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Updated Aug 05
Updated Aug 05

Meet your Posher, Bonnie

Meet the Posher



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Hi! I'm Bonnie. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, White House Black Market, and Michael Kors. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)
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clea13 Welcome to Posh and thanks for the follow 💕I'm offering a discount for new Posh members so check out my closet for more info if interested 😊
Aug 05Reply
living4me2016 @mrshjw Welcome to Poshmark here you’ll meet amazing people, make sure you stop by my closet I may just have to what you need ...😉.... Enjoy Poshing!!!!!
Aug 05Reply
u_are_beautiful Hi there, thank you so much for your purchase, and shopping my closet. I hope you love this jacket, I'll get it shipped out tomorrow. Have a great day☺
Aug 13Reply
pampermedapper Just stopping by to say hi 👋
Jan 08Reply
everhermosa @mrshjw Hi there! Thank you for your purchase! I will get that Bob Mackie top shipped out first thing tomorrow. Have a great night!😊
Jan 31Reply
lanadoherty Hi Bonnie, thanks for liking, beautiful pants any questions please feel free to ask Happy poshing 🙂🛍🙂
Jan 31Reply
clothesqueen999 Hi- u purchased tow items separately from me- i have listed them together so u can save on the shipping. I will cancel the others as soon as u purchase the bundle :) message me w any questions
Jan 31Reply
lovingkiss3795 Thank you very much for your purchase🌹 I will get it in the mail as soon as possible.
Feb 01Reply
thishermitcrab Hi Bonnie thanks for visiting my closet and liking the purse 🌸🌸🌸. Sent you an offer. Let me know what you think
Feb 01Reply
lovingkiss3795 Hello Bonnie, I wanted you to know that we have had winter blues here in Ohio this week because of extreme cold so your package may be a day or so late but I did add a couple of free gifts to your package that I hope you will like, for any inconvenience this possible delay may cause. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me. Have a beautiful day!
Feb 02Reply
crystalco Hi! Thanks for visiting and liking my closet. I appreciate it very much. Have a great evening!❤️Patricia
Feb 05Reply
artsie_1 Hi, Bonnie. Thanks for checking out my closet. I will ship Wednesday morning. Check back often as I have new items arriving about twice a week. I do give discounts for repeat customers & discounts on bundles!
Feb 06Reply
thishermitcrab 🌹🌹🌹 hope you got your package okay. Have a great night!
Feb 07Reply
thishermitcrab Thanks for the 5 star rating. Glad you love your bag. Please visit again. 🌺🌺 Have a great evening!
Feb 08Reply
thriftedunicorn Hey @mrshiw Hope your having an amazing day, just stopping by to say hi and let you know i am having a bundle sale on my closet if ever interested in stopping by and checking my items out you let me know send me an offer if something sparks your attention.
Feb 10Reply
lnelkrik Just mailed your boots. Enjoy!
Feb 28Reply
libbypicks Thank you for the heart ❤! Please let me know if you have any questions. Blessings, Libby
Mar 07Reply
vikki6885 Hi Bonnie, thanks for liking the Misook Jacket and shell. I sent a special offer
Mar 08Reply
vikki6885 Hi, thank you for your purchase! As I stated it will be in a garment bag for safe shipping. Please unzip garment bag . Jacket and shell will be inside. Once again thank you very much. Ill mail it first thing tomorrow morning.
Mar 08Reply
tris1957 Hi bonnie, thanks for all the likes on my tiffany..been collecting many yrs!... due to illness n weird sleep habits, i just went ahead and reduced all my tiffany to my final rock bottom prices, i guess if that doesnt work, ill go back to the old way..but this way u can compare!...
Apr 16Reply
tris1957 Bonnie, i could do better on merc@ri, they only chg 10% ...posh chgs ,/takes20%
Apr 25Reply
tris1957 Hey bonnie, i didnt realize u BOUGHT 2 ...stone sets, u geat any free 1 below theflower n little frankie, xcept the onyx has been claimed...
Apr 27Reply
tris1957 Can i pick out something?
Apr 27Reply
aida91011 Hi Bonnie, I am so glad you are happy with your purchase 🌺I really hope you enjoy it 🌺 thank you again for your purchase 🌺🌺🌺Aida
May 12Reply
thishermitcrab 🌹🌹🌹
May 21Reply
brooknoel Thank you.... I will ship your beautiful new piece tomorrow/Tuesday. I appreciate your shopping with me ❤️🌹❤️
Jun 04Reply
cynthia66 @mrshjw hey dear I countered the lowest I could do because Posh takes 20% of the sale😘
Jun 08Reply
tris1957 Hi bonnie , i have the other 1, the heart is smaller n no diamond, but price is lower also!
Jun 20Reply
tris1957 Hi bonnie, i did a bundle for u of some of the newer things ive put up to sell...i sold 7 itemes this morning n so far 2 tonight .weird for a tues
Jun 20Reply
whereissmith Hi Bonnie! Thanks for your offer, I am out of town right now on a road trip. I will be able to ship the watch out on July 5 but wanted to let you know before I accept your offer. Let me know your thoughts, thanks!
Jun 20Reply
tris1957 Bonnie , u hav an active offer on it for 250.00, if u want plz accept..i cant hold, im sorry
Jun 21Reply
tris1957 Hi b9nnie, thank you!, i really appreciate you!
Jun 21Reply
whereissmith Hi Bonnie, let me know if you're still interested in the Tag? I'm happy to accept your offer as long as you understand that I won't be able to ship it out until July 5. Thanks!
Jun 21Reply
mrshjw @whereissmith Thank you ... YES! I AM STILL INTERESTED IN THE TAG! Thanks for accepting my offer and shipping date is fine 🤗
Jun 24Reply
mrshjw @tris1957 Yes, please pick something out! Thanks, I love your closet!
Jun 24Reply
wildtimefashion Hi thank you for liking/following my boutique! I carry NEW women’s apparel shoes accessories and variety of jewelry! A small boutique at your fingertips! Please come visit me anytime as I am always adding more for you to see! Love new customers and forever customers! Any ? Please feel free to ask! Earn your frequent flyers miles visiting me🥳 Enjoy, Lorrie
Jun 24Reply
candiesplace Hi Bonnie, Thanks for your order of the hat. It will be shipped first thing this morning. Candie
Jun 24Reply
tris1957 Hi bonnie, looks like your bracelets gonna be delivered today!..can you please go into posh and accept and rate asap?..we hav a pup..thats gotta have surgery remove a growth, in her jaw...we are praying its not cancer, as shes only 7 and all our pups are our babies, shes one of our rescues..0lease gelp...also i want to give u the heads up...i remember you lost put on that "enchantment "seties butterfly
Jun 24Reply
tris1957 Sorry cant go over 500 words , lol..old lady daughter went to the saftey deposit box and found TWO ..not butterflys...BUT dragonflys of that going to keep 1 for the grandaughters...but if u are interested...i want to give u first dibs...and first preview..i can give u my text see the pics 1st..n frankly sav u alot..or just to see 1st pics...u can look them up on enchantment dragonfly...i dont remember if posh hads any.
Jun 24Reply
mrshjw @tris1957 Thanks for thinking of me! What is the price point of the dragonfly? Sending healing prayers your way for your puppy and hope things turn out well.
Jun 24Reply
tris1957 @mrshjw..aww thank you...idk..when i get will hav what i paid!..theres another dragonfly comming too...i think it might be more rare , but not as... just totally guessing the price right now...prob around 225.00...but dont take that to the bank...cause my memory at 62 isnt yrs of collecting, n surprised i remember my phone number...but i remeber the dose of iv 21 tr RN cardiac n mostly ers
Jun 24Reply
tris1957 Hi girl , did u get YOUR BRACELET?..well 700.00 so far on poor mini pearl..she had apparently lost a molar..but the part of the root was still in there..the pretty bad...but thank god they are pretty sure its a really bad just came up so fast...i hope u LOVE THE BRACELET!
Jun 24Reply
tris1957 Hi bonnie, if you like your bracelet, can you go into posh , follow prompts, rate and accept..otherwise i dont get paid for 3 days..tks, sherry
Jun 25Reply
tris1957 Hey bonnie, im being a pesterbug...can u accept the braclet into i can get the money in the bank...pearls...going to get better...the infectiin had gone into her bone..why her little jaw blew up all of a sudden is a mystery.. after the infections better..poor baby needs 3 teeth pulled! looked on ebay...the price of bracelets like yours are up...up...up...!
Jun 25Reply
tris1957 Thank you bonnie!
Jun 25Reply
kassirr Hello! Just wanted to let you know I shipped it yesterday around 5pm. I noticed they haven’t scanned it yet, but it should be arriving in 2-3 days! Thank you for your purchase and I hope you enjoy!😊💖
Jun 25Reply
model1234 @mrshjw Welcome to PoshMark! I hope you enjoy your experience here. If you have any questions let me know and I will be happy to help you out.
Jun 28Reply
tris1957 Hi daughter was wrong..1 enchant dragonfly(PUT AWAY FOR granddaughters)...and ONE MINI ENCHANTMENT HEART...I JUST LISTED IT
Jul 05Reply
tris1957 Hi bonnie...i did the best deal i could posh chgs me 20% commission...but before u buy...please look at this welsh made butterfly locket..its rare, the bodys rose gold from the native area, the butterfly and the chain are both marked, n if you dont buy it..i think ill keep it...its truly 1 of the most beautiful pendants ive ever seen....i will sell it to u for what i bought it for...which is way less than asking..i just lucked out..ive been in love with these for some time@
Jul 06Reply
tris1957 Ps..i paid 100.99 ...please look..if u are in love with the enchantment tiffany..this is far superior in my mind.
Jul 06Reply
tris1957 Bonnie u are my fairy godmother..cept im older...did u win the lottery n not tell me?
Jul 06Reply
tris1957 gotta talk about worried sending all 8n just 2 boxes, esp the 1st ok.with you..n screen shot this...ill guareentee anything i send seperate 100% also...ill prob mail at least 3 b9xes...but posh lables will only print out for 2, i ill snap a pic.. n make sure u hav traking n7mber of really afraid to send the heavy crystal 1 with any of the bone china trinkets...
Jul 06Reply
mrshjw @tris1957 No lottery winner here ... I wish!!! I just finished chemo treatments and am bravely marching onward and forward. Treating/spoiling myself with many purchases from your “Tiffany Lovers Dream Closet” ... so glad you were a collector ball those years! As for the shipping, I am comfortable with whatever you think is best ... you’ve been doing this for a long time and I trust your instincts on this. Many Blessings to you for sharing your treasures with us! Bonnie
Jul 06Reply
tris1957 Hi bonnie i wrote to u on your second bundle, i suspect i sent the louis comfort tiffany put by mistake....ive askedfor it back, if thats the case, the buyer also bought multiple items...i can substitute a mrs delanys trinket box, painted by sybil CONNLLEY...heart shaped n it wont cost u any more if u are ok with it....its from my own collection..n gorgeous...plz let me kno asap...sherry
Jul 06Reply
tris1957 Oh bonnie..prayers your way! so sorry to hear u are goung thru all of that! ...did u get my message n see my posting?..reguarding needing to substitute a trinket for a trinket...the 1 im wanting to send u far exceeds your other that i cant find...AND with your other flower heart shaped mrs delanys garden ...its going to start your collection of those...its a geranium...n georgous...n, perfect!...if this is not acceptable let me kno!...oh bonnie i will wrap u in my prayers and bubble wrap!
Jul 06Reply
mrshjw @tris1957 Yes! I would be happy to receive the substitute you’ve offered ... I had no idea there was a “collection” of these beautiful boxes, something I will definitely explore! I’m starting to believe we are “Kindred Spirits.” Bonnie
Jul 06Reply
tris1957 2 boxes, 1 order..sent this am..priority...then 2nd package to be sent mon am...if u are not happy for any reason with subatitution...plz let me kno...i will make it right!...oh b9nnie...i am sending u prayers, good wishes, on facebook...not much..maybe once a month...but its sherry jane ambs...athens high school...retired/disabled supervisor of randy ambs(full time job..believe me)
Jul 06Reply
tris1957 too!..u picked my fav. Pieces!
Jul 06Reply
whereissmith @mrshjw Hi Bonnie, I didn't have a chance to accept your offer before it expired. Let me know if you're still interested, happy to sell it at your offer price. It is a very nice watch but I have only used it a handful of times. Thanks!!!💖❤💖❤
Jul 07Reply
tris1957 Hi bonnie, sorry i didnt see the butterfly..this is what i have into it...all wlsh rose gold with silver are expensive, but absolutely like to sell more, but not sure i wouldnt take a big lose...this 1 is un8quein that it cl8ses...and opens...kinda like what u just went thru!
Jul 08Reply
tris1957 Bonnie i bought an enchantment butterfly this weekend...price 175.00...i can give u that price @ff posh...think bout will be awhile before i get it..
Jul 08Reply
tris1957 Hey bonnie, randy mailed second package this morning, we wanted to put the box inside another padded box, j7st to be sure!.. If u hav time can u go in posh n accept n rate!..tks woman...n get stronger every day!...u r in my thoughts n prayers!
Jul 08Reply
tris1957 Hey do your first package 9f goodies look?
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 Hey bonnie, 1 of our pups, mini pearl, has to hav surgery on her jaw bone today, can u accept ur st order..i kno we may hav sent some things with order 2...due to breakability factor of that hevy cut crystal trinket...also...going to sell my tiffany enchantment dragonfly ...i kno i hav price i wrote on box was 210.00...n im more than glad to sell u posh so i can at least break even 989 390 2605
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 Ps ..can u ok the 1st packake asap in poah?..accept n be ever so greatfull
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 Pss ...u prob. Dont kno this not being a seller,but posh...n merc@ri..makes u wait 3 days to get paid!...UNLESS the buyer goes into thier posh it willprompt will say looks like u got your order so n so can u accept n rate?..n u click on it n walaa!...u can also hit your self icon in lower right..go to purchaces, ull see pending on that n follow...tks girl...hope u r feeling well...if u ever need an ild mama RN 21 yrs, mostly me anytime.
Jul 09Reply
mrshjw @tris1957 I have not received first package from you ... maybe today. I will accept and five star you upon receipt. Hope all is well at your end. I have a treatment next week but am slowly moving forward on this journey. Sending love and blessings your way... Bonnie
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 @mrshjw ..thats weird bonnie it show delivered and pending acceptnce
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 @mrshjw ...b9nnie look at what i just listed..shows forat package being recieved at your address yesterday
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 Ill get ahold of posh n see if they cqn help
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 Bonnie i emailed posh...can u contact your post office...maybe package was too big to leave? im relly worried
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 Ps...i no l9ngerhav access to track8ng n7mber as posh claims it was received yeasterday the 8th
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 What treatment bonnie..i thought your chemo was done , is it radiation?
Jul 09Reply
tris1957 ..dod u look at what i posted...thats what shows on my end..if uclick on ur profile down in right hand corner..then find purchases. See what it says ...maybe post offiffce does hav...but so many expensive thingsim worried..i also think i might hav a k8dney stone
Jul 09Reply
mrshjw @tris1957 What a mess! I live in a large 278-unit apartment complex and re-checked all my postal delivery areas with no success. Postal delivery is at 10:00am so I plan to meet postman tomorrow upon delivery and see if he recalls a larger box being delivered a couple days ago. Will get back to you tomorrow.
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 @mrshjw ..tks bonnie..worried sic..had a kidney stone yesterday
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Oh bonnie, i so hope u find it..i dont even kno if we get insurence on packages, like merc@ri does, ! jus sic about represent us being able to get the surgery on mini pearls jawbone...she had a tooh that came out but left a piece of the root in..we didnt know untill her jaw swelled..n begand drain8ng,.the infection spread into the bome..she on pain meds n severa.abxs..but now they are worried about the surrounding
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 We rescheduled her surg for praying..our woes are nothing to your...but 17 yrs ago i was a active person...hik8ng, owning a nursins contract business with a friend, i worked as an ER RN for 21 yrs, after randy n i were married(weactualky went to scool together n hadnt seen eachother in over 20 yrs!
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 I was an er rn...went tru a divorce afret 21 yrs..4 bio kids and a foster...i remaired someone id worked with for 2 yrs, he was like a switch afrer the ring was on..i put up with 5 yrs of abuse..n finally kicked him to the curb..i had run 2 bussiness..a 1st ex n i owned n a nurse contact buss...a friend n i set up..i was never getting married again!...ivwas scared of not my mom fixed me up with randy...
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 We had not seen eachother in over 20 yrs, but i needed to not be afraid...we went to school together since the 5th aunt was married to his uncle n hos mom went to scool with my oldest aunt...i was gonna fix him up since at 42 hed never been we went golfing dutch treat..just as friend
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 We were married 7 months later..he adores my kids...ofcourse they were all out of hiscool cept my younget was a senior....i was active, advertourous, and the 1st yr we were married i fell while hiking in the woods with an itsy bitsy 5 10, 155 lbs...i fell m completly broke my left leg agove the anke..we had no idea exactly where we were
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 And i wasnt letting her leave me. .no cell phones in north mich woods!..i i set it and walked out approx 1.5 miles on a broken fib right abouve the ankle
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 From that injury i contracted a rather weird condition calle reflex sympathetic dystrophy...had to hav cast cut off b9ne seperated, ect...took over a year to START to heal..i was doung a contract a a tinest hosp in the 4 to 6 ned i cut my bill rate in half, and went back on crutches, with my very own aid....since then freq falls..they say from the RSD, has caused 14 fractures, i went from prob solving hand out money i need you, depressed mom
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 In 2014 i took 1 fall too many...ripprd a groin muscle couldnt work in the er...also my right leg with in broke in 2005, tip fib..foot going bakwards..rod placed from lifting kneecap..n putting it in bone morrow space..and 2 shoulder surgers from same fall in 12 mos...n still i worked after 6 m9nths of no weight bearing i went back to work , i wore a special brace/splint for 1 yrs.
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 But my physical health was reallty taking a hit besides the constanylt pain..n my right leg turn8ng blue whenever down..because of disruption in the bloodflow...i worked 9 years longer than the surgeon said i would, but i paid a price..i found out my 0artner was embezzling from the bussiness, my kids couldnt deal with this i need u and dont kno what to do mom,
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Then i fell in 2014...ripped a groin muscle, couldnt walk..that was the end of my worked since age 10!..i LOVED my job...but the leges had gotton so bad...i spent all my days off in bed trying to recoup.....theres so much son lost his job due to co. Closing...n we went thru all our savings putting him thru nsg school, we enen had to sell our a down market...the the irs came after us...we used a cpa...but hed made major shut down my corp
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 N he was still taking all kids of seductions...then my hubbs who was retired from mich state police..26 yrs..went back to work..federal courthouse security...we happily live in an rv...but THEN hurricane harvey hit us..another 20 grand...on top of 60 plus to irs...irs will be paid thos year, god willing...we just cant get a backs still fractured...another plx, plx , track down this shipment...its sooo important!...
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 N i kno this is NOTHING to what you are going thru! her bonnie 989 390 2605...and i pray god puts his healing hands on you and heals you totally...i also pray this shipment snafu is figured out today, so mini pearl..can have her surgery. Please call n let me kno asap...989 390 2605.
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 not normally this much of a crackpot, really.
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Ps..i left the pics in my closet of posh saying tracking indiated u im not sure if u are able to see actual traking number...oncwe delivered im not
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Bonnie on the 3rd n 4th pic of that listing i did to show u it showsdelivered...iput the TRACKING number and its COMMING TODAY.
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Ive asked posh to see where it was delivered..the 1st package...u didnt change address or anything? should be able to see ur 1st package tracking number ...i goes away once delivered
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Bonnie have u gound out anything..i also posted my note, email..3rd 1 to posh...they are usless..ots taken days for them to hav an actual person get back to u, AND THERES no nuber u can call...we hav a sick pup,ive been sic...i frantic.
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Any news, im so sorry bonnie, i just unl9aded on even kno why.
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 B9nnie plz let me kno asap...i dont kno what else to do..but we need to cancel pearls next surgery...989 390 2605
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Hey girl..looks like you got the 2nd package...can you plz let me kno..the post office will have the tracking number
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Bonnie ot shows you gpt the second package did u get it?
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Please let me kno whats going on asap...tks
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Bonnie, im so sitting here bawling, i cant get any answers from posh, we dont insure things because moneys been so bad /tight...some days im not even sure what we r gonna eat...please please tell me you got your package today, and found the 1 from monday...please bonnie...i dont kno where to turn, or who to get ahold of ...i only have todays tracking number because i thought to screen shoot it...this literally might mean the difference between putting our baby pearl down...
Jul 10Reply
mrshjw @tris1957 Hallelujah!!! Three (3) boxes just delivered to my door! I will open them now and accept with 5-star ratings. Hope this makes you sleep a lot better tonight!
Jul 10Reply
mrshjw WOW, SHERRY!!! So very carefully packaged! I’ve opened package #1 and love everything!
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 Oh bonnie, thank god!...thank you!!
Jul 10Reply
tris1957 yes...pearl can get all the bad bone cleaned out...shes at the vets all doped up..poor baby
Jul 11Reply
tris1957 Bonnie..if u want to do direct..i can also give u poshs 20%off...if ur not comfy with that im als tris1957 on merc@ri...@=a...and they only chg me 10 percent so i can do better..i hav it priced firm...but reflecting that extra txt is 989 390 i dont hav that sibil connley..if u txt me 2morrow..even just to see pics..i want to show u mine...and i am gonna put 1 of my 2 sets of tiffany cats for sale..brown/black/n white 1...
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 I also hav a crystal , ive never seen has l the look of art txt me 2 morrow..ill ahow u some pics
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 Bonnie...its 269.00 on merc@ri..n i cant sell for what u offerred..its 299.00 here, lol....n i can do 239.00 on p@y p@l...half up front/half when u get...but i do want to show u pics tomorrow!...n i hav a special something id only sell 2 u....i like it 2 much..i kno i dont have space..ughhh...989 390 2605.
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 Ps..ill sav the drangonfly till u worries
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 I declined...299 here...269 tris957...n 239ish pvt..989 390 2605...goin to sleep..but wont sell till i talk to u first
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 Bonnie..i will sell this to u on posh for 299.00...if u offer...or less on merc@ri...(@=a)...same seller name tris 1957....or ovt ...989 390 2605...i dont make a habit of this but for u id like to give u the very cheapest deal...also i really want u to see pics of my collection! least what im listing my 3 tiffany cats by nancy lopez today or a collection...a white, a brown, n a black
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 The set is super rare...n on posh will me it price 335.00 ish
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 Pvt price 299.00
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 Look in my closet ull seethe
Jul 14Reply
tris1957 Bonnie, I'm listing a rare flower tiffany trinket...its not sybil CONNLLEY, but this is 1 i also kept for my personal collection.
Jul 18Reply
tris1957 Hey b9nnie, hope u love ur dragonfly..i hav another flower trinket..its rare and unique..its the oval 1...i think u already bpught the other heart shape..but its even prettier in real ..n put in a bundle if u decide on ican give u a special price
Jul 19Reply
tris1957 Hey bonnie, i listed a bunch of new trinkets, u might want to look at....put in a basket so i can giv u a special price..n can u acceptthe dragonfly, plz?..tks bonnie! .
Jul 20Reply
thishermitcrab @mrshjw Hello Bonnie 🌿 I’d like to invite you to take a look in my closet again when you get a chance. I’ve added quite a bit of unique listings that you just might like. Hope to see you there 😇
Aug 15Reply
sherman2250 Welcome to Poshmark! Feel free to check out my closet. I have women’s and men’s clothing plus home goods. Happy Poshing 🌻👗👠👔👖🌻
Feb 23Reply
dreamtobetrendy hello therr
Dec 11Reply
thillbill Hi!🖐 Happy 2021. Feel free to check out my closet sometime. Something for everyone. Women's, Men's, Kids, Maternity, Pet's, Accessories, bags, shoes & Jewlery. Thanks 😊  * Adding new stuff weekly!
Mar 29Reply
bellanova14 @mrshjw ,Hope you are having a nice day , please come and visit  my closet and if you hit like , I will give you free gift 🎁 when you buy $50 or more & give you a discount & the more you add to your bundle the more discount I can offer you ,also all jewelry come in gift boxes ready for the holidays 🤗 🌺💐
Oct 10Reply
cutehosiery Hey,there. You bring sunshine to the Poshmark Family. I like men's style jewelry. Because they bring me good luck. I hope the luck will always be with you. Happy Poshing.
Sep 29Reply

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