Meet your Posher, Becky & LIVE Show Notification ❤️
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Hi! I'm Becky. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

34 others
like this

Why was my order for the bangle cancelled without notification to me?
Feb 20Reply

@silpadalvr1 So sorry, I am new to Poshmark and couldn’t figure out how to message you. I will no longer be selling the item on this site after realizing the amount I was charged for listing. I know this isn’t “Posh etiquette” but I have polished the bangle and am now placing on eBay for a more fair price. I hope you understand and I am so sorry for the disappointment. I’d be annoyed if I were you as well.
Feb 20Reply

I understand. It just surprised me. I only purchase on the site, i have never sold on it. Thank you :) no worries
Feb 20Reply

@silpadalvr1 Thank you for understanding! :)
Feb 20Reply

Welcome to Posh! A great way to make sales is to share your listings as well as the listings of other new poshers! This helps to keep your account active and visible to all the other Poshers. Join the Poshmark Analytics Sandbox Facebook Group to increase your Poshing skills! Hope you find great success! 🙌🏼
Feb 23Reply

@chsniridescence thank you!
Feb 23Reply

@beckygodfrey no problem! 😁
Feb 23Reply

Thank you for the like. Check out my closet 20% off bundle 2+. 💞💕⭐️👔👕🎒👠👗👚🧣🧥👡👖
Feel free to make an offer
Mar 15Reply

Thanks for the shares ❤️❤️❤️
Mar 21Reply

@mdauphinee No, thanks you! 😎
Mar 21Reply

@beckygodfrey anytime! Love your closet! 🙌🏻🤩🔥
Mar 21Reply

welcome to Poshmark. Wishing you much $ucce$$ and LOTS of fun!!!
Mar 28Reply

@beanerknits thank you!
Mar 28Reply

Thank you for all the Shares..they are greatly appreciated.
Mar 28Reply

@emacneill0 Thank you! I did a similar thing the other day before I ordered boxes! I accidentally bought ups express boxes... 😔
Mar 29Reply

Welcome to Poshing! Wishing you much PoshFun, PoshFinds & PoshFriends!
Apr 02Reply

@edekayfavething Thank you!
Apr 03Reply

👀🤗Im kinda new here..Thanks so much for following, sharing, liking, commenting & supporting my business. I will definitely compensate back in either of those ways. Just be patient. As a reminder If I dont get back to you quickly am not ignoring you, I just cant keep up. I aprecciate everyone. TIPS TIPS to improve are always welcome👣
Apr 30Reply

@jessyjosh No problem! I’m new as well and I understand how it can get hard to keep up! Honestly I’m too busy to notice when someone doesn’t share or follow back. Lol (most ppl are probably that way). So rest assured! Do what you can. 😊
Apr 30Reply

Welcome to PM! I hope you enjoy it and find some GREAT deals!
May 05Reply

❤❤❤ Thank you for your shares!!! You are very kind and I appreciate it. Happy Poshing! ❤❤❤
May 12Reply

@arimayshop Aw thanks! 💕
May 12Reply

@beckygodfrey Dont get mad at me...I just wanted 2 say that ur hubby is so handsome [lik moviestar handsome]. * WaitWait..And u, ofcourse, r perfection!! * I really enjoy ur photo. * U TWO look lik something out of J.Crew or even G.Q....on a champagne day.[iknoitsurweddin'] * But 4real, honey... * [hope i havnt overstepped my bounds. Not being married or exp'd on it!!?] signed: a smidge worried
May 14Reply

@soulkitchen99 Aw! No worries! A complement left unsaid... what a depressing thought! Words of affirmation is my main love language❤️. So like u, if I think it I say it! Thank you! I hope u don’t mind that I showed this to Bobby as he headed off to work. I wish u could see his face, u made his day.
May 14Reply

@soulkitchen99 😁apparently when he worked as a sheriffs deputy and a jail guard (a few yrs back) every once in a while an inmate would come in and ask if he was from Hollywood and swear that they had “seen him in a movie before”. He is quite the mans man, masculine, but very gentlemen Like.
May 14Reply

@soulkitchen99 Most importantly he loves me deeply and is so kind to me and is so patient with me. I really did get the best guy for me out there. He was my first date, first kiss, first everything. I wish that everyone could have the same love! So if you haven’t found a man who adores you, rejoice that you haven’t gotten married yet! So don’t be sad! I truly believe that God has a perfect plan, and I’ll pray that it will be revealed to you. 💕
May 14Reply

@soulkitchen99 oh and thanks for the compliment about me. 💕😎 you’re the best.
May 14Reply

@beckygodfrey Please, I wanted 2 make it perfect u both are. * I mean...U = perfect face, smile, hair [whatsitlike. Igotcurlyheadaches.] [but ur hair, i see, u kind of do it lik KateMiddleton. or even JenniferGarner. Soo supreme. I envy their hair immensely]. And...and I see - ur th type that doesnt gain weight. Best genes. [iwish, but i lik myself. alot. thats why im outgoing] * U Are Model Perfect. [how cld u miss that. Remember. Soldier.]...
May 15Reply

@beckygodfrey It was very kind of u to mention [a compliment unsaid...]. Put me right at ease, of my worries. [sometimes here on posh, Ive heard some bad stories. u gotta watch what u say!! * I chanced it w ur sweet aura-face, grl.] *** Now. As to ur love affair. * Its funny. I just got done watching a Cinderella movie, w Rich.Champerlain. I never saw b4. It was ok. [i watch while doing my dinner]... * But...
May 15Reply

@beckygodfrey Tell me its truuuuu. * Ur mom must be overthemoon, over her daughter's ladylike & princess story & marriage luck. *** I cant believe it myself. Its the GREATEST romance...iv ever heard. * And YOU have it. - First date, first kiss... * You need to right a storyline for a movie. I am too happy for you. * I'll bet u already got ur home & all ur needs, for the "perfect life". If u dont have kids yet [the greatest joy] I hope u guys go on vaca's. And...
May 15Reply

I just want u to know, even B&B's are great. Everywhere. U can do B&Bs in SanFrancisco!. * But every single state in this great country is fantastical. Sights to see or cozy inns, on a lake - hope u research & do such. *** I hav a lot of plans 4 myself. But I'll tell u a secret about -this- unmarried woman. = Its soo funny. And weird. - There are certain words, no matter how busy the day is or conversation or commericals on tv. But these certain
May 15Reply

words - make me halt. And I recognize the most importantly "pretty" words.... dere is. * U wanna hear which ones?? * Iii thought so! [imafunnyguy] = Here [hmp!!] = marriage / bride / wife / wedding. *** Stops me in my tracks. And u know what?? * I feel [not kidding, cookie] at that moment, that that was one of my "lucky" or "majical" moments to my day!!! [am I goofy or what?] * yyyep * callme
May 15Reply

@soulkitchen99 Well, life is pretty great right now, no kids yet (nor I are we planning on it for a few yrs) we are renting a nice little house in upstate NY my favorite area in the world! I’m working part time so I can keep up w the house and ride with Bobby sometimes (he’s drives a truck hauling mini barns and sheds around the state and to Vermont). Which is super special for us rn. We got married end of 2017. So we want to take our first yr easy and not take on to much.
May 15Reply

@soulkitchen99 we Both have a heart for ministry whatever form that takes. That’s one of the main things that created interested in each other. I mean sure we were attracted to each other but u don’t base a marriage on the physical, we were friends for a few yrs so when we started dating we already knew that it was to end in marriage. We didn’t mess around! Lol
May 15Reply

@soulkitchen99 He was in GA for seminary I was in NY for bible school. So it started long distance which was a blessing! No distractions by the physical! We were able to talk about purpose and life goals, what we believed in, theology, parenting..etc. after months of that, we were set to go! lol it was important for my family to like him and yes my mom loves him! 😁
May 15Reply

@soulkitchen99 And Yes, we plan to do lots of fun things together! We have jar were we put extra money like tips. It’s growing and we will be using it for all our summer adventures! If you’d like to read our story you can go to our wedding website! There is lots there that I haven’t told u that u will be surprised maybe shocked at!!!/website/12771930%23website-page-12771930
May 15Reply

Also If you like to continue chatting follow me in FB! There will be a direct like to the story there as well! We could fb message and call if you’d like.
May 15Reply

@beckygodfrey Ohhh, kitten. I thank u so much. For ur fr'dnship. *** First, I am so glad u guys are waiting on children. Only the startest couples wait-plan. * So glad u were given that inspiration. *** Second, he not only loves u but likes u...if he likes to ride w you. Only the most "natural of women" - do men like around, esp driving. Esp at work. - U guys are Soul Mates, par!!! * [luckyduck]. *** And third, for now, i jus wanned to remind u that u can do
May 16Reply

Cheaper than cheap vaca's, w all the B&B's or Inns, etc. all around the country. Even in ur own county. * This great land of so special. Every single state. *** Fourth, I am beyond happy u guys are joined over the Lord. * Funny, I write theology. Big time!!! * I am catholic. I read hardcore catholic books. And writeup smaller versions...insothat the greater world will get an inkling of the vastness that theology is.
May 16Reply

Quickly, Ill finish here. [i am running to ur website, and f.b. pumpkin] *** Proof, of my theology inspirational gift [becuz I didnt go to any seminary or bible school, {and am jealous} ] . Here = U know of the Our Father prayer!? * Well, i was given the Our Mother prayer. * Of Holy Mother Mary. She is Co-Redeemer, to the catholic Church. *** I will let u make up ur mind if u want to pursue our frndshp, but im hoping...
May 16Reply

@soulkitchen99 Of course I’d like to continue our friendship! I am not catholic but a follower of Jesus first and foremost. After studying the Bible and writing a summary paper on each book of the apocrypha, I’m defiantly a Protestant. I by no means claim to understand all of the catholic faith, in fact it is quite confusing to me.
May 17Reply

The Bible is where I get all my facts and no disrespect, mary being “holy” and never sinning is never mentioned once. I admire her greatly however. Ya know things like that I don’t agree with. But that definitely doesn’t keep me from being friends w you! I actually enjoy talking about those subjects and learning and teaching what I’ve learned.
May 17Reply

@beckygodfrey Im so glad for ur frendship. I am still reading ur lovestory...... * My eyes kinda wore out. i had been on th comp a little. Gotta quit when ur eyes fee straining. ** I wanted to say, right now - that i was thinking of things that we can say to eachother. * We really hav th Lord in common, on preaching-teaching [being a disciple, He as asked.]
May 17Reply

If its ok, it wld be much easier for us to communicate back&forth on f.b. * I cldnt find ur f.b. page. * If u wanna giv it to me here, I hav another gal that I talk w on fb and she gave me her name like this - f i r s t n a m e @ etc. * In that way, no one wld pick up on it, unless they were specifically reading this humble page we're on right now. * lmk [superduper - luckyduck] [wthecinderellalovestory]
May 17Reply

@soulkitchen99 oh so sorry! I am still under my original last time on fb. Rebekah Aulita, I should be the only one.
May 17Reply

Hey!! Don’t know if you’re still interested but I lowered the price on the Vans you sent me an offer for the other day and you can get lowered shipping on it too bc of the Posh promo for today only 😊
May 23Reply

@candycrush Oh thanks! Unfortunately I already bought another pair but I do still really like them! I’ll see if I can justify buying them..... Im just concerned that the shoes will look more masculine than a thinner feminine woman’s shoe. Does that make sense? What are your thoughts?
May 23Reply

@beckygodfrey Aw, ok! I think Vans are pretty unisex all around...thus, their sizing. If you’re going to wear jeans and a tee, these shoes would act as a good neutral because they’re dark grey but also have the unique cork detail that you don’t find all the time with Vans shoes 😊
May 23Reply

Hi Becky, thank you for all the shares tonight, it’s very kind of you. Have a nice weekend🇺🇸🇺🇸
May 27Reply

Hi Becky, the USPS tracking shows that the shoes have been delivered to your PO Box. I did not know this but apparently, items that are sent to PO Boxes aren’t considered to be “delivered” in the Poshmark system until it’s picked up? Please pick up your item. Thanks!
May 31Reply

@candycrush Hi! A package is delivered when it is accepted by buyer. I had a package notice today but the post office window was closed. Don’t worry, this won’t effect your ship speed. u sent it speedily and that will show. 😁 Unfortunately I am leaving tmr very early and won’t be back until Mon. I will accept the package then,
May 31Reply

@candycrush however if u absolutely need the cash to be released to u now I can accept and hope for the best. It’s technically not how things are supposed to work since it’s risky for me. ya know if the package is stolen or something crazy, when that happens poshmark refunds both parties. But not if I said that I received it. does that make sense? Do you mind waiting until Monday?
May 31Reply

@candycrush sorry..😕
May 31Reply

@beckygodfrey Hi! Usually when an item is shipped to a regular address, Poshmark marks the item as “delivered” in their system and then from there the buyer has 3 days to “accept” the item. However, since you have a P.O. Box, the item isn’t marked as anything even though it has technically been delivered to the address on the shipping label.
May 31Reply

@beckygodfrey For you to not pick it up until Monday means you would get 3 days from Monday to “accept” the item and from there the funds will get released. Thus, you’re getting an additional 4 days that you technically have the item because it was delivered to the address on the shipping label. Does that make sense? I am only learning this now as I have never shipped to a P.O. Box before. Apparently this is a problem when shipping to P.O. Boxes as I’ve learned from other Poshers and Google.
May 31Reply

@beckygodfrey I guess I learned something new today. Hope you can pick up the package soon. Safe travels!
May 31Reply

@candycrush ok thank you! I’ll accept as soon as I can. ☺️ thank you
May 31Reply

HI. My name is Shelley. I want to help you gain followers. I am on a team of Super Poshers that have Games to help you. Look in my closet. I have a Super Lippie💋 Game ....Like the game and read the directions. COMMENT YOUR FAVORITE LIPPIE TO SIGN UP. Also on my slides are a list of my team members that also have SUPER POSHER GAMES. I got 100K Followers in 9 months !!! Let me know if you have questions 😀
Thank you “The lipstick Addict”
Jun 02Reply

Welcome to Posh!! Please visit my closet for exciting women's and men's styles.
Jun 18Reply

@beckygodfrey thanks for following me and sharing my profile 😊
Jul 25Reply

@mjackman983 No problem! Guess what? I was a huge Blindspot fan at one point. I was obsessed with the 1st season and then realized that I was a TV addict! I was distracted and realized that my addiction was controlling me! I went off tv for over a year. It was hard at first but I asked God to take away the desire and he did! I couldn’t bring myself to watch!
Jul 25Reply

@mjackman983 So, my name is Becky Godfrey and I’m a recovering TV show addict. 😂 Just wanted to let you know and say that you have excellent taste. #GodanswerstheprayersofthosewholoveHim 💕
Jul 25Reply

@beckygodfrey aww thanks, and thanks for sharing your side of the story hun 😊
Jul 25Reply

Good evening Becky. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Jul 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Aug 01Reply

Thank you for visiting and following my closet Becky, please let me know if you have any questions. Have a Posh day!
Aug 09Reply

Thankyou for the follow sweet girl!!!!!
Aug 20Reply

Hello there fellow Posh Ambassador! This is such a great platform to safely buy and sell quality merchandise. Looks like you are having a blast on Posh! Here's to many more sales and Happy poshing 🤗🛍📮💵
Sep 11Reply

Thank you for following 😁
Sep 13Reply

Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet and checking it out it is much appreciated :) you have some absolute beautiful pieces in your closet! Looking forward to taking a better look
Oct 06Reply

@designerchic03 thank you! Happy to be posh pals!
Oct 06Reply

Thanks for the follow 💌I followed back! I am looking forward to Poshing with you🛍 I can’t wait to hear from you🌹
Oct 08Reply

@pegalini Aw, I’m so glad you love it! It was difficult to let go at first but I’m glad I did! I know it will be used and loved. Poshmark is amazing! I’m posting to pay my way through online college classes as a side hustle and it is perfect for saving on items for myself (I also rarely ever pay much and basically never shop for full retail!).
Nov 02Reply

@pegalini Keep poshing and hopefully I’ll hear from you again soon! 💕
Nov 02Reply

LOVE your closet, I will be back! 💕
Nov 21Reply

@beckygodfrey I’m so sorry, I can’t do a 75% discount on one item!!! If you’d like to make a reasonable offer on the Fossil wallet, I’m more than happy to work with you. I see that you have sold some Fossil items, so you are familiar with the quality. Thanks, and have a great day!
Nov 26Reply

@kkirby80 I absolutely do understand. Thank you for your offer, however I just found a similar fossil wallet that fits my budget. I apologize if I insulted you with my offer. I hope you have a speedy sale! 💕
Nov 26Reply

Hi Becky, Thank you for checking out my closet. I also want to say your picture is absolutely beautiful. I hope the both of you have a safe and beautiful holiday.
Nov 29Reply

@bitsofthisnthat Aw! Thank you so much! Merry Christ’s birthday! 😊💕
Nov 29Reply

Thanks for following and sharing..Happy Holidays..
Jan 01Reply

Blessings my dear. Your closet is amazing. Thank you so much for following mine. You had so many great items I just had to share some. I appreciate any type of guidance, educational pieces, or feedback that you may have that can help me out. Many prayers to you and continued success with your business. Have a wonderful day.
Jan 29Reply

Hi Becky! I see that you sent another offer out. You sent me one maybe 3 days ago which I accepted. I am still waiting to hear if you had shipped or not. Can you update me please.
Feb 20Reply

@uicmeron hello there! Which item are you speaking about? Haha I get confused with all the different items I have listed and ship. Did you just receive an offer just now on an item you tried to purchase 3 days ago?! Please comment on that item if you did!
Feb 20Reply

Hi 👋 Becky! Thanks so much for sharing/following our closet 🎉💥🌀we really appreciate the gesture . May you have overwhelming days of sales and reasonable offers. May your stay & days be warm, fun, full of amazing deals, full of fast hassle free transactions, hot deals 🧨and endless friendships within the Posh community 💖💸📿
Feb 21Reply

Great closet and the vintage items are wonderful!
Feb 24Reply

Thank you for all the shares!! 💜💜💜
Mar 01Reply

@justmedianaz no problem, thank you!
Mar 01Reply

Thank you for the shares! :-)
Mar 09Reply

@musicalj821 No, problem! Thank you!
Mar 09Reply

Hi Becky. Thanks for liking my lace coverup. I accept offers of boutique items and give bundle discounts of 2 or more items . Love to hear from you
Apr 11Reply

Sorry, I can't accept. If you do I need to know what size you need.xoxo
Apr 11Reply

@vintageicon thanks for the shares!!🦋🌿
Jun 13Reply

Thank you for the follow. All the proceeds from closet sales will be donated to my nephew to pay for his school trip to Washington DC so please check out my closet. I appreciate you! 🥰
Sep 03Reply

Hi Becky, welcome to Poshmark!🌹
Thanks for following us!👍
I am Jimbo & my wife goes by G! 🤠🙋
We are still getting our Posh' closet in order. We will
hopefully start listings soon.🤞
I hope you have many sales and find tons of bargains!😉
Happy Poshing!😍
☮️ n 💗
Sep 22Reply

Great closet! I love your style!
Oct 30Reply

@dedemarie26 thanks!
Oct 30Reply

Hi, If you ever list shoes in size 9.5 please let me know 😍😍😍 Thanks,Sally
Nov 03Reply

@ridinghoodchick Will do! I’m so glad you were happy with your bundle! Let me know if there is ever anything else I can help with! 💕
Nov 04Reply

@vintageicon That’s great! The vintage top is absolutely beautiful and I’m sooo glad I got two pairs of earrings too! I’ll be back for more Thanks for being a great seller 🙏
Nov 04Reply

Hi!! Great closet!! Love your items!! I would love for you to check out my jewelry store if you get the chance! I am having a holiday sale right now on all my jewelry and accessories and would love to offer you a discount if you like any items!! 2 for $18 or 3 for $25!! If you’re interested just bundle the items!! 🍁🍁
Nov 14Reply

You have a really fun closet! Cheers!
Nov 19Reply

@kuffa thanks! I have a few more items to post tonight! Feel free to send me an offer on your bundle! 💕 love your closet too! 😁 thx for the shares!
Nov 19Reply

Hi! You had purchased a few pairs of jeans from me not too long ago and were super excited about them. Wanted to let you know I recently cleared out a TON of jeans from Zara, Express and Levi’s if you wanted to check them out. 😊
Jan 13Reply

if you want to bundle the skirts I will sell the 3 for 45 just let me know
Mar 28Reply

Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a Bundle Sale where all NWT items are 2/$65. After bundling any 2 NWT items that you like, send me an offer for $65 and I’ll accept. Have a great day!
Jun 17Reply

Good evening I have some sales going on so feel free to check out my closet. Bundle two items and get 15% off! All purchases are shipped the same day or next
Jun 26Reply

Happy Monday! I’m running a great deal in my closet! Any 2 items with 💋 for $20! Happy Poshing!
Aug 10Reply

Hi! Wanted to drop in after finding your closet looking up “vintage sweaters.” Your closet is dreamy and can’t wait to see what else you add! 🤍
Nov 01Reply

@brandimosley_ you’re so sweet! I have much more to add! This is a hobby of mine! Love finding eccentric and vintage pieces! Hope to see you here again!
Nov 01Reply

Hi Becky 💛 just wanted to stop by and say thank you for the sweet comment! You made my day 😊 thank you so much for all of the love and support! I love the vintage community!
Feb 20Reply

@thegroovinmoon Hey you! How fun it is to chat with you! I’m so glad it encouraged you. 💛 I truly appreciate you and your content and am so glad you are back! Crazy, I’m from NY but am actually in McDonough GA for this week! Where are you at these days if you don’t mind me asking?
This may be forward but I’d love to be friends and spur each other on. ☺️💛
Feb 21Reply

@beautifynails thank you! Happy to return the favor!
Jul 13Reply

Hi there❤️I would love for you to stop by at my closet for amazing deals🥳🥳🎉 if you have any questions please let me know. Happy Poshing 🎉
Jul 30Reply

@vintageicon Hi Becky! Thank you for your interest in my closet! Love your closet! Just letting you know I bundled your likes together and sent you an offer. If you decide to purchase, I can ship it tomorrow!🙂
Nov 08Reply

@vintageicon Hi Becky! Thank you for your purchase! Just letting you know your package has been shipped. The expected day of delivery is Monday, November 14th. Have a great evening!🙂
Nov 09Reply

@victoria9980 Thank You!
Nov 09Reply

@vintageicon My pleasure! Wishing you lots of sales!🙂
Nov 09Reply

Hello! Happy Poshing! 😊
Nov 10Reply

Hey! Thanks for the shares and recommends! I love the idea of making new thrifting buddies in the area! 💛💛🤗
Feb 01Reply

@vintageicon awh. I ran into a woman at goodwill last week that was begging me to go thrifting with her. I haven't checked out the one in Madison yet but I hear it's a good one. We do not have any Forsyth, I didn't like the one in McDonough (the one a couple exits up from Locust Grove). Macon has several. Eisenhower Pkwy and Zebulon Rd are the best. Gray, GA has a good one too but overpriced.
Feb 01Reply

@ainsleyrh Good to know! My only real options were small town thrifting shops so I’m new to Goodwills with decent pricing! I’m from upstate NY and never found any buddies in the area so I’m game for networking in general! Just here for the year for ministry purposes.
Feb 01Reply

@vintageicon Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Feb 04Reply

welcome to Poshmark 💕 my name is Michelle!!!
Feel free to check out my closet 💟
prices are negotiable on everything 🎯
Accepting offers and Bundle for Better Deals 💘
Happy Shopping 🛒🛍️❤️
Apr 02Reply

Sorry missed the pricing on the romper. I had to walk away from the phone for a bit and when I came back you were off already
Jun 06Reply

@tamarindoish it’s all good! My lowest was $27. 💛 I can add it to a bundle.
Jun 06Reply

Hi you put many clothes on hold for me are u going live tonight it September 20/2024 Friday. I will be home 8:30pm Hawaii time
Sep 21Reply

@maliachinen hey there! So sorry, but your items are already on their way. I don’t plan to go live tonight but probably tomorrow. Let me know a good time that works for you and I can try to schedule accordingly. 💛
Sep 21Reply

@maliachinen OHHHH! I remember now! Yes your clothes are on hold.
Sep 21Reply

@maliachinen 8:30PM your time would be 2:30AM my time. I can go on then briefly if that still works for you!
Sep 21Reply

@vintageicon ok great I’ll text u on Poshmark sooner if I can get off work more earlier. Ty so much
Sep 21Reply

My boots aren't stating offer accepted.
Dec 16Reply

@mrztjonz check or change your payment info. That’s the problem.
Dec 17Reply

My card was locked
thank you!!
Dec 17Reply
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