a compliment to her. You need to go to her closet and read her comments and my replys. Her closet is Mary something. Will get for you
May 22Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 marybmes is her closet. Put @ before her name! I was stunned!!
May 22Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Go to the part in your closet where it says find people. Then at the top, type in marymbes. Her closet will come up. She should have a red swimsuit that is beautiful, and the model is too! She had shared that to my closet, so I commented! Well something I said got her upset, and still don't know what I did!
May 22Reply
candycane57 If I didn't mention it to you my dear, I will send your purchase out tomorrow and thanks for being patient; enjoy your evening!😘
May 22Reply
becky1950 @candycane57 Thanks, so much! No hurry!! Appreciate it very much!
May 22Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 In her closet, the first picture of the model in the red suit, to the right of some happy faces. Click there and will come up.
May 22Reply
becky1950 I'm not sure how to share to your closet.
May 22Reply
candycane57 @lauras_boutique thank you thank you from a new Posh member!
May 22Reply
candycane57 @becky1950 I had the same surgery on my shoulder; how awful – so glad we've met; you're a dear!👍😘❤️
May 22Reply
candycane57 @becky1950 and your closet is amazing in a matter of months – you've done well and I want to be just like you one day! And you're sweet too! Successful and sweet and beautiful – what a great combination!
May 22Reply
candycane57 @iqclothessavvy I just found out about the@ sign; but sure don't know about the tag lists! I'm sure I will be told or find out eventually; still trying to find my way around the big P❤️
May 22Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Girl! I have no idea! She messed up my afternoon though, cause need to get some stuff mailed, and that kinda through me, because I was genuinely complementing her! I just wonder if she has me mixed up with someone else, cause nothing she said made sense! As far as liberals, you just don't get any farther to the right in politics as me!! I'm a Mark Levin talk show kinda gal!! Far from liberal, and the Africa comments just were all strange!
May 22Reply
becky1950 I stopped the back and forth because wasn't worth the effort!
May 22Reply
becky1950 @candycane57 Thanks so much, my friend! I've just been here about a year and a half, but really love it! So many very wonderful people, and have become Facebook friends with some. One lady, we learned lives about a mile from my house! Small world! If I can help in any way, let me know! I'm still not that great with technology, but try! God bless, and visit often! 😊
May 22Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I'm glad you found the post, cause thought maybe I was losing it! Ha!
May 22Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Don't know! One time awhile back, a lady went off on me, about something I knew zip about. I told her I hadn't a clue what the &$@& she was talking about, then later she apologized because she thought I was someone else!
May 22Reply
becky1950 @candycane57 I'm pretty clueless about the tag list myself, Candace. 🙃❤️
May 23Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Sure, Jan. I'll try. I'll go to your closet and check.
May 23Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Ha! answered some. Will check new ones.
May 23Reply
candycane57 I will always be following you and sharing and loving your closet! You are the best; trying to get caught up here, my friend!😘❤️
May 25Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Oh, you got it too!! Posh does need to check out her closet!! Something strange going on there! Glad you sent the e-mail!
May 25Reply
becky1950 @candycane57 Thanks so much, Candace! We definitely need to keep in touch. If you do Facebook, request me if you want! Then we can Messenger things back and forth. I'm Becky Tingle. I have several friends here that are Facebook friends now. 😊
May 25Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Jan if you do Facebook, request me if you want! That way we can Messenger messages sometimes! I'm Becky Tingle. 😊
May 25Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Yes my family does too! My #is 817-487-8075. I'll put you in my contacts! I'll request you on Facebook too! 😊
May 25Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Thanks so much. Jan! I'm so tired, about ready to go to bed! 😁
May 25Reply
1crystalpanda Wow do you realize how incredible your closet is!💥💥Some of the most stunning and amazingly beautiful tops,jewelry, skirts and ect... A total bomb on intricate graphics! I want to come see it all❤️💕💕💕💕🌺🌟I love it!!
May 29Reply
becky1950 @1crystalpanda Well, Michelle, thank you so much for such sweet compliments!! I appreciate it very much! You just made my day 100% better!! So glad our closets crossed!! We must stay in touch, my new Posh friend! 😊❤️
May 29Reply
1crystalpanda @becky1950 I agree with we should stay in touch. The way I feel just scrolling through your closet is such a positive vibe. It's really great. Please tag me as you post new items ..... Please. Well enjoy the rest of your Memorial Day.🔆🔆
May 30Reply
becky1950 @1crystalpanda Thanks so much Michelle. I will let you know! 😊
May 30Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I saw the romper dress! Unusual for sure! 😊
May 30Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 That's great, Jan!! You just have to be patient and you will be swamped soon!! So proud of you! ❤️😊
May 30Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Too bad we don't live closer to each other!! I pop the cork often!!! My $3 Wakmart wine! I call it Wakmart because once my phone kept insisting on that spelling, now that's what I call it! Ha! I know what you mean about offers sometimes. I just decline. I've been declined before, so that's the best I think. You're so good with organization! I'm on my garage now! Terrible out there.
May 30Reply
becky1950 I must get it in order. I'll work on the closet another day! Ha! Pick the biggest battle first! Thanks so much for all the shares! I really appreciate it!! 😊❤️🌺💜🌸
May 30Reply
zandiye Blessings 💕🌹
May 31Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I don't think so. I'm a large, and snug on me. If it had fit, I would have kept. Ha!
Jun 02Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Welcome to my world my friend! 2am now, and so tired. Trying to find some things I need to mail!! Gonna give it up, and start over tomorrow!! Good luck on your end! 😜
Jun 08Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Dang woman! You can't be old enough to have all those youngun's! Ha!
Jun 08Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Bless your heart! I know. I was thinking to make it a little easier, maybe you could google and ask for names of people who do ironing. If they aren't too expensive, it might be worth it to have it done, or take to the cleaners. Or instead of doing all at one time, you could iron two or three and list, then later, do a few more. That might be less overwhelming! This advice coming from the queen of disorganization and stress!! Wahaha
Jun 10Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Go to Hobby Lobby if have, and buy a dress form. About $50, but worth it in the long run. Can move wherever you want.
Jun 10Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Oh, okay. Which bracelets? I cancelled the hold on a couple because I couldn't remember who I was holding for. Were they yours? If so, I'm so sorry. I can reserve again. I have got to remember to write down the name of who I'm holding for! 🤣
Jun 11Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Thanks so much, Jan! I've sold quite a bit too lately! Business is picking up. I felt bad cause I thought those could have been the bracelets for you, I just couldn't remember. I love your closet! Very professional! Thanks for the compliment on mine. I try, but yours is really awesome, and I love the eyeshadow idea! I need to add a gift! You're so kind! Makes me feel like Scrooge! Ha! One lady bought about ten tops, and I added a pair of earrings!! So I'm getting better!!
Jun 11Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 That extra touch you add will come back in spades for you my friend!!
Jun 11Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I'm so proud of you!! It's kind of hard at first, but gets better!
Jun 11Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Yes, I go to Resale shops, G sales, thrift stores! Love finding treasures of any kind!
Jun 11Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Ha! You should have told her if we wanted to accept such a low offer, we would be having a garage sale!
Jun 13Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 That's awesome! 13,000 is a lot! Yes, I've been working hard, and very tired. I'm going to send a picture to you on Messenger of a dress I got a few days ago.
Jun 13Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Someone couldn't count? 🤣
Jun 13Reply
ashleyandme01 I just absolutely love your closet and your floral clothing styles ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 13Reply
becky1950 @ashleyandme01 Thank you so much!! I have too many clothes too! Ha!!! 😊❤️
Jun 13Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Thanks sweet girl. I'm so sorry I can't do more. When it rains in pours.
Jun 14Reply
becky1950 I do like these. They are really beautiful!
Jun 14Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Hi, Jan! Just saw this. Yes, I have felt this way before! Right now I'm out of town, so I put a sign up that says closed till I get back. You might want to do that too, just to have a little time to relax and recoup some needed energy! Maybe even for a couple of days.
Jun 21Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Sorry that happened! What happened with her?
Jun 21Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Thank you sweet friend!! I'm in S Texas, in a neat little town called Fredericksburg!! Lots of great shopping is their specialty, but wayyyyy too high priced! Have you ever heard of Luckenbach, Texas? Population, 3! Willie, Waylon, and the boys! Going to Luckenbach, Texas, and feeling no pain! About 10 miles away. Went yesterday and Friday night going to the dancehall there!! Tiny place!
Jun 23Reply
becky1950 @rkhatam Thanks so much! I'm out of town now, but be back Sunday. Going to list more, and most are very colorful!! I love color! ❤️
Jun 23Reply
becky1950 @rkhatam Thank you so much, Reba! I think our style is definitely closely aligned for sure! I, too, love color, and am drawn to many items in your closet as well! I will be in close contact with you as well, my new Posh friend! 😊❤️
Jun 24Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I'm having so much fun, but go home tomorrow! You would love it here, except it's hotter than blazes! This town is well known for its quaint little shops, wine, and lots of cute clothes, jewelry, and other unique items! I've reposhed several items, and have seen others who have as well, so if you want to, I think you would be fine in doing so!
Jun 24Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 I'm so glad you like the sandals, and that they're comfy!! That's great!
Jul 01Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Hey, girl! I just got here in November of 2015, and really didn't do anything until last Summer. Since then, have been doing pretty good. I just like unusual, stuff, some probably only I like, but that's why I have so much to sell, closets finally rebel, and won't hold anymore! 🤣
Jul 04Reply
becky1950 @rkhatam Okay, Reba, I will! Thanks! ❤️
Jul 07Reply
deborahrn I am always amazed how GOD BRINGS precious friends to me. What I suffered and lived through is only by the Grace of My JESUS. I am here to help others no matter...this is how I became involved in Legal Nurse Consulting. I would love to talk further on a private note...I set up listings for special chats, but not always sure how safe because anyone can read. May God bless you for reaching out. I'm so honored and humbled to have friends like you.💖💖🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jul 16Reply
deborahrn OH...and you are a very beautiful lady.💖 💖💖💖💖
Jul 16Reply
becky1950 @deborahrn Thank you so much, Deborah!! I appreciate that!! So are you my new Posh friend!! One just never knows about some of these men folk! Ha!
Jul 16Reply
5seasonsfashion I used to live in Arlington! 🐱
Jul 19Reply
becky1950 @5seasonsfashion That's interesting!! I meant to mention that I love being able to meet fellow Texan Poshers!!
Jul 19Reply
tamalama56 @becky1950 Hi Becky 🌷 Your closet is full of beauty💜
Jul 21Reply
becky1950 @tamalama56 Hi, Tammi!! Thanks so much!!! I love playing around with it, and making settings, although it's getting so dreadfully hot here in Texas, my poor plants for backgrounds are looking kinda pitiful!! 😊
Jul 21Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you Becky for sharing my beautiful closet. I appreciate it very much 😁Happy Poshing 💋
Jul 29Reply
becky1950 @dazzlingdeals You're more than welcome! It is beautiful, and deserves to be shared! God bless! 😊❤️🌈🌺🦋🌴
Jul 29Reply
lauralynnstore Thank you for visiting my closet all pendants will come out of chain u do not have to use the same chain
Aug 01Reply
jennifernora32 @becky1950 Hi Becky, Great to meet another Texas Lady. I'm Theresa. We live in Mesquite. You're picture is Gorgeous. If I can ever help you out with a prob. Just reach out ok. Stop back by and Grab your like before she's gone. 5⭐️ Pieces. And over 220 5⭐️ Ratings. 🌺🍃🌺.
Aug 02Reply
jennifernora32 @becky1950 Oh my goodness. My apologies. Lol. I totally misread your info. I had a surgical procedure yesterday and I'll still so groggy. I've probably chatted with you before too. How about if I need help I come ask you Love. Your closet is bursting with fun. 💖
Aug 02Reply
becky1950 @jennifernora32 Wahaha! I can relate! I've had too many surgeries to count so I totally understand. Thanks so much, hope you feel better soon. I love it when they give that stuff that eventually sends you off to sleep. Wish I could go to sleep at night that quickly! I always love meeting fellow Texans, and you're just practically in my backyard. I live in Arlington. ❤️😊
Aug 02Reply
becky1950 @jennifernora32 PS. Thanks so much for the nice compliments. 😊
Aug 02Reply
jennifernora32 @becky1950 Well. I'm serious. You're just as Lovely as Always. I know this aging thing is. A trip. Lol. But I'd rather be here all Lotion and Face Cream Covered than not!!! My baby sister just turned 49 and I almost fell over trying to let that sink in haha. I'll be back to Share again my Texas Friend🌹
Aug 02Reply
becky1950 @fordlake What a sweet thing to say! I'm so thrilled that you like my closet! You have just made my day!! And, I've got to say, I've been walking around all day admiring my beautiful ring. It's the prettiest one I've ever seen! If I ever get married again, unless I find a super rich man, will never have a diamond this pretty, so will just add a band, and will be all set! Ha! Have a great weekend, my friend! 😊❤️🌈🌺🦋
Aug 05Reply
becky1950 @jennifernora32 Just saw this my friend! Amen on the aging! It's really a downer, but just have to keep plugging away at it! Can't give in for sure! ❤️😊
Aug 05Reply
brooklynn8099 You have a beautiful closet!
Aug 05Reply
becky1950 @brooklynn8099 Thanks so much, Brooke! I love working on it! 😊
Aug 05Reply
vickisueellison Hello fine lady, Wow, impressed with your closet. You have spent years collecting I see. Think we're about same age? Same size? I'm a south western artist former print model ( in my youth) and make jewerly. You have a couple pc's I really like! Your landscaping around your home gorgeous. You've got a green thumb! We also have beautiful surroundings n views for miles. Please check out my closet. Good poshing!
Aug 11Reply
becky1950 @vickisueellison @vickisueellison Well, hello, Victoria! I'm sorry to just be getting back to you. Thanks so much for the sweet compliments. And I took a brief tour of your closet, and it's just gorgeous. I'm coming back for a longer visit later when have more time. So glad to meet you! 😊🌈🌺❤️🦋🌸
Aug 19Reply
alma4posh Hi Becky, thanks for sharing my closet and liking! Hope you'll find something to bundle and as always make an offer!
Aug 26Reply
love1day Thank you so much...
Aug 30Reply
becky1950 @alma4posh Thank you sweet Posh friend! 😊❤️
Aug 30Reply
becky1950 @love1day You're welcome, Ana! I just love it! You have such a wonderful closet! God bless! 😊❤️
Aug 30Reply
yellow_rose4u Thank you for all the shares! So nice to meet you. I was born and raised in Texas and am now in VA. My mom went to TCU . I love your post about knowing whose daughter you are! Hope you have a blessed day! 😇
Sep 04Reply
becky1950 @uscnavymom54 Thanks so much, Nina. So happy to know you too. Please write back anytime! 😊
Sep 04Reply
barbaratilburg Not sure what happen to quilt listing... I can't open to read the messages... lol I understand if you had to sell to someone else... I will be in touch as soon as I recover... our post on the house are leaning so FEMA has concerns with it... but we have a camper we are able to move into soon...
Sep 10Reply
becky1950 @valentine5074 Yep! Every day!!! Ha! ❤️😊🌈🦋🌺
Sep 14Reply
tetullis Hi Becky, I am Terry a retired US Postal worker. My wife and I have no children. I make handmade jewelry for gifts and to sell. We do have two rescue dogs. Hope you came through the storm okay. Nice to meet you. Happy poshing
Sep 20Reply
tetullis Oh yes thanks for sharing.
Sep 20Reply
becky1950 @tetullis Oh, you're more than welcome! Yes, no problems here in Arlington! We're several hundred miles north. But our friends to the South on the coast had it rough, and still are. God bless you my friend! 😊
Sep 20Reply
becky1950 @tetullis I have two dogs as well! A Schnauzer and a Maltese, both girls, and spoiled rotten!!
Sep 20Reply
becky1950 @tetullis I love your closet! You are very talented! Beautiful items!
Sep 20Reply
tetullis @becky1950 thank you very much.
Sep 20Reply
tj_giftshop Hi Becky, you have a beautiful closet and smile.💕
Sep 21Reply
becky1950 @tjbuysell Thank you so much. I appreciate that! I'm about to attend my 50th High School Class reunion in a couple of weeks, and feel kinda ancient! Need to knock off ten pounds fast! Ha! So glad you liked my closet too. God bless! 😊❤️
Sep 21Reply
dazzlingdeals Thank you for stopping by my beautiful closet and liking ♥️💚💙
Sep 22Reply
becky1950 @dazzlingdeals You are more than welcome! It's beautiful! 😊
Sep 22Reply
dazzlingdeals 💋💋💋🎉
Sep 22Reply
hellsbelle77 Thank you for liking my cameo! Your closet is lovely!! Let me know if you are interested in having it. Have a beautiful day 😊
Sep 23Reply
becky1950 @hellsbelle77 Thank you! Will have to save up, but it breathtaking! Really like it! 🌺🦋🛍
Sep 23Reply
hellsbelle77 @becky1950 Oh thank you!! I can tell you that when someone really likes something and I can tell they really want it I will offer a big price drop because to have it loved and appreciated means more to me to be honest. I'm probably not the best business person because of that haha! But having someone love something matters more.
Sep 23Reply
hellsbelle77 @becky1950 I'm going to send you a private offer and there's absolutely no expectation. I absolutely love to make people happy and to see them get something they really like is the best! People have done it for me!
Sep 23Reply
becky1950 @hellsbelle77 Thanks so much! I do really love it. Send all your kith and kin over to my closet! Maybe I can sell some stuff and can come back for this! Ha!! Just beautiful. I'm going to post my sweet little girl cameo on in my closet, and will let you know when I do!! 😊
Sep 23Reply
hellsbelle77 I tried but all it did was share to you LOL! I was going to mark it 120 for you. I'm still new LOL! Thank you! If that price helps let me know and enjoy your weekend! 😊💕
Sep 23Reply
babybighair Aren’t you a dollbaby!?! I love that hair cut! Superfly!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾👊🏾
Sep 24Reply
becky1950 @hellsbelle77 No problem! I've been here a couple of years, and there's still a lot of things I don't know. 😊
Sep 24Reply
becky1950 @chloenotchloe Thank you so much! You just made my day!! Appreciate that! 😊❤️
Sep 24Reply
concretegypsy Why thank you, Becky! And you're quite welcome! I love the colorfulness and groovy styles and unique jewelry!
Sep 25Reply
becky1950 @concretegypsy Thanks so much! 😊
Sep 25Reply
hellsbelle77 @becky1950 Good morning! I'm dropping the price to 120 for a sale. Just wanted to let you know!! Have a great day!
Sep 25Reply
giftsgalore51 Super closet!!! SALLY
Oct 03Reply
becky1950 @newbasement Thanks so much!
Oct 04Reply
goose9 You have the best, most interesting and fun closet ever! Now I have to figure out what to purchase out of all my “likes” in your closet!
Oct 05Reply
becky1950 @goose9 What a sweetheart you are!! I’m glad you like, and you just made my day! 🦋😊
Oct 05Reply
giftsgalore51 Hi Becky!!! SOLD several items this morning and when cash comes in HOPING to get a few tops, sweetie!!! SALLY
Oct 07Reply
becky1950 @newbasement Thanks so much! That’s great news! Just let me know! 😊
Oct 09Reply
tonia1958 😊🦋💜Love you’re Closet Becky, you have Beautiful things!💜🦋😊 Love ❤️ you’re Puppy 🐶 Dogs 🐕 too, their Adorable💜🦋😊 Nice to meet you my Name is Tonia!👩🏽👘🍖🏹😊🦋💜
Oct 10Reply
becky1950 @tonia1958 Thanks so much, Tonia!! So sweet of you. I appreciate it, and you just made my day!! Glad to meet you. 😊
Oct 10Reply
tonia1958 @becky1950 😊🦋💜You’re very welcome💜🦋😊
Oct 10Reply
becky1950 @tonia1958 🌈🦋❤️🌴🎈💄👠👗😊
Oct 11Reply
becky1950 @vtorres0926 What a sweet lady you are! I love Poshmark too, and I agree, so many wonderful people on here! A great place to find , and make lifelong friends! God bless you and your family, my new Posh friend! 😊
Oct 16Reply
becky1950 @vtorres0926 Amen!! You too my sweet friend!! ❤️😊
Oct 16Reply
giftsgalore51 Hi Becky!!! You can wait til Thursday to mail out my package, as I put of town until This Sunday... Thank you, dear, sally
Oct 18Reply
sashaposha1 @becky1950 hi just to let u knw if you're interested in my black leather jacket and handmade geo design dangl earrings I can throw them in free as well as another free bonus gift just bundle them!!☺️
Oct 18Reply
luv_shopper Hello Becky Hope your getting rich!! Ha. I'm moving back to Texas!! I haven't shipped in awhile. Been down sizing and taking clothes and others to resale shops. I have a Limited leather that is so soft and very nice. Its a med. long. If your interested I'll be coming to Granbury in 2 mos. Maybe sooner.
Oct 21Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper Hey, Girl! So great to hear from you, and glad you texted me! No not getting rich, but still gives me some extra spending money 💰! Ha! Text me again and we can visit longer.
Oct 22Reply
becky1950 @luv_shopper Okay, the jacket sounds gorgeous, but know it won’t fit Miss Chunky here!
Oct 22Reply
lvparty1 Hello Becky! I ABSOLUTELY love your closet and can tell your a lady with a lot of class!😍😍😍😍😍💕💕💕💕💕💕
Oct 26Reply
stuartboots Love the little girl pic!!! ,thanks so much for the likes, Becky!!! You've so many awesome things that I don't know where to start!
Oct 26Reply
becky1950 @stuartboots Ha! I’m the same at your closet!! You have some beautiful items. I’m glad you like mine as well. 😊
Oct 26Reply
becky1950 @lvparty1 Thanks so much Levene! You just made my day sweet lady! So thoughtful. Glad you like my closet! ❤️😊
Oct 27Reply
lvparty1 @becky1950 You are so welcome.. I Poshing there right now!😁
Oct 28Reply
becky1950 @lvparty1 Good, girl!’ Take some of this stuff off my hands, pleasssss! 🤣
Oct 28Reply
becky1950 @fayesjewelry4u I did a couple of hours ago.. Love the ring. Thanks so much!
Oct 31Reply
giftsgalore51 It's Halloween let's make a deal Becky and then we can have a cocktail At 5 tonight Sally
Oct 31Reply
giftsgalore51 Hi dear!!! Can you wait until Friday to ship
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 Or saturday
Nov 02Reply
becky1950 @newbasement Yes mam! I’m having foot surgery Friday, but can mail on the way. 😊
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 Luv so sorry...can wait until Monday if that better
Nov 02Reply
becky1950 @newbasement And when the nerve block wears off, I’m sure I’ll be needing a strong cocktail! Ha!
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 Prayers yur way
Nov 02Reply
becky1950 @fayesjewelry4u You’re very welcome! 😊
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 Hoping you get better very quickly
Nov 02Reply
becky1950 @newbasement Thanks so much. Me too! I always have too much to do to be off my feet! Lol
Nov 02Reply
becky1950 @newbasement I appreciate that very much!
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 Please just getvwell... anytime next week when you feel up to it is fine... Sally
Nov 02Reply
becky1950 @newbasement Okay. If not tomorrow will send Saturday or Monday. Did you see my message about the little chip I found on the bunny music box? Tiny piece off one of purple flowers. Can stick in $20 to reimburse, or you want to keep him, will put $10 in because I just noticed it. Felt so bad, because I never noticed, or I could have bumped it. Who knows? Just let me know. 😊
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 Will keep bunny... put in $$$10 and will fix
Nov 02Reply
becky1950 @newbasement Will do! 😊
Nov 02Reply
becky1950 @newbasement Think just smidge of purple nail polish will do it! Get the cheap kind, for $.99.
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 No worries and still want it!!!
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 Will be praying for a speedy recovery for you, Becky, God Bless You!!! SALLY
Nov 02Reply
giftsgalore51 Hoping everything went well.for you yesterday, Becky!!! SALLY
Nov 04Reply
becky1950 @dogpacksports Oh, how sweet! Thanks so much, Sandy! I love your closet, and would love to meet you someday as well, my new Posh friend! So glad to meet you! 😊❤️🌺🌴👗👠👛🦋🌸🌷💐🌈🎀
Nov 05Reply
alexissilk @becky1950 Thanks for following me gorgeous!😍😘❤️💕 Just don't follow too closely, I don't know where I'm going!🤦🙄😳 hehehe ❣️❣️❣️
Nov 06Reply
becky1950 @alexissilk Ha! How sweet! I know that feeling completely! So glad to meet you and have you as a wonderful Posh friend! Please keep visiting my closet when you can. I add things almost daily. Hope to see you soon!! 😊
Nov 06Reply
hellsbelle77 Hi!! I shipped out your Brooch today! Yayeeeeee! I'm so glad you got it for that price. It was about 350$ American dollars when it was purchased. I just really hope that you love it as much as I do! I really believe it was meant to be yours. I'm going to be tracking it on its way to you. Thank you so very much for your purchase and for being so wonderful. Have a beautiful night ✨💕✨💕
Nov 07Reply
pmangus Thanks for the like on the likes! Let me know if you have any questions. Wanted to let you know that 2 or more items when bundled saves you 10%!👍Have a great day!🌸
Nov 07Reply
hellsbelle77 Hello my beautiful friend!! I hope that your day has been wonderful 😊 I am tracking this and hopefully it will arrive tomorrow!! Have a fantastic evening 🤗
Nov 08Reply
hellsbelle77 Hello my lovely friend! Hope all is w.ell 😊It looks like the Brooch was delivered? I hope it's there safe and sound! Please let me know because I worry. And tell me what you think! I can't wait because it's so much prettier in person! When you see it you will be so happy with the price! I'm just thrilled that it went to you😊
Nov 08Reply
hellsbelle77 How do you like the Brooch? I'm so excited to know! I love the cream color with the gold!
Nov 09Reply
hellsbelle77 Hello!! Are you okay? Still there?? Please let me know about Brooch because I am a worrier! I have anxiety and when I worry it gets awful!! I haven't seen that you have accepted and so I get super stressed. I can't think of any reason you wouldn't absolutely love it.
Nov 09Reply
hellsbelle77 And... PLEASE feel free to chat anytime! If you get bored or anything while you're recovering chat with me! Message me and I will keep you company 😊 Its so important to have someone to talk with while laid up after things like this and I will be here for you any time! Just message me and we can chat about whatever! I'm here if ever you need an ear or just to pass time😊
Nov 09Reply
hellsbelle77 I have my father in law's prayer team praying for you to have a quick and easy recovery 💕💕🤗
Nov 09Reply
hellsbelle77 I certainly don't want to be a bother my friend, but I am concerned. I have wracked my silly little worried head for any possible reason you wouldn't love the Brooch. I have recently had some rather upsetting experiences on Poshmark, so I have been very weary. Unfortunately not everyone is as nice. I will stop being a nuisance because I certainly don't want to be a bother. Thank you friend!
Nov 10Reply
hellsbelle77 Thank you so very very much for the note and rating. Touched my heart 💕Yayeeeeee I'm thrilled you like it!! Makes me so so happy!! Enjoy it and let's stay in touch! You are so kind! Thank you 💕💕💕
Nov 10Reply
becky1950 @hellsbelle77 Thanks so much! I’m just thrilled with it! Just stunning! Can’t wait to wear it. For sure we will keep in touch! Love your closet, and you. I will be checking back often. I have to show you my other brooch. It’s bigger than this one, but is one of the most beautiful ones I’ve seen. It’s if a young girl, and her features are gorgeous.
Nov 10Reply
becky1950 @hellsbelle77 Oh, no bother at all! I get busy and distracted, and need a push. I’m having trouble sleeping, and was determined to open before I went to bed. I get restless leg a lot, and keeps me from sleeping many nights.
Nov 10Reply
hellsbelle77 Hello my friend 💕💕✨✨How are you feeling? I have held you up in prayer and we have our prayer group praying as well. I hope I did not make you feel pressured with the Brooch. It was brought to my attention that I may have been a bother and I just feel awful thinking that I was a bother during your time recovering. I'm so sorry if I was a bother my friend! I wasn't concerned about the money, I wanted to know if you liked it. Thank you is much too simple for the gratitude I have
Nov 10Reply
hellsbelle77 I feel blessed to have you in my life and only asked severities because I wanted you to love it my friend. If at all I was annoying my sincere deepest apologies.😞💕💕 I am here any time to chat and I hope ware healing with minimal discomfort. Again, I truly hope that I was never a bother! I'd feel just horrible if I was! 😞😞😞😞😞 Prayers and blessings for quick recovery! Thank you for being the amazing you that YOU ARE' 😊💕😊
Nov 10Reply
hellsbelle77 @becky1950 just stopped by to send you get well wishes😊 Been praying for you 😊 Hope everything is going smoothly and that you are healing well.
Nov 11Reply
becky1950 @hellsbelle77 Thanks so much sweet friend! I haven’t been online today much. So thoughtful of you. Stop by anytime for a visit. Always love hearing from you. 😊❤️🦋🌈
Nov 12Reply
becky1950 @darlad78 The search is on as I speak my friend! You wouldn’t consider coming to Texas to get me better organized would you? Think I need to have a garage sale, to weed out the yuck so can strictly have my Posh stuff! Thanks for being so patient! Hopefully will find today. ❤️
Nov 14Reply
becky1950 @darlad78 While looking, I found the twin to your blue tab purse in purple. I haven’t listed because it has a broken zipper! But won’t to send it because it’s really cute even with bad boy zipper! Ha! You could probably get a new zipper put in at an alteration shop. Thanks for the sweet comment on the feet. Still annoying me, hope act nicer soon! 😊❤️
Nov 14Reply
becky1950 @darlad78 I know! Glad it’s the perfect one.
Nov 14Reply
alazana Nice to meet you, fellow Texan! 😀
Nov 14Reply
evsjewels Hi Becky. Thanks so much for following. Your closet is gorgeous and unique! 🌸
Nov 21Reply
giftsgalore51 Hi Becky!!! Hoping that you are getting around well on yur foot, dear girl!!! What would be a reasonable offer on the BUNDLE that I have submitted to you today??? Fondly, Sally
Dec 01Reply
becky1950 @newbasement Heck! I just now saw this. I think the last counter was $62, if that works!! Hope all is well and Christmasy for you. 🎄
Dec 01Reply
becky1950 @evsjewels Hi Evelyn!! Thanks so much!! Yours is gorgeous!! I have a hopeless addiction to jewelry! 😊
Dec 01Reply
yellow_rose4u @becky1950 (This will come in two messages due to length.) I received an e-mail from Poshmark and a notice in my news feed that you shared a personal listing of mine on Tumblr and Twitter. I was not asked if this was okay and wouldn't have given my permission to share except on Poshmark.
Dec 14Reply
yellow_rose4u I have written Poshmark about my concerns and frustration. If you did this, please delete the listings on the other sites immediately. I'm respectfully asking that you don't share my personal listings on any other site than Poshmark. Thank you!
Dec 14Reply
becky1950 @uscnavymom54 Thank you, Nina, for bringing this to my attention. I never share anyone’s listings with anyone other than my followers here on Poshmark. I’m trying to remember if I sent by mistake because the only time I’ve shared to an outer source has been mainly to Facebook, and only my own closet. I remember seeing something just recently where someone shared a closet to Twitter, and had never seen that done before.
Dec 14Reply
becky1950 But it wasn’t me, and if it was done accidentally I’m very sorry, but can’t see how. I’m going to write Posh support and see what’s going on if I can. I share a lot, but rest assured I will make it a point not to in your case.
Dec 14Reply
becky1950 @uscnavymom54 It’s me again, and Nina, frankly now I’m confused. I don’t even have an app for twitter or tumblr. The only thing I use is Facebook, so if your listing is on the others, you need to find out who did it, because I didn’t share your listing other than to my followers, my dear!
Dec 14Reply
yellow_rose4u @becky1950 I think someone is messing with our accounts. I don't have Twitter or Tumblr either. I do have Facebook, but don't ever put what I'm selling on it.
Dec 14Reply
yellow_rose4u I didn't really think it could possibly be you, but had to ask. If you'll look back in your earlier comments when we first met, I told you I was from Texas and that my mother had attended TIC as well.
Dec 14Reply
yellow_rose4u Then I told you that I liked when you said you knew whose daughter you were referring to the Lord. I knew we were on the same page then!
Dec 14Reply
yellow_rose4u Something strange is going on because I have pictures where it shows your name and even from Poshmark. I hope we can get to the bottom of this because I do believe you wouldn't have done this to anyone. Someone else is really doing something mean to us both.
Dec 14Reply
yellow_rose4u Please feel free to visit with me, share or whatever, and I will with you. I'm judt sorry this happened but wanted you to know that someone must be using your name and my closet. Hopefully, we'll get to the bottom of it. I do wish you a very blessed and Merry Christmas!!!!
Dec 14Reply
yellow_rose4u I meant my mom went to TCU, not TIC. Ha. Anyway, all is good!!
Dec 14Reply
becky1950 @uscnavymom54 Thanks so much, Nina. I appreciate you writing so much. This has just baffled me and I just can’t figure it out. I do remember someone sharing with Twitter though, and didn’t give it a thought at the time. A few days ago, and wonder if it had a connection. I just randomly find people and share a listing. I’m so glad our paths crossed because you seem very nice. Again, thanks so much for writing me back. And Merry Christmas to you and your family! God bless you in 2018 too! 😊
Dec 14Reply
barbaratilburg I love these pics!
Dec 18Reply
tj_giftshop Gorgeous smiles and pics. Hi Ms. Becky👋! Good day! Thank you for stopping by! 💕 your business is very important to us. Please kindly feel free to make a bundle and send offers.💕💪🌟🎉🌸
Dec 22Reply
becky1950 @tjbuysell Thanks so much! I love your closet!!
Dec 22Reply
becky1950 @barbaratilburg Thank you so much, my sweet Texas buddy!! ❤️
Dec 22Reply
tj_giftshop @becky1950 yes yours too. Absolutely gorgeous.💕🌸🎈🎉
Dec 22Reply
spreadlove Hi! I️ know there are many closets but I’d be grateful if you check out mine! Either way I️ was just stopping in the say hello. Have a great day!
Jan 09Reply
becky1950 @spreadlove What a thoughtful sweetheart you are, Mel! Yes you’re right. There are many closets here! I’ve always wondered just how many! Maybe we should begin a mission to find out exactly how many! Anyway I’m looking forward to shopping in yours. Thanks for such a nice compliment. 😊❤️
Jan 09Reply

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