Meet your Posher, Brandi
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Hi! I'm Brandi. Some of my favorite brands are Coach, Nike, Abercrombie & Fitch, Adidas, and aerie. Thanks for stopping by! Feel free to leave me a comment so that I can check out your closet too. :)

14 others
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Welcome! This is a great fun fashion adventure with flare and some fantasy thrown in! Enjoy!!🙋🏻❤️ Happy Poshing!!
Oct 26Reply

Welcome posher! I hope you have a wonderful experience 😉👍
Dec 07Reply

Hello thank you for following me please take a look at my closet if u see anything u like make an offer
Dec 08Reply

Thank you so much for the item like in my closet, if you see anything else you are dying for I offer REASONABLE offers on bundles or single items! I also TAG all items with either original tag or Boutique tag for easy gifting. Happy Poshing! Happy Holidays!!
Dec 11Reply

Dec 11Reply

Hi Brandi! It's summer131. Wow. THANK YOU! I was so excited when I saw all the things you like in my closet! I can most certainly make you an awesome bundle. I' have many things not even listed yet. Just let me know what you might like. And thanks again !! 😊🌸
Dec 11Reply

@summer131 Hey, I am working on a bundle right now and I will send it to you. I will also send you a message about what I'm sort of looking for just to give you an idea... 😊
Dec 11Reply

@summer131 so I am looking for several different things. Boots (Uggs, Bogs, Hunter, etc), dress boots for work, cute heels,dress clothes mostly like work pants and simple tops. There is several things that you've sold from your closet that have been absolutely beautiful... 😁
Dec 11Reply

Just to let you know I have most everything listed on another site that I can give you better deals. I'm not allowed to mention other sites here on posh but here's my email for details.
Dec 11Reply

@summer131 ok, check it when you have a minute. I sent you an email!
Dec 11Reply

Hi Posher! I have a MASSIVE selection of SOME HARD TO FIND DESIGNER jeans, dresses and coats if you're interested 😄. Plus, with the selection of multiple items, you can use the apps cool feature to make an offer on a bundle❤️. Poshin' is SO much fun!
Dec 19Reply

Hi Brandi! Let's get your bundle together. 😊🌸
Dec 21Reply

@brandiwilliard Thanks for the like 😊
Dec 27Reply

Jan 08Reply

Jan 12Reply

Welcome to Posh 🌸
Jan 14Reply

Thank u so much for the likes!!🙏🙏💐
Jan 22Reply

@brandiwilliard Hi! Thanks for liking a pair of kate spade earrings! Just wanted to let you know that I normally have those on sale for $25 each or 2/$40 but I'd be willing to do 2/$35 if you're interested 🌷 Thanks for checking out my closet!💕🎀
Jan 31Reply

Hopefully you're enjoying posh 💕💕💕
Feb 08Reply

Thanks for visiting my closet 💜❤️💖💛💙💚
Feb 10Reply

@brandiwilliard Welcome to Posh! It's an amazing community and addictive shopping! If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask. Happy Poshing! 💕
Feb 12Reply

Welcome to Poshmark 🛍🛒📦💌💓😀 feel free to reach out with any questions! Happy poshing👍🏻
Feb 16Reply

@brandiwilliard Thank you for purchasing items from my closet💕 The items are packed and ready to ship! The post office closed at 1 pm, so I will mail on Tuesday (because Monday is a holiday). Sorry, I couldn't get the package to the post office sooner:(. Have a wonderful weekend😃. I will first thing Tuesday am.
Feb 18Reply

Thanks for purchasing! I will ship Monday morning.
Feb 26Reply

Welcome to Poshmark hope your loving it!! 🍾😊
Feb 26Reply

Welcome to Posh
Mar 02Reply

Hey there! I'm new to poshmark and have a bunch of the brands you mentioned that you like! You should come check out my closet if you get a second. Also, if you find multiple pieces you like we can always work on a bundle discount! Happy Poshing!
Mar 07Reply

Hello Brandi, thank you so much for the likes.
Mar 09Reply

Hi! 🤗 I'd love for you to take a moment and check out my closet! I have a variety of items, styles and sizes. All items marked with a 🔵 are 3/$25. I add new items several days a week and I am always open to offers! Thanks! Happy Poshing!
Apr 14Reply

Apr 22Reply

I have more scrub tops&caps with a 5 for $20 discount. Let me know if you are interested.
May 22Reply

Hey hun thanks for the add my name is Justina I am currently doing some spring cleaning and I'll love it if you can stop by my closet when u have a chance I have items starting at $4
May 25Reply

Hey! I saw u were interested in vs pink. Check out my closet !
Jul 27Reply

I hope you and your family have a Merry Christmas! 🎄
Dec 17Reply

Greetings and welcome to posh! I've got a ton of great styles and brands I'd love for you to check out when you have a moment including French connection, all saints, Cole haan, J crew, haute Hippie, DVF, Anthropologie, free people, kate Spade, BCBG, and more! Welcome again and good luck in your future poshing :)
May 03Reply

Hi 👋🏽 Take a look at my closet! Lots of Adidas, Nike,, Lacoste, Under Armour & Champion for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 😃
All items have been marked down for a 4th Of July sale! Additional 30%Off all bundles of 3 or more items. Happy Independence Day. 🎇
Jul 03Reply

Happy poshing 💗💗 I would love for you to stop by and take a look at my closet 💗💗 Let me know if you have any questions! 💗💗
Aug 05Reply

Sharing some Posh love, happy poshing babe! 💋
Dec 07Reply

Nice to meet you on posh, hope you are loving it! 💕
Feb 03Reply

Hi there! My name is Sara and I am a LuLaRoe Consultant! I recently received a large order of new LuLaRoe items including One Size and Tall & Curvy Leggings, Classic Tees, Carly Dresses, Cassie skirts, and much more! If you're looking for a new LuLaRoe piece, please stop by my closet whenever you get a chance. I also provide a first time buyer discount on all items (except for clearance items). Thanks!
Mar 07Reply

@brandiwilliard Hello🤗 everything in my closet must go😊 send me an offer and chances are I’ll accept💐
Apr 12Reply

Hello 🙋♀️ Beautiful Posher 🎗I'm a posh Ambassador with an💌 invitation to follow me and click on my name and check out my closet full 🤗of Boutique items 🛍👝👜👛🎒🎒
Apr 17Reply

Hi👋🏽 Take look at my closet, lots of Adidas, Nike, Polo, FILA, Puma, The North Face, Umbro, Champion & Licensed Tees for Men & Women. Feel free to make an offer or ask about bundling for a 30% discount 🤗
Apr 22Reply

Hey there gorgeous! I wanted to stop by and say hi! If you get a chance come by and have a look at my closet. A lot of my items have barely been worn or have tags attached. Brands such as Commando, D&G, Dior, Gucci, Lululemon, Nike, Moschino, Spanx, Victoria’s Secret, and so much more!So come take a look, if there is something you like, but not the price, make an offer. Love giving discounts!
Xoxo, B.
Feb 10Reply
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