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Updated Jun 18
Updated Jun 18

Meet your Posher, Bonnie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Bonnie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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denadenn Hello Bonnie I’m Dena! Welcome to poshmark?
Jul 24Reply
bonniiebriche Hello...I can't believe I just discovered Posh!
Jul 25Reply
mwr72 I am planning to get your item in the post tomorrow. Reese Lucky Jeans Thanks, Michelle @mwr72
Jul 30Reply
mwr72 Hi - Hi - your Lucky Brand purchase from @mwr72 will go out in the post 7/31/18. Thanks - M
Jul 31Reply
bonniiebriche Thanks...💜
Jul 31Reply
marielys15 Thanks for the wonderful review. I’m happy you are satisfied with your jeans. Have a wonderful weekend.
Aug 04Reply
mwr72 Thanks for the sale! Please check in soon, I’ll be adding more tops and bottoms by Johnny Was, Lucky, Loft, Gap & Old Navy.
Aug 04Reply
denimmunkies Thank you for allowing me to help with adding an item from my closet, into yours!!! Please check back often As I have yet to even come close to adding so many trendy pieces in your size & style!!!
Aug 31Reply
mykenziescloset Thank you so much for your purchase. I mailed them this morning at 5 a m before work so you should see the tracking soon. If there is anything else in my closet you are interested in. I can offer you 25% discount 😊🛒😀
Sep 01Reply
blanca0417 Hi, thank you for the offer on the Lucky jeans. Due to.a few vacation days for this holiday weekend I will be unable to accept the offer since I cannot ship the item in a timely manner. If you re-submit the same offer after the holiday I can accept it. Thanks again and happy Poshing! ☺💝👖 👗 💍 👞 🎉
Sep 01Reply
bbiscan Thanks for your Jean purchase!. I was getting ready to package them, but I always do a scent test before shipping, and they don't smell as fresh from being stored so I want to wash them before I ship them to you.
Sep 02Reply
bonniiebriche @bbiscan OK but I can always throw them in the wash when they get here but I'll leave it up to you..Hope you had a nice Labor Day!
Sep 03Reply
bbiscan @bonniiebriche already washed and in the mail!
Sep 04Reply
bonniiebriche @bbiscan😀
Sep 04Reply
bbiscan @bonniiebriche let me know as soon as you receive this. I dropped it off monday I think, but it hasn't shown that it is shipping...
Sep 06Reply
denimmunkies Thank you again, for your purchase!!! Please take a few secs to let others know about your transaction!!!! I really appreciate your time in doing so :0) Have a beautiful day!!!!
Sep 06Reply
traseabro Bonnie I am truly sorry for the mix up with the size of the decree top. The other two tops I have ( white and turquoise are both in a size extra large. ) if you would like to exchange for one of them great! If not I understand that the large is not what you ordered and accepted full responsibility for the error. Again I apologize for the inconvenience and error. I have notified Poshmark and told them the same thing. To refund your money due to my error.
Oct 04Reply
tabbysoclassy Was everything okay with your order? I noticed you recieved it a few days ago but haven't confirmed.
Oct 14Reply
uniquelylisad Hi Bonnie... I Love ❤️ your Ferret!!!!😊 I used to have a ferret... his name was Snoopy... He was very curious and cute!!!! 😊He got into everything...😊☀️ I wanted to let you know I will accept your offer for the jacket if you want to resubmit it. 🦋🌸Thank you for the offer...💜😊
Oct 15Reply
uniquelylisad Hi Bonnie... Please let me know if you would like to trade the 50’s style Torrid retro coat for the Torrid distressed jean jacket. Just thought I’d ask... 😊🌸Thanks
Oct 16Reply
bonniiebriche @uniquelylisad Ecko left us about 5yrs ago but he stole everything we currently have 8 and my whole house is now under the couch they steal anything but we are hooked on them❤
Oct 17Reply
uniquelylisad @bonniiebriche Snoopy used to get into everything... you couldn’t get mad at him because he was so cute!!!! He didn’t hurt anything... he was just very curious... and lots of fun... 😊🌸
Oct 17Reply
uniquelylisad @bonniiebriche Thank you for your purchase...💖🌹🌸 And thank you for considering trading 🌸😊❤️🦋
Oct 17Reply
denimmunkies Hello I just wanted to let you know, as one of our previous shoppers, we have added a ton of new items that would look so GREAT on you!!! If you get some down time come check em' out!!!! We miss you!!!!
Jan 28Reply
sbcoakparkmom Hi. I tried to accept your offer on the charm necklace, but it told me there was a payment processing issue. I just wanted to let you know... thanks so much!
May 11Reply
bonniiebriche @sbcoakparkmomI will get everything updated Thanks
May 11Reply
classiclbd Hi Bonnie, I love Mr. Echo!!!... so cute. Came by to thank you for shopping my closet. I will get your jacket shipped in a few hours via USPS priority mail so you should have it soon. Have a great day!
May 30Reply
classiclbd Hi Bonnie, thanks for the ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ rating and lovely note. I am SO glad you love your purchase. I love the earth tones and warmth just looking at it not mention wearing it! Cooler weather can't come soon enough with a piece like that. Have a great weekend!
Jun 02Reply
bonniiebriche @classiclbd It makes me want to get a pair of soft leggings warm socks and my new cardigan a cup of hot tea and a good book but it's been 95° 100%humidity
Jun 02Reply
classiclbd @bonniiebriche ohhhh, that sounds so good! Well, something to look forward to in the colder months ❄☃️❄☃️
Jun 02Reply
billiejo1971 Hi Bonnie..on the black top w white cat and the old navy red top....I declined one offer and the other I adjusted to be both shorts for your$25 offer. So you only pay one shipping. Please accept as soon as possible ....the black cat top is super cute and cute popular
Oct 25Reply
bonniiebriche @billiejo1971 I am confused what do I get for the 25.00
Oct 25Reply
bonniiebriche Did you bundle it for me
Oct 25Reply
billiejo1971 @bonniiebriche yes basically I bundled it for you. You checked out correctly. I am getting it together now and will mail first thing tomorrow. Thank you
Oct 25Reply
amyhalloran24 Hi Bonnie, I was getting the shirt ready to send and noticed a small spot on the back and slight yellowing under the arm. This shirt sits high in the under arm and I don't think it would be noticeable at all, however I fully understand if you no longer want it.
Oct 25Reply
amyhalloran24 would be willing to do a couple things... we can cancel the order fully, we can cancel and reorder at a lower price or I can send it as is and if you're not happy with it I would discount something else in my closet by 50% for you. Just let me know how you want to proceed. I want you to be happy with what you're getting. Thanks!
Oct 25Reply
bonniiebriche @amyhalloran24 you let me know wish is easyer for you...
Oct 25Reply
bonniiebriche Just checked your cluster you are just about sold out there is another I care for can we do a IOU...let me know what you think
Oct 25Reply
bonniiebriche Oops sorry just send blouse and I will try soak in lemon juice..Thanks
Oct 25Reply
amyhalloran24 Okay, I'll drop it off shortly. I have a few other things to post early next week so there night be something you like better. Have a nice weekend!
Oct 25Reply
bonniiebriche @amyhalloran24 sounds good..going to a Halloween event with my 6 great nieces and nephews this weekend so should be have a good weekend too🎃
Oct 25Reply
emptynestseller Hi Bonnie! Thank you for your offer! Could you do $15?
Nov 11Reply
votrefriperie Hi, Bonnie! Thank you for the love note 😊. I'm so glad to hear to love the white blouse. The sleeves are sooo pretty. So excited you've had a chance wear it already. I hope you feel fabulous in it.
Dec 07Reply
bonniiebriche @annparker2298 I have a addiction to white blouses...I got so many compliments on it... it is the kind of shirt that you can dress it down with jean's or go a little more upscale with a pair of slacks and a fun holiday necklace and that's what I did I have lost 25lbs in the past few months with that it fit perfectly....your closet is lonely I will be seeing you again..MERRY CHRISTMAS🎄🎁👚👖👗🥿💚❤💚❤
Dec 07Reply
votrefriperie @bonniiebriche CONGRATULATIONS!!! 25 lbs is a LOT of weight to lose and it's not easy by any means. every winter I gain 10 lbs due to holudays, cooking heavy foods. (I love food). In spring I try to lose it to fit into summer clothes. Gets harder every year as I get older lol. The blouse is perfect dressed up or down. I loved it so much. I'm on the hunt for it in my size. Wish me luck!
Dec 07Reply
bonniiebriche @annparker2298 I lord I would eat myself into a coma if I could especially
Dec 08Reply
Dec 26Reply
sushisells Bonnie, thanks for your purchase of the Lane Bryant blouse! I just came from the post office earlier today but will ship your blouse tomorrow. Happy New Year and let me know if you like my other LB white ruffled blouse. I will make you an offer you can't refuse!
Jan 03Reply
bonniiebriche @thicknessdiva are you talking about the white ruffle blouse with short sleeves and 2 assemetral ruffles
Jan 03Reply
bonniiebriche @annparker2298 ...hey I just found the white ruffle blouse blouse in size 14 I didn't know what size you wanted
Jan 03Reply
votrefriperie @bonniiebriche hi!!!! Wow, thank you soooo much for remembering me. I need a 6 😢 but I truly appreciate the thought. How were the holidays?!
Jan 03Reply
sushisells @bonniiebriche yes that is the one. Do you like it?
Jan 03Reply
sushisells Thanks so much Bonnie, for the 5 star rating on the LB white blouse. Wear it well!!!
Jan 09Reply
thesourlemon THANKS! ✨ with your purchase you have supported a small business owner and her family. You are so appreciated and your posh package will soon be shipped with care to you.
Jan 15Reply
thesourlemon Yay!😁so glad you loved your purchase from me ✨
Jan 22Reply
superblessed131 happy poshing😊😊😊
Feb 13Reply
mypolkadotshop hi Bonnie, thank you for the 5 star rating and the sweet review! Check back any time!
Mar 28Reply
raposaresale Hi Bonnie! Thanks so much for the 5 star review - I am just thrilled you liked the item! Please check back in the future, we have new stuff all the time. All the best to you and happy poshing! 🤩🥰🦊
Mar 29Reply
leboutique23 Hello @bonniiebriche ! Thanks for your offer in my girls cover up and water shoes. Unfortunately, I cannot find the water shoes, or I'd be happy to accept the offer. Is there anything else in my closet for little girls that you would like in lieu of?
Apr 22Reply
bonniiebriche @leboutique23 thank you for letting me know I will for sure keep an eye for your closet..stay safe💜
Apr 24Reply
msjrafferty @bonniiebriche hi bonnie! thanks so much for your purchase! i’ll have it on the way to you tomorrow! 🤗🤗 jill aka msjrafferty
Apr 28Reply
silkbird Thanks Bonnie! I'll drop it off at the PO today, no fancy wrapping - I just wanted to get it on its way to you. 😊 The label printed out as 3-day shipping. Donna
Apr 28Reply
coffycleopatra hello there I saw that you canceled your purchase I can throw in a matching wallet for the same price if you're interested go ahead and purchase and I'll seen the matching wallet for FREE. Thank you for stop by and Happy Poshing.
Apr 28Reply
snickidoodle hi there! please feel free to visit my closet if you have a spare moment :)
Jul 14Reply
ledesiree Thank you so much for your purchase! And for your lovely comments!!!🙌🙌🙌🙌😀 I hope you have a great weekend
Nov 21Reply
zardiva1 😃😘🐹
Dec 04Reply
anitracarter Hey there🤗 I’m Anitra & I would like to welcome you to check out my closet. If you ❤️ like anything I’ll send you a special offer. If you have any questions ask away! Thanks & Happy Poshing😉 Posh Ambassador
Dec 06Reply
ambersfasion756 ❄️Hi there, I am having a Buy 1 get 2 Free Sale on All Items in my closet❄️ 🌲Simply like or bundle 3 items and I will send an offer for the highest priced item🌲 💕I am also Open to All Offers💕
Jan 25Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly, stop by often!
Apr 19Reply
littlepeachxo hello there! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ our closet will be temporarily closing on june 1st and all listings will be deleted for our yard sale. all our prices are as low as can be with discounted shipping & all bundles are 50% off. 100% of profits go to help a child abuse survivor. 🤍・゚✧* -peach ♡
May 29Reply
lsmouz @bonniiebriche Hi, Bonnie! I will send your package out Tuesday after the holiday. Thanks 🙂
May 31Reply
lsmouz @bonniiebriche I didn’t make the cutoff time today so your package won’t be on its way until tomorrow. Sorry for the delay. Thanks, Amy
Jun 01Reply
marissaladonna Hi Bonnie! I see you received your shoes and that you haven’t confirmed the order. How do you like them?🥰
Jun 13Reply
emmescurations Hello Bonnie, Im just dropping by to share my closet w/you! My closet is a bit unique in the sense that I dont just sell individual pieces, I sell assembled oufits that have suggested bottoms to pair with! Its a fun/different way to browse & shop so come take a look! Happy Poshing! 💕Be Heartened Beauty
Jun 25Reply
bellanova14 @bonniiebriche ,Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and if you hit like , I will give you free gift 🎁 when you buy $50 or more & give you a discount & the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you 🤗 🌺💐
Jul 14Reply
snatanov I wanted to stop by to say hey, hope you are having an awesome time buying and/or selling on Poshmark! I'd be so happy if you would accept my invitation to check out my closet :) Happy Poshing!
Aug 17Reply
watsonlilmommy @bonniiebriche hello how are you check out my closet see something you like send me a offer all offers are accepted have some beautiful bracelets set you maybe interested in as well ❤️‍🩹
Jul 27Reply
serena4957 Hi Bonnie it's Serena4957. You purchased the Skull Cardigan from me for your Daughter. You mentioned wanting to see the Skull Duster. Are you still interested in looking at it? I can give you a discount and free shipping. please let me know if I can help you. Ty for your purchase and lovely rating. God bless you. Serena4957
Feb 18Reply
serena4957 Ps. I have a really cool New Skull Heart Skull Sweater really nice. Size 2X. Your daughter would fall in love with it. just FYI. let me know if you want to see thar as well. Tc Serena4957
Feb 18Reply
rhonda_anne I hope that you have a blessed year! I am offering a free 925 sterling silver heart pendant necklace with the purchase of any purse.....
Mar 11Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Mar 22Reply

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Alexandria, LA
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Last Active: 2 hours ago

Alexandria, LA
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