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Updated Jul 24
Updated Jul 24

Meet your Posher, Bonnie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Bonnie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
  • Seller Discount: 15% off 2+ Bundle

  • Ships to: United States

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ppamprrd Belated welcome to Poshmark. I hope that you are having a great time! 😉
Jun 03Reply
ukester Thanks for your purchase. Will head to the post office and ship later this afternoon.
Jun 13Reply
narnia1 Thanks for accepting my offer! I’ve had my eye on this fantastic ring ❤️
Jun 13Reply
ukester Many thanks for the 5⭐️ and for your kind words. I’m delighted! All the best!!!! 💕
Jun 15Reply
narnia1 @ppamprrd Finally my belated THANK YOU! I’m finally figuring Poshmark out. I’ll be adding many more items soon 😍
Jun 29Reply
nic2700 @narnia1 your dog is adorable!!! N u have such beautiful items in ur closet! 💕💕
Jun 30Reply
srivers29 Welcome to Posh!❤
Jul 04Reply
narnia1 @nic2700 Thank you so much for the compliments!!! I love your closet, too and your sweet doggy is ADORABLE 😍🐶
Jul 04Reply
narnia1 @srivers29 Thank you!!! I’m finally filling up my “closet” and learning how to use the seller tools. IT’S FUN and everyone is SO NICE xoxo
Jul 04Reply
nic2700 @narnia1 aww thanks so much!!!! 😘😘😘
Jul 04Reply
classysl ❤Hi Bonnie! Thank you for visiting and following my closet. Cute purse. Wishing you many sales. Happy Poshing!!!❤
Jul 05Reply
narnia1 @classysl Hello! Thank you!!! I’m new here and I really appreciate all of the likes and sharing 😍😍😍😍
Jul 05Reply
classysl @narnia1 ❤You are welcome😊💕
Jul 05Reply
sweetamberglow @narnia1 I love your stuff!!
Jul 06Reply
narnia1 @sweetamberglow Thank you!!! I appreciate all of your sharing 😍👍
Jul 06Reply
narnia1 @sweetamberglow YOUR closet is AMAZING 😍😻💥👑😎💖
Jul 06Reply
sweetamberglow @narnia1 well I’m a work in progress. I’m a HUGE lover of all things vintage and I’m going to start migrating those items over
Jul 06Reply
narnia1 @sweetamberglow I LOVE vintage and have been scouring for vintage treasures since high school!!! Thirty years later (plus some 😜) I’m still at it 😍 Your closet just looks so professional. That’s what I’m working on for the my next batch of listings, better presentation 🙀😎🤩
Jul 06Reply
sweetamberglow @narnia1 Good morning! I wanted to share an idea with you that I have used in the past and will probably use again. It’s a great way that is simple to display your jewelry and rings. By yourself to big square pieces of posterboard one in white and one in black then get yourself a pair of white vintage gloves. Put your rings on the finger with your hand resting on the posterboard and pose your fingers and hands. . And then you can lay a silk rose or something down in the background
Jul 06Reply
narnia1 @sweetamberglow Hello! Thanks for the excellent idea😘😘😘 One of the reasons I’m enjoying Poshmark so much is because of people like you 💖🤩🌷
Jul 06Reply
seacoast_jewel Oh my goodness!! What a sweet doggie face!
Jul 07Reply
narnia1 @peaceluvandcats THANKS AND MEOW!!! 😻😻😻 WOOF, too 🐶🐶🐶
Jul 07Reply
narnia1 @edynn1 Thank you!!! I’ll definitely take you up in that. I’m new to Poshmark, but having a blast meeting great people like you 🤗🌹🌈
Jul 07Reply
narnia1 @seacoast_jewel Thank you!!! His name is Vincent and he’s as sweet as he looks 😍🐶❤️ I really don’t know what I’d do without this little guy with a HUGE heart!!!
Jul 07Reply
narnia1 @edynn1 Thanks for the welcome!!! I’m loving the Poshmark World 👍🌈🌎 Everyone has been so welcoming and easy to work with. I’ll def be checking out your closet 😍🌷
Jul 08Reply
heartsandhearts Thanks for the shares! You have a super cute dog! :)
Jul 08Reply
narnia1 @heartsandhearts Thank YOU for the shares as well!!! This is my chihuahua, Vincent ❤️🐶 He keeps me company while I’m Posmarking 😍
Jul 08Reply
marthalynnd I love your closet too! So many wonderful treasures! ⭐️
Jul 08Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Jul 10Reply
soriag Welcome to Poshmark!!! Hi! I am Gloria 😊 Welcome to a community of amazing people and great deals. I am a Posh Ambassador, Posh Mentor and a Poshmark Top Seller. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me and I will be happy to help. Also, I invite you to check out my closet. Happy Poshing!! 😃
Jul 10Reply
narnia1 @soriag THANKS!!! I’ll most def check out your closet 👍😃 I’ve been pleasantly surprised with the great deals and awesome people I’ve met here on Poshmark ❤️❤️❤️
Jul 11Reply
jennip1628 Hi! Love your closet and thank you for sharing! 💖
Jul 11Reply
narnia1 @jennip1628 Same to you!!! I just checked your closet out and, oh my, it’s like being in Sephora 🤩🌈👍 only better cos I don’t have to leave the house 😝
Jul 11Reply
jennip1628 @narnia1 that is such an amazing compliment! Thank you for looking and for the encouragement! 🌸☀️
Jul 11Reply
asmith1018 Happy shopping and I hope you're enjoying your time here!!!!! :)
Jul 11Reply
narnia1 @asmith1018 Thank you!!! I am enjoying hubby says I’m obsessed 😜🤪😹
Jul 11Reply
asmith1018 @narnia1 I can relate 😂
Jul 11Reply
traveler762 Thank you for the shares! You have a sweet puppy!! 🌺
Jul 13Reply
narnia1 @traveler762 Ditto!!! Shares AND sweet puppy 🐶❤️😍🌈
Jul 13Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me
Jul 14Reply
narnia1 @chucky75 You are welcomed!!! Thanx for following mine as well 😍🌈👍
Jul 15Reply
jennip1628 Bonnie, I got so many compliments on my earrings today at church!!! Thank you again! 💖
Jul 15Reply
narnia1 @jennip1628 Yay!!! I’m SO happy to hear that. I was pretty sure you’d like them; they’re so unique ❤️ it’s really nice to know they have a good home. I held on to those for YEARS because they were just so pretty to look at, if you know what I mean 😜. I’m pretty boring now, wear diamond studs my hubby gave me for an anniversary so I’m selling ALL my old earrings. Ok!!! Sorry about writing a novel!!! I’ll be sure to give you another great deal next time you visit 😘🤗💖🌈
Jul 15Reply
jennip1628 @narnia1 Oh Bonnie, I love knowing how special these are to you! It makes them all the more wonderful! I will take good care of them and they will be loved and handed down because my little girl just got her ears pierced for her 10th birthday! Thank you for sharing with me! You have so many lovely things, I will definitely be back! Thank you again!!! 😘💞
Jul 15Reply
amesteach @narnia1 hi!! Just wanted to let you know I had to decline your offer due to another person bundling it with 2 other items before I had received your offer 😩😬 I’m waiting to see if they accept my offer and if she declines would you like to bundle it and I can add discounted shipping? I had to reach out as it is my “posh duty” to be fair and also communicate with my fellow poshers 👯‍♀️💕
Jul 16Reply
narnia1 @amesteach Hello! Thank you letting me know, you are so kind 💖 !!! If the other person doesn’t accept your offer, I’d still be interested in the shorts, but not the bundle. Let me know !!! 👍🌈🌺
Jul 16Reply
frilly1 Hey. friend, I see someone has sold a lot of earrings!!!👍😀Sending more shares your way, best wishes
Jul 18Reply
narnia1 @frilly1 You are correct!!! You must be my good luck charm ❤️😘❤️ You must tell me about that sweet puppy in your picture. Sooooooo cute🐶🐶🐶😍
Jul 18Reply
frilly1 @narnia1 Oh she is a Cockatzu, She has brought so much joy to our family-It’s official-Were DOG PEOPLE❤️❤️❤️😍👍
Jul 18Reply
narnia1 @frilly1 That’s for sure!!! My chihuahua, Vincent, is just the light of my family’s life 🐶🌈🤩
Jul 18Reply
riverflo19 @narnia1 hi belated welcome to posh ! Hope your loving it! Thanks for following , hope you stop by sometime I give really good deals 🦋@riverflo19 🦋 thanks again & cheers to shopping🥂🛍
Jul 19Reply
riverflo19 @narnia1 🐾if your interested in dog collar that are awesome and durable and cheap. 🐾
Jul 19Reply
narnia1 @riverflo19 Thank you!!! Just checked out your closet...NICE 😍🌈👍
Jul 19Reply
riverflo19 @narnia1 why thank you o just checked out yours DITTO! 🦋🛍🦋🛍
Jul 19Reply
1kentucky Hi. Had to tell you how cute your puppy is! 🧡💚💜
Jul 19Reply
narnia1 @1kentucky Hello! That’s my “baby” Vincent 😍🐶❤️ He’s a ten year old chihuahua and the light of my life. Your pup is quite ADORABLE as well!!! I cracked up when I saw the pic of her in purple glasses. So, so, so CUTE 🌈💖🐶
Jul 19Reply
shegunmed @narnia1 Hi 💖. I m willing to sell 3 items for $55. Pls add 3 items of your choice from my closet in a bundle and submit the offer of $55. I will accept it. You can buy as many $55 bundle as possible. Also take note of sold or reserved items. Pls let me know your decision..
Jul 21Reply
narnia1 @shegunmed Thanks for your very generous offer 😘 Unfortunately, I’m in selling mode, not buying, at the moment. Wishing you plenty Posh Success!!! 💖🎉👍🌈
Jul 21Reply
lau0507 Aww! Fur baby 💞
Jul 21Reply
narnia1 @lau0507 Thanks 🐶😍🌈!!! He’s my world💖💖💖
Jul 21Reply
narnia1 @bopsy Thank you 😘🐶🌈!!! Vincent just turned 10 years old 🎉👍🌈
Jul 21Reply
narnia1 @bopsy Aren’t they great? I love Goofy for a dog’s name!!! 😍🐶
Jul 21Reply
lau0507 @narnia1 Aww!!🙏
Jul 21Reply
amesteach Hi! So I just got back from my trip and that girl never responded. I was wondering if you wanted to bundle those gap shorts and then I can do discounted shipping you don’t have to add another item if you don’t want to but if you just bundle the one I can get discounted shipping let me know 💕💕💕
Jul 21Reply
narnia1 @amesteach Thanks for letting me know and the great deal ❤️😘 Just purchased 👍🎉🌈
Jul 22Reply
amesteach Yay!!! I’ll package them up and I’m so excited for you to get them!! You’ll love them 👯‍♀️💕
Jul 22Reply
narnia1 @amesteach Thanks!!! Can’t wait, my Poshmark friend 😍
Jul 22Reply
narnia1 @fabulousstylen Hello! Thanks for the welcome 😘😘😘 I’m really loving my PM experience 😍 So many friendly, welcoming people!!! Like you!!! 👍🌈🎉
Jul 22Reply
amesteach New PFF!! I just labeled and packaged so it’s heading your way!! Thank you so much and look forward to Poshin with you ❤️❤️💕💕
Jul 22Reply
evsaccents Great closet! Love your baby!
Jul 22Reply
narnia1 @evsaccents Thank you😘😘😘!!! Yours is as well (just checked it out😍). My chihuahua is named Vincent and he’s just been the light of my life 🐶🌈💖
Jul 22Reply
evsaccents I know what you mean! Zoey is a character! She has us trained!
Jul 22Reply
narnia1 @evsaccents Oh my goodness! That’s EXACTLY what Vincent has done to my hubby and me. He’s like royalty 😆🐶👑
Jul 22Reply
waltlin65 Sooo nice 👍🏼 thanks for sharing my listing 👚 Good luck to you in this great state of Poshing🌺
Jul 23Reply
narnia1 @waltlin65 Thanks to you, too!!! Love your closet 💖💖💖 Isn’t Poshmark fun? I’ve just started and I’m having a blast 😍🎉
Jul 23Reply
waltlin65 OMG 😲 You shared my entire small closet! Thanks so much! Really, sincerely appreciate your time. What a sweetie. 🎉
Jul 23Reply
micaya5 Welcome to Poshmark fellow Posh Top Seller! This such a great platform to safely buy and sell quality merchandise. Looks like you are off to a great start with your closet and having fun already! Here's to many more sales and Happy poshing 🤗🛍📮💵
Jul 24Reply
narnia1 @waltlin65 You’re welcomed 😘🤗💖!!! Love helping out my fellow Poshers!!! 😍🎉
Jul 24Reply
narnia1 @micaya5 Thank you so much!!! You’re a sweetheart for saying so 😘!!! I am enjoying Poshmark...WAY more than I expected and making $$ at the same time (not to mention, cleaning out my jewelry box & closet of unwanted treasures). I’m starting Boutique selling next week 🤯😱 A little apprehensive, but I could see doing this full time if it works out. Your closet is fantastic!!!
Jul 24Reply
eljopee What a cutie!
Jul 24Reply
narnia1 @eljopee Thank you!!! His name is Vincent and he’s the love of my life (well, after my hubby 😉😆🐶)
Jul 24Reply
narnia1 @newlatj1 Aren’t they great?!?! 😘💖🐶 Can’t imagine life without my Vincent 💘
Jul 24Reply
micaya5 @narnia1 I can certainly see this as an ongoing hobby! Thank you 🌹🌹🌹
Jul 24Reply
pixiegirl22 Thank you for all the shares... you really made my night!! 💗💗
Jul 26Reply
narnia1 @pixiegirl22 Ditto!!!!!💖💖💖 AND I was enjoying visiting your closet🌈🎉😍!!!! Outstanding 👏
Jul 26Reply
pixiegirl22 @narnia1 thank you!! Do you think my prices for my jewelry are fair? I’m trying to sell it for a a friend and it’s just not moving.
Jul 26Reply
narnia1 @pixiegirl22 I was just thinking about this! I recently noticed that I had to drop my prices ridiculously low to get them to MOVE, which worked, but these pieces were worth more. You could try dropping by 10% and see what happens??? STILL, I hate losing $$$ ! 😩💍💍🤑
Jul 26Reply
melodyw1253 Thank you for sharing my closet! Being pretty new to the site every share helps...
Jul 27Reply
narnia1 @melodyw1253 Yes!!! Exactly👀‼️ Realy appreciate the Posh L💖VE 😘😍😘
Jul 27Reply
sadestarz Hey girl I hope you are enjoying PoshMark as much as I do! Check out my closet see if there’s anything that catches your eye 💕 I also Style outfits together, and give you tips on how you could wear different pieces! I can be your personal stylist you can say 💕 I carry items from Guess, New York and Company, Zara, Michel Kors, Calvin Klein, Ann Taylor, Tory Burch, Ralph Lauren, and many more. Don’t forget to make offers or bundle items to save on shipping. Happy Poshing Love 💕
Jul 27Reply
stormhba Thanx 4 the shares! It's much appreciated! :)
Jul 28Reply
stormhba How'd I get so lucky? Thank U! UR Awesome! :)
Jul 28Reply
narnia1 @stormhba Anytime!!! Happy Poshing 😘🌈🎉
Jul 28Reply
sanrhoades1 Adorable 😊
Jul 31Reply
narnia1 @sanrhoades1 Thank you!!! He’s my HEART 😍❤️🐶
Jul 31Reply
sharon37 Hi. Any more 14k pr more jewelry? Thanks
Aug 01Reply
narnia1 @sharon37 Yes! I’ll be posting many more jewelry items, including 14k pc after August 19. Please check back & many thanks for visiting my Closet 😘😘😘🌈🎉
Aug 01Reply
sharon37 Thanks for responding. Can you post one for me now ?
Aug 01Reply
narnia1 @sharon37 Is there anything in particular you’re interested in?
Aug 01Reply
sharon37 I can do with anything but mostly necklaces and bracelets
Aug 01Reply
narnia1 @sharon37 I’ll be home later & look thru my treasures. Will get back to you tonight😘😘😘
Aug 01Reply
frilly1 Hope you and Vincent are having a great vacay!☀️🙂
Aug 13Reply
narnia1 @frilly1 Thank you, PFF 😘😘😘 Having a very nice time, but have to admit, missing PM‼️ Hope all is well with you & that you’re having a wonderful summer 🌞🏖🌈
Aug 13Reply
abbiesaia81 Your dog is precious 🤗
Aug 28Reply
narnia1 @abbiesaia81 He looks so much like your precious pup!!! ❣️🐶🌈 These little dog’s have the biggest hearts ❤️
Aug 29Reply
monascollection @narnia1 Thank you for the shares this evening. Enjoy the season of holiday shoppers. ❤️⭐️🎄
Dec 09Reply
narnia1 @monascollection Same to you! I really enjoyed your shop! You are so creative, an artist! Happy Holidays 🌟
Dec 09Reply
monascollection @narnia1 @narnia1 Thank you for taking the time to say so. You also have lovely inventory. It was a pleasure sharing your listings. ⭐️❤️
Dec 09Reply
rockermia Awwwwwwwww🐶!Hi Bonnie 🤗Welcome to Poshmark!!My name is Esther☺️Nice to meet you!! I’m invite you to take a look my closet, 🛍Please let me know if you have any questions. I have a great deal, 🎁Have fun buying or selling! 💕💕💕
Dec 09Reply
narnia1 @rockermia Isn’t he a cutie 🐶💗🌈?!?! Thanks for visiting my Closet!
Dec 09Reply
rockermia @narnia1 💓💓💓
Dec 09Reply
rockermia Bonnie 💞 thanks for sharing my closet! I appreciate your support! 💞💞💝💝💝💝
Dec 09Reply
mysusieque Precious fur baby. 💕
Dec 10Reply
narnia1 @mysusieque Thank you!!! I love him to pieces & he has a big, handsome big brother, a grey cat named Oliver (He hates getting his picture taken!)
Dec 10Reply
mysusieque @narnia1 ours pose for pictures. 🤣🤣 glad he has a brother!
Dec 10Reply
jwholm Hi Bonnie thanks for the follow
Dec 12Reply
tambalynn Hi there! I'm Tamba,  I wanted to welcome you to the Poshmark community. I know you'll have a blast on here selling and purchasing items,  it's quite addictive to me. If you have any questions I'd be more then willing to try and help,  just let me know if so. Have a fabulous day and happy Poshing!!!
Dec 12Reply
narnia1 @rsuyaba You’re welcomed!!! Your closet is simply wonderful 👍♥️💗🌈
Dec 12Reply
wallyvand Thank you for your shares!
Dec 12Reply
narnia1 @wallyvand Same to you! Love your Closet 👍♥️🌟🌈
Dec 12Reply
vtgcovergirl Love your fur baby! ☺️💕🐶
Dec 13Reply
narnia1 @riglem65 Thank you! That’s my “son” Vincent 💖🐶 I love him to the moon & back!!! Your lil one is so adorable (Micah?) I can barely look at him without squealing 😍
Dec 13Reply
vtgcovergirl It’s all ready except for the label and I have a pickup scheduled for tomorrow! Thanks again for choosing to shop with me. Micah and me both appreciate it very much! (More chew- chews for him! )😂😘💕🐶
Dec 13Reply
narnia1 @riglem65 Yay!!! I can’t wait for the treasures to arrive. Give your Micah a big 😘😘😘🐶 for me!!!
Dec 14Reply
vtgcovergirl @narnia1 I definitely will!! Same for Vincent from both of us... 😘😘🐶🐶❤️❤️ Happiest of holidays to you both. I hope Santa is good to you guys! 🎅🏼💕❤️☺️💕
Dec 14Reply
yoked1990 Thanks for the follow Bonnie
Dec 14Reply
ginaarzaga The Package went all the way to Memphis TN. Crazy
Dec 17Reply
narnia1 @ginaarzaga Wow! I figured the USPS was going haywire right now!!! 🤪
Dec 18Reply
vtgcovergirl Thank you, Bonnie! So glad you were pleased with your package!! ☺️ Have a BEAUTIFUL holiday and give that little fur baby a kiss from me!! 😘😘😘
Dec 19Reply
no2br Thanks For The Posh Sharing Love💞
Dec 19Reply
narnia1 @no2br My pleasure! Loved looking thru your wonderful Closet 😍😍😍
Dec 19Reply
shan0814 Ohhhh I'm loving your fur baby!!! How cute!! I have 2 of my own as well. A tad bit bigger though lol. 👋👋 Welcome to Posh. This is a great place and people are so friendly. You're gonna love it. 🤗🌷👠Please feel free to ask any questions you may have. I wish you much success👜👢👡👗
Dec 20Reply
laurafay Cute! My doggie lives on my lap!
Dec 20Reply
narnia1 @laurafay Me, too! My hubby calls him my shadow 😂
Dec 20Reply
laurafay @narnia1 lol What better shadow to have?
Dec 20Reply
narnia1 @laurafay Yes! Exactly! 👩‍🦳❣️🐶
Dec 20Reply
n_middleton Good morning I am wanting to purchase this item but I have to get a address .
Dec 20Reply
narnia1 @n_middleton Hello. Which item?
Dec 20Reply
n_middleton @narnia1 No worries I purchased it , it's the bracelet .
Dec 20Reply
narnia1 @n_middleton I see it now! Thank you so much for your purchase! I’ll send it out later today ♥️😘🌟🎄🌈
Dec 20Reply
n_middleton @narnia1 Thanks so much
Dec 20Reply
gregshon Aloha Bonnie Wow an Amazing Closet But Better yet your a Beautiful Hottie!! Aloha Greg
Dec 21Reply
cleedle Happy holidays to u too. This was fun
Dec 23Reply
dehavenarts Love the doggie - I’ve had chi hua huas - looove
Dec 24Reply
narnia1 @dehavenarts My first chihuahua & I love him to pieces ♥️ So loyal & “macho” 😂🐶 at 7 pounds!
Dec 24Reply
spreadlove Hi, I’m Melissa! I wanted to stop in and introduce myself. I’m always looking for new posh friends to shop, share and invite to my closet- so I wanted to say hello! Have a nice day!
Dec 26Reply
narnia1 @spreadlove Hello! Thanks for reaching out 😘 Wishing you much Posh success in the coming New Year 🥳🥂🎊🎉
Dec 28Reply
dehavenarts Thanks for the great review 🌹🌹💕💕🌟🌟
Dec 29Reply
vtgcovergirl You were sweet to release funds on the shoes (sight unseen) 😘 but I’m not in any rush... I hope you’re enjoying your time away!! Give the little one a cuddle for me.... And thanks again..... Let me know what you think!! ☺️💕
Jan 04Reply
vtgcovergirl THANK YOU! What a sweet review! 🥰 I’m glad you liked them too... I was really bummed that they didn’t fit me 😂... Hopefully I can find a pair in a smaller size at some point. Enjoy your time away from the closet too! 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
Jan 06Reply
jessicalcook Hi, Bonnie!! Thanks for the follow 💕 Happy Poshing! 😁
Feb 18Reply
danasdoings 💍💍 Love your shop so I left you a few shares come visit when you have a chance💍💍
Feb 20Reply
narnia1 @danasdoings Hello! You read my mind! I was doing just that!!! Your closet is LOVELY & STUNNING ♥️♥️♥️ Thanks for visiting mine😘😘🥰
Feb 20Reply
rlynmass @narnia1 Such an adorable pic!💕
Feb 20Reply
narnia1 @rlynmass Thank you😘😘😘!!! My chihuahua has a “brother”, a grey cat, that looks much like your little cutie😻♥️
Feb 20Reply
mollydick Adorable
Feb 20Reply
roxanaboo12 Hello Bonnie, thank you for sharing my listings 👋🏻☺️
Feb 21Reply
narnia1 @roxanaboo12 Hello!!! It was my pleasure♥️ It’s so fun to look thru different PM Closets💘
Feb 21Reply
shercat58 Hi Bonnie, you have some lovely pieces in your🙂I'm now following you and shared your profile on my Pinterest Board of Poshers. Thank you for following me. Your fur baby is just precious. Your kitty's name isn't Aslan by any chance? I'm a C.S. Lewis fan.🦁🌷
Feb 21Reply
narnia1 @shercat58 Hello!!! Thanks for visiting😘😘😘 I really enjoyed your closet as well♥️ And your lil pup has stolen my heart🐶🥰 I love how he snuck into at least one of the pictures on a pair of pants in your darn cute. My chihuahua is named Vincent because he was born on March 30, Vincent Van Gogh’s birthday! My cat, a lovely all grey rescue, is named Oliver. I really should include a pic of him, too, but V seems to always get all the attention 😆😂
Feb 21Reply
narnia1 @shercat58 Oh, and I’m a big C. Lewis fan, too 💖
Feb 21Reply
shercat58 @narnia1💜💜💜💜💜💜
Feb 21Reply
shercat58 Bonnie bless your heart!! THANK YOU for sharing my entire closet!!
Feb 21Reply
narnia1 @shercat58 My pleasure!!! I enjoyed the chat. It’s always fun to make a new PFF♥️♥️♥️ Thank you for all the shares & posh love💐
Feb 21Reply
shercat58 @narnia1 Absolutely! There is so much more going on here than just buying and selling. So many opportunities to show kindness and compassion. I've enjoyed meeting you and hope to chat again with my new PFF ( I like that) 💜
Feb 21Reply
rlynmass @narnia1 Sorry I fell behind in my feed! How precious!! Must be so entertaining to watch their dynamic! You should post a pic of both of them! Certainly would be overload of cuteness!💕💕
Feb 25Reply
narnia1 @rlynmass Awww...thank you!!! 🥰😻🐶 Those two are a hoot to watch, but it’s nearly impossible to get a pic of them together! The second I get ready to take a picture, they move. I do have one...wait for the bathroom 😳🤣🤣🤣🤣 Yes, they follow me EVERYWHERE & scratch on the door if it’s closed.
Feb 25Reply
narnia1 @rlynmass You’re kitty cat is ADORABLE!!! My Oliver, the grey kitty, had a sister who looked exactly like yours😻😻😻 She has since passed on, but seeing your fur baby brought back fond memories of her.
Feb 25Reply
jannieshops Hi💕and thanks for the shares. You have a beautiful closet! 🌺🌸🌼✨. I love the pix of your adorable babies!!! Happy Poshing! ❌⭕️‼️
Feb 27Reply
narnia1 @jannieshops Hello!!! You’re welcomed & THANK YOU, as well for the many shares😘😘😘 I love looking thru your closet, too! Vincent & Oliver 🐶😻 appreciate the compliments♥️
Feb 27Reply
jannieshops @narnia1 🌼🌺🌸You are most welcome. My pleasure, it's always nice to say hello! 👋🏻
Feb 27Reply
narnia1 @jannieshops Isn’t it?!?! I’ve met the nicest people here at Poshmark. So glad to have a new PFF🥰🌷
Feb 27Reply
ksposh4u ah.... I die! Too cute they are - your fur babies. I have Mini pins Love them, One of them is why I sell she has diabetes and her meds. food and needles are so much $. what we do for our babies Huh. K
Feb 27Reply
narnia1 @ksposh4u Hello!!! Yes, these fur babies make life so much BETTER in every way♥️♥️♥️🐶😻 Yours are simply precious. How lucky they are to have a Momma like you👍💖🌷
Feb 27Reply
ladyhawke124 Darling pup!
Feb 27Reply
narnia1 @ladyhawke124 Thanks!!! 💖🐶💖 He’s my baby🥰
Feb 27Reply
addys_closet Thank you so much for the sweet review! I'm so glad you love it❤️ have a great day!
Mar 01Reply
narnia1 @addys_closet You are very welcomed! You deserve it! I noticed one of your other reviews mentioned their purchase as their favorite on Poshmark & I feel the very same😊 By far, the best purchase I’ve made💕🍀
Mar 01Reply
addys_closet @narnia1 thank you so much, you are so sweet❤️😊Have a great day!
Mar 01Reply
fashionvickie Thanks for following me and for sharing my items! Happy poshing!!
Mar 01Reply
seastar3 Precious furbabies! I have Chihuahuas and cats too! 🐶🐱
Mar 01Reply
vpl1116 Great selection! i’d totally love if you want to check out my listings 😊❤️ ps super cute pup!!
Mar 01Reply
narnia1 @vpl1116 Thanks!!! Yours is ADORABLE 🥰🐶 too!!! I appreciate you visiting my Closet & will def check yours out😘👍♥️
Mar 01Reply
narnia1 @seastar3 Yes, they are my world! Animal lovers really know where to find the unconditional love 😘🐶😻 Thanks for visiting👍😘🌷
Mar 01Reply
narnia1 @fashionvickie Your welcome & thank you, too!!! Love your closet & I spotted a pic of a gorgeous kitty cat on the stairs in your profile...LOVE 🥰😻
Mar 01Reply
fashionvickie @narnia1 - Yes, that’s my diva kitty!
Mar 01Reply
rlynmass @narnia1 I’m sorry about your kitty! But happy you have 2 fur babies to fill you with ❤️❤️❤️ & entertainment! Love the pic of the 2!💕 Lucky to capture it!🤣🤣🤣
Mar 02Reply
vtgcovergirl Give that sweet baby a cuddle from me this morning! ☺️🐶💕
Mar 02Reply
narnia1 @riglem65 You got it!!! 😘🐶 Can’t get enough of the chihuahua L♥️VE🥰
Mar 02Reply
vtgcovergirl @narnia1 I completely agree! ☺️💕🐶
Mar 02Reply
aimama @narnia1 ❤️❤️❤️🐾
Mar 02Reply
vtgcovergirl I apologize that it took me so long to accept your offer... Me and the squirt were outside taking a walk because it’s actually NOT raining for once, and then I got sidetracked and made brownies 😂😂😂. I do appreciate you! I’ll send it out to you first thing Monday! Thanks so much! ☺️💕
Mar 02Reply
narnia1 @riglem65 Yay! Thanks for accepting my offer😘😘😘😘 & you don’t have to apologize! I’ve already had to attend to my lil “bug” several times. He’s so needy (which I secretly love😜) Thanks again, PM friend♥️ I appreciate you, too🌷
Mar 02Reply
narnia1 @aimama Thanks for the Posh Love & shares😘😘😘🐶😻💕
Mar 02Reply
vtgcovergirl @narnia1 Micah’s pretty needy too, lol... but I do love it like you do. Plus, I figure every walk he takes I’m taking too. He’s great for my health in more ways than one. 🌸🦋🌞🌼🥰
Mar 02Reply
narnia1 @riglem65 Wow, yes, yes, yes! Vincent helps me to not be a hermit🤣🐕
Mar 03Reply
vtgcovergirl @narnia1 IKR??! 😂😂😂 “YAY Vincent!” ... “YAY Micah!” 🥂🐶🐶
Mar 03Reply
designerchic03 Hello! Thank you for stopping by my closet 😊 it is much appreciated! Please let me know if you have any questions. Always up for offers and always send gift with purchase. Looking fwd. To checking out your closet as well.
Mar 04Reply
the_hidden_wick Hey welcome to poshmark! I'm holding a bundle deal so dont forget to check out my closet.
Mar 06Reply
narnia1 @connie_posh Hello & thanks for visiting 😘😘🥰 Sounds like you have the Poshmark Experience down! It took me quite a few months to figure it all out, but everyone has been so kind, helpful & supportive♥️ Your Closet looks great, by the way!!! If I can ever be of any assistance to you with questions, etc. Don’t hesitate to ask! It’s always great gaining a new PFF (Posh Friends Forever)👍♥️🌷
Mar 07Reply
84cntrygrl 💞Thank you so much for sharing, 💞 I truly appreciate it 🤗💕🤗
Mar 08Reply
narnia1 @84cntrygrl It’s my pleasure, fellow Posh friend💗 Thank you, too, for all the shares!!! Love your Closet🥰 Happy Poshing!!!
Mar 08Reply
kamble Bonnie, thanks so much for the lovely rating and very kind words. They mean a lot to me💖🌸 I’m so glad you love the necklace!
Mar 08Reply
84cntrygrl I love meeting new posh friends🙂 love your closet as well 💞💜💞
Mar 08Reply
fashionvickie Thanks for sharing my items! Have a great weekend!!
Mar 09Reply
narnia1 @fashionvickie Always love visiting your closet🥰👍 Wishing you a great weekend, too😘🌷
Mar 09Reply
hbbk2013 Hi Bonnie! Thanks for following😘. May your week be filled with multiple sales🛍🛍🛍
Mar 14Reply
samato69 @narnia1 Hi hun you have a gorgeous closet! God bless! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🇺🇸💜💜💜😗
Mar 18Reply
narnia1 @samato69 How sweet of you to say that!!!😘😘😘 Yours is fabulous⭐️ Hope you’re enjoying your weekend & Happy St. Paddy’s Day👍🍀🍀🍀🍀
Mar 18Reply
ismaelvigo So cute ❤😌
Mar 22Reply
narnia1 @ismaelvigo Isn’t he?!?! 🐶💘 He’s my baby for sure! Thanks for visiting my Closet😘😘😘 & Happy Poshing!!!
Mar 22Reply
hmsimon1 Good evening Bonnie. Thank you for choosing to follow my creations 🌹
Apr 01Reply
narnia1 @hmsimon1 It’s my pleasure! Your creations are magnificent ♥️
Apr 01Reply
kweenkrenda Beautiful pieces doll! 💕
Apr 04Reply
narnia1 @kweenkrenda Thank you!!!💋😉🌷
Apr 05Reply
wrosegold Omg!!! Your babies are SOOOOO adorable!! Kiss their paws for me 🙌🏻😀 and thanks for sharing this evening. I need all the help I can get!! -Rose
Apr 05Reply
narnia1 @wrosegold Thanks🥰😘💋!!! I love them so much & they’re spoiled rotten. It was a pleasure to discover your Closet tonight; definitely seeing tons of the influences I love 🤩
Apr 05Reply
wrosegold @narnia1 I love your influences...big grey kitty and chocolate, saucer eyed pup... I can most certainly tell you all have got the music 🎶 in you. Pop by anytime as I’ll be listing more daily. 1000 blessings to you all 😚
Apr 05Reply
samato69 @narnia1 Hi hun! You have a beautiful closet hun! God bless you and yours hun! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🇺🇸 Wow hun you have so many items that I must add to my like/love it list. Much love hun!!!!💞💞💞🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹😗😗😗
Apr 05Reply
chucky75 Thx for following me and share💐
Apr 05Reply
hbbk2013 Hi Bonnie! Thanks so much for the shares😘
Apr 05Reply
narnia1 @hbbk2013 Hello👋! You’re welcomed😘😘 And thank you for sharing mine!!! ♥️🌈🌷
Apr 05Reply
narnia1 @chucky75 You got it!👍👍👍 Thanks for your shares back! Have a wonderful weekend☺️🌷
Apr 05Reply
narnia1 @samato69 Wow!!! Thanks for the very nice compliment😍👍😘🌈 I enjoyed browsing thru yours, as well. Thanks also go to your family for their service!!! You must be an amazing Mother to raise such courageous & giving kids♥️🤩🙏
Apr 05Reply
lorinlb Thank you so much for your kind words and rating. You helped me so much. Keep in touch! Lori
Apr 06Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb As long as your on Poshmark, I’ll be coming back, my friend!!! You deserve many, many sales & if I can be of any help, just ask!!! I do have a way to spread the word about one’s’s a PM “sharing” game that yields you hundreds & hundreds of new followers. You may already know of one. I know of 2 or 3 that I like. If you’re interested, let me know & I’ll share the link. It’s fun!
Apr 06Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 Hi, no? I dont know about these? And would very much like the information or links!!! Appreciate it!!
Apr 06Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Ok!!! Go to @minedthemanner and “like” the page. Then scroll all the way to the bottom for today’s selected Poshers. There are usually 6. It’s super confusing at first, but it gets very easy with practice. Share 5 - 10 items from each of the selected 6 Poshers. Then, very important, go to each of the 6 Poshers, and press on their Followers button. It will show a long list of names with Follow buttons next to them.
Apr 06Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb . It will show a long list of names with Follow buttons next to them. Click all of the blue buttons so that you’ll be following these new people. Do this for all 6 Poshers. It takes time, but SO WORTH IT. When you’re finished, reply to the listing that listed today’s selected 6 and comment ROYALTY!!! Now look at your newsfeed...youlll see hundreds of new Poshers. Many will share items from your store. If someone shares an item, you go to there page and share one of their items!
Apr 06Reply
trosegold Hi Bonnie, thanks for sharing. I'll be sure to check out your closet and share the items that I like 😃. Cheers-Tim
Apr 07Reply
colette63 Thanks for sharing from my closet! Have a great day!
Apr 08Reply
narnia1 @colette63 It was my pleasure!!! Thanks for visiting & sharing mine, too😘😘😘🌷
Apr 08Reply
narnia1 @trosegold Hello! Thanks for visiting & sharing my closet!!! Wishing you a great week of sales👍😍🌈
Apr 08Reply
lorinlb Bonnie what size would u like your cases again?
Apr 12Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Hi! You mentioned they were standard pillow case size. Do they come in different sizes?
Apr 12Reply
lorinlb We will for u
Apr 12Reply
ally_marc @narnia1 sooo cute, those eyes😍 looks like my dog, but my Romeo is much smaller 😍
Apr 12Reply
narnia1 @ally_marc Hello👋 & thanks for the compliment♥️🐶!!! I love the “eyeliner” look around his eyes, soooo adorable. My chihuahua , Vincent, just turned 12 & now he’s beginning to go a bit grey (but still darling). He’s about 7 pounds of pure love. Btw, your Poshmark Closet is just fabulous 😍😍😍
Apr 12Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb You are too kind!!! Let me get right back to you with some measurements. I do have a size in mind that would be even more perfect for my couch...
Apr 12Reply
lorinlb U got it!
Apr 12Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Would it be possible to make two 18”x18”?
Apr 12Reply
lorinlb Will ask her!
Apr 12Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Thanks😘😘😘!!!
Apr 12Reply
lorinlb Bonnie, I just put questions to u about your order behind your pink ring order u sold me. Can u see those questions from the artisan?
Apr 12Reply
lorinlb And hows your puppy?
Apr 12Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Sorry, I didn’t see this until now! Vincent is doing well, having just turned 12. He goes in for his yearly vet visit next week so, fingers crossed, he has many more years ahead of him.
Apr 13Reply
lorinlb Hi Vincent. U are a cutie. Just got to get another puppy. They fill the heart!!
Apr 13Reply
sfergus54 Cute fur babies🐶💕
Apr 13Reply
narnia1 @sfergus54 Thank you so very much😘😘😘🐶😻!!! Those 2 are my world!!! Thanks for sharing from my Closet, too😍 You have such beautiful items in yours; loving the jewelry you gave listed💍💍💍 Wishing you many sales & a wonderful weekend💗🌈🌷
Apr 14Reply
lorinlb Thank u so much for all of your support and shares!!!
Apr 14Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb My pleasure, PFF!!! 😘🌷🐶🌈
Apr 14Reply
crystalco Hi Bonnie! Thanks for visiting my closet! I appreciate it very much! Have a great day! ❤️Patricia
Apr 15Reply
lorinlb Hi Bonnie, Designer cases are in the mail!!! Might take a few days from NC to CA, they are projecting 2-3 days!!! Im preparing for trip to Dallas! TTFN, ta ta for now! Lori
Apr 15Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Yay!!! Cannot wait to see these beauties😍😍😍 Enjoy your visit to Dallas!!! Safe travels, Twin😘
Apr 15Reply
lorinlb My closet blowing up, im studying sharing on utubes right now!!! Be good out there!!! Wink.
Apr 15Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb WELLLL, I certainly don’t see how it couldn’t blow up?!?! It blew me away the second I saw it!!! 💥🌟☄️‼️🎉 So excited & pleased for you!!!
Apr 15Reply
lorinlb Bonnie, would u do me a favor, there is a $4400 ring in my closet i put a pic of my latest stats. See the shares that say only 3??? I share constantly why isnt this recording, i share to email friends, pinterest, Twitter, text messages? Is this only facebook? I wait for system to show shared? I dont know what im doing wrong when i share other folks closets?
Apr 15Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Yep, I’ve been waiting for that number to go up. Go to my closet and share all my items (as an experiment) Let’s see if you’re doing it correctly or not.
Apr 15Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb I’ve taken 2 pictures to illustrate the process. I’ll put them under my “Bundle Items”. You press the symbol on lower right corner of item. This opens a screen where you press SHARE with your FOLLOWERS.
Apr 15Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb It worked!!! Look at your Shares!!! They went up🤗🌈🎉👍👍👍👍
Apr 15Reply
lorinlb Something is going right, I did 2 things different, there seems to be a different set up in app versus going through poshmark web page on browser... I will work on some more, but it's on the rise...u helped me tremendously,!
Apr 15Reply
lorinlb Yes thank u!!!!
Apr 15Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Yes, it works different ways. I showed you the fastest way to share. But there are others. Just play around now with the concept because, YOU GOT IT!!!
Apr 15Reply
lorinlb Well I've tested out the two theories. I literally have to sign into postmark www website to share, the posh app on my phone is what is not recording all my shares Ive been doing. Do u do from a smartphone? A laptop, or desktop? Ive been watching YouTubes. anyway at least I can get some shares registered! Thanks again! Lori
Apr 15Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Howdy! So happy to see your shares growing!!! I’ve been mainly using my Poshmark app on phone & iPad. Works on desktop, too. All work for me, but I prefer using the app. I have it in my iPad, too. Hope all is well with you😘🌷
Apr 16Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 i love app, but it was the culprit thanks to u fixed now! Lori
Apr 16Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb 🎉🎉👍💫🎊🎊🎉😍 Great News!!!!!!!
Apr 17Reply
pursezombie I too have a Hua, she's very tiny and an apple head I'll try to get a picture on here for you
Apr 17Reply
narnia1 @pursezombie Oh, I’d love to see Your chi baby😍😍😍 I can never get enough of those cuties💗🐕
Apr 17Reply
pursezombie I'll get a picture of her on here for you she's a cutie
Apr 17Reply
lorinlb Thanks for the rating and feedback, wish i could see them on your couch! I fly to Dallas tomorrow, u can meet me there right? Lolol. Not too far.
Apr 18Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Hello, PFF👋💗 Enjoy your time in Dallas; I certainly wish I could just pop over and meet up!!! Just so you know, I’ve closed my shop for a week due to some family matters I need to attend to, but I’ll be looking for you when I return😍 Wishing you continued success in Poshland👍🎉🎊 Also, have you looked into starting an Etsy shop? You really should as your collection of jewelry is certainly dazzling enough to compete with many of the shops I frequent there. Just a thought✌️
Apr 18Reply
lorinlb Oh Im sorry bout family stuff, hope all works out in best way possible! I will be thinking bout u. Yes. Did try E. But things have to be homemade or vintage. I have a few vintage, but most bought under 20 years, they qualify vintage as over 20 years. Take care, Lori
Apr 18Reply
lorinlb Hey u, hope all going well! We had a big day in jewelry heaven!
Apr 19Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 missing you, I've returned from Dallas, big time. Hope all getting better, keep in touch Lori, evil twin Hagatha, lol. U are Glenda!
Apr 23Reply
jewelsbysara Hey lovely🥰 I would love if you dropped over at my closet for a visit. For amazing deals🎁If you have any questions free to ask me🎉 Happy Poshing❤️
Apr 29Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Hello!!! I’ve returned, but on a limited basis. Family matters unfortunately, emotional & time consuming at that 🥺 Really been missing my “happy place” in PoshLand. Your story, btw, is looking more fabulous than ever🤩👏👏👏🎉
Apr 30Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 oh my Im so glad you are back! I've been missing you! I am so sorry you are having difficult times. Prayers for you have been ongoing. I know always how difficult it can be looking at the front of the tapestry not knowing God's plan as only he knows the full plan from the strings and ties from the back. Hope all will resolve soon. With your help I have had some great strides here! Your twin Lori
Apr 30Reply
lorinlb Hope all is well!!!
May 01Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Hi Twin!!! You’ve heard the saying, “when it rains, it pours”? I’m in one of those places. Prayers are so appreciated😘🙏💗🌷 Hope all is well with you, PFF. Read you were at the Dallas Gem Show🤩 I’ll bet that was a blast!
May 01Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 was very ill entire trip, but amazing show. Great weather, daughter with me and great friends...time takes care of everything..things will change for the better. Im sorry u are going thru tough times hang in there, it is always darkest before the brightest dawn. Said my Dad.
May 01Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Awww, bless him😌 & you. Means a lot 💐
May 01Reply
cosmicmoon26 I love your furkinds!
May 04Reply
narnia1 @cosmicmoon26 Thank you🥰🐶🐱 You are too kind!!! Love your Closet by the way!!!
May 05Reply
cosmicmoon26 Thank you. Your items are lovely too. I just started poshing in Feb. after watching Marie Kondo and decided to purge my closet. Now I'm hooked and having fun. I think it's a healthy thing mentally. Sharpens my creativity and imagination!
May 05Reply
lorinlb How are u!!!!!
May 07Reply
lorinlb Do u have carpel tunnel now? Lolol
May 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Ha!!! I just HAD to share all your treasures♥️♥️♥️ Still here part-time, but somehow managed to sell a few things. How is it going for you, PFF?
May 07Reply
lorinlb @narnia1. Very very well. And also had enough sales on some of them to give the free pillowcases! One lady bought 8 items!!! Im putting up some of the more reasonable priced items now. Ive been worried bout ya, cuz u were gone longer than expected. I will continue to keep u in prayers!
May 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Much appreciated!!! Soooo glad to hear of your success😍🥰💐!!! I’ll post a pic of Vincent posing by one of my very special pillows 🐶💗🦚
May 07Reply
lorinlb I would love to send that to the artisan! Thank u.
May 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Thank you!!! I’m getting lots of compliments🥰
May 07Reply
lorinlb Ohhhh how cute,!!!!!!!
May 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb He’s such a ham! Oliver, on the other hand, always looks terrified when I pull out the camera (phone). Please note the “Vincent-like” pillow behind him😂😂😂There is no escape from this little show off.
May 07Reply
lorinlb You and I are gonna have to get a party line. Like on Green Acres. Lolol.
May 07Reply
lorinlb I saw that right off!!! How loved they are!!!!
May 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb OMG! I LOVE that show (present tense). Poor Mr. Douglas🤣😂😆
May 07Reply
lorinlb Lololol. Im belly laughing!
May 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Ha! Me, too😂 It’s contagious😆!!! So glad we were able to catch up a little. Time for me to take a break! Have a wonderful day, my friend😘😘😘
May 07Reply
lorinlb U2 !!! And your hubby and pup n kitty.
May 07Reply
lorinlb Nite Bonnie
May 10Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Nighty-night 😘😴😴😴
May 10Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 how are you doing? Are things getting better i hope? Let me know when u can. Lori
May 20Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 TBU. So much has happened while you've been away. Miss you. Lori
May 25Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Howdy, friend! I’m back, but in a limited capacity. I see your shop is doing very well & I’m so happy for you!!! How have u been?
Jun 03Reply
lorinlb Oh ive missed u so, i have new idea, kinda had to do with pillowcases and pic of your Vincent, can u take a look at not for sale kitty picture for me? Im doing great over 5000.00 in sales now, u helped me so much.Lori
Jun 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb That’s awesome😍👍🌈!!! Yes, I’ll go check it out!
Jun 03Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 Im sorry, how are u? Are things getting better? Hagatha, the not so good witch.
Jun 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Stop, you silly! I’m doing much better, somewhat back on my feet after dealing with my dad’s passing and settling his estate. Talk about emotional. My dad & I were like best friends, besides him being my dad.
Jun 03Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 oh no, I am so sorry. My dad and I super close too, lost him 5 years ago next week. Was sudden. I didnt know that was what you were dealing with. Get to point of just so glad to have them as long as we did. Xxxxxooooo to u.
Jun 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Thank you, kind friend😘😘😘 Means a lot. At least I knew to treasure each day with him. Knew that when he was alive he was so special & unique. It’s been very hard to grieve & be executer at the same time.
Jun 03Reply
lorinlb I bet so, im oldest of 4 and only girl.
Jun 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Executor* How I hate my spelling errors. I’m oldest of 3; only girl. Ha!
Jun 03Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 it always tranposes to the worst possible word, u won't believe what dirty word it told my mother. Lolol.
Jun 03Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 see u missed me didnt u?
Jun 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb lolololololololololol😜🤣🤣🤣 Your poor mother. You should see what horrific YouTube video I “thought” I was sending to my brother that accidentally went to my dad’s email (brother & Dad have similar names) a few years back 😮😯😱😱😱
Jun 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Yes! Of course!!! Your my PM Bestie👍😘👯‍♀️
Jun 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb *you’re*
Jun 03Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 u got me beat!
Jun 03Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 Hi, I put info on jewelry photo box up under a not for sale Turquoise beaded purse for $50 at bottom of my closet. I will leave it there for whenever u are ready to look! Ttfn.
Jun 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb You’re the best👍🌷💋 Thanks & look for you later! Toodles😘
Jun 03Reply
o_kaufmannxx34 Very interesting closet, with lots of exquisite items! I hope you have a fantastic week, and happy poshing!! 😊😊
Jun 05Reply
narnia1 @o_kaufmannxx34 Why, thank you for the compliment & shares!!! I can’t wait to look thru your closet😍 (PS Love your profile pic👍)
Jun 05Reply
o_kaufmannxx34 @narnia1 awh thank you so much!!! My profile pic was from my trip around America, stopping in the big ole Grand Canyon!!!
Jun 05Reply
onemorecolor Thanks for following and sharing! 🌝🌝🌝 Happy Poshing!
Jun 06Reply
narnia1 @onemorecolor Same to you!!!😘😘😘🌷🌈
Jun 06Reply
lorinlb Package going down the mountain.......
Jun 06Reply
bunheadyogi Hey there lady! I just wanted you to know that I love your jewelry. It was very kind of you to send me the offer. I’m having a hard time deciding between the two bracelets. I’ve been buying a lot and I need to start selling and listing so I can buy more. I just didn’t want you to feel like I was wasting your time. I’m just feeling a little overwhelmed by how beautiful everything is. ☺️
Jun 06Reply
narnia1 @bunheadyogi I totally understand!!! Take your time! I’d be happy to Hold an item for you if you’re worried it won’t be there when you’re ready. I leave Saturday for a week, so my Closet will be closed from this Friday until June 15 so I really don’t mind. Just let me know. If you do decide to buy, let me know & I’ll send you a Private Offer with Discounted Shipping. Again, thank you for the very nice compliment😘😘😘 I so appreciate you visiting!
Jun 06Reply
bunheadyogi @narnia1 you are the best. I really appreciate your understanding. I’m going to take a little posh break for a few hours. It’s so exciting and I’m so new! However, I can tell that these bracelets hold a lot of very good energy coming from you. You have a great week off! I’ll keep in touch with you.
Jun 06Reply
narnia1 @bunheadyogi Wow😍 Your kind comments really made my whole day!!! Thank you for spreading sunshine and love 🌞💗!!! I’m looking forward to see your Closet someday since we love many of the same things. If you need help with the ways of Poshmark, I’d be honored to help you, my friend 🥰🌈💐
Jun 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Yay🎉😍👍‼️ I can’t wait to see the garnet beauty♥️
Jun 07Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 I bought you something special at the jewelry and gem show in Dallas!
Jun 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Wowzers😍🤩😘!!! You certainly didn’t have to do that, but HOW VERY SWEET OF YOU. Ms Glinda, your angel wings are showing🌈
Jun 07Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 if it wasnt for you id still be thumbing around for how to share lol
Jun 07Reply
bunheadyogi @narnia1 Thanks, Bonnie! I’m sure I will have questions and I appreciate your offer to help me. —Whitney
Jun 07Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 you are gonna break your fingers!!!! Sharing my closet!!!@
Jun 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Your Closet keeps growing! So many treasures! I was actually attempting to share your entire Closet, but my hubby wants to eat, so off I go (to a restaurant🤣) Not in the mood to cook! I’ll look for you kater😍♥️😍
Jun 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb *later gator* 🐊
Jun 07Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 enjoy!! yes. Closet going so well. Its keeping me soooo busy. Wish i could help u with your new inventory somehow...nite.
Jun 07Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb You have helped me! I ordered the photo tent you recommended from Amazon! Also, I’ve purchased a jewelry scale so my gold can be correctly priced. As soon as I get back to this “full time”, I’ll be good to go👍
Jun 07Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 hope your having a great vacation! Glenda
Jun 10Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Thanks, Glenda!!! I’m poolside as I type. Wow.This was much needed☺️
Jun 10Reply
leeannjoy10 Hi!🤗 thanks for all of the shares and stopping by my closet!🌺 Happy Poshing!🛍
Jun 11Reply
narnia1 @leeannjoy10 Hello😘😘😘!!! You’re welcomed, I love checking out new-to-me Closets. Thanks, as well, for stopping by 💓🌈
Jun 12Reply
lorinlb I cant keep up so many referrals of hot picks!!!
Jun 14Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb No way?!?!😍
Jun 14Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb I just shared every item of yours to the party!
Jun 14Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 i think i have had at least 200 plus
Jun 14Reply
lorinlb I know!!! Thank u, sharing in between yours!!! So u have a cast?
Jun 14Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 for your broken trigger finger!
Jun 14Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb lol! I am soooo out of it. Just coming back from 4 days over 100plus temps (even at night) has wiped my brain!!!🤪
Jun 14Reply
lorinlb I am crazy busy they keep coming great comments, be interesting to see what next days bring
Jun 14Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Great news!!! Let me know if any Host Picks appear😍😍😍
Jun 14Reply
narnia1 @sarahjjanos Thanks for checking! Calla Lillie’s, like Lily slept with in The Munsters, is my favorite flower! Carried them in my courthouse wedding 25 years ago!
Jun 18Reply
narnia1 @zelena12 Thank you!!! Your Teddy is adorable♥️🐶💗 Your Closet is incredible! Love the Peridot Ring, so dreamy😍
Jun 19Reply
ladybugshoppe Awesome closet!!!
Jun 21Reply
narnia1 @ladybugshoppe Thank you😘😘😘 for all the “likes”!!! If you are interested in a Private Offer (Bundle or single piece) just let me know💜 Love your Closet, too👍🌷
Jun 21Reply
lynn2578 I miss my fur babies. Yours are so precious! 💕💕💕
Jun 23Reply
narnia1 @lynn2578 Thank you😍🐶!!! How sweet of you to say😘😘😘 You have a very adorable dog on your Poshmark page♥️
Jun 23Reply
lynn2578 @narnia1 He’s the reason I am on Poshmark. I lost him to cancer. I was so devastated I had to find a hobby so here I am totally addicted to Poshmark! I follow animal lovers and saw your precious little angels. I always say you can trust an animal lover. Wishing you many sells this weekend. Your closet is beautiful! 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
Jun 23Reply
narnia1 @lynn2578 I’m so sorry for your loss💔 Losing a beloved pet is as painful as losing a person, at least to me. My hubby & I adore greyhounds and even looked into a greyhound rescue. Somehow we ended up with the smallest little love (with the biggest heart) I’ve ever met, my chihuahua Vincent. Will you get another?
Jun 23Reply
lynn2578 @narnia1 I am sure in time. We had three greyhounds over the years and my son rescued four. All spoiled rotten. I love my fur babies so much. It’s too soon right now. We lost him in April. I feel guilty yet because he was so jealous of others dogs around us. 💕. I am sure in time we will get another greyhound. They are the sweetest dogs with our grandchildren. So if I can’t sleep,I share here on Poshmark. Lol. Thx so much for reaching out to me.
Jun 23Reply
narnia1 @lynn2578 Same here😘 It’s always nice to meet another animal lover😻🐶🐰🐴🐢🐠🐈🐩!!!
Jun 23Reply
madisonmurph989 Thank you for sharing 🌷
Jun 23Reply
narnia1 @madisonmurph989 Same to you!!!😘😘💐 Wishing you many sales!
Jun 23Reply
aggienewtoyou I love the fur babies So cute Happy Poshing
Jun 24Reply
narnia1 @aggienewtoyou OMG!!! Yours are adorable as well🐶😍!!! Thanks for stopping by😘
Jun 24Reply
bethejoy @narnia1 Bonnie you are the BEST Posh BFF! I love you and you have been such a great mentor to me!! Everyone - Bonnie has the most beautiful items and is the most lovely person!! She truly wants you to love your items and you’ll be hard pressed to find the majority of her items anywhere else!! I would buy everything she has if my husband would not notice 🙇🏼‍♀️🤫👀🧐😉! BEST SELLER (and PM BF) ever!! 💜
Jun 25Reply
narnia1 @bethejoy Wow! I’m flabbergasted 😍😍😍 Thank you for the most beautiful & kind words I have yet to hear. It’s my pleasure to have been of assistance to you in any way & it feels me with happiness when I see your lovely Posh Closet positively blooming. It’s a joy to spend time on this platform. Thanks for the friendly words thru my dad’s illness. Gratitude 🙏🏼🥰, dear friend!
Jun 25Reply
mysoul27 @narnia1 Thank you so much for all your shares! You’re Awesome! 😊🙏🌟
Jun 26Reply
narnia1 @mysoul27 Same to you!!!😘😘😘 I always enjoy spending time looking through your beautiful Closet😍💗🌈
Jun 26Reply
mysoul27 @narnia1 Aaaaw 😊❤️thank you🤗
Jun 26Reply
modig So glad you enjoyed opening your package Bonnie! Have a wonderful weekend!🌷🌷🌷
Jun 29Reply
narnia1 @modig I was enchanted!🧚‍♂️🥰🌈🧞‍♀️ Wishing you a wonderful weekend as well✌️
Jun 29Reply
sherrscloset Thanks sooooo much for the shares! 🥰
Jun 29Reply
modig @narnia1 👏🏻👏🏻💕
Jun 29Reply
narnia1 @sherrscloset You’re welcomed!!! Thank you, as well😘😘😘
Jun 29Reply
ladybugshoppe Thank you sooo much for sharing!!!
Jun 30Reply
narnia1 @ladybugshoppe Same to you😘😘😘 Your package is supposed to arrive Monday! Hope you like it🥰🌷
Jun 30Reply
lorinlb Hi Missy Beach Bomb!!! Wanted to let u know my counterpart jewelry partner is retiring also and is having me slash the closet up!!! Thought u might want to keep an eye on potential opportunities? I have cut several $300/400.00. This may take me several days, but if u have eye, [red of course] on an item offer low. Wink.
Jul 02Reply
lorinlb Hey kiddo. Im having rough couple of days, can u send some good positive sunshine waves my way? Thanks for sharing.😎😢🤣😎😢🤣
Jul 03Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Sending you lots & lots of positive vibes😘😍🌈 hugs & kisses xoxo xoxo oxoxo and healing prayers🙏🏼, my friend. You’ve been thru a lot of changes (and, boy, can I relate!) takes time to catch your breath! Take care, PFF🌷🌷🌷
Jul 04Reply
lorinlb Thank u, i needed that!!!! Phew
Jul 04Reply
edeavila99 Luv your fur babies.
Jul 05Reply
narnia1 @edeavila99 Thank you😘😘😘!!! You’re little sweetie is ADORABLE😍🐶💘
Jul 06Reply
merk15 Hey there, would love for you to check out my closet! I’m trying to sell things as quick as possible at the moment so see anything you like and I’m open to reasonable offers! Purchase $25 or more and I’ll include a free makeup/skin care, nail polish, or jewelry piece! Happy poshing ✨
Jul 06Reply
snumaui Beautiful furry friends. Is the cat bigger than the dog?
Jul 06Reply
narnia1 @snumaui Thank you😘😘😘🐶😻!!! Oliver, the grey cat is quite a bit larger than Vincent. He’s 6 1/2 pounds of pure chihuahua & rules the roost🤣🤣🤣
Jul 06Reply
snumaui @narnia1 LOL, looks like they get along, great pics. 😊My kitty is 18 lbs, big boy, but a complete snuggle cat
Jul 06Reply
narnia1 @snumaui Ohhhh, he’s a doll😍💘!!! I’m think mine was 13 pounds last time I checked. I love the snuggly big cats😻
Jul 06Reply
snumaui @narnia1 Thank you for all the shares 😊🐈🐕😺
Jul 06Reply
janellebunce Thank you much for the follow and the shares. All the best 🌸🌼💕💕🙏🏻
Jul 06Reply
lumpkin07 Good morning! Just wanted to let you know that your bracelet is going out first thing this morning. Looks like it's going to a great home. (-:
Jul 08Reply
narnia1 @lumpkin07 Awww😍 What a sweet thing to say😘!!! Thanks for the shipping update. I appreciate you🌷🌷🌷
Jul 08Reply
terryleecloth Thanks for sharing! I’m in love with your pets. What a great Posher and asset to the Posh community!! 🌻💕
Jul 08Reply
sinsofcyn 🦊🐶Bonnie..Saw you appreciated Rigle65/Mary’s closet🗝🏺 I totally agree ❤️❤️❤️❤️would love for you to check out mine it has been so very slow as I am NOT a techie🍄 used to own AWESOME ANTIQUITIES 🏺COLLECTIBLES 🧸🗝VINTAGE BOUTIQUE 🛍🛍thousands of items trying to figure HOW to list🤪 WARDROBING & ACCESSORIZING for Decades in 80s at Seifert‘s Nordstrom‘s and Bloomingdale’s Until 2004⚡️🌲⚡️🦌⚡️🦔Moved UPNORTH
Jul 08Reply
lorinlb Hi there!!!! Hope u are doing great!!
Jul 08Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Hello😘😘😘! I’ve been keeping busy (too busy for a “beach bum”😉), thanks for asking😍🌷 How about you? Congrats on your Host Pick selling👍🎉🎉
Jul 09Reply
narnia1 @sinsofcyn Hi👋 & thanks for the introduction!!!😘 I enjoyed looking thru your have a little of everything😍😍😍 Hope you’re enjoying Poshmark & I wish you many sales🌷🌷🌷!
Jul 09Reply
narnia1 @terryleecloth What a kind thing to say!!!!☺️☺️☺️ I hope you’re enjoying Poshmark😍 If you ever have a question, feel free to ask🤗🌷 Your Closet looks great, btw (those Rasta Adidas🤩)!
Jul 09Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 thank you, closet really rocking lately, retirement not feeling like retirement right now. Lolol. Hope all is well with u! Xxxxxooooo hugs! Lori
Jul 09Reply
lorinlb Love your new items you are adding! Very interesting unique pieces!!!! Lori
Jul 11Reply
cassi888 Thanks so much for the sharing! Love your babies!
Jul 11Reply
narnia1 @lorinlb Thanks, Lori😘♥️♥️♥️ I have yet to post the items I’ve been alluding to for months as one thing after the other keeps popping up (when it rains, it pours, ya know). I can see your shop is indeed rocking!!! No surprise there!!! You know how I love nearly everything listed. Hope you and yours are doing well🤗♥️🌷
Jul 11Reply
lorinlb @narnia1 pretty good here. Mom doing better, i seemed to have hurt my foot, hairline fracture, hope isnt serious. Hurts, My posh jewelry and pet projects going super well. Makes me very happy to have others happy. Makes all the difference, wish I could help u. Give yourself permission when U feel like it. Xxxxxooooo. Lori
Jul 11Reply
narnia1 @cassi888 Same to you!!!😘😘😘 Wishing you many sells & a great week!!!😍💜🌷
Jul 11Reply
narnia1 @closetcatstyle You’re welcomed!!! I love love LOVE your gorgeous, fluffy black cat😍🖤🖤🖤💘
Jul 11Reply
narnia1 @closetcatstyle Lucy is pretty spectacular 😍😻. I’ve always adored fluffy black cats🖤🖤🖤
Jul 12Reply
narnia1 @closetcatstyle Wow!!! Lucky you! I had 5 cats one time, but where I live now, I can have only 1 pet, and, of course, I have 2🤣🤣🤣 I’ve been the crazy cat lady since 2nd grade. After Oliver passes, I’m planning on rescuing a black kitten as they’ve always been my faves. I’m in love with chihuahuas & just digs in general now, too. Cats were my first love, tho😻😻😻
Jul 12Reply
narnia1 @closetcatstyle DOGS , not digs! Geez😜🤓
Jul 12Reply
discountkloset @narnia1 GM shared 4 items from your closet 😎💚😎
Jul 18Reply
mvolpend Thanks for sharing back. Great jewelry 💕
Jul 21Reply
mvolpend That fur baby face is super sweet 💕 thank for continuing to share back 🌺 enjoy the day
Jul 22Reply
narnia1 @mvolpend Hi & thanks for all the Posh L💗VE 😍!!! My fur babies send purrs & puppy love😻🐶 Wishing you many sales & a wonderful week😘🌈🌷
Jul 23Reply
mvolpend @narnia1 💕thanks you too. 🍀🌈
Jul 23Reply
bethejoy @narnia1 Hi Bonnie! Long time no talk my friend! I hope all is well - please message me when you get back from vacay! 💜
Sep 01Reply
lorinlb Missing u. Mom great. Im good! Hope your summer wonderful and relaxing. Been volunteering and pet sitting. Looking for a yorkie rescue...see this bruiser we sat for 2 weeks in profile added. In hope your hubby, Vincent, and kitties well. Hugs, Lori
Sep 07Reply
essentialrose Your closet is a beauty. Beautiful Jewelry with valued information. I have many vintage jewelry finds in my closet also so take a peek. Abundant Poshing!
Sep 23Reply
narnia1 @essentialrose Thank you for visiting & the PoshLove!!! I enjoyed your lovely Closet as well😍👍
Sep 24Reply
joebilly753 Your helpers are sooo Cute! I am a pet lover. 💖
Sep 24Reply
narnia1 @joebilly753 Thank you!!!😘😻🐶 They are my babies!
Sep 25Reply
janfast Hi Bonnie! Thanks for following my closet!
Sep 25Reply
maedecember Thanks for the follow @narnia1! I look forward to Poshing with you!
Sep 25Reply
janfast Hi Bonnie - Thanks for sharing my beautiful dresses!👗👗
Sep 26Reply
saveddd1 Thanks so much for the sharing I need all the help I can get,I feel like I’m not getting any where.I guess it just takes time.THANKS AGAIN AND HAVE A GREAT DAY.
Oct 15Reply
narnia1 @saveddd1 You’re so welcomed!!! Hang in there!!! Selling on any platform is harder than it looks...just remember, on Poshmark, sharing really does help & making personal connections can’t hurt😘😘😘🍁
Oct 15Reply
marilgay Thanks for sharing my listings. I really appreciate your help. Happy Poshing 💜❗️💜
Nov 06Reply
rainspirit6 Ur furry companions are awesomely gorgeous
Nov 17Reply
jlbs_unbuttoned Hi, thanks for following our closet.. To thank you for your efforts, this discount code PEFTYSE8XHC7 is good for 20% off through our website, the link is available in our bio. Shipping from our location in Canada is available to our US friends..
Nov 17Reply
partyready thank you for the shares, back at you with my 2 favs dogs and baseball
Nov 18Reply
jroyell1984 Bonnie thanks so very much for the follow😊in my new business have a great sales week💵🌇J.Royell
Nov 22Reply
pamwali Thanks for the Shares 🌸 totally appreciated!!! My motto is Sharing is Caring!!! Let’s continue to help each other WIN!!!😃
Nov 22Reply
narnia1 @rainspirit6 Hello😘 & thanks for the compliments😻🐶!!! Vincent, my chihuahua, & Oliver, the Grey, adore you’re kitty cat as well. So lovely! Btw, your Closet is just wonderful & love looking thru your listings😍 Happy holidays!!!
Nov 22Reply
narnia1 @pamwali Same to you!!! 😘😘😘 I love how supportive the people are here in Poshmark & agree with you big time: sharing IS caring😍 Wishing you a wonderful holiday season🍁⛄️🎁🎅
Nov 22Reply
narnia1 @inwardlydying Thank you😘😘😘🐶😻!!!
Nov 29Reply
robyn2414 Thanks for the follow! I'd love for you to check out our Boutique and closet or shop 24/7 at - enjoy a $5 credit with promo code "notifyme" xoxo😘
Dec 07Reply
starlenerae O goodness! I love your chi! What size is he or she? I lost my babies ( 2 this year 1 last year) . I am new to posh! Thanks for following me!
Dec 07Reply
huckleberrygirl Hi Bonnie! I was finally able to retrieve my sunglasses from post office “jail”! They are so awesome! Thank you sooooo much🐿💕😘🐾
Dec 12Reply
narnia1 @huckleberrygirl Ha!!! Well, I’m so glad you’re happy with them😍😍😍 Thank you for the very kind 5 Star Review😘 as well♥️🎄❄️😎
Dec 12Reply
rainspirit6 Ur fur babies are adorable!!!
Dec 16Reply
narnia1 @rainspirit6 Thank you😘😘😘!!! So is your precious kitty cat😻
Dec 16Reply
rcortez1106 hi there how your new year start
Jan 01Reply
makeyoulaugh67 Spring is on it's way, but winter is still rearing its ugly head. So stay Warm and Cozy cuddle up and Posh in your Pjs. What better way to chase away the winter weather Blues. I'm always having Specials and Sales so feel free to stop by. Wishing you and your Family continued blessings we go into the New Year. So stay Warm and Think Spring. And continue to be Poshtastic ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ Let the Countdown to Spring Begin 🌻🌻
Feb 09Reply
purplechihuahua love her chi. we have 2
May 22Reply
_caitscloset_ Hi! Thank you for the follow. I am having a Buy One Get One Free Memorial Day sale if you are interested. Everything in my closet is included. Have a great day!
May 22Reply
jrtexas99 Have a Great Day Beautiful 😘😘😘 Stay Safe Beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
May 22Reply
rebrandnew @narnia1 Thank you so much for all the shares! Putting good vibes out there for you to have lots of sales 🤩🤩😎🥳
May 23Reply
larrykersten FYI..I almost always have tee shirts 3⭐️for $12 and ladies jeans 3💰for $25. Please have a great time Poshing and welcome.
May 24Reply
eva__g Thank you for visiting my closet and for sharing ❤️❤️👗👗👗🌼🌼💕💕💕
May 27Reply
ally_marc @narnia1 those beautiful kind eyes😍
Jun 12Reply
lorinlb Hope you are well think of you often, thank you for sharing! Lori
Jul 29Reply
ladykrc @narnia1 Hello fellow Posher! Stopping by to say hello and shared fab jewelry items from your store👋🏼☺️🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼⭐️👍🏼💕 Your welcome to come take a look at my closet store as well!👍🏼🌈 #HappyPoshing🛍🦋🌺💐🌹
Sep 12Reply
tweedydo2 Cat Whiskers are attached to tissues that have multiple nerve endings. These nerves are sensitive to even the slightest movement of air can detect objects without seeing them an advantage in the dark.Since whiskers are sensitive to pressure, cats use them to determine the position and movement of an object or of prey. also help to measure the width of an opening before they attempt to go through it. What do you think? Did the function of cat whiskers come about by evolution? Or was it designed?
Sep 18Reply
tweedydo2 🐾🐾🐶 besides bringing us so much joy & comfort🥰.. A cancer research institute, say that the dog’s brain and nose work together to be “one of the most sophisticated odor detection devices on the planet.” Scientists are developing electronic “noses” to detect explosives, contraband, and disease, including cancer. What do you think? Did the dog’s sense of smell evolve? Or was it designed?
Sep 18Reply
leclairegirl Hello. Just wanted to stop by and adore your beautiful pets! I am professional Artist. I do Custom Realistic Portraits of pets, animals and families. Check my shop at Etsy to see samples and read feedbacks. If you ever need a drawing or painting I will be happy to help! NataliaDenger
Nov 05Reply
thelillyjoyce Hey love your closet:)All orders placed today on mine will go out ASAP!!! If you bundle you get $2 off each item!! Make me an offer and I will most likely accept. Stay safe xoxo
Nov 15Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for viewing my closet! Be safe....Dorothy
Nov 15Reply
dorothy_wirth Thank you for sharing all my listings is very much appreciated! Be safe...Dorothy
Nov 16Reply
galeriadeamour Well I just love your babies 🐾n your closet too..💝💋💕
Feb 21Reply
narnia1 @galeriadeamour Thank you!!! Thanks for the shares & posh love🌷 I like your closet, too😸
Feb 22Reply
angelsdogcharms Cute fur baby family 🐶🐾💕
Apr 22Reply
narnia1 @angelsdogcharms Thank you! Your baby is ADORABLE 🥰🥰🥰
Apr 22Reply
onepurse Thank you for shopping from our One Purse closet, where every purchase changes lives! Your order has been received and will be shipped promptly. Your support is greatly appreciated, and we hope to have the pleasure of doing business with you again in the future. Enjoy!
Sep 23Reply
sandydallison Thanks for checking out my closet
Oct 01Reply
magpiemaven Hi Bonnie! 💖✨✨ I just wanted to say hello, and to thank you for sharing my closet. I am so digging your fur babies and want to snuggle them both. 🤗 They are so adorable. I hope you are having a beautiful day. 💖✨✨
Oct 01Reply
bundle23 Thank you for following me. 😊😊When you get a chance, please visit my closet. All the prices are open for an offer. Happy Poshing!!!😊
Oct 09Reply
theedysue Love your “furry helpers” 😎😻🐶 Too cute!
Oct 11Reply
narnia1 @theedysue Hello👋! Thank you! I do love those two😻♥️🐶 Your sweet fur babies are Adorable as well🥰
Oct 11Reply
sweetiepetitie Hey there! I have chihuahuas on my sales team, too 😁🐶❤️
Oct 29Reply
narnia1 @sweetiepetitie I see that! Aren’t they THEE BEST?!?
Oct 29Reply
uneekfinds Such a cute pup. Welcome to UNEEKFINDS! So happy that you are a follower. Just a few notes while browsing...I LOVE when my shoppers bundle because I can make them my BEST deal... visit regularly because I list new items frequently...and I am always open to reasonable offers... Quick shipper!!! Happy Poshing!!!
Nov 04Reply
sprinklesbaker Hey thanks for the follow! I’m Emily😊 if you like any of my items please don’t hesitate to send an offer or better yet please create a bundle I just moved so I’ll accept anything
Nov 04Reply
noostephdle Beautiful animals. So sweet they’re friends 🐾🖤
Nov 06Reply
narnia1 @noostephdle Thank you!!! Your fur babies are adorable as well♥️♥️🥰
Nov 06Reply
narnia1 @erika_pileggi 🥰😻🐶💖
Nov 12Reply
rozzehfashion I love your dog and cat
Nov 13Reply
narnia1 @rozzehfashion Thank you🥰!!!
Nov 13Reply
mazyodc Hi, My name is Marianne Cummins, a Poshmark Ambassador. With the holiday season upon us, I would like to invite you to visit my closet. I have many unique and vintage items that would make great gifts, including china, jewelry, clothing, CDs and DVDs, books, plush toys,and seasonal, decorative and religious items. I hope you’ll have a chance to stop by- my prices are reasonable and negotiable. I’ll check out your closet too.
Nov 14Reply
narnia1 @mazyodc Thank you for visiting! I’ll be sure to check out your Closet as well😍
Nov 19Reply
sydney1969 Hi I’m Ann Marie, I’m so glad to be looking through your closet. I had to stop and comment on that sweet baby in your pic. Anyone that loves animals is a good person❤️ Come by and browse my closet, I would love to see ya😊. If you see anything you like please send me an offer or I will send you one. I’m Very fair & reasonable.
Nov 21Reply
trishadi Thank you dear heart for the shares ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Nov 28Reply
narnia1 @pjdi88 You are welcomed! Love your men’s wear!!! Wishing you a happy holiday time♥️
Nov 28Reply
trishadi @narnia1 if there is anything you want or need you get very special pricing
Nov 28Reply
edmar1277 Like your furry babies.
Nov 30Reply
s_ravenscroft I may have already mentioned to you— I have two Chihuahuas😄… The loves of my life💗💗🐶🐶 Yours is precious💗
Dec 03Reply
narnia1 @s_ravenscroft Thank you!!! Aren’t they the most special of animals?!? I don’t know what I would do without my little guy🐶🥰♥️
Dec 03Reply
3peas Received my earrings and they are Spectacular! I wrote I would give you a 10 star review if I could I really do appreciate your kindness in holding them for me and understanding my ideas for the Triplets I also loved the way it was packaged with a card and extra gift, that always makes someone stand out from the rest I hope to purchase more in the future with you Happy Holidays!
Dec 07Reply
narnia1 @3peas THANK YOU🥰 I’m thrilled you love them so! Also, your review touched my heart♥️ It was such a pleasure to work with you & I would love to again in the future. Wishing for you & your wonderful family a joyous Christmas and very happy New Year❣️🎄🌟
Dec 07Reply
3peas @narnia1 May you and your family have a Wonderful Holiday and a Happy, Healthy New year as well 🎄🎄🎄❤️❤️❤️🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Dec 07Reply
inspirejoy Gahhh look at those sweet faces😍! I love the pillow too! Is that actually him/her or just the same breed?
Dec 16Reply
narnia1 @inspirejoy Hey! Happy New Year!!! I finally noticed your post🤪 I found that pillow on Etsy by pure luck🐶
Jan 06Reply
jilster1014 Love your babies -I have a chi/ pin mix which is why I posh to give him life he deserves ;)
May 21Reply
narnia1 @jilster1014 Thank you!!! He’s my little prince & I don’t know what I’d do without him🐶❤️ Thanks for stopping by❣️
May 21Reply
trishadi Whether you or pups pushing the share button I am ever so grateful to you!! I am a full time charity woman and don’t have a lot of time to return the favor barely have time to do my own! I am extremely grateful to you. If there is something in my closet you fancy say the word and let me see if I can work a special price for you as a thank you ❤️
May 21Reply
hillhouseshop Hi there, I'm Sherri. I would love for you to visit my closet! We have handmade gemstone and sea glass jewelry my husband and I make and other fun stuff too. Happy Shopping!
May 21Reply
ajooj Hello 👋 hope your doing well☺️ Its closet clear out time! Check out my closet and bundle your likes. Ignore the price and send me your offer. All reasonable offers are accepted 😉
Jul 05Reply
sara_french Hey there and thank you so much for the follow! I am currently trying to get rid of my closet as quickly as possible, so if you bundle three or more items you get 30% off. I am also willing to negotiate and open to offers! 💕💕💕
Jul 05Reply
cutehosiery @narnia1 Hey,there. I think you did a good job. Your closet is so exciting. Hope your business is doing better and better. Share your listings. Good luck.
Oct 29Reply
watsonlilmommy @narnia1 hello check out my closet see something you like send me an offer everything must go lost my grandma trying to get extra funds to go towards her tombstone anything will help out thanks
Apr 15Reply
melswilson ❤️🐱🐶
Jan 14Reply
rupal79 Much love to your beautiful babies 😻♥️
Jul 23Reply

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