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Updated Mar 07
Updated Mar 07

Meet your Posher, Beile (Bay-Lee)

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Hi! I'm Beile. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :) I want to thank everyone who has stopped by, purchased, liked and shared items from my closet. Bundle any 2 pieces of jewelry $11 or under and pay only $14 for both plus discounted shipping. If you like an item but not the price, make an never know...
  • Seller Discount: 5% off 2+ Bundle

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dollupshop likes this
annalovesstyle Hi, this is Anna with the glasses. Would you like to do V E N MO for the $15?
Mar 27Reply
ultimo1 @annalovesstyle, I don't know what that means. I think maybe it's best if you return them. Thanks
Mar 27Reply
annalovesstyle @ultimo1 V e n m o is like P a y p a l you can just transfer the $15. I already took them to get fixed after you told me you’d be willing to work with me, so now I’m screwed if you take back what you said. It’s up to you I’m tired of the back and forth
Mar 27Reply
annalovesstyle It’s an application on the phone
Mar 27Reply
annalovesstyle I already payed $50 for the gems and 30 for the place to fix them so I can’t return them. I’d appreciate it if you just go through with what you suggested. Thanks!
Mar 27Reply
annalovesstyle Can you please let me know
Mar 28Reply
ultimo1 @annalovesstyle can you just see with Poshmark if they can refund the $15 to you?
Mar 28Reply
annalovesstyle @ultimo1 I tried to find out, I don’t think it’s possible. Listen, you made this mistake you asked me to refund me $15 and I provided a way. I don’t want to waste time anymore on this, I’ve wasted so much time already and I trusted you twice. If you’d like to figure out another way fine, but I have you a way and you a way and you don’t want to do it.
Mar 28Reply
annalovesstyle If you’d like to contact Poshmark please do, but I am not wasting anymore time and energy on this. It’s very annoying and very upsetting. I’d appreciate if you didn’t go back on your word, but that’s your decision to make. Otherwise, I was scammed, it is what it is.
Mar 28Reply
annalovesstyle Please send $15 on p a y pal or v e n mo, they are both very secure ways that people do business with all around the world. Or please try to find another solution. If not, let’s just drop it. But please understand that I will have to write a review explaining the situation. I’ve tried for days to resolve this, i can’t anymore. It’s up to you. Thanks
Mar 28Reply
ultimo1 I tried to reply to you here but they won't let the reply go thru bc it sounds as if we are doing business outside of Poshmark so I wrote to them to see how they can credit the $15 to you from my earnings.
Mar 28Reply
annalovesstyle @ultimo1 that’s why I spaced out the P A Y p a l option. To you have p a y p a l?
Mar 29Reply
ultimo1 Yes I do. I called and they couldn't help.
Mar 29Reply
ultimo1 I need an a c c o u n t number, dont I in order to send. In the meantime, I received a reply from Poshmark that they are trying to work on this for me.
Mar 29Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! Glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my account and give me a follow ❤️❤️❤️
Jun 11Reply
ultimo1 @schracl. Hi Anna. Great to hear from you. Hope you have a nice summer.
Jun 11Reply
ultimo1 @schracl. Sorry, not Anna 🤪
Jun 11Reply
ladykrc @ultimo1 Hello my fellow Posher! WELCOME! Stopping by and Sharing items from your Fabulous closet store🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼 I hope your enjoying shopping and selling here at Posh💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store! I ship next day after purchase👍🏼🌈 #OffersWelcomed #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Jul 13Reply
denimmunkies @ultimo1 Thanks for the like! We are actually migrating all reg sizes from #1 denimmunkies & having a huge clearance sale The less we have to transfer, the better will be taking over all sizes 00-12 24" to 31" & also the XS-XL #2 denimjunkies We 💘 all fair offers am super down to earth dont hesitate to send if off a a bit I will counter I understand every budget Rock Revival Miss Me Rock & Republic Big 🌟 Silver Jean Co Hudsons Kancan Vigoss Lane Bryant Torrid
Jul 27Reply
nicestuffhere @ultimo1 Hello and thank you for visiting my closet and “liking” a few of my items. If you care to make a bundle, I will send you my best offer, or you can send yours to me. Thanks very much and have a great day.
Nov 13Reply
debrajf1234 Thank you soo much for visiting my closet 😄 I saw that you loved an item and wanted to let you know that I’m moving in two weeks and most of my closet is not coming with me. I hope you’ll browse again. Please bundle your loves and send me an offer and it’s yours. Note that anything with a🎄in the title is 3 for $25 and anything with a🌺is a free gift from me to you so choose what you like and add it to your bundle. Happy Poshing and Happy Holidays!!!
Nov 29Reply
macny The "dress" you sold me is a top! I am very upset. You falsely advertised it as a dress. It comes in both dress and shirt/top lengths. The dress retails for $19.99 the top retails for $12.99 at Rainbow.
Jun 08Reply
ultimo1 @macny I'm sorry you feel that way. I bought it as a dress. you never asked about the length. I don't know what a Rainbow store is.
Jun 08Reply
macny Rainbow is a huge chain store that sells cute but cheap clothing. If you were able to wear this top as a dress you must be three feet tall.
Jun 08Reply
macny The dress retails for $19.99 and the top retails for $12.99.
Jun 08Reply
macny And frankly I don't care if you personally want to run around wearing a top as a dress. It's still a top and still retails for only$12.99. And should have been listed properly as such.
Jun 08Reply
macny I am really upset. I paid $22 for a used top that retail NEW. for $12.99
Jun 08Reply
ultimo1 @macny top was unused. I bought this dress not knowing it was a 3x, hadn't tried it on, was way too big for me but never returned it. I'm sorry you're disappointed.
Jun 08Reply
macny Please stop calling it a dress.. it is NOT a dress.
Jun 08Reply
macny I suggest you search unique spectrum TOP and you will see several of these pop up. I bought 3 of them last week and paid between $7 and $10 for them and $4.99 shipping because they are so light.
Jun 08Reply
macny I paid you extra because you listed this a the dress version of this item. Yours is NOT, yours is the TOP.
Jun 08Reply
jinxy231 Thank you for liking my item. If you bundle two or more items from my closet. I'll give you a private discount. Also a heads up if a Posher trys to get you to contact them through email or phone number. Trys to get you to pay outside of Poshmark. Is mostly a scammer and should be blocked and reported. Happy Poshing 😊
Jan 04Reply
ultimo1 @jinxy231 thanks for the heads up.
Jan 04Reply
jinxy231 @ultimo1 No problem 😊
Jan 04Reply
2tigerbunnies Hi! I accidentally counterofferd 12 but meant to accept your 9 on the maxi length blue and white tie dye dress so if you still want it just counter offer 9 again or let me know and I'll edit the listing to 9. Thanks 😊
May 01Reply
ultimo1 @2tigerbunnies would it be possible for you to offer it to me for $10 with$4.99 shipping?
May 01Reply
2tigerbunnies @ultimo1 Yes, I'll edit the listing for 10 with the 4.99 ship discount right now, okay?
May 01Reply
2tigerbunnies Hi Belie! I'm delighted that you're happy with your purchase! 😊 Thank you for the 5 stars 🌟 and the love note! 🥰 Peace✌ and blessings! 🙌
Jul 25Reply
2tigerbunnies Hi hon. I meant to spell your name the correct way: Beile! 🥰
Jul 25Reply
ultimo1 @2tigerbunnies you're very welcome!
Jul 25Reply

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Last Active: 3 hours ago

North Miami Beach, FL
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