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Updated Feb 08
Updated Feb 08

Meet your Posher, Betty

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Betty. Some of my favorite brands are American Eagle Outfitters, Charlotte Russe, and Forever 21. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 10% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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cajunqueen1962 Welcome to Poshmark. Miss you.
Feb 08Reply
betty_rogers @cajunqueen1962 Thanks! Trying to clean out my closet! Thought I would give this a try!
Feb 08Reply
betty_rogers I finally retired from retail!
Feb 08Reply
cajunqueen1962 @betty_rogers I sell well on here. I sold tons of stuff I got when I left Rue 21.
Feb 08Reply
betty_rogers I’ll try to give you a call so we can catch up!
Feb 08Reply
cajunqueen1962 @betty_rogers secret is to share, share, share. Share to followers, share to parties and share to social media.
Feb 08Reply
zardiva1 Hi and welcome! 👋😃
Feb 08Reply
betty_rogers @cajunqueen1962 can you give me a call please
Feb 08Reply
cajunqueen1962 @betty_rogers I am out of town visiting my brother who just had a Triple bypass. I will call you when I get home.
Feb 08Reply
cchojnowski Welcome to Poshmark! 😊
Feb 09Reply
shineonmiblooms Aloha and thank you for the follow!
Feb 09Reply
monikens Welcome to Poshmark 🌺
Feb 10Reply
monikens @betty_rogers you’re very welcome
Feb 11Reply
myreigndrops2 Thanks for sharing 💕
Feb 15Reply
ghstrider83 Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have a great time and please let me know if you have any questions!! God bless 💜
Feb 16Reply
pacificwinds Welcome to Poshmark! I see you retired from retail, and now you are on Posh! I'm trying to get my daughter who has been in retail for 10 years to try this out. It's proving to be a great community to belong to! Happy Poshing! Come check out my closet. I'm adding items daily
Feb 16Reply
nakamoto88 Thanks for all the shares and Following, Happy poshing! 💕💕💕
Feb 16Reply
beckidelky Hi there,please feel free to check out my closet and if you see something you like please send me an offer,I need an offer I need sells🙏😩🙏
Feb 16Reply
betty_rogers @connie_posh Thanks! Good luck to you as well! I also opened a home bakery after getting certified in Chicago at the Wilton school of baking! A lot less stressful!
Feb 16Reply
betty_rogers @tanyrae Thanks! Yes, I was a store manager for 20 years! I went to Chicago to get certified at the Wilton school of baking and opened a home bakery! A lot less stressful! Good luck!
Feb 16Reply
ashtan2017 🌻🌻Welcome to poshmark. I see you're up and running with listings. Great. The more listings, the merrier. Self shares, community shares, likes and love notes are great keys to suucess.Happy poshing. See you at the top. 💥💥💥
Feb 16Reply
ashtan2017 @betty_rogers congratulations
Feb 16Reply
california_gal WELCOME..☺️ Wishing you lots of sales 💵 One of the key elements that has worked for me is SHARING others closets and your own as often as possible💰😉💝
Feb 17Reply
aliciainbagland Hi Betty!🙋🏻‍♀️I’m Alicia. Thanks for visiting my closet!🤗 Welcome to Poshmark!💐💐💐 Please feel free to buy, MAKE OFFERS or Bundle. Or you can put ❤️ on items you Like and I will Send you an offer. BTW... I’m a Posh Ambassador, so feel free to ask me any questions!
Feb 18Reply
poshsissy Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! Whether you’re here to buy, sell, shop – or all of the above – You’re going to love this supportive online community. We’re glad you’re here! Let’s go shopping! Click on @PoshSissy  I am a 5-star top-rated seller and I am a Poshmark Ambassador. So, let me know if you have any questions. Welcome & Happy Poshing – have fun and enjoy!!  💕
Feb 20Reply
sexynmonterey Sending you love❤️ Wishing you a blessed & Prosperous 2019❤️ Best Wishes~👠 Have fun Poshing🌹 🛍& Happy Shopping God bless you in all your endeavors~💃 Sexy N Monterey💋 ❤️
Feb 20Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Betty. Welcome to Poshmark. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Feb 21Reply
happydaysahead Hi Betty What a magnificent kitchen and oh do lovely Closet💕💕
Feb 22Reply
kllyjhnsn612 Welcome to Poshmark!! Stop by and check out my closet. I’m currently offering 50% off bundles of 3 or more items, up to 5 pounds. Happy Shopping 🛍
Feb 22Reply
sehenkel Hi and welcome to Poshmark! If you have any questions feel free to contact me. Happy Poshing! 💕 Stephanie 💕 Posh Ambassador
Feb 23Reply
blessed2posh Hello💕! Welcome to Poshmark. 💎👗👛 This is a great community.😉 If you are on here to sell, I wish you many successful sales! 👭 If buying goods, like the item first by hitting the heart. 💗 You will most likely get an offer from the seller. Or you can make an offer to get a better deal!! 🤑 Bundle for bigger savings. Lmk if you have any questions! Happy Poshing and God Bless!!🙌
Feb 24Reply
betty_rogers @kllyjhnsn612 Thanks! Will do!
Feb 24Reply
betty_rogers @tamarawalczyk Thanks for the advice!
Feb 24Reply
blondieboom7 Hi Betty, welcome & hapy poshing!
Feb 24Reply
fryemeup Hi🙋🏼Welcome to Poshmark! I am a 🌟Poshmark Ambassador🌟I would like to take this time to direct you to "Guide to Poshmark" & "Poshmark Etiquette" which can be found under your account. Reading up on both will help you navigate the App & answer many questions. Also, try to join as many Posh Parties🎊🎈as possible. I find that it's not only FUN but you have the ability to SALE💰💰💰more items in your closet & also CONNECT with other Poshers. Remember to Share✔️Share✔️Happy Poshing🎉
Feb 25Reply
homesweethome8 @betty_rogers Hi Betty, welcome to Poshmark. Remember to list, share others closets and keep posting new items💙
Feb 25Reply
fryemeup @betty_rogers 👍🏻😉🎉
Feb 26Reply
designerchic03 Hello! I am a posh ambassador... Welcome to posh.  Please let me know if you have any questions.Thank you so much for stopping by my closet.  Always up for different offers. I also send a free gift with each purchase.
Feb 26Reply
cajunqueen1962 @betty_rogers You are doing great.
Feb 28Reply
styleguru03 Thanks for following 😊 To show my appreciation please enjoy 20% off anything in my closet for the next 24hrs. Just add item or items to a bundle and comment “new follower.” I’ll send you an offer at that point. Happy Poshing!!!
Mar 01Reply
bluefur You have a great closet! Go easy in your travels through posh land!
Mar 01Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️
Mar 02Reply
needlusmkdowns Wow! I joined end of Jan, how’d you get so many followers that quick
Mar 02Reply
betty_rogers @yorkshiregirl I joined recently too! I have a friend that’s been doing it about 5 years and her advice was to SHARE, SHARE, SHARE!!!!! Share your stuff as often as possible and share things from the closets of people that share your stuff too!
Mar 03Reply
needlusmkdowns @betty_rogers I’ve been following those ideas but still only have about 1/10th of your followers . That’s amazing
Mar 03Reply
lamour_couture Hello Betty, beautiful prof pic btw, welcome to PoshMark I’m Mon. This community is filled with great deals, cool stuff & even very nice well-mannered people! Plz lmk if you have any Q’s, I’ll do my best to answer them. Check out my closet & make me an offer, if you see something you want by clicking on the offer button. I will respond within the hr or so. I post weekly so come back & browse again too!! P.S. All first purchases always include a free 🎁 w/order Ty, Posh-Ambassador/ Mon
Mar 03Reply
midoa Welcome to Poshmark Betty 😊 are u a chef👩‍🍳? I would like to invite u to visit my closet and get the best deals on the already reduced items, may be a purse or a shirt or even shoes? U can shop with confidence, I’m a 5***** stars reputable seller. I would like to offer u a FREE shipping on any purchase of $29 & up so bundle your likes and I’ll take care of the shipping. Happy poshing and wishing u many sales as well 🤗🤗
Mar 05Reply
betty_rogers @midoa I actually own a bakery. Thanks!
Mar 05Reply
betty_rogers @lamour_couture Thanks for the welcome!
Mar 05Reply
hopestephens61 Thx for joining Poshmark.
Mar 05Reply
janfast Hi Betty! Thanks for following my closet!😊
Mar 06Reply
chasingenvy Hi! Welcome to Poshmark! I hope you have fun here! Please let me know if you have any questions, I’d be happy to help 🌸
Mar 27Reply
alwaysposhible @betty_rogers - before I decide on which pieces of jewelry I want to buy 🛍 🛍 🛍 🛍 🛍 , do you offer a bundle discount or just prefer people to make you an offer?
Mar 29Reply
betty_rogers @alwaysposhible 10% on 2 or more items
Mar 29Reply
alwaysposhible @betty_rogers - great, thank you. I don’t see it enabled in your listings yet, so I’ll check back tomorrow. In case you don’t know, it’s in “My Seller Tools” & then “Seller Discount” (your discount will be automatically calculated when the buyer submits an offer for 2 or more items)
Mar 29Reply
betty_rogers @alwaysposhible I appreciate your help! I don't see "seller tools"....where do I find it?
Mar 29Reply
alwaysposhible @betty_rogers at the bottom where it says “Feed” , “Shop” , Sell” , “News”” & then betty_rogers. Click on betty_rogers, scroll down to the 5th section that has My Sales, My Balance, My Posh Stats & then My Seller Tools. Creating your seller discount (10% off 2+) is within “My Seller Tools. I’m going to use the same discount when I list my items
Mar 29Reply
alwaysposhible @betty_rogers - I’ve had to do extensive research & have learned best by Googling my question (i.e., How to get started on Poshmark, How to be successful on Poshmark, etc.) & then click on videos. There are TONS of helpful YouTube videos & I’ve taken many notes 📝 🤓
Mar 29Reply
alwaysposhible @betty_rogers Yay! I can see it worked because your discount is there 😃! Great job, Betty 👍 Now I have to make the difficult decision on what to buy on a budget since I love too MANY items from your jewelry collection! 😍🤑🛍
Mar 30Reply
aggienewtoyou Hi Betty Welcome to Poshmark. 🌸
Apr 30Reply
touch_of_class9 Hi. Welcome to Poshmark. I am a Poshmark Ambassador and wd be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you share other people’s closets, they will share yours, hence lots of $$😁😁🤣🤣HAPPY buying or SALES. BEST OF LUCK. HAPPY POSHING.
Apr 30Reply
bellabooposh You have some beautiful things. I'm working on my diet and when i get there I'll be poshing with you.
May 22Reply
w3r3allbrok3n Great Connecting With You!!
May 30Reply
lattebill Thank you so much for the shares!! Super appreciated my friend!!!🤗
Jun 02Reply
msneverending1 Betty just wanted to stop by and thank you so much for following my closet. You have a wonderful closet and beautiful pictures. I hope you had an awesome day today!!! Love & Peace Carol
Jun 09Reply
betty_rogers @msneverending1 You’re welcome!
Jun 10Reply
jennymess822 Thanks for the shares! As a thank you for sharing my items please feel free to visit my closet and make me an offer(s) on any item(s) you make like. I'm very reasonable with pricing! Happy Poshing!
Jun 15Reply
gigi_to5 Hi there. If I buy both can we do 16 and $4.99 shipping? If so, I’ll decline both and then add them into 1 bundle. 😁
Jun 26Reply
gri112403 Thanks for the follow!! Wishing you success!!!!
Jul 11Reply
cajunqueen1962 @betty_rogers Hey Lady how have you been? How are you doing on Poshmark? 💗🐊👑
May 31Reply

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Last Active: Feb 25

Houma, LA
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Last Active: Feb 25

Houma, LA
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