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Updated Oct 30
Updated Oct 30

Meet your Posher, Beth

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Beth, mom of 5 great kids who keep me very busy and looking for bargains😉. I’m loving this Poshmark community, so friendly and supportive! Say hello, I’d love to hear from you💕
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dancerdream1 Thank you for the rating and feedback!
Jan 24Reply
stefleck Thanks for your purchase! I'll ship it out tomorrow 💫
Feb 03Reply
waterstheaven @stefleck thank YOU! It's adorable and I can't wait to get it!! Have a great weekend😃
Feb 03Reply
sbkly57 Beth, I am sorry to hear that the tunic doesn't fit you. I have another one like it posted and have added this information to the description for that one so buyers will know it runs a little small even though it's marked a medium. I strive hard to keep a five star rating and I will try to anticipate this problem in the future. You should have no problem reposhing it at a higher price. Best wishes!
May 07Reply
mmcleary hello💙
May 23Reply
waterstheaven @goosesgirl hi, thanks for the honest communication:-). Is it right in the front?
Jun 19Reply
waterstheaven @goosesgirl hi go ahead and send it, I'll see if it looks fixable and decide whether or not to accept, but I'm pretty handy so I cannot imagine it will be much of a problem.
Jun 19Reply
waterstheaven @creditstylz no problem! I understand, I just started selling from my closet so I know how those fees affect us☺️. I do love the sweater:-). Do you think you’ll be getting it back in any other colors in size M?
Dec 23Reply
redbirdsales Hi, thanks for the follow! When you have the chance, check out my closet for J Jill clothing. I have several items in different sizes and will be posting more soon. If thee is something special you are looking for, let me know.
Jan 28Reply
taylort34 @waterstheaven hey love, after washing the Nike hoodie you purchased from my closet I noticed it had a couple bleach stains, not to noticeable, if you want to cancel I respect that I just don't want to ship it to you and you be unhappy, if you still want it I'll ship it tomorrow morning!
Feb 02Reply
waterstheaven @taylort34 hi, thanks for the heads up. It shouldn’t be a problem but I’m buying it for my daughter...would you be able to upload a photo so I can show her where the bleach spots are? That would be helpful:-)
Feb 02Reply
taylort34 @waterstheaven yes, once I get home! It's under the right side if the front pocket, you don't really notice it!
Feb 02Reply
jamieontherise That's a giant fam!!!!
Feb 10Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven Thank you so much for making my year. You are so kind and sweet and it is much appreciated. One never knows what another is going through and a kind word can always arrive at just the right time and I am so grateful to have met you on Posh! Blessings, Gladrags99
Feb 28Reply
waterstheaven @gladrags99 I feel exactly the same!! I love visiting your closet, feels like I’m stopping by for tea! haha. I have my eye on that J. Jill barn coat, just need to build up some funds first. Have a lovely evening! Oh and thanks for the pretty pkg and beautiful note, forgot to mention in my comments but it really tickled me:-)
Feb 28Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven You note made my sig other Al and I cry seeing your sweet pooches pic. You have our deepest sympathy as we know they are a member of the family. Their spirits are so innocent that their passing is all the more painful I feel. 13 years is a long time...we will face this as ours is that age and I don’t know how we will ever survive...I am so sorry for you and yours and the JJill piece will always bring him to my 💜.Christened his honorary outfit. Hugs galore, Gladrags99
Mar 04Reply
waterstheaven @gladrags99 thank you, that’s the dearest note!💕
Mar 05Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven been thinking of you as you may not have electricity. My brother doesn’t....hope you are staying warm and safe! Blessings, Gladrags99
Mar 14Reply
waterstheaven @gladrags99 thank you for your kind thoughts, we finally have power back:-). Hope your brother does too. Won’t be a bit sad to see Match go!
Mar 15Reply
livandkim Hi, this is Kim, Olivia's Mom. I just wanted to let you know that the J.Jill dress is a size small, not medium. The picture shows the size, but the description says M. Will that work for you? It is in great condition.
Mar 22Reply
waterstheaven @oliviakeiser oh hi, thank you for letting me know:-). It looks oversized? I usually wear anywhere from 6 to 10. Maybe if I can get the measurements then I can decide.
Mar 22Reply
livandkim @waterstheaven this dress is a j.jill size small which is 6-8 and definitely should fit you.
Mar 22Reply
waterstheaven @oliviakeiser it should be fine, looks roomy from your pics. Thank you:-)
Mar 22Reply
harleydarby Hi Beth. I have a question for you since you are one of the few people I have bought from. If somebody does a bundle and you counter do you have to wait 24 hours to sell one of t he items in the bundle to another interested party? I didn’t know if these offers ties up selling your merchandise to someone else. Thank you. Catherine
May 20Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby hi Catherine! So nice to hear from you:-). I’ve honestly never had that happen before but my guess would be you should probably wait the 24 hours for a response if you made a counter offer. Just to be fair. Hopefully the potential buyer will understand you needing to honor an offer made, but the item is theirs if the offer is not accepted. Does that make sense? I hope you’re doing well:-)
May 21Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven Hi Beth. I did end up asking a Posh Ambassador since this has happened numerous times to me. She told me that until an offer is excepted that bundle does not exist if someone wants to buy an item out of the bundle. Oh well, it does feel good to get rid of things I don’t need. You have a beautiful family. Will be checking out your closet again in the winter. Have a nice summer, Catherine
May 21Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby thank you Catherine:-). That was smart to ask a Posh Ambassador:-). I hope you have a nice summer also, and you keep getting rid of stuff!!💕💕
May 21Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven Thanks for sharing. As you can see I keep going through closets and adding. Unfortunately, the Free People Shirt I bought was too tight for my busty self so will try and sell again. Hope you have a great summer. Such beautiful children!
May 28Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby thanks Catherine! I’m sorry the FP shirt didn’t work, it’s a strange brand when it comes to fit....some things oversized and some things under. Good luck Poshing, hope you can get rid of stuff and get some nice things for yourself!💕
May 28Reply
spreadlove Hi, I'm Melissa! I just wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I'm always looking for new Posh friends to shop and share, so I wanted to say hello. Have a nice day!
Jul 20Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven Hi. Love the blue jacket but unfortunately my meds are making me a large anymore so...all my smalls and mediums had to go. I hope you are healing some after losing your puppy dog....i have joined the club now as our beloved toy fox terrier died suddenly on Father’s Day. Out of the blue...hopefully they have met and are playing together. Hope all is going well with new job activities. Think of you often. Have you had enough of tourists???? Blessings, Gladrags99
Jul 23Reply
waterstheaven @gladrags99 oh you poor dear, I’m so very sorry for the loss of your little pooch. Wow, the timing is crazy, and never good when it’s our beloved pet. I hope you’re doing okay. Sending lots of love your way💕. My job search goes on, at least I have a nice closet full of work clothes if and when it happens:-). Ps just ignore my recent offer, have been sending lots of offers to likers to try to clear out. Blessings back:-)
Jul 23Reply
harleydarby Hi Beth. It is your pesky friend from CA. I was wondering if you sell things faster in a bundle or when you list like 3-4 items for a certain price like you do? I am so overwhelmed by all I found going through my closets and really trying to move them. Thanks for assistance again. I am finding 95% of people who buy from me do not sell and just looking for specific item.
Jul 24Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby hi Catherine! You’re so not pesky, it’s nice to hear from you. Ya know, it’s funny, my 4/$10 sale has not panned out as I’d hoped. Like you say, most people want a specific thing and that’s it. It’s tough, exposure is the key which you get by sharing others and they share yours (hopefully). I haven’t been doing a lot of that lately and my sales are down.
Jul 24Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven Thanks. I found I was wasting to much time on PM and parties never helped in the sale of one thing so stopped doing as most people are actually working. Just curious as trying to get rid of way too much stuff between my mom’s stuff, daughter-in-law and grandkids. It just became overwhelming.
Jul 24Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven I did tap into your friends closet from PA and she has some great stuff as well.
Jul 24Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby I’m with you, too much stuff to get rid of. At the end of the summer I’m going to weed out stuff that’s not selling and donate. I figure I’ve given it a good shot but many on here are looking for the higher end stuff, and a lot of my average stuff just isn’t selling.
Jul 24Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby yes another great closet and awesome seller/human being💕
Jul 24Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven I agree with the donation part. I think opposite of you as people are looking exactly for what you have in your closet. I won’t even look at high ticket items nor do I share their items because of price. I can’t believe the items I have sold for 5.00 and people are willing to pay the 7.00 shipping. It amazes me as I wouldn’t ever just buy one item from a low cost closet.
Jul 24Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven Your prices are fair and still love your 2 J Jill items. I bought all of my items new and know what they cost. It will all happen.
Jul 24Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby nice chatting with you and good luck with all your stuff:-). Reach out any time, always a pleasure😊
Jul 24Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven Thank you again for answering all of my questions.
Jul 24Reply
sayyestojewelry Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 18Reply
harleydarby Hi Beth. If you want to put in any offer on J Jill tops I will accept as you were the first person I ordered from and gave me such a great deal. If you find any other 5.00 things in my closet you will wear, bundle and put in a 10.00 offer or just put in for whatever for J Jill fleece tops. 4 for 10.00 for you. This shipping knocks me out so I never buy 1 item. Have a great holiday weekend. These tops were mine and are a couple years old, but in great shape.
Sep 01Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby hi Catherine:-). Wow I can’t believe how your closet has grown. Sure wish I was a smaller shoe size! Thank you, if it’s okay I’m going to keep the bundle open for now, 2 of my kids are moving back out this weekend so it’s busy busy here and shopping is a nice little distraction when I have time😊. Happy holiday weekend to you:-)
Sep 01Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven No problem at all. I understand as just drove to Portland, OR to help son move. Long drive and busy. You know me as never in hurry so take care of kids and when time is right let me know.
Sep 01Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby I feel for you! One son gone here, and I think I just finished my bundle, with 1 the Ralph Lauren top crop-style? I’m a bit long waisted so I probably should get the length from you. Otherwise those fleece tops will be so cozy with the cool weather we’ve been getting!:-) And the Sonoma top is just adorable.
Sep 01Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven It is not a crop top, but it is very short and would not recommend for tall person. It is also one of my older tops and not best choice. Sorry☹️☹️☹️
Sep 01Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven I will get you length, but it is short even on me. It is 20.5”. No fading or anything as was mine, but may be short for you.
Sep 01Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven just let me know and can put in 2.50 per item and will accept. Have a great day. Any items you find that are 5.00 can get for 2.50 per item even a resell. I have a lot because I started getting my daughter-in-law, my son’s and everybody else. It is crazy. Some of more expensive stuff was my mom’s (who passed away) and was much larger than me and had a more expensive taste than me. Good luck with kids.
Sep 01Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby ok thanks so much:-). I’ll get back to it again soon and let you know when I’m done.
Sep 01Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven No big hurry. Take care of those beautiful children.
Sep 01Reply
harleydarby Thank you Beth for nice rating and note. Very sweet of you. Heading to Idaho tomorrow to spend week with a very dear friend of mine. Hope you have a good retail weekend.
Sep 07Reply
harleydarby So excited about Purse. I have been watching for so long, but spent way too much money last month on European bags from Gladys. I was going to make Bundle, but have so much stuff. I just keep going through boxes and boxes. No hurry on mailing.
Sep 23Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby so glad it’s yours! I hope you have some burgundy polish and can touch it up a bit:-). I’m not much of a handbag person, if it doesn’t strap across my body I don’t have patience for it! Haha. Enjoy your Sunday and thanks for shopping my closet again😊
Sep 23Reply
harleydarby @waterstheaven I don’t care about wear. I have an LL Bean Leather/burlap I use for all my travels which is a Crossbody. We went to Europe this year and didn’t buy a purse so I am making up for it now. The quality of leather is so much different. I also am a Crossbody only and have just hit so many wonderful Estate sales lately and why I have so many purses on PM. Very few are mine.
Sep 23Reply
harleydarby We live in an older type community setting and Estate Sales are phenomenal so have got a lot of stuff from these. It has been fun buying, but overwhelmed at this point and husband has about had it with my overabundance of stuff. Have a good day.
Sep 23Reply
harleydarby Hi Beth. I just opened purse and was so surprised to find Shirt I have been loving for months and months. You are too kind and will treasure it always. Thank you again.
Sep 27Reply
waterstheaven @harleydarby my pleasure!💕. Enjoy.
Sep 27Reply
jenmcadam Thank you for your purchase! I will get your pants to the post office tomorrow. Have a lovely evening!
Nov 07Reply
waterstheaven @jenmcadam thank YOU for the awesome deal:-). You’re a sweetheart!💕
Nov 07Reply
jenmcadam I am thrilled that you like your new pants!!! Thank you for such a lovely review, you made my day! 😊💕
Nov 10Reply
waterstheaven @jenmcadam You deserve it!💕
Nov 10Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven Hi Beth, Just wanted to say hi and hope all is going well for you. I have been laying low and now my favorite season is here, NOT. My brother loves the nor easters’ up there and has survived them so far and hope you are spared depending on what part you live on. Got.a new puppy so been having my hands full, in a good way. All the best and thinking of you and hope a new job worked out for. U, hugs, Gladrags99
Nov 14Reply
waterstheaven @gladrags99 hi Nancy, so nice to hear from you:-). I’m with you on the change of season but yayyy! a new holiday puppy for you, how wonderful!! But oh how tiring! lol. I miss that puppy breath:-). Glad your brother is hardy, my blood gets thinner every year and hoping for a move south in the not so distant future. Sending love❤️
Nov 15Reply
angelgypsie Thanks you for your purchase with me! I will have it in the mail tomorrow!
Nov 24Reply
waterstheaven @angelgypsie of course! Worth WAY more than $5, thank you for your kind offer but list price is more than fair😊. Looking forward to receiving it💕
Nov 24Reply
angelgypsie @waterstheaven aww thankyou! ❤ of course!
Nov 24Reply
karenvesmith Hi Beth...Thanks for buying J.Jill dress. It's packaged and ready to go and I plan to take it to the post office tomorrow...🙂
Dec 13Reply
waterstheaven @karenvesmith you are so sweet...and amazing! Such a nice holiday gift🎄💕. Thank you for your kindness!
Dec 13Reply
karenvesmith Thanks for the lovely review, Beth! I am glad you like it...😘
Dec 19Reply
waterstheaven @karenvesmith You deserve it!!😘
Dec 19Reply
alexamucino Hi there! Thank you for your purchase! Your Item is on its way.
Jan 09Reply
waterstheaven @alexamucino thank you so much:-). What a beautiful top, can’t wait to get my mits on it😂💕
Jan 09Reply
notoriousang Thanks for your purchase. I’ll be shipping this morning 😊
Jan 11Reply
mmdell11 Hi!! I hope your day is going well! I just wanted to let you know I am trying to clear out my closet & im having a 3 for $20(or less) on certain items! feel free to check it out!! I'm open to offers, bundles & shares!! Happy poshing❤️❤️❤️
Jan 12Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven Aw, you maka me cry you are so kind. I feel the same when I wear the lovely Eileen coat and that’s a lot!!!!! Blessings to u!!!!! Nance
Jan 12Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven Hi Beth, Hope you are doing well this winter. I have an unrelated to Posh ? For you. Do you know of any good dentists, prosthodontists on the Cape? My brother has been going into Boston and maybe needs implants and teeth done and it’s crazy expensive and a hassle to go in to Boston all the time. Just wondered if you knew of anyone on Cape you recommend. He has always gone into Boston so he’s at a loss. I thought I would ask you just in case. Thanks so much! Nancy Gladrags99
Feb 20Reply
waterstheaven @gladrags99 hi there Nancy:-). Nice to hear from you! So sorry for your brother, doesn’t sound like a fun time for him:-(. The only professional I know personally did a dental implant on me and his name is Dr. Dennis Jodoin in Sandwich. He’s a periodontist, so I don’t think that’s quite what he’s looking for. I will put my feelers out though, and if I find something I’ll get back to ya. All is well here, mild winter so I’m a happy camper. Hope you are doing well too! 💕❤️
Feb 21Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven Thanks so much for your help. I really appreciate it. Very kind of you. I am glad you are getting glimmers of spring. Here it is ice and snow yet. My bro said the Cape gets (except for the nor’easters) better weather than Boston and inland usually. Time to get out the shorts and sandals!!! Yea. All the best my dear, Gladrags99
Feb 21Reply
pattyshops OMG, Beth! You’re the best! I owe you a whole closet when I get home! Thank you bunches for generous shares! 💕💕💕
Mar 02Reply
waterstheaven @pattyshops hey Patty! It’s snowing like a bandit here so my posh fingers are doing a happy dance haha:-). Have a wonderful weekend😘
Mar 02Reply
gladrags99 @waterstheaven Oh your poor finger must be following off after all those generous shares. Thanks so much!!! My bro found a dentist and I really appreciate your help! Bunches of Blessings Beth, Gladrags99
Mar 02Reply
waterstheaven @mambear2485 thank you for the sweet review, so glad the coverups work for you! Truly a pleasure dealing with you😘💕. Have fun at your beach party⛱
Mar 06Reply
waterstheaven @happymrs thank you so much! It’s adorable, perfect little summer dress.💜
Apr 09Reply
waterstheaven @happymrs you deserve it!💕. Blessings back to you:-)
Apr 11Reply
estate555 @waterstheaven Hi Beth! Nice to meet you...your Jill’s are on the way! Enjoy!
Aug 09Reply
waterstheaven @estate555 thank you so much! Wow you’re fast!💕. Have a lovely weekend!
Aug 10Reply
lougi Hi. I’ve ordered the Lamo boots you were advertising last weekend but haven’t heard anything other than order is awaiting shipment. Just wanted to confirm as this is first time using posh mark.....
Nov 13Reply
waterstheaven @lougi hi! So glad you messaged, welcome to Poshmark!! Yes I have your boots boxed up and ready to ship out today. Your order came in on Saturday over the holiday weekend, normally I would ship next day but I finally have it ready to go out. Thank you so much for your purchase! These are fabulous boots and should keep your feet very warm and dry. Happy Poshing!💕
Nov 13Reply
lougi @waterstheaven Thank you so much. Can’t wait to receive them. I actually had the exact same ones and I LOVED them but my dog ate them about a month after I got them! Can’t believe I found another pair!
Nov 13Reply
waterstheaven @lougi it’s perfect then!!! I loved them too, bought for my daughter who was 17 at the time and her taste changed...after 1 wear. Glad they’re finding a good home💕
Nov 13Reply
ambermisharose 𝑯𝒊 𝑴𝒂’𝒂𝒎, 𝑯𝒐𝒑𝒆 𝒚𝒐𝒖’𝒓𝒆 𝒉𝒂𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒂 𝒘𝒐𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓𝒇𝒖𝒍 𝒅𝒂𝒚! 𝑷𝒍𝒆𝒂𝒔𝒆 𝒇𝒆𝒆𝒍 𝒇𝒓𝒆𝒆 𝒕𝒐 𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒄𝒌 𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒎𝒚 𝒄𝒍𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒍𝒆𝒕 𝒎𝒆 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝒊𝒇 𝒂𝒏𝒚𝒕𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒈 𝒄𝒂𝒕𝒄𝒉𝒆𝒔 𝒚𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝒆𝒚𝒆 𝒔𝒐 𝒘𝒆 𝒄𝒂𝒏 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒕 𝒂𝒃𝒐𝒖𝒕 𝒂 𝒅𝒊𝒔𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒑𝒓𝒊𝒄𝒆♥️♥️♥️ 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝑷𝒐𝒔𝒉-𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒍𝒘𝒂𝒚𝒔! 𝑮𝒐𝒅 𝑩𝒍𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝒀𝒐𝒖🙏🏻 PoshL❤️ve, 𝓜𝓲𝓼𝓱𝓪𝓕𝓪𝓼𝓱𝓲𝓸𝓷𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓪𝓒𝓵𝓸𝓼𝓮𝓽
Dec 18Reply
2muchstuff3691 Hey! So glad we connected on Poshmark! Hope you will check out my closet and give me a follow 💕⭐️🛍
Jan 05Reply
tmich12 Hi Beth! Thank you so much for the wonderful comments and rating. I’m glad that you like the leggings! 🤗🤗🤗
Feb 11Reply
urownbeautiful Hello Gorgeous! I’m Jaime. Dreamer, Fashion and Travel lover. Just stopping by to introduce myself, say hi, and invite you to visit my closet. 🤗🦋Happy poshing, and remember to always Embrace Your Own Beautiful! 💫 Stay dreamy💫 xo 💙Jaime
Jun 19Reply
cutehosiery @waterstheaven Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 22Reply
waterstheaven @nicesurprize the insults started with you. You’ve been reported and blocked.
Jun 18Reply
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Ormond Beach, FL
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Ormond Beach, FL
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